'i I J s T . i I.,..-., itin. r u? t .wvMlUot.t if I.-; n h,fref St t to lh pott-oITice Is ftute. f rJ'-ll",l7. ' ' - 7", o-'"-A ' ' the 8utl !?.l,d 1fn. w be wholoaea, I1jf UtM .. - v tt ( to "he brkt tiiJ relative! Jfcf .... -.tfurw'lr ilrJ rWl i eSKnt I r h , had wot tjeewe.l l hefcr ! Purest" An"-"' ft1Ubarjr with hit pre. bu efer remain'ntg among et t enum. trnfdav. wif'hout mettlng'wrtlTeny encour $n(tnj c;tc, he left ita MoWrved, r it?! chareeWiainf our good people M a elr,un''ty of 1'rirn.rl.hlfn ranariri t vVe thti.k tjjmlbr his pinion Wt value Inftnitrljf higher tbr fnr of tuch person, then their frmt. "Tbc boe f thete wretche. i letter of r. e)mrulalion to community. father Mainfaciurri Aeottofi factory bat Kcently been etsblmbcd near Athens, Ceorg it, the principal pn of the tpcratiw in which fcrt young !. bo 11 ' U,J Ju we" ,h: hitr n North. The yaw ami clolh m!e it ilmfn'-lorv, twtiid, by the Aibenitn, lo be ofniprrior quality, lliut it the South, oo Umtbt TlrilT r ber with prculitr vpprttfttm, lrii-n to the fabricttum of hct own loihingi by which Ihe c !idi of her oppret ioon be rcnJered a (load htti on the " iriuitbootc. -- ' ; ,M,rt Boikt 6urt'Tbt Dtkltertown and ' pulton (5nk, in MinNachmetta, are oroken. A tport to ihc Ug'wlaliirc deelope rniclior of nock jobbing enormity, appalling to the Aonctt man, and icktninf to the moraHrt. At tbt time of the fiulore of the Belchc'rtown Bank, it bail the eoonnout turn of one ihlmtr tmtntyftve rii(iiaipecie,ininaiili! Chit. nfiph f iaywarU, and John M. Goode.. now. (the Utttr a member of .Conjjrew) hae bwn rlcctrd J'.idjjet of the Supreme Court of ihio, to ill Ttcanciet 1 1 thejnire both (Um h'.eotl f Urn. 4acko't Ali"i ration. -.U-W, Steady Remand for Con ton. ult ri'innj lait veek. 2700 balen Up. jand at 8.75 o 10.50. Toffee, 11.50 to 12 1 Southern Floor. g -i rather dull, J9o0 bnhelt North Carolina Com, t 39 centt. in Sugar, not much doing ; brownt,7-50 to 8 J 5orth Carolina Tobacco, 3. to 3 Ttia, idtperial 3-2 'i gunpowder I 'iJ. hyn and young hyaon X1Q, tuuc&ouff 7.a oone . "' 'thmLDft. 31. Since tlie iiTh Mtt"'th ut.ft if hfrirn cnttnd, etcept the finest Vn, hai rinen quite 1 -8c per m. and tn the bert ffjilttiet the wdaneo -it nearly i -per lb i new Betlv'hoogb in anuwl jauuty cooviuMidtng 7d per lb. . . : . -. . from the V S. Telegrai.H Feb. C. -Copy of i TttCfll.r-JMTpreflt bj he Chair - cn the lubjecfof eVtatlutiniF B ranch 4 the United Statet, Mint in the Gold He jion of North Ctrolina. Houte of Krfircsentativf, V. S. February . 1830. fu I hio been instructed by tbo Sc ect Committee, to which wai rtfered i Ktolution on the subject of establishing a Branch of the U- S Mint in the Uold Region of Nqrth Carolina, to make the following inquiries from Vuth gentlemen ts were supposed to possess sufficient in Jbrrnation on the subject I respectfully request your answer to them, and to state any fictt tending to io ertsiing ponionoi our country. 1st. What, quantity or value of Gold has been found at your Aline during the past year? t , 2d Do the improvements in machin ery, the experience in the process of 'wJtnjftend tolltin5"With he -era end light of sciencet kc. promise' an irerease In the products of the present, year f 3. From tbe observations made on the formation and geology of the. country, itj n nn mm aiilaiiiBli'ilS ft ran ral ja m ai "wvt WtY vTji3IrT v iCiWIt' tvlfr W ItlfW 9 Wr the durability of the Mines f 4th. It it reasonable to calculate that tbe products of the ' Mines will be in an increased ratio during the past and. pre- cnt, years? . J - Gov. Braticli.mX rnrrsnrr(!ent nf thn - City;; dxrr' bT m Ve tarks,in relation to the idle rumors of change,,- n the Cabinet, tVai ' the laat rek has furnished reports of a re ivoltition t the iCabinetfby which Mr. Branch was opposed to be materially affected. : I do ot believe) there is any gentleman in the fvernment more worthy than he if qf V'ice of the peoptet and there fcre'J do not believe that he is at all lia We toany caprice or contingency adverse n Ms '6"n w,,, and inclination. Mr. ' tranchs a most worthy man, a perfect lemTeman, and possessed in a high de 8a ofthe-qnatifiiattons to command un Ksptci,,; Ut is Brra, honest, end csrsl'ci inJ rtry Hstla lulittf . ie f C. ualtict (if public hie. Ai all evrnit, It nut in ciriumtnri tq be iniimi !icd, tf lempted by iht ecr.i lertiion whirh tc iuie nvnt cltc-hril!ert ami lwi fttlt l liertjr lo do M iju'f without ftar, for, affection, or the hope ef re ward. You may put down t! re port t ol hit remottl or resignation wholly un- vnrtn'ed and rramitoui. , Hii tenure of ofTict it quite permanent at that of any othrr member of the Cbinet M . ", At W&kingtun.ZmK Cotretponde of the ThiUdt tphtn U, B, (itettte write that there U much talk tt Waahingtoti ol thatjirttherVtnethif Mr; Hraftch it aV)Ui to rtfirt'from the Ny Oeptn meat, nf Mr..'o3dburr J to .tuccced wrttet that, great rortramrrwkln iftrrt ifo 'induce the'iime txrliet-itli"! tbi Mr. Branch lurjjo etittlhontequence, ff pi Witt niiiindcrttndi Our Corret DoP'Jtn'.Ttfota ,of jbelietf .ord ofk He thinki " the I'midem bat Tod" rnutH tact not in tee t"e object an l eluce it M Wt cotifct we are in the iik on thlt tubject. We fannot believe theie re mouit aJ we thould much ret ret lhal the rnuntrj ihould lote ihe tervicet of Mr branch, but for the mott tubtintul public rcttuni. Richmond Enqiurtr. from ll'ttMntfion.... '..The eotlltion let ter writrrt at Whinpon, and the cotli lion editor every where are busy, in fabricating and circuiting the mot' un founded rrpnnt in relation to the pietcnt adminu ration, tf we were to believe tythc part, of what we hear and what we tee in print, we inevitably should come (o the ronclution, that crnfution wane confounded" reigned in the I'retidant't political familv, and that open hottilitiet were on the eve of breaking out between the difitrent membert of the cabinou cwit party . rallying around Calhoun, and the other espousing the cauie of Van Buren Now thi iaiif ihe sheer invention of these same coalition letter writer, whote greatest happiness would be to foment ill blood between, the frieridt of, the President ; and it would be douul; grati ding on their part to witness the V'ice Preidc nt and Secretary of State engaged irroprn and vindictive warfare. Buuhvte mitchief m -iters will be sadly disappoint ed. Mcstrt. Van Buren and Calhoun are not such silly politicians, as to be enter ing into a con'ett at this early day to the rresidentixl chair. Thev know too well the value of public favoi, for them to risk l(s tsby prematur ely agitating the ques tion of (he next r residency. Beside, the people have manifested so much satisfac tion at the course pursued by Gen. Jack soli, Ihut far, lhal they will, in all human probability," require him to Consent to a re election, in order to enable him to complete the various and important sys terns of reform which ho has &n happily emmeneedr-ano-hklpfOHHve-ttKh laating benefits to jhe7enu!jlKr ...I ... " , . XlltL Dominion . ... eoe JfnIiitrt iA:. A .xorrefpeadent of. the N. York Courier and -Enquirer, writes from Washington under date of 4th but. as follows: -rTKrpubTtcTaTuT on intnc-hnate, Mr. lir.wan thi dJv mt "alongside '"of the MusTrtuetts"" Senator, and rowed him up salt river in the Kentucky fashion; He showed clearly that in firing a shot across the Ohio, that Senator, lfte Col. Crock ett's dog, had backed up he wrong tree. Mr. President,' said he, set ting his spectacles on his head, accor. ding to the representation of the Sena tor from Massachusetts, New Eugland must be a perfect paradise, studded with graves oFbrange, pomegranite, citron and olive ; the very streams roc"der..throu8h an cly'lum SWPA pcrnaps on tte saooain.&na the in f -ir n"Tl . . 1 - .- " habitants stp nothing but nectar ; but, when we come to analyse all these beautiful pretensions, we find that the nectar, at least, has marvelously , the flavor of New England rum P' There's z-itatcf f6rybuidmeihtn"g"tikft''a Cut a home 8troke,"that "m!in," even of Mr, Webster's gusto, cannot carry fuli-eaii tinder.- -But-, in-eober mood, we love New England for her sound morality for her schools for her industry-F-for her. economy but we cannot admire her politics, or love her statesmen. ' v; twtojty t-peaaw . . The Tarijf.-mh letter from Washington, to the editors of the New lot Journal oj 0tatt?rf ' vatittiTttiSil&fc'. ityV- 1 Ufnot tKm'k Teriff to popirV Isr as it waa ,1 Jnd rnany.New.fcngUbd. men tpeak of it without mercy ; and the Western people say it has done them no good. Depend upon it, the manufactur ers overshot their object . by crying out Tariff, Revenue, Domestic Industry, Woollens hd American System. They overloaded their Artillery, which in re coiling, has kicked them over." - Mr. Peter Force has disposed of his interest in the Motional Joumalt to Mr. George M'aitcrtton, late Librarian to Con gress, by whom it will be hereafter pub lished, .:v"-K4 ;.' i -- . - Lat tml'y bee-i aSrt'cJ r..rprnit i.f 'Wlne, If a rone mma tj ibt lo of tt Ug'a. Uture of tLt f(e, A manufrtrify nf I tamt lt. Im Irrn e. tibtiihed in rh,' i tbe t'fl.Ie can t trtnpor.J on tli ctnal, ! tny driired katIon. 4 -.. II CONOR KH 1,' ' ' ' ' In the Senate, Fel a, RoUrt II. Ad tmt.from Mitsitttppi, appelated a Rrnator ie the place of ibe ilon. Tbtmitn. Reed, deeetted, appeared, was Qualified, and took hit sett. , ' Mr, Uvingitert ofTared Mhe'fulJdwin'g retolution i , , ' Rflvttt Tbat the Cemt)'t!ee on Mil Itliee yrff lWr yj fifrf1 viiing'.tVe laws posing penalties lor military olitncei j and tha t nJ6e..parikularly. eoniNr whw it pedieney of abluliing tee ponithmtnt of eia .Xor the crtrn'tf tle'tenion in fimFof 'pVaceTand providing some btKi" penalty for tbe oBeoce- In Senate Feb, 9, a mettage was rt' reived from the President ofihe United S'atet, transmitting a report from the Director of the V. S. Mint j Which states, tha( the coinage affected at the Mint dur ing the lst year, amounts to 8' 406,871, compr ulng 8293,717 in Gold roint 8 1 . 994.87 in silver, and 816.580 in copper. Tn nunibtr of piece of all klnda'it alet ed to be 7.474.30I.J t In the 5eMte, Feb. 9, Mr. Iredell, from me Committee on the Cootic.n'ent Fund ot ihe Senate, to which had been referred resolution submitted by Mr. W'rdury, in relation to tha printing and distribution of ihe public dxumentt, repor!ed ihe same'' with an amendment which was read, and ordered to be printed. to Senate, 10th Inst. Mr.'Barnartj pre Muted four- meoriW from the inhabit ants of the city andcoumy.uf Phnadel phia, remonstrating agint tbe pattage ol any law which migni ne c.. ulted to interfere with the regular transmission of the U. S. Mart on Sunday. The To-The.U. Slates' Telegraph, of the 9ih inst. remarks' : " The bill for the reduction and modification of the du ties on certain imported articles, in re duced on 5th inst.. by Mr. McDurvit, t ..r' '.. - i,tr . irom inc vomminee oi ' ays and .ueans, was, upon a division by yeas and navt, laid opotr 'he table by a majority of 107 to 79. This disposition of this bill, we are induced to believe, proceeded from an un willingness to discuss the propriety of a reduction of the duties at. this lime, on tne part of many who are in favor of tuch a measure unCer a belief that the public mind is not now prepared to jjive it ap probation ; and under a hope that the ap proaching extinguishmeot.otxbenatiQnal debt will produce fttcw era in the Iegis lation of this country. fiLOOP OF WAR HORNET. - -In ihe 'House of-Kepiceniiivet U. States, oo 9 h inst.-a bill wat reponed from the Commi'iee on iiaval Affair, for the relief of the widuwt,cbildien, or other relatives of tbe officers, teimen, and ihk fiiet4Wewft i iNfriiebrtv iHCJc.aajuo4uui.tt Jcaaaaiaaa.lbndiinotiUQnjillJie Lmuer be feared, eff-Tampico - in -the Golf of Mexico, during the tremendous galea on that coast In bep'amber lAt. The pro a..a-.i ....a . visions onne Dili are, laat tnes snail re- ceive the amount of six months pay in addition to the pay which might be duejthem prisoners tbit the lo he officers and crew respectively, on the first el January 1830 It was made - the order of the day tm. .Wednesday the 17th instant, and diiettea to be printed- JVrsr HamfiHhire.-m'Tti election of Gov ernor jn New Hampshire takes place early in March. Tbe cadidatet in nomin ation lor the office are Gen. Timothy UHham late Collector of PortsmoutH, who will be supported by the anti Jackton party ; and Hon- Matthew Harvey, who is the candidate of the friends ol the national administration Rhode Itland There are two candi- dtt-Hn wrnmation inthisstate for the office pf Go ve rnor, viz s Hia Excel Ie ney Jamei Fenner, ni Dr. Ata Metier, late PxctidcnLof JxowaUoiversiiy, jpreme ". Court -of the Uinted States has refused the petition of Tobias Watkins, fpr a wiit o Ugbew Corjm$. j Chureji iBurnt.'. Ori the morning of the 1st instant, about I o'clock, the stone Church of Jbe ReViWri PeecKefrln. Ilan: over street, Boston, was discovered lobe 6 i5je.7irrOefore .i.fiar Him 'uiiheJi' aimoatlbehttle. Jier;o.r. tl Jhft DUllutng anu iuo c-icjjau wi .- troyed RhiachuteUa.v. We learn thatlhe Ho0. Marcos Mo.ato net been nominated as the Democratic candidate for Governor, by SEVENTY members of the Massachu setts Legislature, avowedly the friends of the present National Administration. , Cincinnati, OM; Jan. '9...Cotton !?, fea tbert 23 cents, flaxseed 37 to 40tflor,5.75 to Kenhawa aah 50 cents, peaCh brandy 62, apple do. 37, whiskey. 2$ tallow to 7tobtc- fS 0 to 1 eetoi fvtnhi : . 'i ' ' irr. hrr. Tifcn iku. raptna Wuft r&kf, iin'lera 'r!ytu) airole, i!el at Un reu.lenee on Snjir frees ( in '. Irntiiii emniy, N, C. on t!m l.'ih uli in 0 . verity Itlrf, rtr of Lit ape. Ha ti bxn In tl ewiaff nf Ityvtn, and at at early are moved tt ttit fiMtnty til Uer klrntiurg ind artited on gar Creek, whert he lived ever n , tnl tw thijftdy reperta!ile family, enany of wtiom art now livmgi who, together with hi hIow an.1 numefuu other fnenJt ami aciuaiatancea. deeply mourn hi hm. .In h a mrsue relatione, he wtt a ami hut hafht, affectionate parent and humai a marten tt s citizen, he wit in oldljing neigbwiM-, be. Int end kind Jajrptviy, nj took a deep in. lere in the eduettioa nf poor chtUlrte and In the dUpoiitiot t li'ia t- tatt tnadt tume pro vitiod f.-r their Wnefit. , Cantain Parti wtt a patriot and a toldier of the JU volution and alt hour Is ho bore we dittitv guwied cm-naM, yet he evinced hit ! in the nod r.bortf ef Yn ncoiHry, ay taeifvf volwjtetr in thcraiavia. vlfcvu to the'.Foaw Camp and battla of Hanging Rock in Bouth-Caro- In hit depertment he-trat enoetenlalioue. pub. Ufi a)initJ. alWecd.w.U44MkJltly iniai. eat m all aswHer ewtoalated tt pewawta tne prne.- perity of hi country. trticula1r vnM'x tdue. t ion and internal improvement i Ihe firtt. of ehich he had mneh at heat. Imieed, few reed evinced more real far the prosperity anJ gener. al welfare of their country than Captain Farkii and the death of tuch men mry be Justly ecntid. eeed a pjblib Ion. , ' . . Commumctil, , i-MiMW-w-a FOltMOYXF.tl'S. The Hannibal, at New Yo.k from Liv erpool, brought the Fdttort of lbs York Courier and Fnquircr Knglisb papers to the 4th ult. . F.ngland. T he Engl)vb--pipers are full of oi-tiuisilions on ihe, liberty of the Press, a topic growing 6ut ol the proseiutlent of ihe Morning Journal- The report ihat Beau Bruramel was Bp pointed to a Consulship it flatly contra dKied. .. ... .. . 4 - . : . Thera seems to be a reneral attempt on tbe freedom of the Press in Tngland, France and the Netherlands Thit it a sign of the times. h it asserted thist eeveral reforms or reductions in the Church patronage are lo be attempted in the next Parliament. A great meennr"wi recently teldin Roscommon, Ireland, on tae atate of the country. It was derJared necettary to re-enact the Insurrection Act. The Englifh monarchy completes this year a duration of 1000, fiom the lime Egbert ascended the throne of all Eng land Voncr'. Political" excitement eontln uet uriatated4n Franco. ll ii affarmed lhal the Uberalt-wilt not thake the confidence of the King in tbe Polignac Ministry. Several of the female descendants of Joan of Arc, have been recently e noble d by the Kjqg of France. General Ljfayene hat arrived at Tarlt. " rV.fw -iigr TrKiff -d Queen ol Spain are enjoying their hdney moon at Madrid in company with tbe RayallJamjrQj Ere woiksTandnlgh masses' tereper- tormfng-every day - , ""Ids saidlharforirhtf sons" had recent ly left Oporto, to take refuge in France and bngtand. KiMjja.ihe winter had sev 4 at oTKichoIaarH'stated -tOTbethIi f-Thd Grand Duke Michael pulled the ears of a Colonel, ordering hia men to lay down their 9 . arms Nicholat ordered another reel- ment ,0 mrround the mutineers snd take Colonel refused ,n Aaarual. Nicholas. went to reters o ' burgh and got sick. A good story 00 doubt. Letters from Stl Petersbufgb meptlon a tumour of General Daibialch having met with so much mortification fromer sons envious of .his glonr 1 that he has de termined upon leaving the Russia arny and retiring into oi'esta- rreparauons are maklng io.the Russian capital uv re ceive Hall Pacha, the Turkish EnvoyTwiifi distinguished honors. He will be tre ed as Ambassadors of the first rank, such as Lord Heytesburyi the Duke de Morte mart, etc. - -- , " Turkey and yr. The insurrection in thnerghberwiodl Suyrnrhaa4te put- down-A iow heads were cut pff and a few persons hanged. Nothing (ur. the? say the ppeaT'w1irmac'r It is positively asserted that in the last battle'petwee '-he Turks and- Russians near Eaeroum, the Russians weie beat. General Paske witch hd arrived at Tiflis, and given a dinneT and a feaVuion the termination of the war. : - Crreee.r-Jt appears Certain Ihat rrince: Leopold of Saxe CoDourg will have the suffrages oflhVareirowers who signed t$$rrffif& lcton,forthw Royalty- of CSeKlfW'W Ktf4cJoe'g the choice to ranee, on account of licr bbeffdrtslhtho dence of N &feFr ai UUii'otjitoii-. ishing that the pfeaent French Ministry arrabmjKccive " fefbuf; ihe Duke of Wellmgtoh'a candidate.' vv''V-.';'-:.';'v Journal de Debate. . - Jim MARKETS. Faveilcvilie, Feb. IO...Cotton 8 to 8j bacon 5 to 6, peach brandy 40 to 33 apple do 3Q butter 10 to 15, corn 40 to 45, flaxseed 95, flour 3 to 4, lard 7J, moltatet 28 a 29, tugar 9 to 0ft. talt 75 to 80, tollow 8, wheat 60 a t?5, w bukey ti to 27.-.-..U. S.bank notetl a 1 perce.nt.gre. SBtttnv Op I eMtW, li 2, VfiX I. aY ...'M...tHjthi7s 1 1 to H fft., e.fn 'Jt i.TJ, Irt-t Jt3, b-it. ter 10 to 12, flour 371 to 4 t rr brtel, fcticat i) o ej, I'i.h pot.'dc 2J lo J, tweet AX to 21,' krovq ir,r U to IS, e.rTr 7 to 22, a!t l.XPf' to 1.2, hume-fHin cl rfh 1 J to 2S, wbukey 3J !' 2.1, hatnn to O. ,.,, Y'h. I Jtotton fi In 9, flmir 5 a to St oit ijf tha wtg-ini, that rrunt Carmlffti mi.U 6 lo 7 1 w het hi a v1, corn ii lo M, watt 3 tan , iiejr i t o jj, haeon lo l.i. varieS rm. e.,w.Cotteis fl lo 91 rant. flour 4 a 14, whik tr. 17 a 3 . bacon T io Hi. hamo 9 a 10, btt kind of b,-ipnj WIO ii tH ) ju,e;iin,WB.i,eoi;etlio 14 Caroline hank bill twe Per aont. diUMtnt i litnraU. 14 ... . . . ae w JttteV - ....- .... .er-- -a 2 tawaW M . fri .....Crttw.ri m. flour ft J to 6, whky i3 to 3U, Datum to U, wheat 87 to yjtnor, 4J t SK 9t jq yi mm Qui m mm i - ' - Oardner, t. Mi. Jolm rd,, to Milt Men) , BaxltA. . in, i i .1 - - - - A'Tfear thts fowViii'w.in.i.i,;.- "if .i V.w Mtnt, (Win It., infant laughter of H'iU, ' Km C'AaWa, Eaq. gl to'tniybrrt ssonlb. , f8INES!l fM-MLKBURr. CTtetW.tVuTiCfl. repenfulfy w.hrm ' ?, r theif rhendt and ibt pub-(R.a-'lT 'f he, thai thev intend In car hy sV' vi rat, I -?!, i, :,'jrii Tuc 8, haml-a tarrts - ... mjipiyurtheoeaiTIMCtn that th ptrt of the CMimry afluMa't sml will ,rt a short ti'ne receive tho moM fahionabl finpp ' and other Material, from the North i whirb will enable them to etecute their rrork In a aty which hall not he lurpatsed by any in thit tetv tion of Jhe ctuntry. 1 hey are now making and will in future keep en hand, til kinds of . Wiifxud wmcr.na, V Ordeet for work front a diaiauee, wiS be thanV fullv received knd punctnslly adepdrd .In. . Rt. r AIU3 of aJJ kauday w ill bo done, on tUo ahoeto ootke, and lowest poasibU terme. The , Windsor Chair fcf Led Stead Making Outinew will ilo be carried, on bv thw tnbwnbert, Alt kinds of Vtnntry tf4nei, will be received, at retoi;Me price, Ie ptymene for work LWER Y STMhRt The (tbacriber wilt lo be pre)iarel, in a feW weekt, with Horset, Gigs, milkeyt. Hack, lie. for the accommodaiion ol tho who arrive in itages or otherwise, and may with convesancet of thit kind ta any part of ihe country i it well -at for the aeeomtrloilrion of. the eiihtens of liabury, and others, who may with to bir llanet and wheel'd vthictet.. thit earabnthment it kepUt fyrut VT. We' old rand, aftw door east of Mr. Slaughter' finue of I'.ntertinmeoU CVKLH V. WEST It Co, 1 StAiiuriWiilQ, 1SJ0, VT WT ClTtUS K. WtST returns hi amcero tbanka to hi friends and the publics fur the lib. era! Share of pMrftnlge he baa received f v lha laat aevea yetm tnd lopet, that by a faithful attention to bmine, 4 eontinttnce of. the uroe'' will be ettended to the above rmH ft, 9, 1,111 " ON the 27th day of Nhre h nexv St tbt houtt of Ptirr Tir, in the eouny of Datrdaon, EM?MMr eT Daott ut TriiaCLi mc e ie'r 11 ii-UrT the aaid Tice, for the purpose! therein mention ed, 1 hU proceed to eXpoe to publia tale. lit. .. srkhrablt tract of land belonging to the taiij Tice, eonteining two hundred, and thirty threa . acres more or let lying on Abbott'a creek, adjoining Jacob Mack, Charlea Tice, and bth. ertt wbtch land eoiHaint a -valdable Grnt andi' SawJMaAthjtftpjrtjthr mbTiey:iheTi(rct)ierjn haveTcreajLliy a-iW . a oooa, piyaue me upeFewr iianavalea4 with aprrVed aeeuritlet 1 balance, cash, of a id credit at on the day of tale thoae eoricemedj may be willing to give, further eonditione to be made known on the dar of tale. . JAMES (l9CdAN, Tmttet. Itnviihn entity, . 13, 18iU Jt'll VJentto dcou THE tubtcriber bavin; eommencee a Sahnol at Centre Church, IredtM County, reaped- . fully inform the public, tbat s few boy wilt be) received, who can be well recommended. The rates of tuition will bet for Utin and Greek, ten dollari vd for English Qnimmar Snd Gv ographr, tit 4ollae pa ttatioayofaal asontha, Board rtn be bad with respectable families, at one dollar per wk. ALEXANDER A, ft ALL. " ryfSwiffi2th;im. r. : mr?"- Estate ot Henry eMets. r10 all neraona indebted to the ettate of tha X brte Henry slyer, dee'd. by book tcc-mnb or otherwise 1 also, thoo who have demand agamat said estate, are requested to present thetrr trr ihe-, Pxecutorf-h?gallr-aittherittcatettV: within the ume trctc,ribed by Jaw, or thit no tice will be plead tn btrof their recovery. " -V rSRMaJLXJEnem,: Stptertbe (irM Wth. 1828. 2(8 Tl HE tubwiber claims tt be tbe inventor of the Improved Lever, Cower Gold Wattl ing Machine and fpr bid all peraona from nuw king or . using the saine, at be la lends applviwfj for a patent. A model of the .machine pan bet seen at tfrindlewn, Bural conntv, N. C. - ' ; TW. A. SUMTF.lt ' -reViJ.is.m " jto--- ' TPp UKW A fr lew t smth tee prwdedV - -JL the undert'tgned give notice, ihat he i . ready to receive, at ..hia office, at eflyreaaonable hotifSritnd wiUoont'wi ttM teeceira, ntil Friday, the 5th of March nextaf-er which day. the taw requiring" that "T mora " auihm'aWmouai '' of procedure be retorted to) the Returns of Poll and ItVat Estate subject to a Corporuoni Tax in tbe Town of Salisbury. ,-V . AH tenements. Lots and Land, withinr the) limit of the Townj and all free male persons , between the ages of 21 and 5,-and.all slave male and femahj, ver 12 and under" 50 years or age, resident ta the town oh tht lit day of Feb'y. inU re required to be returned.: , , StOS i ( :- v FMLLO AVHITE, - - ' , : ktttpg :''fertlatyrlw'A's;; ;, ; ; I I . I i '1 fl J J f ' i 1 .... J