ritiier (o n the fsiie,U become en engine f avarice an tnt'diion. , So long then, m the LtKUIrurt hll ghoote to delegate to any set fcf Individu al! 'he p'. the lmKirf irou.of fnp plying the Suit !D furrn:ri sub eit'u'e f'r the pecimit meulii It should iiva- ample aerurliy I hat h at!-f he no! Hitvcri out of the Suit by them, and that ih puMic lote nothing- either; by Ihfir luprnvl lence or fraud. Thii prin ts p!e tcn recommended one of the jnO distinguished tfttismen of the pre - df nl I recocniie d by the Le,r.U htun of tniightr uc 4 State, at the pro " "birbwl f t hanhlnir oprn'loni errlvaiifrom To ' top flJTetel fit otir tten ATrpoti, boever, la brought by that) S. choonr - jporpoiKorfollrf from tht Medrer tinetn. (having left Gibraltar 3d October) (Hit the Ruttlant hid reached the walls of Coosienttoople. C7" An 'impjMant report' St pubtUh fj in some oi 'he papers of the Bdtiih ml Ficnch fleets having taken p-etsion of lhe fori o bc Dtrdinetlt, and pitied through Into lhe Hi k sa. It it Haed In tbe New Yoik American, that the re port it nut eoiltled tetany credit.. ' ,Vctt Jetty. Peir r I) Vroom his been elee'ecl, by the Ltgiilatue of New Jar ftji Governor of :hal Sute, in room of furrr" D- Wail, who declined accepting . MJieofote. , SifPniit taw. A ri'rrin the EfUtltetli ipjty StaW eomp'ai we "think verr-fr tonably mo) of an ptci) at tjie laat (feaion of tbe IfiJadf comm. ml y called tb" fry jM a by which creditor may bt kept otit of bia just due, mikte at-.iuAi, or even fAirfj. Af tMifis by an iul't i;i atrator or executor of dcaewl dnlUtrad.aUa oil ihe member from 'hat county, if they value. the interest of their constituents, rhat they ne tin ir exertion V procure a repeal of " this shameful la,'' Itc. Genera) Eihranl H. JhuOey ba been elected to CofTt from the Wiln.inon diatrict, to tapply the wine) ctuaed b h deceits of (Jen- Gabriel Holme Thrre w no' opnol. tian to Dudley i- tb aUctio took place on .the lOtb inat. CiitnnrL At a wwetinj; of the citizeat f Crterett county, on th ?9th uh. it a rtxul. Ted to ak from the LepiWaturc an act of incor poration for a company, to connect tbe later ' cf Xtuti rltef wlthttie fafbM'tr BeioforT.jr 41 iliip Channel ; and. that an appropriatHH b aad from the Genenl Ooemmt, to. effect the wof k, in cnnfideralion of ita being of na. .Lui:al utility, &c. Jlnrthcr Firt occur-ed in Aojtjtta, Gen. on be 5ih init- Sia or t- ven buitJinjji were le jtro)td on nurth ide of II ma J atrett, a few door hjjwfampbelt eree- I-aWMaa4edl at tent or tTiirt thotlaand JoTlurs. TF.XXfiSSEE. Court of ImficQChment. The Senate of 0iis atate hat betn organijrd itro a court rf impeachment, Newton Cannon, H-q Presitientj n(J Benj. Keynoldi Serjeant at Arms, for Ne trial of Na'htnkl W. Villitrns one of the juRes of the cirrnit courts of tbia atate, and arm Us of im peachment have been prepared, adopted, and preaented by tha houte of rcpen ttivci. The charges and spe ification are drtwn out at conti3rble len'va and with technical minuteness and precision. Thry substantially accuse trje jud-e of cjulpable neglect of official duty in sleep h)K at different limes on the bench during tbe arguing of causes being influenced bv prejudice and partiality in his judicial derisions, and especially of improper con duct in relation to the private examina tion of Mrs Taul, respecting her signa Uwa-Jo -44 fW 4ho-cooey anee--of a .lot of land in JNMhvile.The respondent ''Kisasketi'fpr, indulgence till he can pre ; pare hia answer, and it is tuppotci that the tummoning of witnesses and collect Ing testimony will occupy a considerable timet so that (be trial will not probably .Commence for some weeka yet to comet AaA. Banner, St. nit. Prrjerrid Crtditort By a recent act 6f this i'Vw T6rlmLeigalaVurl7H"ltlTiof be larwfutrirT tht iVM after the first day; " of January ' ensuing, for any insolvent debtor, under the two third" insolvent . wIRUlOr give preference 4-edorseii or other creditors for money lent ; but all creditors are to be placed upon the same vtoQdng;'Aoy1nsot;ent'::whdi' shall act con trary to this provision, will not be entitled to a discbarge) under the act above men tioned. - Mr. Carter, the late accomplished edi tor, of the New-York Statesman, has heen compelled to aeekr a second time, 'n the Sooth of Europe, a restoration to a fcgfee of health denied by the rtgld rli mat of h,w natrve country. V. S. Gaz. At a rrg i'r tnfrti .r, hy a tha I tf-t Room, Tt.ly atrninr, Not. IftU. A I.. J, the fi.l.oin prratitla lit I rlju')fi vert Wher at,' Almighty (hl, In tbt eonm of Kit froil-nrf, hu keen pUd to rmoa frwm moBf tit ir ofihy aaj much eitem4 lrothr.T1l'MAOAKr.)t . flflv4. That t dernty drpWa tha Iota h'icli llatonry arvl h pu'li-, at wall U tlit km aa I family of th dtcaaaed, kata tuMainadi 4that mot keartil ampathlt In tbeir krearrnMnt HnlA, thit aa a trtfinvHiy of retni and fw tm for the sumirv of otir dnaHed Brother, UI waaa ap on thi left aim thirty dart, Nu'wJ, that th foefoinf rewl ut ion be pttbl.tbed la the IWlituiry prt af tUta copy thereof U traaamitt! to tha beavad . ACSTIN, aiVf. .--." rt , -titer. Thi Anrtcui:ur 8o5elf of South Carolina hivy adilrciied letter to tbe Secretary -of 4b-Nawr -fecommend-inr the introdution of Hlce, as pin ol the fowl detlgned for the Uie bf Ihp Na" y to which tbt Secretary returned the fallowing reply I ' ,( Vavy Dffmrtment, October 21, 123 Sir 4 I htte had the honor to reralte jour in'ereiing communlcttlun, dat-d the 89th ult. upon the lubject of Intro ducing flirt at a part of the food to be ucd by the Naty of the United Slain, id enclosing an Kmrct from the Mm utca of tho Agricultural Society of Soutii Carolina. Ke ipectful attenilo'ri has been given to your tommunicatiori, and I enclose a c,o py of a letter from the Comnmtionnert ol ton Nvjr, containing their views in re lation to mote citemive uto of the ar tkleofKice. I ocg )ou to atture the Agricultural Society of South Carolir.a, that riptri mititl shall he made, and a fair and full investigation be bid. io tcjt the ei(hl of thoot jection urgrd by tfieComraiivion- m.i am, very retpetifuUyaVc.- JOHN -ISKAVCH. Cwg Sfp..lj. Sety.X C. S I he Cwo.niaiooc't of the Nary ttate, that hue conai'nit a part of tbe renuUr r m the Nary, btinf uted trodvi h each werk, and ta alto uted aa hotpital aton ii but that KUr i mk a (Mjtlic mne; 4be aatktn nint ita ae, that not morr than one half dealt out i acttiaily conatiml by them, ami that any attempt to introduce a mora extenaive u- of it, wmiil render the aervirr nnpopular i that the quantity of water required in cooking rtre, ii aiiotltcr ohjt:CiU.n to its uh. An attempt a oi re made by c.-nmander, !o intrjduce the tie of curnhomiav and meal on boaril hia tiiii but it pfxl'iced rich terioua discontent among hit crew, tht the attempt ha never been re Virtd. lick td pork tra.biamit, bean ami peat, cona'i'ute, c believe, the principal foml onboard thit i .Vrw Yuri. -The late election of mem. Utrsofibe legislature, and other tai. officers, in New York, has resulted in the almost total overthrow of the coalition fn7rnirmiohlc pjflfei. "-"NeVer, tince toe data uf Jefferson, has any admiitrjtri tion gained so rapidly oporr the affections of the peoplei as h the present, under the auspices of tho industrious, t Herpetic and economical Jackton Old P',m.. A Marseilles Journal contains a long statement respecting the circumstance atttiiiimg the detih ol Major Luiu.theittl trepid explorer of -Africa,-" to the effect that the Mijor'uas ansinatcd by a treachcroui Turk who accompanied him, in order to obtain possession ol his pa per, hicl were given to a person to wrW the discharge of certtin debts which he had contracted in r ranee. K is added, that it was supposed, connivance bv the Ficnch consul at Tripoli in the escapo of the individual wi'li ibe papers. which excited the anger ol the racha ol Tripoli, led lo the dispute between the French Consul and toe Pacha. Be this as i' trwy, it is stated as certain that Ma jor Lung's papers are still in existence. Suicide. -The. Berkshire American rela'es the fact that a bear recently shot himself, in that vicinity, with two musket balls. B'uin was examining a farmer's cornfield by moonlight, when he stum bled upon a co;d attached lo two guns, and received their contents for his intru sion. i ne larmer a who ooncu uui ui m. j i. : r. l. : i 1 . f Ite'cirtaVeYThTeTTtro and fourteen pails of Soap grease-' It Is stated in the New York Gazette that Asa Worthington is appoiniejLCojsuj to Lima, in place of Wm. Kadcliffe. re moved, and that a Mr West, of Illinois, is appointed Minister to Cbilr. On Thursdayi 22d ult- the citizens of r. k . 1 IV "' a. ' -l - - -1 - tert as a mam oi rcspeci .tor nis oisup gubd etM6ii-.A 'v- Laditt 7eftf.' A- Parts JDWrrrEives the Origin of the big sleeves which are so fashionable in Lurope and America. A lady of rank in Paris had a daughter whose ihouldera "and arms' we i re de formed frojrn' the effects of a disease in early infancy. To conceal these defects and set. off, the person of her daughter, the lady devised the full sleevei and the cause not being known, the fashion was admired and g n erally adopted. Tbe Parisian bells have recently discovered that the, fashion was contrived to - cover personal defects and this circumstance has brought it into dis credit with tb,em . Jianicutfvmb At lua annual m-tW and F.i..bIt!ot o ilia -...w - ' ra f.aiiiviii'iu W S II W !Ut.h JrnUt kU st JM,lntiMt n tho ffn. VwUf In November, I57, tbt fiiliing presiiuma tre aardl, via i , Ta Mrt. R. chem:k, for the brtt pUce f ttll4 Cloth, miied of cotton sad wool, 3 Ta Vaf ry Mcn, f. the frratee quantity of Corn rti. on I acre A epUnd J T Vardi7 McBte, tar the fteaUt qtianti. of Com raiaed on one acre of btfiom land, f T 'drr Mr B, tor the grtalt quanU. ty of Corn raUd on I scree e land ra claimed without tb aid el St). la unua, 10 Tin fullowinf articlea wifl bt competed fnt at the nett annual meeting of tk aociett, on the aee-md Toet.l.y f Hor.JSM, U i . the bevt two bene ptongk a prtmlum of gf Tor the bvat boraa e mwl aot Im than three nor more thee 4 yeattnld J i . ....... ....... vTi Piwt ev piatn ooVMatic etotU, mUed of oottoa and wool ... . . The beat piece wf twilled mi ted at above ii-3i a A Tim beat UlrarUi of c4on and wwl, and Mcmion,acBj ..... Tbe best piece nf dmunJa TWV N la IhanSyarda . .. ... . .. Tbe be.t piece of blanketing, not Htt Waa 5 yarila . .... Thn bet piece of Carpeting, not Xrm than 10 yar.lt, noe let than I yd. vide . . Tha goat, quantity pf Cotton raised on l aero of upland . The grentett quantity of Com raiaed on 1 acre of upland The (treat H quantity of Corn raited on t ra of reclaimrd bottom land . . . . Tbe greateet quantity of Cora raiaedon 3 acre of Una reclaireed without the aid of ttabJe manure The greateet quantity of Wheat raiaad on I acre of upland The grra'oat quantity raiaed on I acre of botto-n land Tbe gfate quantity of Rye rrard n one acre of upland The greatest quantity on out acre of hot.. torn la d . The gteaieat qunlily of Barky oa one arra of upliod The (.-r.-a'cet quautltv on 1 acrl of bottom Und . ' i he g-atcat quantity and beat quality of Tar thr brtt itrawutrer ... . . The brat eonttrurtcd cotton hamw . . Tho beat conatructed oloiigh f oretiing tter farrowa, or furrow for depoaiting manure The b-1 tingle horae plough .... Tbe grratf quantity and beat qulHty 0f woul fxuaAire aiteep ..... . . . Thr brt Who atone, for Engliih wtierman rcyoirt . ... . .... . . . .3 The bet for whetting Carpenters' or Cur- rie- I'oola 3 Certified by VARDHV McBKf, Setrttarj tf lAa .Wiay. Ilcv. Jonat Xing,(n Amerirtn Mission- nrj) and Mitt Anna Afaria ui, a U'ratk lady d Smyrna, were married in the Hmd of Tinoi, on the lid of July iat. -'Tbu vent,M tays a letter from Smyrna, will Ex Mr. King in Oreeee, where ha has hart m.i forabl intro duction to both rulers and people, and haw a wirftvfietd'of usefulness open before him.: . . . 1. . Mr .Cooper , the .American dovelistr Ja said to have nearly roady for publication, a new tale, called the Bordertra. One Henry Wait, having failed to ap pear at a Court in Ravenna, Ohio, Utt month, to answer to a charge of having forcibly alteopted- to-kie young - ldr Tprfciied hia recpgoixancf, .&30, This was paying irerfy rfeor for the whistle: Mudme Experience, who will hive her own price, has taught him tbe provtrb, Kissing goes by favor." .1 long Sermon. The U. S. Gazette says, " we observe a notice given in an eaa'cro pper, that Rev. will preach all day on Sunday next. Th gentleman may expect more than one M Tychicus " Dr. W. Herschell slates, that a mixture of lunar caustic and a species of Glauber salts, two very bitter substances,- pro" duces tbe sweetest substance in exis tence. J'Madelfiaa, Oct. 20 The line of U. S. Mail coaches, laft New York yesterday, nt 3 o'clock P. M. and trrivrd in Phila delphia In the morning at I o'clock, which makes ten hou's. Deducting one hour and thirty minutes for supping, changing mails, horsea and couches, it brings the artua1merfrnrTeHfng to fight-hottr andjbirtj,, minutes, being neatfy Iwelve miles per hour. - Chronicle. - JJIRJ1ARKETS. Sabtbury Price, Ntvember 21 -Cotton 1 J to 1 j cents corn 15 to 25, beef 2 to 3 J, but. ter 10 to 12, flour 3.75 to 4 per barrel, wheat 60 to 75, Iriih potatoei 25 to 30, sweet do. 20 to 25, brown sugar 12 to 15, coffee 17 to 22, aalt 1.12, to 1.25. homespun cloth 15 to 25, trhiakey 20 to ihaWffiirics-'ihirbipiiiifiwav; Tobacco, middling 315 to 4.25, prime 9 to 10 1 Wheat 95 to 1 05, Corn 50 to 55 cents per bushel, Ctlumbia, $ C. Jftv. 12.."....Cotton M .9i, flour 6 f to 6r whiakey 30 to 3li, baton 6 to 7, wheat 87f to 100, com 45 ;i 30;f?Jl?5; ' There hat been a large aupply of Cotton at Market thit week, which bat eold readily at 9 a 9ji Corn continue! scarce. and commands 50 clt. per bushel 1 rter of a good quality it scarce, and would sell at g6 per barrel Whit key it tcarce, and in demand at 32 to J3 ctt; Bacrn it becoming very tcarce, prime would readily tel) at 7 to 8 ctt. Savannah, Geo. ,Vv. 4. Cotton 9 to 9. Flour 6 to 5j, Corn 50 to 51 Whjakey 28 to 29. Pver pool,Salt40, Coffer 12 t: 154 North Carolim BaHtk Notet, 5 p?r cent; dhtJottitt, , ' I Dacon 0 U 71. ra- h tran.tv 11 to IS anr.la da 3a a rt . k aa l 31 W, ad 8 loot ,4 'r'' vJat 3?a 34, aogtr 0 to 0, tW,.o ,l,t.ir4i71, thUkry S4 " I i --ft to 57.....U, It. bank aotet a I per eent pre nun, t.p rear ditto, I a 7 . arwn ek tttn .M.1RRIF.D, In the Torkt of the fa.kin, by fnorh flroek, T on the 30tb nit. Mr. Haiio McClenan to airs. lopbia Cutbrtll. DIED, U Lincoln ewnntr, on the Pth Mrt. Oatn, ifef. vita of 4r. John Oatem. ad 38. la tUUigh, a the (Kb inal, lr, Wm. It. Hon. trr, aft V " 3TICE. That on Wo'n3.v,"lhe lith'of Da. I . " 1 1 cembet mt, there, will U aJdrl-iHib!i cembet niit, there, win ba k at lk eaai.lanet t4 r'rrnnt , rponewra vn r rannv oej. oe t wu, in lonowmr properrv, via 1 . . ., . .. . . A fcrf am! valuiblr staA iftt.rut'fanu Met?, anl Hrt. (amonrlt which It abont tit ty fai bgO two W'airront and .Mea, farm. g tool, W'beat, trn, , Hay, fwlder, H'iuhol. and Kitchen Furniture, and many other articles, Includmr all the nerional proper If on tbe borne pUntatt'm, and the ether plan. ta-.iani adjacent. A;ao, a tract of lAtmt. aloin. ing the land of the bent of llenrv Guffy and othefs, containinr two hundred arrea. Alan, on Monday, tha .'8th day uf December aeat, 'here will Im. aoM, at public talc, on the premiaea, THE MILLS of the deeeaeed, on third Creek, (W( known bv the name of VVi Aht!t,J with all the land ad joining, con taming fW hundied arrea, more or let. A Wo. it tUa tame lima and place, wjll be told, II the perona property 011 laid premise, cn- itmg of Hitk, Cattle, Hhe ep ami llogt lmongtt winch are abtMit thirty ore fat hK.) tVheat, Corn, Oata, .HoutchoM and Kitchen furniture, a huge quantity of flank, tnd a va riev of other artb lea. ' Jan, will be aold. at the aame time ami place, he tract of Ind on which 7'JUauM M illntmn ., Uvea, on Second trerk, joining tbe land ot Thnrnat lnnra and otbera, containing about three hundrrd acre. ,. alea te-eontiiNie ftnrn dav t- day i nntil tt ahall be aold. A credit f twrlvr montha will be given, by ike purchlterv' eiviug bond and approved security. AI.RXINDFK NF.KI.V.l ISAAC IIOLKMAN. S. Fx'rt. n inr. n. fi.i.mini;. 3 ymbr IM, 18J. iiKVcjjrrr,; w ADF. W. HsMM'ON. T.iiaa, ra-vctful. ly inform hit fiirndt, ami the public, tliai he haj remevsl into the new and eonvvn. ie- lrop on Main Mreet, lurmeily occupied bv Meaan. Uevell U I'rniplctoii, and rruie recently by Mr. B. Iiwrvi where he continue to oanv on tho Tailoring Musi'mhii, in all it diflrrrnt branrhr. lie employ the best "oT workmen, mid recfivre the Fadi'ont rrgularly from tin- North; uhirh will enable him to eiretil all kinda vf witrlt in hit line in the mott fathionahle art y I . and il,'tntul rk- mantliip, and Q l the lur I p i-.i!il.' Irrma. (iarment Cut out, On allurt notice, and at low price Ail order for work from a diMance, promptly attendrd to, according to direction. vtet kind of rminfrj-jimdiice will be received at thr market pricM, vi pa MiehTTitr' work" lie solicits a continiim-r .4 ti -a!rorurf hi- hrrtn- so- liberally- venr-d trr rtmt:-"imt hope, by the aiylr-of lint rk, and l.i tirr tiom to ph aie, to merit it. tV. (V. II. . .latiibury. .Stv 1H, H', 04 Vi shit ft oi alivx. Ven 1.3. FBI1 Ik tubtcribcr havjii o'jur.e.l, i.t Nov em- I h. ti-rm of Iloifc'ftii f!oojitv Coiiir. tlr wditrnmwraiirwiHhro J'euMf, d-c'd. will esp.e to fnibl.c aalc. at the reridrnce of the dee'd. olt Turvtav. the o;U day of December neil. 3 likely JYt zrocs, on a credit of three month, on giving bond tnJ security. Alto, will be told, tame tune arvl place, varum. kind of Stock, well ai Horn- , I a'lle. Hrm, Sheep alto, Corn, Ubrat, tiatt, H . Fodder. &C : betide Household and Kitilien Furniturr. Kale to continue from day to dm, till all i di- poard of. JOHN tilliaON, .iHm'r. Av oih, low. -tyj N. 11. All pertona indebted to the rta e of the dee'd. ar.- detired to make payment a oo aa convenient ; and the ae luviii claim againa tbe Mm, will pr eaenl lUvm, a. required by law, or thit notice will le pltu in br. J. t.lUVi.TI, .Mi r, Wuwm um jt)t. F il Sale, a 1 1 oust- and I.nM in the town of Sitlisborv . i.n Main street, l!3 nn the corner near the iail. attd convert ient or any public l)UHinc: the lot extend from Main street thro igli lo the nest .parallel ttreit. A great bargain trwy he had in the memia a Inquire ol Mr. Henry Smith, ol Mr. Henry Smith, in Sjiiifulirv--.. CHRISTIAN (.'KIDMAN, 3T7(5 Sfuv, 20, 1839, To -Jowrnt)f win 'VtxWnrs. "TaTTANTF.!. to i.r 'line .lournrjmen Tai - f f lora, who ar- fifl ra' .rltni!.t) and tteady men ; to iuch, conttant employment will be given. Apply to BtmJ i u u.i.r. naiiioury, i( .Vtv 9ih, 1829. 94 Xorlh Carolina, Ashe count g : 1829: Joseph IJagermann xt. Elieaoetli UaaemannsJietLtwo lr4iorcet, ..lUptfeartrig to the tatiifaction of the court, 'hat the d hn- nlmhitant of thi ttate t it .t ih. next Sunerior Court for our taid county on the third Monday of March next, and pVad to, and antwer the aaid petition, otiierwiaeu win , be beanl exparte. 6t99 Teatt Un' r.Aicrx.-i , c. . v. To Joumemtn Virinlers. THKEF. or four Journeymen Printer!, who are nrt rate aud atea.lv workmen, wanted immediateljiLtbe Knoxvllje ( renoeatee) I riater Ofljce; to whom constant empToytoaoTT tnd liberal wages will be , t. a. ur.iye.i.i, .jQiairf'AV..-!!'. ( dant it not . n i nhubit nt o; ni .bal&tmZJfctrfd- trere aflgeUtrrW Active clhVla. placet estate! publianea tor 111 weea m "it - ylttd hy jBW( ror an Section ot a RepreaetflaV ' Weitern t Jaroliniam for Hie defendant to p pear l Vn fill K vftrnnrv rrr-iwiJ r ainr! (Iiair tntt Hil MUllillll W lil'l llH ,l f IT - VftuiMt3.VropfTtj. u. fiWrtiKr eonumtila'ing to r move Wrt rwtt Ml. n dfimut nt Vint h'l Turn, t,l,,k,krnl la IK town of CiKtrJ, C!i ni eiiinty It W ton teiilently loct. ttt iha Ooort-Hmiae, aM II the beat ttinj hr bnainea la tha pW. The) honao it eommo.l.otit. nlih eiretient til.ra. and a?l neceaaary Mt-b niart. 'rr.M. diiiati lo puthat, art mifn to mk early aj H. ettion, at the auhKnber nill mk Kioit d.i;o noon oi me property ayifi. T" fihmtkl ar.v rHt.m, hi it Inrlinrd tit . 11' i M ''V' ,h" b",,rt't? 'kf?lt"f , "J"1 " - '"""'"i nrni, pr, tr u. nt i.ManiMnmem ' y ItihitJ, Mam on vrmwa bio terwiai an.l ?),a r ;..;i,a mtf be ba.! itl( it I to that lirelSlihmenl i'lliarra tn it'll ithlMJt ICarcaJy aW.ikj.'a liMk. ohrr a MaaHvbi -f-tn-tinHmn -gNtooi.'n tiXu" cannot fif 1 mVinr vnr htn(l-im iiroftrt. ia. . .. 1 . Wf N lha aulracriber. In CoWoeJ.. CWu owniy, ft . 4lr -TltOMtH T. CtOX. rVew. 134, IPT). FtlilOMtl . ftNOX hiving purrWd of M. .Htm H'ant, the right o hi fet Fro- tra ct or rr Byitrm of Taj lor iv, f, the di'rict of country f(Hy mile round Concord, falier'ue rwrtnty, N. C. will acfl to any !,y, for i. the Individual right to u aaid tv4m, and will imnnict them in the art. and aimnl ihrm io rut a coat a well aa a man i he will alto torni.h each perton bitting a right, with a bx.k nf Faahiona arul Inatnir'ioM, P refract or Kralet, ltd a wieet of Profile Figtires colored, ke. Spplicationt had belter e made befon? Hep. trmher next, at h tubtrrrher will leave thn !Hatt about (Lit time. (entlrmen, by pa)ing Jjo, can hregme ob. Ktilrert to tin unnvtPrd Ky.lrm nf Tailoring, lr a year j ind receive the I'tahio n regular y, receive invtrtirtmn ,n ihe ar, I'ro'ractnr )rlra, haet ol rofllr Figiire everv q'ur'-r, ic. fce. Apply to tlie ub ii)rr. in Cmo wd. TII')MH V. rtvov, .V. 1H.-9. 4,57 .( N. B. TVf aihr iuW U to k.,.. (,-t the Patent Hrt'em of Tailoring, b "r. Wi-'a !, New. fork 1 and l.at reccired Wkvof IWiion; PlalevJquatta, Jw. iplanatorr rf th trrnmin tte la nrejied !o aril right, an trarti i,r art, according to tint ayaiem, on rraannihlr ,mi. TII'M. V. CANON. Vei UnWnrft UrwuvA, Wild, be given for mv max Hiii.-r, mho n fro n my pl.ni.'in,, t,e Ct ot Oc-olier lr, il eru'rn in anv iail in ISe Mad . -tor rlenvmiTro.earThypTar'firHnTF f " mile writ uf Jta'ubury llntlrr i 5 tret 'r T i'.rlir high, rained i" the U..rk- ol thr Vadm, bv the la'e t-ol. Itu lirnond rv.0". Iln . hat a dow'n look when spoken rv ltttimifrh ho prirt frrrly. II.I.I M .V. .Vrrrm,er t8;. 15.7. 94 VnW l Wntrr VuHtn. rWT"' 'ihjr-nher higa lear n inform hit JL- frieudi and :ha ooUlic, W Im j.M re irived ihf Fall itnl ltint,r Viinni, trout I'hiL adelpliia and New.Vmk. arcompamrd ty !riflt of alt the varin iltlr and colon now iii oirn in 'hole ritirl; and htvin in Im employ the brat of workmrn, he It enabled to mak every detenption of MeVa tir.rnt, a well l-lte' tlahttt. In a fle of wrkmrnhip rqnal :n any in the stair-, and which he will jrfTtrtt tu fit well. Hia terms ar t l"W; for flr ne wtt at any body elieVj YiMlTe 'edrt Ti(n'V to. do hi work rtpedhtoui'y it U jsi.tp done. rnvrwrirre eWT' All kirr-I nl (tarmr ntt Cut, on short noti-.e, and reasonable terms. . ",r All ordea fijr wijrk, from a diattnce, will he promptly'attended to, and returned ac cording to direction. Hating accepted art Agenryfrnm Vr.-.Wrh f1" ,ttuf;;NMM,N f.KnVTY' 16. l-'9.. 9 . Gobi Mines, Land, NF.r.HOKJJ, 4c jeV5tj Flill'. aubvribcr. aidiirig tr re. aJV A t .1. move fiom the n ighlMirhrmd, SjPJJ "H'r for ! hit valuab'e Planta ion. four rtiilen et of Charlotte. The tract contain 2IU inn of land, a llryr part of which ita good a an in Mrrk ler burg cou'.ty 1 about I 0 arret are fit t, ttfond and third crop grwmd, of t!r he' qiiality Tho plantation adjoin the celebrated ''app trftl l Mint, and tha opinion aeema to be well founded that tJod abonnd" in two hithj, rarticnlarty, m he plantation 1 a branch nmt through it, l r three foorthi of a mile, which, it U thought hy men of judgment, I a rich in the preeimn metal aa anv of the Hurke mine -, there is also on the place good water-power for mining ope ration. Also, CD or 25 likely NF.fiROF.S for aie 1 or a part of them, inch at may not wifli to follow me. Anv perron desirous nf purchasing, can cart and view the prennaea ; or iMqinr r.f Robert 1. Dinkins, ttrCliarlotte, fr 1 description, &c. f9l W, M RM.SI WICK, ( hoJnttr. MecHimburf rt. A' C. .Vov. MJ. lf)29. ftVfttii of tVoTUi-Vuc iiiVina . To th' SAeni or oth't rrlurntnr ffre- j for thr cenntirt nf Chatham, Davtihon, HuiitLlhh ami iVfiwi'l r Wlli'.RF.AS a vacancy in the repreenta'iori from lliii State in the Home of Kerne- aeolauvcs of the United Stamen, bat been occa- tiorted in the 10th Coorreainnal Distric', by tho retsgnation ot John title. Ksqoire : Now there - i lo ivoiwi y,,iiw.: MtiUA.'-Ofc' atitiiorit tn me vated, hy the Constitution of t neiJniwii' tatiss0-t,A i".i'e nd required to cauae pnllt to be npaned and vacancy toreaanii anrt that you meet oh the Thursday following, at the coort -house of Rndolph xw'y t o-h purpose of comparing laid polls, and ascertaining for whom the greatest number of vntei ahall have bjen given in taid district, as hy an act of Astetnbly in thi cae it made and provided 1 and that you c iu due rerurn lucrcoi 10 oe mane to iota cr nee. , 4t9J 'r Given inider my hand as Governor, and RF.At. "f r Ttir under the great teal of the State, at of TtarottfrtTTnii Vth .diy d Ootol.or, A. D. 189. . - By; the Governor : " 50 UN tmVSi Sn, Jl. Mwa, rrtSmte Sec'y. ,7 ,'.':is-,rt-"j "1 i

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