V k Su, In I PO, empuale. lo 1171 miUs. New the number of Foat Offices IseiiMfhouaan'I and four, end Ike Totl Roade amount 19 111,009 anlles. The lrl line of mail coaches In ka Unl. 1 4 Stales eeuUUhed hi pe-aa net WMAtlW Congress Pd Sep temper T, 1711. ex'ee.lig Irons Ports moo'b, U ?' lfempbJrtw 3areah, ia ier.te TM ireaapoftattoa l taa tnU ia coaches amoonts, at ihls time, t MOT.III mites lo,one y esr.snd fronnhe fliw die fif J.fiU.rr MXW K-v-HI'kwH ' trn4iol,ril, IIO i)- The whole ."" -ycatlf mflt-mneuow wf k auii UtAath. - about tt.700.9to miles. (-' I Us tiement ef the financial concerns v of ika Denartmcat U eiplkll. Tka Foel Offic Department le la prosperous cm T'tfitlon. lit meniioae sever si cktnges ' that hev been mde m tka tnatportetkm . el ika null h tha 3ouiken end Western ; Butt. end fives statement of lk man Mr I wkkk several regulaione bate been adopted la ik settling of accounts, fcc froti Amtrkt -Late edvkee from Car tbagcaa rer.eldetFL.TadtTpr,taetst4!hat la tn affair In wkkk Hen. l or dove lost kit nf, n Aailoqula, S00 of kit troop vara lto killed, and ika reauiue oi bit - follower ukea prieoocra Tbo treaty of peace betwea Colombia sad Peru, m received aa tka If ih Oct. end presented for railfcalioa, et Bogota. The t oncres . . . af Parti, oa tka Il Aotuat, t hoa Uoo, A. Oanarti provislonary PrctUent of ibe RepuMlc hod Oca- Lafeente Vlca I'm) rodent,- .After the 4ih Ocutbe Introduction t. af foreign ult Into lha repobUe af Peru . .... w iu wa jnvmuuKu. . v y T""" ; corttaia aa attract of a latter from La fnaf ra ia aklcb Bolirar U aakj to kty aiurtaMtf a 4to laava -tkat coaotnr for Euiooa. I: ia added that tka euta of Venezuela iA altkdraw from tka Colon " WaaRepaWic Bott. Butitii. : MEXICO I Jfr. POINSETT. KiiCklMl1 PWoa'lolormf nrr frtneir Beak Wtt t. ton of ike MuuckaMtU Joaral,tkat be net al New York a few dare ap vitk a i ,)( W man D bad jort arrivad direct Iramllaikat at New Tprky be air of Vara- Cn...,Tka Mexkao a tr-, , ebot af rcipeciabilitfi and ka aa tka .loUoobif loiircttiag aod extraordinary - ajceoaat--. ; -JUeadjp before ke departed from tka ' t clly af 41ko, Sir. Poioaett, our Mioie- . Ut, aa waited tipoo ia tka dutk of tka -a eaiag be a peraoo, ka dalifercd at tka - door" a aaiMa from tka Minister of -iJaraiK AJir, ftqye iitaf kit Mr. Polo 'aeti'e) immediate attendance at tka Bet-. ' reau of Farcitn Affiir. TbU meeec6 . ... . i.ti .... . - T Wat not aoauitf a tuiuaiN aoart ie ftracladoa bavin tr beta takes . for-eome :r;"rtimc. ao ro coflfioa tk door kf a cfcaia yaaaot ta'parink k to opt ao far a load. 1 mil tka paatge oi a piaa, naiett taa caaw vra amucked fortbar porpoae, ant onrt - i idmu oi COGVcfMiloo. ; air. t oiowti ut ' Meted aona auuMer dcuea fronf the a breccdcotcd kour at vblcb tkia rtquett vaa aaade and (fetantaa wr eaiver, mai . ft . r ka akoutd cillod tbr MlaUter la -tka "flnomlng TbbriBflweaa 'delirertd, iod JIr Ti 00 jppifW n wa. wwopy, ;ea lUiytoan about bi bouerarroel .... ma? . .hfc knivekTnid:bludeeoofr--Tka Mexl itaa bad 00 douM that the Intention waa to .obtain, admission kf stratagem, murder tka minister, and rise his bouse 1 '-' ' i3 But this la not tka only,' or most extra ordinary part ol-the gcDueroaoa narra .live. .While ke waa oa tka road between .Mexico aod Vera Ctox, travelling with iconipany in tbe stage, Ibef were arrested tf a band of ni&ana,t aea- if Mr. Poin sett -was among them, it having been re ported that be, was to leave Mexico at this time. 1 The aarnetor of these facia xbwg tiosely muCed in a .cloak, em a . ,pikatular object or scrutiny. Hie cloak waa roughly thrown open, and kla fea .taret aloacly cxaminedi andwhen at Jang'h sne aauilanta became utiafied of .their nmtake.ana of tkem draw ike feci of Lie kai'a across kis throat with a dedusive jactioat S4ing, Mk is lucky for kirn thai Tke Lrntt ln eclatloo lo tka ship, of -ktW teW but leo e!l grounded appre tieflsions hve latterly keen entertainad, aay 'na Bliiroora American, a glimmer tf k pa is presented. W aaw yesterday 14 kUtUemaa Visa frrtvrd hero ihreo days Oro in"' the schooner Uncle Sam from Il,n:'He lnlbrmstif that about the iStk November a British ' packet arrived t' Hafana from Vera Crux, whkh ra " tortert rhst she had spoken the U.S. ehlp Hornet dismasieo out mai aso bio uccub- V 1 fiffer of atsistanca tendered hy the -Pucketr yJnr informant la not posulye ""'"7";"":-'::a0-ihafact, ' " 'tka Hornat bad throw bar -fona afar- - CoerMMrfea.Tba Penntyltsnia Co ..J looixaiion 8or.lety bava determined to - j-! ,0 Uberiarwhh Uck per tons of color aa may be liberated from elavery, and wish to emigrata to Afrka ArraDgements bava been made ta trana Wt one hundred emancipated slaves in , x tbab'ig Liberia, of Philadelphia, which Vntel 1U tbertly mU Dram Norfolk. -' ,- ' ' " ' ' la SaaaTSt H'nfa?, Jfr. 14 Tke JudUUrf con. rprd adra to mkinjihe jnrels of the Oanarti A KinU cem(H'nt atUtnte oej Indict mtnta In certila caaea, a k W4 coa liclvltktbeCoetthuilon. Mr. WflWa olTirtd a reaolotioti for amtodio; the iaott h pankular rctanace to Urge at rU of land, from. 30,000 t ,J00,O'X) Krc. br tlilien of oUtT'tiala, aad hick baa neter beea Rirea la nor eoJJ for u'xei for W f cara f tka jIUUre eoai miftea aked t ba-diKkarf 4 Ui ike further contlderetlon of tke reaolutiofl for eatatUaVaK "wprl,)f Court ia Mkob cWfrrilrrfenr'frJraWaJ biU ia freteat' obairactloa ia Bif aod Utile oWcat crccka la Kandolpk. . Th-rvlay, Pre if Xi. Mkckell,frow ike com. of bter. improtenaeoti recom mended tke rejection of tke bill to emcAd tke act of IMt tke etant of tkli atata to certaiivacia of Jka Tenneeaee le rlilatarei the bill to ettablitb a new . .. - i coumi , of uie oiroe oi kmwi i Cunberiand, Moore, Chatham and Wake vaa rejected I Nr. Wellborn prewnftd e bilMo restore Jotbaa Pannell of VVilkee, lo credit I Mr, Hinton prawota J a 1411 to make it incompatible for e justice ol iba neaca to bold tke oftce or count? rtrle tar. or count r surveyor I tke reaitmaiioa of Abrstn Vannor , It. col. id rcjrt. Stokes milrtla, was read and accepted I sr. Alien orcunted a bill to re mora tke elections from Warm ?nrin:M tbCoL Alfred ilia ton's, Bwncotpke countr i lha bill to at lacb Capt. Alexander'e company to 1st rest Iredell militia, fiiulli paaatd tkia house. Friday, Dec. II. The bill for tke re lief of debtors, whoea reel etfa'.e may b sold ou exscuiion, wss rrjcctedr Mr. M'Eotire, from a select committee re- eoruda UQ for tka better orcaniutkm of Rutherford county coons i tke petition of Jones Clark i of Hecklebbors;, was rejec led, after ea Boeoccaeaful attempt by Mr. Dayldeofi to procure a favorable c ootid er- attoa of U I a Ions; time waa apenl on the . Seturdavt Dti. !9.-Tba com. of Inanca -reported aeainst Iba expediency of ika Slate's asking a loan of tke State Bank, on a deposit of J rcesnry Motet, in anucipaliott of a deficiency in tko Revenue for tka next year 1 the bill to anthorire ike 'several county courta to alter ike aemce of persooe, em epplieation, passed tbU House. JWoJsdoy, Dec. J I. The judiciary com. rt ported adverse to disqualifying kntlces of tbe peace from being secarky on Con sttbles' bonds i as also srshst corn'mg defend anit, where they make af 1 general Issue ta suite oa coenrr" fcc to do so oa oath, -y -TWaifjJDrc.ii'-Tki ll. tbe subject,' rtporteil against nH,, prpvision , for a Mao of the Jtaie. - Mr. David ton preeeated a bill coBcaming- iba tstawba navigation aaipaay t r. car. fla offered a resohrtioo for an appropria te of 2 1 iOOi W impede rtAftdJroai Pleasant Cardan io Burke, la N. Birch Bald's on the Blue Ridge. Mr. Miichell, rrom tba com. of Inter. Iraproremenr, rt portedlgainir making en appropriation to lax prove tka road from TTllkdsbolr'o, via Tripp IliU, to fJia Yirgioia-lead mioe road.-Mr. Johnson mdea motion, laat wTlhcsseanibmmoned" beforaf justlcepof iba peace, be paid. - Mr. Mootzomery of Urange, offered a resolution to request eur Senators'and Representatives ia Coo press to resist the re chsrteriog of tbe U. 3. Bank.' Tbe biQ to locreaea the tax 00 Gate a across public roads, tu post poned indefinitely.1. . 1 Horae er Ciwwi 1 fyjmifl JUt. lev Mr. Polk ptOMntad a bill in autborixo Tbo. L. Cowao, to erect certain gates, wbkk patted 3 readings, end vaa ordered to be enrolled. Tba bill ooncaraint tba 1st regu Stokei'mllitia l end tbo kill rela live to tba psisige of fish op P eedea and Yadkin rivers, finally pasted tbia boose.- nurtdau. I7-Mr. Bethel bra tented a bill ta disqualify members of as sembly Iron holding any lucrative office Mr. Wieeman, a bill ta amend tka act incorporating tbe town of Lexington, Da vidaon county 1 Mr. Neill, from a select committee, reported, !a relation "to' ika Hickory Nut Usp road, that tha commit aionera bed faithfully expended tka money karetofort appropriated for said road t tka com. of fiasnce reported es inexpedient, the taxing of incomes held by citixens of ihla tiaia larhfporsrloBf Torcttinertd by tha, Stata. A loop; lima was apenl en tka new county kill tM n,irw;i...,fv ; U , Friday, Dec, U.3!rV Wyehe, from tha committee of finance, tecomroended tbe rejection of tha hilt to amend a part of the 4ifc section of the revenue law of day waspaat on unlin portent private base aeaa, and the near county bUL ' v l ; i poseel an inquiry ia ' Ut iW 'prac'tSbaUfi' of closing the session af. tbo legislature tba present month stne petition of sun dry citixens of Haywood, relative to a road in that county, waa rejected: tha com mittee of Interne Improvement reported adverse to the resolution relative to a Rail Road from fayettevilie to Campbcl ten, tha condition of tbe funds hot warren lipg any appropriation for that purpoaa t ' ,Qe com- reported eJrsne la ia ip- ,in lot a row! in Buaeemba. , Drt. ll..Mr. Ireie presen ted a hid eacerala worhihg oa the road la Llocale eounif Mr. Satin, a kiG coa eerein; the Buba lampika eompa f I Mr. Stokea, a btll relative w tke ep poinimaM ala ftneral aod Bald of IttnT Mr. 0Bf W IT.d ceruia raao luiiooi, for raqoeailoK of tka Oeaerel Ooveraawot too muskets and ta bria r. u;-il-..-, af b.dt tkf Drt IPr' ao-eoflh. fcrw. Weed, ika UU.,rf iae eaw vww- . r - . j- .. i.iji. niionei'i. hat aBordti .. r. r. Uilte laws 10 rti'iKHj 1 wuuini w , rovta, w ww -psnies l Mr. Sweia presented a bill to im- t iMarMtiog donuweaU BMre la detail' pre tka re from U1 Fort to Burke, erwATiLtLltrnoif. laAihfJIe in Bencombe. Mr. rearaoa presented a reaoluiion calling ike atten tion of Coogreta 10 makinc provlaloa against coaa.erlciliag Bins, kc oa tka U. S. Dak. bKi waa UVX 00 me uota. runway xiws. UTL FMU tddOl'F.. Br lha ship CtonensKna Irom Havre and Win. Tn,mmH frm Lirerpopl, the Saw Yoi a. E'louirrr htt rtccived French papers 10 Jin. nd Englith 10 lltk Notrmber. RnrUnd. The Kins? kss been India boaeJ. but onlv turhtU. I. Hoordoonaee has retisned hie "IB to at mMtier of the in terlor, and B.ron Muntoal ia appointed t member of Pi ivy Council. AHTUr1t Cnrr Frmntvi aaya Dioloalatk commuoicatioos oot weeu Aue irU and- EntUndzart very active i inia moment Ii ia added that tbe twa'Cabi ne; of London and Auairia approximate to Kutiix. and o draw her into a ocw tlo lr Alliance, of wbkk the Emperor Nich oli would not form a prt. Turkey mmd Kustta. - Il appears Ihst muunderatanduig kae aritea ttatweeo the Tttisiih and Kustian rlenipotcnttaries al AdmoWe'r-'ArteasT.-eo xaTi-Hm-Aog-r kurtrk 0aetie. The Pacha ol Scutari declared 10 tienl. Diebitarb (in the early part of Oct.) that bo would give bim time till the 1 5th, to evacuate Adrianople, and that unleaa ha complied, be would be for cihly driven out. The Pachaa obey 00 orders tbe Grand Viaier el Cbunrla baa refuted 10 give up the seals of tbe Em pi re. Another coatoirscf setfott the Lie of the Sultan las keen delected. We learn by letters from Adrianople, that Gen. Dicbitsch has riven orders lo Oca. Kraasowskv ta kold kimself la read .,-rtiack tbo Pecba ol Scutari, .in -. ...in n,,.., commandT As "c"-riaoople.lear- A occupied kf u t v.v ,-tilnCJ depute tioa In Oett bieoiuch, to implore kim.ta prevent th eairaoce of -Ihe-Pachar-ao fiaatr lake dreaded on account ol his cru ettjr- A contiderable numhei of families io tend to "quit thatltylf tba Paeha akoutd occupy it, as they knew mat aa. is not likely to respect iba amnesty promised by iheSultsn. Ur n Diebmch who le wen ec qutioied with the" character of the Pecba ol Scutari, has uieo measures, to. redact him by force, if such atourse should be come neceaaary. - - ' . . Greece.- It is stated ia an ankle from the Ionian lalanda, that an armistice dt futt baa been established between the Greeks end Turks of tba continent.. fiAoa- It is auted la a letter dated Madeira, Nov. 6, that a Corp of MOO men ia about ta embark tor Cuba. Portugal.-- Don Miguel wanta a wife- it ia Bid that ka haa made proposals to a Sardinian f rinceta.-! . Suit .511. Tbe loUowingbto xb trxct of ika situation of tke Bank of Nortk Carolina, oa tha 19th May, IIS9 1 specie, S0,fO?t 24 1 foreign notes end . bills of exchange, fj460 60S, 30 ; foreign bank credita-131,6 J 1, 49 1 Augusta and State. Bank -stock taken for debt, 831, 340 1 Due from tha Stat of North Caro lina, 23640 ), Dua from Individuate, S,J03,1027 Stock iwpaid, gl,430 Real estate in Banking bouses and lands takeniu debt SllOjaa 09, InUrnai bills and checks, SI 9.S IS, S9 j Tout, 3,346, 65roa. CaAt'FemrankSooct S43.530I potea of thoBankrof IkcdUnneri .-Stated ja 1 lunds at tha north, si to, 053 ; .Pat-M! Bankt in Nortk Caroline, glS4i Notea of other Banke end deposits bear tng interest ST.929 j Notes of other Banke on hand, not at interaat, 229,934 1 bills of exchange 24472, real estate, in cluding Banking bouses Ice. S30J36 1 Debt, consisting of Notee discounted end JFudgments, 9J996.O0I total 81,375.314. lltnfqF'AtMir joteijt fanairenrarikp it s smount due from other Bsnka 30,000 ; Totals 1 ,774,381, DolsVSf cls ' h'oikington.ult. Causici received 810,000 for tha statue, recently placed an the Waehiog4oo monument in Balti more, lie was entered en it sixteeo taoaihs, .mwu .u wibui new uuc iu tuau-1 auoioci loan we ai preaent possets, and he .,. . :ra" 'r. v.,?Ta::r.."r. 7?.r".m":wur"m w"1? aeaihaVait aara via. real caiaiar av, WW aouartr lue 0S0 nO OOUOt tOSI Under OUf JASVARr 3, in-). The lUa. J C CaMae, ttmUi af Ike V. I. arrltad k vTMiuoftaa, o lY.L.r, the litkrk., a-dtkkkaaePrcaidcataf Sim.e.J-hfc-V..k.lk. imcm w. 99mm fMt 0tmmLU.--Trm tke kjgdi e Ika ftha ,UW.ir.iereteftkeTveairy. Tke luIWUf extract ef e letter, fre a mtm. bar ef A-atljr to h fricltJ la CaawaO ewawty, la pubtUbed ia tke sTiIum Caaette. BMgh,Dee. 9,1139. Dtaa Sim You will see from tbe aewtpipers of this place, that wa pto greta rather slowly in busiaetei lha troth It, ika members iteoerally took ta much iniercH in me ocnaitiriai brctiton. ion 1 tbey could not attend as they ought, to other concerns.' After balloting once or twice every day, for ten daya, you may suppoo that the members became yrry much worn out 1th it. Al Iba 13tk bl kMinR, Uen. Stokes withdrew, end tbe name of Col. C'harlra Fitber was put la nomination. Mr Fitber'srun wassveif Cne one, end greatly alarmed tba friends of Mr Meares Un lha 34 balloting. however, ka fell oft sons roteti wbkk . . i. 1 . I. oVntood kJudg. DonoelTs frjahd. hd consented to withdrew bim on Mon dy morning, and e number of Mr. F'e frieoda agreed la fote for him to give kirn a retpeciable vote to withdraw wi b fully iniendirrg lo return to Mr. Jleber on ih. next balloting- Bui matters took oibVent mm Wnen Jodce Doorttll ... . r i i t n Wit witnaravn. our irieno ur, orowo, came oui,Bn2 i hie TeTte very iking ea Tar from a ronclutlnn. at ever t and. bat for the magnanimous coarse of Mr. Fisher, we might be balloting yet, lor a week to come. Ar, r itner, cauea auqe aome oi kia friends, and loid Ibem Ibar be had made op kit mind to withdraw; hia friends strongly of posed ike step, but be said it mutt be ao, and it was accordiagly done, end Mr Brown was elected on tha am uauwiuj. - Air. fibber, by bis manly course on this occsaionr kss done kimself great of Ikas aortr-could -oave- the pars and give tbeepublicant and the Weat, a Sea atori and lucky for ua, that we had to if. I m.fl .k. M.a r.rt .T.1.T A V ft. .m. inr-tbo-tfiw nortIiHlirtieetkHH for tke good oftbe eallsa -I believe ifMr FTsher coliTabsveoroelJngIo""EInded 'f.k kmMtat'a hwH ika km mi Ike I CAJara an OMxiftUDltV tvx. rt!ofra..t wukJttr-MesreStha would bsye Uatlwe,,hapro!ecrf him ;.but Iheiievo ho ia vei7-we0-."eau. rW ee k4s as hareredwitk greu ra. luciance, saying, that hrs ptivata sffairs, rendered - tba- atep -improper. I kava been thus full in giving you tbo klstory of this tocteitl rt idhipg: you would he glad 10 sear tae wnoier.: . inure mcna, ; PLXmXTURT im JCQB TO CJBOllYJ. Mr. tUbr, Bicatoer from thle town, submit. ted, ie the Moate ef Coaunee, ea the 15th iuat the following reaolutioa i Retohed, That the joint aelect cam- mittce on thot part of the Governor's nesaaga which relates ta the eatablltk- mem of a Penitentiary, be Instructed tol enquire into tbe expediency or appointing soma intelligent person lo visit the Pen. iteatiariesof other States, for tba porpoae of collection facts and information con cerning lha system, particularly es to lha best plans for the buildtogt, tha emolu ment of the celle end construction of tbe workshops t es to tbe sum that may be ne cessary to complete an etiablishroent lul led to North Caroline i as to tbe diacin- line and management of tbo samet aswa would not furego the rfet of rettoatrd to tbe species of maaufacturee best suited now -of eoul" which that interesting journals' for tba interior of a Penitentiary in Ihit I vtrt tfrorda. lor tlx mo-t aumrrtuouj ClnA--' Stetei end generallr, such other informs tion ai is ukula-ed t expUiatho operai tions end usefulness of tbe System, in other Stater.--1 " . - , , '-e ft a ma I In introducintr . this Resolution. Mr. rhlu .oserved,IsalnuSe Rerfsterl Jhif from what ,b.y had heard oflba nW lence of the Penitentiary Sysfm h ls. wsrcrouTSislirSiaU he" belieTeT tbst iba people of tkie Ststa wefa gener elly fovorably Impressed io respect to it. odecd, there could bo no doubt that iua- nee, humanity and sound policy called loudly for an amelioration of our Criminal Code. But,, however deairablo the pro- pMrcnangrfr& shrold be QDwilfmg to undertake k present! system, many criminals escaped punish- mentUtbrtthWlrnm of juries to Uka tbo lives of their fellow- creatures, for any thing short of, murder in the first degree but iheyrould have I no hesitation to put auch offenders to batd I labour and solitary; imprisonment. . Fif-1 tteo or twenty yetrs ego, Mr. F. said, ' llMs suijjtcl jfrrwrt I tlirc: tuition (a our Usliltturc, Snd 1 1 I rejected by the ctttlrg vote of lie. I r ol the "enate. ' oce tbt pt-M, ( iwlertUe imprevementi bare beta. I doc ad both in tbe mode of erecting ,.. lientlariea and, la Ua taafeagtmaM il tbem- Tbef an aow tn to 1. 1 . only bee.UU..d 10 gradual. ,h,Fw. lihmefit of crimrt, to do away fo r, . d;ra lha aacrlfica f U.'a, and a?M- to I oCtftJersaa opportunity of tf fornut! be puWir, 'ar-feiraying all the r. r a f . years bava nctrlv kalf a mlila tit Uberstsd from iba existing Er.ju, , ; . of it would not, ke lkour.hr, b bttur ( plot J tkan in erecting a Feniiemlj rj TU firm. Km. Of ILitWbftltaL k L. eWcted Major J Cavalry, las the KMk krW4. ftur U. I'Um, haa bean eketcd fcV CefMnJofike I3h kriiradei - AaaaM It. nLiUU, BripdUr Ceocrtlagv 19th hrtjfa. , Ji J, ruMrw, kaa Ua elected ferine. I rzr n- m mw (Wo aad Com, uJ aocrpt 00 r rarprotful rmvUdnm I w th fubUo Dcua,t.u aiih hkk tl; kr lwed . The ' e ef TirrnU tdlxtnA aa I day, l9tk oil. over fcU lt M4ar la tha bmwS. CWrVa awaJaJea. la tha Ctoek lerjfc. tore, Hmhw am 19 bmvn, 3 btatcre tad ma. ekaett, ft kwvera, IS doctor, f nWrthiau, l ttaiei aa arwal. ad 7 - T'JJ' 7 , , TUM Uu-U le very atidece e u, aay rwapltt i rclaiiao le ike f at OSq, ,u Mailai for we are well eoD-iard u- Amah. LV! U Lr u. n -r,. ja-u. ,a JJz m -- wi raaaj cat- acted la aay ay w'uh that departjaaac' aaa-ilaaitiee, wk'wh aw aaaaad hy "-t aari af aecidania. aad the moat auMvoidaUe of ear J. aafcequenily atinUud. y ,m" t"8" we a grea aegngat " " i"1"" inniaaaaei. ut k ?tkiBl .about the cotnjItxi a tta Poat-OfEce conce-Mi and ef Ike. kapaleta chute trhidtthoaa introatad f-iththairauaart- ot, have of eacapintr freqecet ctaem. Haa, we -e tbfraiicobkk h aftee i aona io paatraaiien uxi maiJ coatradon, tit rriteraiei comokiata nut tninct t&mi uJ I irt Um ji ihmfa, to sunrlt eur roirt a the gaaartJ ekoraa of complaint. But the irregular arrM, at tab plat, af WahifiiChy aapr,capeciJly the Vid Sutttt T$kfTa(jL. arhicK at shia aaaaxa parjca- W.aMaiwMiWfOTbtel fcm aiWap08keHageneiify .&iegtTei.kefshr JttOht Bbnktnd;-jrt4i-b tvraotlmea K-J papen: and it bw w bp pw, re htre rj. ltfT WiAirt nevsla tke ewXoTk,ppesi tlua we vr aaailed to do ie the XYuliagto papers ttr t selves. Z . The MwTtrk Ceurkr mti lfV?W"i l' jwiWawi of Dectmher, reached f'ubur, i the doe coora ef the mail ea Clarittmai d itha 35ih i which came tbia year aa Wfcj, ' tbougk, aewwding to tke Meier. Galea' A- nac,it ie to kappea next time Tlarxt. I hereby old Tin m wwde ro -oJr ar- ttcp iackwmntt aa Ckergut' ' eailltia ear, would . ,tk. ... , :.i t U, mom.ni wh. our liketoriea gave tote Lv ih. anua- -JL that we Were to enjoy the (te a frinUr) P luaury of dioing aa tfai lurttj of eoerte, v a Ivratt Atw-Veax jrectRia In our h I only mgkj atajw from tke great comincrcial porium of the Mew World, ear appetite ert'tJ aoae of the daiotke oa the dtaoer table, tut I the content of the paper were tie Toured j k: dinner, with a beggar's appetite to fire it tU roatetduawWhile the.lateatIJ,sTiStirw tci..b.. a nM. .sw-h ri ith tn: rf:,l,. - j in".-tiArrjsiitaa t mmm Of vat la, waBVMa w j i f c lrrc"--ji.: - ToZS ,Bri5FBP rv " wm, l! B,u , :Uua,t l' loattC' 1u'."3,w hf um -ilur c l,nw ww Aweimpo. ; i a: 7 , ; ' -Wec4not divine uiusaaf tbasa.we ltiea. - From the yUmatic tnaanor in wh. thehutineoftlaTelfpben1iUtraoaixs tfc? iutiifiatelvi I ' CWinquency in thie parbw-" aMprompudr -. . . . . ..-... Antl- " " ' ' Z , "v " WV coocm - blameletaoeta. "-i vva make tneie oDaerrauon w that they may induce aa invcttigatioa fb will leadto.thecktecUc,andaconaequamc mtim. of the irrrr-'wi'y mp!lned ef. 7; j-