A ih .th, h ' ,j,,fribrr f-Dm frnmncnl the firrtW of th, Wtt i.m r i wi " 1"h- ' 7 f,lm- l.niMd fcWnr of ' rk nt9, rn. will further d.lat the or.ng of b. rUnJ unul the fir of March, at which ; h , w.llbe prepared W MtrM lo it ''.' l tHa h a.II U enatUd lo make wt the cl)0 U'e yer of tea months, by etr'.utng hi im- It U h'led ii w'y t W ftt.VwthtStirrtrta, lion of oreMWopiioo, that few priva'e tstbha. ! potseM fairer cjiim to pube ptrnsf e ..a (.. 'ilMl'ilul'llMI. Tbo lielibiiM?A. nI ui ld,Pi,ofitiU.j.tii.the.iiteiI;KrT etpflne of ttKber, M:.luiy, i dirtCcJ to Hit Jrcenent of b pupil io bUiitil 1ronC w lntK that ub litiher otrlok- 4 by prenul pMcJ.t bo lifeehiMr riilCK of TUITWX: For Squint, Uding il nimj. sy bt wonib For the n wiih Arithmetic, Knj luh Cromtr tnd icofTr)hy Tor h blither bricb of ArKbmet', . GeoruetTy.Trimometry, turl nd moril I'Uilofcjphy, Hirtory, I.itin. te. kt. 1.M 8.00 tovd can b hnd in the Ut foitirl in t!ta iilUjro J neighbonrhood at dolUr nr woolh, incJiklinf ill nprfiiM e c1't rwxllrt, hicbticbboy nwt furnwb for Linwtlf. T nbtcriber tan tcepmmodteri':it or tm bi. with bo4fd, for th year buc moirtnt of leisure and relaiatioo frwm the d.Hic tf the School, instead orbel.i? wome than thrown ty hi Idle play md di.ptron, alia'd b Helily ml constantly directed to improvement in agriculutJ ciercUea, upon the plan cf th prarticil wrhm opon tht rmpof aiH mt Jong neglected pibjeet, and tha trchtr,aon aper ienc. In h'ttin; tin eiure, the ibcri. liu tbreeWd oMet in iw i 'irt to oivtte, if poible, the Contraction of hahi among bi puoil of frioii amuemeni, idle. ner nJ diit"ion i t-comiiv, to inin iotm TieaTinr ant tiintn rxwnwrj na "V"f -7 the foundation. practVraUy and cientiftci), lof that jurauit In hfa upon bkb wa ar all co;n ptlled to depend ul.imaely. If a aiifflcieni auT.Ser of boyi be engagfd to t i-tify the trouble and npenci the wnling ol (hr 1 t amtion witi te protnleii r and ftwtnd tor cultivation laid out for each boy, the profile of whewr lalvwr will be di'pobrd of to the beat adratita:cfor hit own brnrfii,dV(ltietiMpa nill rent for the land ami took No h'-v ill bf re ceived a boiHt r, ith the uibncriHer, who 'l eojiform to the rule laid dviwn fur tha eoaduct the holc. f7 WILLIAM DUFOItD. Mh99,PE.4HI. XTHEF.T,. VetrU opposi te Pearl Sirett House, .... ; XEW YORK. "lfyiliXilM. at LAHB, are now reWin(? a fufl .1. aupp'y of aeaaonable UK)DS. Tlieir an. ..Boil which they wttTicn at the lowest market price. Tbey have on hand, tteJ "Bi ray wrwuca, mwn'i inn no bona table and dcaert Koivea and Fork and Car er table and butcher Steel i batcher, Bread ahoe Knviet i a great variety of pen, pocket and .lu-nJilxtji LTnirrn aunrtman' ni:a K ni ra. Rprrtoiat, rajorbUtlc. and anruijrback pocket n?VM t Bhrfnhcr "Scij&ora Kaaor. b0 tiachers and fcippertTrl) e77TI oemrteyrand aaddlcr't Hammeeat eoopera'4 and carpenler Compavea, Corn Mill, Patent Coffee Hill, bench and hand Viae, bright thumb and japao'd Norfolk Latches, lifting Han diet, nail and spike Cimbleta, Sickle, Rat Traps, Waffle Iron, welded and rivetted table hinge, 11 and HL Hinge, pew Hinges, cheat K ince. caet Butt I line, flat aat round Bolta, Weodearewa. iron and steel Knitting Pin. Mouse Traps, Gridirons, iron Candlestick, pod and Screw Augers, Steelyard, singieand dou ble handacrew Plate, Scale Beams, Knob Latch et, Bed Screws Bellow Pipes, Axe, carpen ter's and coopers' . Adzes 1 mincing Knive, TrowelC Hoe. Ctibel and (SoHE-ef, Plane "TronaT .'Drawing Knlvei SawriCiTrimJaTWef . . ... 1 ana Hasps, composition 1 ea ivetue ana sauce Pans, short and long hand! Frying Pans, Cow Bella, Cooks' LedUa, Urate Keulaa, hoia and alarm Bella, Carry Combs, English and Ameri can Scythes, Straw Knives, blates, lnktan.da, Awla, Shoe Tacka, Coach Wrenches, Stump Joint, whitewsh, paint, thoe, acrubbing, furni ture, clothe, and dusting Brushes; cut and Wrought Tacks 1 braaa, and Irionhead Shovel and l ong 1 Iron Wire, Brce and Ditta, Tap Bor rert. Iron AVfiRhttTSsd" Iron, Toylrmw, ?fin and )S'ee3les. Fish" Hookii FnurTer, snd Snufler Try, BrI Baket, Tea PoU Tea Tray and Waiters, .(iui)..F4BtsJDilsooea'4Mltf Powder piaaka Shot Bart, Whrpthongs,jCombt, Commode Knob anl King, Curtain Pins, EsJ eajirbf-cin, BrdcptBr,ra Butta, brasr Natl, Rrast Cock. Tea Caddies, Window PuUiea, An vi) and Vises, Trace Chains, saiwi Psper, Bed Key.JBritih snd American Inkpow-der, Specta. eles, Box Hults, slate and lead Pencil, bra bracket and Chamber Candlestick. bone coat and . Veat Mould, 6upender .Button, . gilt, 1 white metal, and yellow metal coat and vest But ton, Peart gutton of wheel steel coat and vrt Suttoiucteel Tobacco Boxes, Curtaia Kings 4 rerew-sliair awttoort Brtrshe BeattorPrmeli 'aisdtiulctiSnWiloH .!. 0,..,.. tL. CL Ihumb IJrtcTiea; rotket TTookai; ino -rdnser,xbrt,- cupboard, tmnk,-TsadV"arid"1ilt , lock Spades and febovel, halter Cham, Black Jog', Pocket and Dressing Combe, Tailor' and Women Thimble, Tenter Hook, patent metal Cocks, Razor Strop, Horse Cards cotton and trcol Cads, tract and leading line Rope, Bed Cords and Clothes Lines, copper l ea Kettles. : They also keep constantly on hand, a com plete a'asortment of . ; f . Cut and Wrought Ml L Wagon, and Cart BOXES; . which are sold at the Manufacturer' price. Folck. and TjtMt refer to leva. Austin add Burns, of Salisbury and Samuel F. GeJstoo 8n4 Co. of Csbarrua county. ' -frbrswt 8, 1839. (07 ron nrirr. f : X 1 . m t aien on In lil 'nmi of ur wn, M vmr., at J tnt faceup!., by Meeitn. tittit-d the "f' rff of the CHrt.llHi square. It w the west tnd fcr btnineM in fi!.iiry,'4 the buitlug M lar; and eommndinM, being fa feet U leegth, with three rooms below, (l fMrf """ counting rom 14 wre.fcmie.) two above, end good cellar. The ttore will t retied for one yer, nr a Irrm f vrar. ii m- healesired. Teany ntfau AVaUmM of Oacbing bimtt'f . tj Mercantile Iiuaiur,in ft nour.smrtg nu nri.H7 vitlag, ituttd in rich and populou dutncl of wintry, better stand wit! rarely be opened. ,lXl)UVJV JtJtTtnFAU 1 Mntsantou lott. tw fplir, auW.ribrr hiving leed rAYtUir X theetteniteBuiUlinginth H I1 r;7Ton of MrgntoB, N. Caroline, ':; yrmrrly occupied by DnviJ Tau, J-LJM , .r4 CRN, ha opened a. tf I'.nlrrtmnmfnt, premtrCd for the reception of i lloarder and Traveller. I Ha Table hall he fumiahed with the.bett the cotntry afford i hi tiranariei are filled, nd hi 8-ahle re ' tended with a'.tentive and honest Hoatler ; anil, by hi unretiitted attention lo hi bdaines he hope !o rectiva a Iib.rJ ahare of public ptronge. ImtlB J. B. B')LCUELL .tTn-fd-rgn, Frh. fx A, 1 8. . To TraveWer, fill I ?. eiibKriber tkn thu meth; M. od of infurrr.ine hi friend 17 "id the puhlir. erne-ally, that hr f W ,WJ Jcnmmadalf, iioanl o;i tin dividing rulrf of Out waiaiaof thCa'aa.banl Rjky Uivirt, iir.0iedi!tl' r that public croj rwad wet! kTOtU llTtie Kurky ftirrr iwl W'vl-a. boro Koad, Iradu. from the intrrmr f-f R,m-h Canlina aii.TChT!-irtoii, hv ay o.' t hra and e-irp Town on the onr Knad, ad it'o'n the interior of North Carolina (.'harhwton, by way of Camden, on tlie either. ipared no pai-j or epen'e m make th- prr- n ,mf.abln alio my honour h.m an!. their ci..o,n I rwl a-ure. them, that from the hie'i xituation of the ajiove Head, thrv rav be . ule in tratel'iPg.them at all evfonaof the )ear, ndrtiat ihr atUnion of hi at and, make the j te cowiiirle io and friim Camden am Cher-; aw, to CWr 'V. Sa'i.bury a d Cm-ord, N. ( . ! liv,.w-v. - r jind al- to H.e tir.ma Hprinj; a well to Uiok perwua vuilu., Uie Uo!d Ucgion ol .OIIU Ca-olin. V C. I. An I I 93 -TH B-W KOi -HBJ-4lOUS-. cSAWVWVJaM, 1mrHJ, ttand the er,- euing irmg aea- Z' iS Si,. 7 pedigree ol thi fine horw, I n ad o.her paHMulaiw, w dl bemtde knewflt-.ahortlv, in hamlhilU. -w-4A.tt,4v' JOHN P. MABItY. I.VJK to aare labour and expense, tne uoeri. JL ber have obtained letter patent from the proper ofRce. under the great seal of the United bUteirioeUng8,3 or 4-tiHkettlenrboilen Ml0lttVtffle fitrfiibe, Of one 6re,. at the aame J?5Hi An7 P" '"'"g w m uae 01 ui.a new .nu useiui pian, can ao .0 oy nm omaining a Joh w crt, 50 dolU 0 ,itte nght, which can eauly be procured by writing CJTek Mud Crtti tbl Fnncj, R -n ow to Benton Clemmon. Clemmonsville, Dailon jjre on ' county, N.C. He ha a number of riglf.. al- Richsir(, LfwK tcfei 400 do. m ready pr.nted. so that he can make tbem to any Cw Creek joini U)d of JtC(jb L f person bv their sending to him their name, nrt the count and tte wjere they reside he will nicUrd u wit m Jamf Rrwi 2QQ forward the right, to them by mad. 1 here is a ; ,wo trc, m one , of m shewing the pUn. and bow to set them up, that Un nteteit'e, Cntk any person undc retting bow tw work from a AleI,ndtr., hej wre 200 do, ?J,Xrt,hemUp- IhC on Clear Creek, joining, of Oorg Allen or letting them up on tht new and useful plan, ,r j tKer8 TSZiRZS SIT ra ft Knf do,, on tfct 200 cri l Blue Itidge t .! l L Z U lZ ' JTH and water, of O'een nver, joiaing Und. of JoV n?t5 I .ni ' a,lZ If rnnTn, t S,ePP ct 200 acres on the Devil', uttWtHJab Fork, near or joinmf lande-of David Wyera, rt in'J f 7!? 8 sere on thf water, of Green river hTgi:: wnrum .d iw,;i f,m ;,K . do hereby certify, that the above copy is a true boil from one fire, and not to interfere with the i:- . . 'k;.k ,i.. ... . if 2 . k -t- . .7 . . . list of land on woicu tne taxes are due and not boiling of each other, for themselves, or setting . , . ... ... . , as it wittbaput m force against all smAaffen,,. : n ntvin BrVc i- o der,aaoon the proprietor- of the plan get h,f0,matioBDf.hefaP P ' The nronrietor nronose to sell a sinele n'plit i a s ei a or a right for a state or a eoantv, on reasonable terms.. -JOHN MILLAR, Janmrw llrt, 1830. 6t08 Smtt f riA.Carna, Hitthrrford nwrt'y CJLPKRIOR Court of Law, October- K5 1829 1 Eliiabeth Wllmoth . Gabriel WiU moihi Petition for Divorce. That whereas, a subpoena, and alias have been issued against the defendant in this case, arid which were returned hv theKheriff nf Ruthrfrf! rnnntv that thm mmmmRhJmm fendant to appear and answer at commanded by k. ' l .i , L - t r ! given three months in the Raleigh Star and Western Carolinian, for the defendant to appear at tne next superior court of law to be boUen for said coonty of Rutherford, at the court-house in Ilatberfordton, on the 3d Monday after the 4b Monday in March neat, then and there to nswer or demur to the aid petition, otherwise it will be taken pro confesso, and adjudeed ac- cordinglr.-AVitness, James Morris, Clerk ' of said court, at KuUterfoKlton, the 3d Monday in Sept. 1829, and in the 4th year of imr Inde penuence. 3mW JAmtS MUKUIS BLANKS gf every description,, neatly executed at ftiaSee, iROOtt RAW. V.'IM. aril, on crt.ttt, at p-itna a-trt.on, in (i.a.loi.r. on lr- wrrk of Mttk'ent.urg fmin'y Co ,rt, (.v:i an tVtntJ-" "J M VlhtiAl, T. rtM.fc, Mmr. if J, I1'itn. JF-r ntlli: anbcrrer lntenla open 1 1 1 ' I V " lt,e accon(?odiiig of P' .oaaU my feel diipoafd to fa- uk tbarcuaiom. rof the penmt "a I aalubridn. a,r. and a variety of Medical er, ii t UmrMone, C5.lrbat Mphur, Magneaia, Frrealone, Lo. th' K'utin U urpca oj none. The taller the Turkey Cove, U tur. nmniVrl by iwwW, wW2i trv.t,l mantic arpr c I end Wef encirci ilul pfa.ii, wbre an rer'H w ,rllr W TWirr,-rrow-wov'----- -nwiftrrimd lr eTj UMttn an.1 n iflilr from the ' rern tvi i a a.hiru thr C. row! tike off at Capt iamfa MeUowrll'a. of the Pleaaint Gardrn mherm nmrnom can rrt rvrrt inf rmaiim aece. wry i and when tbry anie at vvW Lawn, in (he Turtey Cove, will meei wi n wt .. modation, ami evrv reentry ttention from the ubcribcr, n fla't. r him If he will be thte to make It flutte a fl- aaant retrt a-, to all m. . .. a iU,lj r t wlmviMthim . fc. unr.r. January 3uiA. 18 W ittu fur f uf . ri!.I. hr a.,.d at inc Coort HjK in Ah If ille. Buucumhr omnty, on the id Monday after thr 4th Monda in Marrh nnt, (bring the S.h day of April, 18X7 the followlnn tract of I.AM), or o woeh tr.e . aa win hi ify the Taira due thi-rron, ana all eo accru ing.,..M.nunlrai previously paiJ. A tract tf I'avis'a hftr. 3rt acrra valurd a f,"0t, on t.'learCrttk, joining Samurl tdmi and other Thn?i ( aw r?n. 200 acrr. glu, on th VilW Cap roid, tno- n by the name of Pojnt -oik Out. Alciandrr M'K'in-y, 40.) arrr. W, on the Vrriot Saluda, on in near the Uap Creek road Jamev N-lvm, acre., R.'U, o trarta, ne on the Bhie Hl-e, j lirn.ig land of VV rn iiic, the other on t!ie wateia of " illow treer, . ... i r, I .1. J""""t W amuuwnn a-i vihc Milt o P.wr. dcr.el, W) ar.rrs g600. on f"'b Broad river joining landa of John pann d other. . rti and John Laughter, 150 lere-. S6j0. on Clear Creek, ueir or jotnmj; lan.l "t onn Morrian John Capps 450 acre. g350, on the. water itT "lVfr. nr or joining un-ia w 'w"ua Summon Morirn, iua acre. ter of Packletle, near or joining land of Ste phen Morgan, ten. Creek, joining land of John Jutua and others. Henry Hughe. 150 acre. glOO, on the wa trra of Milla'a Kiver. . . a.fi0 lh , f : n oriwn,nK Und,of JobnMB' ; atr? ,i i inn ai i tt in rnn rtitwv vimt -wvv bvitvi ri ww , -p . . - , w.,, r;.g " " - Rober Taylor, 2tX acrea, 3i0 dJlar, on lU Cooper' Cap road, and water of Green river. , Jamet gutlierlaad, 10Q aore, awmd at 100 tWlara, on lite Wateraof Saluda, joihinff landa of y., iraiiCIB vutciiiwo, acrci, jo uuuars, un , the waters of f acklelte, joining laud of Jon. ! ,K. . j -.,. 1 ft ,H M ,040 Kff ;n 3 c,f gfrMC(j uun ,!u- ir.n r F.iri . ,h. -yj . i-n:n, ta mh.nr. in - 4i Jmai jo fte.ndeWs Cretk. joinln Abrthjun 8(eei', tnd. . t r v t win I WraairyHim WAGONERS, Driving to FayetteviUe, WILL fihd it to their advantage, to stop at the lfan TJrd, where every con. f enience is provided for Man and Horse, to make them comfortable, at the moderate charge of 25 centra day and night, tor the privilege of the Yard, the -use of a good house, fire, water, and aheker. Attached to the -Yard, are a Grocery and Provision Stores, Bread- Shop and Confec. tionarj, aiKl.t HouseJui ; Boankn tndLoJirep, 'BfaU jV(rrtL'Carn Strrl jKS-loilkeaja)aJ Singleton: Divorce. Ordered by court, tjiut publication be atade three montha in the Wes tern Carolinian and Yadkin and Catawba Jour nal, for the defendant to appear at our next superior court of law, to be held for the county of Rurke, at the court house in Morganfon, on Uie fourth Monday of March' next, and plead. answer or demur, otherwise judgment will be entered sgaint bim. ' ' " ;: ;3mt09 -r- WM. W.-f.RWIN, Wk. : . .. IORsale at the office of the Western Cam. lioian, the M Farmers and Planters Alma nack,,, for the year 1830 : priee, 10 centa a I piece. VODTtlY. taae re iinwiim bar ' flrrat fxJ of all I fU-rn! King ! Who ahall thy bwnd!r mrrrj alraf. Who ahall thy wornl'M' pewrr priM-laim, Or pay due homa g to thy e. , With Uie Brat beam of tnmnlng Ught, Thy glory bnr upon miri!gh'x And when the in withdraa hi ray. The moon and itar proclaim thy pri. Thy gomjnc nd thy might are teen ' In erthi fair rWW of living green, ' Aod when w gie o workl on high, :r.Thy grawdeuf gClUr Ihrougti tlie iky r. The bwund'r oeri own thy wy, 1 The angry wvf thy will obey i ' Tlie temr rek loud Ihr w.rath. 1 b Ughtwin; hww fhy Aearinlr pt. To. Thte, tU e er xnighty King, JTLi dort and tb nniK lhail but t "ttrwiilv 9 vain tiatiow awaww la 4- -Hf J.fc TIIK BICLC The following Line ate attrihated to Lord Bjron, and are aid to have been written by biro in hi Bible i Within ilia awful volume lid The mvatery of myterl. t)h, happieit they of human rare, To whom ourtlod ha given grac To hear, to read, to fear, to pray, To lift the latch and force the way j But better they had ne'er bern born, Who read, to doubt, or read to acorn. MISCKLM.YV. M.1IISIL1LJWV. At the IJ-titlc ol Hor.tdi . nr. as trie a Frtnch call it, of the Moskwa, the most stiigninary in m -dcrti times, the bravest uf the brave surpisscd himtclf, anu ntly rarnea tnc priocejv tuiej k ith which hisimprrial mai:errward- ta nim on mc ncu rj him on tnc hcui. iut tne most; valuable service he ever rendered Fr-nce was in tJr dcplor ible retreat from Moscow, f i staiio'i' was in tne rear the posiol danger and pf hoaour and he was the chief, if not (except ing Np"leon hirns-rll,) the only, h. pc of the troops. In the story r this flight, for such it was, every thing is to wonderful that posterity vritild dis believe the detsils if one contemporary voice had been raised against them. That with a handful of worn-oat fol lower, destitute of every necessary, he should repel the molts irrd arrett the progress of unt'red, wrll-provided, and countless legions ; tF.at while his hrroic little band was duly diminished by hunger, cold,' lassitude, l.e should yet bid defiance to the wh le Russian tost ( in a wufiJ, that JN'cy Vdeipei'at" valour should have secured the escape of aoy rcmnanLQfjc.graalarmyfjiiujttvcr excite the astonishment of - the-Aforld.-j At onr timr,-afteMeaTtngKnTOor, j the whole Russian army lay. between him and NVpoleoo i but, th6ugh'1ie had only three thousand men, he re solved jo'cuVhT.y2tbfQu terveoing; legton,"Vhen 'aummoncd byMil"radvtten--ta-apitulate, A raHhlToTT7Mic was his only reply, as he fearlessly led his devoted companions against the destructive batteries tf the L' smtna, lie then made a circuit at midnight to the banks of the Dnciper, which he crossed on blocks of ice, i.i spite of all obstacles, and, finally, witS fifteen hun dred men, joined the mpr-tor. Wtll might Napoleon be unable tu fii.d lan guage sufficient to express his admira lion -of the- hcro-t - What -a - man i what a soldier ! wlnt a vigorous chief!' Wh'le he. still feared -that the Mmhal had "falleaantohe -handrtif the Riis. sians, he declared that he would wil. lingly give three millions of francs for hia ransom. His joy may well be con ceived when Ncy returned and receiv ed his embrace. The latter had soon afterward at he n early-jndmdd itofl r:4rMvingtbew rezina. The atory onVaterloo need not be. repeated herel We shall only observe, that on no occasion did tjie bravest of the brave exhibit more tm petuous, though hopeleas, , valour. Five horses were shot under him r his garments. ytre pierced with balls ; his whole .person.; was. disfigured . with blood and mod, yet he would have re ma tne cl .IGtcI 'ft e not been forceel from the field 6y ih'ede'nsV-auc! tes.htfesi columna ptthe fugitives.,- : &?urr.ay FuPulf-Ubvury-i Clol. Drayton, member of the II. of R. from Charleston (S. C.) has writ, tea to his constituents, that though he had presented and caused to be refer red tb .the committee of' internal irri. provemenr, the petition of the South Carolina Rail Road Company, be could notwithbuVa departure from princi plea which he had frequently express sed, support their application for aid from th national coffers, ' '. rnxunr. OP OFFICE. The lull.iwlng it ait tiir.it of ttr from 't'hoirutt Jitft rmn, t!,tn Trt, lident of the Umttil Hutti, to Mr Jolio Page, tjatet! at H'air.irsgtijn, July 17, 1807. - ' . 44 1 have ncter removrti a man mere Ijr hec iu he wa Federalist t h4Te never wished them tf give a vote it in election, ..but according lo their nwa, wthri, ' Hut at Du'giivcihmrnf t(Jl discharge its duties t the tcit adtiot tage of tu ciiizcnt, IL'm ,ci.ter io a rrguUi courte of rhr(,;ng ;B. tead of esfcutjng all itt mtaturei and were emplwving the patrooape iivl go v trt-mtnti n U U. bk aiur viio Ofllw e,rtd'tjey-trwtfj tr"qJT;r aatla&ctabpul'tJkJAXihjLifi ?orisclence'r'grrthera,6 lake aa'ac. live and zealoot prt iri 6ppot'uioi: it'. oOht aho to urrjc them tu retire from i poll which they could rot conwi. entiouily conduct with fidelity to the tutt repoted in them and on failure to retire I have removed them th it to tay, mote who rhainuioirj x active and ztaloua oppwiiiioo to thj g')tefl)mcnt.,, Georgia Ca!knjiy.Tht tttrri dance cf fertile! in the Court at w(. ncitet, eictpl in criminal casei, it dispensed with, aod their tstimoD taken by interrogatories, precisely, w$" believe, as if thrv resided out of tha counny, or were 'cv.nd rhe iuri(lit- j ti'i of the C'utff at.d their retusati tppeir ttre rne ("mmmioners intf testify, pttnibhed iiy the same peoahitj. C. Saroliia Mrthodul Cdnfcrtncc It is taid, that tlie session of this body, just over, has been in many re tpecti, the mast interesting ever hcdf but the circumstance whtih most ru miri.tbly distinguishes it, is the divis ion f the Conference District into) twosepirate Conftrencei. The South Carolina Conference will hereafter td bounded ly thr Savannah river on tha west. The Ct-nferenc which has beep; created west of that boundary, will bo 'lesignatcd the Georgia Cnferance, The Orrgia Conference will meet si "" Macon, Ceo, on the 5th January, 1 831 f and the Sou .h-CaroKna Conference id Favettcrille, on - the 20th Janoary,- 1831 Jial.JU'i rouraging the emigration of free bifida to Canada, It seems that ceroid eoU. -pretj yttimhrtimrckastdti&z. Jtrre s "of excellent land, in UppeLZ ada, ancf have a m'rtlion at their rcfuV at." Many have -already refrOhio, ajo-, for this colony, and it is supposed tbat. It humbtT willftl-iK)0Or pi iat kcrP,"a - - - - - 1 - - W -jtsr-.. .,, .m. .ara.. .ijawv-c-.--r . Capital Punishment. -IVe perceirat . with pleasure, that at the recent set, sio'n of the Tennessee Legislature, as' act was passed, abolishing the punish ment of death for all oiTcnces,' except Murder of the first degree A other offences to be punished by confinement in the Penitentiary just ordered to be established, for a longer or shorter period." W t look forward to the 2a' when North-Carolina shll imiuteio latidablcw tmplriT--i?fl M'cwJDeJlnitbn.'-Thc Adam men cair'iTVe turning outofthe part) tte 44 march of intellect." 44 Hope's end.1 David killed f liah with , a leather sling, and Jafflf R pe, of Vermont, has killed himself with a rum sling. St. Louis Bencos- that gloves.4ind-rittenHo the valueot 8130,000 annually are made inioto. ston, Montgomery Connty, New YorL ho would have thought it I Tw state, New Jersey, most of Pennsylva nia ajad New England, are sP1' . wuh gloves ancTmitteos dnbfJo"!. ston make. F. ' RETORT NOT COURTEOUS. " ' - . ' iWnMiWiiaa.'ii.iMi.iji .aJa.ifL' iJiShiBriWiJroaai'l16aw wonatoua uanosome wno ic'r HnimJr, ibtr foVvbiirid t?ioi'r 4tyouinigh should lie, as I did.' H wonder my dear you have rier made a match j I think ypu wa?f y8., britrmneS ' No, cot the Ivjfw' only the sjwrk. p ,'. " Groceries and IIardwatri! gusta, Geo. on the-anf'?"4 William Bacqk, vn mdj ricd to M E. C. CAsTMds 5 . . ' , ... -' ;.. , . X .fjg , j .. . . . .