Jr Tt . .4 vriike for Mt lappoft such private con tract st he shall ptaaae. II. The Lf;iUitir niiy provlle by law (bit f0 (Mr ahall b Capable tf Lolding or being elected to in? po ef profit, trust or emolument, civil of mill , Legislative, Esscutlve or Judicial, undr tbe Government f Mil Common- stealth, who ihjTl hereafter IrHi 4-)J( -tr MTid or accent cbaileng to rum duel. lha &ibUUUMftu Wk.tn m tb diet If the ch!ltoir or challenged, or who Shell e second to either party, or who thill In ny manner old or euW ' In such daI, or sUl be knowingly she bet fwrrogjtii'ijicia-gltfintlintfl as rtiKMi of tur hating heretofore lought Unee, or bee eecond lo inch duel, or bearer of euch cbillenre or sccerrtsnce I). Tbe Uaveroor, ihe Judges ef the Court of AppeU aod Superior Courts, and iU others offending eralnat the cute either ty msledmlalttrslion, corruption, ficglect of duty ,or any other Ugh crtme Of qoidtmnor,btll bo impeachable by the Hotite of Delegates, Mcb Impcscb- tnsal lo bo prosecuted before tbo Senste, which sbsl bt tht sole power lo if 7 ill impeachments. : When sitting for that purpose tbt Senate ftbo41 to on oat b or affirmation 1 end M person shell bo con vlcted without tbo concurrence of two thirds of I bo members of the Senate. Judgment, la caws of impeachment shell Dot citend further thio lo remove! from office, ind dltqualiEceiioo to bold and en joy any off.ee of honor, trust or irofit, ua det tbt Pom moo wealth bul I lit party coo Titled ball nevertheless bo liable ind tut: Ject 10 indictment, trial, Judgmeut and putiiiomeni, eccortuug 10 taw,-; Ewy blto toalo J4Hte-r ibo t . Commonwealth, resident therein, aged twenty one- tears aod upwardt, being Jtti6c d, j.nejtUefib.u((itf auDra: .. accord in ( 10 too former ConatlttMon and ' - lava 1 and eurr auclt ciiiieo, boiot poa t oeaaodt or oboto wuanl for tiri, at oiH cr l iulTfnce, it potaetaed ef ao ettaio of ..refbold. b UimI ofUbo-f alao of temf fro doll in ; and ao aliened lo bo il any iteiiment thereof l required br Bod ietf lock tliiian, Uhi poiiMicd, - M Uoaoi lo Common, joint tenant or par ctocr,of n intereat lo, or ebaro of land. and bating an catato of freehold therein, acb interrtt or abatt being of tbe Value of tweott fivo doIUri, end ao enctted to be, if toy itcnntcnt thereof baf required wnltb (t yeiVt nii pMceJing biit elinkm. " a Tbo Ooernor ahall reciWe r.r on aertlcm l compeoiation, to bo fixed b mm. bich ahall be neither Increiied, nor dlnlniihed, ilurlng hil contlnuanct in of fice. . " 4. He ahall lako cere that the li bo falthfultr eiecuted ihill eommmUita 10 thf htg Ujiura, ot .over aiirtfi, Ihe condition of the Commonoealth, and re- eonwnend.- to jbelr eooliiriIu:'iB maaaarraaa be mar deem eipediem. Me ihill bare power to onbodf tU u(k tie vhen U bla ofunlov the public liter aXeU Aot. VI. A Trnmrerhll U ipolfit ed annuallr br joint toto of bot!l llouaeo ' Aar. VII. Tbo Kieco-Wt Dpanraf of the Government eJiall remJn aa nreieat orgioUe,d, and tbo Governor aid PHvj Couocillora ahall eon Hue in offlca, till a Ooe . elided under llli Comiliu'ion, Hall come into offkej and all other per wn io efico beR tbit Coonlimlon aball bo edpted,ticept at rt herein otherolw i orenlf Cirected, ahall cominue 10 ohko, till auceoiaora ahall bo ,-pomed, of 'b U ahall oiberwiao provide 1 aod all the Coorte f Jow'ko iw eaUilng ahall con tlaua eItb Ibrlr preaeni juriidicttoo, 00111 reoolro U .oeor th? IflM ni.tVVLJ&UtAklUAiM4fo' -yfir-iL: -.fn-nf the! mitflJhar 0rnreaRr-.wberflo-of fit crarl-Of tU all'Ctlvi of (ha III fated Hoop of vir Hornet, and bar gtllint and accorapliihed oftccra and cre, thrre can no longer bo any doubt. The N. York Journal of Commerce aa? a Ihil ahlp area built at ftaltimoro in IIOJ, and a the oldett reatel of her elate In the Navy.. There were but Art tddor of any description, via I the United flialei, 4, Contltrbn,44, CunaleUatiM 34, all built h ITf. and. tbe Cont;reit 3o, an4 Jottrt AJimi, 94, built U-lffll. She aift raed at II cjn, bIt mounted 30. bouch a email aUot ho-at botxiraWf iitlnpnl.hed In the hit oar. baaing cap ne nriiin pHpfpi war rair' " 1 1 hl'LiKllI-M h fllit " IU4MlkraoCTeer-cmVmva"rnor 'TrtTm -titled to a rtvereion or veitctl remainder In feeeipectant 04 ao catato for life or livev in land of the t atue of fifty doliari. and o atMuedtobe If any fiaeaamcnt thereof be required by law each and et cry aocb diiaoo, woieN bit title abaU have come to aim by deacent, dcrite, marrUre .iaulemeawJu lag bet o potiemd or entitle for tU moUuf -end every iuch cfticen, who ibatt con lad be blmielf. ia . actual -occupation of a leiacbaU catttc witb tbe evldeoce of title recorded two moothe before be ahall of er to vote, of a -taTcr4rhiittfTi6r' leii than fir ruti. --thWmnra1uJr rent of twenty doj- Ian 1 and every aucb iltlzen, who lor twelve -roontha next preceding baiWen A bouackeeper end bead of a family with h thf count?, clty town, borough, or r tctioB diattlct wbereba may offer to.iole, "and ah ill bave i been astessed wjtb part "of the (Jommonwealth revenue, within tbe preceding year and actually paid tbe eame and no otner penon anaii oe Qualified to vote for tnemberi of the Gen oral Aatembly in tbe county, city, town or borough, reapoctively, wherein aucb land ahall lie, or aucb housekeeper and - bead of a IbmUy shall live And in cue , .. of two er more tenants la common, joint a 1 tenant!, or parcener, in poneiaion, re '. vcraion, or remainder,liaing'interet in . land, tbe value whereof ahall bo iniufli . 1 cicnt to entitle them all to vote, they ebJ : totetbef bave aa many votei ai the value of te It4 shall entitle them to t and the . fctitlstnrc eball by law provide the mode io which tbeir vote or votes ahall in aucb cue be given i Provided nevertbelesa that tbe rlcht of auBrage shall not be ei erclied by any person of unaound mind, - or who ahall be a pauper, or a oon-cotn miaiioned olBcer aoldier, seaman or mar , , Ine; in tbt service bf the United States, or JydtM etoy.,oeeoovkier of epy Inraraowa '. ' , If. In all elections 1q this Commot irealib, to any office or place of inwt, ..Aoooe or profit, tbo votes shall be given ; openlf, or wrve wocr, and not by. ballot rArrr-i r. f. The chief taecutire 'BEDFORD BROWS. F.kj lately dee- led Seaat-K of the V. S. Of the Ugialaiare of N. C, ia a gentleman of liberal educa- ioo, affable end aroeaMe trunncrt,uo blemiihed bnd enesccptlotuble private character, rtiDrcuble natural abilitlea, and a Rf publican of tnr JeTcKxi School IVunit ( -V. C.J lliftfttr. WJUieof letPgaiei w tHtottfrCittLvii whn.it We onrnbft. ibe. JatcrsaClaJM Cmmonwealtlr nrif rtqulre " W grant' re pi level aod pardona, except where the proMCotioo, ahall have been carried on by the llooae of Pelcgalea, or the law abitl otberwiae pjrUcularly direct 1 10 conduct, either In person, or in such tniooer si shatl be prescribe J by law, all lo'.ercourie wid .other end foreign States 1 and during ibo reteii of the LegUlatert, to fill "" ttfifrt, all vacaodce .h tboie Qmces, wbtcb, it may be the cutyof the ur.in lore to ll ocrrtunentlr 1 Provided, that bla apnointmeats to aucb vacancies nu be by comiiiions lo tipire it ihe end of the oeit aucceedinj scsiion of tbe uener erl Aiaemblr. I. There ahall be Council of state, lo consist of three members, any one or more of whom mev act. Tber -shall be elected by joint Vote cf both Hoy ei of the tieneral Aisembly, and remain in ot- bce three yesrk .Uut olibote bruauc ieJ,ne. to be deviated by lot, ahall re' Ruin ladTu-e Cur one year only, another, to be detonated 1(1 Ilk j nunuer, eMI re mI n ofTico fortwoytan onlyr Vcan ciesoccuni.tgby eipirationoilhe term of service, or othcrwiic, anall be aapplled by L le c low in rie" krr Utt "K io ntK "The flovernor ahall, before he ettrcivei anv . ' . . . diKreilonarv pnwer conferred on him br 1 provide lo- tbe diacipline iherrof ; wttic the Coniiltu'lon and lJlriilf qtilrs lhf f-1 w-ra4.A-Suoni-aetnd time, commit vice of tbe Council of Suit, ehich advkf ahall be rrgiitared 11 bboka Vrpt f ir the porpne, it d by th 3 metnben preaent and comer.ting thereto, and laid before the General Aecmtfy when celled lor by them. . i be Council ihill appoint thel own Clerk, who shll lake an oatb to keep secret aucb matte n as be shall be ordered by tbe Board to conceal. The (color Councillor shall be Lieutenant Ooveraori coxa nr.s s. In the Kouiv of Reprewntaiivei. 36 uh. Oa mjlionof Mr. Dudlcv. of North , t Carolina. Atnitvtd, Thai '.he Secretirv of ar be requeued to communiC4te to thii H'xIm tnereooii 01 tne r.nKinecr cnri;cc im ihe superintendence of tbe works on tbe River CaDe leal. lo the Home of Kepreec'na'.fve. n airy If ib, Mr. Tnomon of Georft, from the Belett lommtttee uptxuntto on to roach of the PreeldeoVs Meaige a lelatea to the organisation and liicipune of Ihe Militia, made a report accompani ed by bill to provide more effectual for the national dtfeOCevb oi$(un rminci ana ciuauininu a uiuui iu jhu lia tbroui'Jut the Unite I states, and in. ol ebwrt cmtil site whh Beraclf, anJ MHft otht; often: nns; naiittg on bi4rd upwerda of 830,009 hi apocte. Her great are, odtwitbitandtne repairs, tn-Jit nave rendered her unfit 10 encounter a beavv. nd lean of all aucb a gale at that which waa eiperlenced on the lOtb of Septem ber. Tbe Ion of the ahip, however, 11 not worthy to be named in omptmon with the " beam of oak that penabed itn her, for tbeie, though their grave ia he oceao, e monument will be relied more durable' than marble, in the bcarta of their countrymen. to and Incaie of the death rettgnaiion, Ina-!thp resolution, presented Useetiioa -in tbe seat of government, ahall act aa Gov ernor. .. , - - -- 0 Tbe manner of appointing militia of ficer!, shall be provided for by law -but 00 officer bctow the .'rank of a Hrladier Genera! ahall be elected by tbe"Auembly. f. Com mluioo 1 and create shall ruin ia tfcH oarue vTtfie Cotamoweth of Virgin la, and bear iet by the Governor, -. with tbtneal of .tbcComirwnwcaltti aniliixci Aif. VrJTTbe JuClcial power abaU tedjo X"trnittto4ie-WkieMrtn state of tbe Union, and ordered to be printed. On motion of Mr. Dtbtrry it was ArereV That thr Committee oaMili tary rrnaia be inalructrd to inquire in to ihe expediency o pltcing on the pen ilon toll the name of William Gad, of rt Carolina, sokiier of ihe revolutionary wir, and that bla papers arcornpanyioir. Httotvtd, That tbe importation of coarve ha tait In Runmna f'mipt nf Ann..l. I wool, the brlme'cost ot hichiloeA Jioii tt,'KruUioM'Amrrcims'foiterini; ioMch Strpcrwr -Cwnf ei lW LetiWtc7iditen. 5enll4efpuuud. ougbiiabeJ .jfBxithh .lihcllf rr.id .iriile-tm n j i - Urw nwyf front tlrte' Toime ordain and euabliah, and the Judges thereof, Ia tbe CjounXy ourta, aodr in the J unlce s of the reice. Tbe, Lcjt Ja ure-may alio veil tucb junidkuonaaabaH bodecTOcd eecee aery i Corporttron Cooni,',lndllo 'the Megirtntes who' may belong to the cor porate body. Tbe ioriediciion ol iheae tribunals, and of tbe Jud gee thereof, abaU be regulated bv la. Tbe Juccei of tbe Supreme Court of Appcala and of the Su perior Courti, ahall bold tbeir oOkes, dur ing good behaviour, or until removed in the manner prescribed in Ihia Comtitu- Hon and abaU, at Ihe aame lime, bold no other office, appointment or public trust and tho ecceptknee thereof, by either of Uiem ahall vacate hia judicial office. -No law abolishing any Court shall be construed to deprive a Judge thereof of his office, unless two-thirls of the mem bera of each House prrtent concur in tbe passing thereof ( but the Legislature may assign other Judicial duties lo the Judges of Courti abolished by any law enacted by leas than two thlrda of tbo members of each Home present. " T; '" i, Tbe present Judges of the Supreme Court of Appeals, of the General Court, and of the Superior Courts of Chancery, shall remain, lit office .until the termina tion of tbe session of the Erst Legialature elected under this Constitution, and 00 longer. H ' ..,.., i 4 Tbe Judges of tba Supreme Court of Appeala and of the Superior Courts, bis favor, be referred to the wld Corumlt tee. Mr. Droysn Introduced the following reaolutiona, which were read, and com mined to e Committee of the W bole Houie on the State of th Union i RtfUvtdy That ell duties upon Import which operate-opprceaive It upon tbe great body of tbo peopfer or unequally upon certain ponfoos of " them ouht -to, bf rtpcjiea or uvuima meet of any duly 1 and that the dutlei on an other linda of wool ought to be rcdue JTKcMvfjTTbat .tbo cfrawbackv wbicb XU0iug HHj St4tf ftyirfi Viatel a siegr.ph, 0f thi ja ipeakine;ofihidtUetele:fc,t 1 00 Mr. iWa reaolmUns te vevi of '.Ire puliic Uiula. ! and Mr. h,nt frpli' Ihe argumcot toiheaiuu: - Wcbiter tlav.'i back tiki 1 e . i k"hai t 1 Miunsj.wDica bave reiol4 in isiue to the treat auewi. j!; o4 St powers, tlf.t fuf,mA ingliue between the pirtleiJlH ernmrnf- ihe N mm. t" T nv naa Ifti U. Htatn and lre:i-The U. States Tclegrtpb of ihe 3ltn ult. aaysi "ifi- cial Miformatioa mi been received at the Department of State fiom Mr. Wm. Tu dor, Charge d'Afuirca of the L'nited Sute near, tbe Uovernntcut of Ilraril, that tbe subject of the Claims of the ciii tens of the toiled iute, for bites sus tained by them by tne authority of that Government, ha been brought lo a final cootiuofl,and that twndv, for tbe amount of iodemnitles Swarded, have been Uiued ny the Imperial Treasury, at K10 de Jan eiro, payaole.to the Igaiion of tho Uui- teif rnetesrlft tnrte loiliimenti 1 the hnt on the 38tb February, the aecotid on the 38ih Auui:, 1130, end the third oa the 38th February, 1 S J t. Too lit of caava iu which aa.idibave been midrjncJI.UjJbe t1 VtliTell Tsla, rwneer, Sarah Georr, Kio, Faniher.llero. Nimble, Hud- get, Henn-ih, "permo, Huiiar, Am ity ind Ruth. The total amount of toe uoadi given, is 303,267,! 46 nca. ,mf-Mfl,i.fr attonal r rnjncat m 1 ' ! ini;. I 'i iii.iminciCr'ii - bimT, II did Mr. Jfedl.on on in Vd, contending ih ih, ii ptimiiive sovereigotitenh,, ! Government iiderivativewlialitjj!, en, rcetricted by Ihe eiveMTr! of tho ConsiltatU. HeTt th T 1 reus at pre ifnt. Tow, xht,.i waiatly conJo'iied 00 both lid,,, tlojuitico lithe lalents ef thfc,, A gentlemen t but no ttix,un,.. . "4 loii to rfcterrome which heltfc J' the argument. The doctrine c for by General wyv U to, tod, and too C,n..y eat.tri' eneullul anf funj4mtntfc dminttt! twecn the pjrtlci ,fthit couotr, lh..e who advocate a go.eroBeatjJ tJ powttt in time of war, and 1 Jj inent o wUiauled powt j tiir.eoZj r or tne greiineaiiun oftheiJn.jL ihr grrtt man of thc E.-.t, the following esfacti (m , l 1.:. .... 1 1 . . ,wYt III lttl(l, UT 1110 Aiexsi teller WrUeft-Tbe following notice of the coalition letter writers is a merked rebuke upon that poition ol the American - Fortvio tZLCtUvJ anumeroui audience no weriZ:i aaiioty wai fell j hut cveir eai t4 ijh pleavne and iitliv'itn lonei'of hi' voice. unconKlouieti, greaaof limr Ho w C4t JtnJdiKmrir.d -.He thowed that(KiJ 1 of hu utaKonM hid Lllen ktrn!, yHSei., A, be we. ttTw,, sarcaiuc. Ui irw.y, powtej ca:e, penetrated at every ihn Taj very vepona that had teen Oie him, be jeiztd, and turned iota bvv menti of attach upon bii aiaailjef. V the iccond day, in hii arguiscot opoel conititutinnal power ofaSufeto auE. an act of Copgre!, be wm tmnm great. 1 o uie a Ocurs ol Mr. Hiiit1 poiiioaonne Araencsn h Kop. rr,,nn Ki. '.. .v . 1 1 I I . I - I 'TV- m-m-m jf . anu le: me light , ot reaaon u -vpn tbe gross libclla of ao Coglisb incndicaot, for the worst of party furpo.es. Letter 1 from FoAjr)i. Thtre it a moi dejradeJ Engliahman, at Wtih ington, who obtains a liveUhoWl from ibo cditorioppoaed to ihe Administruioo, by rwriing aJaederoiri letters Eslo.M. Ih.l rrcsraeirti- Ittfl" VabtneT, and our puMic men generally.- These lettera, tiled with lUo raoii caiiimiiHiofalaehoodi, but pot tefctnrin ioimb1e.4iylcTtrc circulated through the federal papers, la it uot i Mortilyinitaslbel.ictls.il is nn leai atraiiKO tban uue, nd acarcely ah uppoaition paper can be opened, with out seeing, in iiatine capr.ala lome of j hri faliehacid, under tbo eaptkm ofCQr- ltlatM-uiTiW"i'paoii of Spirits re8pondcnce frftm WanTogtoo,,, &c. distilled from Malnea, be fur e the Act of 10 9th of May, 1838, ought to be again allowed and that the dutici upon Molas ses Cotton Bagging, Sel., Duck, and un manufactured Iron', Hemp and t Ul ought to be reducedw ' ItEVOLCTMN IN MRAlCO. , A letter from Mexico, dated the 23d Dec received at Baltimore, tayi 1 'Lat bight a prit 9 was given in thii City, in favor of Bostaroente'a plan, which hae proved moat decidedly auccesaful - The ILtrtfnrdTikiet. tCT The fjllowing deserved compii I rnnut to the uknud and eloqusnt Mc- 1 r..a:. r .t. iu-: '-"j'tf n iiu.11 uic .iicsanurij ncnix, an ably edited paper, bul a determined and sometimes violent oppose r of the present Administration. High, indeed, must be tbe deserti of him who csn ex tort such confessions from his enemies 1 Mr. M'I)u fie...An the course of the in. terctlDg iiebate between Mr. NYeUs'er and Power of this Commonwealth! 'shall be teated la a Governor, to be tfected by he joint vote of the two House! of the Gen oral Asaembly. lie shall hold his office during tbe term of three years, to com jmciitt Aijtae aucceedmc bii election, or on such other day, Jaay JrfiT eovernmenl wee dilirred 10 kurri.Ir ih " . X. II . . palace at about! o'clock thii morning and (iUr- "Tni the tormcr gentleman paid a iscompletely overthrown. A commiMion,!nilnt,omc nd we think, desercd, com coniihtingof three penona, Louis Quln.!?"111" ,0 Mr- McDuffiet of Soutft Caro tana, Lucas Aleman, and Veler. are ium- lin- his compliment wascordiitlly tt- ed to oiercise '-bo executive power ontill,i,on:ec! to by Mr. lljyne. Tli course tne arrival ot Dustaraente Irom f uebU. The Miniate re will be immedia.ely nam ed, but it Is not yet known who they will be. The revolution was effected without any of the vblcnt excesses oUaau year t some attempts at a' eayue were made by tbe Lefierot, but were immediately pre vented by the good behaviour of the troops. 1 his morning tbe tapml is it) perfect tranquiFity and good order. The rresidentOuerreo is with borfy Bf ronpi h'ftMT V lbr v itl nr 'itnrr ihaiLba-tkcUdby-tbw joint totgxf D6TirKaww 'ft"? at aome dutance, and will, lUc.ed ty lawman JtiMelneliEi .. - ble to thai effiee, for three years next af- Jtltf bis Mrm of service ahall tavefpjifc ' X: Wo pttiW inau be eligible to the of fice of Governor, unless he shall bave at labei.lbf age of tbirlf yearef shall bi t .native citixen of tbe United States, or abaU have been a' citizen thereof at tbe , adoption of the Federal Constitution, sod stall Inn teen tlibetiot thii Common- Houses of the General Assembly. 5. Tbe Judges of tbe Supreme Court of Appeala and of tho Superior Courts, shall -receive fiieeT and adequate salaries, which ahall not be . diminished during tbeir contmusnce a' Qffak'rss&& SaSepi my be removed from oIRce by e eoncurreot vote of both Jloujei the members, pneteot must concur In such vote, and Jbeepus of removal abal be xaierod on'tbe Journalk of eacb." ,Tha Judge against whom, the-Legislature may be about to proceed, ahall . jteceivo tibtico tberCon'aciompanicd with a copy of tbe cause alleged for kia removal, at least twenty days before tbe day 00 which either House of the general Assembly shall act thereupon. we suppose, 00 compeueo to retire to wards tbe coast, aa no hopea now remain for hia party.; Santa Anna baa gone to Vera Crux, and attumed the command of the troopa there-. The siewa andinten jtjnoftlubl well understood 1 but it is generatliJbfe, mente.' ; Zarthqiuki in CWc, On 86tb Sept. lastJ o'clock FMytticCitf c.TVafparif: ao, In Ciiile, was visited by a heavy ahock of an Earthquake. Very few house have oKaped inruryrsed some bare been en tirely ruined. Had the shock continued with equal violence lor half a. minute longer, I apprehend that hardly a bouse would have been left standing Tbe dui ration of tbe shock was about 30 seconds. which Mr. NcDufhe has (esneeiallv let terly) puraucd, is calculated to win him golUen opinions of the people. It baa been dignified and independent. In the CftioaMU'raidm- disc harge "of bii important duties as Chairman of the Com mittce of Ways and Means, he ia unoaten tatiouity serving his country. A bright p4too tjine. is beforo bim, which, if pursued, may lead to tbo esteem and First settlement of the Colonies. ' The following is one of the useful memoranda?, found in th new Amerj. can Almanac. . Yir tynii Aia4lfti Uew Jersey, 1624 -Delaware.. 4027 '4-MaiB;"'r1636MaryhndtwJfx3 Ppfloecttcatj I6RhodeisialtI6 -North Carolina, 1630 South Caro-lioa-, 1670 Pennsylvania 1JS2;4r Come tell me where the maid is found, Whoie heart can love without deceit 1 And I will renje the world around. To ligh oue moment at her feet, .Vw worshippers there, the perouuja hia speech, was more than eloqunu was subline. Tl,erbreathlem of the audirtnee, wbHel tl tasted, W'a muraiur ef pplit-Thirinvoloaai broJi'.'owie4nwM-evypTrt,a wit neis to tite orator1! power. Hiipi rJpponentji ceaied for ihe rmrajots: laia-i bit! tluaht jHm rmr, trt ed to the majeity ofmtnJ In tht t C M.T: llYebA.tCt.'sajJtacbtWHii tenpi mi'.y which redounds :o hia credii.Uti prrm erncrJ-tMi "Klirthf; (iTi'h eu aoiti iH olina, and yielded his tiibute of! linn td that patrkttc State. -A true V .Uan in principle ntut feeling,- lie knew no lecti'Mi JiiUai .ajhicl 6 iadiice him to whhhtjlif prie fretal ius, wherever it mijrht be fouuJ . je The TariJ. In ( Home oft -7th ult. Mr. Miliary, from the Cpo teo on Manu'artures, reported li amend an act in alteration of the vt' acts imposing duties on iinpons ; p if lor the tnodu of appraUinn the 1 ol woolksn KOuds impoited into thill States, and for the cnllsctiott of tkcA thereon. It was read twice, and n!n to a Committee of the Whole on thti of the Union. In .the PenaterMrSmllIfonir' has introduced a Bill making amnnVy Important alterations in tho Teriff of ' This Dill and Cot. Drayton'e Reso!'. in the House, )ivc note, 4hat thf )cr t of tho Tariff will undergo tfiiei at the present session of Congrcii Genreal Smith's bill propoiei, tt tcr June next, the duties lmpo thj present TuriflT on Iron Boh, l! Susses,:. Puck JYoolUn Menufjc Cotton Cloths, Wool unmanufsc' Clothing pfILIuudot'tooBa( CofTeeV Teas,' BUnkots, Worsted! Carpetlrjgv Lead,.Shotr Rel and"1 Lead, 9hot, Tied and White Lead, ui ufacmretl Flar, Q"M n,it.y& indigo shall be mjieriallr lessened from the patsttge of the bill, Iror pared for Kail Wp, be froe of all t! that after June, 1333, the duties lit on tbe following articles, b discont and Ihe same be admitted free of st printed previous lo s I7f5 Bf Gums, Olire Oil, Silks, ChihaT Wa Fearl. aod firwejou irmf iitstjf ST thaffToMnLicesrTin, Bolthig I Canibrlcks, Lawns, Gauze, Casl Shewls, CantonCjgiJju dTMealcmaYin-otoer articles an after' June, 1832, the duties on Line all kinds, shall be 15 per cent, a orem, Geh. Morazan is said to hsve 1 several Bishops and 90 'Clergyme friars frw the Republic of GuBtetn

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