lumlvA if il.e Hoard cf lnttrr.1 tm j.rotinirni, will j i e r ljr tht cihloiu U.o4 The ircount tif the hInrti due to the futa from Ihe fi'sl of Nov. I Hit 10 h fjrt of N-J' and statements of the dtffrM brim, lies of ihe revenue and at oancci to th S bet iff for insolvent! allowed by the Comptroller, and the E pose r Statements of the affalra of ihe r .rk. Lf ibo State, ! filed br them 1u .j.t the int tcait if berewita submit "! tfd. " ' All which-la respectfully auWitted. :DECEMJJEIL8tm.. CO N (i UliS!il 0 VAC TXnCTKI ""flU elccCooTof i" toe saber tn -Tv-present th1f Dlatriet' In the Cong reas of the Uoiud Stales, to.k place on fharsday bast. Tb following U the retail ia Rowso cowoiy i . Rcnthtr, Salisbury IMoUsville Fulton BrIUhouie'i Thompsoti'ji Mill Neety's Mill Pwkston'a -jMorgan'a . Mi 69 . . ISO 40 ... CI 3 - . 21 II ... 39 JJ . . . 53 31 ... 47 I ... S3 00 771 ' 169 IW Uijo'lty for Hencher 603 From Davidson county, lrm that Mr. Reocher received a majority of 301 votes in. that county Wo bave een no furiber".retarni ibn tfbove stated r"' we think are safe m nnounclng. thai Col. ABRAM RESCUER, of Chatham county, is elected e Representative from thii District in the Congres of the United, in place of JOHN GILES, Esq.. who declined accepting the oHice. UXITED STATES SEXATOR. Wa have a letter !rom our memter Gen. Ton. dated at Raleigh Tuesday rooming lass 11 o'clock, at which time jio choice had been mde of United Siatei Senator. There bed been lit balloting! vhich resulted as follows : li 2f U Hh 5 h Otfi 53 3 30 TT Oft r.'ir fw p'e, u It fxitv! I tW! V f the proceeding! tf a Convention, recently as sembled Id flalclgh, Cornpoacd of deb-gate from several county bi'l aocietl, and Other friends of the fl.u'e esuse i th oMet of the Convention was la edjt a plan to supply every limit; in the 6tt with the Icriturct, t7 W wwll refer the r4er ( an Inter, ifig kkeuh of the life J wrvWe of Gea. If Um D-rUJt, wild m killed bf tba flritUb at Covtn'a Ford, oa the Caiaoba river, daring ibe Revolutionary war. It k oa aur Uat page. ..An ?l. D." a'uitl appear h our aext. fCT A onuaual aunkber ef Adrertiamrntt, (lbs tM of ur bmiae-) a4 tb titkaf tb .Trcantrer'a RcpacU comotLjil to by ovci mucb editorial &a4 other jpatlcr. iVwVf4;morf iba JjPQP.had nf4.t5f rmtftrUnd J'apJijjibtiirfU pCjf oremb)(ih year Uat year, up la tbe aam period, 40,000 i)ad paed. Tork waa ft3 per cat at tauiauUct Kentucky, at Uat datei. , ' CauiiM.Tbe houae of Aaa Johnaton, of Ire dell county, at conaumed by Are on tbe 30ih wit. t part .only of tbe furniture oat tared i and the loaa, at I hit aeaaon, will be aaveraly felt by the family. It wa of accidental occurrence. perhaps negligence in not properly ae caring tba fire, W hop thit cau!ly will Mrvc to infuae more caution Into our ciiiiena, at tbie particular aeaaon etpecially tbe eitisem of kaliabury, bo are much more eipvaed to tucb accidenta tban tbeir aeiglibora of tbe Country. FOIlEluy XEWS. DonntU tart &oke$ - ' Carton - - 46 42 - 27 . - 19 35 53 55 5 49 57 63 6 2t "49 "45 5 37 withdrawn withdrawn. ".It ia. clearly evident that no one in ' jiorolniilon b IbV confidence of the tf 6 "Hoaxes.7' " About Waeetnjtb be the uinxo!Jieflg.ofjjidge.DoDDClUt' and hi friends will, I think, with one more trial," drop him. " The transfer of Judge RufT.o from a 'fi&cat to a judicial l'uatlonr1ee Vacancf jhat itl be thfiiculi to 11. tt is important to the Tns'iiution, (bat bis sue- cessor shou'd be a Lawyer of eminence... conciliatory in his manners, and industri ous in his habits. Judge Cameron Jlogg, Iredell, and Swain, are spoken of." . Col. THOMAS (J. POLK, member of the House of Commons from this count, lias been elected M jjor General of the 4th Division of N. C. Militia, by a majority of -27 vo!ee ever Brig-Geiu Joha NPoifer, of Cdbrrus county in place of Mj. Gem MrLeary, reaiened. Col. WM. J. ALEXANDER, member from Mecklenburg, and the present Spca ler of the House of Commons, has been -elected Solicitor of the fab judicial district of this State, in place of Joseph Wilson, deceased. Tbe following were the bal lotings : Alexander Graham Ist2d3d4'h6th6ib7ib8th 71 76 81 74 7r 77 84 94 73 76 81 70 54 40 34d Aliichell - - 43 35 21 40 56 68 66 88 reis waa to have convened,, at Washington yesterday. ...... .first Monday in December.) I GrtatFirrin 'Centdm:A most n w f q 1 .f34jC.Aifire,broJte. out, in -.. tbel ill Jated placet ebout 12 o'clock on Monday night, 23d. ulu. which burnt to tb ground Ay Jive buildings. Particulars in our next. A portion, and a respectable portion, . too, it is said, of the citizens of Rocking bam coun'jr, Virginia, recently assembled, Md pulicly burnt Benjamin fPj Leigh in efTigy , for his aristocratic L opinions, ex pressed in debate in the Virginia Conven ticri. The warmest friends of Reformf tarpren a regret at this act of folly. By the altip Great Brittain, at, Nawparl from Havre, French papers to 23d Oct. and by tbe ihip Baton, at Boaton from Liverpool, Enghth piper to the 24th Oct. bav beea received by ihe New York Enquirer and Courier from which paper we make tbe following extract! : . Auatria continued its hostilities ag.tnat Morocco. It was announced in London that tbe failure of the bank of Lisbon m inevitable. An open rupture between the Pacha of Eif ypr ard the tiulun wis pre dicted in letters from Alexandria. .Spio has recognised the government of Miguel in Portugal. The Sul'an ratified the trea ty of peace on the -OlK S. piember, and the RoMian a'tny was preparing o cva cuate Adrianople on the 27th October. . The Island of Madagaear is trying to Ret into notice, and to fiure in the newt Paper a. -The Qichit who it - would eem is too poor to have a name, has taken a great ditlike to Ihe French, and treats ihtm with-roucb eevarit? Two French comtiei baye jailtd Jyr..JIaJgasrar, v& we shal. probably . soon hear of thair hav ing carried off the island, Queen and ..Enghni.Tht roanufarturing disirictt ere " till suffering, although there are par tiel symptoms of improvement have been great" flcKMrs in divers tltlirOCt,f)rf. U....C;t;(,ni Thil !l Ihe l'unt su'f eia wttk in whlrh very aatamira buiioets ba been dona h cot ot the sales during (he last four wetki, reaching 13.830 bigs. The Im port iMs'week li 7406 bis,and the n et ere 19,110 bigs. TirJrry and llnla.lUtTt from Adrl anopla announce! that ibe Rusiian'army was to commence its return on tbe 28, h SeptemUr, and that Adrhnople wis to be Immediately evacuned, tba Por'O being ready to mike ibe first pJvmnt of in demnlty. The - Ruattans. (t li iild, will occupy Courgos and frtboft for one tt, i.-. . ,...,. ;. ..... NotbSnr bis beeo beard af Genera! Qilmir;jiinc:fit.ifiritlii.puriuiLM the. PacJu ofSciUaeU,. A Adrianople the .reeka wrrt tuilif of acts of violence to aomo Turks, ind pl!fditbemtbrbt-trd;barLlli27;tlu wece puoisbad.ljy ibe lluiiiana. wlilj on knoot A private letter from Wallachla gWes a different account of the Kunjaa forcia. Af cording to this account, the whole if the Russian army employed in Ibe opera tiona of tbe wr in Europe, is to rem tin In ihe Turliah territory, till payment of the It.demnity has been completed. The head quarters of Count Dirbitach will remain at Adrianople i Conn' Pahlrn illoecupy WjlUchia with 13,000 men; and General Kuclow, Mldvla, with 8000 men; General Roth U to remain with his corps between the Danube and Balkan t and the Third Corp, enmman dtd by General Krataowaki, which is still belore ChoumU, is to go hack and crosa he Pruth. Lieu'cnani Geneial Saliuchin is mentioned as the P'eid nt ol the Piinciplities in fu ure, anu Gen. Kisse low s said to have mde 4 bait near So puia, in order to get new Mt'iuniou. -: The Ctar has elevated Court Diebitich to a dukedom, and intends to confei up -n him the dignity of Vice President ol I o Uol. . . . The Sultan had despilched order fr m Constantinople to all the Pachalik. of the Empire, io ceaae notnlities against tbelissians, and to treat txe Kusaisn na 1 lion as oce on the moat fttendly term with the Porte. The rumor of an attempt to raise a lon in Paiis, on account ol the Tutkish Government. .a rnnfirmrd K thi .! vires received in Indoo but succens it ye- probemtrai. TUF. MARKETS. StiUtbury f'tim, Dtcrmhrr 5 Cotton 14 to 11 crnu.eorn ?0 to 23, beef 2 to 2, but- trr 10 tn 12, dur 37 4 Wrl, hrt 44y in 65-, I run potatoe 35 tn JO. iveei do. A) n 25 br auirar -12 lu 15, xoflee 17 U 22 aalt in T.vM, hnmevpun cloth 15 to 35. whtakey 'J9 to I J. baron o to 10, turnip 15 to W I Prtmburg, Firj J'rt. 24..Cuttun t J to 7j j f Tobacto, niddhng 3 15 to 4.S5, prime 9 K V)i Wti. m Qt m ')) IVien OtM 5.frnti nvrhii.kat There." flour 5e, BaeoS- 10A a U.r -----places", f yeeiVi, Xi. 2J- .T. .....Cotton 8 to 8JT XKir aw rAsntoxABtn GOODS. rW IT ai! ar,ihrr it gr.ttf jl fe tha l.rU fat ju. rvnom nnoeno receiij from Ilia CitUrnl o( W.l aHurjr sad ltoan county and takes lUia oraatort io return Ma alneere thanki lor Ike aaree. And b cWithea a hone, that be keen. If a well ar.Uctcd ad cheap a4 retment ef i io anenl a eontimiartce of the generous cofimience ot an eMititene4 rommumtt. Ha It now receiving, direct from PliiUJelpliui ..J sV. v a .. . . iwvwirsTsrm Uff Eoll ani n'inrr GOODS. well adpted te thia mwkei.'aivl purehaaed en Ultly f'jr faii. will enable, him in acll trf r hfnt (,tr CAS(. ne an time In rrfponaible eelara,- Amaig b arWk, will be found a complete aaornent of dry aoonsr Io purcbaaa good ant cheap . a uunrrv. r w. -f-- I iaoaa wno Coadvw'U mewetvef. Dee 4'A, 1829. . 96 N. B. Tbe manufsctunnff of Atilli an.! Tm Pla'e Ware, heretotw cnnlliicted be r.dard f ... . m . ... . . wm nereatier be carried on by tha mU aceiberi l.o will keep constantly on band, or OMiiuiaciure io xrur, A7iit, and Tin Plate IFnV. made of tba beat material, and in the moat aub. MamUl and fatliionaLle atybj t( workmanship and hopes, by a atrtel altemion to thia Ittanrb ol buamew, Io merit Ihe patronage of Ihe puhiic. D. it. chess. ulTao Attt rtctuA. AN enfeebled contitution, fend, ra it Impn. aibla for me to take an utenaive circuit in the practice of my pr.ilee.ion u a.Layeri and I Iheref ire proMae, awiated by my brother, o open a raW a my houie in Unco n count v . on the Catawba river, nine mile from fhateevilie, and iweniy-four from Lineulnton. the Km Monday in March neiti by which time my buildinge ill ba completed. My huuae it lrre and roomy i and I have begun to erect amall but comfortable Cabin, aimiur to thine at tbe VVinrbrourh and Piatt SrrHnff Academies of Sou b Carolina. The aituation ia a hrMlnme one U known to be perfectly licalt'iy, ami la the adantgt of being entirely removed from all placet ordiu pation. "No achvlar will be ta ken a ho cannot board witb me at a member of my 'amily. I viil teach the I'in and Greek I-aciueen, tbe Malhenutic atd ibe LleuienU u( the uiuci Seirnree: nd alao, if required ly parenti or guahliana, I will trach aith great rare tbe ele mentary brmnclira of an Knglidi educa'ion. Tuition ami boarding, ineliHing candle. aih- ing, he. hr. a ill br lutmshrd tor one humlreil dollar per annum, twenty Eve of which mutt be paid in advance. No actiolar will br taken for a lea term than one quarter; but entrance may be had for one or more quarter at any time alter the opening of the I now have one .o fiimlfnl. and am anxim to ret a few morei ! whoar elimination and I i IHf. SuWriher having obtained letter tif liiiiii traun un tl et'Ha of 7Uiu Qnlin, dee'd. will, tin Ihe llth of January fi,. Inh, peoeed H a 1 1, at Li le r.rnce. on a credit af Iwclra tioaib. all of the periahaLla) property t4 taid dee'd. (lb the esccp'ui of the negroea.) eiiUting tf about tut thouMtf Imtltcl of i (iH 4 a ,rjPt fuantity of manufao. luredlOBACtOi abnui f.iteen thoueand reighl of leaf Ttlc, ready to market beta ten twenty and Ibirty tl.ouwnd Wttgbt of W Cen. Alio, a o isntlty of It W, w fiu,, lakewi-ejloo-s, IJ (aUle.and M.aa,akl a aumlier of other aiti.i, t, oo ledioua In rno. ineraia, . .,. . - , . ., . - , . A" ef birb pmnerty wi! t anld without re. smi Ibe purrjiueri rtl.a: bond ami antirnr. dareweWyeiTlif ! tb Minium fnini i!.. li. 4a. wntd a.11 wmll--w-a,ii t w - - - JifUiOiKUU-e-i r- It. A a j. at tba aama 4i aa and mm. :n km bieedrforthirnviirf wyrar. betreea Hilrt and frty likely Negr.ei arn nr which r men, women, andbot from iltirtten Io eiglt teen yeara if ag-. ' Trom lho who hire, hoods I'h approved aecurity in ba arr..n,U.J. . cted. T. J. 0K'Kl. I - ' 5t"00 P. OAkl'.M, Jm- AOIIYTS r.fthr PROP mi. i uJiS. HU.j.,ai ff.-r hr We, a-iho pp.y of the lolloaing uluable MKDlVlNL. VM i Stcnh'Cf Pannccn ; Rorr? Pulimmai 'f Syrup, ht Coiigha, Colds and t.unaumptton, i AivlcnoiCt -youth Drops -Alio, m n,mn quinine i Jicowli Enzlhh nntt Amrricati Pani inmenn r Paint Dnrn - "aii0'iry. ec. 4. YAH. : Jntix II. liEXtxw a i 1 1 .... . ... , . . C , . ""r'"'ii'ru iKitin,ni,8 hi. which have drowned mar.y etlle,dmag; -bacoa6to7l, peach hraudy 0lo53apti!edo5U, cd bridgeeand impeded tbe mails.--" - lft' !? lif rn Mlo 40. Jluwtd 83,Jour Tl . . . Tt . . ., i4to51,lar.l71,molae. 32a 34, at.gar 9 to 10J. nc i"5 siiun.i nc L.OUUUII iiiaa gait 7i to 9), tallow . wheat T a j, whitkey 'i States " on the best authority, that the t to 27 1'. S. bank note i a 1 percent, pre- sigh: of one of the King's eves is so seri n,ium ftr ditto, li a 2. oosly affecied that all hopnof its ittnie- " ' 27;...,,...Com,, 7 a 9, whewt . . . . . r - - 90, cv(47i, bacon 7 U brandy : apple . 28 Jf re gone, and that dangerous syrrp vhike27 10 28 fl(Mir 4i. .. tZt. loros nave appeared ifUhe other eye. - U - -:i hw fa.W...- adds that one of the King's knees has an flour6afiJ, whiskey. 7 a 21, bacon 7 to B.bama increasing tendency to induration. 9 a iO, bet kind of bagging 20 to ti, salt 3410 a...n.... k..n .a. ..... 50. corn 42 a 46. coffee 11 to IS N. Carolina i.uLf iiitiii uiib icn uiaubi oars a . .. ... ., London paper, for at.tionlne a lareer j"" i a :j per cent, discount ; Oeorgta, ) - iii'tti Wewttre 0 tt YiUtiin 0' th night of the 5ih November, 18.19, a certain ISAC SWEAT, of Moiituomery . .a - 14 military rorce man usuoi in tne Ionian Islands and at M.lta, aaa precautionary measure, until affairs io the East assume a more aettlcd aspect. e learp from tbe Courier that Mr. I county N. C. stole and carried off the daughter M'Lane had a long interview with the E.rl'f the subscriber. 'meif i aped ahotrt 27, abou' of Aberdeen on the 1 6th, at the office of 6 feet Pl well proportioned, light rmp ected, the Secretary of State for Foreign Affair,.;- 'Z The aroperty destroyed by the late fire -in stature, etooo ahouldered. fair complected. at Manchester waa varioual estimated at with blue evea. Swear ha left behind him from 30.000 to 50.000 It is stated that 'k00 're nd ,w0 ,m"11 fhildren, in a forlorn .... r.itL f ;. ... Hf..,k . condition. They atarted in a one-horse wnjron, very little of it was insureo Merchan- .,K . . w: K. .lwt ,. ,k, dise of the value of 1 2,000, belonging to nim for r.iWay (or Carroll)' county, Tenneaee. different manufacturers, was consumed They went in company with two colored me in one watehouse, and not a particle of and their white women, and some children by ff envered br " insnrance ' - , the name of Cartert.an4 one Willis Ca-ter. a Thursday, Oct. 22, it is stated that "in y"l ' prices there is no al-eralion ; the m.rkel a goo.! citizen, who may have it in their pow. seems firm, the demand being extensive er, to atop and break up the criminal ennnexioa. and the import amall '! , I .... 3t98 JACOB IUGLER. Ireland The Dublin Register .states j Mmtvxtmfrytify Deer t r,1 829. that tbe returns transmitted to England of, "TT iTT TT' m thetarefthrlrisrr-RrTemteyavetrakga III liauaur 1 KXXtU- excess of about 140,000. over the returns HP1' following tracts of Land, or k much , lki , i JB. thereof aa will latisfy tbe iflxeadue there- iniriirtion I would devote a sufficient portion of time to enable them to proceed with much grettef ease tnan they grotta!!) do 111 .awyera offli'rt, iii acquiring a knowledge of their pro. traMMv,- fM ,l ia a not uiioui fact, that J'tlC'.ictng lawyers have neither hme nor inclina'ion to di rect the a'udie ol their rulf nl, and hat th y do not examine them a ofien a pnee a monUi. Cadtr.aucb cjrcumitancf s, a ; iU!ig mail inns', punue bia studies ta great .diatdvan.age. and obtain license to prapise; without a competent iund of practical iufornution. I not pruplne o dereer law4etnreejlJull wrHnHt out the author, Trlhe7art ol them, which ought to be read ; examine the young men daily upon them, converse with them upon the change which have been made in the r.nglith law by the con dilution and Uwa of the U. 3. the con'titution and laws of aliis.ataie. and by the. decision. of the Supreme tmtrt.' I have a eery good hhrary of elementary law bookti i'nrlhtu ol' wliich. for rnatnrctrrmy ami fr boarlwgr .eluding can- diet ami waalung I will charge each student one humlrexl dollars per annum, twenty-five of which nm t be paid in auvaiire. AH application, must be nude to me in per son, or by letter, direct d to Thamat' eiry, Ire dell county, or to Statevilie. For particular aa to my qualification!, I refer to Judge Badger of Kaleigh, or to Major Men derson of Lincolntcn. ,tJ Tbe Raleigh R. giater, Columbia Teles cope, and the North Carolina Jnurual, are re quested to insert the above two mouths, ar.d forward their account to Statenville for payment. RICHARD T. IIRVMIIY. "30rTfr9 - Hf - fwWie in grm-ral. if.rr hr, t,.,;.t lt St,f ilt l.rilllPittn I K. ... t . a lare and ha.idjimir anortrnent of TIX WARE;' htcli he ofTer foe sale n cr, aee.inm'Kl-iine trrm, whulcale or retad. Mm ! othera, at a distance, who wan: Tin Hnr, u, ,- afain. can lute it , nt to tl.rtn on iht aho-trst notice, at the shop rnce. whirl, .r. . 1,,.. .j. lower thn a! any other ihnp in the tipir p.t ,..of the State. 1 r.ainert, i.eeinax. Old ( n.t Mir, w oe uaen in earhane hit I m u .r. IU ne or two Apprentice wantrd ta above huinesi. 5, Uringfn, D'c. (i;9. CtVuH, tr uvvfVtM SkAh. rniliHr.'in.Kbt.d t . ..r.e mrismlur bt .r. L ; roqut, are: rrq-icitcd tj cult m - 'rtrr w - "wvis vn.uu-J.U4f.. 4-.aV a ferns as .. land wtthy -pttylnglhe ruA'"or giiiiii "it.ile nuiea tUoae who fad to i .duply ah I, Hira rw auual4 .rrt?r; may etprrt to fi 'd'their rotinMn the hamls or an officerVor coIVcimm':" " the long atundingof many of my accotiMV, com pel me to adopt thia cour.. I conUnue to rarrv on the HUirk-Smith in Ihisincss, in all- VarimiT feranche at "mv !ft Kl-ripj " aliere I am prepared to s cute all .fcsrpii,,., of Work in that line, in a .neat and uh,an ul watwer, atwl on rhmI rerMeMr trrirn: air'rT'rir I customary iidulg?nce f..r rr.y pay. lie return) nisinanas 10 uiose whuh..vesn libcially pi. roniaed him, and hope, to merit a coutiniu'ioii of favora from the public. llLf)i:iCK MOWRV. Dec. Id, 189. 3i)8 made up to the same petird last year The king bad command' d 500. pounds to be placed at the disposal of the com mittee lor the relief ol the distressed Dublin manufacturers. -. France.'" The Gazette de Franf csteteti ju.Burca, -ivuiir uii r 141 tnci. iimuuik hi credit has been good and products high but that France is filled with ahirm and apprehensions, excited by the disaffected iournal. - - r' Calais and all the country in its vicinity were inundated,., on the 13th ult. in con sequence of continual rains. The crops hot gathered, it was presumed, would be ost, or much injured, even 11 tbe weather ahould soon be Cne. Sian The French papers, state a prevalent report that Ferdinand of Spiin had recognized Hon Miguel ot Aing oj Partugal. . The intelligence was . corro borated by private letters received in England. ' - on. and all coats which may have accrned, will be exposed to public talc, at !h Couri-Houae of Ituncombe coun'y, in the town of Ashville, N C on the first Monday in January, 1830, being the fourth day of the month - to' wlti 100 arcres. Ivinr on joining Reu tn'TenBbVvalue''R70fjM Prckensi value ' gjOi tile "laricl oif WilVy Laltei not possessed. , . 200 acrea, lying on Flat creek, joining Thomas Rinea, fisted at JJ400, poaseaMd by Thoma Roberta and Evan Price, the land of John Arro wood in 1828. ' 6 acre, lying on Rine creek, joining Jamee Wearer and James Hill i. value gl5, the land of Pollj Grear not poaseaed:' , 225 acres, lying on Flat creek, joining Jeffer. son Garrison and Wm. Gurriaon t value 8223 1 belonging to the beirs of lUrri t not possessea 790 acrea, in two tracts, lying on the water of Swannano, litted at g39i ; tbe land of David Hugbey ; not possessed. NATHANIEL HARRISON, Sh P; N. II. AiinxDr.a, Up'v. Wf. 4J? !iburouV .cfttf Awy. TriK eramination will be on Monday and Tuesday the 7th and 8th of December. The exercise will be resumed on Monday the ele venth of January. Mr. Edward Smith, formerly of the Peters burg (VaO Academy, a teacher of long ex- ertence; "and liirtv-tlTttntWil'fce.-Uaicl4 and scientific attainments, will be associated in the labors of the Academy. The vs'em of studies is, in general, prepara tory Io pur .University The common Knjjlith brajKhcaapciliDg. -eading, writing, gr ographj arithmetic and Rnglith grammar are intersper aed throughout tin- course. Tuition in the ntghtr' branches of education witt be given to such as desire it. Regular tuition fifteen doflsrV per .-sibt. ' W. J. BINOI1A I, Principal. P. S.TJoard in the mo'it genteel families ten dollars per month, including bed, washing, fire-; wood and candirs. -- 5t00 llilinborough. X 0. Xiv. 24 1 829. . confinement in any j:iil ad that I get him, my negro man 1SHAM. H4s4 fwt Jor eleven inchea high, a very light, aale able fel low ; his teeth are even; and vcry.white has a small scar at the edge of the hair on hi fore head, about an inch long, made by a horse when he wa a child : hi complexion is black, rpeaks quick, and is a good'iTibe maker: U may try to pass for a free man, or deny tiis real owner, or alter hi name. He was from the jail of Ran dolph county, N. C. 8th August laat. I purchas. ed him from les Chamber, Peraon county, N. C. twelve months aitice ; and he may aim to get back there.." It is requested that informa tion may be Riven to the subscriber inimediutc- ly, at ChestcrviUe, 3. y 9thy F-DWARf Moni.KY. w, will be VOTUlVa. 4 LL peraon imleblnl to the estate of hit ia. E. Wni. dee'd are requested to make immediate payment and all prus having claims ugain-t said eatate, are r, q,i ,io, ,,.e. mi uieoi wiiuin ine tune ;.rtcrihei U proery authenticated, on this n nice pleided in bar of their recoveryV Ate. JS. M.i) AN, Jdm'r. N. B. Will be sold, on the Kth December next, at the late residence of aid dee'd. tin- f i lowing property, via: Horsi-a, Cattle, Hogs, "beep, Corn. Cotton, Wheat. Ma's, Fodder, Household and Kitchen Furniture, one Wajrni and Harness, and other ar'irlcii, too tedious to mention; a here due attrnduiice will be given arid Temsrrtadr known wTtiaf day. - JAS. mi.6an,.wv, November 1, 1R29. lw sVegrou s i'oc wtc. I"Wn.l, eipoe io public sal-, at the' Court lloirx in Salisbury, nnTrid.iy, the 1st dv bi Jainiar v neil, nine vslunlda N Hf.Kor.S, of dilJr rent Uget and srxes, brlonginfj to tbe eiae of Inhn M'eant, laif of Rowan noun y. di c d. A credit of twelve month will he piv,.". ho purchjutr giving, Loud and approved security;. JACOB WE ANT, er.'r.T December 1829. 3t'Ji Friday, the 1st day of Jaiiuarv, proximo. in Concord,t?alia1'- NJuUKQES, Jkn, women andrchil!rei ;,belbng. ing to' We estate of John F. Phifcr. dee'd. Con ditions as tsual." ROBERT M'KHNZIP, .Wat'r. Dec 3d, 1829 3 98 VW5 lcnts Weward. RAN away from :he ubcriber, on the 18t!s ultimo, an indented apprentice to tbe baddler'a'businesa (bound by his mother) by the name of Suntiel Kej, aped about H, rather tail and slim, lame in Iiih right (high from a whit swelling. All persons are forbidden to tniBt him' on tn'y account : the above reward, but no other charges, will be paid for bia apprehension. FRANCW OVEUCASJI. 'Awr! c. )r, ZJ, 18?. 38 " U !1 t 1l i i : . i ' l Vr a it wrs - - it.lrtwni

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