(il k v; r " r ; i ; i-vi i t ii n ii r . 4' - bausbijiiy, mwA.v couvry, a. utucsijay, dkcismdkii s, ,102a. VOL X... ,0. 1 , f '"T.TL ., """ ' - V , i ... w -"'' - " T, , ...w at. ---..... Uouatr tiniV IjU , ---v, , ."-b iMi m iiuuse una won m mi WWUmaw wtar tb J'L and cuDven. (M & bunntwi iie Kl Wtewii ka m UuMufh u U an parallel n .t A rrw Wg." any N Ua U tbe t.s.. M'i't f Mr. Ilewry fcrnuli, to .Y;ir goods. TIC k just re ceived, 1 row New lft m4 n..UdeWna.d i aw oinf , M ka liar ia CONU-UJ. feMT-J UKrV w.f GOODS; MUllC n Prar Goods, am i arc, ti-idiUrry. Mrdktnet. rainlt. bC. iff. Ifc. mk9m term 13 fce fcitUfuclnry la - csrot Cur ac. T'Jtat ul b ilJ, ftt tlit Court lira v in w'uw, F-H, firrt d of Jnu- LZ ALLL.M0NO, Ht'r. FrtaU Urucrrlts, &c. A. Toaiirrrcr & co. A tt Mr rriifip ibrir -onbU supply i vLkh. hL tbrir umJ 'ocX of goods, VtSto of in m i mhhi of -. Coa. A'a ; Ifcrtl, oultmble fcr :i( CmH Tyrei nj Urjt wnrtM f kllOLS. H hich ihcy U1 Cnlawha Navigation Corn pant. 4 rtwcimf cninCtab4 Nirl rtkm Comnwtr, will ImI4 I tU to a wi i-wKsoiDJon, on rvUy, tl UUt Uy of D. filler fa pcron of by prwiy. . mC T. ALRV',rrWu. C U uui, tt It Inrlirvrd from recent Jr lcweriei, within the Cl4 ftrrtvt pr.i.u.. a Ibe BUte, in the ytu I79J comi! or one continuoui eurrey, tfioinln the county line of Wilke, an tVrmimf from t!.r U!ut Kidfe to wjtMfi three mitre of the Main Ytdkin Rier. It n interecctcd for fifteen of twenty miUi by Mitchcll'i rier. effordinr in ibundint upjily of wtrr-piwcr it ell Ktwite, nd miny litct conrenlent for the inplicition of iliii pow. ertotheptirpoeeeof Merhinfrv. Cifchilate. ly teen fuund In the neighborhood of tLU Und, btrt he tni'ieral treawirte are in rreit meifurr uneiplorcd Prnons dciruit to purrlntr, are rvfrrred i the Editor fur more particular infor. maiion with whom the plat cf this land it de- po-ited. 'EofheioetaIoable plant. t; ir'i 9 Unna in the upprr country. It fit toeUittu MRiyoilkdMcnM.UlS wri of Keiy nrer ind CofWIe Creek, containiiijr abou' f re )iun. - 4 Tim nmt nkftcii On Wedoetdaf, ll;h !', rencfat1 mUr of delegatti fiotn Elbjc rtKlc-Ici il rriiM?i f im Bible- 0,r mt h itu'. rftibrtfrbn Chore U'-ILUL-h. foi ceitc mtn ta luppfyfhw nholt Stale wrt to -ad qujtf namfjer of- Utf Jet. r jr fr Aaf E 40.' i r-r tlr rt t . chiri net. . IK Dvi: ihd 'Jl0i; . . . WI f f fitly been printed hy raetni of the Drti- Ikh and Amciieaa Eibl Socletiet, Te undartskin ( a dUtribution of iho Hibie ibhiugho&l the worlJ wi l (ret oni ; nat no di no tfouM If . wtttlJ bf accora pliibed, Tb 'Amaricafi CibH Society had cnifipf d ta lupnlr trerv Barf of lh Ut ,atb elthiiv (. M4 ea leua- ted l-w4jld U iffe tUJ;ir,BcVtcteId L-A. . f m a ... me neanv aiitttanca oi iv aui irk pnauorii4WUii(ncriUwbkluemplon it e ai nuTol he r 'pi e n c i," q d .T "f5 60 common prrnei, which pcrhapt ! one of rTKi "T6Sj trbf 1h I" Cdntenrtotr Ut j tory remtrka rode br the Her Dr M'Cjuir, fiom the American Bi tie S.wl tf at N. York, committca ei appoin jn I'fge! i'bljhrnrfit lf the klrd lf led to prepare plan for aupplylojr ihe, orld, can print and bind J JO. 000 hole itata of North Croiiaa wi h ihel' 'nuolly. and baa now on bend Bible I and another comroir.ea eotkoinurlHW.OOO copiea of ihe 8crbturei. rudr - rr l .. rm i ' . ' ' to miie arraat;einentt lor the rneciinr ol ,or i'ery. neir cotitumptlon ol pe ihiaLoouDtion altba Capitol, tbia ere Priheeuiuited 30remdii!r. Th ' I Ik A r.K.VKff( iSSKMHIaY.- rrnajj,.ir,tt.:tf) nMinn of MeMfe.Cal4-1 W.I.Min M r:k f)at. Vrrromerr. MiVhlt i SrrerdVUiB , arloui au)ir'a co.nprUed h th ( - emnr'e meerf -wrro referred to ieleca . cotonuiuau nlnir. Ai 3 o'clock, P. M. the Contention met ; and the K Dr. Caldwell from tne ommiitee appointed for the purroe maOr ibe lollowlnir Kcport I ''The committee to whom via refrr Doctor no'iced a charge brought apiirit their ooctei of beinr a mnncv mikiiu . 7 ' . . i a w .... - iperuutioo 1 hi Insinjition could not ba better repelled than by alaiioir that they acU Untr far SS centi. and Tcita menu fur 13 I-3, which contain more pa red the aubiect of drfiaiur a Dim for the P" ,n,n "7 iudividual can purchase for supply of the whole Slate ol Nerth Caro ,D r"onry. o iy notblng ol the priming in, with tbe Bible l "whmit ine ldlow- ,Dd blnrtinf j inet Wheren, the'Nortn Carolina BiMe 4"r Pirr teconded the motion for Society, rrlfinir on the aid of the Auii!i ,,0PnIC "he Keport. spoke) wl'h ry Bible Sorietiea nf the Ste. rd ' f w mu n r nrrrT on the advan'jipci reul'io(; aoikuiiir rea ine nio.e. friend! of the Bible ceute eaer-iiy. nt j 'o ihye who and who lake at a iule of conduct . . . - I i.ei.fl M. a . a. . w...-...,, ,L,v. , ,r nun.i rr loivrrl to eo onerat wtih ilr Am.rir m ii SKSSiTtf . tod- W.uL I' .I"?.-" -r Vf-m.r .no lire in- m- arv 'wvti w ii w pun levrl. There ii about two Lurvlrr J acre. rl,.r. "" " 0ttk t trollna ed, nvwtiy freah i anew.conveiaent and tlrpnt "b a copy of the Sirtplurei. eho mv r- utuina;Mue, bKli cvet nearly lour I be willinjr o purche or r-ite it, md JrjLuS. 'M "'l ,'nd 0,hcr byi'"ic hhUConeemion bein(e callta! Tjr tne rnt uilable to i. The paymeut for thti pronenv cae 1 made eaav. Ani.lioiinru in wrme or iie, can be made to It II. AleU'ider, m my alMice. , 7 W1. J, ALCYANDER, W IIAMPTON, Taiwe, reipretful. v t tha pose f deviunK the bc meant f cr, m pliihing this verj detiraUle jrki H aulved. . Ut. Thif in the opinion oftlii, Cn vrritina, the Si-e oui;hi to be 'i:d d i"' j ix dij'rict, thr limi t of whir k . ine anc wuh those of me Judicial Cir. unv 2i.d. Tbat Pilnctpa! Ai;rtit be p pointed to each tmnici, ho t.kr imoiiloust and unftappilr, afid I wil 'ell rou that fjruiiy if devoid of the bica oino uf Scriptural. knowledge. Tell me oi jto individuil who it a trngrr to the ettrainta whit b moralry impoet, ani I tell ?nu iha person ia inorint of (he roorl and 'rlimui truthi combined in tne Btble. - He auvr'tcU to ihe JtrciUlcd i uaiin of France, duiinur the are ol jyJafoXw. 19. Wr, Akew offer ded eoiuiik.iuVrlijjij3tCi the lliuie fui one orirno7e'i'i roi a Wrll- trtnal Jmifvcme ir M- Mrs. T m VX IUon 'o the crueliici, inimor ulnci im. Hu p.s. Bo-net. C!J. il jim! M'l'n pheri "hich, on motion of Mr. born, laid on tbeiblf. Fridiy, i,Sav S.Mr ().viron pre wn'ed peiiilont foi j). niloi from lffrw lluton and Wniy. binon, of Mnlvlen- bur(j. Mr. Di..on aUo presented t ho resicmion of C.,. f,n V. i'arki. of tha Cjv.yt ind Mr 8 nith ,irernte.l ihw reiiifnatlon of C. I.liiih Mtrr, ali.i of the Cavalry , whlrh were acC-pted- SaiurJaij, Mv. 31 Mr Mnln otT.-r ed a reiMtlutio'i ftt r onsr.liU'ih? nd 4mrnlifif' he road la of thinu'e. Mr. II ir prcirnttd a M'l authont-nir Ri-r. .rrl T. U.umbf, of l.iuculu cu'ry 'o builJ a totl gate on hi own lind. which re ferrt-d to'lha commilt-i iif propmi ione aid grievance. Mr IVjnkliii off red t-Jiwttori t one l t ralllni imi '.gc Si na'ora end U prnentnirei In dnjjrrn to uie ihrir exeuhnt to pfoturc the ei iinpuitmcnt of jhe I.iJi n cl.iims n Al heir md in the ti'e of No H. CrtUHa, be other, that thcr use hnr rnl- r to procure the, fe;r,l cf the fi-.lt tar j which rrvolu'icus fe lid on h iide . The fnHnwintr ocriunj were an.vjiund on f the icveral irlcCt comnu roMcrrl on the (ivnn'i'a incMairt- f O i thr. siibirct ' u a. i i of I'lirtnul init 9 T I ifJarmi bn fricridi, and the public, at he !. rti.iovid into the ucw and convrn. Unt Shop on Main trcct, TormerU uccunied h aieaan. urrcii i rmplcton, and ornre recently "c vel5n ana miiia(cm ni ol tiie b) Mr. S. Iwryj where be continuea to carry diitrihution of the Hi .lei .nd Te'ameni ..:.!. I .... . . . .. lo hit disunt. ui.de r the direc'iouol ui 1 lauormz justness." '"" to. nr-i k,t r Awn ... u ... .ri : ,m . . .. . .. . .1 ' ruu l irL?Z. : . . ""IT 3d. Thai it .h.!l be .he du ,.f il the A J t.VI U WIJILII Bill r !! P . . . uiui turaccure w n.tf-r . M Al'ci.h emoloved In thit woi. to eodea tke mitt fiaToJiieitetyKiriitiirtirtntal work. or t0 aUeiltheriJbe AuxiiUrjf .letiei CoWUll & VVttVCS - n:,n,'"i, nd on l"e 1owet possible termt. I ' preeeBi exitiio and lo organic other" , , iKiT " .wv. vh uuri iiuutr anu a tow i .ocienev anu- iorra tcmaic ocuiions, ft riT4ri f. oV. S . d,.un,c, wMft lbw .r, ibrir." o fat ai poM,r,!c ; !l 1 7rr.l3m;i.ew.atofSJisbunr;i XL, 'r:".0: to obtain donation., and collection, in ...- ... r . .'juo,i uiuuuic mil oc rccrivc u l . . . - ---- 01 iatthenwkrtcricei.tnnavrnentt. work tnurthe. and lite membera and in. di fC .... : .. ... - . I .. r .1.: . t... . . ii iuihertpao iiber.jy' extended 'to himT""and muni Bibl and Teatamrnt e posnHej Dopci, oy me ryie oi mi or, inrrrriT '-rrr. tiont to ph aae, to mtrit jt. V. Y. II tulitburu, ,v. 13, 829. 94 md p .f-nity whic'i then nrcratlrd, audi 'tic. Uo to Kuman and (JfCMn History. Tor Re. ion wa unanioi'milr aviop'ed. Mr. Sahh then rote and offered to (ho C'jwmai fichi'jlt at,' io't.rt. Si,...', liiuiii'i ol v, kc, b.j.i i. Birnea d Wuiitm-t tl M.'-i.i. Tic Jutie'.anj- Mrtr. M -i-, Mil..r, P k. mrfini; i tie lollowini teviiu'ion : ounkii uj tiusui. KHrr.x't jnaj Rtnivetl Thai the wccci which' haa atton. Mwir. Luvc, AI'In.io, i. i, Ho idle t 4 dfd the rfTtlao Bible Nocirliea, au,;l.: to awa Un. .ta1 cfthf .V'j.V -M-ssr-. Mc kcrtThe tiTiticr rr.rtM,. 4u the UarU of n t . M ' i .... p ., ,i t . i.nn.1 mn . ...1 m .11 rjin it untie Hi ! ... . I.I, II ..' .. W W w ... w. . . .- Carrying into i-flcCt the bt-iRiolont dea.gn ol ppUing every deiiilu'e family in tue -me L in4 r.Jt aupplv of .' . anovEiuus- TVy alao bat band, s food fortBiit of Ciaaioiiaalc I wl nd n inter - DRY GOODS. ettadr'e- for both Licjali-mcn and I-a l.es, pur. c1a-d ia NeYcrk and Pbiladelpbiai cotuii. tiij-nf . . - - BW, black, brow tv tcttmiied7in'i3 pHre Bwd ttotha - ' ' t- Cnimttrl Caw(triM Sltttnef. -- White and Ked Klanncli FowH and IVm Elkila ' Camblcti and Pluidi Canton Cri and S!k BomHaxetti, liombaiinea and Circitiians Caata3icrc Shawls aini foinlat prther with every other article usually found io a Store in tbia aection of Country. All of which tbey arc d. termibeJ to (ell as Jbw as any other person whatever, engirt d in Uie same line of buin m, for Cib, Cotton, or on a credit to puntual denleri. 'Ibe public are respectfully invited to call, ex. Amine, and judge for themselves. C k It. Oeimher 3. tf, 1 829.-: -.-; r ; 3mm Tactorase and V'omimssiiou T critnc r "rcoat or reduced pic.? . re ni cannot be done, ;u uistilbute the Bibles gra'uitousiy uniii every family si). II ha.c been supplied A . K Tk.l ult mani.I rnllprlrl all . II K Z'Z.. fci&a ""l fi.r.lnr PrOicilAnil. ' " TTX31X, rASaiOTJ'A.IlLr. AND JT.-Titat the PriociM Aeem fie ip iTJlRIla A TDfRTIw pointed by tbe Board of .iiager. of ihe WM77iS-o NortbTflrono.Bn.!eSocietyV.nd thai a rihlJy tA LR ! letter of inttiuuions be prepared bv said m w" . . . ; ""v-' ,u,15'" Duaid lor :nc jjovcrnsitni or s.na .ijems I Bl Salisbury j coiikutuu; of I .r. n ". rm ..,,:..,. of almost every description, suited to all aeasona of the year. Also, GROCERIES. Hardware and Cullery. extensive in variety and amount, The Htpori beiiK read was unani noui ly concurred with- Verbal rr ports were madr by delegjies from about dozen county sorinUa, ((iv nK very satitfictory aciounts of the ope rations of each; inducing' t belief, that Icctedbvhimself with care, and Uver destitute family, in the S'ate will bouglrt for cash qn the best terme, in PhilaxleU soon be supplied vvith t hr preciou volume phu and New.iork. Tbe public are aseured j of inspiration. 1 he L-onveniloft icjumn BUSLVUSS .V CJI.tHLE 4 TL'jY. IIC subscriber informs his friends, and the public, that be continin s the above bu?i- nesa in L'harlttion. as heretofore. Ilia time and ervicei will. &a usual, he devoted to the inter. ests oft o6sewM"eTnpirry-hiTti; rther-i the I - eale of produce, or purchase of goods. He informs his customers, ;that Mnjor Jothaa laxaru will set a his agent tbe ensuing season, in ( herav. Cotton, or other produce, sent to ' Inn; to myaddrew. wiH be Tecetved atnl lor- warded promptly. If ee of commissions and all other charge except for expenses actually ifc For the convenience of persons semluijj rn8 jottOn through this channel, Mr. Lazarus -will be ccT1"' supplied, with the leading articles f Crecenel, SlJt- BaK8Uli' -'PC Suffr' Cone, luusses, kc. Kc.wnicn I ..It he fitrTiished to waggons, or ,.lr. at ist and cbargca i .which j2.-i!t k rhred to the parties, on they will find a large and full ittpply, ml lower for cash than usual, or otherwise on accommo. dating terms. They are rescctfully invited to call, see fashions, examine qualities, hear prices and judge lor themselves. JUILY JUUIiPHY. rWrrnmectfuHr begsloiaturahisunfeiga. I . m . . . .. til to j o ciocs. A 7 o'cloi k, P M the Convention re isemblcd in the ii 11 of the House ol Commons, the collection of people bcin so li ge as not to be able to get beats in ;he.Scnate Lhamber. Agreeably to pre l5t3 In Camden, ei beretoiore xm.Mz:w ;rr. J.X7.3r3nit-t 03 -..... tAll e-AuAveJackson. HE new Steam Boat rwx JL MdirvJuckion, built expressly tor the Cheraw and A u trust trade, will commence ruunini? alternately between the two places, na soon as finished, which will be previ ew to the 1st of Nov. She goes direct (inland) between Charleston and Cheraw ; and will take ffreighta at the lowest possible t stca. 3mt03 Ma). Joshua Lanrus will be my agent in Cheraw for her also, and wfll attend promptly "to the ahipment of Cotton by. her, consigned either to myself or others in Charleston iiumx w. cav,vf. ed thanks for the very libera! and distinguiMied vious art anKcmcriT," his" Kxc'cltencjrtm atronaee ne xm oren so nt-nty hanotirrd wrtb n r..,., a.-ini;trt m rak f rh.it. v a discerning public,. anr! hopes, bv a diligent ., . c. ... f . u ttention, to merit a Continuance of the same. "nu l"c "le" oi SaMursrW. Mrm -Jmt'JS - , . J r. rjuestea to taae seats oeaioe nun. ra jorii arovn t-sq uie pcttir oi me isrn- are r attended v bui-iy.-- ..Alexander, bq V"' 0 I the Speaker of the Commons, declined '4 OE0ROZ3 W. BROWK health, and his place was supplied by Charle$ FuAtT, Lt,q. 1 he meeting was opened by a very.ap ptopriate ArM-ess to fhe Throne of Grace by ihe Uev Dr CalJwetl. lu-iV .tuur.c ol. Mr Xash'i refDarciin favnrof adipMnt- ihisHesoIuUoni h .kf ftCJlk'y d cluqutuillf 0t tlK -dvailla irei ol Kenirhju knowledize Mthe.lcm-le charjc-cfi P.renti, Sisters, Child-en, or Friends. He ff: ciingly described i ijiflurnre on the Mo-her who attends to irn- religious educ-iton of her Cotldrcn, snd coaudciiid a horouh knowUtle ol tne Ble.. iheauicsl . b45"?T"? n'P piaess "Were K eligi banished Tioiu Ihe earth, we should find Ucr . l-tt nd purest rnreat wiih Wotnn at the fic side j her ksi allcx J he fale he a ri j Jt e r WIT atrdiencis tJuld be her chikireoV"li ercd around ibckncts cf a ...mother j i thi Ust sacufi. e, the secret prayer espLing Irom liei np. licrd perliap'onljr'kt the throne ol Ood " Tne IUv Dr Caldiorll spoke at some letiKih, i ft c-incai nd pious feeling n support of ti.e hesoluuon, on inc uu y oi pliiclnii the Bible ia Ibe hands ol every destitute person ; and of the value ol Ke iitfimi as conducive to happiness in this hf , but more especially oi n vnst nn poiiancein relation to our eternal wel Isie. The'cjuestior. btinj; put on this Resolu tion, it was unanimously carricu. The business ol the meeting was closed by m baidi.ome collection, in support ol .i.. I'l-iti for sutiDUinir ail the destitute Families m the iutc ith the Bible, ami the Convention adjourned lo the I6ih ol Ucce aiuer ViextV" ; - Alter the Convention rose, k meetinjr of ine Oincersand Managers ol ihe North Carolina Bible Society, wis held- Uev Dr. Caldwell. -President, the -Cjuir , that Ueiolvea. I hat " is " .' M ...... i) a ....... imh. I'Un im Ronnivioj the on account oijne impeTretw:wt-i WS now receiving frpm New Vork and Thila. J The Report of the Committee appoin JSL t n 17 . fl 1 1 c ' I -.. ... of -u WODS, Paints, Dye Stuffs, lnatru-UiSS.,-.,,, w,;ifi.;. - ,r Groceries. &c. ; whole Stat with the Bible, was then read by the Secretary. Afid uie qawtrotriM' log put on adopting tne iveporu i ba litv. DrM Julfy fld; din most eloquent Address moved the dop- wlnch were'boucht at reduced prices, and will ITion of the Report. The Doctor spoke, a be sold at a small profit, for caih. or on time to full hour on this important subject ; but as punctual Ueaiers. Among tbe Groceries, are no note. Were laken of his bpecch, tbe first quality Reirister eivts no sketch bf it. He took a ienenj rin,v-iu viuscateii ditto. I . " , " , , .. nUh. . xm n.. .i. ii .i... r.....: . view of everv nartf the Ulobe, and dp Old Holland Gitt, old Cognac pitwd m strong terms, me destitute ano Brandy, Jamaica and sNew Fng- benighted situation ct almost every c oun land Burnt tocether jith every lrv in relation to the Bible, lie calculi article usually found in a Store in thii .ection of te(J ,na, wou,j feCuire 60 or 70 million- country. " . . 1 -f RihU. v.,nl ib nrcuni uantt of Peraona wishinir towirchaae. will Dleatus eatl. I " VYVJ - - n I a r --j and r-xamine the above bod3. 4rn'!iry, Sept. 28tf 11 j the people. He spoke of the many Ian gunge into which thcr Scriptures had rc- Bible Society Convention, and will use their et.deavours to carry it into eltecl. thr M.'ttta aid f.ulc or-H M, srs. W,rd, Iv.hcii.li-, I'..' cro.,d. Be I f UodrDivrTtp-TftT Witturns uf F'.nKlin and Ma'ihews. '.If.fi'rfl'iijrrQtt 'Ay M gemral ' pveymnl far the. trnjl ' ?f, 40 Cotowtaif Society -r-)l .x l . . ,' ,jfL'Jn (linton of Bciu!rt iiiwitr.x, ll.nl,-. Ciutnpi,. L(Mtrutiii)n of a rod Aff FayettrviiU ti i the Yudkh intrr,--M:-ri. Mm1I, Ramv.y, Mtlmo. ..M'NfiH Brower-- PtiJ.uce.tuinunU'issp', tel row the State. Massif CiKtwfd, S'auders, Srtaid, Oivis md M i'anicl. Monday .Vow. 23. Mr. D-.Mrou of. Ired rTestftnnoTi for--tttTiihii44-tojicii... ... of the' AVttTor A.iitrably.to Cor7ner CouQlri'fUVcemm,'oacr3 i'ub lic Btiildin's,Ctuniii Oi vcytirs, Rinptr. iind Hegistertu Mr "Lote preseniid bill lor the relief ol certain purr insert of Cneiokxr laru!, a.d Mi. Ail.-n, to res'oro Jrio. (J ifiiHi, r. of Buncombe, 'o rrctltt. Mr. Mil cr offered resolti iuu, Hist, re quiring the Judges ol the Supreme Court upei foim juttkiaJ circuits 2d, to pro i ir!e for holding slid rourt by a peater number of Judgci ; and 3-!, to provide for holding courts in the c s d t lie .i Jar sessions of the supreme court, for the trial of erHTJ..aae4-be'i.ibeaajnenj; not be Hied at the regular sessions oftho courts of the rotinties. Tuetday, .Vov 24 - The judiciary com minee were in-.i'ucie.l m ii'tpm t the expediency of providing by law, that heirs or devisees shall not sell tne r e.i taift of deceased eonT .belore s.uca. es- tate is settled, or within the 'i me tiffined: by law. Mr Alton presented a bill tela live to the allowance ol coiupctisation to jurors of the 'onjrmal oe4,-io Jiuo- combe couny. i ne bill 'or necu -ij a new county from Burke and Buncombe, by ihe namirtIW4-wa-coi: a committee of the whole. Jilack Love Letttr. dandy black entered a book store, and with a very wti- LequatiwM fluieri of tetter paper, of the very best Mt-.Jor7mmln on V .' " Yes," was the reply, " bow many stay at de Spring may be 'bout two or tree eek; gie mcnough quires to write four letter."- A new law, in relation to confidential creditors, goes into operation oti the 1st January next) in the state of New- Vork i by the 'provisions of which they are to bt put on "the same feotio? with Ju$!r.es and oihcr creditor.. HOUSE 01 COMMONS. 'U'e'dnetduy, 'JVow. 18 Mr. Newland presented the petition ol rertain citizrta ol Burke county, proving for the appoint- iof,ciuTO.roisipne4,t ihe road from .iJorcamOJl io uiuvuiiMun, uihi mr an au- Fo?rtaitoi tore toe nous,: me annual ucporrnr ino Pwb!4c- Trea.suretw Mr,4, Swaj.o pffere d csolution dlrecung. the Comiitroller to prepare ar report o this House a. de- uiled statement, exmuiung ine several specific subjects of permanent taxation, and the amount paid upon each into tha public treasury, by thc seveial counties of this siate, commencing wi'h 1784, and. concluding "ith the last fiscal year. with, such explanatory notes as he tuay deem necessary to the elucidation thereof. The rcsigna'icn of L; Col. Saro'L-C. Tate oi tha I at Bu?ic.rcst?Vaiiitltepli.' " II . ....-.. , ''a-" ' ".ii .. It- I! 1 4 ,4 It. t nMnfiina4Kaaliilj S "T-' WSS.8l ; . -v"- nnMiwiMWiaijRA '"g"f r W'j&vtmtf-' rry- '7-w, T

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