, ! v i I f r ,1 P bcfil ' t r..,,H..irt tIc cf ( T t- ! id, f !,;,r Ju- . t J'dinr ii tha I's'e cf l! nJ. la. 63 CI 2j 14 ' withdrawn. .fiiilir next (27th) ii fiJ fr baltol rig for Ifj Sciai'ori 8, I'. Carson, It Siftkrk, A. I). sfcirtAev, '- v r 19 toniloi , .Wr(f ,lJ boedtad. tyth the pMlfvt pros, " . tt . - i ... .... V.. - -fd f 7 Sauol a 3owa wiinuui mutn( neVlottfit r-i, ltU the sources of - As lUscwicotthjf 8'ate. f'Tlbs Ht nVt,l year, w rendered fry ij fStfl1?. H.Tll 4jksirJavj0 icp'tts pu'd by Sfriff. the re.;- fYoi which tt-ouci isvcrn -a oc-k-pgv'f W literary Fund, Bant dividends n onepprppriated stuck, " f t5nt. from the cx'rs of the late f rt ircr, Jno. Haywood, '. 2,690 eo , wo oo M99 24 twM k. KhiT fli on .rretra oi itxci ' .aaUlitionjJreturn, 2253 81) fcki of UftJ or RilclsBb .-' 37 P.crtofUndiadlntemt, - 102 10 M'Bm, (money Mned.) . " J000 .00 U,i of UnJ n0 if r. ' Jileiid from uuncomoo t urn pit Cowpinjr, .'it , ..kr lit. , a. . 400 00 '- 12,10 00 srmmm w t ' . r Balance due N.alitKor.18 W.4A 49 V193.66Ji 14 .Deduct di-l)iirsement, rr 74,014' 1.1 im.. rcii, Amnwunt rVceied.lbr ontrui of -'aetiand,- t; ' 4.400 09 Do . . do. auction tax,.., ... . 6i3 78 Do - do tavern tax, 3,713 35 V Tj Bank dividrhda on ttock owacd and appro- , -' pnated, ' - $721 00 he, do Stock b Capo,- Frar Na. CoropV, 7J 5fi Do do due be Api"- cultural Fund, transferred, 721' 06 J ilanco cue 1ft Norember, 1823,, 2,075 ,t 17,029 241 iiTtiiii juraoTfKirr ro. lLmniount reccivul on purchaiera bundi for Cherokee Undi . - 4,18270) Do do on Uink diI- " . dendi, (appropriated, 8tc) 10,643 00 Vt'tne duo iuJtioiembejvlSa, 00 v U,3ff 704 Dcd jet disboriemeota 't. iz-.:. 1 ' .acaicriToait rcjir.'i ; ..J. Amt we'd from Clerkt, --i 1,121 FalaDco lit NofecBbcr; 1&23, -251 62 J 1,380 9JJ 6J9 87. Prdact dijbunemetla, Tramferred 4 the Littra7:Pind,f 72 1-061 -Balance remainbijrrrr" -i W,43J 85 Bme-matU IHw. Mr. ChaHts tltighee, of Orange county, bu made tixty-thr'et banrlt of cittllent wine, the last aeanon, from-the native f a(f , which growa ipontancoualjr, in the woodi and old Itcldt, In almost all parta of North Carol 5n We have obiiervedV that the wild pape wu very abundant the pact acasoa, Any nua in Rowan . county, of moderate force and industry, tmjA. ca.ily have .made 50 barrcla of ne in the acaaon, from the wild grape, gath ered within the circuntfereuce of a few mileaof hi rciideiice :, And we aro aurpriaed that tome of our citizens, of leisure and"mcita,"live ladt a!so bad the nierprizeio make an 'experiment in thiallae, which promiit a y abundantly, to re .waid them fo theirtime and trooble. Vr,'. ;" , ,- - - i, i , ' "'y .- V 'V r- jja aj a1 : 4 - ' Iwwaa.5JlisteredW ajulFi are - tcan'uracturcd in Pittiburg, Pennsylvania, equal not luferlor, ho jhose, jrnporteCirom-Eu. xo-ie. We have aeen certificate itgried by 3 J of the most ingenious, akilful and respectable mecnanicka and manufacturers of , that city, gtyeijhe Americanmanufactured Jtcel and Files the preference ; .The skill, ingenuity nd enterp'rkejqf our citiiens, if left alone, .will ooner triumph over foreign competition, in the wttriet, cSiJIiBftBighMd.itr ..JT Ietfure...HV.We hare given the most material part of the proceedings of the tegisla. lure, of the l6tW Al 17th NoV: On Friday the 0tb, Mr. Allen,' of Buncombe,ffered a reaolu tion to discontinue the appropriation for; the education otMiss tney Makely Mewra; JojidVPollJlay Kendallr ere appointed a select committee on military iW t On the 21st, Mr; Wellborti, wf HVilSev offered a bill directing one tern, annuallyof the Supreme CmK to be hehi at StatesvUle t i lit. Caldwell, of Rowan, offered resolution for mo th? punUhment fixed by- law for the ee flf aray i Mn Larson presented sTbiil PWJ for the ayment of Jurors in Rowan t wr. uraharo offered bill to ujhWwnt tinA. t - 1 . m -seaa-tp 1 ' ( i !. j r, , (la t. r. -t I i , ...-'. j si. - fc I'-'.vntlt' '..4' o'.i e surtry of a'l .;')'U: t hicli Call fuf r !'it lute rfcrericc, It t rtn candM ripcwiilon of Lia sir i u t" l-'i clcctcJ. jtuljrttt. vi l.o'it tllgrcl from t?,o Ii-;iU;r.ifi i here (Till ditjr. In r.n, l.lt ExctlScnry evinced a ijciotu nj ihoroug1! cqfumtnc will th, ptf.c$i tonJItiul tJ want cf .h 6itf, ao! eIrtced m ardent Jeir to tubiert the Lett ihtcrou of (be people thereof. . A rieoj wrlu'i a from -IUlcl;h, thtttU U-loib!njj qiifii'on of the frudi, wMcE'iU ted od coiiYolicd ih fiuil toon tftor the ad- Joromertf of rh t KWof tbtWarci eemi io bare dl? 4 1.."'. We ruIcc, boy bn contfi (wbo item WT"irt WUTafirt. b !e tTJhi I lul Jc c Clt tuvlnr bca I bTibrmo of ma ctotucnce aou kcisuici ib aimou cicitl Mrc objeet of bit uatiriqf efTorte, for many yean) bas again introd jced a bill for the ciUlv Hahinent of ia(e j7uR4r.U Ikitta of tbe Bute belpf pledged fo 'iui)ata It, lie. UTiat will uhimatel be ilia inut of Uua bill, it U dfl cult at tbia time to forties. Aa connected wltb tb'utiubject, we giro bo low, from the Capo Fear, Recorder, tat rcwlu ttorta pMKd, at a recent meeting of tha Stock boldcra of the Dank of Capo Fcer propottnf to cil oat i&clr itorfi In trap to tbo State i . . , BaararCaraFsAn, ) ' i . , " 1 IOTA Xtn. 1829. ( At meeting of the Stockholders ofthia Bank, held it their Danklns; House in WihninKton, pursuant to public nonce i p motion, Doctor rhomM 11. Wright was appointed Chairman and jonn wooatcr, secretary. ' Qji motion, Rinlvtd vnaniifitvitfr that It would bo exoetbent for tha StockholJr nfiK Bank of Cape Fear, to sell and transfer their debts, property, and Interests, to the Stsre snd toTece'rve In, parment ibtrreof, socb pledges uwui ua viuc. u caj dc provtaeu tor OV law. . r'ni AW ii nrtAf Rti ttvtd. that te close the bminesa tif the Dank, such rvidojiees of debt as shall oe afforded, shall be at once distributed to the Stockholders, according to their respective Interests i and upon the surrender of their blesent Certificates of Stock, as shall be stipu. lated by the parties, in toe event of a sale. . tienheJ, Aa the sense of the majority of this iicciui, him u wuuhi oe czpcQicni lor me Stockholders, to sell their interests to the Stste, at a price to be computed fairly, respect being bad to the probable gain to the corporation; through losses of Dank notes i and to such other considerations, as may have justly enhanced the vaiue toerrot. . And whereas, the expediency of a sale beioT admitted, it Becomes neccueary to provide toe mean of completing the same j and of meeting contingencies thence resulting, without oth- r recourse beinz bad to a general meetinor of the Stockholders,., Jterefure liecolved, tt Mesa. Rictard Bradley, - Oabriel llolmt l, Robert Strange, John IV. .Wright, Emanuel, Sbober, cr F. Bagge, and James Webb, be, and are hereby appuated,WaimLuMVners for and on be bidfor the Stockholders, with full powers in them, or a majority of them: to negotiate with the f tate or her .1 gents, respecting the value of the gebts, property,, end interests, or the Bsnk of Cape Fear i and be and are hereby author, bed definitively , to conclude upon the sale thereof, payment, rnde of trsiwfejv and all other arrangemc6ta inadeluioti premises,-- f zrlli irfirther lltnhtd, so as to obviate delay io the complete and final coosummatlon of any such .sale a"d arrangement, that said commis. sioners, or a majority of them, shall have full power and authority, by . virtue of this reaolu. tion, to Instruct and tp direct the President, Di rectors and officers of the Bank of Cape Fear, in all matters touching the samei and to require their compliance with and aid in all things neces sary to the due execution and fulfilment of aucb sate and arrangement i it being the true mean ing of this resolution, td invest said commission ers, with full powers, snd to delegate to them, or a majority of tbem, all powers, rights and au thorrtiet, - which they the Stockholders, them' selves have, br could legitimately exercise in their corporate capacity. . Jtofolvtd, that should the State of North Caro Una, in accordance with her views of consolida tion, creates Bank of the State i or should by her acts, otherwise render necessary or expe. diehti a communication between her Agents snd the Stockholders or the Bank of Cape Fear, that then and in such case, it shall be the duty o&ltMUfcfaMe quest of the Commissioners: hereby- appointed that they meet the Agents of the State, at such time and place 'at may be designated"?!"'" : Retotved. that the Chairman of thif meetlrir, commtinicate tQ the Commissioners of the State thepTOceedinfxfihlmeengTdTfialT5e express the unanimous wish of the Stockholders of the Bank of Cape Far to meet the views-of the Legislature, io every reasonable expectation of promoting the public good. . k . , . . CvnrreM isto meet In Washington city on Woou Atxt7lLiAWo.me4uU are, iaat wMduig their way . thi some of them had already arrived iti the city. The ; non7ffmrgZt ZmVfo Saitaaury- tr. day wee r ; ana tne i ion-dirnM P. Canon passed here two or three weeks since. Virginia VCenwan.-'' The-i long egony; is 6erM ln ihis body tlafter art able and animated debate,, the vote has finally been lakYn on the basii tfrtpreientation (the most important ques tion which had or could come before the Con refttionVand -decided in favor' of white ptt tion WttuWy, 49 to 47. We rejoice that the friends of liberal principles, of justiceTand equal rights, Uve triumphed over prejudice and aris tocracy, the Old Dominion. i We regret, how ever, to leiro, that Mr. Monroe has thought it necessary to resign his seat Mbe Convention, in consequence of instructions from bis district; which conflicted with his views; Mr. Monroe voted Ar the libera.! principle representalwjj - ' ', cv. :3.-A ' I! :il;r- !.v hid tha Vcu;t i fir. AHm, f rths rrectlmcfe r s r rcJfy, to to tsl'jil ncrj frcr.1 tl.o tvUiiiescf Cua rcmbe snj liurke. l The election of Vrn. XT vopcr; the senator from Clstcs county,' Isvln-; been contested, tho Commlttto tt Privileges tod Electioai have loveailated the case, nd reported favorably to bi fining mem ber. ' ' H, "' . '.'J A aefect Commlttesj bit bt'en splint, erf, to enqtjfrc Into tbo proprlei of ee latltshinjf Tc nlteotlary In thli ane, l A hill is before the House tf Corinrons, ro pardorf Tnoms KoftMdi how king In Ouilford Jail, under lenieftco. of Vcsth", lot Ihectirtie of Cigimy.'rWojaregU4 tt set slio,' that I'rcs'oIutTon ha bee jr trodnced-laifisTJenaie, by Mr. (lJtU, iu uivuiiy too yvjoiiumem aux.q loyiu oaence. HeSht Sam Paich-ThU celebrated half.ro hatffro biped, lately perforrriet! h ma(cr f-ie jt Nj.srs Felii, In the ttat of We sr York. He lumped from plat forte attached to the mast of sAiearn boat 50 feet above the wet rr, Inteiht Niagara. Tola ha called his whetter cf the appetite or curiosity el the spectatirs, tod then he gave ihern the lubstsntll io the shape of a jump frem a staging (rected on the side of Uoat s Islsnd into the abyss be low, e distance ofooe hundred and 'wen ty feet I On Sam's re-psring on th surface, he delioeratelv iwra to , the shorethrew his tfibecco out of bis mouth, arid quietly observed, there j ho mistake in. Ssm Psich." Sans Patch has made sootier ' grand nd . magnificent ji mp over Oenessr e F-lJs, at Rochester, ISOffcfr tor 10)00 S'ooished spectators itosMf the fet. Cut according io some of the paper, of late date, poor Patch bat made ret another and falsi leap. -r , ; ; - Poor Patch made his last jump oi Friday last frorn the Genessee Fatla. fie stnek the aster oblicjuely, snd was taken out dead. IJf. Turk pa. Hugh Blair Origsby, Csq.,of Norfolk has been selected to fill the vacancy in I he Virginia Convention, occasioned by the resignation of Geo.' Taylor. Uui Taylor returned to Norfolk on the instand publnhed e abort acdrctt to trie cititens of the Duu-ir t - v - vfrtoniaa. The L'gfsLtsre of Arksn tss assembled at Little Rack on the 5h ult. Charles Caldwell at eleckd proi dent of the Council," John UlJrk aefTetary. - -11-' -1 and i bonus Shannon doorkeeper in Ihc house qfreprcsenuUvesJohn-Wilsoo wis re-elected r Speaker,; Daniel - Ringi chief clerk, Henry. Bradford engrossing clerk, and Eire 0en jdoorkcrpcr.--On the 13th ult. Governor Pope transmit ted his Message, which is a long and in 'trestinc document. He begins by con gratuUting'tbe people of Aksntra ort the health and prosperity onneicrnrorrina go their improved form cf territorial gov . ernmcnt. lie then speaks of tbeir expos ed frontier and recomnv neS greater mil itary preparations. ' Aa. Banner Great Dividend. Tbt Directors of the American Insurance Company, yesterday declared a dividend of.tenty per. cent. for the last six month-, tyule on the 1st of December. Jr. York fit. 14A ult. , astaiw ' - tF ; t -- The Rhod 1 IsUnd L(?ialature d6tifn edon the Sits Oct. alter a laborious ses sion of four days and a halfv; ii - HiEooLTrHic tja of--Polly and Bet"ev Cj, me former the wife of Mich- sel C7- are advertised n a Western pa per as having elopr d. Micheul will re cover Polly we hope ; for- itSougb it is neseid-wnetber she 4-rr i represented iaheiftr lyrtaDTt i if she could tell btr own 'ory, she would lay she left her husdand for being ' too frequently tg'cuffed.- At any rste, as her suuation is described, she ought not to be toorpUBhlyJrd "'JaVerw in prance. It f$ :laid,? In Qaliganani's Paris Messeogerr -that ahe reorganization of the deDartment of in rnal-AfLitStuadsr the oewr rench miniatr Ui lead .avtbe-dismissaUor. elimination of one hundred and thirty-four SSSS. r Lm4&$m rtSiiim affim4feJ SfrT Rircst1 our Mihisterldf i France, arrived at Hav're on the 30th September, and invmediately proceeded, to Paris. Washington Irying, Secrefiry of Lega m is IB !i , a. ' A a tion at London, lett navreon tne ieto ler England. . . v ORE1GN NEWS...;MXTbe packer ship New-York, arrived at New-York from Liv erpobl, brings English papers to the 17th Octo ber, . The confirm the Treaty of peace be tween Turkey and the Russians. Turkey K seems, is not deprived of a foot of her territory in Europe and what is ceded in Asia ia insigni. ficant. The most remarkable features in. the. Treaty are the immunities Uco the Russian subjects are to enjoy, in Turkey, They are to De ireo irom i uraio unsuitMuu, w c ed by the Russian Ministers and Consuls and Russian MerchanJb aliipa-ajlto befiee from I 1 i I t i e a 1 i i i f ( I 'mm (IV.UVAIM. A! I lilt f . 5-t.n.u;:. Monday, Vet. IC -A '.I'lHiut t-tir-' present, the tneraUrs prr wtd their crc dcatials, were qui'.CeJ, anl tf.k their tests. The sctute then r,ror rcdel to the ehoice of a Spe-Uri ll. Williams, t,l Mdrtin county, nominate J J.oult I) H'il r,,oFKdj;ccoratic ccuaty; Isi.d 'Ii. Corns added the name of Uedurd Brown, m!eU founty . On fcalJufini:, Ir. J Hrown received. 40 Ver."J If. W'iltan 17, cfnerir!fl.l I ,f,.C.owr) .WSI afcording lv declared idulv nclecud. On tauiion at ftlhVLhtairSamufi r, Pal t mm wsl appointed.Pyincipal ClciV On hallottin for Clerk Astistaot, HVilam J. Covin wit elected on the second trhl, as follows i 1st billot, Cowan 27r John C. Stedman 1 1, Henry M, Millar 9, Thomas O. Stone 9. William Seawell 3, Henry Potter' I 3d ballot, Cowan 20, S:cdman 10, Miller I, Stone II, Seawell withdrew, Potter I. Tbos D. Wheeler was re-elected door- keeper;,od IJobert.Usy assiitsnt. 4 . Turiday, A ro, 17. Tho decease of John 8ilverthoror. senator elect" from Hyde, wss announced and writ lnued fjr e near election,' on the 31 December, to" fill the. tacaocT. Oi b.llott'tnir fur I three Eogroisifij-; Clerkt.Thos. Dewire- reived iti votes, a noa u.-oione iw, V uijhn 63 Stedmsn 40, Covington 49, WillUma 4i. Whi!akr II, Palmer 20, 8Mpmsn 17, Simpson 9 1 Dews snsl Stone only, were eltcted. fOo the .next dsy. Johrr V. Covington was elected the fid En toaiW Clerk. I .The senate an pom '.ti j Committee of Finance, consisting of Metsrs. Davidson, Ward, MTarland, Wil son, SneS Ake w, Welborh, and Moaely 1 The following committee! were also appo'r,'di ' , ' ' s x Of ' taimt Mesrl. Martin, . Leonard,. He Darmid. Matthews, Smith, Montgomery of llertfo-rl, M'BMire and Sherard.. ; f Of PrttiUoni and GrtevancO' -MerS. Dick, Miller, Jonosop, Williams of Martin, Montgomery of Orange, Beaaley, Welch and Dickinson. ... , :- i Of PriviUfti and fUertie n-Messrs. Frank, lin, Underwood, Neill, Boddie, root, Ramsey, Durflo and U'DanieL , IIOrsE OF COMMONS, t , Monday. AVb. 16. The members bav in ou.lified and taken their scats, Mr. Gjir nomiiuted William J Alexander, of Js tiklfjnHurg,' fprIppeVetJ JtfCJjfnum nomlned Charles Flsheiy of Salisbuty j and Mr Harden nominated-Joseph A. ILU. uf VVil.ninKton.-On tUa-4ih ballot, Mr.'-Alexander was elected, and conduc ted io the chir, from whence he made his acknowledgments to the house In an Impropriate .address. - Pleasant Hender son was -re-elerted Clerk, and Charles Manly Assistant Clerk j: John : XumstHen door te? Swain, and Bynum, were appointed i committee to prepare rules of order for ibe house ; Messrs. Pearson snd Mhoon, .u. t ,kJ. wuumuii.k, yii mb v ,rv.uav,tt to intorm the uovernor oi tne reaomess of botii bodies to receive sriy communi cation he might please td make; At 13 o'clock, t message was received from the Governor, by his private secretary) Mr. Muse i t part of which was given in our 1 asif and l her "conclusion "will beround" in preceding columns of this : week's Caro linian. : rtj.:: .-.-: y the markets: ' Hahfbury Priceij Jtiovtmber 28..". Cetten H to 11 cents, corn 15 to 25, beef 2 to 31, but. ter 10 to 12. flour 3.75 to 4 per barrel, wheat 40 to 6 J, Irish potatoes 25 to 30lsweejLd.Q.2GUa25T. b ru n Tugir"n3?n Oo2el7 2 elt Ut, td Tiomespun cloth 15 to 35, whiskey 20 to 33 bacon to 10, tjirntpa 15to 20.- Pctertiurg, Firr. At. t7;....Cotton 71 to 74 i lOiacco, miuunnjf j.ij io prime y io iy i TV beat ii io ' 05, Corn 50 to JJceota per bushel, fl.iuf 5 a 61, Baron 10J a 12. Valumbitu X LV JVev. l.......COttOn Eil a CTevTl9.7;"n:Cotfon flour Si to tiliiskey 3d to 3l, bacon 6 to 7, wheat urj to 1W, corn 4- to 5y, sail 7U to 75. FayeHevllte, 'Nvo. 18...:..Cotton 8 to 8J. bacouo to 71, ptach braruty 4J to55 apple do 30, hutttYlO td 15, torn 33 to 40,1 flaxseed 83.' flour Ato5jfarii71molaaaefc'32a44gar9 ;to; 101, salt 75 to 80, tallow 8, wheat 74 a 75, whiskey 24 to 27....;u; : oanic nwes f a 1 per cent, pre miunsiOape'Fear ditto, 41 2.---' -- "Richmond, Kuv. 20 Cotton 7 a 9. wheat 90, corn 471, bacon T to brandy apple 28 30, whiskey 27 to 23, tlour 5i. - . tititor. JBtittn. wVti. 14..-......Cotton 91 to 11, flax H a 10, flour 51 to 5 25, corn 53 a 54, cheese 3 5, tallow 8 a 81.' ; .' ' -f;. , CharUtfn, Jfev. 16.. Cotton 71 to 8J eenta, flour 6 a 6l. whiskey, 27 4 21. bacon 7 to 8. hams 9 a i0, best kiiid4aggwgiersal34 to 50, corn 42 45, cphee 11 to 15;-.N. Carolina bank bills 3 a 21 per cent, discount 1 Georgia, 11 ditto. , M :' ' ' ' ' ; '' '"'y'': Camden h'ov. 3t...Cotton 81 to 8?, flohr 41 a to 5 out of the wagons, that . from Camden mills 6 to 7 j beat 85 a 93, corn 45 to 45, oats 3, salt 75, whiskey 28 to 35, bacon 8 to 11.;. . . Cincinnati. Oldo, Xv. 6- Cotton 121, fea. the rs 21 cents,' flaxseed 37 to 40, flour 5.75 to 5.8 h Kenhawa salt 50 cents, peach brandy oV pnte4o27 wluskry-2 taiWw 6 to j t8e - l - i i i : I t J I 3 i I t .r t! .U, -; . nu:if, , k' rtM?nce t.tir f: vr't ;- h t (':,:. u';i-n, ;..(, j,'tli if, t... .. in t!.a; I ! )tr tf UU 14 tho l'nt (i'tf.e Ytull'fi, (.1 1! ,C" . .'J, t I V. -Eh t' ii, M'i r. 4h ' J , f ' V.t. r-c !.:!., sel C3,sr a 1 U fi tn : l tj-i-i si rs'ttiplxrv latm'.cr cf i!m UrthiKl.st C'lU-ck f-rV.ul ."I yrri. tin W;. an n?eii-jnite win, a"t d. r' m , t j.. .''t,".v B'aer, and si kind and t!.;i;li f nr r. ' '' 't;- IfrmmutiiCiite-t. ' . for t:ac. rni irnn 4:i u at the Cmnnm--t ii. .UaUry,'on IiJy, the Crt dv of Jsnu- ry jitiU.Mx.tXl!t NCt-UOtS, the proper-v f - r Thomas -An Ifrsoa, dec'.L at a er-dit af ait,,,.' monthsf borvd and -approved security will Lo reqtiired froaJ the rurchater, . ? ' :ii A'ormier, A D. Mil. 5rv9 ' . Worth Carolina Irtddl county : , , ; I A Equity i , ?etitian fur sale of real estate. " Parsuant to SnVder of the Cou rt of Canity. " at Lt terra, cpin the Joint petition of that j Executors of R. 8i-aaatoa and the F.ieeutors af 7 James Lrvin, 1 will sell at the CourUtontA In State irille, 4on the 15th and 16th of February,,: aexV King the 31rtnday and Tuesday of tU . February Court, thosa lyjls In Hie town of ' Butesv'ule, knot n by the name of the Irvlo Lw;' upon a credit or twelve mouths except the, corner lot, (snd that knows bv the name of tha stable lot,) to the purchaser of which a credit of one snd two years will be given, the aeemd ' jS V payment to besr interest from the exnimtion of 2 , ! '. one year from the date of the r.!e Bond ,itii ft. spprared a-conty t be required. 'Witness, V ' John Muahat. Clerk and Ulster S uMeomrty-s-v--.-at ofnc. the Jih Monday after the 4th Monday' . '.' ofSeptemhrf A.D. 13i9 ; i.:...?:-, , vvw , ..junn mi.mi.i i, r, as. r. , : a-.-- r -1 ----- J -." "V - R-11 Ufc t receiied,at then? r ' --Ja- . I EM. .Store, Wood Crove, Jtowao ? . flM l 'uu,,ty 1' milesaestof Salisbury, st -y-' S food ami fmh supply of V ;- S " : TG ROCK HI ICS V The sloo have on hand: a rood assortment of . . ; - AUiooauto stui ana niaicr . . nnv n r, rr n v suitable for both Gentlemen and Ladies,' jxir ' chased in New-York and Philadelphia j Conaiaa . i Ungof-' ,v- t ' i . Blue, black, brownrsieef mlxed ihd elltdt r- '" troad ciotbs; :- " v v !- t J , i .-CaVimerte,CsteinetssndStt!oeUV ' , T White Ifld Red Flanneti Point snd R jse BlarJieta !.-:; Camblets and Plaide'"' rr : Canton Crapes and SHkl ,"7rr" s Bombsretts, Bombasines snd Cireinisnlr . L"CaamereSIila and FoiiUs ..--lltU. ej-eihrr with every Dtber article usually fouad-..--j. In a Sryreln this section of ewntryr-j-rr --y. - AH of which they are d termir.ed "to sell a 'ri low. as any, other person whau ver, engsged m vw the same line of buinrt, for .Cash," Cotton; ett .a en a credit to puntual dealers. ' ' ; " 4 ' ' f. "The publid are respectfully iovited to catCex 'ii'" , v amine," ihd judge for weroKdresrC ir R."-: --rr-v". T Oecbtr 3lti, J829. -f... V. . ' Smtfrj. j -' f-l-E IWW receiving their aeasonabfe supply , iiX ; which, wltU their usual stock o(,'.:ii:v-v trill consiit of an extensive assortment of .-' 'r - '-J ' Sugar, Coffee, Saltr ' " 'l "' inyrt, sauaoie ior uig ana varryaii iyrer snx -V. sunaoieioruigana varryaai iyrer sn-x large assortment of SHOES -Which they will" ten low for etuh or SoA6ry, JWt. 9iA, !82i. if t factorage tiritl Comra38oo:i THE rabscriber informs bis friends, and thej - public that he eontmof the above busi';-"vT-1, ntas in Chartoten, as heretofore. His time and - --V services will, ae usual,- ho devoted to the Inter ; t. r ests of those wbo employ him, either in thes V' sale of produce or purchase of goods.'" "' ' V " ( He informs his euftomers. that Malar Jothtrrt . -S Lcrtirttt will act as his agent theensuingscsson. f r in CAaruw.V Cotton, or other produce, sent tes "v,j . htm, to my sdJress, Witl be received and tor , t, warded promptly, free of commissions snd allj' N Other charre-4iX3ept for expenset -Sietaaliy rnr"t" curred. :: : - i "L ' a vi V win viiiviiwo v siiBvis jsrviidSa'Sj tasjv t i Cotton through this channel, Mr; Laafus-will be constantly supplied With the leading articles of , Orpcerin, via 1 Salt, Bagginj," Uope,s Sugar y , rCoireerMdIafigeiTttcrStcTwuicTs , ' ' - will be furnished to waggons, or order.at cost and charges 1 which) " a 7 will be chsreed to the parties, oa . my books, and made payable In Charleston. " . i $ 1 Cturtei J. Shannon, Esq. continues my Agcrf5 ia Camderr, as heretofore. 1 -r OcfsJer, 189. Amu . nti 1.1.1. in w 3mtl03 ll5ll.e8t,e JJ.i dndrmjacJctatL tuilt - - X-. mm .1- I .I.' . land J WT Augusta trade,- wil! . t. cimnencti ruonmy aiternately between the iw place, as loon as iiaishafl, whcti will Im smIa . ous to the 1st of Noy,4 She goes djreci(in!and) between Charleston and Cherawj and willtaies freis;hl84it the lowest possible rates. :"a 3mt03 . - riiaj. Josnua Lazarus wOl bo mv areiit irt- tneraw lorner atso, snit win attend promptly to me shipment of. Coiton by hfef. consigne( either to myself or others in Churlestou. in:mi r w. coxier: f .. Gold. WttsUer. - "WTOTICE, that.all nersnns are herehv fnrt.il1 V warned aj-ai;ist biiilJirrjr, or making use oft' , a Machine invented by Walter S. Pharr & Co. . for washing afluvial, surfaee.and vein gravelt un-, ' der penalty of the law in that case provided, a ' ' wo imeiiu " jywirc j.iintu; ior me same. 5 - WAfTE4l - - f PIIARII - lit , .ii.. .i 111 11 ii lit 1 111 11 .ii 11 11 ,n 1 1 1 1 11 n ii 1 ti 1 1 1 11 1 1 1 1 m I mil l 1 1 1 1 i r i i I mm.

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