1 fx. rJl ; ,V. .v. IS ; i : a. V M. - T m f .,.a - ""' wa'Ti. - w t i a B4 ' T 11 ' coons. ; .; J. roni tkhnoee'telffOlh citUene r tBa Riaii..euUotl4 AudUieiXhil .2. 'Ami be tkUt ft hop, that by ap- rr will Weed. ' theP W. Krh'eooUnttaft the renews notice of an enS.rfd community,- , " lZ r-celring. drect from ftedcMdi - f J NewVwk, well selected and complete "?W(trA Winter' GOODS , L-J .J.pinl ! Ih mirket, nJ Dtirtl.4 en. ' eu-uoI. Amonf tU ok, will W JimftJ 1 DRY GOODS, llard-Wart, Groceries ; Domett ict. Wc. TUriM bo wkllto purt.J good tnrf cbtif W. fl. Tht iwiBiifu'uHnir oTiiilli tn4 Ti Wirt, hertlolbrt cwuhicUd f t dmd iL'tm, w hmaner b ttmta on oy wm mm. acritwrt bo ill keep oniitlj' ktiid, of Ulills, and Tin Tldinrtire, Mkniltl tad tkMiioftibt Hvl H workmmJ.ipi n4 botxi,by a ncliteiiion toib:i branch of - 1). 1L CRKSS. WE jiwt rteeWeJt t 'beir . Store. Woi Crof, Kowan II1 tw.iiy, 13 m'Jrt meat of Salisbury, a . twmI and frttk ipil of Thj lao ha on hand, food aortment of iuh'toaabte Fall and Winter. . ... DRY GOODS, -ihaWr for both Ortrtfcmrm am jadig. pur rtiatrd In New-York and Pbi'adclphta i conii iJ'tpj of B5ue, blackt'trowii'Btcct-mln J"and 6Tre Broad Clotha imrre. r-nfjf fndJayintli -trjilfeindRedFlarmeU- ' Jorrrf and Rise BlmkeU ' . CaOilUu and fkida : Canton Cratra and Silka -w - - ; 4 Soubaattta, OoAbaaiae 1ml Cmaxixirv Cawnere Sbawta ana JtPintti;:iHll: Jfw;ethr vitb crcry other article utually found Jn a Stare in rhrtneetwirf eooirtrj." All of which tber are d termincd to icH at Jow ai any oiber pron wltatever. engigrd in rtit time line of buiiH, for Cab( Colioti, or n a credit to (nintual dcaten. 1 he public are rripectfiil.'y invited to call, et amine, and Jm'pr forJhcinjtlveJL C-Vi- A. TOIUUCNOS & CO. ARF now receiving tb-ir aeaxnable supply 1 btcb, witb their usual stock of . DRY GOODS, Jgin consist of an extensive araortwtent of Sugar, Coffee. Salt; iiXXi, suitable for Gig and Carryall Tyret "d ft large assortment of SU0E9. W hich tbey w ill Vl low for tath or ctttn. . SaBtbwy.tfn.9th, 1829. 93 JSEIV GOODS .. fitlil E Jubacriber Jus jt eeeived, from New JO. " Vork and Philadelphia, an t is now opening, at his Store in CONCGliD, a general assvrt- GOODS; Dry. Goods, Hard Ware, WIT" II "J Paints tsfc. fcfr. iff. ' Ilaring purctiased entirety for cash, and in. .vnnmir to an for rn,h. he feels aaured that Jftt sell on ttriraicli'ttltentbrfkctorytb tuose witinng to purchase. The public are respectfully invited to call and amtneior tacfi&auves. D. ST0RKE. SmtlOO totohr 5(4 1829. hit'TiitS'ojj'ln Tjesfngton, Oavidsbn countv, . TIN WARE; " e o(Tcr far sade 6a. very vccomtnadatini; Wholesale rtr rrtnit. Mfrr.hanta. auri others, at a distance, who want Tin Ware to aeli &'n, can have it lent to them on tbe ahortest Mice, at tbe shop prices, which are as low or tor than at any other shop in the upper part the State. . ..lther, Beeswax, Old Copper, nd Fur, .uT0ne)rlo Appreoticei wanted to the oye business. - .( ' 5t00 "Sfn, Pee. 24 1829. LMjIJVJIfJKS. OlTsaie . St the office of the Watern Cmra- Jinian, the Farmerf and Plantere Alroa 1 f,ff1jejrr l830: priceilO centi xnent of ttmstsUne of BAuaminr, howax c.iuntv, n.c. tuicsday, dkckmbku nt mi t IWICT, cip to tiu'illo lr, at ikfl Cwri Huh in BJi.Stfry, on Irijit. tlifj It lit J Ithahlf'hrli , ni3 'it.l MlOUdJ.S, 4 tf0cimt aca ana at tut, Ulvngiflf to Um ut of fol.a UcauUUt of lUwan cooh'jr, df'd. V etiJ t of leelre moattti a ill be p:rn, the pircirf jtij Jon4 altprid MCMrny, -JAWB VrClM, AracY. troen for ?ae. 74 'inCCTri Wiiny, -at !m fnHmjf JiJ "jLltlrt;ort fii'taf, the lint Jay of J.mi. ary tint, vjt Wy f riROW, lh pceny of Ttontal AnJeraon. dre'J. at' a emlii i4 aic niontbii bond tnd ippmeJ aecuVby will be rtjtirto iroa iu ntrcnacr. rZRt AU.C310.NO, Kx'r. 'J Xwtrmbr, .1. D. &. 559 0. IS bow rrctWinj from New Vork ami Mil! delpLia, a cbjtce and ban Itmne anortmci of DRY GOODS, f if JIardicart, Crockertji Groctrirt, ?t ; wl'tcb were bootht ftt reduced, price, am! will be aold at ft email prwfit, fur raiA, or en time to rinctoi ueaJera. Among tbe Grocer, are tri iamjr . TtriJTi,Vi4 Mitacatrll dtrto. Fort dr.to, Malaf a ditto, Genuine OM Holland Urn, old Cognac rf-- - -ct unanav, Jamaica aad net Knp. . . l"d Hum 1 together with rrerr article uajally found io a Store in this wction of country." ' " I'enHma wbhi.nir to Durthiv. -iUn r.H and nm.ut the almvc iiood. SaiMmry, Srf. 28A, l&Z). 6mtl ransn, vAsmonmiv. Aim TIMX EVER! RE now opening at the anbicrlber'a Store in Sa-'tabury 1 .mtmUing of -. : DUY-C 001)$. 1 of atrooat every dr aenption, suite J to all auwna of tbe) ear. Abu, , GROCERIES, ''Ilardxarirtndhitlrru, J eitcmire in variety and amount, elected by himat ll th rare, and fbnojht fJr esihr on thr' best trrmt; In Fbifa ttcT." phia and piew.Tork. Tlie public are assured 'bry will find a Urge end full euvjjly, and luwtr for caul) thn utual. or other i on acconimo dat'uifr terma. Thy are rn; rrtfglly inviied to Call, aee fanhiona, rxaminr qtiatities, heir prices awu judge lor Aueffitehft?. jouxMunvnrr" J. RL. respectfully- beg to return his tinfeign etl thatika for the very liberal antrdistinguiilied Eatrnme he has been so highly honoured uith y a ditcmin; public, and hopes, by a diligent attention, to merit a continuance of the same. .Vc(t'i5ury, Sepi. S8. 1829 3mt9S fBl'in subscribers having obtained letters of JL admimstiation on the estate of .Amu Quket, dee'd. wiU, on the 11th of January ciisu inh, proceed to sell, at bis late n sidence, 011 a credit of twelve months, all or the perishable property of said dee'd, (with the exception ol busltels of C-R N-i -e4aTge Quantity of nranufacvr lured TOBACCO ( about fittten thousand weight 01 leal occea, ready tw - market 1 - between twenty and thirty thousand weight of Herd Cotton. Also, a quantity of IVheat, liye, and Quti. Likewise, I lows, Hons, Cattle, and Sheep 1 and a number of other articles, too tedious to e nu merate. Ajfjof which wroperrj will be wtdwHhWrtg Mrve VlRe purcliasers rivTng"'b'mTand'approvl ed security. The sule to continue from day to day. until all are oid. TH0S J. 0AKC9, . , , ,;fj-fatjtujSw tiecemher 'iti, I8i9. A s.), st the same tine and place, will be hired, .for tlui term of. one yea-btw"biHy j and forty likely Negroes i among which are men. women, and boys from thirteen to e'lKh- t.en yeara of age. From those who hire, bonds wiih approved security will be scrupulously ex. acted. T. J...OAKE1, ) ... P; .OAKES, r" sfVMIr-:' night -of. the 5th Novembetv 18, a m illIU of the subscriber. ..Vweor is aL'dabauIbwt 6 feetiiigh, weQ ptupo7tioue4,ligUt ctMPptected, and a lung nose j my daughter, Talltf uaglcr. whum the vnlian nas inveigled away, is small in stature, stoop, shouldered, fair complected, with blue eyes. Sweat has left behind htm a good wife and two small children, in a forlorn condition. They started in a one-horse wagon, with a large blind bay horse, and I suppose tbey aim for Caloway (or Carroll) county, Tennessee. They went in company ,wi(i two colored men and their wbite women, and some children by the name of Carter, and one Willis Cartef. A said Sweat may attempt to marry or live witb my daughter in some iiakwf.il way, I requet all gooa citizens, who may have it in their pow er, to stop and break up the criminal connexion. 3t98 JJlCOli HAULER, rlllUtr, luJttXrdlo lU Vib(nbt b ao X, tmti, aa rMti Ui4m Wmwm4 tnfw of ou ) 1 or rtWrwry rl, ml aettl by 'in1rp'T tot or ni.iir iLi ftolrii tboa w bn (m u comply tbia rv rwiawe rrqutt.wu; tiot tfi tbetr ae. reunt in t!ie hkiiji of ad fcfn.tr t coUcctioa 1 tbe Ung Mandinf of many of my accounts, com- I Cutiii'Mia to carry oa the n a?l it a"riui bran J,e.' at Vol4" fihiMi wbrre I an ffTnarvd to eireuU aN deicripilo, of Work io that Hne, In ft neat and aubfantMl Rianner, aid oft moat rcawnable teMff, w'h'i tit cinmart Indunce fur try pat. He rcturua BMlhai.kito tb"M bakveaa liberally pat roiMrd tWn, an bop te merit a continuation of uor irom tbe pobne. ' I RtriEIUCK MOWRT. -Va 4wrjr, Det. 34 1 8.V. 3t93 I o TmtUtrs. fll ' I V. subecribet tak es this oe !V tjt - w wi mtuniNng uis metiiU iff 4 tbe tMiblia rn-tlw. ih.tk i'Vll ,M J" e.MrJted Ma if -""".""i, Miuaica on te livkling ridce of tbe str of (be Catawba ml Itiicky Uivrra, im nnTiatrl) a tba' public tom road weOkuonajibeRock) rLreratl tUdea. ftorl, Itoaila, Iradmg fruta tbe interior ofHoqih Carolina and Cbartraton, by ay f Che at w aad Oewue rown on tbepne R.iml, and from the terUf wf KorthtarolirtftHCIurfeWoB, by wa of Camden, oa the other. TV eubscrioer rtfortni tbe pustic, that be bu tpirtd o paine or tt pense t Nats th.e pef. s-ma corofmabte who may notour bim ith their twoi , and aWres thet rHst friw the rrryS-tftoation of TTie'sbovr lid, ilie tv be Uta tA UasaUtag them at a' I avftf rmof tbe year, k I that the addition of hia tuu, make (be sisges complete to and from Castden am Cher, tw to Charlotte, Salubury and Con ord, N. t: ml also to the Virginia Springsj ! well ai to ibote persona iaitintb.e Gohf legwn of North tVormr. A. CUB ITT. ata t anl for Ttixf a. T IF. following tracts of LJ,v a m ch thereof as ill utiify ike Ittct due there on, and all cuata bkh may hare accrued, wiD be exposed to public sal-, at the Cmm-Hou if llu icon.be county, in the town of 4hille, N C on the fire Monday in January, 1830, bung the f mrth day uf lue mouth -to t t 100 acre, lyine on Rinea crek. ioininr Reu. Tenniton, value g'iOOj the land ol Geo. 'land, and poaacaaed by him r 3i acres, Mnr on Hat creek. Iiuiiin Wm. Pickens, vahie the land of tViley Lai-eri not poaieaaed. " - acrea, lying on Plat creek, joinine Thomas Riucs, Jis'cd at puascMKd br . Tbouos Robera and Evan fnce, the land ef Jolin Arro. 6acrta.Tinr on Rines creek, inininr iimn Wesvrr and James I lilt a value Si5, tbe land of i'ulU farear not jjoaiWsed - 22i acrea. King oa Flat creek, joining Jctfer. arm Camanit and Wn. Garrison: yahiv SJi) bcMngtng to the "heirs of llarrUs Dot posa kitrd. ry(ajres,in two trartt, lying 00 the wateis ufJJ aaoauo, Uti g9i j the land of fIVid NATnAMr.I. HARRISON, Sh'f. Ej Hi IL ALasaaaay .JH'f. -4,Oi ; WAliONKHS, Driving to FayetteviUe, I TILL find it to their advantage, to stop at the 11 asm Tur-L where every con venience is .rovided for Man and Horse, to make the in comfortable, at the moderate charge of 25 cents a day and night, for the privilege of the Yard, the use of a good house, fire, water, and surlier. Attached to the Yaxl, are a Grocery and Provision store, Bread .Shop and Confec tionary, and House for Uoaidcri and Lodgers, in a plain, cheap, wholes .me and comfort- -atyje: nyrwwtfe. 1 il .TsT l' JVjn eut -UoUvtr a- Hew avt v TIYTILL be given for the apnrehen.ion and . 1 Jy . confiieojent in any jail so that I get him, ray negro man ISHAM. He is 5 feet 10 or eleven inches high, very light, saleable fel low 1 his teeth are even, and very wlii'e ; has t small scar at the edge of the hair on his fore eadabogr ijibjc.hrjnng3udfcyborsiwheft he was a child 1 his complexion is black, speaks quick, and u a good shoemaker 1 he may try to pass for free man; or deny hi real owner, or alter his name. He' was front th$ i jnil 6f Un: dolph Ct)iihl;,N.'C &tH Au.tU't lasC-1 purchaiil ed him Irom M jsc Chambers', Peroon county, N. C. twelve months sine 1 a,nd he may aim to t .1 1. ! .1 I r gt-bc equrrted th st inform s- tion may be given to the subscribe immediate. ly, at cueaterviiie, s. o. EDWARD MOBLEY. November 9tht 5829. 6 01 . 1, SHERIFFS DEEDS, J mA land 'ftuld byordWof 0ffitt bfrenVrifibn" r-Sinr.--fVrlrMrt-tlr demen corriroanded a tine ahip of the Russian navy at the battle of NaVarino. It is probable that they will examine minutely every thing pertaining to ship building and naval matters during their visit JW Y. Courx Enq. Miss Ifonrybuti, a delicate, rosy little Venus of 45, has recovereJ 8500 in Bed ford county, Vs. of John Saunders, a stout Dutchman, for. refusing (0 marry her according to prorflijr. tficU: H BUck Sea. The Canal of Constant, mah ll!?!: Y-ard, at Brooklyn. One of the.e gen- Uo ed t0 p f ftnj.. .i Jj- i .c! .r .u: Peace wiin the Sublime Forte, upon the could only collect around his person ROSSU and TURKEY. The War In Ru rope (srs the LrKt burg Vlll.n) Is a: an end. Tfc, tf ihs whole eittnt of Kutrpan Tarkry. ? .f.'nrjn,,".'np rj4M of lis A J, i. possessinns True, the KittDcror Nlcho u d mss not tUmfft!tmfit right 10 thJ .lomsn territory, tut be negotiates lih me oitan in the iinnce of ennonejov. dclrrktira cfiJpWloreyTrh, rWmr. es nd strngih of the antleol enemy of il tjnptrt. ira b sa not wrested Con a a vnnpie from tbe lurks, but he has pavcC the or itt Mart e..y lunjii Kitiot, wnencver he or hn succes-u ms U prompted by intT or smililon o ekr the iemtti.tC prlic. , W hjvs ti t room to puWsn tbe Trely of Trace 'grtidon bctftcenihe high contrstiio, turtles, it lull length, but we have ton iretcditspiimipsl leatures, by which the rearvrmsr be rnsbl'd o jroreclate Iheii relative condition. From tn tone of iha London papers with rec d to the T-eat It it esty to tee that th Entrlfih oeoble feel bumbled a Ml rnortifi d at the tlulin state ol ihnifs Tbey oegln to see and leel Ibst tbe fast ftochored Isle" U n. ionjer the arbiiresa of tne destinies ol Luropft X mijIuUr sw ratkl tn ihal ol Njp.i!eon has sriven u in the North, ibe influence of wblch on the fu tore destinies oi Eqrnpa and the world Cannot be foretold a power wich is the jnoje.difuiul: to be rcaiatcd, fioin the n .ure dt t'a Kovciftinctitt the hjbt;s mi number ol lis paopl, nd the riiror of i s lirns'f. Wiiai will lie tr.c tili- ol Francd EiigUnd. Aumia Stc.it ! nftKiili 0 foresee. T'ir loi ,ink'u j Synofiii ol TUfc TitaATT Jr rkitct. Artitlt 1 .i)..nc ,'u ! iHisiililies Hiwteo tne parties shall ctatc Irom thr 1 ol the TTa'y. Ait 2 Kussi restores to Tutkry. .iokUvu, Wyiiacnia, Uu!ii4. hi fain he Danube as far as the sea, tuihci nh tcvcral other -prtnaJlUlcs' anu towns ol less note. Aft J Dtiica ibe iiouAdaiies of the- utiles 1 he Irutu is in toniinuc la lorm :ne limns ol rc Lmpircs lite luvrcb'Ot tckacls of both tluil hive thu ibeity ol n-igaiinejhejyiauUJa.iiMd4 cUTkts. lu hr Kt-idti ihin of wrar, when ascending 'he Danuoci shall not go taryond tht pitnt of its unniori"wit& the .frf. 4. Dtfiocs the AlUtic frdritier of the two tipplrcs j tq.wilt ..? the Uo tu which, tiMtowiMg me chi limes ol (he Oourirl ol hr Black Scj', ascends as ui as '.ne border ot A merits, and from nence, in inc tuiti.cM direct ton ,is far as the point whcia-ttTCroTTncnrof tne Pwehifiit r o "Aialti icKjau Kara tat vmz-ti t'oiBir Arr tuflfiirtc i. ilfua ' ted to uie Sou. 11 and Wat of ibis Due ol dc uiarc'a tibii i t o re ni sTn in lie r pel ui V u n dcr tne Gemination ol tne ul)inne l'oiic, whiht tuosa which arc nitu.itcd to the North at.u Ejbt of laid line, u der the donuiiJiioii ol tbe Etncror of Kui.i. Art. 5 (jUJiciiitfS to tuc l'riiK ipali tics ol Moiiuvu and Waiiacliia tht free exercise ol ihcir religion, perlett svcuri ty, a Uatiotul and mdependeut adimiuj iraiiotii and the lull ttutriy ot trade. Art C l ne Suuhme i'ortc under take luimfuiatcly 10 Iul6i Uie-umdiUiuis ol the 1 1 catty of Ackcra-no. JO Tu yiouuon ot this treaty, our iea.icrs will itColiwri, was one of the causes "iiicgeC by HuiJi aJui iaue of wai.J " ArJ77 Sti utes me tubjcctsol Husia( hi tne U.ioinjit L11 pnt, mil and eniiie liberty ol lommuce, wmcn is not to be prumbntd or c tieckesiDjaBse.aucnce.jpf. auy 1 tKuuiiuii ui uiesuic, vwtaef 11 oe one 0 internal udtninntratiun or interna tcgiitutiun i ! Tuc ItusMan vessels shsii koi ue suojccied to any visit on boaro whareveri ofi l lest neither out st sea, nor in any of the pons or roadstcsds OclQtigtng to the do uiiuions ol tbe oubiime l uiie I ! The Suoiltne forte engages to watch -carefully mat the commerce and nayiga ion of the Black Sea shaii not excellence the sltgiii est obstruction ol any nature whatsoever. at ot Comtauunopie and jbe Strait Use Dardaneils arc declared entirely ttptn snci peace same conditions as Hussian VcsseU, woe tbei going to or returning from tbe Kus sian Forts 00 tbe Black Sea. Any in fraction of this stipulation is declare be forehand to be ao act of hostility, Jjr which Russia is authorised mitVnier to tetaiiate on Turkey- jO Tnio articit is written in a tons of hdugty arrogance which fully shows how complete b been ihb KussUn conquest and how low u uk decraduoo of tut Suliauil jrt. -Cemp,cr3 the Qbrfne Fcfrre, to1 VOL X NO. 437.' pay to iWis,'ft ihernurseol I) ftiuiitlia .Hesom IJ'W009,dtrftol 1(mI,m... ,nil',rX'lftt4 b llotw.ft anf. chants, f.r a;,f dyn-is com ml rtf 6a ihelr cummerce. slm e the rr Ilui. fArti rvovliM fvr; iM)nP Ku.sia for the eijmses nl the terrnt .bUl Kf nppr mmtal T fe'sly , if Bs-d at 10 000,000 dues, or ntsrlv !. , . W;090j ttrljn,,) pld. n.bli.'r"r mrwts.-4)iiihrrplyMrm of ht firn ln" stslmenlii AJrianonle it to be vstuaia4 on tbe p4men nt Ihs second, tht KUi slsnj teirest bero idthe Balksoi 00 in . ibiid, beyond the Pinube aod wheo the ho4e sum has been discharead. thew Ifayr tha Turkish territory ftltogetber.' Art. 10 Hjclarei the adhesion of ik Sublime Forte to the Treite of Loti,rk (the flin olJulf 1827. w wnicb the) Mrfi'Htirnce of Ureett it ircognigid. l'Uiiliiaitlariesare immtdiately to he ajr pointeu Of lac uiiomaii govrrnmem id settle with those ol Eiwland. F ran. .n, I Kuitie the eifwUiicin ol sai l Tia.i. Art. llPiC'lgcs thr two parlies to kt immediate steps to fulfil the cona tions of the Treaty t and the SuMimai one sgrars that uihiI thr complete eva- he l(Usiait troous, the dminHtratiori id tfie order of t?iins cMjbluhrd lher' - nt preiroi timiuidtr Jh,if.flu6iicer of Ru si., hill be miin'iiiM-d, the I'irto not to imarlare . wtih (hem ehy msn ner - - tr-. - ... Art . UOrdsrs to be uiren to tho Hoops on botn sides 10 cease bostUiiee fofthwitni ai.d any thiii(j which snj Rave bacn conquered y eitbtr pirtv af- ' tef the signing" b:"iVTieafyTci Tbelmme tlisftly rsitorrd Art. 1 3 Hoi rt powers giant fuil and entire pardoi to su n ul iis subjects as during die wir my h 1 v .i.icJ in ny ws the hostile H)wcr KT This pro viiion wi;i sjye the H. 'il vl -iuy Turk riom thr bowstring, as n ivnot durvfut that treaetirry van nut ihr lean clTuienr -weaoon tmptnyra t tne nu-rstans to ci feci their purp js a J Art 14 FMil-s frf the-mu'ttd rx -chaiigs ol prituuers, wiiKuut p y ncni of fa 1 ft $6;fiV K''"."'rr ' Art l$-Ail previous Treaties be tween ! oigiy contrK'i'k! fuitics. exm .. . .. Ccpt such as afc annulled byrttie pieat .A are couDjrasd, it ail tacir iorco-and ef Art jfl. and if--Froyidci for the ra . tificaih) ol the l'reatri and tne eitchaegr" ' ol ii'i.ational wii'M-v -six weckT 'from its da e. or sooner if practlcsble. TheTresty intone dtii t,'uuot AUxi OrtJT the-negotiator nii tHejpsrt "l.'JJS. Suiuu and by J Luuul ihuz, a, a,uJXJir- bunk Zubalintky in bensitpf Jhi; Jij-! pel or Nil lnla Such ate tbe lipuiaiioni by whicU Turkey is made pioviuce of Kimta Consuiiiinuple in rfl-e f a Uussun pi, and Kusia bet sell iJiciaior to ll Europe It issiid'that Bui-on Kothstbild. Wo great rich London banker, and himei! Jew, bat agreed o loan the Suhan too HHney without intert.', the Sul(n en gaging to yield to 1 ne Baron l?'erer iho bovereigutjr ol Jjerussiein.td the Jerri . tory of anciem Palestine, whitn was o 1 u -pitd by the twelve tnbts of Israel. If this be .mci it i not the, !est remarka ble iircumiancewlii.h. will hae growra oat of tho'Tuiko-Hasiian war. Omar Pacha.- Aa officer of tho 1 ltitisH.jjqicaail t CuttlW .UliflypJa; siatcs ihitt in coaequfoce nt-thc-gci?--cml detection ol tne Turkish Army at Adrianople, at the time Count Dicbit ftCH flppryatched,;r(?ar. cIOtuk himself to the Sultan's curip near Cons. suntmoplc. stated his ease, and iit mitted himself to his master. The Sultan was much affected, and pardoott ed the .unfortunate Pacha. With regard to -the materials for- m mquc . w erejjptmctt acii.ittefempiri. ly collect arauna nis pe eighteen thousand men, to oppose the invaders. And even on these he could, ugt rely, treason, disaffection, opera hatred and concealed hatred beset max m all sides j plots were formed against nis life and tnat of his $ot and tho revengtful Janissaries had vowed that ne family .of Othmon should be no more. Huch materials for proteeiing-' anempire-aro worse., thai nfnHintj; . . trrw.ajga? 7"yi. ... S 'I ''I 1 - t m 1 -.3 . '"i, r ' -ir 1 " - -- r i-iTVV!vt:"ant-' d ssrasssstssaaatww I- asssssSBiswai

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