Mm: y.iu: r iwv annus ,vv auvvu.v. V tht ,),., Urss .fKffl Will CoW- an, vi ihd til if dry hoods,. r7i in' Usfmrn lUmnctt, Cotton Canti, CVi 1 , - --. direr! fnn New.f ik,!-lr.gMe 'Hock tf Hmi 1 rfin'tiiH httit tfl c?jf. r Country Mkrthi".' others way SNrw.r 1 111 ttni trtetifilt" of pflr. . ThV CBil. ift Bill I 3iu4 On em aapcr. esmbrbjtml furniture ,l-rM Merino an I iiiwre niwn, Commoe Sbaou ana iianfliertHieri, ea- Am k SOlirtl "- IT AWT" A rdcn lid Hf n of llibbont, Men's sud women's HI, be sod hill Cloves, Whin and red flmneli, V,drg, Uce s and lae Veils, 1 fjombuctis. Ginghams Sill, tc t3. fc. Terms r.brl, end made knawe ( ste. WII.I.KINGt & CO., JueH-mrtn. - THE Wia-er ion f.f A.'rmy, will comatrftr sn Monrhy the SUfifio. Tbe 'rates of luiti w'.ll be, for I lh and Greek, am VArs H i tor RnlHih lirammar. Geogtaphy, fcc. ;.. rr rTMoa of fife ntui.ll HittrJ can be prwcorcd t frn fifty t sixty dull.n per annum. A. W, GIT, f'na.iW. f.-r..r, V. C. .V. 4M, ISV. Tbo LJ'arcf the Ha'ew Olrtnrr will Icaert Tl tir tinea, ud fur his i'r.n.t. I ... I aUIIJ, tit" to Suf K ' p ,u4 of k( j)m ' t !, ! lul'Owuij ptoptr'y M"1'! r 1 Ybi f the Vlkin. coninifg ZHh MM-ktc, rrtdtricli lW. ml Mhtra, lcJrWy W prof w. Alrt, on mhrr Trtrt of fteww pw Cfn frtk, hlf ft mil frwii 8nbir, c uming Si) irrc ami r lt which lhrt il i r.'ftf ?( ,f 'fcif offe? rf !'cj;,.ii.nJr in country. ' . A!n. ona mw Ftiik Clf. W(inf ppoei Hftl -.-Abav fmir Cwpif f It'll, of u i,iin,inn TmriPC' WilF.REAS Tirtncy In thireperrittrn . frcB thU ? ia ibnar tf Jerfe r - f llif I'r.ilr.l !'!rt, ha tttnocct- ,i, , v 1'h )'fr'ul Diftrir), by ihr r Y;. .d f An tU, rKfmret Now ihr f." k r, '' ly itu' of the pvwtr and u tn n.f v iii-d, by !h Coimtitution of j' u ij'iiri (I l u caur Hilb to b npcitf rJ . ! cut, i.n rhurrJiiy ttu 34 llif lWtm'r next, in uir rwpciive couritirt, a' ih plc rttah. I.ktu d br liw, for an plrtlun of a Brprtteuta tt m Gl' the varincv aforraatHi and that )(HI ncl on (he 1hurlay following, at the court hmtie af Kamlolph' cotin'y, for the purpoae of comparing uid polls, at il ace rtininif fur whom Uie (frratf t number of votes ahall have ben fttn in ail i!ifirict. aa by an act of Aaiembly in tint cmc i mude ami provided and that you caii due rdura thereof to be made to tbt of fice. . . 4(95 Given under my hand as Governor, and rru l under the rreat aral of the State, at l'"Li th City of Ralegh, thia 29tb day of October, A. D. Si9. By lb Governor : JOJN OWEN. Jaa. B. Mrar, Privai S'f. k'tcttjTStVVwmirvio BUMS tHX IX CIUKlj.i fuM '' THE tubteribtr inform hit fHemJa. arij tb public, (hat Le ewitiiMtoe the above bun. nrta id Llwlfttm, aa hrrrtfiv ll '" ttrvicei will, at wajual, b diel to U tmrt etti of thoae who trtiphy bint, either ie tbo aale of produce, or pyrclifc of iCHida. f-"Htr1nfformi bit minmrt;ihT MJor rtw tMjami mil ct a l.ia ai.' the enntint; tcaon, in Cerw. t'otlun, or other j rudder, et w him, tu my addrtM, will I reci(.l ami f- arjed pruinpUy, free of Cfwriiiovi and all other cW0Tt a ace pi for cipcbava actuary In Cited. ' lor lite convenience of peraom aend'p(f tre Cetto Ihroufh this channel, htr. Ltm will be c M.'i.ntly auppUed with the leadin,; ardclci of awmo, via i (Salt, BjjRin, Rope. SiJCr. pF7Vt :ffcr. MiUaaat lie. U.c, whicb Tal f"j wi'l be tttmiahed to wairiftt). m fyr,'70"''r' cu,i andeharftai which ' il! b rbarrrd to the partiea, on my kookf ami ira.l; payable in Charlrftion. .. " , nniinrmt, mj. cuniiuuet my Agent in tanlen, a heretofore. llhVniY CO.WYER. nnHF. new gleam Boat JL .fa ViiTfC z ::n-e i'orniv. $wt twejP-'l eVa M leayx. a) ' IIM.H I. Thy waya, O tiod, ar U tke tcai Myatartraa v lay great decreet I one cwm ly tuy band, of aar ' , Ub acieat Utetl M oucli a way I A f.'xMul ara-it wh.aa ttiM tent. Will u t elul Ua apentf' . r.nuaLaa .alO.a,lLlbt.Wiy,-. lYhtd! Ia-j t t verf !i'g toy. , 1 & lie M ike waJtt of Zw Mood, ! ..JUbattuj ;nitti m be good, - to ahn aUal Mtft that UaJa U heO, "TTAaa to pep. wllb UaJWwI IT." With ear br 'uiU lb wiip Go4 , -frtiJtttirieewrWfwWe,-' J. Put now bia tout ha took in Right, ' Todlll reiboeof bcatnly iisht 'lofciB ilie liembodid h'w g, . And ani tbeif iifcf-cnlirj lung. . 6. VVitb Mom a, that kk.t Sant ( God, Wbo Lra'aio ml aori4 tr4r lir.g. t. Hitlabor'ibtetriKiblearniai He atro4 ivr litavea, and bcavanbat woo Tt ut 'ti !, tu bim 'irt gaia i IIetifferfeero,a ' 8. With A&raua n and laaao too, nd Jacoo plac'd aithin l ia tier, H f; re Jehoali "nd the Umb, Ilea ainjtihg to-ihe gr at I AM f 9. Let ail ho do bia grave ai by,' ' Uemvotuar ibry O uat ibortly diet .. . A ad oiuat rir f't the throne Of bint wb tortawd tbo werkk unknown. lit no t au a.:, and with hire ain Meeming Ivva, lino' Cbrurt bi JIISCIILMXY. w t . w ia, tM MUf lk. rrwn m aMiMf a.iM. KliriMUHM, COIS, ltAU.ACIIE,aV A terjr . iotercitinj work on ihe "Kffictef efthe Vfciw Huitatd Seed io ffcctioBi of thf lifer, internal or. gam and nervou lyitem, by Charlet Turnf Cook, member of ihe Rval CoUcce of Hurtreont. living filleo under my obaervtuoo, I havt mult the: following -brM-aummiYy of iu content!, under the atnere coovictlon of ihe utility of the propoted remedy, auJ ' uailer "1 Ihf M at; belief, miZlhi ciuiTof liumiulty will "be promoted bylti pabltcttwar-Thattrwh rJrtfre to aatitfr trtrmte iret mora tuny m tno- u tj etu, u- t I fca . Ia. lacIku k, tlno-A utu m , Tft-tMttnrn.' tytairt' itielf. ', , . 1' K, are particularly adipied to the ewlturc . TOf Muitard Herd it ao'almoat of Ktlk', from their dilate, anl fror 1TH I. b rM, o the 36b day of -Novem. " ' T v br, inat. kt the Ute retidenee'onviliam Keil', dee'd. one mile weot of Sbenl. t l ard, JitiColn county, 7 -likely Xc groat 2 StiOt ntd iypx; oneSorsr Wagon ; Ji quhn!it;f of Cotton, er.'l varioui oher articiea, loo tediout to men . uT. a u-cJit uC 12 inoiilU cxtendod. on pivig bnt i' d rurity NOTi- I'.AU iM-raona indebted aill f lae io maka paynaenl aa aoow and all leraan having claima against Three tkinp 1 pray Heaven aaay give-mei -1 Gtwdbetlth, rj daily breaand trrtyr fifth, beat of rVrtune, far beyond all pelf, CoMaint a tbootand bleaaingi in Itwlf. Wealth, lust encjnrh to baaiah want and care i 1n4m,Juekn. built p, m... kMW. five on emtXv air. ranreaa'y for the Cberawl. . . .... , .... , J nd - Anrotra tfa4e. tW W w leaarzrea uc. j "... . ' . mm a i i.e. a a. i r or wttai are neann tou ncoca io wave r Poaaraa'd of theae, oo Idle drrani 'of faoie, The airy whinling oftn empty name Nor uaeleai wealth, which cauaet care and strife, But adds wo real bapptneoa to life (date, Kbgdoaoa nor throatet, tbo pomp of pride and That hire to many to an untimely fate t Nor theae, aor any other earthly toys. Should mar my peace, or vtcute my joy, aia. " TVbat ft capital thlnr would it be in thre complaining hard time, to be bleaaed with a towing fines. THE POWERS OF MUSIC. Touch, touch, ooce more tboae krya of bona, ' And let ma baaa tbooa . :. Tbooglt mtn a land; ttnlike fiy own, "rr.Tboy give wore pluri far than paia.- PfoW with thoae VtVnjjTpriT mydear; " Unite that aifvervyice oftbinet Vor ailver aoumfa a'.ili p1cae my ear, Though I can catl m mlvtt oiin. couimnce mi .ony ailrrnatrtv between the two pUcea, aa anon aa hma'ied, wbtch will be previ ous to thai at of Nov. the goei direct (inUnd) between Charletttm and CWraw and will take freights at the low eat poaaible rates. 3mtQ3 Maj. Joahue Laiarua will b my agent in Chera v for her a Wo, and will attend promptly to the ehipment of CoUon by her, consigned either to myself or others in Charleston. HRXRY W. COXXEH. AUlJ3.Lli. f J tionainthe uppcreountrv. It Vf( w "I the count of Cabirrua, in Uie mra oi certain remrdv for all uiteitei coo occted with the disordered function! of the itotnsch, liver, and -well. It hai'tceo eminently luccctsful io reljcviDjr the headache, tendency 'of the blood to the head weakneti of the 'eyea and foicchoarierieia aithma ahortneia of the breath and oiherlkflVctioDi of the cheit indigea tioo inevere coldi-rheumattm--- failure of tleeD-aod deprettion of apiritt inacue gout and rheuma tic fever, ft it the bes; remedy hith erto discovered for wormi. It it as valiiahle for the prevention aa the cure of disease. At a meana .of prevent ing coldt, it hat been remarkably tuc ceitful. It ia particularly adapted to cdeaUry, peraoniT tur!entijcleril It it 4' alujble aperient,' and tquaily valuable tonic j and whilst it Itucky river and Coddle Creek, containing about five hun. drta atul seventy acres of lnd.,Tli quality vf JeveT There ia about two bumlred acrro clear, ed, mtly freah t s ncwrconver:ient antTebrrant .. dwottintr-tHMlvr'trhich nrirlr four ibouivkl dollais, sod other buildinir MMtable to ii The warmfftts for this property can be made eay. Applicatiooa as to icrma ot ;e, can be maUe to U. ii. Aieiandcr, fyr my absence. 1 " in- b7 -WW.-J.-Al.P.XA3tDER: 20,00 Acres ot L.A.YD FOR &.ILE. a pueblo , f Vj-. dWveriee, within the C.J 7'U JLm of North-Carolina. Thia trat r, within tbe CMI1,cd ov tLe gut. : lh. v Surry, recent a preat nt them, properly vouched lor, wi.h.n be d b ,Le gu in . gal period, or notice m-y be pleaded in . of 0e Cflliimou, f ,b( line of Wilkes, and ejtendmg from the Blue Ridjje to aitbm three milea of the Main Yadkin River. It ia intersected for fifteen or twenty miles by Mitchell's river, affording an abundant supply of water-power at all aeawns, snd many sites convenient for tbe application of this pow- GVJuas late- ar. Oct. THOS. J. ALLISON, ) . , WILLIAM NE1LL, ;9rA. 3t94 Dtin'l. Wood's Estate. nnHEo-odt-raigtied q'lAKfled at A upuit season jH of Itowan county- court, aa the Kiecutora : er to the purposes of Machinery of the U' ill of Paul. Wood : All peraona in. i ly been found iu the neighborhood of this rami ed to make but its mineral treasures see in a rreat measure debted to aaid estate, are requested to mak payment i snd all ' persons baring "demands , against the aame, are requested to present them for settlement, or this notice will be pleaded In tar. I . MM. B..WiX)D, i r . THOS. WOOD, J"7 Jvput 19A, 182S. 3m91 Catawba Navigation Company. TV GENER AL meeting of tbe Catawba Navi gation Company, will be held in tbe town of Liacolnton, on Friday, the 1 1th day of Be. cembcr next. Important, objects require that s rtty uf tuc twrtrtrotderyirroottf triTreaVr: either in person or by proxy. mkrrAVmYi-FniMmt anexpjorea. rersom aesirous to purchase, are referred to the Editor for more particular infor. mation, with, whom the plat of this land ia uV poiled. SaUmSwf, Jun 12A, lfl29. fl i 1 RO M the plantation of the i . acriber, on 3d Creek, at uesiroira of making a fortune at the business, would do well to apply soon to the subscriber, fat rGoneofaVCabaerws countyrN, Cr - Jt'MAII W. KUUIIN'JTU?!. Octofter 5M, 1829. 3t3 r sub- about the VOtb June, a fine Archie Fillr, a ... a a s aNSjJiVyo 7er oiuj tier cow is aor. rel, VhUr wrFute feet. Tia aupposed ebo mads her way to Mecklenburg, but hat been taken resaotiableTewTiraili bo give a to any j,wbavUlgiaicitaMtW4 Jww. IVtlodgp, w vana aiwn. ii wecneoDurgf orotheaub scribr in S!ibur.v THOS- G. POLK. ' '".Vxi.i.'fi IJt-H) -' t .; omi t-ytiawmMjttaau, . ,.' fi -(-n ti''ili jiji. j' i3ri.afin.iT1 j ,f; r-'j.':-. V7' i'-ic'.::'"- TraTibu-ry; N;c:onthe IM'Cter;i8 a Negro Man, who calls bit name NED, snd s tys be belongs to Col. Arthur, living about mues from Columbia, 5. Carolina. . He .Japiaara .uihftjRmtij feet.10.or-.Jl inches ,'.f:, black eomplection, stout built third 6 H" r on rig; hand little crooked and tYifiV CH..ii3 Kv a rope ( no other marka per oeiviMe t says be left home about 10th of Au gui I he owner ia desired to prove pro pertr, pty che. and take him away. '" " , : : . F. SUTER, Sh'f. y Oct. UA, 1829. 89 X l-r SHEIUFtST)EEDSV ' FOR land sold by order of writs of venditioni Oonas, for sale at ttiii office. UoU -Mine fox 8ae. THE aubtcriber baa a Gold Mine, in the eoun ' ty of Cabarrua, which promises, as he be. lieves, better than any other mine in the coun try which he ia disposed to sell, on the most tccommodsUnjr Driving to FayclteiiUe, "VJTILL End it to their advantage, to atop at FT thoWoan Turd, where every eon renience b provided for Han and Horse, to make them comfortable, at the moderate charge of 25 cents a day and night, for the privilege of the VardrUio um or a- good bouse, fire, water, sid abetter. - -Attached to the Yard, are a Grocery and Provision Store, Bread Shop knd Confec. tiorarywnd House for Boarders ad Lodger, "TusicTTneTwefVeTTi in, cn ' Mke tt the fl'u'i) rotkVilb eaae, I wish m; creditor, dear A an, Wert pretaot-w heo you touch tbo keys. Tby notes should liquidate each bill. Such "powtr would have thy aaraj'nj strain, And give ptrjuue courage still . i:. ... . . " -To try bia better luck again. Fast by your chtrdt ot music bound, Losened should bo rr.y hndi of debt i And listening to your cAonrs tf tivnd. DUN'S sliould their ttuadinj changt forget. The keys of tbe Piano Forte are touietimet made of mix sad sometimes ot ivory. EntltctptiSt. TUB RESURRECTION. SkU I U Wft hrfott.1 ia Ik. int. wi r., rin, V 1'w,r rrrtT ' y atoll a Man's U aua bIm wjwt, BM Urn, tkamf k aaM'4 to a rtofc, Soaa a r f b Mfr tt.A4r.TtrtM.ft. HTt.. , , Will ttufaataOMii, annr aaS ) t K.I Taa' tnaitmlt,riaflaikl)7ianln, Aa4 auui'l tujuttt katj tlaaai aaala, B rial Uraat Ik. rar t IvraS Criaatf4ut nif. SIATT1S. af SflffffS P IOJXM The Bible. Nothing can be half so delightful to a reflecting mind, as, af ter a weary day of toil, to turn over aiioraa a moat asiutary aoa comioru ble relief totheboweU, it never weak fn?ahut.alwayaangt remarkaUe degree," thoae"orgatt and the atomach, and ultimately the whole lyttern,- The efficacy of the Seed in the removal and prevention of ditea. et, doea not arise from any specific power it poateuea, over each particu lar disrate, but from the vigor and health it imparts to the whole tyttem through the medium of a preatly im proved ttate of the atomach. liver and bowelt, and by which the constitution ia enabled n throw off and preveat the several di'.cases before detailed. The teed paaee through the body wholeA and vefyJ tli.lcwjr af. ali,enlargetl, ;. U 'tunxFldses Ju elTects' Dy use:' ltre quires neither. conacmcnt-ta the house!," nor ao'y: particular attention to diet and. in the absence. of decidedly infljtrmuory symptoms is always aafe. be made and ex;n rt-l to Dntij where it woyM nett with a tale, i, the rmnufacturer t f t at Country, import all tl ey uie Imm Italy Cr France. Tde raw Filk, after a alight preparation, wouU Uo find purchiu era in our capital e tiet. the fringe and atlk coath-lsce makcri, wha import the article to a great extent from Europe, h, M. ia of optoioti that the culture of Silk would much tonner enrich the Ktntt than all ouf Uid Mioet.-rM'ljrry treet-wilt-grow ffvm cutO'sv but experUncij hat taught, that they tucceed best, w he a raised fr ym cv JTUlich iuaV b prncurcd atltl ihc'lct'lfArcl id theT Nrthef Citlcr. 0 wncrr of ueer may vain time by planting cutting 1 . v asjwa' fi -m . -i ' j Si . the numefout unempioyeu hands with which they abound, and who are now heavy expeose to their owneri, .. Th production of Bilk by them ftrreforry will be a clear gain, the buiioc8'bc- tng chiefly attended to by aged per sona and children, U'hat a gratifying revolution would be ciTectrdio our Suite, if the people would raise Bilk and let it cooituute the circuUtiog medium, or the principal tane, at is the ease in lome parta of Connecticnta Tlie rjtorekrrpera there, take in aew in2 Silk at regular pricea per akein. tho i't7.eof which ii reuhted by law, fur. nitt) goods io cichaoge, and give the balance, if any, in money. Red. Reri T.'tte'. Nancty.yeara Jientii not-- tingle"mad or womarrmiw twentv yeara of age will be alive. Ninety the pages of the Bible. At borne, se eluded frontthe bustling world, in p e a c e kindle and glow, while it listens to the voice pf faith, telling of climes of per fect .bliss, Jar f rom the reach of iinhap- Man, unaided by aught but piness StaU tf Ntrt.CarUnib MeckUnbw-r cwUv: kS Elias Coxe wWilliam Coxe 5 Petition for PJs.0Ke,OMere14 by the coy cVthat publication be made for three months succcsmvely in the Western Carolinian snd Yadkin and Catawba Journal, that the defendant-be and appear at the next superior court of law to be held for the county, of Mecklenburg, at tbe court-bouae in Charlotte, on the, 6th Monday after the fourth Monday io September next, and tile J or answer to the plaintiff's petition, ar jbe same will be heard exparte. Witness. Samuel Henderson, clerk of our uid court, at office, the 7th Mon day after tbe 4th Monday in March, 1829. . reason, trembles wntie nt muses on his condition, I Ignorant ol his origin, i raorant of his deithay i ignorant ' of hia.hiet go42oorauto-xicatr ltWS-rpnjoCILJj l"Mt(' caieuTited Io cheer or eyen aatisfy hfs miqd j-r-he feel htmself wrrotrooVd- anaV kt-in yeara i alat f how'roany of the lively actora at present 00 the stage of life- wi)j,m.akeihetr eiitlong ere einetr years ahstl have,J-6lled away! And could we be sure of ninety years', what are they f A tjle that is told 1" a dream an empty sound, that passtth on the tings of the w'md away, act! ia forgotren Yeara shorten as min advanrrs in aye like the degrees in longitude, rrua'e life decfines as ho travels towards the frozen pole, until It dwiodlea . tu, a po)nt,-aod -4:nt4ic -for ever, It it poaaible thit life is of so shnrr rforation fWill riinety year" erase all the golden names' over the doors in town end country, and aub Biitute-.fttherajjdjhejir uadL.Will all.. the- now blooming beautieav fade and disarnwar, all ihe pride-and passiotry ' ihe Jove," h6pciaDcI;o j'pasa"-away," ''' io-lniaety ! yearar-and - be orgotten? . "Ninety years !" ftava Death) "do1 iilirECIlQiaobscafciuIIy oUcxvsiL , .. yrm-thlftk-l shUwt-tUet)i-yeara . - . at at . . a. k aaaa,. - . - - - - beholu, to-day, and to-morrow,-toil every day is mine. When ninety yeara are past, this -generation wi'.t have mingled with th' tlusfaadJbdic metbbered norr'"" . The rtustjtd Feed it alwavs to be swallowed whole (not broken or maa tiC-ted,) and ruber alooe, or to a lit tle water or ovher liquid, warm or cftld'r---'Those -w ho f xid - difficulty t wkllowioir," may nke-irw follows) each " die,aa it Is wanted touse, should be washed in boiling water for one or two minutes, after which it mayie taken in a little gruel, barley water, or other smooth liquid, and (it neccsmv) a little sugar may be ad- ded to render it palatable. Generally, three doset ahoold be taken every day without intermission j the first about adJtaurJeforeLbreakfaa"C about an hour after dinner 1 and the third either at- bed- tune or -an -hour before. The qu4ntity in each dose, must be regulated by its effect upon the bowels, which ought not to be purged, but to be kept perfectly free and open. Generally, two or three large tea spoons full in each dose will produce the desired effect with some constitutions, less , will answer. When taken by. peraona of delicate or cohsumpW breakfast will answer. Ij1! 11 Un I VUUUV V tStU svwt a aJ lMp.laila ooiams tiie anowicuRC rcvpaicu in the Bible, there is an instantaneous ....... ' t-y.arr.--- -.if 11, vanismng 01 even tne 8iign;est snaue, and full and gloriuus -burats-around him the f unshioe of heaven the efful gence of eternity. Ilia origin, his destiny ,"1mb chief good, a creator every thing is clear and plain in his mind 1 and not a single circumstance can occur, but he is prepared to meet it if adverse, with resignation j if prosperous, with .thankfulness tnd all. with, gloripos Jiope. i ---t J prcm6tif)g"" the xiTltiif e of Sill, Have engaged a woman perfectly "coriipetent tthc?-recHg-of Wirona cocoooraircl fWirtfetir'teMkMl he tyHieJv auvrrtise For tbe purchase, of cocoons, and thaTtbejr havfixtd .''Aericet 'iusllnglie iHr' df reeliog silk and making-sewtng ailk -at R10. tr. Mease thinka that persons who have Mulberry trees, either native or white, would act wisely by tending some in telligent men or women to learn the above arts, ai ourwhole jS tate might be supplied with sewing silk by them, instead of paying for jt, as we now do, iKousands of dollars anuuilly to Eu rope. Jf tbe manufacture of sewing OSIGIN.VL ANECDOTE OF WASHINGTON! The fallowing iotcrestiog anecdote which, it is believed, hs never before, been given to the public, is from thft appendix of a work just published.. entitled " Memoir of De Witt Clinton, by Darid Ilo-ack, M. D." Dr. H. re ceived it from a venerable xlergt min who had it frorrrthcTltps of the Rev, D?illpJ?fi himself t ' : . While the American army, under the command of , Washington, lay en camped in the environ oi Morristown, N. J. it occurred that the service of the communion (there observed semi annually only) waa to be administered in the Presbyterian church of that vil Tiirel In a mornint? of the nrcvlou week,' the ceneral," after his act attorn ed inspection of thecamp,"vtsited the house of the Rev, Dr. Jones, then pastor of that church, . and after the aiffalpfeltrnlrial'lesrihuSaiMsled h " Doctor, I understand that the Lord's supper " is to - be T celebrated witn yiu - next; Sunday j does' it accord with tbetanona al vour churcti n Culture of Silk. We have been favored with the perusal of a letter from DrVJmes Mease of Poiladelphia, to .Dr. Calvin Jt.nes n this vicinity, in which it is atated, th.t the society foxmed,.laatyewii-radelphia-tWja4 "umin-aiirii : anc, uocior rcjuipcu 'Most cenai nly j oo rs is. not the FrebytmanabY"aifut.4B2 04 Aaable,jje, nceve Jhe dVlh?tltldWtrlltiS followers of ed, " I am glad of it x that is as it fought to be 1 but as l"wa not quite sure of the Uct, I thought 1 would ascer tain it from yourself, as I propose to join with you on the occasion. Though? 4 member of the church of England, I jjaye 00 eicluilyepartialities," The doctor re-assured him of"a cordial, welcome, and the general was fountl seated with the communicants the next Sabbath"; ' '