: ! ' 1 f i i f . . C " 1 t'.: r- . . . 1 Vet;.'.- i.')M i. " ' tiff 1,1 ' , . i . . 1 I'd CM l iNciC I 13 ' '' I . ifrrr.it ! vi f :uir!c t O t'.- :ir i 1 1 if, a f ii'e M hen t he f !.-!! l rc aire J r n defence. II i tnerei jre, tcpcctfjll mlinlne.fi whether the p-i cr ol tho l.xccuuever tha puV.ii f ms, ibou!J net te restricted t!ia emergency t,f " ripening inmion or suppressing in surreal n," or to the reasonable ere- If Tbe dcitb cf CMet Justice Taylor, V. wbicH occurred soon ifter the ri of the t . last Legislature, produced i vacaucy on . -'thftenchof.ibo iJuprerria Court, which . was Will under tbo, prctliidnt cf the . Constitution.' -and hy.tbe .adfjco pJ,9. , ' : Council of fctate, by granting the tern - porary commission (to "terminate with . Uilih'e, present, sesaloa of, lhe .General Aar 'Ttembly) lo John fVToomerj Esquire, of , .-rijettctUierrJth with you to xnske, the 4 , permanent appointment., j . -i ; Doubti being entertained, to whit por ; .Villon -of tbo salary appropriated for, the psymeot of a Judge of the Supreme Court, tbo representatives of Judge Tay V or are entitled, (bo having diod soon f- -"', ler tie commenrement J quarter, but V : ' ' notoitil the official !boun of the cur " ' rent bslf year bid been performed,) it Is . '.'bh;rtitcl4fertQct lubmhted, whethtr : warrant, for he residue of the salary .''. not-claimed Vy'hls successor id office, -shall not Issne in larour of hU represent ' (stives. By his dcstb we have lost V .' '.i citizen of croojt value, who in tbo ils- : ehargvu his official dutiet for. nearly ?'V' tbinyieari, ! dilljtcnt and juit, and 'luting acquired tbo confidence bo, do A. It i alio mr paioful du(r to communl- cate the death cf Jo&eim wilion, iusnuire ;r V1 .'SoHcltor for ibo rlxtH Judicial District, ' j occaiioniora tacancy in that office.. The ."I "t- ouVo of Solicitor biTtoe been created . L 7-alnct tha 'adoption : of tbo Conitituiion, tod the rigbtor aupplymfc lor,a tenon a ;' . tacancr occtitoned by-death or otbervito , i.betnjc conferred by tbr LegUIaturo on tbo ''.'vtl'-'i: Jutgt . preaiJine .inlthai Circult-bero '''".,". iuUi vacancy happena, it waa not deemed i .t V..r.. If li . - lk W.tr K" rjA.. s Vernor and Council to interfere. The ffi . permanent appointment of aucceisor to Mr Wilaon, yoo ara aJao called upon to ..5i The paper marked A, containi tbo re-T-'frgttaitoh'df Itr ippolntmeBtDf ' Senator i to tho- ConRreia of the licuted Statea of the liVBorablo'Jonh Branch.; In accep " tin;? thB.reiignatlon of Mr. JJrincbi it :-wUI bd recollected with pride, land with ZijJL's pl:nure thati tlihough'the nature or oar ".' "Y'TConoecuon ia oy n tuungcui jt y;Vff i : are cot lol out rttbertranaferred. to a sphere ot more extenueo usetaioeaa; where; in hia own lancuaee, tbe iuat Irrrpretension8 and relaiite weight "of tbo Stater mar be maintained In tbe councils - . ot our country t" anc to puce tor wmcn he ia peculiarly fiuedj .both by bii tin hendinr Intecritr and nrmneii.- - - rrf.be tie herewith tranamitudivmarkid contains report, resolutions and menv efiaia-ofoescrai of bur. osterlStateaon aubiects of the first importance) to the Union, and some of tbem, partlculaily ao to the Southern States viz. a report and : resolution of tbe ..General Assembly. 0 ' ilissou'ir on a. report and rasolutlofls of the Legislature of Georgia, declaring that the Congress of the Ignited States bare r.n constitutional power to appropriate rr' monies to aid tbe American Colonizatidd --SocieT i and- -resolution -proposinff-en anitndmeot to the. Constitution, of-tbo - United States, by which the President nd Vice President shall b6 " elected by the DeoDlet without the Interference of the House of Ilepresentativea in any case. Also resolutions of the 'Legislature of ;tiisiana, "proposing an amendment to Constitution of the United States, by V tbo President and Vice Presided .rnoldthirofSceTlbrsiitYearsritid yigiMo- fteirdi.TrAlao"the Pre and resolutions of jthelJeneral As v of VireiniaToh Jhe 'proceedingi of ipecdTeXfcisliltirje.tofSouihJC4rov .Internal Improvements, kc. here casVed by"1 Congress ; and resolu a adopted br the State of South Caro nn tK .uSirrt at thm Turi(Tth t ihi of Concresslo adopt a if stem of Internal y'4inp.roetneltt.tafao-'ta ' tsion for tbe benefit of the Celoolzaion -SSPTetv rand lso "rr61uiona'of the .... General, AHmS! I of WrSissippi,.on tie. " ubiwfrioir.wl" 4 e same", file contains inrc tcij tuts uviu wis State of, Georgia, transmitted from tbe Executive of that State, with request tbbt tney maj km usiuio yu. - who, a report on the resolutions of South Caro Una and Ohio, on the subject xf State rights of Slavery, and an appropriation for tacv&lOTtzioTTDOcieiyT!noineTrarTe ' ' - monstrancei addressed to the States in Lvour of vtho Tariff j eiid tho thirds roemor'ul on this subject, addressed to tht Anti Tariff States, of which number .is North Caroling from every principle of , interest, and fuir constitutional construe f ' . If the Treasury be closed to tbo Jtribu tory strtafos Of commerce,' and the Gen- 'f jr. .t P1 f. I n yet ir p ,!icy lr:n: Ire-, If w rf ihn nr-ici.t l ll.iiii-i'raU ,'1 can knonti.cUhcr t reafJs tbo Lrt,:n of domestic rtli'lv.i cf t'ie ctntry, anil as oars is ernphitica'.ly a Government of puttie cpinlon, anl vsc hsta cery tUncj to t;rpi froui tho pretent enlightened Cluif Magiatritc of tl, a nitton, e!a:td as be Ins been by that opinion, a course ol forbearance 6.1 this Important measure, is, for the prtsent, respectfully raconv mended $ failure bo doubt, tbat freo aod calm hivcsinion.iadicitb-ittmcr, moderation and firmness on our 'part, will ooc. olta'uj a repesl of all p?pMy uneual 'an.l oppressive "measures j and that Our, .-.Federal. instltmlom; will take deeper root, "by -the agttationv of the slorni. Ars'wct was pVsdd by tK-Us( Leglila ture, " for revising, digesting and bmind log the laws relating ti Executors and administrators " by which tho Governor is authorised to appolnuwo coramlislon eri to carry the provision! of the act Into effect. 1 havo accordingly conferred the cdmmisthn . on Thomai fluffia end Georga E, Bdger, Itquifes. , The resolution adjp'.ed at the same time, directing me to ascertain from the Guardian of Miis Udnev M: Blakely, the amount, if anyj remaining in his bands of tho several sums appropriated by the State to her use, and yet unexpended in her education and support, has been com plied with, and the letters and statements of fbe accounts from (he Guardian of Miss Blakely . will be found in file marked C. Trie resignation of such Jpsiicea of the Peace and Militia Officers a,i have, been received during the feces, of j be Legisla ture, win bo found In the file marked D. If, Gentlemen, h bringing those mat ters to the consideration of the Leglsla tore, which are deemed most intimately connected with tho welfare of our belov ed StateTI have too freely and openly ex prctsed my own views of what 1 deem the true and enlightened policy we should pursue, I. derive, the highest satisfaction from reflecting, that it will not be attri buted to i disposition to assume but to the proper motive, a willingness to meet any responsibility due to tbe'Mkl station, to which I have the honor to be called. I a m, Gentle men; most respectfullyi Your obedient servant. " , t rr. . JOHN OWEN. Executive Gefiartment . . f November 17A, 1839. was a wiwuvf uv wvamiswii fve ws mmjw I hat 1 03 gallonrof wMkeyand 3 5 -Val-- ttf I taKai. Ihl .a v ift f v Ic wrtl a m m t& Ions of brandy were consumed. During tha lan four y earr M rv Clay his'ear, pro bably, 20 barbacues, Tbla would make 306a gatlonsif whiskey 100 j-allons of brandy balance in favor of whiskey, 960 gallons T- PeadaUm. We copy the following para, graph from the lajtPl3eJphia.StntIV which, If trueTXand we cannot doubt its correctness, whn tbe respectability of the authority ia taken into consideration,) will tend still more to strengthen and support the course pursued by President Jackson in relation to removals from office i - Old Domini. We understand that some disclasarea have recently been made in the patent office, to eon. firm the many proofs already existing of the utility of reform at tbe seat of government The President'some time since required a soecial report. to hlovatating Jhenumper of patents issuea ana monies receireu on accoani ot patents. mi. tirair, tne newiy appointed auperintendant, was charged with preparim? the report. -After ascertaining at the treasurv the auma of monev paid on account of patents, he compared it with the entries of patents issued from the beginning of the government and found that taore than 24000 had not been accounted tpr.f llr. Craie comraunicaiea mo iaci to uie secretary ot tbe treasury, but from the loose manner in which the t . . I. . 1 L : II Dullness uau oeen aone. ti couia noL.AevaMwiK- tslneJIretber the money had been embezzled rrae"pwenreffiee'ornhe irVaaurfoiHce'.' i ne iact was immediately made Known to the treasurer, and has led to a reirttation thatwill effectually prevent such peculation for the fu. turWlietheheadhecoveTnmennhae aid of faithful officers, to put an end to abuse and peculation, or at lewt to confine them fo very narrow. limita. UU'Mi; Mruiuii2C3 ctci , iuuik, us innui iaiu wiin me ! DeJakation,.i.....Ytzuhton and. DeWcation appear 4 have- been the order of the-daV'with triaWof the oTdusrotrr otiifjic onnc pttmaurig jrojJcnsiuei Ol some of them in the .foregoing paragraph, -The. Richr u-auua to a considerable amoutit- had-, recently been discovered in the revenue denartment. which would be fully developed in eood time. The following, from the N. Y. Evening Post, may be considered in the lirht of a specification of the general charge made by the Enquirer. In publishing this specification, however, it is but justice to aaj , that Mr. Arnold, the party, implicated, has requested a suspension of public opinion m reiauon wnne cuarge pre terrea gainst mm. M Mr. Drake, marshal of tbe IL States for the district of New Jersey, pursuant to an order from tha treasury department, proceeded to Amboy last week, and took mestsures to secure the U. States, as far as practicable, to tbe amount of 880,000 and upwardsibeing the sum due from Mr. Arnold, the late collector, to the U. Statei, 'and remaining unaccounted for in his possession. Mry Arnold, it may be recollected, was removed soon after the inauguration ' of President Jackson, and !r. Jamta. Parker in. t fill' Jcnkln, tt Ut-f !.. ' r . . f I' . i. ' J III! ( . .! VI I'rirjulf er have itcctTti i n- Ciin I tt tO InS wm,vtio jcr. ins -t - M.L II... I - - only news cf msch Intartst brought bv this arrivil, Is theintcllgence that PEACE had been coacloed between Hussian and the Porte, at drlinople on the Uth Sept. .Tbla information does not come in an oftklii rwrm, but from such A source as to leave llttl doubt' of its authenticity. The London .Courier acknowledges the fact, to be all but otdcta). The demands cf Nicholas,' It appears, bare all been agreed to bf Jtbe Turka. ; f he Freoch i and Eogfish Minlatefa are orlncinillf occuoied w'nb local affaire. lo Fuses tbe a tuck, a of the liberal jour nsls upov tbo Polignac Cabinet continue wlih.jtt'r)a,.ed..forceiod4rBbemencfl. Change are expected. m.-....- zjs-T:rutJJindw Oct, T If la tJTurkty..U.Vttpi(ct hafe been 'cceivvd at the Foreign Office fiom our AmbiSsador.Mr.Oordoo.ihat the treaty of Peace betweea Russia and Turkey was concluded at Adrianopte on the Uth ult. Coirieri were immediately despatched with the intelligence to the French and English ' Ambassadors at Constantinople, and the Courts tf Berlin and St. Peters burgh. The capital remained perfectly trasquil. The Greek question is fully conceded by the,Su!un, and the Treaty qf London, subject only to such modifica tions a mjy hp recommended by the three Powers, Russia, France, and Eng land, is to hv full effect Tho por tloh of the Greek territory stilt ia posses sion of tho Turks, will, of course, be evaruated without delay. The prpositions of tbe Russians are said not to.De.so moderate as it was sup posed the ji would be." " This refers prin cipally to the smount ot indemnity claim ed by- flusiia, which is said to be four millions staling, of which 'he Turks are to pay as rajuch as they can in moncv, and the rest In fortresses in Asia, The St. Petersburg!) journals eonhin long report of the operations in Asia up to the 9 August i from which it appears that General Paskewitscb has met with some further successes in the neighbourhood of Trebisarjd, which place, however, still remained in the possession of th s Turks.' Afrer a sanguinary conflic:, in which the Turks are said to hava lost 300 killed and 1 50 prisoners, including seven officers of raak, and tbe Russians a Ma-jor-General and six privates killed, and four superior officers aod sitty privates wounded, took -possession of Char and " 1 - a nere are several accounts as- to , tne nature of tbe"conditions ofpeace insisted on by Russia. , The followiog are .hen as tbe most authentic i "The Porte to pay to Russia, for tbe expenses. of tbe wsr, 25, or as other ac counts say, 30 millions of silver rubles, for which- period! . oLtweott jrears . is to be grsntjidridurir.g whlchriuejtfmcTpaliUes and tbe fortress of bilistrta should remain in the possession of Russia. 41 The payment, in addition to the in demnity to Russian subjects, stipulated in the Convention of Akermann, (all the l .. ST. articles ot wmcn tne rorte again agrees to fulfil,) and which amounts to 48 mil lions of Turkish piastres. The said pay meat to be made" in three instalments After tbe payment ol tho first, the Rus sian army to retire to the Balkan i oo'tha of the second, over The Saltan aod on that of the third, ever the Danube. " The fortresses of Akhalxik, Akhalke iaki, Poti, and Anapa, in Asia, to bo ceded to Russia., t( In Europe the fortresses of Tournoul Kale,. Giureevo," and Ibrailow, (on the left bank of the Danube,) to be razed, and not again rebjilt 14 The five diatnets hitherto separated frorjtrServia-to be te-unhed 16 Ihif pro" vince, and to enjoy the same priyileges." i 'Cafiture'of ShuTnla.'K communication jaaiJjcen-rcceived. at ; Portamouth-from an officer of the British naval squadron dated off Taranis, in the Bosphorus, Auir 58,' narrating; the Capture of Sbumla by the Russians, after an obstinate resistance from; tbe Turks. I was carried by as7 saultand the Vizier withr all his staff, 'WOf o pfaoMrw'vi' iInlaifd.Tb&itoMt ? in Irelandr con tinue; Our regular files not having come mis iworninp.; ;; nc icw tetters irom iret lane, in the - papers wo. have, are so de cidedly of apitrtudo character, that we pot no taitb in tbem. y. ? 4 Vance. The exclteniient against tho New, Ministry w "attilf continued. The in habitants of, Grenoble, or a portion of them, have petitioned the King against trio mrnistry, agaiau Whom they, make several weighty ehaTj&!S. -. Among these are a disrespect for the Charter and the liberty of tho press t the-support of elect toral frauds exorbitant taxation f ,bp: position rto public education, &c. tec. The following are the concluding Urras o! Franco sees with horror united In tho Ministry, men who were ioined in its an- Y f .' Yo.k f, Co'iricr t; r v 8 '- f t , uc J. ' 1 0 rcr: :cr u t - r.l jil mi 'C Fnnce e cf its Klnp:. i.is need tf ihc (live her. Mini Con , , ters wr riby cf her and yourself. i ire, In terminating thsia httrr.Ms .re presentations', ( permit us to aiiert our respect Ut yourpcerogatifes. Wa kno, before Kings, Rood from bid Ministers V Here folhw 194 signatures. . , The press, st JeasU it free and fearless. In the midat of all tbla eultemenf, It Is a proof of tbe value of representative farm of coteroment.-that wt see nrf imptoms of plots and attcrrlpts at violent revolutloo. ,tTh rtsistarK is JegU end for that reason ii the more weighty and formtdable,bctosfiitcarries with it the ia inOucnce and respectability cf the coun try. ,v" .. -StPetnthurghrh Jestf hir' addrci?eO. rpQU.grixiou ic r)pt iccomp inled7rttjJih OnVt rof the orders of Si. Andre w, In diamonds, to General Count Diebltsch Sabalkausky, as atetinlony of his satisfaction 'both; with bis victories which bave led to the occu pstlon of Adrianopte, as with the .perfect discipline and excellent behaviour of (he troops towards the inhabitants o(ibe con quered, countries. . Ills majesty-says, "It hat always been my wish tbat the Russian soldiers should be is mild to tbe peaceable inhsbitanti, as terrible to . tht enemy in the field." ; ! The Viceroy , of Egypt, whej hs'i hith erto carried on ths commerce of his country as a monopoly, Is said to have renderod the purchase and dealing In all goods quite free. Some t bouses here, that made" large profits by tbe old sys- tern, seem to be not much plessed with these new regulstions of tithe-mid M." Jtgiert We afo informed, the Dcyf Algiers, not content with being at .war iih the Frenchi'hi provoked hostilities ttainst Russia The Vice Consul' of France at Tangitra, writes lo the Cham hrr of Ms. rallies, under date of August 11, tht an Ahjerine coraair had captured in the waters of Lisbon, after an obstinate engagement, a Russian' transport with sick . ' Betft Meeeengef. Colombia. Mr. Moore, our Minister at Colombia, was presented to the Coaneil of Government on the ?6tK September at the same time, Ganllajispn hjdJJS suditnee of leave. Mr. Moore, In a short address to the Council,' took occasion to refer to tbe Panama instructions, and to disclaim, on the part of General Jackson, any .sentiments , and opinions tht rein con vcy cd In . relation to the Colombian gov-, eminent. :Ht' suteiWUhsi it was ihe ei Pryie5'r ' 'Li,-?-r Ideo'i khtiJridelrd ins own wish, to aosiain. irom comming: ling in any of the poliiical questiaos which miy agitate. the country, and to confine himself strictly and exclusively to the affairs of his own government, and the interests committed to his care. From the Ralefgh tar,- Nor? 19- - o - - - arw - --- nrgmia convention. Saturday (the Uth ult.) 31 1 John Randolph, o Roanoke, edddressed the Convention for the space of two hours; and after he concluded bis speech, which washeard by a Urge crowd wr.h treat attention the question was taken on the proposed amendment, to striae out xiomtne on ginal resolution of the Legislative. Com raittea, the word " exclusively," (as adopt ing the white batit toejhe House of Pcic. gates,) and inserting tho words and taxation combined;" and there bein an equal divhionr4r to 4, the amendment was lost by the casting vote of tho Chair man, Mr. Powell.' Messrs.; Madison and Marshall voted for the amendments f and Mr Monroe against it Jilr. Scott then moved another amend meaUQ JiorcsoiutioririLthe Lecislative Committee,, which wayoddjojho lUtlonrir fl'cfy tne Senate ufioH taxation exslufivelyjL-buu. the- coin mittee -rose, without takinfi-" the question, and ' the' iUcoivenUoahnmedialclydjournedr- General TaykrfAoifolkyand fth Con tuiuetut. it nen uenerai -a ayior r was . ir . - d. . i ... " . r elected bf the citizens of Norfolk District. m acrvo in ins . lreiiiia vonvenuon. nis iemimVptfeiri rforatmdbffToylrhtss wtthou instructions -from f Ws coostitu ents, and without having trammelled lsfjW4t' fdgej- Hlatl. po.uon oi inf vovers oi ; ois mstrict met. and sent up to him instructions at variance with his opioionf : snd rather than violate the instructions, or vote contrary to his own views he resigned his ' seat. This step, it appearsw-a not desired by a ma jority of tho "voters "of his district, -who held a meeting at 'Norfolk on the Uth ni5tint?ittd ptiscTftTe iotmioospTovTng the principles and measures advocated by him, and reduesting tho member aonoint- ed in his place Mr. Grigsby, tq resign, arid o soucu uen a aymrrciiwre Jits teat I 44i. tJiar. The life of the late ftev. John Sum merfiaid.1 of the - Methodist iFft'e fccopal 'York churchy willi bo published iixK-c 1 1 r If I f .r a rr, n. rr to fr5r,i tl.lt J. States, in i t u t' 9 ()"rreis tf ihn IV. . tl.e sr!rr tusej b,(jt sSftittlod of A'n C Vi, D j. ttkes TtiuftJiy next, the 34 inst. - , .IVu'tJ ilcnchur, I','. and ,ft lAn9 j. are candldatei and It U fur th faetmen tf littrict tochoan bctwrcn litem. Our prtfcf enca Is well known i but as It conflicts f coarse of our paper to Inf erme ulle wiik Ut V c4 eleetiona, ws sha.1 ftoUty aujht to Influence our readers In the frea exercUs &f their r!jtj frtm9 (ot w fet I eonfljcirt tht iaril ii2tr a iatitfacfrg one to the dUtritt. . - f -TlCTTTbe lines ;M shVuyataW.lt. lio ' nL,rP?,Ll' "ipf ir. eocceedinf MBr- Other favors Hjf,!?, jfeeilaa fCP A Wend ha writee et froBi y,'er county, under dte of the Jtfih tiit. sjji ttty bave almost .de-palred, of making aproSnii, kuslncas of jfhdl.ig Gold In that eoy i ik pectl in the adjoinir.g county of Georjra, (im. Dereham) are, hos-erer, very rlstterlngi a taaiiy people are(engagetl in the bu&inrta therr and they commonly realize good wares. ' ' ' ' ' Gen Santa Mna, the Mexleaa eommaf who so severely drubbed the Spaniard, atTara. pied; was received by the people on arrj, at Vera Crut?, with open arms, and the roost ea. thutiaitic) demonstrations of Jay and respect i aa was borne to hts lodgings on the shoulders tJ the populace.' On shewing the -Jpsniak' flag which ha captured atTamplco,tieieo!U1hi. upon,, and otherwiea fnatjhej Jt, Tha 0'4 Spaniards are held in utter deteatatloa by the Vera pruzYos i the lauer eafd fJen." Saau Aan Napoleon the Seeondy s trust, ho wever.thu their erithuiiasm to honor and reward tkd? brave and victorious Chieftain, tbey nuy ao) ' Hatter bis vaniry too far, lest he should prove re. ere ant to his ltepublican principles, (or rt'q. rsftij as did the "dWierwln greil aad kr Narotaov. 4 J bales ofn: rptan, taken from tdeBtw in this state, toNorfoli, Virginia, vis K nint and a halfctttit per lb. " TeraVsi. fa ' tt;W state, it requires a msjoil's) of the whole number of votes given in, to eiact r pt3TOTr-to7o'ngreii;6.c.""In" one of tfcV districts, Gi. f.'w, the Anti-Maaonr: or dldate, has just been eleeted to' Congren, rs the eighth trial, there having beea sevco ur.wc- ceeaful attemjits, ; The Oen. seems to hart lftr. ally.jedfhla i brponents olf tnV fiel t ... i ' V " The fJcflrihrftVt l'a Piir ietTir w State i of heV United Sutei paid a VWif of a fe days to Richmond, ttr9 or three weeks since, to witneis the proceedings of the Convention t amend the' Constitution of that State, yet ia to ion in that city. The object of this witlt of Van Buren, was doubtless of the most wtriotis andre silted r.natureli hutTjta3ofiyWaliiii".7. prtnteraj treron the scenttohunt ep-tomethio;--in t he cuune bf the merri bfers of the present i '' ministration, to cavil at, ate Impugning Mr. V. B's. motives In making this vUit i they are at. tributing It to views of htrlgua and afclf-g; grandizementi and ara not sparing in lartr. and gibea'agalnst this di.stingui.hed state?M. But, they. fall, short . of. Lh'elr mark: Mr. Van Buren's high bearing, exalted talents, arid en viabla reputation, place him immeaiurably hi yond the reach of thejhafts of hia ,iloIjticajad Veraarics. -r- t.. -r t - - " The Rev. ilri. Campbetl, thoYVrrfWiaelergr nian svKo reecntly gained much notonety by h! iheiiogicnl jmjiUm with Hobert Owen, the mous (or rather ii-famons) Scotch Reformer, U Cincinnati, a member of the Virginia Conven tion. Ills fame as a speech in er attracted great c rowds :?ej ladbf as wrtlTtrgwthmrT'fi himrwhichihey had inbjpdrtur,ny tMtSm' tt.e3!sr2cUjisiieokeJ that dayTtirsaldhowever, jus hearers wer completely disnnnointsd i his 'fpcech was a t?- taHllure.-'; - Tis'iali? iijV??, ; - rj..wB specimen, on tne- wc, " Of what the learned caHjigniaroIe." . . ' ' ' - - it- - " f.JkfH, s-- ' "w40ty4tsaawy --- - fefethreshold Mvivinferf tndSt,xliill& winds : and froatv mornines exreneneea to large jii-e juaye, in onaequenceecome.Df eSMrymllmlottblej pfUCitizehsV is called "fa"r'gualrdragB' casualties from the devourinV element. A re collection of the calamities which.befel our to ast season. ' shcId.Wite Duriucroal-authori ties, at well as every house-keeper, to renewed caution m having all fires Vell ascured at night Chimnics dhoulJ be examined and crevices them stepped.--Except ther-unfortanatec j ETatlons with which we were last season yisitec, Salisbury has been mercifully exempt from de struotive fires for a long series of years. A"1' to show that we are; grateful for. .hating kf thus favored of Prpvidencei let us Use the mea in our power, '.of our own safety. A Hever leepingvigllanceV is the! prjeV.we. pay & security of our persona and property : and w aecarttyrc&rm SKlCi vir ' .... : -liJ

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