I,inro!nton Femftle Academy. VVctortiRe u.iu Commllort rU Trm respectfully SniuHinec Is th BU3l.Vl.t1 .V C0.IJaK.rTUV, . M. mU. tht iki-t hs nrrtl Ifor. Faille a,,Wribee im Lk ..... a a . . i tm a lAijr ci n l.'sry furtmii, .tJ thit he eonl rum tbe above Lul. ,. . a . . t a a SS-I -V - P lake Charge Of IM et rrml ACMrWf, I ftra) ift CAeHk-ffaW, at bcffteCuf. .11 time and The Srit rioa WtO COWIfaetiCO on IbS 24 01 H-mr- mill mi natal k lnlJ la tl.a Inter. November ft tt ' I tot, of llinaa aha am.,.- kim. a'.lK. la tka j-nee of TuMoa br t h.f?ef elate . I els f Produce, or torch ef rends. Lower el, eer session. ! I .iii a aa ku aat iKiMaiixuHa Istotinf im FmbeaUry, n titrt tUfji f 7 I U CAn. CotUMi, or ethr produce, Mnl la rr "'T.T".I awSlnram, wltt b received and for naming- la u. moil r-vprao w "" I JcJ promptly, fra Of erwimiieslo 4 all 7 rr month. " j erjie r charges escape tuf lp0P setoallf U , XvT ' eawveaJenr Of ptfxw amr Jiy erjer of the Board of Tru. - tbroueh ilflJ- ChlBOtL' Mh I A UlctM)or icaatm3, K era,,;., ifi.i-. bd& Ttk Wmttr leMton of Ihn Af Jcr, til I "foWWmce- MVtKa3nl Tilt I l't iii iuiihm win b, iof laiin ana urre r 7iri for F.agii'Jl Ursiamar, Gaofrmpb, lift. w 4Hn per t-iuR ef fl mom be. Botn cm bt proourtd at from Iftj t kilt 'JoHn prrtnnon. A. W. uAT, I'rputiL Tbe Alitor of it itm liltiner ill laetrt 1br above' tbrtt liirA in J furvtrd hit accawot. Catawba Navigation Company. CT.NEUAL mectii ef the La U oka Noti vCJk -tK t'otnpiov, iU be bM in tbe town 0 Iocaintan, cm rrvta, the Mth df of D. abrr next lei port ant object reqeire tiot e amvnr or tne stoclnoUera enoiUd be prxui, VJlUrr to peron or bf preif. ' ISAAC T. AVF.RT, Pt-iJau. yvwvaA, inn. sm be ftjfnietird to Vifnna, or oroer. .rtMYiMotaryaei. bicb JW b cbairrd to tbe Mrtlee, let) my bowk. attJ made irabl In Char !( ton. CWN . Aooajtm. IMI. comlmwe mt A rent in Ctxion, u bcrctofure. HFJtRY IT. COXXEIt. iVfaiar, 1829. SmdOl TVt emrtr Jacknon. ! IF. new lieam Boot .1JrrJkf. built tipreWy for tbe CIn flxul Auruete tnJe. will I pornir. on ouaiDcttce maiNBir elternetely bnoeee the ten I place. M eooa aa flnwheO. hicb will be areri. out to tbe let of fov. She goe dirict (inland) between Charicatofi and Cberiv i and wiH take treinhie at the loweet poeaible ratr. 3mt03 i i w re t ftmj. svtuum baunn a in o WT aeeni ill rbsraw fr her ako, and will attend promptly THE endorsed will expoM to pull .ale. KrZ JZ m. T'rV J i cfltuIJflbi.ltK,,,h7.Hlh7intert- r.k, "r1 ,b.r ? r H i'-cbiorr, end r w 'nT tT7Z OoM Mioe on the laad Irktd (om the tiardian ff Ovo. Mram. being the one fourth. The eaid UiJ juaa he Ca)pe OeU Umm I fact, aaj tbe Machinery ItoowwqTraiien.anJ wtll adapted w mtnnr ourpueee Screral bowea, nerre "an ao otbtr peraooal propertv, will be cold at the eme tine. Tbe aaJe wJJ Ukc place the iruiipri. i rrm iminiaa crcun wtu oe Jpiea. All preauoa indabtrd to aaiJ eeute, are re- 3urfrJ u otake pavaenti and tbM bariaf rmaruU afainft the him, lo prcacnt their Caimt for atttJemrot, within the time directed Jtaw,wrttMo aatMte wtUU pleaded in bar. JOSEPH CALlm ELI, JJmyr. yitk, 1829. 4t9A IK 4. ' atOLLAa. ftTlUXlaB IBOM the plantation of tbe eub . acribcr. on 3d CreeL about the 20tb June. fUe Archie Ftllv. .two veal oldi Uer mlur m x. rel. wi'h white feet. T auppoaed abe made her way to.Necklenburr, but hu beeo Uken! p. A reaannable reward will be fiveo. to ny wuigivc imomuiiion lojao. r. llouge Dark! Alleo. in fcteckleoburr or to the aub jviurr in naiirntjrr. illwMJ, li. POL. JbawtotW 6VA, 1829. 3l94 IIRXM' w. cojtxeh. W a7h The fuJkiwInf beayliful Bnet are ft the ft of th Ei trick bepberd. The ae e!ca'gne to reprrrtttt rbf morninf prayer of mealac who eoluirtarny Uewme anvotcajt of the deeert lAUiieq MtM him forever. , Th of b4 tbe rufJ nd gireri Thoa ranet mrd tar creature ateec'ne i - Ileal the hrart lenf brake Vila f tepif. . - "o ev Rtaaee aoa oi inouon, Of lb nbbww nd tbt orean, ! "r: Of tbe maveuiq rwet and rivar, , Hieeaod be tWt mm fororer f ' I here tfcy mW W7,,; ' ThroucKthe tUdawi of the iibt. v Thaw: wk olbeieet M( or alerperiV f.lett are Ly tbtni kindly keepeat. . J(2fti ef ef C"!"!'1 fellow ray. fled ofender oawninf gay, rrr That re from the (Utol act. Like breathiap from eternity i , Thie tlr laming epheree of ttfht, Tbioe te darknem of the if bt. hme wl the rem of eve I Cod of aitr el I God ef Heaeca Mod ef life that fade abaO nerery OI07 to thy name fureeetl fcOOtt f OS .THE ntOOrJ I RIIIK Boom for the proud I y ton ef day , from Ur hi re ping ptwp eurvey, Worraitry corioaadeg lh way Rio chariot wheel before I 1 ! with what atom hi lofty eyw 'Uancet o'er age and poverty, And bid intruding conscience 8 Far from bio pJaoe door I Room for tbe proud I but alow tbe feel That bear bietuffla dowa th atreet, And diamal aeeme hi winding iheet Who purple lately wore. Ab i-wber muet now hi ntrl 6yt la naked, tumbling agony f- - Or bow ahal he for mercy cry, VTbo abew'ditaottKfar taJ. frttlrit of the Infccuao, tat imonj the di'iekieJ, tunioj the lick hh tfodcrecn. oJ lurinj thtif dcUt whilit th heathca cetncsl utterlr rejirdlcn ef their luffcring iricaai, kio ntomihcd wcrt the tub lie, tht these truly beneroleot ChrU- tiaoi were openly thioked tod eel, wrtted. The profaoe Lucin, rldi- culee the Chriitiam for their ezcenive eJmidecn, but hit itUonured let'tre It i.jnopurtient te; their rilir. The kpoitite emperor VuIUa eiWtg the rorahipner of hia rode ta aku iMny OirutiiQi reliere ! pwofKw. cr parana or pioua, trmie Uiey (he PiiuJ.jJcccOfttlferjrrmeodl. Wfteo Chriitlitity prcvViIelLrkhrn rnte pobHcWuaum htrnmrrrjie rcr till then did the world lee boa. piul, or aiylum for the inuoe. the gcd and the wretched. Their and tnooMod like them, jrr oow formed! wherever our religioo wr it blind aoipotcoceind 00 wh?re elef Christian Watchman, ClfRONOLdOT. v "up1 ittiimptm 0t,l.l8, Ettle n.i!&La- pirte tlcf.nrj Pef.U, UeKjtio(i In H iHirnl . Vta. t Declaration of tbe AtiicJ at Frankfurt ItliJ.n. It, Alliccrri lb Uhlr Mar. 3D, C.ttl. of Mortnurtrw ' before rarie ApHIIl, Bonaparte abdicate f!r tbronw W7 I. Arrim at lib, a a,.?! , U'elyinf beiweawtla, emt of July a4 thw llland ml Caraira III! Bar. f . laid from fctb for Fraro en 1.-. . ,in '' 1 ana araq f. ( f, kYapoUan k declaed an out. t . kl the toverlfi If ti rert and CTmmh -r Fraark - 1 T. , r K UB" iwra' toe rroHiarr lShUarmyattratar, 21 AbJlcatr the throne . , ieeofid time , Jul; F2, Surrendered himielf t, anEnglii.hipofwtp fflUxIviort lrrln..iTorb.yCe..l fWe Ora-reaiw f v r l3 It A c W. I .. . ta. Hat. Ri. ,..,. Kvaa. rr- a mm aa. .7 'I " Welenti - ww a a ane miai w am nf . - m ar - I cancer la 03 OOOROB 17. SR0W17 W1 now receiving from New Fork and Phil- Adcjpbia, a choice and harvlaome amortrnent DRY GO0fiSr Hardware. Crockm. Paints, Due Stuffs, nooit, woes, Groceries, fJc. ; WlliTIIIATB. I halt Ua tooth-ache, when with madilenlar w 1 jump. ilika tarrcQt. wild it ravee among the etumptt I hate tbe while dire'cafafcgu bf eir) - 1769 Aug. IS, Butn at AJaccio, la Cot. nc. , T9 March, I'ia-J at the Military' ai rteane, At oEcr of artillery at Ionian bmI appoiv led Or, of Brigade Amin'em te the enra- to..i 1 of the amy of Italy DMjeofLodi..We Au.i. BUe of CaaiirW. Yn-K ..rt .Jl...r.-,, ; uiiiir vi nrw tint J 177 Feb. 4, burrt hder of Vantuay IkT$ April I9,Prcliminarief with Aw. tria signed at Leooeo ' "ef. 17, Trry of Campo Fwmio W Way 20, Sail for llgypt J'Hy I, Battle of tbe Pvraroi!. W May t, Sirge of Acre reiotd. V.y II. to u .27 1 si, tba breot Li .NW.-St. Helena lia uTh. S .U,S Ocean. 16 ,0 TuCZL 5. ?n wAk .ndremVbV, ;nfST Amenc. U57, to the 7,7. II c jJxa Tl CJlHi Cn-i Hrkfor Oct., Xatmlrn Irirdeoen ireiDttvia.t.-4.L Of the hoe, and other mean. r t.r g the upper hand of we. too earrv in Autumn. In conirfln,. . .Lv Pfce ef negligence, puriUne, pi I weed, cotrch gra.,, and other r Jal. I T Ihstempcra, fever hot, and ague tbake I hate mad doe, anakee, dandir. feat and bam. W . e a . . . Jj WMa-c, ,0oi ana whiakey.jura, am uutca, uau rvaua, apoiica oo, and broken bank, Ill'W.a on the eoaet Oiiinei SOlble intrurlrra. ! a .. Ort.F, Land... PreT,Tran,-i,.;Z V: . " Y.m WAGONERS,-. ; Driving to FaucitexUlem w . .i.v rraj.;4,rv.wDere every con. ubc h prvTiuea iut Man and none, to make lhem comfortable, at the moderate charre of 33 e?r" a day and flight, for the privilege of the law. tue uae H a food bouse, fire, water, and jk ner. Anacned ( the Tird, are Groce7 am. rruTiHon oiore, sreaa s&op mT CtftJec tionary, and a House for Boarder and Lodger, in m pian, cneap, wDolcanme and comfort. able t le,- FaitttnilU, rt April, 1 828, 1') OU SALE. - - ? V ANE alubl ptauta-Ca-'1 5"? " ,o"nthtoprrcinry. ..It uca " ,n county of Cabarrus, in the ior ot Bocky river and Coddle C Ft tit. a?antainkfbaW mraAliI wleta Kn dred and aeventv acrr of land. Tbe'qualitf of f Km tmt.A m At a . a a level. There is ahnut tan r,lin,irri .1 . - " 'Hi u "V-l " blCM. which were hwurht at reduced price, and will Stale new, eold soup, light pune, and Uwyexa' be aold at a small profit, for u, or on time to thanks. 0 na, are 1 . , , . . . . , - nvrira anu won car Of COrTl, A cewtly frmbue and a shabby barm More ears than pies, no books, but manv VunaT Sore toe,tlf bt shoes, old debt aod paper duns punctual dealers. A rat quality man Tine, Old Muscatel! ditto. Port di'.to, Malaga ditto. Genuine Old Holland Cin, oil Cognac arwui), Jamaica and New Eng. land Hum 1 torrthrr wiiK . article usually. found in a Store in tbi awt; Ar rtrmw vrtJitr to ivarlia mn and xamtno thw abav Goodie , Sahthirf, Sep. 182. - fimtll" I bate tight lacing, and loeee conversation, iDunoant gb snd little information 1 The fool that sing in bed and Motes ia meetini nogiM eating. tine "ho baft, ii. taiaiagfc aad tlk ataoh wkiU MIT tec. 33 34 35 36 M1SCELU1XY. ed, motlyfrebi anew, convenient and elegtnt . c,1,,,k-houe, which coat Dearie four flfi-h thotuaod dollar, and other building u..uic in ir. Jue pamrDU for to is ...v m.d ,ay. AppIicalioiM u to terms of lc, can be made to R. II. Alexander, 111 mj auariice. . aaw vVMfJ.-ALRXAXfJEaL FOR SALE, a- ar,f W " wuniy i nurry, Vii; j td ,nd u believed from recent nf discoveries, within the Gtld Heri. aWTiam . of North-Carolina. Thia tract aa. jr.. .a j. the State, in the year )f95 1 comist of on 1 continuou wrvey, adioininj tbr count v Lne of Wilkea, and extending from the Bin. Bulfe to within three mile of the Main Yadkin Kivcr, It is intersected for Aftau . MHeJ'e-werffijKl Site COnvehienT faMka.ulU.tU. .!. ' ' " .,uiimi.ii w uuiinv, a. in ik. ......... r 1 f i . . .. rw" i uipuacaui macmnerv. HAS just Jtecivrd, and opened at hia Store mi HliUi7, ndsbaie assurV met or Spring and Summer. GOODS : Also, Groceries, Hardwarr, Cutlery, Plated Ware, Hats, and Hatters' Trimminrs, Crock, cry, a good assortment of Bolting i4tn, snoee, ti on nets, and every article usually ! asked for in store. Hi stock of good haa been purchased entire-1 bwltinff ly for reiA and he is determined to sell them ...k . RICE BREAD. A writer in the New -York Journal of Commerce recommends rice as a valuable ingredient in the composition of bread. Having seen the subject noucea m in-tingitsn japerf.tie-waA induced to try the experiment, of which he) 'gives the following account " My family reside in the; country, and I took an early opportuaity to aend a quarter of rice to mill to be eround. in the same manner at corn, without nr. ire maae an rnrrim.i ,1 w ...... ...II, , tham I l 1 a- 1 . ...v.m wm itn . .1 . .nr. . k . n . aemwucan be had In the plwe, l coal, or to . . . - wn"1 nJur ana punctual customers on a short credit Tie nub. pouoa Of rice flour in the brat nlari- he am fnarlillir In.'.a..! ..n r I .L . . n l . . judge for tlve; ".J"? H M.V,D 0een. " AWwWjr, Awe 3d, 1 829. FO lastfttfc ot WUWtim wVeUl. WILL be snM. on the 26th day of Kovem. bcr, inst. at the late Nsidenee ofWiliam ri'eill, dee'd. one mile west of Sherill", Ferd, Idbeolo county, 7 likely Negroes ; a Stills and Vessels; . I otK-horse lYagoni A quantity of Cotton it aaauuia ..! 1 v arntica, 100 tedious to men tion. A credit of 12 months win h .,t.n.,i Nov. 9, Diolves the Contention- al Government 10 Declared tint Coosal ISOO June 10, Betile of .Marengo, frufy $ Jury S3, Preliminagiea at Austria irocd at Paris Dec. 24, Explosion of Cie Infer nal Machine 1801 Feb. 9, Treaty of Luoeville with Austria Oct. 8, Preliminaries with England " 1803 Uatth 27 Definite treaty with England Aug. 2, Declared Conaul for life 180.1 May 18, lingliah declaration of war 1804 18. Declared Emperor.. Nov. 19, CiwwaeJ by the fop ton. a. . n . ; ' wj ay iro, ueciared king or Italy - S-pt- 24. Heads his army arainet Aastria Nov- 13. French enter Vienna,- - - VaNta! tfJuttruM - Dc. 2, BaUlrot Anrct'ai5e'rtV--' tiful city of Marovis. iri the circle of JJrinn :. H, Treaty of Vienna with Prufti .oe 21. T.'ty nr with Austria lJ05fcpt.24, Matches against Prumia uct. is, uattic or Auerstsdt, or Jena, in Germany 27, Euter Berlin city, in -- - bich the King of Prti. II KB fesTdc In fifrntHii iSOr-Feb, 3, BalUe of Evlan srtinrt - I ' June 1 a, oartte ot KrieUIand July F, Treaty of Tilait with IWa 1801 7, Joseph Bouapsrte king w apain 25 Juoe 29, Joseph evacuate Madrid Aug. 21, Battle of Veraerra, in Portugal Sept. 27, Conference at Erfunh Nov. S, Bonaparte arrives: Vic- toria, Spain Dec. 4. Surrender of Madrid to Uonaparte 1809 Jan. Id, Battle vfCoru-ma in Spain . 40 April 6, "War declared by Autria Vlay 10, ( he French enter Vienna 2?, Battle of Ealing, or Asperne Juiy 0, Battle ofWapram cAcinpncctTTnrrTtf thr-rjir-,. paint." Every weed whi,l. r.r.M eittrpjtion,' becomes the parent oP a numerous pn.gcny of penTferow plants, which aprinj up like the head 01 inc uyura ot labu.oue lore, and mo, nnpolizc the soil at the etpense tit every-th40g aicb U or thing. Let, therefore, tne tiller recollect, that a eeratch of hi hoe 10 time, will aave nine. BUrr , wtllpve a little rrrvminw ry) 00 this subject, with the hone tha: the similarity of sundt, at the doro OHLS00?11" wil1 "J th mr roory 6r intendedP""" Slrnrt the best wavefweedinf - . I td tire vent weed from teedinp; Th least procrutinaiioa , f sny operation To prevent the semination Of nnxion vegetstlon It a source of tribulation. And this, in tiuth. a fact ii, . "icb tsrdener wglit prjtcjice, -AiidiilJeraahould remember, - From Aprd to December. rr ' : r ni Thorn aSfvlvl K0il iUt '"I Villco iron; large .wMUa They 1 fathioBat on rvTngoRTHitfKc ZNOTlCEr-Allpertoiwmc All peraons indebted the estat-,j acalded, befure it was mixed, bv pla SWT-U. J9J- !" vessel, with water, overa moderate fire, ai rice is ordi. narily cooked and then kneaded in with the wheal flbur, wet in the usual war. with milk, in the evening 1. W wTwaaawaava al B, I a.-. a a . V I I IT t IX Irafttu Af V ... .. a waa louna in the morn nv n nr ik. ..' ' Wl" ar.m '. ... . " . .;""N"w-.B'Prteniarriee Maria 1. waa ui.vvia.IJ u llir 1Q19 U IOUr pounds more of wheat flour, to rive it .L - ... r I a .... . . uic cousisicscy oiDreau. With thw addition tbe loaves were made, and the result crave us ten pounds of the fin-at bxejulXfWijwv-t was of snowy EE12EH5 ien' na,aeiiciotia(rerTl.e Lwisa lughter of rrttcisll. Emperor of Austria July 9, llolian.i ud the Hanse towni annexed to France by decree of Napoleun Aug. 21, Berumlirtte elected 41 Csdhs. late- will ple to makVoavnient hwTaT eWm. .gain itT wT. taste,, nd Kmdned fresh :much l0miAm S ,5a.a w ' -1--i. j " . ta.ra. WWir alOOC, . ,, ' 'JV- 1 t ,rJ J""ue ,n Subaemueot trials have t.tTAttrz nMrfwn, 1 , 1 1014 way a, ue ueads aaiTarmV' iM vrni I Extent, lone nnartjae nart J,!,. A.... ' ' l ,rnv tinrxplored. Persona desirou to purchsse, sre eeferred to the Editor for more particular infer- tHaiiwn. aim wDom me piat or this land it da. IfU'UU. klilntr$. .Tun 12A, 1829. Fl 42 Oct. 590, 1829. 3194 Commuted to tlit 3all ,1-ntAtv . ta SPf?9M.we hereby fore ;ain' use Ot I k. V.iLi''fc'Vif;.-t.,vw i,.,.' mia an HciunvB an . .. awmtv i n... 9- i uiuii nym. warned awmsf buildhii: or itb "'Mttii--iw-ted-''wy WaaVe for washinallerial,surtce, jr river gr.vel, UB. W intend to procure a patent for the taie; , WALTER a PUAKR k CT OtlieJk).-ltM,- 3f91 MaaViB44b "l :N.ITo Man, who calls his name NED, and one quarter part of rice flour may be I pr ouiauie . 10 maxe. bread that the weight, is. greatly increased, and the tjuawiy lucreasea oeyona cakulaiion. i3 rAkUina!... ,A....e F .9 " rrw witce irom voHMsnia, 8V-fcrWHHe vpcmwiM avvearaoM. iasfaa ina . l.'A.. 1. a .. ----- - w, l inn... nam . . m . - . .... TrK-.S'.. vwDipiexuon, BtOUl Bunt I tnitvl Csw WaWB avaa a.! i-."tl. V JUL . . a a . - riiriii wanu a un CrOOKavT aari Mm, cauwea ova rone no othei marft-a ... arjtwi. a .nrz r 1 iTrz-zr rKS?,.v w -1 vw. .Hru. aafecaianiiaTv eauaia. i run lis. l na own am ta:.j . cm UPER10R court rra.. m.. 1 - 1 r -u " -r : .t r"-.'" w i-- rt;.a r.L urn" i, ' r7iw vuarjca, uia iae mm away. SO . talisa lyOte t William Coxe 1 fvi r 1 a .a.i Divorce. Ordered bv the court, that miKlu..:-j xn, ie,a icon ! a .a a ' -vivwiwu w -eaa ivy HU fce made for three month successively is tbe I V . ' Westerii Carolinian and Yadkin at r...-.k. I Jfttlrw'a Vrwt-tno. ,. 1 .1 , , . . . awai. . r-.v.. v ua.vn. uamai, umiDt aeiemunt be andannear at rh.l rireivrM j , ., . . . ' ... .... ' a . -w r mm u...4T uu aiH. DUK II, i.ii an Kt.ra.ii. . jku aunrrior ciuirv nt in ,a ... . k..u i u .1 - rf vwwwc. a -T--"T,rLli.w m wa uciu ior mat am 1.. .....t.-. ... cnuniy or Mecklenburr. meMMt-mrr e . ,H ,HM in utninriL in Mi flravarri Af I in.!. eounty. II yellow complected, about 5 feet y nHin nia-n. annarentiv AO nnM. tv. owner U requested to come forward, dsv ehaa. gesi and take him awajr. or hw wil with aa the law in such cases directs. 'JOHV ninnrN r.-. .- Vnanatte. on the fit Mnn.. .k. r aay in September aexf, and plead or amwer Vlha VkTanvn-i . r ... w -T IT r lLun w ue unit will b ?SJfTTetne "WB0 Hendenmn ?r Tdifttrt offi,:e the Tth Mon! ty ter tbe4th Mondav March 1829. dealt - LUooysius. IWormi. that th tiana ol Home who were cnirthit tbelr brethren aeot their alma throurrh. out the earth ulUan afirmiriEriaTf JfmyJtMW-ettxtted general wonder- at their iiu?uB huietms states, that amid the dead. tiont f a dreadful plaeue at Alexan diia and Carthage, the Cbristiana went every where among the mfected. and. without inquixin? into their relirrinn dispensede ltndest offices, whilst the other citizens left the auffVrara perish. Just after a severe oeraarn. tion in the reieo of Maximilian, at am. tilence awept the erontre with tremen. azamst Butiia June 21, Arrive at Konigsberi, Prutva Aug. 18, Smolensko, i ittmiu ' tsken - . Sept. 7, Battle of Moscow, at sr3of0(l'lloi formerly ... ,. -,-m,, t u, i rciicu, DmteT"nti -me. .i,ww,,lB)pie,qnepte; Moscowr " which is bum bV thw Rusiiaos INoi.9,;;AiTives--ar3arolMk itt'5l'---6' the snbwi " " 18. Amv.1 it D..;. r ,.. 1113, April, Heads the army on the woe, a river of Gwr. many, which emptieh toto th sea a Dttle be low Hamburg , vF h Battle of Lutcea sgaiaij Russia and Prussia 20, Batueof Bautzea.i. Gmmvf Jon , Annivuee agreed on t uoauimca re-commence - - Aastria again declared XjinsBonsparreBat. TRY BEFORE TOU Btf.' - From the York (U. C.) Mo. July si? tJ latt baturday evening, aboo!" ten o'clock, a waggish Yankee knocks ed at the d'lor of Mr, Savage, tne col Uctor of his Majesty's customs for this . a .l!..t-.l. . a p P'jn, nu in me character oi an infor mer, received five dollars for pointior; out to him a contraband depot eontiiis ing five barrels r?f merkan whiskr) Don sallied the collector, hired n team lor ather i?o: doWaf re warded a sailor with a dollar to roll the b.ir rels out of the. lake where they hart been hid, had the seizure carted Kr the cellar of the ifreg's anctioneerv congratulating himself on his nigHtV. work, when Mos'elv sutrcested to him the propriety of tastine the spirit. Ik did taste iL and found himself the for- tonaTti-irajnor-of pure water of !UkeOcUrioCZZr, Mcajah MdwddltAirTtTitoT oate man bf thia name iumned into the ......I. rtMf.l If a .L- ntv ui omimim, uremia. m mt . - - 01 the H r, mt . VII im m h. . I . .I.. ... . . . ann 111 n in ul ucrauEciucniw 1 drowned. If is elerv is fall c patnos, and runs thus : was nituble j tfn-d in tii'g if ; B.'e, IVbit ' Point Camt Cantc Bomb : Ca3: tprether v in a Store j All of w Jbw ai any the same li ui a credit The pub amine, and Ocithtr Z --Taetov BUS! THEn put' - nest in Q ervicei a:;; est of tb ale of pro. He infor Laxarut ','' bimpRrirr- Warded p; other char curredt,.. For the c ?otton thrc be co?vn' f,..t5rscTir r ftTicafsh Bidgood bul good-br; , -An'wenDiliinSttl was very aealH". Ja. rtwri'i himrelf all in a creek. "Jp 323'-" In l One: Jeretnua i '0raln'i posted In a V irprioia pa per..'jji j a - .. 'a ., ri. . . M....A navioz satrouea tnat estate, acuuv tbe affections and Gained, and married aod deserted in succession. Blight J and mildew, say we, to such grain a0 MARKS OP X HORSE. Oae White foot, buy him -. Two white, feet, try b!m TThree white feet, deny him 1 Four white feet and white nose. " Tjtt cJT Kt US?, Ot glre bin to' (tt tiW ' commence places, as outj the -between f freight at . "j. Jc Chra 1 to the ah: tther to I y