a. .... .. . . 1 ui ( ; geared iaeur paper f weeks k- ..a . v " A TV' rk t.tl.red ef (AraV p,, ,4 m II efiiJ Hock, kit bee daclared fuf , of tiiii pejaU m or sf.er tU ith , TliiirfcU T, ID 110 UH. I be MtMtXf f ? mi 1 V- 7 3 ,,...,,. , r4 a r.pieorel Clunk hi R''(?k, M .UM to am trrriew n aiatigTiry r.n4, be In ' f. wCm1imi U rstbet dull i u ,, p'innpiijr from ft. Caroli, oU jh1 Lv , l; . . K lion to Vl. - r ow; two. s1 &."t. , !,, Raleigh, rarti i , - m nt I w. that tbi Ala! hat I Claim M WHM , jjo,(jOj tftait th V. 'KM, for fek ... a kvt ir itnbn er Conrt ikt f(r KrMfU MWWIIIMIH MM 1 ft tM MnwflMIH f tM K0MIH1- jk 3ur. kt kc Tiiii Prinltr juU, vitboia rpo'it'! fur tb tnuii I h SCJ !t to tb Houm of Common, Mr. JntJI fro tlit rkcf committee oa Ik ( rtpoHoi bill Ia Mttborut tb kulUln rtotttatiftry w i mut. I Jrftiov Batif of MitMtiipr kt ke p- IM gi- - Jor ot Htm.m k. Im kcc p Cnuul orl ! ivitMrUad. 1 ( ffrf A 7fljr?. h m appointed t ,cr of tht Vtofinlk CoartMton, M wpptf , Meww'i pUct, ki dotlined acceptiaf Ike jtfieei aad Mr. J. 0bni bu be il appoiuled. I OUbaMk.O 1ha irttk akiaM, th jail la VtMn aaa eanpty i (U popuUlioa of thai Oi f- f JbMi ffoiary b brek ricctad froai Caivtl 'atrv, to auppiy Ibe place of Brdrord Brooa, trMafcirvd a tbo Uniiea State Bcaata I Viiff Jwlrt Iieatkt4.VM committee rotffd by m Houm of JUaUUe f Trvoeteo Irriiiaiure, to laauire into um V.W eaaduo- a Judp MkM UatkO, of lb i aMtrid. bav madr ibW raport, cooclJJinf ilfffoUittthat lha aid Judp baJli rtcaed of birh crime, eaiidemcaoora, jm Atharior ill .offica t" lb report bat keea "cr4 U by tb Hoiim and Meawa, Orcrtaa, Uga, CUtaapU of CarroU, and Aib) aC k ranafy, wera ap?oHri ma anaafcra ig the mJ of owj Jodfc befora tba Cwrt U owlMt date, tha tn! oi" Jodft WitUmt prercosnr rather twaiiy, bw aonmmif jMuiarIrbrlurlLa (eoata. - Tbaia W a itrtJirriy of uleM fur tha two, a a I ferpflndcnti ttrjiKtl f Itouhd I utmed ea both ndea. . A poU oeai of varata Jtaerbitykaa betatbooa by tba partiaai ntti 1mtiatntlencELiiftPt''Hy "d a, a iSoa by.th cwrt, CoL,AV4.iraaA a tba rrtulnl of He Court or impeaca si. . Tna; to' tt Bercr-wy inj cotme, b Im3 i MMbetyeer off. i. frt toil jnd iwra i lr hB theee beyond tbeood f and bat m, imrntriali, oa tba tbreabold af ;31 Tba tre r twlfily kurrled on, Iron u a) year, and from day to day, eearer aad mr toward Ih cuninr M our tubNinary urace, and tbe reaJiaatioa of our eternal '. nit aa iaeongtuou mat or ntaiter, itttd Bind, ia tnaar-oe beedlaa of tbe sf arameoU of b Aortal eiiatenee, and a fta ef bi eternal file I i - mow tin aiuToe aitrrc. "7Wi Hog are a coming, aw ace will 4 be t iioiiig. J boa wbo bar Pork for , Wall aot ret tba price of tba eora that raited irry, iit. We are Inlormed that a large ut of Hop are to Saiitbury aad .UreeDaoe- ttiung at K3.W per cwu"- f Oar brother typo (Mobi Jrny, of tbe a ' m .a eat, we Mwpcct, orawa Bore iron) toe '?K ttort of bi ewaanry, than rroaart, production of tbe aboe article, tVuh ' ipetking for other place, we oil! atajft. that ne drore of Bog ba been brought to Sal 7 thit aeaaoti it and that by one of our own ; 2i iiich ht took in pajrpeat of debt in 'sine, there were leta thaa 100 hog ia f dhreiand walieTethey were il iold at ftt cwt rorttmatcly there ba been aa I State, hi aeaaon, for borne conwmption ,4illkanf-R3.71 to 4 pwewt..'ili I I 'Med Ute of tbe exea market, hat had the s to induce oor planter te pay eaore atten the trowing of proei&ion crop t and at , rt by thk eourae they -raaliia Jet mmy, ' 'a atW ef that article i thereby greatly thatthiytetn orfrming, contri- WwardTBnrtoriagttAgrto f. MUena (who compoaa the. Iarffwt7and Mirm f independent, and more comfortable to : tuailiae, hjnJey ould ponibly bf whiie fltd of the late awiuo, or can erer :in, l)CijW what a pedwt wwld cll the ania (arbicb eem epidemical to our state) aately afflict the great bum ef theV j "? ' . so. CjkR. . way f Doe b claim any eomangulrlit ' illurtrietn nametake of tho mother n ' -f fcMfW, rV,",f fork. D'aiiiUm ib last oath, bat mw rrwihlli4 r4 Vt, , Ji (rY, Tti.,.! Chat the cto eror I tsi atd the moat mm- gu.n hope tf ik- th. ejwaotils rIMd to ib b ' omiU ap ik Wad era fH flba about V0 beJefr,K',l0i CtniWf lb right M Ct4 nil lb fatid iA ba al baat rawwjgf ICUt ofk of lottnul In k4 oW4r t$ W aer. ft etclte twr an, nrorc meol W III Si.i. i':-J Af . 1 .,a4c;UajMAaWk f ilLlA I eaaaof tia muUuvtU' 'u.kVwoiif .arM''fflrritCAM niiu i...'.....jL..:.k i:..i' j.i . u lI a Ik IVTik ah. anjarareot lUrw aeU. f,'a bfiK ihr MiUtra!v M Hdaday iid. Blee. ivaaiyMd Uifty viiaeaara r (taoMncdi but m at kieaoa elicited fiaa tbess abkH proard th ftV ftiJty af Ih i MM i ltb mck ka H charred. O Mr. ftort akinf aalb, borr. that la ti ader erioa tppfekefwon tba frdoo would d bl baly tojury, aad c-ut drpredaitoa a ki property, boad and aaeri; aat take fur Iba rood bebaelor afib elave yalU tka aatlCMirij court and lb fellow arae taktfl out of Iowa. Tkia i It mao for aarrawtor ta t rieaaa ha laafM a, that ae prewat (rat of tar.A, la alaaoH vaelaai 1ntU'aom baiter Mature ire take I ruard ear property aad aw liaa aralnat aifht- aaaraader and toecad. rWt, would aot lb erttoraa lad K l Ibair tafa. ti kwl lkM 1-. . awl-... 'L A .e, 1 tk. LEGISUTirK SUMMJR Y.. - Oor liroiii are to circurokriU, bt' ee aie UikJ u abridge or notice f Ike prwceedinK of lh lejritletore i our plan ha been, to writ off tbe oroceed liiclo a coodeaed form a Doeubto if pretertlnp;, bo.crer.the nhttnte of ill ,i . r ,, Ibal it of oenenl Importance, or of locel . i be bill lor ibe errttton of ner coun- ti from Durke end Buocombe, vai re- jeeted to itiernd reading in the. Com mooii on ibe 1 9h ult. by ot of 73 to Jl It bad DieviouUr been aUr and IrM, .upported, h apeecbea Irom i Mettr. Oation. Nh, Swln, Hill, Net-1 ardtin tpcecbet from Mettrt. Byaum, Ung. O'BrUr, nd . otherv II la aut- '4? . , . prtaiog wuk what eaWfaary (or wo may la tern m tnbera rettat tbo cUCnaa of'tke moat prewtog itlrt of tie people of pnnlng nacet&tot often peoplo ilU .VTial, can Indoto-our Eawaro nreth- ren to relax tbeir bold oq ono jo or tittlo of the ill deterred power, which they - BW5tl1tiLii Tbt com. of finance reported iCaIottM"'eb Unng relaUrain .e .. . .. . . - n , j tho epcdltncy of Impoalnga tai on , Gold I A(t or tbt proceedl thereoll wbicn t Ti,-fw.-.., wet concorred lo 5f Ibf SeDttov " A t'elccl com. hating reported a bill to inc..ao tbonalary of tb. Pub.io Tre.au ret to 1,000 per aaoum, h wal rejected, and then recootiderod, .ndlaap poaal- ' r , blypeta. 'V A Mr. W. Barrett katine petitioned ... , , ' tb Jegltiaiurc for loan of money to carry on a.ritoi'rwnlcb bo alleged bad ' . .. , . . , ... been found OO hit own land, tbd pethion waa promptly rejected! to tba! eyery one .... '- j.. tray dow eipect to dig bit o-n gold pita. lb tbe Common, oc the 32d alt. Mr. rrpreSen Saiitbury Vlgilani Flrd Company. " 1 ,k ?.i.,."ik. V.mmiM.. M id. In tbe Senate, tbe committee oa tbe aubject bate reported a memoiltl 10 Ion Conrraaa. and a reaolutioh reauaimr . " . . , - l our oenatora ana nepreteniauTea to prwi rnra annrnnrialinna tar nrwrnintr a water I atu -a luuimumwuvii uwiiiuwHHiit wvwwi i OcttkrAMtJiMLtm j -TawBAW STATL, patted tbe Senate on the 33d It Mr. Wbacler ha, presented e bill tO - CaUbfalrirMeditni - Board feVbe State The bill relative. to the Hickory. Nat Gap road, which waa rejected, baa beea i W If rensiaeret oy n large majority. t J 1 Mr. McNeill baa offered a revolution. to lookthg wthw eAUWlbeAKaAifJi hdBrtWeW. from Ftyettetille to Campbeltob, to be I paid for out of the nnexpended balance oN hTaFploltfon lor tbi 'Worka below Wilmington, the General Government Having undertaken tbo latter. ' ,-1 Mr. Caldwell, resolution ba therubjectof ln.thit City, which bat terminated to bit do- ternal Improytment, via tCtcueted b Senate 1 1 rtuug) u tt UJ a i- l& la imJ t m a la d.y la tha r.en.rJ U,um,rt t!,a per U aa frwritiofia tW oa a.jia i bcb iMtiiJ nim Mr. CaU.aaakaMa.Uraiafcmk, oftbrtUaHaoMi.., ., , i I . th njwoiji Mr. ffourft err4 ; In tka Ira -.t,. .t.i -fcr . ... . " w nd In all proUbillt v U1 bCM lb i.v if ik. i.j . w Mod. , " Ha. 4tra aVa W, aw lapraatataUea ut Coara. arrived U Watkiaglat, M to-k fct Maadai lU tl ,B VJ 6lt K c' M A 4, , ,. - M ln ftn I . Mr. Car, M otit'ffrrd ib fowbK raaotatlotlt hick iWrd li .VaaW, Tbal tb Comi.i..ii U.f I P,w7 w ury Iq be m,1 'r AtUaik State Mlb ef rlrjtlnle. oiik a tea- to Ibe) et ItbiltbmcDl of National Armor. . 7 . bmii; af k. fella laborer, wbe itlll tlwg to a ")" : f"r .T? ',',!'jl.f P'3dt'Bt of Ilk Vocrd siai, Arrived ai W tin. ion. . few de;i o, oo ii to bit oa C&YGRESSlZ J'?, ,h fjr r olBtr vera r-Uetedt and tftar nnwi petiiiou wr praaeaiatL tk tka rnd.m f pmealad Ut aaouai Re Dor of th Imm f llhN. .kI (Vi C.M. II .. . ...I iituur. ia iaa noueo or KprMMai . Mr ' Ceaaar, of th'kl at ate. offered a r, mlmliMu tkai tb cotnmitte of way and eacea ba ineinrted to aaqoir into lb eipedxncv of reducwir tht duty oa tb lfoae decHned la onntW tbraauluitoa,Wiord. Tb report, nf Inrtacr cramittecf ralaUe to tk rrcal Boad froa Wtahmctoa to HeorWana, ware referred la 8; VrX,,,:! Ih. i ii . . . . a nff a inquiry rebuto In tbe eotablfbmrtit of 'h-WeeUrawetmaN(jfihCrgliifc wkk-h tttiTLJ2Z'1 -n f im'$ f1! wrwnlutiowaodaineailinrnt wrr bud on the table till neat tU ftrat readinr t " Mr. Hnu- inf 0. J(owi ibt wWtb of one f tn cfleagu; the lion. CUbnel Holm, and M Jnet tribut.tobii ' memoryi th. ..) I ovtnrtfminaw rtnvf j.v-af mm A Kn 11.. ..A.J! I Boitming ww QCdertd. and tbe HM adjournad. Thtrttmp, 4wryi.-ThwTr4ritioo oIredia ug A Koad fliract Irom Waahington to New Ork.na. wu coimdcred jtnd agreed . to. " tioue.n peuttoo waaprttanud by "Mr. W biie, of Nev.YeTt, from auairout Bverchintt Jlc-WWkanibA; e.-ngir; the nra ryetna., Mr. terplanck ofleied a ntohitton for w. Mr. Ilall, of Nortk Carobna. offer. rjtion ftoet t. to. Cjtin mto tb tpediney of aflaeoding tbo Con- atirabonof tb VnitodSutea, at to drlne flr'ytbb .'P''" ktlB .,hLP; et ietogated to tba Ooternment of the United 8tt and tboae reteryed by tbe penpte or dels. gtrdte the State Goterhmeift which, after om dtacuanon, waa negatieed, by a tote Of 84 w 62. . Mr. Canon, of North CaroBna, called up Mr, DenVi revolution rclaiire to the eatabliah- meat of an Armory on tbe Western Water i Mr t0 kmni iU w to toelud the Wettcrn arctioa af North Cam. Chilton, Blair, Stanberry, and other, panicipk- ted, Mr; Canon inalty Withdrew hit amend- .a orim.i tu- .tJoBt.H the Monday following,) Bofb. Hooac ad-i JourneU over till Monday. : .... JHMiH. IU. 91 la thm l.hata a aumber of petittone, ntemoriala, and nnimpor. tant reaolttUon and bill. Were preaentedl and tlw Mnate pntaoni.iim. ia Eiecutir. bn. acta, la th Houte of RepiwaantaUrea, alto. aumcroua petition ud memorial,. and jwach would occupy In our column to detail by OAfnT'Thi LrLrinUiuin nf OkU 'mat k a... t . . . fc. v.v. (I . wu um. i in tuu aiiu tnawiai ttoyae qui- certTriendly io Uen. Jackton were elec ted whhoot aerioua oppotitioni -Geo. ' a-a . . - sPk the Senate, And Wr. Ohio, and will glte n eoereetie kupDort . .t . . . j '7 .... .! V t the metturct of the Adminiatratioil .aiawngiimrja5inng Mii-iaiiaaaaisaaMiiaiiviMroiwi wp1 iymr"wm ami DIM rT.WI 'B-Oil rj. avBco, .to' ibi VKy'aoow i vtwcaaa the Georgetown College in Kentucky, and late Preti'dent oftbo Coluanbiin Cot "'"ci pi voiumo, . Kentucky, and waa on hit' way to that place, when atreated by -diteaae 16 ceate. . . U.S. Ttfrgrepti, flTrd blay 10 our riader t le vn. th tb Utl aa4 correct mnctmrt.of the tod DiriM ) iklt Stair I gradual If pf,tliJ Ibtlf pr, J M I ono etu1 on pst fltb Ufhad State tUak Nni. Tbe Irancb of ih U. I. Desk U ki iIk , for levcral tftya Jit. rertltcd t bam la Nimrtii for checkl oo ifte Nurthent ChW l th mut) rt of I I txreeat. kremiura. . 4 ' f yM OArrmr, ink Dtc, - tWfer V iVefir..Ther following gfrlB ket lHa !c(d CouncllJor of 3,.i, p the tttvulnt r..r Oeero IT UffreywXiyowi AMorr,TintfnrKeni UaoMl M. r orMy x4 JoaipSTT; Oiilaw. S4mr. Tkt i aUh d.ep rogrel. etato that oinitllica la received Of tbt lei- Of Ikl Mkk COOfktrM thai tbo kaa foondared (, IrrtUttl Cp(. Partridge propose U tatebfJtn ra(Kk of bU 8lenii8e a Hiliterv hoof In F7ttllU. to bo Ce-nmaneed orot time In tJtrcl neit; He u, arta e tlablUked one at Oiford, to lraoUl coaniy, , , Tie totaotB the bia Ceo. Ceaaiar.tf N.w Tark, Bnrhab paper to tfcb No, art r4red i It N. Tarfc tnquj rer. (wbick w bare roedrad tola iJkaJt J rtea attract. . TU Uvwrpool Tiaar af Tevatdar. 3tk 1W aayall i wuk plaaaar we wale I eetirity m cooUmm lo ttm to the Cotton market, .Tkt aWt Uat aaek ware npwarda of 38.10Q bal,1 tiiwoa" a aapreetdealad aaaoant. aad the bwai. acaa omM aa aatorday aad yeatarday wae abw eery canodermble. ariaf, tiul hOOO ba.ee. . Caufvw Caroerafry Tho Mtrqii eeXn. downa ha Wea ckded lord Rector of thit Unrtcrwty awi : MARRIED. 1a CUtbant eon, e Ut Sith aJt-bf tba Re, itm Ltwraate, JeeaO M trier. Eatlofl Raadolpk county, to Miaf Lorey bUtthewa, only daughter Of Mr. WillU-a vlatibawa, af Phatbaaa. la Jtutberfurdtea, by B. II. Brtdiey, Eat), a lb TZd kiUma, Mr. boencar Kmrf, at oparjaa- barf Piti4att'eM)t Mm Mwy -CajetrweVof Ktilaertoro; eoU'ny. Aorta Carolina. la the oit of New York, on Saturday ing Ik nk Ibe lloa. DamUl H'tUu, of toetoo, to Ca-va'a. youareat daagbur of Mimm Is axey. tveq. a me eiiy or new-i are.- --- - la Katbrilto. (TenA.) on tbe T3d Bit. - Mr. Nary R. wdirof AlWe A. Htll,Etq editor fte Naahtill RepubSoaii. (red 33 yean. . ., i Ua th 18 a aHitao. to the county irfCetroiL TentWtora, Mrt-Altrxtal alooe HenJtraoo, the anMabla and muck iaaktiiird .wife of Daetor Jaataa M. Handrnon, aad dmrhteY of Dr. Me- t'.aaurl HiU, Of .rilonKht n, Hank Caraitoa. Fi.- ratlrr.abiwbar.daadaiacbiidM4e N frtai and Irreaanhle ton. .r " i 1TWJTWJ . an -i ii il ..mi - -, M IUF .ifljur 111 taAoat carrrL t.ci j t.lA tj.lnM VI U .W. .1 .L. 41 -it brwaeugwiatoli,off.jytot2,eaJtLii to i.i j, hvimeapun ctoth li u, Si, wbitkey M to 33. baooa to t(A tttrnlpt II w WnTn:. bacoa 6 to 11, pcacb brandy 40 to Si apple do 30. butt r 10 to li, com 3d lo 40. Itstaed 8J, flour u u. ntxtecd njk nour 1 4l.lhrf7m tait 73 to 80, tallow 8, wheat .?. Wbkey 4 SSKSiVt i.e-WMi-. to- 7cnbtd by towttar "mm. Opt 7 tar dittov 1 a mktJ mia t p!ctd , Ur, . , . . i CAttrrrrea, Be. Jt.Cotton 7 to fentv' Hour 0 a fi, wbukey, n a il, baao. 7 to b ham ' 9 a 10, bert kind of baring 20 to it, aU 34 to beak b.Ua J a J per ceat diacount i inorgia, 1 ditto. ftimiwrf. Fir. Art. SiCottoa 8 to 0 J t Tobtcco, middling 3 li to 4.ti. prima 9 to ltt VV hett 9i to : oJ, Con 50 to ii oeou per buahel, AW S a 6, Baron 10) a 11 , . H Umingtttt Drt. a.. .. Cotton 7 to 8, lax 10 to 13, fl Hir S to 4. SO, eora 15 to 6o, cbeea. 7 to tt. apple braady 33 la 35, tallow 8 to 9. , Onctnaorf. tAit, Are. ll...Cotto8 12), fea then i3 cents flaueed 37 to 40, flour i7i to 3.8 1, Kenhawa alt 50 cent, peach brandy 62, apple do. 37, wliiskey 30, tallow 8 to 7, tobae CO J to 7 cenU per lb.- 1 J. . Mrs. tntlev 9CLD VeaicVttatthpiratrw i . . . M . - . 1 ter Ot her I KMALK atllUUU will leN miuate oa the Z2d fart, i and that tbe neat e-" tion will oioimenca ua the Monday following,; the 23th. ' &aVtirv, aWisry 4m, $83L- W sir rma Amnb4 nmr fm e. JB. ee'rred from Chariest an, at 1 bi Confectionary Ftabtttbnvent, vn Main JtrcetM CbarbTtte,. one ..,;.. oi nr quality Be hat also soma tupetior , Scuvpernont Wine: Z Stoughlon't StoBiachic BiUert Fresh Oystert, toackm, ; 'rPhbsphorit TJgHh&c,! ; IVM.1IUXTW. ii, i83ft-j'- atoa-v I ..,... a. a .f - OVth 8Mb and afitbday of January next, at the retidenc of tb tot Joseph Wilson, ....ill el aUh pnoal,eutAf thdcatA contiating, la part, of 10 or 12 likely Kegroei t 8 first rate Horwti btock. Farming Utentila, Household and Kitchea Fwiiitui ilc. itc. Ave. Tbo usual tocuritie noon purchase required. Term oftale.lt month credit. At tbe Mecklenburg county court, I will aeU. on credir, an ettentiv and unotually well e toeted Lrm md MUtttlmti Library. V , MARSHALL T. fOLK.'fci'r. . Def.SOA, 18? -'.," Jtuil -. .bwr 1 . .1 C ' rr, l u e . ii.' nu e a tka 1 4 I! dr iha J.ra.i tb . tii.lcriU-t b i'.'r fri ia ir ri a -. il.t. t.i. . . . i i orr tuf m.-f ri ak.J-uti r, a i. in Virtu ,t,t Vltltt xt f?Tt '3 ei " f In' He argTDn, ka buprt, iKJj'lr Ut i ' ''! IU thtrrttr ! tt'tn 1 lb a-'fj Of tfrma Alku!afei.hkekMk4itartk3 ' k.t ai lenfk ohi.iJ a t '.i.t art , . . . kt U r (. (or va t... l . ( j. ttum, ad ih al-iyuiiaa ef tortractw k. tuj IWmaiiaa af airU aakiia. . , ... -TAA btnaJMe of wilncatiWei w.3 wmVaca . . regaUr cmi f l...a, vyek, A!ijbra. . 1, . etry, rHgna ii, Ocatanntoa llci, U't ! pTtaacaa, Buf,.i, tc-iber wrk ail xi.tf . U , .! braiwaaaooWiy tarl to Oeu'tr -Mlr.itM.. - - 1 ba rfnr f tni'ioa ' ft arrv-K, ttt, X I flJOanad tttwUg t tba bnawetiao'"'' toawbt. .,.( . t ' ionrd eaa be obtoiaad in wtoattable nWIira, , at Ibo etiateatary petoaa, , , r , . i , Th eubecnae. after tbe doao of Jaa"?. tl Uk a few boarii-ra. and rtcair La aattaaat. Corn, rbaat,ererk. LUi M C. Are. 3d, 14 & ro3 . . Q.Landt. Qnp'U enbatribar oTrra for od i. thirty e lueiy tbooeaad -Jree) af eUnaf, Mid ( A tka , f. H. C. adjoiaiag lurbe aoua aa " the aoatk, aad ike Tanne-er bit an the waetaad nortb. Tki land M eurera4 oflnto traoi af fmea $00 to 1 100 arreo ench, , end lh quabty of each tract la errtiltd bf th aorveyon, oka ba made a plat of kit aarrry which may be arwn m application to btr. Whiter' to SaJlahory, lr. C. C ledeton ef Unooln. ton, Mr. Tbe. J. fora,y af karko eoaoty, or to eubacrlbaf to AabmPai nunoonto oonaty. A krg Borttoa ef thie bind wai good aa any .1 the stain ,ljt4 or bat toea dieenr4 01 iffarvnt part et tbo ear ey and fU baa baao fvad adaeawt to M I tb aiiaiata In tho a, btalthy and dr8f h'rttl to lb world r ad at a -? diatantdat, ibianXMlltele region of North CaraUa awt boevra1 the htonte wart ef tbT et th lead la well timbered, and I4rlr wn. tared. The trade marked let ejuanty aid bo "M at fl eeie par aorei Id nialiiy, at jO oatrtoi aadMojuaMry.aataai per ara. h Kclievrd aa Cteorabto aa apnortoaity for obtain tog md aad cheap braa, iu eear before forad I tbi rat. Tb til to the Lad i In. dtapu'tbtol wrnaaw daada will b pwrcbitcra. Apptieatloa for furtkor lafarmn. ap-wtto.wif ny-prfof Thrto 1r4J- tan be ma'la to Mr. Wuito to taiieoary, f r. C. C. Ilenderaon la Uneolirtoa, Mr. Tbo. J. getv ney of Burte eouat. ortn tS euhwriw. - - joily nnoirx. DtcminUikltTf loot " ; ' ff. B. Tbe tubacribar aJaaafer about 901009 aeree of land to Bu.ieambe and Haywood evun tie. . alan of the land contaia tonta of Ibo ttlutU. aiiaarab) la tbe Union, la a bort tia tb wibacribtr will b prepared to amaf aonra.of thee tract toeo-apiouu aba mif htb. Ojtponrd to work I ho valuable atiaaa ef koa toad, tilrer, and gold, wbkh they oontain. Ilo bu eirredr laated out eome of Ih trtrta. aadi bat bad Ctta aflera Um the al ef Other. A nW part mf tUn nawtw will B uU. art tow I ml uuc maoe to puii . BROIVX. :.:Ak IV. U. ......... f . .... ; - r Irrn of I; ,i - r. .ut , ' thf Me tircutof f( tit Ul ,..t j t - 1 - A.k, rtq all tho indebted to the etuit by aubecnpnono or oinorwiar, t. com lorwtrtj Immeautefy tnl . acttUlbai actauala. '. A eli wa- ora twtclMed to kia ewtato were bi penonal fricadt, it In " bopad that tbey will enable bu aareutor t, do . .u j. . . a . ..7. A !zr!?!5!T JT -:;.- ' : ; JtCTlSJI. KILrATWCX,Vr - ?rw A7wn naary, 7, 1837. - " Jt03 ' mm m t i ... : l t r . i. . . r ta Nmninr inmnw te tnanoa. am Dt JL public, that be continue the above b he ia Ckarkthn, a beretofor. lit time and vervicet will, a a Mai, ba devoted to the Inter est of tboae wbo employ him, either in tho sale of produce, or parchate of good. U Inform hi customers, that Major MtKum Lvami will act a bi agent th cnautug ecaaon. in 0 Arras. 'Cotton, or other produce, sent to him, ta my address, will be received and fur warded promptly, freo ef commitaioaa and J other charge aacept fur eipeote actually in. eUtrtdt ''' '.' ,, . For the convenience of pen Jot tending mo . Cotton through tbi channel, Air. Lauras wiij w faiifj wiT'itii .ii, ihi ic.i.iiia. an n i taevhar, via t Salt, Bagging, Rope, Sugar a-nFs Coflea. Molttsea. lea At .1 .!,. I JnTTl i will be fumithed to warrtma. or r i order. at cost and charirrai whick will b. charred to th parties, oa my books, and mad payable to Charleotion. ' CWfe . Afo, t.conUtiuu my Agent m taatoen, as aareuHore, .... . . - - .Vis Y W. COXVJET. OrtaArr, 1839. 3.mtl0$ ' ; Tli6 .!lndit. 3atlaion.t 7T7t,K new Iteani Boat -JJ."dhrw Sactn. buCT eapresaly for tb. Cberev land Aaraata trade, will Cumin tr.ct. running aitcmately between tbe two places, a toon a h'l'uhed, which will b ?fyU on to tb let of Nov, - She gee direct (inland) between Charleston and Cherew, and will uko Ireiffht at the bivrtt potwble rttet, . :i.i 4 -.MaL, Joshua Laaarat will bw.nrr aewnt ha CkrWr! bor a nd w;t , ,. tor.-B-aUpOittl- ut. CiMmihf brr, r nffldi 'r.i 1 tlEXRY W, COMER. UK eubveribtr claim to ba the Inventor of '"' ' ..Machine known bribe nma oa .vi CsAaalrr ana AVreen. for wathino Rata nit nf gravel and aand, and baa made application for a r a.rm ngni tor tu tame, ajj person are fore . warned from utinr tb aame. without oermuu ' ion t tb hw'will b enforced araintt t1 otu- who do."- , PETiltt SLMMCY. Hint, Jkt. 5, lt, -. 4t03 . ' 3 VI I . JamJWhiiWtiffi f iBh sUalaiai halij& aia j.TFa Knwjuw isw ?w'A;t-ibw - ' f e ' -.