'sV' S r v. t " 1 1 11 , . 1 I I 1 SAUSBUIty, UOWAI UOVSTVX. C.......TLT.SDAY, FKBltUAttr 18, 1810. , t - - . - - , Kill (!, Villi. X...NOriOC J -V '. '.' i a - liBi liV "1 .iJ aw""" ' '. a wmii fc n I ., , ,.,.. u ,iiiii . ' ., ... uti ... .... i - -tiifinixwi ' ' 4 tin ir '" a. ... 1 Mil -lb 1:1 I w .all -I cel. I eti:! ...jj Ittt iff Oct. tW;f ' r itu el. -1 -I . . . ,. poll VJISH o.YIJ; u.i.hl fnjue. They viB mi ir rvdaced price. .j.vj f.wmox.wu: ' coons. L ;r a.V.i'.rr ra'efil w r'' r ...k.i.nirrJ from the catuana Ji and rWMlf and Ukrs this f w ru.'n LiV iieert thankf for fk rl l a"' e'""--"0" 01 xU Ctm:rwu i ix,rfn .fA.nteKd Community.' (I io f'"'t;- direct ruiWeipn toll and Winter GOODS, ' ..ad to this market, "- rebated en. . ...a. . WJ. ,a ap'l l- Hock. UJ b fuuna i?lct ',rtl,,cn' - fidkrti. Aw,HpWje ctU, twrniiw:, aJ Julf for DJUCl&L II. CRESS.- fr ith, 1829. 5? M- Tt. mi frfu fine of StUU trwl Tn IIP, " " . . . . i WiL'i-. and Ttn Wale Ware. Lit f Um best Wlen'. to i wk r.V- i af th nubile IJV I . i .m Main lMt u U...U m reoinlrton. bik) Cura recently J- ft U-herfeeonlmuM W carry Tailoring uusincss. M.nf it I? V1V r.ft " 'km y b found lb b-u kt- "'.U ttt tf-d k-1 fcrfi(nhl riU.MJw 1 i-ieio") Ho irt J--lelHl ibern, Wrd. nj wictiillr 'lo.led to. 4Mriti tm will tiacttt l kleU d loi i'P(wmim " Bmkiira cic4 mi hj. , BLMXtSS IS -U.HIIltV. 11 , hmt bn crf the fultiic (tifc f"r Ui -'T la lufri fhcia. Ibal ba tiiU contliMiN la erry k oo, ( bit eU auntl, thrM dX)ri em nf th Cvart llouM. Il b om bind, ill 10 cont'nu to auk a, to orrtff, tburt MOtic. f trl M rewMMMMiftg' UTflM, . ..suvu.yemcLKH - M Iff uwally A&ivi'ibiiirrd in bli mH of I tit euuntrj. Ml of vbick tB b dprd of M rrsmmbte price, fur tatk of good M do Band ... t i li hf pfomrtd onparf of the brtt timber, ad bia otrrUt kr wfected hh ft re i and m LU W no aiitireDficei li Vjrk I8 ewrtoinhr bt mtir'ir ckccitiea by kiaMt-Q iimI Mtck otbtr wwkiKt it bo mf oapioy, vita Matac vni ditrMtcn. Order froht Ai'.ux win be prontlT at trodad to, and ifiaakfully roccired, for ork of tnr deacriiitiMi in bn Una. Ilrpam du tlx ahortcat aotice, ml on tie no rraittuablr ttrma -' NAT!! UN CROWN. Fcli,iurv. Jan. 2C4h. 13 10. ' 3tG6 Maktra, M are gtMxi ot. men, laa nf atrady babit anch ill aacet atitb eunaiaat employ i but thor of y olbar daaeripiioa. need nut to ,p,Jy N.Vril.lM R'1N. rtlUL wbtcriber bavinf t- . . JL purehacdthe eriab. Cbarlulta. lred to carry t . r 4 Hf JVtli all iti a. . m,,, hnuU 4 Harm proiwred tbe beat' kind I of materials, ami ' Y L fiUAt tR, fc CO. bare taken the '.a J aVnWnuB 111 Kla airTirtn' Ike Wilt ITkkl" I at - tit . x.k. a.1 . . a .f .. J L. laaaa . , haeL PAaltl ft ft ft ML 1 IHWfi aa - 't .-- . -fc - fl farncJieCarry Aila, lut Hi prieti WiaM b I a .. ' LI. attmcariarry . i m pricea titan pw vllt , jnitl TBrtim brtnehet i and trajwotfully trft low, le t f r aavaaonabla iodulteoc- jt 4 .,ltroni(re. They will be tended tot, eapoaatblo cuto,aaa - All bare la their tmphw otie oT ibo b workniva flnlmr-rb foat adiauiicc, ail! ! bej)rmpt. i COunty i which wilt enable theaj tw r "Tanow, repctful.l r. r.rTit H friemliL ami tba DUotiC I . i i : -..r . n.i, ;ir t, K I . mnird mttrtfce nW- awi COOVarS t .1 ... - .k ti...lil. i., . i 1 I J' i ... I uuur wti piwi. n.'iv. - - -... . . w Hi MIC. 'J WVV.j'" Chart.. JT. . IW. 33t 99 , i - - " . 1 1 i .... .nni t . . .m .1 1.1. nun .riiM inm Duutimr k at aoaien txi receiea m rmw. tti-. r-m irtJarit fromJbe North i m4iich wiU eoable ha recently ociMtl,totb Hoaae nearly oppo- iLVejerute a'l kmda'ar wotk lrt hirlitwt- r,-wbici wwa,irefly ,cpupi?4 wjr Jhowi. V mmi tiahiinahle ttrtrnnd otilH antral work- Ilolton aa A Tavern, and lately , by MrRmeI r .. r. Jwwi notinr. nrt It low 1 , -- - i thMlihaatcSuhilHia. llaffnaaia. .- - di,t.nc.. oa-.'Kl. eooremenl to b Duarne- pan ot p-;-;:-,,,.,..,! tlJ bv "r'' , " , the tow df Sa tbwyi whera Wo auoacnotr jaaptjr. .ttjmded to, "''0fcf17j wiU coatinue to carry'oa aU branche. of tha Jlkmdiorcotintrj piXKJuco ntreceea mhinrt Vakin" . a-rket pricea, inpayment for wort C fftoff .VAl ? i. - r aha aaatMAiiallM .0UMIKH nvivtwiv. n. labcttt ""-,' f . ufiL- birtuu-litv.aod Lk.M hrn v encnuea u uut a"" IUcaehtHJ And Jit paint!. M & I.1T . - . HA r 'T I T ' If. . 1 w M - ' 4 - i ' fnma Ika litia mj klth.m. awl IHa trfj-.TInr rwttryrhit rb Wrarftea, CM-aa-, rtaara,juia irrna -.tit.ui-' eery Of Work MmtniM. Go. ki aaal fv.uti a it Lsl ana. paired, according to direction, and aaiaiy ra- ... i t jlaUaaary, JU, ihA, 1830. ' 3t0 iiinwrtainine to tha JhlMutm ca, win we taietuuy re awTlV: w VoArattUtti. fill 1 1 aubtcribet lalua iki aaeth X od af laforaaiaf Urn fnemU rul tha tviikktf mmHv. Ihal ha i. juet cneapteted AW ai . irri il i f ii ai ail 11 rat. a nm w rim Jritn riuV f tba wateta of the t Vba and Horky atii ra, ioMwetUtcry at that pabtia crwaa road weV k'wa aa the Buckjr Riter and WatW ...at ILawla. tra.lii.a' (na Iha lai.riia af Hautb Carolina and t'barlratoa, by way of (-hcra and . . . M . . M a. . ucorrv ova wo iweono laaaa, anu (rwa uia iatt-r.al af Narth Carolina tM ChaHcadiBa b war afCaaJea,ea lb other. 1 ' . Tba Mbacrioer infurwn I ha pubHc, Ikat b bat ibarail an naina a aanama La uta ikaaa Bar. va cofflfurtible who auy bowwr blnj with Ka1p MriM mnA taMMMkaaL ikt (mm lLa hirb aituailua of tha above Koaja, Ibey "war be mJt la travtltiof then at aa teaagnaqf tha year, aad that tha atklittoa of hia atand, Biakra tba aucea cmpleU la aad frwaa Caaadaa aad Cker. tw, to Cbartotta, BaintHiry and CoacwJ, n. cH and aJacrtwaaa a aia I. thoaa penoM riaitmj tba I Uaroiiita. AW U. from Iba treat lennb a (bit docanvaL anil lbACirCfl'rj-'ib t mitf of OMf paper, wf ftra oW)fri U.Ix U.4 f ICAVtatrf.J V';'!'''.'.''! i k. C. LAB ATT. 9$ . r. . HflLL aland Iho'efc. . f V -auinf aprnj aea aofl,aUerna;el al lIinf J Ion aad tWiatH7 . , The " pedijrcc of tlm Six hore, and other particulars wiU be made knowa, ahof l! In kjaattaliu: iiLft kur.aa- aanniJ ktf faii VAacer, ia the In ofaliibury where they intend earry.ag ca the ftioehmtitag Bum arta, ia alTltl Tirloui brtnohra 1 and rrapewtfiilly iowU.atty.Wip wo : -B'r.k,mJ,h . ? tori.; Jt 1- .K.iyLl tr, 4blnw4A"iliiilriet : iki. n.-4 iha cnaritp: I tuir brini a, iti he aa hereto ref DfOfldf OZritlt CuwHiif 01 moderate, with a reawuMe indulf nce lor pay. I the' retpectivo dUtricta at llie tfmc m ' ft n I I VI V . HI! . . ' I IB . a. . 1 . 1 P . I .... . a. ouaaowrj, urv, t. r"-- - I w Ural- CICCU0I1 or HI vcicuaio wr u . ...i...iLf. r l.:.::,"i..riv,m uiiiB.nirri n:.un ik.iit mi v. aa. u.. i r 1 1 r i m a ni. nirr v f, i raiiui . . a. d a i - . a a. a a. iw ... " . r . v . . I vvmi.j,.i.. 1 vote lor one oenaiori anu int untniuui ,iSlsf.i?arnfTemp1TX-lte iipiaii,, a a - - . . . . . a . a I I I . M. a" it. . a.: 1 .a ... I mW . . & I U HIW w-wavi W I" " : ' ... u.a nai fh iMtaWUiriLkl BABI r ' . .a J.: r .11 ... It. cKll-j ajv kwii"H - a fcpo.hy the etyla of hi ork, and hi exer taw to ph ase, to merit It. " -i . Sautter A", lb, 0. - - 1 1 Cital ttarxaius Vn Lands. ! ,-v rHHK aubacTiber ofTcrt for aale 1 ' 1 JL - thirty or f jrty thousand acre I r.7 ulnatiiil in AsDe CUIV. W wIV a Ni C.-adjouung Burke. county on " the araith. nd rhe Teneea Una aithe wertaial aorih.. Thit Und ia aunreyed af into tneta of from 800 to 1200 acre each, white quality of each tract i certified to by tie wrveyor, who baa made a plat of hia aunrey which- may be wren on application to Mr. WJute ak Kanaka. at m il. C. llendrraon of Lincoln- ul Up Thn-L. 1. Forn. v of Burke county, or to Wbscriber.irt Aaheville, Buncombe county. A Htf purtiukVAi Uii Hunt ) irgT"" " "" : ." hua Seen iCicuvereu 00 CITrrtat parta ot the wirvey and gtld h beea buad adiaeeut to H : the climate i the most ImI.i.p ..j Ja.r,.,i.if,il In tha world 1 and at no ttij diant day, th mountaia regioo of North. rtifa.lin aauitft KawrAnrta) the favorite part of the Uit 1 the laml la well timbered, and Cnely we- .... l!a.. ..-.t I.!, aa.aaa.1 aa a.a.l laaal !. P m uia oea. uumiu. ihi iv '" mini in a rarnavi durable, faaUooable and elegant atyle 1 and hia Lu( u;t, , pfia.Ht .road for aeiaral rnilaa. price.iliallbemourate,tocorreipona wttn toe Tbia noted aituation I ib.e uin MiHi ! wavaa miifv--i iina mar .m.-J. 7Thf lrirtt.makedLqljty ' (three fourtha of a mil, which, it i thought by I t . a mrnZ J.T n.inTTlT' " IflMlT1, " 1 1 at -w - - , . I 1 i a-i at cj eema per acrwj - -m..;, gf jmigment, II ai riiu in mw iiiwawwa hi.. u niiiit. aa ednta tier acre. It ia ieSeved ao laTortibla an apportunity for obtain, wg rood and cheap farma, wa never before of. LrmA :.. it.'., .i.i J The title to the land w to- (J-putables worronlife deeda will be given to ta.i. a . Annl'iootM, f(ir fiirthpr iiilorma. tion, and for purchasing any part of these landa, -:l.'i.;.v i..,a::.V-lIlf't'l,ra.-'i.Vllai M.. 4 ( U. I iniUal.atAa- Up Thoa. J. For I- a .a. tnj ... .. ..a aaraw." - - - -- - .aa. .-baa.l.a. .aal.nlV AP trt tKl. MlWCriber. . - ' l,l V U 11. ...KaKaat. a cn nfTfM. l.VfMlf Uil.linU -acret rf hind iw uacWe,attlrd e' ore. many ot tneae ianaa conuun wuw v Host valuable mirterali in the Vnion, In a abort L PVUIV VI UKIC .f aaVi. w mihijiw. " O ' I ifiiinnuit tn tArlt ilia valuable minea-of iron. icd.!-iivAr. ami 00 d. wnicn inev com tun.. i 1 already leaaed out aouie of the tracts, and bu bad fair ofl'era for the aale of othera. Any part of theaa land will be aold, e7 low 1 and .rtjrrtw. titles made to parchat? ra j. Bnotrx. -.rp.nr jf tlia tiiwem. Orders from a diKtance, for aide Boards, Bu reaiiai diuinj,', breakfst, and bidtea working Table I Sjcretariea, and Writing DcOtsi Caudle Stands, Wash Stands, &c Uc, will be executed on abort notice, aad strictly In accordance with drrectionav -... - Tl. aihar.rilier aolicits the Patronape of the Dublicmiid hope-b Uie able to merit it. ' , ll'ilt.VriO WOODSON. StM.hHry, J.mnnr' 7th, 1830. J t08 f 6t mm8,aii & negroes. .Ta raP1,E avbaoaibe.ri.wialir.ig to re. f . , :i 7 A move from the neighborhood, .a. a 1 a I . I I tll..a.. men tor sale u vaiuaoie riaiiia- ilun. four aiilea west of Charlotte. . l-ha If.rt cuilnini 2fl J acrrl of laud. I.Pir. tMirf nf wliicl. iiaa iriMxlaa anv III Meck lenburg county r about I JO acVri are Tint, second and third crop ground, of the beat quality . The plantation adjwiu the Celebrated Capp GoW tm.nm mtA (Hp nmni.in aaama to be vreU touirfUd that tiold abound in two bilk particularly, on the Dlantation 1 a branch rune through it, for I r - an airing in a carriage, or on horn -back, tan Tti'aa nuli.il aituation lid thirtV miles a est of U.-P.HIM mnA ai milp f-nni tha Waaterw road to Asheville 1 the Cuvc road takes ofl at Capt. Jane tlcDo well's, wf tba- Ptceaant. Garde 111 where peraons can gvl every information ac- aaryi and when tbey arrive at nooc utwu, in the Turkey Cove, will meet wit 11 geoii accun MnJaiUn. an ft .mm apimuM attention from V. .kauapik. 1a4i, a.ttp.pa ki.naalf ha will he I IIP-a aj.PPa-l .-"a, -.-- " (able 4 make Jt quite a pleasant retreat, to all I ..... . .... II ..ltL. laff ft?L wbo visit mm -. .. unLtnuw.. r Jaiory 30tA, 1830.. r-- r 5l09 .. A....I .. m. nf th Itiirk mines : there is aho on tbe place good water-power for mining ope ration.. -. au. OiiAhQC l.k.lw NEGROES for sale I or , n9Jt v wa - -.- j - - V a part, of tbem, uch as may not wish to follow B, . -: - ; 7-' - a mm aanna itrarntia of wiirchaainir. can call r (L!. aa r,-. a al.tf a. ' frtl liiaMnllAII. atl . ' Yard, the uw of food bouse, lire, water, and MitiM, k mule toon. sheHer ; Attfched to the Ytrdt are Srocery r. , ...I aVMrlaat QrtlMa. Rlfa Khfn llu! Conft5 ellaU iiwviaivii wwa-af f . tionarr, and House for Boarders and taOdgen, -a. . 1 I C a in jk. pbun, cneap, wnoieaomw n cuunurv ab'le ityle.-Fiyrtiewaa, Jtpnt lt 1858. 1 1 tana ahor miv frr dhtiosed to la ou hi u with their custom. For the brnirBfof Freestone, dc. this aituatiaa ti aurpaaacd by none. The valley in tbe Turkey Cove, U aur rounded by mountains which have a venr, ro mantic appearance t and they encircle a eau- tiful plain, where any person who wishv to take To Watth Makers, &c. BY virtue of a deed uf trust, W ma executed br Itobt. Wycae, fur certain purpose. therein mei.tionrd 1 and by virtue of aund executions! I will tell, for cotA, st (be bouse of a....i Umm.mmm in the town of Salisburv. on Tuesday, the 16th instant, one set of Si ArtfrVl- ' ' o ' .a a fan I a.-.-.... Ttu, on set OI rcavi-er aaaa. Baa '.nwi .:.i.. f Upp.:,i. helunainir to that line of fuwnw '"" -- 0 0 -.v - - - . bualuaa.Mul other articles, the property of aaul ' . ' ' ' ' al. J. a.aa.a . Wynne, to satiety saiu coiiveyanto ! i' tion.- v JN0. A. MEtfONY. fViraary lf, t30. 3W6 J .iwr. .i. ' W- M BOSTWlCltr the fourth Monday of Marcb aextana plead, ,1 Vriiiivtv. M UC. citr ' w VteCr, w- atsilik lZM 'TT'mF Wmmi. l(the-object cennrt otnerwU-N ffeted, frrxi?totiwviio. Kut valuable minerals m tna vmon, miu. v w v the to? am, wncrw vjhj """" I r 110 the fniwar JtumneM wamea av m iienrs ton w -. ..--T'jl.v. " osie the suWr witter pre of tha Weatern Carolinian. . An in .lirh new) coontf. or auch Clly t6W0vt anma nt ika.u ipani. .a rnmnaBiea who mipht. be I i.a.-A Mmanp4ah.il. at the moderate charre of 25 them comfortable, at the moderate charge of 25 .-n:n7 ,-tive Vounr man, 16 or 17 jptar old, ,.-.,",( ' .Ithin It lirnh i-wfekh af- centaa day and night, for the privilege of the taken onven advantageous terms, if sp I . , .hall continue 10 force till e uae of a , rood houae. Bre. water, and u oon. -, lA. NU "'""'.".V t7 J.a.Bnt.i , .nnortlon tne next rcw" .,-rr---- t.- a .twa '..v , I -...I . v :' " . UliAflAO a' .r;u ,k F fvery dencriptiiw, eeatly executed at , . i,-.i. thereafter oi th' Office. . if"r ' " O' BlatVrjO DfOVlWOfll. m .-j' . .... - lalio rujIilEa1llJ Mrrwrr r-ttouU Atas lAa- .AW CapMlaapt. TirfimU. '.'Ak riCl! I.' ThelcUratoiiof Rirhta made an tbt 13 b June, lyy-, by tin rpreotttlvi of the rood people of Vir ginia MMinblcrj In full and free Convert linn, avhlrk tiarlainrd In them and rtialr 1 - - twi.larltaa aa lha kp.l. knit fiHindtlrin Af Uotornmcnl ( rrnirinjg hi the opinio of . a mm a a . a a Ibis lonrtoilof. no sintnoment, anaii oa prefixed loihisConiti'ulion, and have the timt relstioc tbertto aa tt had to the kit tner Conniiulioa of thia Commonwealth. . Ai. 9. Thai Iai.l.lal1ial Et'erutlva and Judahrf I'eoirirAent. shall be tea- atste and distinct, so that neither exercise the power properly belonging to either of the olharti or shall ny per tan eir tUe ibe power ol more tbaa one of litem mi lha limi lima, svi-nnf t hat lha Juaf U.a. of the Count Court! ahall bo cliBt'lo to it . ... . . eiiBcr iiouae 01 Aicmwy. At 3- I, The Lfifi.ls'ure shall be formed cl two dial net brancbea, wince to- gcihef ibin be i;toio,let L-aUtara, ind shall b called Ibe General Aivemt.lv ofVImloU. - - ' I In. t,t ih.aa ah. 11 ba called lha IIoue of - Delegi; and shjll consist of wot 1cm 4aa Un $ UGVftft e K-f iy, iwc-ln.fvt l each lloiisr rnt urrlng, to make re-appo-nJ..nmiii i f I'riegatr -a - ii.M fTiifl.pn.'iB I - - pv l?"-'ta,aap I waaiin, j TifjT ti" iinrri'X)' a-a.a;aap -T. aaa-aaa.-- . J .A . - t nli ny-'iinw ri've' 1 wv 7rL n t ,IoU' Delfflaie, and thill consist ol ha elioaen. annuallv. lur ld bf the tCVCf al eooniiet, tliiev town ai.d botooghi of the Commonwealth whereof Ihiny-one IKfleRatr wM bUo Mt and .br. Jb twenty ix coumlr jia Weil of Ibe Allegheny rnounisiast iwen jr five for end hi tha fuurteen tonnliea Itinu bclweeo jna AUruhin and Blue Hidce cf Muurt- Uio, lortj woIor.ni d toe tweniy nine coumie lyiog r.att of iho uiu Kide of robuniaint nd above tide water ; and thirty tit for and by the counties, cities, ioni and, tHVVugha lylnjf upon tbe tide waie ' ' 'm - The olRcr lIoupeTcT ine Ccfteril Aiscmbly thll be called the Senate, thai! cocil.I cf thirty two members, of tehom thineen Ihall oe cboica for and, b. the lylogWeel of ;he Pitt UQg ol uiDniiiia. add iJni-teen fir .no br-ha coomici. cillel, towns ai d baougha lyl"K T .... a l I . . whicn the State mr st any time-be en'i lit In ika. Ilioiaa nf ' fti-nrei-eniiillera -nf the United S'aiea anall We 'apportioned' at' ' ararlv at tna be ifflimtil the aVial rountiet. diUt, bf-fowghe and 'on ifih Slate, acof ding 10 their rnpcc'lvt rum- haaa. askli-k ah. ft ha ital.rmlnrff h ad- dinfto the wbolo number of fic p onf liptluding thoa hound (a eft Ire for e term o( eat t.d excluding Indian oot faied, three fifthi cf ell other perton. 7. Ana nartnn fn.e ha alerted a Sena r,--- -j - - lor1 wbo shall hive attained to the eg of thirty yeafV, and khall be actually e reil (ft nt' and frceholdcr'wi'bin the diatricl, lUiltutd by virtue of hi freehold to vole r membera of Jhe'Cetieral Awmblf according to Ibli Coniii'i)iioft. Ai.i .oy. rrsui 91. r M. elected b memherol Iho nna e.1 Dclreatrs. who shall have al-' taintd toe age of 33 years and .hill actually e'leildcnt add frecliolder wilhli , lha i.nunfa.che.taB.boroUk!U Of election . district, quaiifl-C bf tiro of hi frtlold , tovote iwr ftcr.bcf'bf !he General Ae--- ..A.lJ. . .rrnrdinif lo litis Coil(l:U'ion.' ' .a 1 II Wiy V ' ' Ppa..a. ih.i all ne'eaon holdintf lucre- ewveMawww iv v- Y - live ifB et and jMiii!ei nf the Uopef, anrttriet of every denomination. hall -Snfra1pTierO!flnTprtem4 a either House of Akaemtx'y. ' s "The member of Iho AiKmblyihill receive for their ericet a tompensaiion wXe"Kerra1bcir Vf trtrind p-W of ., the pullie Tr'tury I but no la increti in'u the Compentatlon of tbe me mbtn shall lake effect until the end of the next annual aeisioi r,r tuch law thill htvo been enacted. And no Sena or or Deter ; l a ibalfi during ibe term for wolch bo shall have becit elected, be appointed 10 any clyil onke-of profit Under Ihe Com mnn wealth, which shall have been crea . -trrfior the tmnlnmniH of hirh shall have been ln reateOi ourii aucn terra, ex'tp tucpK-nketi at mar .e n.ica oy r ...a. election by tttat people.r ' o'flie Geoerel Aert.tlr.ibl mcef .' . PU.I.a. aa a. p. an nliaaaa. waeiv eejr lunr " w. ' . ' ".a - '! .. 1 1....... !...!... lha...i.inn uf the La.la COQiliU'J. Cuics. iowiis ou ipvuuvn"" v' l '""'i V" " -- -p. rtflhift)f,aTJfforthe eettkiotiorri,UufeV;kb conrnv o tnw . 1' aat...il.i ivltlaia takr.ai cartjl KAtaTall O lift. I VI har. adimirn for more than Ihre4 0ITl other'ceMoTvloifnnl lUt toonryj-cityr o ocoufl;n JtitH, in nve day at fartliett alter tne tail coun ryrWfitenvtt bjsriWga.cK dktrlci, ihanjnect 11.10010 convenient plKOi endlrbmttlt ponv" tshen." nt respective eoundes, cltiet, toeni or' bo rodgh,' reiutn ai a Senaior (he perton who ihall Its, the r.reaie.1 number ol vote fit the th whole di .tricl. 1 o ke p p. ihia Assembly by rotation, ihe district shall ue'cqually divided into four clattct, n4 knmheied h lot. -At ih end of one yrar alter the first general election, 'ha . a I w. . .1. , -a Jil.. tighl memocM eiecteu oy 1110 urai oivis ion thatl be diapWcU. "end Ihe yacancics thereby occationeil, aupplicd from tuch clatsc or division by new election in Ihe manner roreaid. TliU ratio thai! be appllcr?ceicrlvWor eccording. to its number, na;.xoniinuca in ouw -.mi.r annually. .'. - 4. If shall be ihe duty of ihe Lecitla lure. 10 re-kpponion, once in len year, a A I m. A . a. a. a vial In ine year ionauu Bcy ...p. thereafter, the rebretentatbnof the counriet, citiet, town, borough, of Ibit Commonwealth, in both of the Legislative ..-ala-aa P.,.vi'!a.ll. hOWPVer. thfct th UUUIII PW---P-p.'vv JjW. I numbef of Delegate from alorew 01 . i 1. & r . 1 irina. .n4 ihw numDtr oi senators ,ruul Ibo foreid two' great division, retpec lively, hall neither be increased Jjordl minishedbf tuch re-pportionment. 'And ' a. U,ll;L....A.a' kw when a new Count anon nereancr w riwcmi SS 1829 1 Kexiah Sincleton vs. Christopher . ... , ... f neleir.tea. shsll hav to Singleton; Di-orcc. Ordered by court, that . uUtloo-M to be- entitled, publication be made three months in tne wee- B""v" r i . , . .wi. Itf tern Carolinian and Yadkin and Catawba Jour- W the opinion oJ ha 0.",?", nal. for the defendant to appear at Our next uch representation, it na:i oo mw ..a.ap paiip r law. m he held for the county I -t .i... n.nanl Aasambly to make previ refPvieV:tfWvv i.WJ 1 I . 1 a;illlliy-r-'p.prp r '..v. t w- f j W. rilO thefn-im-r a,apiri1iTM BJ. - . . . . a. I" K . 1 . . . . a.. a.,,H PIIV. lAWII ' TTt -X "office OT.jne. weaiern uarounian. m 1 4Uch new coomy. . uoc.to any othee place than tbat in wiclt ' i- tl ..... .L f a','.! trre't wtr a nistw naia v inrhv jf each House shall constitute J - - - - . . quorum Id do bustnettl nut e smsuer numbermy edjotirn from day to tUy, and shall be authorlted to compel me ai- lan ra nrir- -cf absent - . IX.tx.raU.. ia . J tU. njrJ0e,nd undertucn peilallieaeclt llouso .marwolipAoatielr- House) .h.ll ihixi.a iia own SDCaker. SDUOint it own offiieltricftlv H bwtt5ralet f'- ceedlngTnd direqrmTrf -ejection fr- supplylnu iniermediaie earancie." But if vacancits shall pecur by death or resig- nation, during tha recess of the General Assembly, tuch writ may be lued by tbe Governor, under tucb rcgulat'inn as may be prescribed by lav. Eacb Houts shall Judge of the election, qualification and returns of its members ; may punith its members for disorderly behavim, and - with tha concurrence ol two thirds, expel i number, but not a second Urns for tht same offence. - . ... ' 10. All laws shall jtrignate .In tbe llouso of Delofisies, to be approved or lejeUcu1 bylBn Stnate,or'toVsmcnde4 with the conMnt of ibe Uouae .of Dtlo gates. ta '' r 1 --'' 1 1. The privilege of tha Writ of ltabt ai Cerfiui, shall not in any' caso be sus pended. Tbe. legislature ahyll nol psss any bill of attainder i or any ear totljacta , law i or any law impairing the obligation . of eoniracti ; or py law, whereby pri- , iate pTopertj-baU.bsJUktJl9 use without just compensation t or any law abridging the freedom of speech or oftho pfiCZ.Wmn"h,lUb8. 99mVrt!i to IrequeoVor' support any celiglus Wor ship, pla.ee of ministry wna:sooar nor iasaraaaj as wvaaaaw a-stiiii'w siiuii stp s va a a t "i" sr r a". . ...i.' ...t.j.iiiii '1 't ."-.a -a. K-Vmrh.lhaii -anvman be enforced, retrained. . i , t - i crtpaiao, w ""7 - 7 l , 11 11 I . tTERIOR Court of U, Be ptember term, not now eotitld loteparato representation moiesieu or .vu. .i..u. ... - body or , f 1 goods, or otherwise suffer, on account of his religious opinions or oeticr ; out, an men shall be free ?o profeti, and by er gumefit to maintsin, their opinions in natter of religion, and tba same shall in no wie affect, diminttii or eniarg tufa shall not prescribe any ; eligiout tet ' v fKjmmw-mjM Xzaiefitmfmm!, na... -.!.. Paa-L-ll a.'. natever , uvr lumei j w p... nt .(itinurci an inv-ons ssct or aeSMpMnaivwa.,MK"vp,,f.-t,it?;, I . . tL.alal.n .Aa P.llllllillt .Af ll V. trMhs pMpls ol anjLflw m . Commonweaitn.to ley on tneroseives or other, any tax foHlbe erec of any house for public worh'ip. or for he support of ny church sr ministry out it shall be left free to every person to elect fat religious instructor, and to -a - I .... .-...7 r J -1 Wl-WfflWjlitV.' ? ( ..Wf-iiTlwaaya. Bify J

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