1 i v - i V. l T h . IP5 r-r ; : rara7f'7 : r w r ..i .....wMiMaaawafMMiilW - 'ar- AN snfeeMed convolution, read n U Impos td! f.'r m tout ! rircuit ta Ihe nrrf.e f my u t Uwyeei Ml I tberfuw profuse, .isd b; mi brother, to worn 1 klW t my h"" Lincoln county. oo the Cataoba rim, DIM Bill front UIH, ...ll...l.i..it Imia IJaCulnlO. the Grrf hfurtb! Ckina. imirr to those t e Wiansboroorh end rUlt Spring AcsJem.e of Baal CMuSnt. "The SstusOon W naarnotn - M4 li known w be perfectly beahhy , and h .11 nlM rfMliM. We StnQUr Will I- he who casnoiioard wltk m u s member of rrMt aubarriWrt having obtained letter of JL dminiUta M lit s'ftte faaat CM, deed, il', "0 the Ilk of January etise inn, proceed If rO, it lii Ww midroM. oe i Ue-tit f iwf. Hipmbs n r 11 prbabi property of aeid d d. (wiUth Hcimm of ib negro!,) eontivring of out fjr thoMaad bushels of CORN Urge ejtaiiiity of nvanjifce tared TfJlMCT'tJ khtxil thousand b of reef 7t-r. ready for eaiket I between twenty end -Otiratf wfifMtatrfj Alio. nutnlitv of W W V "-d 0M Likewise. H Hop, aWp-J i a .a. I foil Aiil feft allUi. I .111 tear the U'..0 OlMi tiroe lAW, ' kiKoi k1 renuiftd by prntr or MjorditAi, I d1 f k SwnUfy bronehe of ttf', luci. Tuitioo ooj boUnf, Urla linr mkllro, Mb nf, kc fcc iH k ftimWitd Tor om humlred lUllirt r tnnum, lototy of oibUai mu Wpold bft4rtM.. NoKkolu will bo Uk for tool torn thR mo jurtert but catronco My bo bod for m or noro quorun tt ony Un TWr Ibo opomof of tbo ocbool I 00 htTO DM l ! to pot fc o? I kti tiwnnutioo nd looinmloo I oU dovoto Mf&cWnt portion of timo to omblo ibto) to oroctwl 't bkIi f rcotcr em Uo tbty or)1y do iaUwyor' olWs m owjtilrinf knolrd of tUir pro. ftOtioo i fur it M 0 IKMllrwa fact, ?bat rctitiii ov)on bovo oritber lioio nor iadioaUo to d rod tk flitdier uf tboir atudmU, and Ibat Hi .) do oxh eumioo them at oftoo a one a month. 1'a.U ca eircufliflaaeoo, ft roonr nM mutt tninoc kit tod to groat duadaiitij, ftod obtain foenoo to oroeiiae without a competent fond of practical lioVmalioo, I do Dot ptupuae , tu dlif or Uw lecture i but I wiU poui out tt uthort, or t!o pati of tbooi, wbkb oufcU to k rcadi ooeotkyooaf m doily upoa tbom, coormo wilJi tWni upoo Uo cbanjer. lcb ZL4o bo oaado ia tbo OwfimhlBW by iUmi a4 hn W 4k ti. ft. b oomiteU um rl tkia aiate. and br tko deeiawM of tb Supreme Court. I bao ery food l'brry of elemcotary law booki for tbcuw of which, Soi ioairttciioav aod for boanlio;iKludiaf eaa At., .ml ..Kinr. I will chart oath atodont one hundred doliaro per anatia, tweaty-Ava of , which muat he paid aa aoraec. AH application! bmo) he made to an ia per aon. or by letter, direct d to JSXSUb dell eouotyrr tb'tatefTue. fur panicuUfa a to ray ooaMcatloaa, I refer to i.i.ixe Badrr of lUleifh, or to Major Ilea derann of Uncolntco. - . fCf Tbo fUleiich !! fiator, Colombia Telea eope, and the North Carorma Journal, are re. ntieeted to laaert the abot two nontha, aod forward their aceouMi lo Rtatearille for payaaent RICHARD T. BRUMBY.. X 30, 1829. BtOi 3S3E5or2;:r-'- ... - m . MJLk avJ4 afwMrrf fMwl frMtl " All mtAm fta kftrlr frn Ktr U-l jmn hwa r1' V4 Jaf.-Ja B rt MAI , ' -TTT Al0. at the aaaV t and place, W.B be hired, for lUe IrrW rr, between Iblny and forty likely Aen whic are sea, woin, aVboya frwn tblrtaea to aigb Uea yean of ay- (D lomU iih ior,ioeJcr1'r 'H acruputonaly et- Ud." T. J. 0AKE1, 1 ju. k il ft L' I'u & " f00 r. UAkl.8, Uftboroig Acwtxaj T IKasamlaaiion will be on Monday and Toeedat ibe 7tb and Sth of December. Tbo ourcwea will be rewmed oo Monday the tla taiiib iif laanaiy - - ivli - Mr. fdward ftmita, fomerlyof lh rotor, boff (Va.) Aoadeiny, a teacher of kf i- rerience, and biehlv diitinuUhad for aiaanral m acxnukc atiiirnia, will be aaiociatod ia the btbora of the Aoadeiay.- - Two f awtoea . f r5 Mrv tory to o Umi raity . v The ooraiaw. Cwflwe) wrofieheo orHmff.eadinf , wrltinf . feofraphf a tHitiKtic ami tuiriuo fraaunarare imcnprr. oert throtighout the couree. ttuI" "" "iiKfw Vranchea ofducatTbaTwlII ke'reiT to . i, i mi in T"fl TT J : Kcfular tuition fifteen dollar per -io-. W. J. KING II K M1 fKr(po7, P. 8. Board la the moat fenteel familie ten dollar per month, including bed, watliing. fire jfitf:cc fpilOSE indebud to the aubcribet.bjL X, count, an tvqueated to call on Aonuaal iiorvee bclora wr oa tbo W of February next, and acttle by paying the rata or f'ing their puttm tboae wbo fall to comply with tbi rea aooible rcquAt, may expect to find their ac count ia the hand of an officer for collect ioa : the loig itandinf of many of my account, com Belt ma to adopt this count.., , , , , , , , , -. . I ctMitinue to carry oa the t , Black- Smithing Business, - ia aQ iu variuaa branch, at my old fihopi vaere I am prepared to execute ail deaoriptiooa cf Work w that line, b a heat and auhstantial jnaantr, rmnMm tmrrmi. with the eufttomary indulpoc fur mj pay. Ha return bis thank to tbooo who hare e liberally pat. romsed bim, and bope to merrt a eowuauauoa f favor from the public. - "t -f k7,t ( w , FREDERICK MOWRT.rr . Soluburj, IW. id. i 3 tOO BackamUbVng liuaVntss. . ! f- .HN i 6HAVER, CO, have taken the J BUickmitk i Shf heretofore occupied by JHtuUt hJutetr. in the low of 8Iiibury i .where .inej Ul WtK SMHJ I "K 'l UH.wfmujif ium mo, ta all nt noutKncner ana reepectmiij solicit a ah are of the publie patrooage. They hare in their employ one of tbe heat workmen. Iwihrwrntyrfwch wir-eirabetheni tnexe cat every dcriptk of BUckrmith's work ia aHleof neotnaaa ana mranitirr, tqnu to any ia toil part Of ue coumry. i doit terra wiu do SuStburf, Pet. 9. 1629. 98 - Viatiiag Making. , fWHE Mibteribet baTing purcbaaed the eatab- - habmentof Mr. Miles Hill, ia the tows, of Charlotte, J. .3 tin- Bumnm in all ita ra. procured toe beet kind or materuta, and hav irood workmea ia his employ, h will make - fo oroer, as wen a crcp on uawj, an eaonp. , lioua of Coaehe. Gigv CrrUgea,:8tag, Barouches, Carry-Alla, be. Hi pnoe thall be ' very low, for coaa t or a reasonable indulgence ill be extended toreaponaibie cuatomer All ordera for ork from a d'ttnce, will be prompt. v if attended to. Repair of all kind, wiU be done on short nrtice and reaaonable tons. j. - ! ; DANIL, BUTTON. Charhne, K C. D. 2H Tweil DoWats Uvart, Wllbe givea for the apprhei.Hi sad Confinement in any jail ao that I get him,syaegromaalSIIAM. II U $ fret It) or eleribe"tigh, very Cgbt, lc!le fel low i hi teeth t even, and very white hi a nnJ Kar at lb edge of the hair oa b. fre bMl. about an m h kmc. made by a Lorae wbea br wa a eliiid i In rompleiioe i black. peak u ck, sod a gnod shoemaker i he may I ry to til l.ir a free aaan. or deny bu real o wr. or alter hi nam, lie wm from the jd of Ban dulpti county, Nt C. 8th AurH Ut. I purcha ed bim fiom Mow Chambers. reroo county, N. C. iweKe month si no t and he may aim to get back there. t is ruerted that informs tioa auy be given to Ute ubeeriber immediate ly, at CheKemile. 8. C. - r.VWAHV aiUHI.LI, ynemier Wh, 1839. 6t08 WAGONEItS, . . Briting to Fayrlterillti WTU-L tad kt to their advanUge, lo top at f V thk rfaM runt where every con venience it provided (br Mad and Hone, to make them nfiahlfot the maderatoohnrg W 95 cewta a day and algnt, tot the privilege of the lira, toe at or B good mum, ore, water, al aheker. Attached to the Yard, are a Grocery and Proviaioa Store, Bread Shop and Confcc. tiooary, and a House for Boarder and Lodgen, ia a puua, cneap, wnoleaorne and comlort able yto. FyerW lof April, 1829. 1 1 North, Carolina Iredell county-: TN Equity i fetitioa for sale of real ratafe. JL Purtuant lean order of the Court of Equity, made at last teres, upoav the joint petition of the Executor of B, Simontoa and the Executor of Jaaae Irvia, I will eO at the Cevrt-Hoosw fa statesviOe, oa toe inn and 10th of rebroary - a a.BiI SaK n at "W me pi nay ana Tuaeaay TJ's Fbruanr Court, tboae Lu to the tof BUtesvinet known by the name of the Irvit ODon t credit of tw wh. m-J oornct lot, (aad that knew. . Ik Zt stabU lot to the taarchaser ot one and two tear wiU be xire. pal&cbt fa-Aclr aaUMat intm the ei ni av fmn tba data rl thm mIa. approved security wiU be required. Witness John Moshat, Clerk and Mailer of aaideoun!. at oHice, the 4U Moouay lUI.U.iiiaiMiay 6f3pMabef,'Ami829.' . 6tW - JOHN MVS HAT, cm.. WIDIW. HMrTO?,Tna,rnict "V inbras b frarnda, f P-"-. ibM U kla rml "u 21 U.t hu on Mai . WvXr h TpM rfll by Mr. 8. Uwryj hr M eonunue. w onthe JTaUoring uusweth i- .ii t.. - - ita ptor the rrguUrljr from the Korthj whice, f" Kim t esMute all kiadt f work it hf the f.tl.ionaiH,rlr, nd uWMatuJ V POETRY, Momptly attended to diractton. Uuat I'wda of country, product rifl N fyTd ai ih awkat prkxa, ia psineoAlur worv. il.w4e taiiiiiKama a WwK-atiriiira LItkflna as bbersDv rsiended to nuat aad bopei, by lb atyl of bt ork, and hi eier tion ta pita, to merit It. W. W. II, AWi.Kr, An. 18, 1839. 91 HT Chulutte tlottl. 1!E subscriber having recently par Chased re UmtM of ttUtrtainmmt formerly kept by Mr. RobL I. Dlnklns, in the towa of Charlotte, If. C. respectfully in form his fricodt and the public, that he how has opeaed the bouse for the reception and enter. tsinment or an who tiiy aonor mm wits tneir cestom. Every effort will be used to render person comfortable, and nitre raiited exertion mad to give entire satisfaction lo all. The Red and Bedding are inferior to aoe kit Table will be furaiehed aa weQ as the market will afford ia Ibe back country i the Bar with luor of the beet quality j attentive and Iruety ltotler will be employed, and Sublet abutt- dantly torniabed. . D. BOYD. Charttu, Dm. 10, 1839. 6t03 N. B. Having discontinued the Mercantile huainest, I shall look for prompt nayment from all who are indebted to mi in fact, I cannot indulge any. - i J. H. B, dft THE aubrriber, intending t - move, froca thia part xf the Mate, orTen for sale Ih bv rstabiiahmrnt, with or without tb furniuirei there la attached to thia, 6 or 700 acre of land, a part of which la ia excellent r. uj. rwt. .i 1. . TfrgYoes-wotild'W rcee'ived in payment and the condition, besides, will be liberal. If the above estabCahment M not sold by the first of May next, it may be rented for one or more yesrs. From the increaainr custom for he last three years, during the summer months, the place, if property attended to, mar be rendered aa pro fitable aa any ettabusbroeoi of is similar kind ia tbeatate. Vft - CHAKLKa J lit NOT. AM rrJ, Lineal es'jr. Utt. 7, 1819. y rrVIE Subscriber, aV'O'J- move from the aala his Xb av ond V State AVrrVCnreft'ao, kvthirflrt tuHlg i SlfERlOR Court of Law, October term. . J823U - Usabeik Jmoihea, tiabrioi VYU. moth r Petition for Divorce. -That whereas, a sutifHiena and stiai have beea itsned against the defendant la thia ease, and which were returned by tk Sheriff of Rutherford eouaty, that the said defendant was not found y and prodamation haviag been made publicly at the court house door of amid county, by the SberuT, for the de fendant to appear and answer as commanded by the said subpoena, and he bavins' failed i k is tterefore ordered by said court, that notice be riven three months ia the Raleigh Star and Western Carolinian, for the defendant to an Dear at the next superior court of law to be balden for said county of Rutherford, at the court-bout in Rutherfordton, on the 3d Monday after the 4th Monday in March scxt, then and there to answer or demur to the said petition, ether wise h wm be taken pro eomesao, and adjud ac- of eordinrly. ' WUnes, James Morris, C said court, at Butherfordton, the 3d Monday in Sept. 1839, and la the SHU year of our lode. pcndence.,.1 3mt09. JAMES MORRIS Anir tAViA-Coranna, Aswan csvnjy t NOVEMBER Sesriona, 1829 1 Tbomu Gibbs . Alexander Ray i Original attachment. Thomas Oakes and David Harria,' aummoned as garnishee. it appearing to the satisfaction of tbe court, that the defendant, AJcxa&der Ka. ia not aa inhabitant of this state, on motion of the plaintiff by. his attorney, it is ordered bv toe eouit, that peblkatic be made to th Wes ten Carolinian, prioted fat 8Jiibunr, for the said Alex. Cay to he and appear before the Justices of our next Court of Pleaa andjujiter Seasioua, to he held lor tbe county of Kowan, at the court house in Salisbury, on the 3d Monday ta Febni- ahexf,' then and there to replevy or plead, . er" JudPen' fi'J he fntexei against -aWderstrrwithxmaonabhi Indulgence forpayqUin for the pUintifT debt aod eorta. Witness, John Giles, Clerk of our said Court, at Offee, tbe 3d Monday in norember, IB39. 6t03 . JOHN GILES, SUPERIOR Cowt of Lav, September term, 1829 1 Eesiak Singleton m. Christopher ilicl W &rTtMletlt Me USe-ewnUi k flto We. . n ii ? ltni P.amlini.n tnn Vankia mad CatAark tfi.i. mi,, fnnwe Mewiairf w xv jMxr t out nest superior court of law, to be held for the eouaty of Burke, at the court house ip. Morgsntoa, oa the fburtll Mondaj ef March next, and plead, answer or demur, oUwi judgment will be enterea against ninb J 3mt09 ' ; -WW. w. t&mx CVk. 17I0R sale, at the office of the Western Care- "JLV- linian. the Farmers and Planters Ahna- ack, for ih year 1839: price, 10 cenu a USTTNll in ox, I lo tb i t,n u, best , 'snryfrowei Though all iU fcj, Q9va. I kve tbe snul aa io) . That ms-ry cannot iV. That soul that brass lb Jv, crow J, -.lad soil) (Was Its iigU. - I love (hat lostkade of mind That sins Caaaaf shake I ' J. ' I tWs that euengi ! aJ mind "...pe strXt poww eaa ik "I love tht maw ike teems to MaflT Beneatk afflictlonl blaet ! .nia trust its an aJmight w f rlsad . To abe k wee at hat. . '.J. coMMumcTmox: wishing to re-eirhborbood, aal bis vaJiuLl plantar """sriaMeck- Vt, second ; inly, Tb . . fee Ce4d lr-c, a., j v..e upiu.o-s, ... J ejHgundd thai Cold SAMinu tn two bill, portioulariv. on ''''71 i . 77. WUUM - eoiinectea tne moral and pohtical wel- me i of JSyU m ,redou re of our conntry, and tbe endless feucitr of - "'j w. mm aww x lucre ia aon on the place good water-power for mking operation. Also, 30 or 25 likely NEGROES for aala a part ef Jhe such at niy ket wish to foibw. 0e. ,.-. . . : . - JtxWary BiHt Sxity at AiKrvUU At C. Al a tneetlaf of a nuavberof the members of the Aaboviae Aex.Uary ftiDie woctety in nay last, it era eemed acoeatary and espedienl la tsasuck aa they bad failedto eoserv the annual meeting, agreaabl le the pewrisioae of the einatitsitien, to rooogni the ftoeiet, by the adoption of new Constitution, containing cock tmivrtsooe aad aoceasarv aJteranoa aa wonwi more fully meet the view and approbation of the member i wkerwpoa, me society aajounvsa to aaeet aia oa Use 4th ef Aegwt Ust pact. The Hactcty met, aecerumg lo adjooranseat. The Rev. Dr. CJUfcaaa vsi called to the chair, aad tmr SsreJZrv apDoisttd tocretarv. After a fervent and pathetic uppucaUoa to tbe tarone a ursre, rrom tne caair. m ocnan as we aowei sml ilif important object eeonectod there it b. Cel. Sammd Ckmnn Submitted a revised Conati tutioa which being Considered, aad amended. was anaaiausl sdopted. Thn sociotv thee Drocerded to the choice of r . i . . . Officers, for tbe current ycVt d lb toitowuig were caoaeni Rev. JCsAm JZ CJUpmm, D. D. Frasideati Rev. CMrrsftatv groJAav. Tke President i Cot AW C'asiirfc Trearorerr Jsia . lrkit a'uVf, Comtpondinr lery. ftttr StrcJUf, Ke- coruinr secreiarv. Tbe following person were chosen to const r lute the Board of Manseem Vila McDowell, 8 va P. Baroett, David Vance, Tbdmss Strad' ley, Thoasai West. J oh a Cora, and & E. Per tone. The ktisinem being closed, prayer wst offered on by the President i when, on atotlon, the Bo eteto sjWimdrte -told U sAnual'hertiof 6 a the fourth eaturday in September lost, peat. The Aaheville Auxiliary Bible Society, being eow eetabbshed apoe a kasis which U eooceived to be more safe and remanent, aad having re- ceivM aa aoaiuonai sncreaae ot memocr, n w eonfideiMlv hoped, with tbe blessing of Divine Providence, that tbe sphere ef its operation will be ao extended aa to reach the case of eve ry family ia Buncombe county, destitute of s copy ef the Holy Script urea. The present institution bsvtng taken upon it self the Jtigh and solemn .responsibility to. sun ply every destitute family In the United fftstes with a copy of tbe Bible, sad the light of divine truth t tht society will moat cheerfully co-operate, to tke etmoet extent ef it mean, (unfor tunately ve- Giahed at presents u) tne further ence kruj oirin. J, 1. 1 ,....,i r this a, and phissathrvfie reeofve. While the most en larged and liberal efforts are making in alnsoM every part of the civilised world, for the exten sion of tkeraealeulahle be nft)t of Religion, we w. MV, VMHMt VJ WM, HJUiri, OT B Jll- aetive apeotatoiswf theTatiniy scene t W wa ... ... . . w . win actively and seaiouny co-operate in promo. L.t.-ir mm usuaii m ut aaaaaKora. R. E. FORTUWE, Cer. &ey. pr. lt mmttmMmHBwm Tht eldest ea of General Btucfaex Jtay aersea desirou of purchaainf. can call died on tKe irvh of 0-tnk.r as V. . . " was vrvwwt a ej jaw ana view toe premise ( or inquire of Robert n,B:fV TKi. nfRz-.s- 1..M .U. -..v f I. Dinkine. ia Chartoft, fo aXL-nsu. a., .: Penie. Toia oflicep held the rank Of , - - - - -I , m ST aft a a v etoi w. M BOSTWickL wjor-uenerai. lie died alter oro- ChorUue, MedUHbwrg A. C AV- 10, 1839. tractcd aufferiogt, in cootequrnce of the dangeroua wounds he had received iYtvw TTasng eMftCMllB. THE subscriber having iareated a new Ma chine for Thrashing Grain, which it tamed by band i and with which, by the labor of two hands, 100 bushel of wheat can be) thrashed out to a day i aad for -which ke clalme a patent righttaket thia method ef fomenting all per sons against infringing on his invention. All loose thrashing snachinea, tuned by horse power, which strike upward, are an iofriag. ment on the subscriber's,- Qo will rhortly have one made, for the inspection ef tboae who may wish m pure we. t -iwvn iiiui,, ssonsVy. Dec. 16, 18. " 3t00- : d Bfwartj of the yitttAi. ON tke night of the 5th November, 1829, a certain ISAAC SWEAT, of Montgomery county N. C. stole and carried off the daughter of the subscriber. " oveoi Is aged about 27, about 6 feet high, well proportioned, light complected, aad a long no my daughter, JW Uogkv, Whom the vill'ian hat inveigled away.ia amall in stature, stoop shouldered, fair complected, wifh blue eye,' Sweat ha left behind him a good wife and two small eiiklren, in v-forlora condition. They started In a cne-horse wagon, with a huge blind hay bam, and 1 suppose they aim for CaJoway (or Carroll) county, Tenneisee. They went ia-compay wita two eolored-Biea and their white women, and some children by the name cf Carter, and ene Willis Carter. As said Sweat rosy attempt to marry or live with mr daughter in some uokwfdl vay,l request all good citisena, wh may have it ia their pow er, to stop and break up the eriminal connexion. .Montgomery eo'y. Dee. Ir. 1839.. ." WNw:srtrdn" ffinatTdctobiilaM: J. a Negro Mas, who calls hi nameJD,sad sayi neoewngf to uoi. Arthur, eving abeut three-mile from Corambia; 8. Carelinv ; He appears to be SO years old, is J feet 10 or" 1 1 inchee high, black eomplection, atout built i third finger on right hand a little crooked and sun", caused bv a ropet no other mark per-' ceivable i says he left home about 10th of Au gust hut Tbe owner b desired to prove pro perty, pay durfea, and take him away. F, SUTER.W. Ocf.UrM82?. SO in the campaigna of 1813. Most important to the air. An exquisite improvement has been late ly made to the manufacture for billet doux. Mr. Donaldson, paper, maou facturef, Ni J, has contrived to impar all the delicious fragrance ef the rose and geranium to that which he designs for fine letter. The fragrance will remain for year, eve though the pa per should be exposed to the air. Rats. Near Edinhurgh a ' farmer who was troubled with rate, recently caught 400 by placing a large copper v...u u:. J L tr. en- .. Tr . " h uin tuns tun, niimg ii aoovi half full of water and strewing a thin sprinkling of chatTo'ver it. By t few boarda eztendinc from the wall to the ketdc the rati could jump among what uicy loos to oe a noe lot ot grain, and ?ie9Jn Jeatt ot.oo t 'attJJuJlTh Boa ton Advertiser says, a phyaicWa tad- die-bags were lately stolen from ' off C- t. ........ . - I dis noTse ia tne town or Uangor, (Jj0 9ntalplOetundrjrlboluses, boxes of Bills, J-c,. If taken, , the rogue should be made to expiate his I m IVTI.IIIVU a uuvcuiuz xirlSl CondiMti Fxtts-Ct : it applied aiaininure ia r.: . ; Apples may oe sept m rouod by Uing Immmti , 4 which receives no htj l . cootsct. If it rs Beivtrt., , tlsed, ws should ht w f tt; , decayed and rottea apples. ,' 00 wt. f raw meat ::; . roast or 50 ef boiled, s&d tx of broth. , Tin common elm, fjowwj ,, mj'Wt 1ft''foAA;eiiin7"scq, full rncrcatc in atwuteoe bet' fifty v WiZizzzs. ... . .) brn tp upper, brand -1 jtaJtlrriUnTri rhantu . , ia undergolag aluratkm, r.J going to decay. I me glass botucs, coaulnV- ia good preservation, were the excavations of Pompeii, A solution of caouuhoue m t turpentine, used as a size (nrs will effectuslly prevent Jtw mice, homidity or insect. , The roots of aa old tlacg su!, tree sent forth shoot tfur k apparent loactirity fc 2utrw S Dogs can wallow U, ' even large quaatities of the bq vipera, i Tklngt ! hare never stcn. t ' never aeeo aoch bard timet sent in all my life. ) , 'i I hare aevcr scea a pretty . ' did Bt koow it , I bare never aeeo a lawyer tt tee em account of hit dicta, -1 hire uerer stea i woaua tt ngue-tied. , i 1 have never seen a girl dot sing without being rAti st leu k times, i I hare never seen rick sua sr. marrying poor girls. - 1 "have "never aecaDut ooehii a bed-wrench and pia ni ifix. i.' coraeu!!! i I have never aeea surio4 than at present for aQraaatsficei. 1 . . I have never aeeaiHeua ate v.: the lock-jaw; ; I have never seen tij ttctultj young ladies (who are not kid) it. iog falie.hair, I have never seen the Crtit I Serpent, or Tom Thumb, or Cx Symmea, or the man in tbe aw ' would have travelled to see!?' things, but my guardi aoi potest B.m;J?e rr . Pppertliic entire value of manufactured ia the lotted Eutr BQatlyis auppoeed to be bctves '"AjIlp.'Ulo0! jqL Mm. I No of persona employed ie the r ia about 1 1 ,000. The nlue af t ' annually ssved ia the states ar about two millions of dofUrt, L qiiantiflea - of .-ragv.juve.bta t. ud from Germatiy and Italy." ; l- The : largest - mill - ia- the C; States le tbat built by Met $rrt. , on the Brandy wine ia DcLvin. i aheet of paper caa be mie bj machines, to the length of 100 i It issues its paper in s iiokle i which is afterwards cut to ibe ii aired. ; , " I Nicholas ts. JtkxtmkrJ New York Gazette gce tht esc remarks from Bell's Wcckf ger, on the difference of j i V aod policy evinced by tbe prcvut 1 tocrat of all the Russias, mJ dccesaor'ooTthe throne t .1 ..jlThe jlmperer NichoW knowo, ia a very different tna the late Emperor Alexuder, I, Emperor Alexander was of M tare, fond; of ease, and nol rn.; excited to war. He had lobibeij good deal of the philosophy Erench school from ht tutor, the mom La Harpe buk it had sol rupted his generous heart, or p' the sources of rooTatiiid ir truth. If madehima littlt coxcomb,!t still left him a Cbr llia-maater-piecef policy, tto Alliance, waa conceived ia tf' motives, and had, williAlexv merit of being dictated by a and conscientious principle, powers clung to it, as a harrieM their Cwn. subieets. aad s norse, ana capawc of grmdjog aa ma ny bushcu of corn, pet day, as the horse can travel miles, viz. one bush el to the mile. , .. , Jin unsociod Horse !l coachman in England was lately .kusine his fa vourite horse, when the animal bit off i? . .. - . ma unucr-jip, ana swauowed It. I stJsltrOSl ithaa. .. aB.lats4 . .. JlJZZt selves ofua atvled.it.ia - in'sa.U1aaaalLiilansd. Stliri; . I was meant to preserve, ana iw- years. aia-enectuauy P"ffT"r peace aod quiet of Europe. T Eero Nicholas has contrived tr ia neck out of this collsr j J . broken up the work of hi and now that the sluices sre or. and the waters flow in, who c where thry will stop?" 1 V s . . .k m.mm' ' ,l"ys.ia.