V JfriMir.-. Th N Yffk MetntiU rf the 11 of Pcptemlxr, MiH Ihit lh r.e (Turn-rest w In memoi il J0- Wft to form Coflstliotlon. A part ef (ha rmv had 1rcdf bn gsind over lo rnsae PHr Fmperor but the opposi tion wii eery trongt end corapromta wa expected between the jeiiie,o to mike him President far in yer, with dlctiori1 powerf nd liberty to be te elected tnotfter ten tent. strong trif ws lo fvoeU Ia Kit being tUc fed .'resident for life."" Fe, t?t the . miliary, were In favor cf hi beieg mde the bri Ddttler Hill. t New York, Ha tetha Uth Sepitmber, FncjusI. UfiF rl Jun Jnse Vismoni 1 it the heed tifih Government. Muter were Iran i'jiU A Tt. Drum hi been celebrated for the termination of cml war. He soirlntr and Illumination had liken Blare. The French Conul hid returned Xrom Montevideo, snd resumed bit o(Ti cUl functions. It appesr from the Brit Iwh Packet of Ft'. Sin, thtt the revenue of Rueno Arret for 3,607, 713. ind lb there was deficit at the Cud of the eir. of XI J. 377. 449. Can. Lsvalle, the lite Protinclsl Oo tTtno! who. In copiunction witn riwn, ppointed Viamont to the Chief M.gi trsrv, hst been appointed by the Utter Commander in chief of the tavalry irooo of the line In the capital, end ha acccp ted ibe appoinimenC: Jtft Frtm Montevideo We are In to Cpu AJarni, of the Bunker dill. . far Mh Vd o Gaaette of Sept 3i. A 'hanne had takrn plare in the (iov ernmrni ; ibe Miniate of Wa? and Fi Diwe having resigned, (i. e bting com pt ten to rciRn; and ueneral rurtuou ftirera and General Lutelleia be'ini? ap aynHI aiKfit vhem- H a decree ol nc' tuber 10, Dr. Joaph Oba and Mi ruct lv rrf0 air apninird to etlu in the Minittriei of the Oo?ernment and of the Triiurjr, ih the title of encargadot . Curing Paeon The Edenton N. C ieite, vivrs 'be following direction for tnaktnp oooo BAC0, obtained from unilfrnan ho ha full teited their The bj txjie rtence i Let the meat become perfectl cold of lore vou cut it Nix a quart of Mo latte ith a buabel of fine aalt, and with It rub ibe meal a long aa it .will take it. flam from hogi eirhinc ISO pound ndopwaraV bould remtm in . the caikt nein op. SI dmt from 100 - to 110 pound. I for II da. Wbeo taken out tolanjc up, iprinU tbeim cio the- He&b aide eith about i lei.ipoon full of alt prtre to each hum, and on the aarae tide rub pulverised red pepper. Hang them up b? IhV uVper' end. Before the warm - weather commence, take down four rarer,- eximinr h-carefott" end wh it with a rrofig lejr made from clean ahe. Be careful not Jo give too much amoke. In ttamp weather throughout the year, nk amoke with charcoal or the berk cfRrdCk. By following thete direc tioi a, I m convinced you will alwayi find tour meat aweet and free from in eect." . Raleigh, AW. IS The Circuh Court of tneUoiicd State, f the Diatrict of North Cat-olina, commence to-day in this 'Citf. JudRe Potter will preside. Chief Justice Marahall i e member of the- Yirgiuj Convention and will not be prctent. We learn that Mr. Devereux end Mr. Gaston who appear on one aide or (lie other in alraoat ever cue, wrote to the Chief Juttice, proposing to contin ue the cause in which they are concern ed, leaving him to consult hi own con venience with rrgard to attending the court. The Chief Justice returned an enswer expreMing his thank and his de--tcrmfn!tnn tn niiLhimsclf of their cotir fesy. ' Rai Keg. Joseph Bonpre armed In BMtitnore on the 3d inst. and on the next evening, bra riephfia Jerome Napoleon Bonaparte (tie srD rf Jerome Bonaparte and Mis Pa'terson) wa married to Mis. Susan Way Williams, of that city. The English paper continue to issue tbt t Jbuiwn reljata e.(io4he.heUbr,.pX vetv vacklOnr aa we learn frenri the Gobn (aays the W. Y Herald) that his neturri jn a ovff ttarfnttT imi emamr AtJ.SiwiJh; a cadaveroua visage had been. "irepri(tidtfrrttpfS finlfWtf'fin'erd'fiefsi'' necesr o correct the error, to y that It is no tne ueneral nut pis enetnie that bare " undergone a course of violent re- me tiie w. t J Hate without a Governor..By the death of Governor Lincoln, Maine i left without Governor. The President of ..Seriate bas been appointed a Poimter, nd 1 consequently disqualified from hoi. clirg an office under the state, and the Speaker of tbe Hon of Representatives ha recently been chose b a member -of , 7 General , ' fr0,B Raleigh, lhal CI. Wilmii J. bef from Mecklenburg eoun'y, 'h Npert" of the IUim f Common, en th Up bslirtt. fol.lfraiiJf,CW.rvrtl-J1- . . l . i t i i ti.n tsi ware fin eaiwtHlaie. i.,t..Lia Wi tiita!fHnJ IU d,flrlbl'0- tinge were MHy aa fJlomt t JPftajr, FtKer, Mfc lit bat - . 44 if H S4. . . . ji eti 7tr-r ,b. r witbdren. , -tt, ft w Uu lhat IWdfcrd ftcewe, r, m iird SrVakef".'whheil ewaaib.- to both bramJi. f lb LeguJature T" ,Li.. m-s hit brn iwjtittlr "Wl e hrniTir want ntre part of thi doetiment (tb ftrat of tfw kind from wr present hiiblf eatemed Thief MafiatrataJ ill bf fmimj in thl werk'iCvolinian i limn the pr-rfctiaiy uf mtr eolumni, ami w brnnh of the uwtaege, nfef M o frme rfviOf il cmire in one par'. fc,rt,7 UfZ ntrri!y t lHk it or before tr nafcmnH into our ft.lumn i bein obligrd. fromthff''' eumataoee of balog but one con;, to il among mir wrkiwee, ji 4ip. W feel warranted hi aarinif. bovver, that it la erediiabte lo the hl afl the lla author, il ia a full, plain, ami lur.ow poaition of the p.'Me ani poliucal ew'" 01 the atate. In fl'te. il U wnb a iloeat u w ki . rihr m rvrurt from H,r4 a s nwr brmtiieal than fiiealt yet aa elegit in iIkIiwi. tit iachate in arnticnt. It well metaif tl ' tiable aepiitalioti whieh iH diatirgttiahea auvinir enjo)a in hit natal State. ABR4M Rr.Nnir.A, r.aq. r autbnriaetl lo m. ia a rnIUla.te o repreent Una uiatnCT in 0. rour t r . in. place of Joke (xlta, tt. ytagnti. Ihe election takei plaoe on Thnrly, ihe 3d day of December, JOHN LONrj, fj. i again a candulate for the amine ait nation. IC. The Nofember term of Itowan County ourl wae held in im low laat weak i. a vote a taken in the (rand Jury on the atibject of tbe apnrnahing ConrrraiionM election in true lliatfict i TT rtond tUut i Abram Itencher, 14 John L"nir, Jr. ........2 HirKard U. Alexander, Fan. vaaoleeled Coun- tr Solicitor, in place of Jhn L. Undent, ravened. At Datidaon County Coart, week before laat. the vote for Cnngreaa atood i liaiso Jem t Rcncher .- w Long ...... J rrrie Jcai : Hencher ...... 9 Long .... ... 3 An extenarve and'detractie ire occurred ia Nr. Vrk, on the OOVi, mh. I if (MtAaU i vv. Twelve or fifteen wouaee aew -JeWroyoU and manjr other injured. The loaa ia heavy, and flMtch diatreaa baa beea cauaed , to indigeet (amiliesv " A Mia .W6Kf, a native of South Carolina, ia eiltibiiiag txraalf. ia London, England, who. ia fti feet in height, and well proportioned. IVUl Judo- BuU.4Mat aa alLkindf of ' de generate in America t 6Stwr WaTXTWS (sn ill fateVl name) wboiilled is wife at Brooklyn, Cmneett, March last, ba lately been tried, convicted, and sentence" lo be hung in Maw next, (1830 1) If he posse- W - etthe eenaibilitie of kumanin, the sting of conecienee be mast suffer, during tbia extended period, in pondering his swful fste, rcuet be tedfofd worse than the death be ia to suffer. Grfto.The legialature of this state con vened at VlilUdircvilla en the 2d int. Tbos. Stock waa elected Speaker of the Senate, and ! Km. Y. Hansel secreUry of ;beaamei Wsrrenln,p . eoon become embarrarted. If riey Jordan, Speaker of tbe bouse of represent. tivesi Wm. C. Dawaon, clerk. Gov. Forsyth, next day, sent in a plain, matter-of-fact meaesge.i On tbe same day. Geo. R. Gilmer tu insugura. , ' , , ,. , , ted aa the new Governor , and delivered a short but pertinent addrerft in which he promises to bury in oblivion the partisan feeling excited du ring tbe late elections. On the 4th, Jhn J'sresfl, late Governor, was 3ect5nJmleT8Ta tion. Judge Caleiie. wu re-elected te the isoaianoocna circuit ; ana wr; foaper, eouertoe - Of the Mm. . Ctfee hu been represented a a flow poittn. by an eminent physician ,K--..-r.r. .k1! woman, now living, goea far to corroborate this opinion of the learned doctor r She J 115 yeara old, sound in health, and d-inks upwarda of thir- ttf!!!BeAr adduped," thai Coffee is a alowtery SLOWi tfectt laian.--On the Slit uh. Capt, Wbttme4!ettot alttrt and killed JehnJvWarri. Jus overjeeCv Oa tke day- previoes ijuswel took place between them, and Harris knooked Cotton down" next day, the 'mUet'toblcyevenge' by ahooting (wa antagonist. They were citixens of Edgecombe county. Mr. John Campbell, bite editor of the Halifax Minerva hu relinquished the establishment and baa been succeeded, in the printing, by Mr. John G. Lileajand injthe editorial by E. D. rreeman,Eaq. and others. The Minerva is, and bas been, a well edited, respectable, useful pa per, and deserving the patrunage of tbe. enlight ened community where it located' f Atf B.Hftl'm aO Crural ,1rmHj tf 'rtk t'eWe t ' Ciithi AaaamtWd wlar tha proviainn of ht t'wirrtiMo, " t enjtt f i th eomino gtnt-I a4 geoaral welfare yw bHg t(th fan a more gvoaral kaowUdr A the want of onr fellow citisartf la the Various (edlone of the tau, and are better aeqnaint. with their lahe awl Utrref, thae aay in.bvkJuaL bow. ever eialied fie atatwe h oce4ipl, aa the re ward ef year vMr T ,li prvbbly, set ltlka telia power yew poaae aaakinf taw aJeetlni th kfe, hbeny and property el our fetlnw bteena, la to be aibe4 lb inteiMe Interfw Whlcll kt fell and et peaked theodgtiwtt tVt 'tate, at eecb retertiteg anmver aary of the (eer1 Aarwbyi end peehapa aw period of eor pWlWJ eiiatanee bae fmnA eur Ugialatorteir'ng wh rr'f, : Inr'deen-W as Ibe, die-oT ihjecri fcflordliuT feai wutreat, t-TT.ng to ptntr debWU' m4 uteau, end pnntabg moeeei'eMH keneftta, or the , nl .ILiWMtaiiw bf irrs'haite nd frttefiit ..rUMi baaa a. t.. thBlttClof fverrl ftod an4 Jprfrc gift, that the repeeaerrtative . ...... : 'ZTT af ine people a' pnnmoa w ,t.t;k.Mi. arxMi their ejjocjimt. Il II ndi. turbed poewaeioe of civil and religious liberty, ibe bnoe ef llaaven, an J al a momenl of pro. Mind peace, no tea tbe gift of Ilia w be govern tbe enlvene. ' . The attention of the Legiatature ha been 3 frequently Invited bv ay prdefeawa, a)d o ortrn directed by their owe wiadoni V tV IT1 cauae of Intern! Improvement, that, were It not for its Immeasurable importance " tle V. pine and protperity of the 8ta e.it m ht hi I A..yA an act af auoererorstion. arain rati your attention to itj but the people of the Hie in their primary tweeting, and thr'r reprceen- tativrs In th (ieneral Aaaemhlv, have so ofitn manifcated s diapoaition to toiprove their com mertial facilrie. both for foreign and dnmmoc intercouae, tktl le pas it over in silence, might be rteemed rep'tbenwble in the Escuive, and not leva o In th Lrgialative Department of the (iovemment. Am! having commenced tbia great woi k. hi'h. with a general difuion of moral and rlucsuin among claiaea of our ci'uena. ia tne net elcvaiaxl tUcy which i dom baa wggrvd for tbe devel-jpww aa our moral jad ir.teJldu energies, M is otar duty to purtue V, until re bav stalnel thst rsnk and station in. the rnduated Kile of the t'nion te winch e shall b entitled bv a luJicious im provajnent of tbe mean, with which the Ood of nature baa ao abundantly 11. aaod u. And if tbe eyotev. of In'emal Improvement we have aloptril fx lit purpoee e dcUctive, which our manjr sborile enerpriie"proTr but too clearly, (an! it would be et range to etpect it otherwiae in tbe morning of ita eiial'iK,) let ua, riaing aoove tbe infliunce of deapair, and with a unanimity and seal worthy of aogkirioos a cauae, apply tbe remedy. But if, after a can did examination of the whole subject, with no other object ia view thsn " our country and our country's rood," our means are believed incom petent to any work of Internal Improvement a, (however gloomy the picture ft may prevent,) Ictus, with equal unanimity, abandon it, until our banda be atrengthened. Yet where ihall we look for strength but to s liberal ien ol i Internal Improvement, as the loumurHin or pub lic education, and tbe baaia ef all national proa- penly f The frirmta ef Internal ImDrovcreenf. look to the prevent Kgialature with Oiucb solicitude, aiMvyeet present vocation k at pnee an evidence that you are familiar with the sentiment bf the people on thia subject, and that thee repose great .confidence m you.- - Tbia ccnBdi nce is sure gttaranty that any' measure you nray sdffpt ie regard to it, will meet tbeir approbation. Every patriotic, and enlightened citiien of the State ia earnest in the enouiry, why ao much money has been expended in Ihe employment of Civil Engineers, aaaiataot surveyor, kc snd ee little urconneeiian with thb auhject hsa been done f Our Engineer! office aboumla with plots and aurvera of swamps, roac!a and rivers i but tittle practtcsl improvement baa been effected. Mmpled .ilbout effeCti forCe thiij too continually st the diapuaaJ of the State. The absence of sucb a force, would seem to ac- . a - a. ' ne unaucce-arui aueoip a airt-wy mauc, ami ruiiuat: mi uciirr rcaun ifimi aur fu'ure enterprixe until the cause be removed. To acquire this force, but two methods can be ugtted by hire or by purchase. No reaton can be conceived why that course which an in dividual pursue with the beat result in Ibe management of hi private coocerna, thould not IsJaobe the beat for the State in the proaecu- tion of a similar enterprise. Individuals who Le li ;. u b-t raaunaM. ta autmnae .h State cannot Her interest to be secure, muat flow in the same channel vbich have been m"ke4 out "ld Pur,!'ed b h mMt "ccesaful and enterprising citixens. They acquire by purchMe in the valuable slaves they can, anil with tbeir labour elesr, cultivate arid improve their lands, and with a sure and ateady pace move onward to wealth and all its enjoyments. ir in tfi mmw hrtlthv nirttk nf tha 9t.t I.. !.. . different kind mav ba silvanUs-tonal improvement of rivers, it is very evident thst. moit valuable n. - . i , , " .u.. ' Iv4rrt; - rnrr. With th-m nnr twamna mnal be drained and our rivers opened, or the former J - reffitln the abode, f 'ly'ut anCTalsd theltr Itter a mere apology for navigable streams oucn ii ine aemana lor siave laoour, laey can not be had for hiring, without great iscrifice ; and those hired for short periods, cannot be pro perly disciplined. . To employ white ' labourers to drain our swsmps, tan not sncceed. They have-wav the pliyaiealabilkyi. Tlei eMvt be found a tingle inatsr.ee in the low country of the Southern States, where even a farm on an ei tenaive scsus hMban cteared artd- ctftivaied br this species of labour, snd tbe most liberal ws, fWtiffiotWeet a tnoment'e wtlectwn, th tbe Sute is redueed to'thc neceitity "of either giving up all preten sions to improvernents upon e large scale, or to make an appropriation to purchase labour, era, commensurate wrh the work to be per. formed, and to cease to think of employing any longer a species of force, which both public and private experience demonstrate to be uufit. And if an individual, stripped of every advan- tage but his strength and dexterity, can pur chaae of these landa and become wealthy, why may not the State, with all ber advantages. make it profitable to bring into active operation her millions of them? And instead of crippling enterfrixe and" driving from her bosom the most valuable and enterprising of her sons by a oeglect of her aexps give yent bj rgjj rojdi n4 Uf;f1 riivisfon tlr.;' YtitJ -;:'M le te p4iwe et her eee aoJ, nc ri fmr M4 by jarj.tiwi aytni of InterwaJ lupMv. want, t,uh. paraevare l In with 4. 'ie an 1 eeenony, ahU ere bn.g etlnh.t m W our alaiar Itatee fall ef wealth ami happ1 The Btatti tif Inutb Carwlin 4nl rirgini. alreaily aktne J te their true inter on thta Important euhjact, have aaaumad n Impoaing attitude ami eeleta aanjething fTlul be done, lo giv directiefl le the produrt of eur ewe tod, through our ee aport, florth Car. oT.na, (a her lertoure with tbeae bar aer states, muat at ill contribute to lhair a-lrancament, a large portion ef ibe pr-Ht efher litduf.7' Tbe Board of I nt trail Improvameitt, in their report to the Ugtrfature In 1827, recommended that etept aheull be lke tcertaie the tar. taie a moan of peodaaa hunMf eipoeu iiii tbe lute. Permit me ain te cajl your atun. tu t, aa atla a.-ea wa te rct V uhxwtr n-rltete ef tw-aia -hkk ii V calculated to r7.ird, w ere eowpMely wUbout land mark Of tIn hep rant Dotal of detevrnininf th iTilttybfan tW n rMTrttoe ef the IHate, to wppV ate wWe- of elPenaf.Tr work of pneew wUlity, ... I IT . : ' . - ua. le relation t their opinion en the eubject of Internal Implement, which th edooiion ef tbi raaur voull produce, cannot. I think, be I Be K'HXl euecie OH ine pmvytm v trtr ni.it, doubted It tendency K 'net net them aa te the immeaae eoauunt they nmially loe by a sickening ytea of transportation te foreign markets, wbUe il demonairate their resonrcea for conetrectlng and mpporting better one at borne. Inattad of aurroUe and wikl eonjreture op tbia point, they wiR have calculation bated oa fad, ofne'sl and iiSptrtehb. The infernal ion eontrntbUted by the meaur aurb, aa aliuuld be in Ihe poaarweon of every i viauerten im1 Lejrin'aturej for it comprehends .-al hof the tttate, and. in no mtl degree, a fo-if jHter, wHi which, when they may be wa- ir.l. numbers aav be eomm.u.eJ. lie fnlightened liberality of the fraroera of our i:.r .itniion, and the giaia ure oi aa earty dar.' Have done aurh fn- the ceoe of Ua-Tiinif, bv ratabtiahlnr an inat'ftution in the centre of our itaie, in lahk-h the higher brnchrs of sci enc sretaugit, aa U' Cefully ai insnyaimilar inrtitutMW in r countrv, and it tbe only mon ument of learning within the State of North Carolina, to which the eye ef the errangrr or the eitUee pwtrwt eiay be directed, with any emotion of pride ami patrHxiww It-win at owe be understood that m alluvion ie In our Univenity. Uucb retains, Wwever. to tie ilone towardt perfefinj; and giving permanency to Ihia inatitutioat and ita aituatioq at thia time. ca.Ha more loudly fur legiaUtire intenHMi'ion and patronage, than at any former period of it exia trace" I'afuwfcv whte proouae at aomeJuiure day to be eqnal to it neceatiiiea, are yet locked up beyond the. neacb ol tnoae, to bne pttar. dianahip it ba bee committed by Hie I-epiJa. lure i and thia in' Hut ion, proudly claimel by aome of our moat diatiiguiahed crUrrs a their sin a mater, ia permitted to langiiisti, fur the n.ean which it ia deemed iritliin the poa rrnf the IgiaUture to funiiah, witbout injure, or even liurJ to the State. A couaitlcrahle sum of money which has been apnrooria'ed to the j eatabbahment of a IJtcrary Kun.l, baa not yet been invnt. d in any of the Baiilta offl.e State, anJ the commiMHMiera charged wiib itamanag mcnt, bare determined to purchase no awe bsnk stock. It ia,tlien, reapcctfully submitted to the Legi,laiure, how far it may be advisable, Jnd whether it is pot within the legitimate ob. ect cf the Legialature cresting tliia Tund, o autliorite the commiMioners to loan lo tbe IMS ; tees of he Uuit erilry; frmn "time t time, any pert, or 'he whole of the monies tbus appropii aet, which have not been applied to the pur chase of rock." taklfig" their bond with men interest aa may be sgreed upon, or fixed by tbe Legislature, for the repayment of the same. The importance of preserving in a flourishing condition such aemmary within our. uwn bur lier, it obviiHi. It prevent s large amount of mottev from beinir disbursed abroad and am our strangers our yonnjr we are sated from for-1 nilii(f prcpnaaraMiHta in a n,ur 01 lomgn arir.i hxrles and torelgn nnnners thry- r- enabled Jo study with more effect the political innitu. linns of tbe State imbibe a greater reverence fur whatever is good snd virtuous smnng our. civet and avoid a prejudice againat thst Male of society which we now have in the southern states, sud which muat be, nmch as w e may de precate it, coexistent with the Union. The influence of earlv education ttpo- th.' well oeine of rociety, and upon the prsrnt ..! future happiness of Ihe human race, n ad iv h rv ..nl'iirMmrri natiiin of th rani., an. I thereanoiuiibU! duty oftliaarniirutinj; it, d. f.lvra with pecolia-force upon tbe rta'eamaii in I L irislator. So completely i the f.H-irsHo- of v-iiexi eticr ii utter raj i.ntuuiiif iib t ci 1 tn l.MMa.ai Ia Btai a.mlRAii Ihil ... .r.. .1 checking the evil tendencies ol' mir iiRime, w- , - -R'-u. ' lt, direct the vimiimt energies of the mind, bM i. by moral and in'ellectnsl education, into paths of usefulness. And that the standard, bn'h i f learning ami virtue, mav be more elevated, a aystem of public education should be adopted, by which the thousands of the rising' genera tion in our own State, who seem doomed to a life of ignorance, if not of folly ami vice, without the foterine care of the I.em'ature, thall be lnhTtttferm1in order- and vtr ue-and when industry and enabled to acquire knowledge of the moat useful reverenoe for tbe.latrs, thall be duly inculcated., In the present enlightened age of the world, when the favorite scheme of the irlobe seems to be the bonntifnl dislribu tion of knowledge, wherever there is hu man intellect to receive it; and onder the improved mode and method, of in struction, which have been introduced Into' the phmary scrwhr both"f Etrropej ana America, conirtbtiting aft much to tbe ease wunavbieh elenveotary learning may be acquired, let us no longer permit thwyo manniirrKirrto: without at reast the rudiment of ecicDcer In proportioi) To Vhe ease with which an education may be acquired in other countries, and the facilities afforded by their government for this purptfic, so should we feel its importance among our selves; ahd, with en enlightened wis donii peculiarly characteristic f tbe pre sent age, should North Caroline attest her belief in these principle by a liberal provision for the edueitiwr of her chil dren, until the tleyelopement of inteHectt and the estabfistme-rrt of truth, rtajl hire j.l.cf'! i:it';ilf - tai rr ifb eftii'.y lyrinny, aril er' lelt'l l , ti'tvirp it ,,.. Tb tl iaportnce f tbia su'jje't, bis frrj'4')tly claimed for it the tonal It r. lion of the LegUlature and e report Bp. on it by umi of th mast titingtjWSeJ citlnn of the State, tinier a reaolni n, of the LegUUture of 1124, will be found among the archive of th Stat. Ac compinylng this comrnunUatbo wiHiUv be band e pl'n for the eiMithmcm. of prlmsry school In North Carolina, mb milted by e gentleman, who opponent, lie for observing the practical operation of the pubito school uf the odrilierrt" Slate, entitle hi opinion lo Influence? end the bblencecf the attempt lo adapt tbena to tha pecull.r slitisiitm of Me fclopird ririrtr I'lCdtej";: btm. tha : craiiuide of If "cliltan." 1 4iTeelww.aUel 'tolfwcbrer' snd herewith Ir40amit you, jjj accoutu ef ine common ecbools In 5ew 'crte.i.inJ . the cliouf iyletrf?if Ne York; Ct)nr,er r " . mm . .'as. e 'atat llcut. Uhode Island, Vermont, Alassarho tettt, N-w lltrnpthlre end M.ioe. These several document, are believed to con tain the fulnettof information wpno tbi most Interesting subject, 'calculated to hrd sit rtecetry light on the path of th Lrgitlature, In regulating ibis irapartseT, branch of our pn'ilic economy. It it' respectfully ubTittcd, whethc tome menu' should no: be adopted by the pretcnt Legislature, preparatory to. tlte profttable investment of tha largo amount nf fund n'w owned by the Sme in lie banking ins'imiion j and for ena bling thete, to clote their concerns befro the etpintion of 'heir charier l.i IIJj, snl, a an increased tlllince I ceiled for In proportion to the near approsrh of this pet io.1, to secure as far a possib the. JntcreM of the State, it ia w'tth defer ence suggtsied to I hi consideration of the Legist tturci tht i hey be authorisei lo : hsifrrribeorim; f firecfori :ia : ihete corpnrstion, ar d purticnbrly in this S'jtc n..k t and that this Ijttcr bsrita' ion be prmitted torlx its concerns by discnrrtiniiinj. i's branches lterntely at Intrtvais nf not leas than nine mon'bs, t CommertCtng with that brantn wtiere tnt T ' i" iii.i't t- nr. J.j..f?.v't..'t - ;reairvi iarui'i rc ainnucj "iwiuui is. aid, fo? .jbuinitK f'ik loans, and where, con.crj? n'ly. the iclations bttween !tbf, or and creditor will be least disturbed and tcrminaiin with the mother Dink. In this way, the Bin: will have the benefit of all its cJ).it.l. tn retiro front circulation the note of jowe of it hran chr at a line ; and the citizen of ihn ?t.te will not fer I sn semiMv the pres sure r.f a diminution of currency an e! lys incident tn the sudt?cn winding ct cf the alLirsof a monicd institution. f it not to be pre sumrd that men nf incorrv ' petcnt shiltin the nunagemerHrf thism.? ter, requiring not ui.lf talents, but a sac rific bf tlmf , ilt too sent to -make rhal sacrifice without a r!u? compenaation, either in Ihe form of a!iryi of .JJjnK rcJ commodation. In this I. tier mode, htt II our Diiectors been rewarded for their servicn seldom to their benefit, and of' ten to the great lost oi the Banks. The proper regulition f the circula ting mcditim.M acknowledged by t hi ablest wric7ioh "pori'trtl economr to be as d'-TTi. iiri'lrtJ Irt-.portJTtt ra the wc!fire if "State The ytrra of bunking, tr which 1 h been attcmpterf, end whLi.. like many other systems hot ti good eni bad. Ins been banned down to us fmrn the Dti.i'h orernmriit, is rot wituruit rt witm ((Jvoratei, aiu! tho,e who are r.o less opposed to it fir.ni 'principle. Dwf e arc t no )ss for rtidrnrr, that the ! mode HI WMCi !t has fKCII rottl.UCtCtl j ntoii oursi Ivc t uher"iie nf niorii!, j ,,,, ,JH t!ee), pro!urtive of Ue Sreid jn T r(r.c, ai jmnr0vcmcnt in the ine Uniorr TTcri - -':r:::i-x-.-z'j r-;L-;v.r v. ; nas iiccn rwijnuycii, "u a inuuumi i..yi ad'lressid to tne souna unucrstana IP14 of the citizens of the country. The principle of gjin, upon which banking ii conducted, hcin; the value of currency in Vircul titan above the vlneoF coin retained in their vaults to meet the demands njjairist them, every precaution should be tued to prevent tbe excessive . . a a J hint of tbeir parjeahovo tbe availablo capital of the Bank j for all expettence hews, not- only that -there i--sv tendency - in paper money ft) depreciate, but that no corporation, invested with the power ol issue of wpe-maneyJia fi led to abuse it. Should the power then, to supply tbe State with piper money, be vested in individuals, forming themselves into private ' banking comps niesT it cannot reasonably be expected, that t he pnilcttee st-c boUd,d.iiw 45,. much t)f their twmion..J)ypteventiO.S... Ue endle reeorrence oCfuinons varM,-,, tions in tbe stipply of money; and gWioi ry Tra vancement of their own interest nor ia irto be suppwed ihat they will be scru pulous in promoting this, because ot tiers ar to uffer. ' The love of gain, which exert such, vast influence Over the jjuman mind, will operate with the stockholder of a Bank, to, at least, it legitimate extent. If kept within proper bound, it exercise a salu tary influence upon society, and happily tranafusea itself into the government ef e " country, and deserves its encouragement hrjt. ft pressed beyond itv legttlmatp

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