4 Yv & Winter Viftvtm. U stl lb wr iw ! and color now U vogue 1 ib.- oucn and having! tn em?!? th t, rfrfworn, t U enabled to tie rlitio 4 Mefc'i trinem. " " - a. ... ...... aii ....I-. fn work, from OiiUnce, be fwrrptly attended to, and returned sc . . . L. ..L.M Allllll II lllf a any body I V d LI. work M MPeditkoualy b T: - 3W4ava, . kT j il lift M f W fr W !WH ttr m"' . T . i. V ; 1'..iV(f nr I ejit.m of Tail inf. 9 WANTFI', lo r three Journeymen Tl--I... .r flirt rata otkltlCfl. and ntredy u. i I . co::irtrit emi-loymj-nt will Le given. Apfly t Kr.NJ. I" KILE Y, Sjtbur,ff. C, .Vw 19. 125. ,M - ... i . M0t YV t Itrtl oenrw. v. ..il.ru, hi. Tjwm KiliMiAmfht m tne town of CfrJ; Cbmrui county. Il i con. vmieutly loctJner the Court .IJmue, and I the bet 1U11J for b':nf t in Hie pUce. ue . . t II. n( StbleL D'HJtf It tommuuniuii , . whI til neater out-huuiei. Pertuo diipowtf t.. r,..,rl.. ire rr ue.iI to make e Hy p o.iio'., at Ibc ub:r;btr iH wU ome J.ipo- r t-i!.l nv nrrun. wbo II iBeKned to emhtrk in the bnwnrti of keepinf a llou of ZMiiuMcuKutcict lUthn r.ut)Ii'tjmeni win b'c lermj w4 tlie Furniture my b ImI witb- it to that the eifcbluhtntnt le Ttm) to jo into wfhottl cre!y a ceol'i esyene ; ! man who i inilutnii and awommmiaiinj, r.n,..i fV.I uf makme enr !mJnroe profit! Arly wbKriber. in Concord. Cabarrui cMi.it. N. C. THOMAS V. CAWS. JN'te 19(1. '8. 4t97 tak fJIlK aub:ril)er, wuhmg to re- .'VJ JL move from the neiKbborliood, iJl .-HVrt for ade hi valuable Manta- ion, four milra et of Cbaflolte. -,"",f The trart contain 28i aerce ot land, . i..... ...ui i.f which ia aa cood a my in Meek Icnburif eou ity j abou' 120 acre are fit, aecond and. third crop ground, of the bet ijuaKt The iwanta'ion adjoin the cVlcbraKd app tioW Abne. and the opinion emto be well founded that Gold abound in o hilla, rticularly, on thr plantation i a branch runa through it, for thr.tc fourth of a n.ile, which, it i thougw oy na Of J'l'lg.T"!'. TK m ' V'r-r """IT . metal u nnor the Hurl mtnf.rtnerer... on t.c place good water; power lor mining opx i -taie. Kkm 20 or 3i l-kely NEGROES far ule t or i pMt if tbernV nucit a may ? lt V 'b,,ow anejr . WUraua of DtirchasinP. can call '."ilie nrehiiaea V0f Influlre of Robert I Oinkin. in Charlotte, for a description, kc ,3.99 -H',-M -IWWTWlCiw-- (iif.rir. cfW'itirj c . A. C. A'ru 10, 1829. Vauu)e ftai irvTTlfJrV. imotf Xandiy. the 1 4tb of Pe-1 Jl cembci net, Uiere will be soU - pubUc J aoic, at uf caiucnv .-t i.. f,.!)fini nrnnertv. via : a i.r ami valuable at-Kk of lUr$, CaUU, Shfp, and ffaji, (amonjiai whicb i. about tir Ufintf "-j-r - . rW ty fat hoga) , two Wagsonn and e,m' ing tools Wbr-at, Corn, Oat, Hay, lodder, Uphold nnd Kitchen Furniture, and many other articles, including all the perwtul proper- tyou the home pl" tn:iom)nijaw.i.. - ",." (r'.i iiptbeUnd oltneneirs w ncr - Others, eontaininj two hundred acre. Alo, on Mondv, the 28th day of December ... a ' I n .a. ...Ui:. .nla. Aa I ISaa . ,Kra .ill be aold. at public ale, on the z. 'tiip m.lA of- tbe deceased. on prr.inar.. . . , rj "TWrI eTTt"k,ro awA -IHI. with all the land ndjoin.nff, con- - . as . L...4J avat-aakak SffAnM At aVatat.. TZTZi hlace. will be U, 11 he peraonalliiroperty on raid premues,ott. aurf ot Horsca, vainc, Lst which sre about thirty five fat hogs) t Corn, Oats, Household and Kitchen iture, a larR quanUty of Plank, nndn vn- .. .a a .lll mSoakWa amo Vhet Strofher ariivW. . . I H,ianli tt Al Kinnr. Bintl SI IB Also, wui oe who. w .DCiiiri.Tr.;:i'ii the tract of Land on which a awo on second Greek.joi.un.r -land o Thomw lunets and otners, couwiumu "'m fjalen 10 ,"'-Jln aha I be Sold. A creau oi ROBT. N. FLEMING, ,wnAer IM, 18i9. '.6t98 'Uvavra t J V vv bsh ava i iniimminit tiia iriAnni V ... - ha. iu.t comnleted bis iVm . ra-.. . v , .-;. ' - . j -a" ftlatweV r.ockyH.vvimined.atelyntthatpubJie rct veil kbown i as the Kocky Bir atfd I Wades- boru-: Roads, lead! .g-from tbe Intenor of South Carolina end Chariton, oy way x w .no Owrge Town on, the one Road, nnd from the Interior of North CaroUnn tn.Charleston. by way e 1 a tKa Alnn. ei vnrourw, v-. - 'mua- ... Th. utcriDer inmni-puu..v, .u- ... .... snared no paina or eaptjpw son conavrtaoie wav may ooiiw ,uiu mnu vi. to c-nanone. oauiwirv anti vonevru, . v nd ato to the Virginia Spring4 i well a to thoe persons visiting the Gold Region of North I . a at V 1 D l"W I JYti . a .ji..' wa. aati a. r -a .a-.-a a Ar .u.aa iti .iao a I'liiiimiiii w em s ii 1 1 1 1 1 i j ii npnroved security. ": ' one ynr from the date of the sale. Bond witnTto vhe command ol a regiment, with ALEXANDER NEELY.T p ( appWV'ed security W be required. Wi ISA AC .HOLEMAN. V. ihnMuhat, Clerk and Mwier of said county, nai W UCUicom vuu v . ;ysti isry r1!lOMA1 V. CANON !.t"f ,.irth.M.l df J. JI U U'sr.l, lh lisfcl ti raifnl rro. tractor liyitem t-f Ta.U.M.ir. frU awMof country .rty m.lt. round Ct. Cabanui e..mty, N. C ill nil Ladr. for fh ! ind.tNhil njrM l aa.a ay"-". inatruct tbcm Ui tb rt.ml arr tb to . ka k mail i ha ill a! lanuiA rack fwwo. tuylfil fighl. th b J and t fbftl of rruAla llrurtt, colnrtd, kC. Apt.licaiui.1 liKbfUefM nuc -k-imber wrt. at tb-uUcU Jt Jctft. Ie Stata ibout thai lime. . eribm Wthil nnn'.JUd Aram of. aiM" . i it.- r.oinnt rrru anr, IJf I P . w-' rtcetve lnnrutoi m mo n ahertt of rroftle Fijrurtrjr quarter, no. . 1 Ci!f57 the tubaeribar, Uiir-;Tif avat ain.l b1b.W1 A JT .N. D. Tlie ai'Tiber aiM of TaiJorini-. by Mr. Wiltofl,'ot Jlew.Torl i od ! rcceWed biok of Faahiwt, Plate. Mutrce, kc eiplanatory of the fTltem. lie li prepared IokH rifht., and teee the art, according to uiit wj,r- -- I. al !. k-.l.a. aaa AftanlUniil IDTiTIt, THE underlined iU " P,b.r,c ""j on the'2.dof Ihit month, all the mtererf of IflffiiM CorHD, dee'd. In the Machinery and UoUl Mi.te on the land lead from the of Ceo. Meam, b- ing the one-fourth. Tbe lanl land jiint the Cappa Oo!d Mine tract. .and b Macliintry It now in oj-eration.and well adapted t'l mining purpoKi 8eeral bwes nerro man am! othrr penwnal property, wiK be aold at the iinio time. The nle w Jl take place on the premiK. Twelve montha credit will be pven. At ru.ra-.ru imlbicd to tald .eiutc, are re nuetted tu make payment i and tboae bating Jemanda ajcint the ame, to. prtient their claim for otltleinenl. within the timo directed by law, or tbia notice will be pleaded in bar. JOSEPH CALl)WtLL,.Wr. iiA-iaaLir"": TwenVN oars Wewutd WILL be pien for y man Brut, who tan away from my pUnatioii tbe 3ht of OctoWr !ai, if aecurcd in any jail in the atate, ordelWertd tome at my plantation, about 7 m.l,.. wttt of Sa1iibur. Jiriitrr is 5 feet 6 or 7 inch-t higU, wal raiaed in the 'oka of tbe Yadkin, bv the late Col. Richmond Pearaon. He haa a down look when ipoken to. although be tpeaki freely. WILLIAM OA Y. .Vewemiee 18A. I8y. iioAumVUeA to e JaU TN Saliabury, N. C. on the 12th October, 1B29, JL a Nr-rro Man. who call hi name NED. and aa be belong to Col Arthur, living about three milee from Columbia, 8. Carolina. He ppeare to be Sif years blJ, 5 feerlO w V-chti high, black completion, atout bui.t third Enger on right hand a little crooked and ft. homc b)Mjt f Au. iitr, cairar-d by a rope, no ouier marae per uv be Itlt home about I'ui oi au U,.rtUt 11ie owner radwredto prove pro- rilrt taat -,..,,1- barrel, and take Win a way.: r-r ; . ' - F. SLATEK, Shjf. Ocr: 13A. 1829. .nr.: irirmir a Fayelkctile, WILtVfind it to UeaUMgeio R?pj , WW 111 It U7tM 1 UI U, lltic tiiii -"" nrovided for Uun and Horse, to make them comfortable, at the moderate charge of 25 anta naif and nieht. for the privileee of the Yard, the use of a gooa noute, nro, waicr, ami ux,. fitePi Bread-Soon nnd. tonfec better. Attached to tbe Yard, are a urocery ,aoue for Boarder and Lodger, in a niuin. cnemn. wihmcwmihj auv . -i lI..I...M"litA IMmmr,. U CaToUlUt dshc CQUlliy SWV' fw-T f . ) QUPER10U Court of Ut, September term,. U Hagermann vt. Elisabeth i JSi.SionfJa-orofc lt.ppe.rinj fbe ntufiaction of tho court, that tbe defen- daot i. no, inbabiunt of Uii rauii u. tberetore oruerea ana o;uU8u, puj, fa x weeks in the Kaieign star ana Western Carolinian, for tbe defendant to.appenr Bt the peIt Superior Court for our said county, . . a a .. C Uuk m.m4 aatl rlaal tl. .K-.f-i Monday of March next, nnd plead , .n4 .n.wrthe aaldnetition.otbenrieU will r- betrd enpartav , -' ,5,09 Teft : DAVrD EARNEST, . . e S&fc 7rlV COtmtff jrN Easily t Petition for sale .of Jren) estnte. rotde tt Bt term, upon the Joint peution of the , ElcCUtora of R. Simooton and the Eseeutor of i "J Jime, irvin, I W',U tell at the Court-Houe in,Ul Jl fuuani 10 an oiuc vi m.s vr. I I akrill a a 1 1 Sal viia LDiiruiiuuse III statesvdle. on tbe 15th and 16th of lebninr) HiuwiMti'uiiu . February Court, tboae Lotna"Tne' tow-t --rTrs,--w-dirtnehedi-iit A.knownby the n.meof tbS"NordtC. oil a up0n n Credit or tweive Biomutt lot,; so ui peew u- v - -" . .k. .w arAn.a .r,- th ith Uondav of September, A. D. 1829. ; ' 6f00 A A a ar lllTL'l a t . aim i tfiLfaaaa. MeekUniur. taunt i I sswajac . .. .. iNi PK-. Comm. William COXe.t . retlUOA Sot " "'.ir .::"3JX 11 I DC 1118 (IC WT WlXV UWWIUW tUlv;wivvf mw nnd Cntawtm Bxt-upeiior court of Uw lobe held for the SPMecUenburf ,-,t the court-houae tn -5.' t th-6th Monday afler the fourth Jb g tember B, Bn4 pe.4 or niwwer q k 'pbjintiff- ne'iMn. h Mm wiU be JJJ Samuel Henderwn, . . a am . t. SaTaft. Sit a. clerk of our said court, omce, tnewta w - after bt 4th Mond.y ln Marcn, i ;,t0- raM'L. HENDEItSO.. e. m. . c; , , 1 1"- SHERIFFS DEEDS, OR land sold by order of writs of rendition) . - .1 tjaoc ohu w w o ' a. . a nrv J . POKTllV. ia tea tuaaiuat atuk. WDDI.K, 'fly aometbinf fcrm'rl, I notUflf am, I tt 'ry thing that )wcim II no ?lace bt I te bt, Yc t ry br 1 In all OiirtRifal-f, yet aUayl lm, I'm f ill the eem, but er w. LifaUtf, Ufo! Effect for I fari Can abotr a mom, eye, tonfue, or ew ttl aeitber amrlt, we, ta-ie, ef hiar. Ml alp l ftnum I c boiit, . ".ha m kbiod, ne konet, jboal AU eolore vitbeut aial nut on k And cbnr Uk iho chtmrll-. ,Z ttt l fouwind mffr tei?.-:.r;:v.;; rr ldk$ tbeufUl i n i moment Wot cm I teet be alBwo-.' AU tbiot- Dn.C'Qh. A Ifiaut bow, and atrairt an elT, -tn eeery one, but eer mytelf i Tia'ef aad I evxiffl, ne'er glwl rejoe i I move my lip, but went o!c. I ne'er born, nor o'er an die i then p'tthee toll me, wkat am If ANSWER-. ShaJntlH Clan. BIRTH DAV1. Why ibooU we euunt our fife by yean, . Since yean ire abort and paaa away f Or why by fortune! anulrt or tear a, Since tear are ain nd imilee decay. 0 count by eifiuea iWae aliall laal, W hen life' I t -rt, weary race U o'er And t'ic, w'tea earthly jo are paat. May cbeeroi on a brighter abort. Who are tbe old t Not they whote cre Have white lock o'er their temple ipread Wisdom a lone i man grey heir. And tbeee oiy crown tbe youthful h'd- f7w. WILLIAM DAVIDSON. -Te following rrefVry remarka. and biogre t.ri ;virh of Inr. Gen. W. DoinUU, who pit ! "'-'- wu killed in bat1 le daring tbe Revolutionary War, at Cownn'l ford, on the Catawbavriver, ia taken from the Newbero Spectatar, " It haa been remarked, by one of th-mnat chnite nnd literary wniern ! our country ,'that merit, wherever itia found, never failed to emerge irom . o scurity, and assume ita proper rank nnd estimation in the world, lnm assertion wni never more truly exem plified, than in the life f the aubjret of this biographical aketch. Just em erging into "manhood, at "the hour whicJt. tried-men a aoui, . rie quicaiy decided upon the cause he should es pouse, and manfully fought, nnd glori ously died fer his country. His ner vices were loo rrcal to be eeaily for- gatteni and our Legislature, feeln ihcgntefui irrine of "the obTtglttoad him.runon" the : diviswia. .of-Row leeung oc an tuntvi cave : the newi Cocnty which, wm thereby created, me appcumon pi DSOTl WILLIAM DAVIDSON, Lieuten- ant Colonel Commandant in the North Carolina line, and Brigadier General in the Mtlitia of tlr.t State, was the !rminpt-o -of-George -Davidson, who removed wi n nis larauy, irum Lancaate r-wuniy-rin -PconsyWannia in the year 1750, to Rowrni county, tn 41 U I VII VB Vl- Wim w born in the year 1746, " im u w " , .... and was educated in a plnin COUntiy North Carolina. manner, at an academy in Charlotte, county town of Mecklenburg, t fc. k Alnn, Rnwin. ""J1"- V' JJke most Of the en f mcrica Davidson enterprising youth repaired to the standard of his country, on tnd cra mencement of the revclutionary war, and 'aTippdlnrt4a- M ijor to one of the first regimenjs t.rmea oy me gov ernment of North Carolina. In this character; "be marched with the North Carolina line, under Brig ,mr n-nar.1 Nah. to the main nrmv jiri New Jersey, where he aerved under UIWI -M r V . w 7.1 the uommanuer-in-vnici. unm mc iiovcmusi, an, ..-.w..- (J,-.- ynColn. l?reVlOU8 tO this Imand&nt. 1 - As . he passed through North Caroli jna. Tiavidsnn obtained permission to . . - visit nu iamfciyau.iiwi " s r. .r--'v--avsr-'wive wvi-nms&sgKaa. . ; a-, .li t-i .J Ki rout Lpuivy a us wi-v"..." so closely invejSted wheu ne arriveo in its neiRbbprhood, as to prevent ma re functido with bis rcjriment. ' " Boon after the surrenacr oi uencrm Lincoln and hia army, the loyalists of North Carolina, not doubtingthe com plete aucccts of the royal , forces, be Mn in emhodv themselvet for the w - . nnrnnae of contributine their active aid in the field to the subsequent np. erations of the British General. They wfe numerous in the Western part of the State, and especially in the high land settlement about Cross Creek. Lieutenant Colonel Davidson put him self at the head cf some of cur Militia, ,.w-J r nSA tl-.e rtnff teJ imufl ii ' i-.i a,.rn.ir rtction. lie ii uiciutu wim ' t I . CA ' - L ..r kt- ...... . .mf. In in tnc cxccuviwh wa , rircment Uhipirty of bynli.ti lUroiry tail, f ghunj jnllaot y Jti lha CaUb' mill, hi wti icvercl; defence of ihc l.Urty od iodepen ded i the ball eoterrd ihcumbtli. deoce of Iheie hutei. ti ca ocir C1 region, nod paiicd through hin bo- by near the kidoeyi. 'Chii confmtd wouo him for right week j when oo recover. rjhe (uom0a rj extract of !eti log, he irutaotly took the field ter front a gentleman In Arkantaa to log been recently appoioted Drif adier hf ilorl f the Western Chronicle.' Rcneral by the comnmcnt of North diU( ci0tnomenl Gibaoo. Bcptetobcf . ' Cnrolioa,' in tlU' piace of rUngadicr 2,t . ,fl29 :... .,v--Oeneral Rutherford; lakeo at the I bju u, . - . ?ea1 the ttltf X public jouro.la of the dayreipcctia nnd Colonef TKtftrtO -loterrept-h h-Sz tf .... .J. in uDholdinjr hia f.llmff c iuntry. n Alter the victory obtamea Dy wor- gan at the Cowpens, D-vldsoh was r .u . , i .u r,,.inttv- - . . - . . .- IWUZ IU IUU1I anus- v. " i -ki:r.tb. Militia of hin district, to eo.ble Oeneral .Greene, H1VV tu ainiuuima " ..- - - ,a,l imn.fi h. hrht Corna uniier '.- .,...a rf it., .rleanclna enmTv nnd was deUCbed befieneml Greene, on the oicht oil , . , the last day of January, to guard me y. . ' ... I very ford eelected by Lord Cornwallis for his pass ige of the Catawba Yiver oo the next morning. Davidtdo poa- sesscd himself of the post in the night, ntthe head of three hundred meet i andhavinirDlaeeda rjiCauet near the shore, ttmioned his corps at aome .mli rliaranr- fr-.m the ford. General Henry -Lee,, from whose I memoirs oi me wnr in cne uumcru Dmartment of the United Btntes,M we copy the preaent sketch of General nv.denn. eiven the followinc account .f the batle : !A diposition was immediately made to dislodge DiivdsoV, which the tea alone and rending, seldom pani Rritinh General. O' liar a. with the ctpating in the amusements on board. " , miarda. effrcied. Lieuienant Colonel " ' . ... - . I Ml led with the light company, loi- ,.rrl hw the rrrenitliern. The stream a ranid. the wnter waist deep, nnd live hundred vards in w idth. The aftidiem erosse'd in'plation. sunp n- " " " I 9 ' I ingeacHthere."-W-o-Lieu- tenant Colonel IUI reaehed the mid- - , die of the river, he was deacned by the American Ccotioels, whose chal- ence and fire brought Davidson's . ! I comtriOacpurBC renacrea ii necessary v. n'.rl.nn tn Ane line- to the- ria hi 1 1 ur this manoeuvre: although prmptlv .-.r..-m..i a-a nt .fT.-cted until the light infantry had gained the shore, A Crr rnnflirt milled, whith was rt ...... r ... 1 we1Pwupporl7J)Dvic5C;.at iaj infcrior.force. iThc militia at length yielded, and Davidso, while:. mount- ioji his horse to direct the retreat, wis corns into arrav. ucKntu uv mi guider IlalLpiaaedirecilyoftV Pf Tiprarrsof thcbe.miriir aCcoery andna knowing the landing. place, whicn lay tural advautagea cf the county, deplor-k-Ia M -i --ThW rf r vt itloft' from the lot? the misery and .isnorartce of . IPP I laV I Vat T lillHI ' ' aft ' L'.il. D... In,. it email. cTCtDt-lthe inn- Oeneral Davidson, an active zeal, ... .nfltir-ntl! nffir-er. Tne British i :J.t.n4n r.drtnM II..U was also kil- UHUikil.... V i- uiith ihre-of the lieht inf intrv. and thirtvaix wounded. Loru orn- " . at a-Wi wallias home was shot under im, and fell ns soon as he got upon the shore. Leslie's, horse was carried down the stream nnd with. difficulty saved ; and 6'IIaraT tumbled ovcf with him in the water," 7 The loss of Brigadier General Di vTdson would have always been felt in any sfrge of the war. It was particu larly detrimental in ita effect at this period, as he was the chief instrument relied unon bv General Greene for the o,Mmhl'ir nf the militia i an event all important at this crisis, and anxiously rlrii The ball passed through his breast, and he instanily-ielldcal This nromisine soldier was thus lost to his country in the meridnn of life, and at a moment when- his services would have been highly beneficial to her. -Ilo rw aa.Ama&.JttlpopuM.?!ln, nerf.pleMingladds,jctty iadcfatiEnWeTrdS rrreat cause for which he had fought, 'fhi'sT uTtutrtlsefulne from Mr former conduct ' The Congress ol the United btates, in gratitude for his aervicea and in commemoration of the sense of his worth, passed the following resolution, directing the erection of a monument to his memory. Rctotved, That the Governor and Council of the State of North Carolina be desired taerect 8 monumeu at the expense of the United States, not ex ceeding the value of five hundred dollars, to the memory of the late Brig adier General Davidson, who com- wm!4 tt:c Militu ttiU KUukt tf Aihahurv. ti the htale (A rV.ith Caro- , ..... i t linn, nnd wal killed on the rl tiny of , . , ' f QFJtFMAL JlOUSfOX, lucnciau aiauawiivtM '"l aw- . iinnuici iuc mu uiiiijp iniiwa. l " TroUnd tnysterr .hangs arounj this BHD, and the clrcumstanrea Itt I I L- I If tf which he haa placed htmlclf. Ilia 'ormer elevation in society, contrastea , - a " "UM nre well cnlculated to excite the curios- -al ihegeoerOW .1 .11 P i.a. J .'Lr i , " I oceanic nccjiiainira wiioiiencrai Houston many years patt, in to? Array of tbe United States, was with him soon after his arrival west of the Mitsii- sippi, tn the Arkansas Territory, and with whom I had a patsacein a ncm- tr, aa far aa Caotonmcnt Gibaoir, oa the Neoshd, or Grand River j nnd with, whom I had ninny and frequent con vernati n found hint alwaya uorc-t khvu - .... tiona on all subject!, except that oi his own peculiar situation. If he became serious and melancholy, he sought to conceal it by ais iming a calmness of expression and manner. He was of. .1.... a n a. nor did it appear taat ne aougnt to t . . .!,. r a exact me sugniesi uioutc oi regnra from any, but aeemed rather aatubea with every thing, or rather cared for . . a nothing. Ii was, however, iropossioio to asscniaie with him, and not to dis- cover. ihe dttioctive ..impress, non mm quads from." I am uct what I have been. Altera short residence id thi. coutiirr, ne appeerea less uepre. sed and meiancnoiy, ana aomciimesi I. it i i. -.r..i iu ....1....!. CJ.aru very i iici juuj, "'"a - V.i!a Tnrt.-in. - AlVkiffl hir hwiuu u iuui.u,.v, Baa seen a treat nimocr. " I was with the General agaio, at h! Wi2r.wra or summer house, construct ed of cane, and closely entwined and mantled by the Lima Bean, nt tho mouth oltaeiumois mer.uistanwrora this place about twemy-uve miles; theT . , .... . . fesidertf e - r ulataka, aius ucn, John JolletT "the" principal Chief of UncrKCCS. ll'.S 1MIIU71 l ium. about txty ears of age, a half-breed. somewhat b jve the middle aize, very ccntctl in his person, a man of fine . . manners, mild. lotellicent, ana posses- I V .V a... lav Bl. a . a. a ff H tin rf sing a nign caaracicr ior uwat benevolence, by whom the General was received withihe most cardial and paternal affection and regard, which brought to my recollection tne lan guage of the tl.ssic poet of the feast of iineas Indeed, General Houstoa seems to have excited ouch interest and regard in thicountry and in seems, with him, that self-interest may be merged in the loftier consid eration oL. endeavoring., to do good among the. Ittdwo Tribrs of tie Mtssissppi j aud with his knowl edge of the Indian character, he is cer- tainly-.cap.aUk oLdiPf , His talents are not of the " aplendJtI and sparkling kind," and yet profound, respectable, varied, and use fctT"Btre his location in the Cherokee Nation, has been ascribed to aberrations or the mind, to which the malevolence oi slander, has added intemperance, el eifliero rten,t:adoa iiuuaLwii niwfi unquaimcu . approoa- tiSteffi&.do-BOt.dkwyer Jo, him. .the, .., least tincture of bitterness.' We hear nothing from him but . nianly sentif ments, .conciliatory language, and en larged and liberal views of things.. He seems to be satisfied "With his situ ation, and-in a state of enviable peace but we cannot permit this man to remain in exile he will be restored to society and usefulness again In the mean time, we will do him the Justice to bear testimony to the high . estimation in which he is held by the Whites, and the Indians who have the J pleasure of hts ariuaintance D D exponas, for sale at tuu I ..-

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