. coxannss. In th lUe el Repre.entiUve. 5lb th. Mr. Coke, front te Committee on f? H..nf v,rw.M,l 1 bill tO Wlh the offi-e of Major liener.l of the Army f ,tir.rti! loberirlnted 051 M.1STERS.-On thth ujt. In the Hon of Kr presentstives of the U. " Elites; Ur- MJe, t isVVorki u4 ii,. f,.ttln resolution t n.j...A. Thii4ik Committee on the ;-..r.rfl'ulRcjJi beJntructed c,f the United S4ate,n4 lr other pur v MMH which read a fi' "CCfK time, end rommitttd to a Committee of v:; i to iifjairt irtvih propriety J mekw it ' r erst -tnrpwtr wMiljr vk r.f ill Potrrtir?ft,the oflkeere ' rirt balance amounting to tw1 en the first day Minusry p""us. ihaimive been defaulters, for the Ipsce -r mnniK..ri.rhilaneet atraintt them , vi " - ft lave been notified to ibem by the '' pertinent end elH rosklng itjhe duty .rk. ptn...trnnral remote front t-fBce ell euch defaulting Postmaster H,. miin nf Mr. Sfielrhtt l. we Jfci?fW,That the Committee on Com merce be Infracted fo Inquire into me i-nedienes- of. maUne en appropriation, t 1. Li erectimr e Mtht Boat, to be ttetlon et or near le Drent Island Shoal, la Pimptico Sound, rorth Carolina. Co motion of Mr. Dtberry, it wu Rentved, Tbit the Committee on Mil lWr PniM be instructed to inquire in la ibe einedietfe? of Discing Cdlyne Wil- loughby of h'crth Carolina, soWlef of the reVolationerf wir, on tbe Pension of tbe United States, and that his papers to the VTar Department, be referred to id Committee. On motion of Mr, fTkkbfe, it was Baolvtd, Tbit the Committee on the Judiciary be Instructed to inquire into the expediency of abolishing Imprisonment for debt under protest ol the boor: lb United States. Oa motion of Hr. Ctarfr, It wee Reolvelt Tbit tbe Committee on the Milluis be instructed to inquire into the expediency of ellowhe; to the Field ine Ornerat officers of the Militia, so far at respecu-the triosmisslOft-wf-iheit oUlcia orders indr eturns, the franking privilege In the House of Representatites, 3d iait- Mr WitH'le. from the Committee on Retrenchment, presented report oh the subjrc' of restricting the public ap propriations to the specific obje:ti for which they were made, string ihat tbe m voted for the-contingent expenses in tfct several branches of the public ser- vice -might Jm end bed been juisappiied Xi mcrreaioooeiiL jus. ju'uvAuia for contingencies in the !KlUtt-Pprt- e-vrtridrformerts; tnuvunted Terebout fine twrdrtd botmnd -dollars -antruall jr, bavlDg been, durtng the last session, re duced 10' one fifth pf'lbatldnir ifl fe "pecrTrmlrrtTggee4 tfie-iircpdetJ, 01 extcnoiug umiiar iutiiuii iu mv Item of tbe contingent, ejpeaaej oLCpru frciirmoyt pirticuU'lfJ'l - where etiker House expended lami for nutter totally unconnected with'the business of legislation, ewJ certainly not falling ap propriately whhjn the cootingeDt expert- j: S..1 .u- ses" In the House of Representatives'! 4th inn. on motion of Mr. IUmajx it was JforW, JThat the Cornmhtee on the Pott Office and Post Roads be instructed to inquire into tbe expedieocy of provi ding by law for a more liberal compensa tion to Pott Masteri t distributing Post Offices. On motion dMtiVilUvnix iLwss KttotvtJ, That tbe Committee on Rev olutionary Claims, be Instructed to In quire in to Jtne- expedicjBC xA. placin g on tbe pension list, tbe names of WiiHatn Weodsidee, William Ihll.Thos. Brother ton, end John Scott, rod that the papers supporting the claims of said petitioners, te referred to tbe said Committee. On motion of Mr. Dtberry it wat ' Rtiohed, Thst the Committee on Mil fary: Pensions, be instructed to InqulFe Into the expediency of placing Jeremiah Metser, of North Carolina, a soldier of ' tbe' Retolutionarf War-im thepe?non roll, and that hit papm in the Wa Of ce, be referred to said Committee' In the Ueute of Representatives, $tb Int. Mr. Drayton, from the Military Committee, reported a bill to alter and -fmend :tbc"organijali)Q6rine!lrtne Corps. - ' - " 'f - Mr. ConntTi from the Committee on tn Post Omce and Post Roads, reported bill for thw telielof iotph'Xwnrf Our incomes thouldbjkow - tioei if too smfl they will od "pTncH VLf, but- if too large ihey will 'caute u$ t atudble nd to trip. But 'Wealth, after all, is a relative thing, sioce he that has little, aocl. wants less 5v richer than tc that has much but vasts more. The contentment tie pends not upon what we have, but upon what we would have a tub was large enough for Diogenes, but a world wyt too little forLlexanderv ,. hotifh It has berh seril wteks in ses- Ion, his net yet complete! me orjin.-. tlon of the Roverftment. I he "eni'e nn Thgrt.Iiy, were tni in. discussing the tieM of rertain Kcntiemen io sena in that trlf "I "Cmrinc fijuui moved tht Mr. Pike of York be id mined. tiect! I to 8. The national repubn csnv moved that Mr. t'aher be edmitted t re'teetcd a la I. the dmKratk repuhli- cans iotine in four of the motion. , Tbe national republicans mnve J that the report a rtmn to'Vishtnttt.eovnty m & centtd t retecte'd 8 to I. Hoitut IJul, There U terrible comroonon in me Lmilsture of Maine. The TortUod At ( JKkMni of UtWt?uf n -c: A third hranch of the Lejrislaturt. wis wMntteiTei!wderlfto fcntlemen-IAdemsttes seceaeo ' ... i, . ii from the Senate for the purpose of choos Wv if mtrton w u h tMcauf 'f.iea bcrs ol the House, tour new i.aims; rcn tort. The old Senate basing adjourned lit th hinr tst ih federal membcrt tin in in. - - til this morning, the aforesaid seceders met in the fenate chamber this afternoon, nd elected Dr. Phelps, of Somerset, Pre sident. Mr. Kasanagh, the old secretary, was called upon for the Journal, but tc fused to give it up. 'Vhetherthey will clfJm members, intJuding the prtSent President of tbe board (wht is the man ol their own choice?, Murine; the remainder of the sett) remiins la b teen." Frtm CWtwia. Tbe brij Monilla, has arrived et N. Yrk f.oen t-'anhagena, bavins; left fhst port the 'H nil Of n. Harrison, late Minuter of the t'nl red Stite to Ctemft. s and. his Secretary, Mr. Y40 lUascllear, of Albany, and Cot TorTtns, Ute Charge PA fairs of Mexico, to IH m 'Jfrnment, Bate arrived in the Mt'iJU. A corre?ofhlit of ike Mercantile Ad sertise- write un!r dte f tke 9H tt. from CrtHe;tn. if.at ell eyes are fi etl on the Li.Scritor, and a treat anxiety ia manifei'cd 'o kno what course he llf pursu. Ouyauil and tui'o have de rlared in fvr of his beiot; poclaimed Monanh of Pero. The new ,( the sp ration of Venezuela, causes much excite nrent." Tbe English Mmiiter, Mr. Turrer, anAJua.UaulyArriieAjLL-C-trlhJjgeji on 1 hive charge pf buildinc;. equipping, arm .L ... .. T. . 1 m.j- . .TT. " e . r the 4th nit. . I he brif .Medina was to sail on the I Ith lor Chagrcs, to bring up a part of Polivar's Army, which was atj i anama. Intelligence received previous to the arrival of the Momilla, taie that Gener al O'Leary, who lately quelled the inaur rection in Antioque, has been appointed Minfster from Columbia to the United State. - Atrrietr. W lt week rava tome ac j JoQhF&nfie new RetbTutlon tn .Mexico ; another statement savs: u The causes hich have been operating to render the government of Guerrero unpopular, with m.ioMtvl of the ?" t r-- . people or rather armyj of the united Stales of . Mexico are supposed : to bo knowtu: The project - to - accompllh. which, the province of ucatanis now' in array,' and for which the troops at Puetola biv lately . risen, is 1 Centralitm by which for the present, they wih to vest all power in one individual that individual is to be St. Atma, and here is the proxi mate cause of the movements now in progress. The large district of Campeachy is commanded by St. Anna'a brother in-law, and bere the ball recchiditt Ji'tt im finite. The truth is that there is no power known or felt in all Mexico but the Army. The military power originates and prosecutes a revolution there, at its pleasure? fieoftle have no existence S A Whatcy seventy five feet in length was landed on King's fLynnl Beach, in the month December, 1756 Dr. Henry Burchsted rode into his mou h, in a chair drawn bye horse ; snd afterwards had two of bis ribs set up for gate posts, at hj jQUSCtJljJJ stood for more than fifty years. Hiilory 0 Lynn. Diiirtct of Ce'jiav.M'r haa InlmiillCgd InUvlhai Sanat "C ih IT 3. the followine 1 Reiotved, That there ought to be estab Ushed in the District of Columbia a lecis lative JbodxixkcjeOlLlhiDh and vested with all tbe powers of rightful legislation subject to the're vision of Con grcsa..-l-.:..l. -V -it:S psjtalted.iUvmeUff fbe' SVock? holdersr to be bti at the Ranking J lous. 111 " iiimngvuii or me 10m 01 April, next, icrtfelefmtnffWD ihe extension of their charter granted by act of the last General Assembly. Upper Cdnada.tThc House of Assembly of Upper Canada have re fMxctl to.fcye, the.haplaitt flesig nateji for theniojrthe Lieut. Gover nor, and have request the Clergy of York," of all the differentChristian denoamations to officiate alterni Albany Gazette. March lut, the ff.re oflheiunk er thf U. S. In Payttttville, has received from itsdeilers F.SO.IlJ inUolJ, In Pars, the pro lure of tbe Nrth Carolina .Mines. Suppoilng tbst the State Unk, with Jts tit branches tke Hank ff Cape Feir, with li lincbe and the rfewbern Uank, ith lt branches, bie rectlred much more J end that e merchants of the wes tern touniiei, hste the Oold is found, end who deal frincipallf with the Nor thern cirtee, renit es mueh mire to psy for theic purchnes, we have en imwim approaching RlDO.OOa founf, within the list year, fa the Gold mines of this State. These loppositions, we ere cootineed, M bU ike relCtyJbtttey iV-w ht nronriett ef havioe I hradch of the ?fint In'this SiiierW tbe pufpoie.r.'sMing $rjd t$p5n tbe Ootd. ' ' faunal. Oeftttemnof tne Bir, end tbeOfTicers of the Supreme Ciwrt of the U Sta'Vi, ,n theJduIt. Mr. Wirt In thet h.tr.mr. ... . . . ..;. Webster suomittea nesoiations p - live of the deepest regret for the lots austalned in mr death of the lion tush rod TahinKtn, Ine associate iuttc, and of the highest respect for tbe proOs sional learning, end the purity of puUlic and private character which dmmguUh ed the dereeved and proposing that tbe urtal take of mouminK worn for the remainder o the term. Tne Resolutions wt-r unanimouily adopted; on the 3fth Mr. Pcrlen moved the Court that tiiey bw entered on ihe records. Judge Mar mall owerved 'hat no one knew the wnfih ol hiv late Brother better, or more ainccrely regretted hin de.th, then him payment, has had the Candor to make elf, and he belleSe t tne sentimniU waitoe following just remarks relative to the commnn to all his asso ls'es. 4 he pro ceedings of the Pm.: end OfTi:m, wjie Kfatifjrin to their leelino, and he felt rreat pleasure in directint; the entry of the Resolutions upon the Minutes of the ' Court. . JS'uy CoftimittionrrtAS bi.ll.hjs beth reported in the liaise of Uepresenttives' of the U Sttte, td reornize the fi ard of Commissioner of the Navy. Three Coromnsioneri of the Navy are to be ap pointed, who are to have eeh separate duties apportioned to them, vis i One to ing, and repairing flnip, enot.ier of the cstabliahraent and construction of Navy Yard, Docks, Storehouses. Sec and a third, of the miking of contracts for sup plies. O'her duties not enumerated to be apportioned to thtm, as the Secretary of Navy miy think proper. The said three Commissioners are, besides, whenever the Secretary of the Navy shall think pro per to be. convened, as. a Moord .fox jhe consideration of such subjects connected with the Naval Establishment of the Un Tie d Statesykt TOaytrrstrtmrrreri to thera - REP JACKET 13 NO MORE! m mm t ikm tmut lwrti fhflm Itrr nt. WIm 1U rrjU It Ua tm f Ik.lr The. . guL jpi rtL.c? led h' jo bi m e If, on the morning of January SO, wnHe at his residence at the Indian village near Buffeto;fIehd seen elglify winters'.'." Ai a warrior, he was brave bet and most of his brethren ; as en orator he excelled all bis nation, and it is said that no man whoever lived in our land, could so mould the feelings of hi hearers, to his own will. He was warmly attached to the customs of his fathers, and resolutely op posed the inttoduction of the manners of the whites. He carried this feeling so far that he would seldom, if ever, converse in the English language, though he was well acquainted wiiN it. Albany f.VfW York J Gazette. Lrgitlature of OAo The Cincinnati Gazette sjys, one of the chief employ ments of "toe Ohhr LcptslatareFTio r in session, is granting divorces, and that, in doing so, they are relaxing the obligations of the matrimonial contract to a danger ous extent. WiasaeS4jMa A correspondence between Conirnodore 'CrrA7rTanar iWoaHniinacrew under his command, has been published in the Norfolk papers. The letters express re gretnisurecai!.,.sna. a decided, wish that he ' may experience a triumphant refu tation of tbe calumnies against him.7' Alexandria' Gazette. Sunday A7tft.ThO Seventh day Sab-bateon-Ghrtstains hive petitiohed Con gress against passing any laws refetfve lo the stopping or Sunday; mallfrrhe te gislature of Indiana have adopted a me MHfai - swnKes'rcmmsfreTrmr.airamr Llt.fi .... kjeftgBB."-.-! linn i-i'T it is siaiea mat uovv Houston, wno, as has teen mehuonel1s TWow ir AVasfiirTg ton, , has abandoned entirely his assump tion of the Indian costume and habits, and mingles in social intercourse and gaiety as freely as formerly ib. : .: V1, waawaaaafciawl 'f"".' . - ;ricl?oy..Theselectrneri.of Glou cester, Mie have published notice informing the idla' boys of that town, that if they are found playing the tru ant tn school hours, they will be treat- (s as vacrants. accordm? to law. nr. tATttrf, m In tne lloijte l llcp'feniivt ltcti'eentM1 6t the U. 3. Sth Inst. Mr. M'lMie, f rnm the Commiitceof 1'ays and Means, rrported I bill f'ir the reduction of the duMrs on tea end coffee t etd, alv, e bill to reduce end molify tr duties upon cenln lm Krted article, Ind for other poipoies. nbodied In the Uuer, was, emong f ari ous enumerated in it, one for equalmng the duty on bsrend relied Iron, end fixing it et ninety cent per hundred weight, the I etiect or which, should it ce eaoptcu. will be to 'place foreign hammered ion upon an etdr fowingrn th'e -American market with Hritish rolled iron, the duty uoob which emounta, at prawn t, lmot claCtea, nrviutnc' tnai ine ianpovi n tttap and f Ux, end oft Cotton ui.VYool- len raantif-Ktured. should be the.ame e those lerietl pr flout to the passive tf (he late tsrifr bill. It provided. elv, for m redaction 01 ine otftf on mouaei 10 i.wm cents per es!an and for a drawback up on Rum distilled from foreign Molasses ; for a diminution of the Irapoat opoil iat fiom twenty te ten cents, per flfty-sit pound t of that upon Wool a gredyal re duction until it was diminished to fifteen per cent ad vchrrm ; end-to fit similar per centsice upon indiiro, end-hemp, rape and United oil. The bill was read a frit time; and, after aome dicusion tho te cond reading was postponed until a futuie d.r Tbe F(!itor of the Nberij Spectator, who wa atrongly opposctl to the appoint mcnt of Oov. Branch to the Navy De Secrft?ry's anie. Report Star. .'' .Vary Rernrt. We hive read "with n plraiure unexpected, the Report of the Secretary of the Navy. It is a sensible, and, in the main, a judicious document We say this with the more pleasure, as we rme heivtofo expressed the opinion that the appointment of the Hon. Secre tary was not a fortunate one." The Revised' Suites' of fhe State of V' w York have gone into operation. Evnie reforms are introduced tv 'h -mm the criminal, a well as civil ju rlspruJence One change thit has been tn.r?e strikes us as a very proper one. viz : The old form of asking prisoners whether they are guilty or riot guil!y, is superseded, bv.the query of " Do you demand a trial Ufion ihit indictment ' e A" letter fTorrTSavannari, dated Jan uary 4, says " the hyacinths and jessa tniflcs arrTn-fomTr j-antr thtrfnirt trees are putting forth." firjinia The following semmsry TJl.LofjJe .peculation and taxes of the State of Virgioin, may be interesting to tnaoy:ofou"iaacfav. . -White. SUntn. Tax4. .- . 101,381 ir,!78 21,770 139,1 2 33.S3J 5BJ62 137,222 221,3:2 150,265 . 16J,:,32 176,251 144,432 West of the Alk- ajhany. Between the Bliw Itidge and the Allegbany. Between the Blue Kidtfe and head of tide, water. Below tbe head of tide -water. - - TheXavy - The several vessels of War, of t he U States Nay, now in service, arc as follows : In ht Mediterranean, the Delaware 74, Java 44. Constellation 36, Warren 18. Lexington . 13,Qnt4iUc48,airfie 1 iU.JI. In the Pacfic, duerriere 44, Vincennes 18, St. L.juij, 18, Dolphin 12. In the Wet Indies, Hornet 1 8, (since lo4t)Rue 13, Peacock IS, Natchct 18, Falmouth ! 8, Crampu 12. -Qtt ' ike CaaaMrtUflUtiwm44,f The Vessels of War now on thn stocks and those in ordinary and repairing! an as ro!i6w"s71sl At .ai QF -1IjAaa aM Aat 111 rt ajtw a ik line, Santee, F riate of the first class, and Loneord, ,sop of the first class- At Boston,; Virginia ship of , the linei rrrair.ship..of..ibe-4inevCiii3ranrf. frigate of th first clsSrCoa4, ship Of tbe, M Jndefirnddncei i ship of the line,, and Conttitution Frigate of the firsf'class. r ; , - r J ' ikii fjoaflriKJe;rof-.tne-MiH'-c4ase Botlonx sloop of the first class.. At Philadelphia, Pennylyaniat ship ol the line, llaritan Frigate cf the first class, Crof, sloop of War, and Sea GuU. receiving ship, ,v '. , At Washington, ororaccTTTgste; bf the first class, Columbia, Frigate of tbe first class. . . c At Norfolk. ivVcrTor. ship of the line. St. Lawrence Friga'e of the first class, -north Carolina ship of the line, John ;:;;;('.' sj, 10 10. Me re anllionred to annouur M I in hiva Ki f tN.ilit jHtKnt Mier.rTof eonRtr, Bi e fantlUUte Itr reflection, at tfe, next t'iwral rketiiin in A'ifuat. fCf Ytf ar alw etHhoriiM ennfmiw M- - Jirwv A. Maaoaiv, at 1 uuliLi!(, at oit A(. gtrw elcctioM, fur shenfTof Itowan county. Cy W committed a mistake, in o5 papei of the 2d if st.,in s'tiiing iba ,0 of the resolution of Mt. Hunt. fnr.ililt,.j the snoml prorccu of the sales of Pnb.'ja - . . S ' E Xah3f 7rriong tire"aeeyiT si aWc'sMfit'cJ lem" torresf for jurpws of -Mutation txcla-" lively t Mr Sirifurd, from the $bltt cisrrict iu inn sraie, vorec6r tne rtsola.' lutb'n, instead of agaimt r, as we ihtj ' had We were -led into tbe error bf cofitjittg from aoine other paper. Meitru : Cation, Speight, Alton, HaU, and Wjj, liams, (rom this state, wd against tae resolution 'il J$iijtrmf Ci?? -siM fiillowing gentjerraa,), nklition these heretofore annwinctd, hti beendmitted to practise lw. ' In the 8.rerii.r Uvr1 i alwntrevll.'s fute tit nnnenmh i Clerk' and Shtn't VcrThiiillnj. v could not betferocaipy a porttoa of ourcolim than by giving imbhtitv i the of the kt aeMion of the Legislature, tH'mg tai ree,ui4iij the fees of Clerk ami hhcrifT, wa luve tke'. week given the law in firth it Ui b found oor fint p;;e, Ai almost every individual k concerned in the enactment of thie U, would be e!l orjlnse vht tAe the paper, kv preverve ttu .4o. if rvme othet and tlwe W Iu not take it, hid better nbcribe ! or per hap they can (oti?) BORiMtV from their neigliboTa ho hine nibveribecL . KUICTIOX of SHERIFFS. We hire heretofore given tome of the etf line nf the art pusfd at the lit tettiup oCtln' Legitlittire, veiling die election of SheriTi h the people at Inrire i but as an increuinp intm cs iJ beginning to be ft It by lite people tbe fUbjVct, and a candidate for that retponaibai office are bfing aniioinced,ai)ThplIof3ifl law cannot tat be acceptable, la the rreaitf' proportion of cMirrt-adrs at this lime. ; - '-j Section lit provides tfmt the Sherifl? iliij heitifler.be elected by tLe fioe vJuu'm 04 titled lo vote fnt Cummoneri 1 '' - ' -.M-i -ihe eleetmi. t uie' jaeaoa (i w day with that for members of .fsembty snd ss der the same rule ami regulations 1 the verm .jt' inline niitei. numier or votes, ia osau clartd eletled by ITifs rbtin'.y Court, "lb ilka) llu "rrarns re1d be mslei Tn ease ofl ts the county court, a tnjoivy of justice! Dtl pre'rcnt, to chiwse tV slirrifr from the penow having ThV'IugTTrnf" mr erV4mbet a?- 3d: h disc the persons apnnin'ed f 'v pnrpoie, fait Je boh, the elecfiun,'!" rnag'gtea and two fre hold -rs can supply ths vciKy., 4lli ; the election to be held onco in tvf years only ; the cotlnty court, a majority bwf Diraent. to decrdc all contested electjjns. Sl 5th i the person elected, i to give Iha ae tury bond, their infficiency to be judged af k the county court, and take the neceawy wtatf a failtireno do which, on or before '.be ecl day of ih term of naiil cmrt which iha'i k M first rter the election, forfeit the ctCcet-w s failure in the Sheriff to make wnidf ments, astisfactory to the court, al forfeit 4 office; in either of srhiclv contingencies) t majority of magistrates being I ... 1 . r 'nr-TT-m i-.M-H, iftsrt are to elect a irre7inrTia ibUf bo'd'"!'?5. until the thvin nbxt election by the peopl. 6th i no one eligibfe to the office, except hss resided in the county one year imraeiMf preceding the election, and shall owe 100 sen of land. 4m i - 9ueriM4 now in ouu.st m vu" , ... .U..!. U ..II r- fill!4"' ICIICWIII lllCir UUH(i3, llll UUISII LTieiL bv viv'nu' nroner bond.' to act. .... ; . -'th ; if any Sheriff, electevi onder Jh' convicted in the mpcrior or county eoun misdemeanor in oilice, he may h n!uJ"l from omce by the court the .coroner f fbrtn the sherifl'a duties till the tben lion of the cotirt, Whena'ahenyaJafl'lv1 ti. '.. ........ hut should W court iailsoinake jwch eject iort!j continue to execute th; dutiM if theaben'S or:he Crs?,L.,.9tftL anxwroWbefore he shsll be etJ iirpenorm ine titniea oi anerm, "nui' - , five ro cWtratcsnrive astisfBCtory wmu, .t. . ' ' ..... in,t. . . -r ,'. ;,iVm of thef'r ..... f i j .- . .j. ty, are to mee: at trie next term -. - from the sheriff elect i ami nnlcfs lie i. .: - . '.. .J the W05 nnnni siTia r irv rvrw rn at rrraiiirii v r his ofPce to be frfeited. v ll.u ll- .11 !.". nn'l'ie:n' e'1"1.. except the. provisions w lorwer - tbe magistrates liable for r.eglectir"l ' ' auKcient bonds and sureties . fro C!..rji - . . w .... M ",...:,. ... stripped for rejiarr !V are" tH teseiw ?. ; uonnerj sv w