l A ' A: , y ' i ) ') i BAUsnuiiY, uovAN county, n. c,......TUKsnAY, mncnMni;!: I, ic J. VUI,. M NO. m. 4U IW ." f "! tminig lMfi" . jir r.v. ft fMiieahd Lottln the tT (on of fahsbary, rfl Main rtre et, -AM. 4:5&e corner nrirtheV. Wwwfrr;W --r tf,T mXiC bmmJd Jot .ell soda "77; Miii "rtUi tniVugh to m rexr ptrnet - l i ',t '. rrw bw Hiy;btihl, tn the V " - . it . . . w . I. t a J J.j . Mrv. 3iV& v ir;r::.-rh i liaida. tin ith of nj. fei nxt, there will be o!d, t tnibtic . it t'c Ute rrMktrc of AVunrfl Wjr, Je. ...Mlir, (munttlMch w ftbyut lt h -ict.) o WrsM nJ llarncw, rrn. irni Kitdjea Furmtuff, and mtny tfhr irticlci, incluJiiffH lb pmoflal proper. ,r 0() ,t,e home jlUnUtion the other pUo. ioc .!jcent Mm, irct of Land, idiom. i ti-Li4 of Ihehrir of Henry Guny nd . 'v... ,..nt.',ninr two hundred tcre. Al on MonJay, Ibt i8lb dy f Orcernber TIIC MILLS of tht deeeMrd, on L j rk. frell lutnvn by' the MW of t'rt:,; ,W!J wi'h JI I UfW 'Jjoiniff , eon !:,". f .t Lundred .rt more or Ic. Alrt, it IH ane tia4 nd fiUce, Uillbe t&Id, . i ih nTfnl pronerty on lawl premiKft, cm .ji.u 'irt ll"rt, Ctttle, Piltep nd l!ot tumtv bidretboa' tliirty ftrr UMwir,) Oito. UoutehoUi tul Kitchen Uta'r u-'irr. !r;e q untity of flank, tnd of o'her ftrticltt. iTrtin oe "MMrmtie imp tWinrt ptee; tnf i if I.anHo w'ich 7ahw " Hattn df-mxl t-'rrrk.iininrf thr lind of 1 .jvtp Inntft rvd otben, contiininy about tlirf hu ulf.d acrr. ..'. tn rontinup frnm !lT t9 0$T, nntl all Si j b - 'J. r-reht of twelve month (irfi, by thr purchaven gMng bornl and f?rroTeJitcuritv. AIKXANOFR NEELY.7 ...... HAALJlOLEAIAiy, Sari. UtBT. N. t'LCMINC, 3 iVtJlrr 1829.. 5198 Jl. x Tjn'T. aubscriber cnntcroplaung to Tt JL njov'e tYrt next fall, ia deairoua of -JSjl teitnt his Toxxrn Kftthliihmmi ia tbe .1tTn of Ltntrrd, t abairas county. H..'? C0!;'-J Tci tcntiy mcattd nartne VTnn-uowse, ana is Lthe bt mnd fof btiaJneft in the pUce..Th liouse i commoJiotia, 'ph excellent Stablca, and ill neceaiary out-byuse. Feraorw diipoavt! la piirchiw, are rcqueateil to nuke early apuIU " en ion, i the aubscribet wHl makeeomediajMK Should any perarih, ho is inclined toi m.brk in the bmunesa f keepinif a House of I -bUxiwAmeftV prefcrlUthtt TjtabfilHnit wiU .ie Hanoi, iron one to Ave year, on reasona ble tf rmij. and iht-.rurniuire.majL be bad rtb iti m tbat 4heetblnnnntwi!l be ready to go )mo without acarcely a ccotYcXPsn'sei 'there nan lm is industrious and accatnmodaUn;, cinnot fiil of making very handsome proftts. Ap;ily to the subocriber, in Concord. Cabarrus rourTv, N. C. THOMAS T. CANON. Arc. 19A, 1829. - 4tS7 Gold MincSy Lahd, NEGROES, c T4 rTObtrcTibeTrwtshing' tore: move from the neighborhood, nit'crt for sale hil valuable Planta tion, four miles vest of Charlotte. The tract contains" 23 J acres of land, !iV part of ttbicb is as good as any in Meek- - J burg county j about I'JO acres are firt, second and thir.l crop ground, of the best quality The plantation adjoins the celebrated Capps Gold Mine, anl t!ie opinion seems to be well founded tliat Go!;l abound in two hills, particularly, on the plant ion j a branch runs through it, for - three fourths of a mile, which, it is thouhtjiv tnen"T5f jment, is "aaricn in"" tFe "precious - wetararany t.f the nofkCtAtaeiTlnerjli'iilMi a"tlie place good water-power for raining op- jaunns. "Also, 20 or 2J likelv NEGROES for sale or part pf ilem, such' ss may not wish to follow Any person desirous, of purchasinjcan .call 'nX view tbe premises t or inquire of Robert y binkins. in Charlotte, for a description, &c v a1 !.. WBt SI Ti.-.TStI - "- ' ; I HnWfeJWIbKriber 'havini;: obtained, at Novem- af. her terw'oYHiti''t?Hwty ewrV'tstteni "t .AumiautraUoa on Iheestate-ef-stHexander Tinny t de'e'd. will eipose to public sale, at tbe rHclcnce of the dee'd. on Tuesday, the 8lh day flf December next, ' . ' ' 3 likely Negroes, ' in a credit of three months, on giving bond and .ccurity. . , i: fy; Also, will be sold, same time and place, various , kind of Stock, such as Horses, Cattle, Hogs, 'ep ; also, Com, Wheat,. Oats, Hay; Fodder, . i. beiides Household and Kitchen 'Furniture. Sule to continue from day to day-; till all it ditf Poscd of. JOHN GIBSON, Mr. X. I6f&, 1829. " St95 B. All persons indebted to the estate of m uccd. are desired. tq.ma,ke payment as soon A convenient; arid TWSe J having claims against ae unie, will present them, as required by law, or this notice will be pled in bar, : . . ,r .- - -:- v: V J. GIBSON, .icfm'r. , " : N SHERIFFS DEEDS. " lOlUnd sold by order of writs oftenditinni 5Jff5SS2Si; fe?e4hwoflBcj f ni'ir. nibacriber l.si Jurt rccclrd,'fron New Jl York ao'l rhi!1enbi,ir(J it now 05cninj;, it hia Siurt U CON6()fUia'encrU avail. 'nr f 1' t'Hnr'd'H'a iiaranare, Ilatin purchafei entirely far cwt, iul ,1a. iCi()inC io aril lur cai( "c iccm avturca inai he ta leJl on tenftr which Trill be wtlafatiory to tboM wialtini to purcnate. k The public are rep'cuiMy invited to call and examine for thetwelvea. D. STORKE. October SiA, 1979. 3mt100 5 MV 0 4 QEOIlOn V7. SH0X72T Tr-J now receivlnc from New Vork and PLila. JL del phi, a choice ami handom aaortment DRY GOODS, . Ifardicarf, Crockery, Paint, Dte Stuffs, noon, znocs, Groceries; tferr tliich vera booth t at reduced price, am! will be M at a a.talf profit, for taih, or on time to punctual drtlert. Among the Orocenc, are flrw nnali.y I mens nwr.im Mutcatr II ditto i'jri.dt't04JlaJiCt-iUUfl. lienui it w . .... - . r3'.,v' d flrWy, Jamaica and New F.t.jf Uil Hot: toirethrr with rvrry article uauath tbund in a Store in thisicctioo of ' ciMititrr. rerkune wi'nfr to prnrha, ail! please call, ami diamine tlie above (iood. So!ittrj, Ar. 189. 6mtll jnT-S jusr rerived, nl opened at his Store K. ia sauaaary, a larpe ana nanusome uun ntem of Abo.Grocer!ea,l!rdwar .Cutlery, PUtedWare Hat, and Matters' Trimrhin?, Crock cry, a jrood aasortment of Coiling Cloth, Shoes,. Uonuets, and every article usually uzed tor in stores. His stock of eoods.has been purchased entire Xf ftr iiuk fami be-t-lctf rnnned"tty rH Ihem as low a en be had in the place, for c.iiA, or to nurxtaattustomeraoriashortcredtt. T'lepab lie are resprctfully invited to call, examine, and hide for themselves. Salitbury, June S 1329. 70 JVete fmm Goods, Axn r -TIMJf-EVER" A KF. now opening at the subscriber's Store in iJJL Salisbury j coivnstlnjf of . DRY GOODS of almost every description, suited to all seasons of the year. Also, uiiuunuibia, Hardware and Cutlery, extensive in variety and amount, lcted bv himself with care, and bought for rash on the best terms, in PhilaueU piMaivA4wJrrkTh .pwbUe--ure Hieed Ihey.willibdAJarce nd,fulL supply, and Jower fnr cash than usual, or Otherwise on accommo- tdatinlermff: TTbejrare respecffMlly invited to It. m 1 . M! a rmnT!l!.n Ii... AM cavsw,wnwir","","t,wi" "" v'" and judge for themselves. r : JOIIX MURPHY. 1 J. MV respectfully begs to return his unfeign ed ibanki for the very liberal and distinguished natronaire he has been so highly honoured with by a discerning public, and hopes, by a diligent Snhiiurt,, Sepr. .8, - 3mty frTTIIRsubscriber takes thia metht, ilrof inforoune.hia friends i7ad'lhOtbri'cgeneralIy;"':aiaOic! Ilft. ...." 1 J .!' tt. i5 jhaa just completed his ffouie Jtccommaaauon, Biiuarea on me dividing ridge of the waters of the Catawba and Rocky Rivera,, immediately at that public cross road well known as the Rocky River and Wades, boro Roads, leading from the interior of South Carolina and Charleston, by way of Cheraw and George' Town on the one Road, and from, the interior of North Carolina t Charleston by way of Camden, on the other. w The subscrioer infbrmi the public, that her hat spared ho paint or epense to make those per sons comfortable who may honour hire 'with their custom j and assures them, that from the high situation of the above Roads, they -nay be aafe'in travelling them at all a.easonsof the year, and that the addition of hia sund, maker the stages complete to and from Camden and Cher aw, to Charlotte, Salisbury and Concord, N. C, and alsfjtoihe ViTgima Springsj at-welt as to those persons visiting the Gold Region of North Carolina.' ; i3J?...feA9iTii GOVERNOR S MESSAGE, tf ex rifts i . Tt t.U mnmhli Ou Gtit JftUj tftfmk . An Increue of c!rcolalinr medium, at a meant of extrlcailnr oar ttiitcn from d(bif It bellmed to b tlJonary, ind cto only hiyc ibe cQect of proaasmatbg tba ertl dsy, wblcb mutt aoooer or later r ri anJ -wlh in accumulstion of inetttt Ih rprtioa to lit rerosdtuas, kud wild t greater certainty of ruin for there is no act betttrtttibHiMd, than thtt the pro fitt of exict)ttr KboMfi ere iiwi-rrigal y ho iotcrett 01 money. Il ise -wia dora cf economy, which wo must ofoecet- sltv bare been taught, i not tuiucimt to drive ut to :he practice of ihiitardiotl vir (tie, and ita tundtnald tnduttry, by which alone we can be relieved from our emaar raiiments, it it much to be feared, mat every attemp to effect it by legiilatioo, wilt be liitlf better .than puliticaJ quack ery, and rather addlo to the load of deb nd rltffruhy. The Judtriiry, which hat aleiyt been, and with much proprir y, the farourite branch of the tfovernitent, cattnot be toarded with too much tare. Upoo the buri'v and ability with ehich the lawi of the country are admltmttred, dpend all righta and hppineit, in connect iQ with liberty and p'operty . The Judicial di trirts imo wnich the State bat been divtd ed, are believed to be too largt, sod the eas'ern eircuitt panlevlarly, tt re quirt a new orpaniration, to prevent the wtte of life, and the delay of jut ice iicident to the pre tent arrangement. lo tootieetioo with thia aubject, permit me tl call your Mention to the pardoning pover; whico, in-every -rovemmentria wtly placed somewhere, and by the C'lttttiiution of our state, n very properly riven to we tt . ' ..a Executive ; to be excrcuedbt him, wbeo fit cate for clemenrv occurs But the ease with which an artful ma can make a homicide in the nnt degree, app. tt a homicide in the second or third; or a fl ony appear a breach of trust; and thebH tr lecunet oi our nature nil trjTTitrrir to the tide oi mercy, by which Detmona, hded to great length, by respectable tumes, are easilv obtained, thereby em bar'iinp; the Eiecutive In the diarhaige of his ofGctal dutiea ; it it respectfully ubmi ltd, how far it would add to the publk- demonsiratton of the tuajetjtyT.cf , the. laws, and be prociaciive of . dee p and : talutary effet t oo the public mind, to re quire he judge preiding on the trial of any crimioal, to make out, at the instance of the convict, ao abstract nf the evidence in the case, to be submitted by him, with his petition for pardon, to the Executive 11q DbcdcoctlQ. a.rctoluuori of jh Ut General Assembly, directing; the Board of Internal Improvements to collect evidence concerning the obstructing the navigation of the Cape fear river, below the town of Wilmington, during the revolutionary war, for the pur post t of defence, and the opinion of the Civil Engineer of tbe State as to the pf babie effects on the naviga tion of said river bv such obstructions, the depositions of several of the most re spectable citiaent in that vicinity, and some of jhera. aiding in the . veiy-opera tion, together with the opinion of Mr. Nash, on the aubject referred io him, were forwarded to our Senatort in Con gress, and immediately met the favbura7 ble consideration of that bty. An ap propriation of 820.000 was made to re move the obstructions, itd the work ia nov going on exclusively under the di rection of the General Government 0 a similar character is tbe improvement of 4 be na vig at ion-of Ocraeock -tntetr-forr which, appropriations to the amountof 841,000 have been made by vongrets.... That these workt. promitimt sucto ad- vantage to the State, and of such vital in teres! to the towns of Newbern and Wil mington, carried on underjbejrostering care of the General Government, conduc ted by Engineers of competent skill and with acequate funds, will be consumroa- 1, ,;;n ,h kki .pp,;.,? iranty ot .the govern .jntiie liber! appropriations aireaoy - - w madiyYndTn olf wteirbajidoninga inan unfioUjjed st . jSut a work of still greater importance, both as it regards tho interests' of the State, and of .(he. Uoited States, callt loudly for your attention, and, through yon, for the attention of pbngress. If there be a work more peculiarly national in its character than any other in which tbe State of North-Carolina1 can bare a direct interest, it U the opening a com munication from the Albemarle Sound to t he Atlantic Ocean. .. Until such an outlet can be formed, a vast proportion of the products of the State will Gad a market through; the ports of Virginia, and we, shall still be tributary to that State. If the di5culties of gettiog, to sea from this extensive and commodious hay, watering a tract of country, not inferior in point f rertihtf o any par tionr one of the EntconirnertU t3r.i in the iwuthtn country wcuHcro t?on ita tordcrtand afTyrd a clrktt far the pro cts cf Indaury, wUtb to;! J not fU to, quicken, vi-ilinct thrcujhoiat vjur State,. And ia aniwtr lo the qucittoo, m ha will the executing ai ih nrniMi rrxl tte UtcitUtrtl.tUcu'ua i" pertsit me to o Ut ttrer lanpiae or the UoafdViT Engineers cf the Urittd State 1 fJVTIu wt enteruig, lay ihey, '. Into an eximinrtionof the pontics! e Sects of the pmpositjon ..btcaj hat come under .our consI4efaat'4T and which the pattirclar imeretts' of the", State may pmibly - rua counter to those of. tbe Union, ao axatn iastioa to tvkKh wa do rot consider our telves called bj our Instructions, nor qualified by dot preparation, we shall merely remark, that tithe plan be carried into successful execution, tvArtArr ex an tider Ike frrfiit ceaust rrtr. laV efanxrrt e tkifinrrtk Aarisuf y e rmtaty, r ro vmitmtt ea f&ixt e dcfrtrt ei rr 1r'aAaseefffr ear 9tr firtntttrt tnd e fit 0 tswr, Aror wCl bt firmed fin dttf in ikt frt tf tie reeal.talerr it I MMf wetdedr AVuh these liberal and en ligauned views of tko agents of the Gen era! Government, beckoniag us to an en terprit ao replete wuh lot t rest and ion portatCO to tke State, shall we. aS though conscious of lofertor cUhat upon 4that government wkkli e have contributed our full share of blood and treasure to et tjbtita ad ro.inuio. foU our arms-b quietness, as thaagti we bad neither part nor lot in the matter! Ur shall we not rather, cherishing an exahe'd pride and generous patrtotint Call on Congress, t h rou g h tu r R ep r e senja t j yes i n h a,tjbpd t the p opt r organs cf sue ha call, to unlock the doors whir a thut as out frorn tbt commerce of tbe woi 4? ; ... The Y4 kin river, ex;endbg its branch es io ditTerent directtoos .almost .from the extienv soattK to tbe extrtme north ern boundrv f the State, and watering one bl the mkt iatereviar . nortiooa of i.a terri-urt. lerdeiedso ib lhtdojMtJtacUU tRordvoo of its pcipuIationT tne tahirtty of Its at mo.pncre, and the fertility of Its soil, most find an outlet to the ocean, for Its uroand abundant articles of commerce, cither ihfouzb the Cape Fear titer, or through South. Carolina ay mtana ef the Pcdec- Under these circnnlitance wand a patriotic detcnaioatioa to enven tnis commerce from paidng' to hs-uhlraate destination through foreign ports, and to concentrate as far aa possible the wealth of the State, it ii with, nuce 'earnestness recommended, that communication be tween the Yadkin and Cape Fear, either by a well furnished turnpike -or - rail road,- be-esuUishecL. v JUa.jhathe praciicau : Utter roy be tested, it iOgatn submitted Jo tbe consideration of the Legislature, to construct one from the town of Fayette ville, to the river at Cambellton, aa wat suggested by my predecessor. .This mode of increasing the commercial fad lilies of a country, and thereby bettering its internal condition, appears :o be gain )ng ground ao fast In the estimation ol men of science, that it can be hatardiog terrl? forther State-torderaucbri work to be cooMtocted, between two points so nearly contiguous, and over which the. transportation is so ajretk- - Among the aobjecta which will occttpy the attention of the Legislature, is the management and disposal of that portion of the public lands, to which the Indian cliira baa recently been extinguished, ly inr principally in the county of Macon. JhaUMlypjjoo wjlLIiiJor--yoti to detetrnme. A portion, of these-hrult having been surveyed under the direction of a former Legislature.- it fs resnectfall v LubmittaiiftihftMHintfttt not be disposed of by an Agent or Agents appointed under your direction, and the rcduermade the aatb other vacant lands of the Stat eTat a price to be fixed oo by the Legislature.. But, belief, that on some of those unds there ariluaolelile cnderlriotfrhosr faf1r maf1proSofvi of the public"good, and compatible "w the principles of our Government, to secure to the State, an interest in all the mines and minerals . which . no. are, - or may hereaf er become, the subject of entry. Should thia vie of the aubject meet the approbation of the LegUlanire, it is re spectfully recommended, that a scientific mineralogist and a practical miner (if the latter can be had,) be1 employed to ex plore the public landsi to ascertain what portion, if any, for mining purposes, it may be to the interest of toe State to re tain. Thia examioatioa 1 have no doubt couldtybe satisfactorily made Id few months, under the direction ef tht .able professor of Chemistry and Mineralogy in our University, wboselaboura have al ready thrown ao much light tm this sub jeci. and froni wkich the State Is liiolr to 5 Art t!f-,ir.t ftsp of the State cf Jersey, r.ot Inferior Io an rtipcct lo tl. j inlendU cne recslvtd last ytir cf the) Cot.s.ia.iwa!tS ff Viiglala, hat been presented us bt tM Stite anJ we are? ; la dally aipecaucn of tertlilng ena cf the Eittes of Mlnourl and Illlnlt .ntl f. ;K -the Territory; of Arktntis. You wero ; rtnlartcd by my prf!ecenor,lhit wa hil.. fryta lima tttiloa- received mips cf ct""""" fartnt. States an4 TerriloHei, in4 that V'" due rtjtrdto courtesy, would urm (9 require uoiio reclprocalatha Utd'et is stn as pr:tlcih!e;:r:: The Importance of I correct mtp of Stie, mutt bt ppparent even to a super Sclal Inquirer tnd one elegantly execo ted, Is rery properly t tublect of Stat pride. ' Virginia, it an expense of sixty tlx thousand dollars, tnd South Carnllni, at the enormous sum ef ninety thouundi hive had their rttpacwve territorial tor; veyed, snd mtpi executed, whlcis'dai honor to the srtitt,r and ire of nct(culi we advantige to the country, both n i civil, tnd military point ef rlew. Tha i surveys In the oCke of.tbBosfd of lo' - ' ternsl Improvements, made' bk order, or . l; the States those made by rtji several . , .. ' navigation compsnUi cf ourprimsrf ilvert, ind en elrgsnt mirj ol. the cottt, made by United Ststes Knjjlneersv t gttber with the 'numerous survep of western roads end boundaries of the ex tensive s wimps td tbe fast, and geologV U cat tnarts mmunra oy t roititors u.m- ' stesd and JJitchtlJ, form io murh oi 1D6 ground' work of I correct msa of Korth i' , Carolina, opoo ethlcb the'rlUm genen . don or the State mty trace her etteo'ivo ,; ' territory, jnd,.ctlculite iharbondnt-re------sourcra for tbe prosecution of those great -' ' woria oi internal improvement, wnicrt t , :x mutt sooner or later bo undertake that r j I feel It rav duty," tgsln ta bring the eub-7 . ; ject before you, sod to atk for it the. ft- n vou ruble consileratloQ of the L'ghU'urt, ; Btfort - closinr this cbramuni?artonl' - s could I discover aoy reasonable prospect k m . ' . ma ft pleasure' to direct your attention to OOP miuna, ss a suoject ceepij inteixstm iia ltfalf, and recornltcd by the Constitutors is being idintiBed wlto the rihttf . and irrtirs ol our couh'ryt but'thereVarei dldcultiei growing out of tht orgnltaC lion' and discipline prescribed by ' Con-. gteis which; during iti-operiIoarniusCJ forever; bsMa evefy txertioti to accomv plitH the , important objecti " e - well . 1 a... m, ft.Ta Aft aww. . . . trained and disciplined mtm'ijl be a ofConjrtis of If 91 on the subject of the militia, holds to service all fret wiita males betttean the age or eighteen and g forty- five Since the-petlod pi the-psa' sage or thai ctjjnQrtU'itlor nas Jlf ri lvuadrupledand;"to rttTntVetLeTpetioni tubject to mllitjs dutf v-j has Iacretted in the tame ratio, makm? the number between those ages, lit 'la : lesi than two millions-- force,' which, it Is believed, no exigence of tbe country : can ever reoulre. :-' t-J To aubject, then, to large e portion of . , the community, as it required by thd above oct,' to the performance of. mlliiit" duty, end to t course of training India nenslble to tht ittalntnent of thitdegre of discipline necessary to render them ef fective In f art ice, would be . Imposing . tax rV the time ef our- tltitens, which : neither tktir circumstances nor the inter est of the country would justify.' It would sssm evident," then, that no Ira- portent improvement of the millila cart be elTectedj till Congress thill adopt a orgsniiatloft, upon which,' a ssterr training aisbpreeIcated(xo tho end proposscL -Thli tie w of t ject teams to hate been so genera? ken by-tho tnost-eminentttnilitary; of4hacountry,as-tohave-et'abU5r so far as their concurrent .teuimoi. go, as true i and that tht militia ly generally enforced and observed f middle and Southern States, inst advancing the military art, Is produ. ef a coatnrt effect, by' engenderiogX cioui inMtfviKwr uon. By an act of the Legistattire, tho Gov' crnor ia tmherlsed to diaiributt the bub lie arms among tne volunteer companies of tht State ( end, under thit act, frequent requisitions er them im mact .ot. the Executive. But experience haviog shewn, that, it consequence of the short lived txistenct of most of eiir volunteeo cempeolet, the Statt hat sustained great, er iossetintht bin of them, than be,. Ct from their use, It hat been deemed ex pedient to tatpend for a totton thr.V fur, that distribution, unless it be tV a fety points, where tuddert InraUoo, or ether daager, miy render it ait precautionary taeasurexpedlent.-V;(yy Io every . instinct where volunteer ceeptnlet biro been dissolved, with the irms of rtiht Statt w their' hindi, rerabtr rassmeot has Occurred ia the collection i tauchloss -in theit number : and still" 4 I , f A s iCv -inwVloriV!i4.W,

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