j . 4 f 4 -;:.:. tirti i MAIJ.SIH'UY, IKhVAV COUNTY, N. C TUKSIlAY, MAUCU IS 0. (VDI.. X NO. ,V)5 ' I I j ft. . A "V ' i W ,(.- - (". f" "! 4 -- t4.l , . .. . ! , ,. (icd VuswV. KtA l '' T. W. 3U- 7V5 15, GOODS. I . I . a A. " . , return nuwPt tbnt nr me IT Ami he iU.ul.ei.Ul.--. "'' k'pP; u,rrH . owitiiHrtttc '' Kc"trt,u" of t..l.aUcne4 co.n..1.1.y. J vfW.Vofk, . t fclccteJ -ml comtikti la,vl WMir GOODS, pni p- i , . i . CAS 1 1 AmOi, . ffilcic i wrtinfii Tr.f.ffrf7't r;ro(rtci, lkineilicKs &c. Th bJht pj'ph g""ji",,c,u;D! . ' . .. ,.11 riamnic. allJ HkU t ! Cili. i P'e"" c-U, CMtnme.anujw w il.fn w:)7e. JhlMEL II. chess. 97 V 1! Tli" mnuriCvurin of Ktii! and Tin '( War, h'-rrtul .: comlitcted by hsu"I cV here-fcer o carried o. by tl.u uxr: :, krrp r.Oitst.Hil! on la'U, or aaMifictun- to order. -.- f .vfttr," nwt-Tm-rUUe.il arc. , He-. mate n.U. in itie mist wib Jul n.-! to n.cri, the prt f the pub .c NO'ncs.. A. VMUUuXOfc & Co. RR-spFCTKl-LUV- aoUcittB thpse Clhmit airincion) who. Mb indebted to tlem. And they take tbia opportunity to rrni the -f. . .: :. f - r.: a , : "Tim utrj win !irrwn- GOODS if Tot ?rtMittjie-rnauce. rner,1!C,''.","" 'rv JCC" ',""rc, " ftrir Gotds at very reduced Trwejvr Wanm.iiihiiIi .-...,.. v.h.ln lir.n'fn y -rttmitj ot intormmg those -w im way- u services, that hcill generally be yio.Lat bjs Kwknce, near State-vilie, Iredell county. Mnr-1.'IH.'lt; ' -v- 4t09 ; flilE lubarriber, intendinjr to i nHe from tUU. part ot' the Mate, oflera tor aaJe the tbove jstabiisliment. with or without the luriuiures toere U uttacbcd to thi'i 6 or 7u0 teres ol LancL-a nai t of which. in escellent fwOHiiR order, prime Meadows, Oichard, &.C Xeeroe wnntd be received in payment i and ihc cotul'uion, bea'tde. will be liberal, v , , If the ahnvr rMablisllilieut is not tolJ by .the of ty nextj it Trimy b rented forona or iiare rears. -. ? From the increinir custortrfor 'be kst three .;r.- i .i -. . ...i. . .i.. -...,;" :r put, uunnj; i lie summer iiioimi i.t.k, ' prfjptriy aiTutKlfa tn, may be rencerea at pro 5'!'!i? i any estublisliment of a similar kind in eMate. 99 ' UllAULKs juuwui Brutietfnrdt fincoln cewnjr. Dec. 7 189. . 7 'Yu 'Vi-iweWftTS. . j mV I iTsubscriber lakes this meth "TTr -J-JL'rvjdiDf-mfirmie In fnewua 'IM t'fttani tl""wiblie eeneniUr'tliat be .f -wAJ has-jnst'-enmptcted - his- ifostte- tf jictommuiltUifn, sttuateu on me 'witling ridgfe of the M aters of the Ca'awba and ftxky Ibvf rs, immediately at that jwiblia-eross ii! well known as the Kocky liver and Wadea wfoRoads, leading from the inferior of 'South rolina and Charleston, by way ot'TShi raw and tore l ownon jhe. one Road, and from, the jtn-ior of Nn7th Carolina tn Charleston, by way Camden, on the other. ' The subscriber informs the public, that he has Pyed no pains or expense to make those per, ''..mfoi ttible . wh,. wwy. bonour b"n.. w Ub T "''mtati.ott-tjT rtra- ftoVt?jad,'4htnr"jf Ue- m .rs,ycui)c tbeat tA4 setoonal, LUe.yeiri fta fl,e Wdirtoii 6f els Bland, rriakev the V'a complete to ahdiroui Camden amlXber. jjbi-Cliaflotte, SalHbirrj'HiTd Concwd,N." C:f Wa.soto the Virginia 8nrinirSi as well a to now i persons visiting the. Uold Retrion of North iK mil. ' - tn rtnt iv . . .v a, LA BAIT. 95 0 H persons indebted to the estate of the or ,i M"-.dec'd.iybpok account ottierwise. Ui, thorc mho haV detnauds thl" 8l,e " Tenuested-tn present irhWthe. ExecMtor, legally authenticated, nm ttie tiaie presr.ribed bv law, or this no m he plead i., bar of their recovery. ,1 , Pinxi1 1RE" Ex""- 4 M. uir i s'enioe liiiiiinnri I i me "own if M- riUiitun. N, iVulma. J. ' M-r ill l,y lLm,l Jul, 1 1 -phlrn I... I r I:. J ! 1 1 it' it u') Li patronage. 3-wrfl yiuuh Store VVUAV rou het. wifwcrilwf will rrft, pm. nm lo be flirn on the wcuniwl by Kilei rn ffimn, tUu!t t! on the rl cor. tier of tli nirt Huh- tre. It I tti but triil fur tii"int ' lit NliHir, tin hniM'ni it Urge hl eommihliou. be'w j 72 feet io lnj-th, illl llirrr rixinii tit-low, (a klorrcxiiil, cmin'iiif' riiuir iii'l uire l.i.ii-.) Iw.i ', to.! a fixxl ceilr. Tt,e atorr will be r.Vf.1 f.if one yrar r a term of yrr, at mv he drirt;(l. In inv pcrui il iiriin y f iHlfSsliiii,; liimic'f in th I villgr, itiiii (I it a rieh"ttd' popul'iiw tltnrt For teirua. apnlv on tli-- iifrniiH'Js t .txiHu:iV)UTiiir:u. Sulphury, I rh. 14, l CJL 4 "9 liJl-'i'Ut tUitur ol tlic rayeiterillc oojerfer arill inirrt the abnte lonr werki. tM frirw'trtj Ilia fT.(H!.t. TJN I. SI I V LIS, Jk rti. havp taken the it ll'urL.miih'i Wh-'fth-re'ofur MCCuplfil by I'lu.ip M..ivc'r, iii (it: ion ol Sali(i T) i'whre tlir urtc )ij Crrvnif on tli. iliut kimilhinsr Hun- mom. ia.luu wiun. baiicUa j .Ml ct luliyJ j.f.; . .1. ..." . ..i.i:.. .. ....... ..... i i t (oiicit .a, Hiiar ol t'ic nuhlic iiatronaTf. Tln-v lia'.'c iii t!!-ir i icjiiov din- nf the brit Horktncn in the ruiinlv ; which will enubtc them i cc ruteevriy l-s: fion of IIIh' k-ini.li'i work in a !)!; i t neaturjs a'.d (lura'nhrj, e'ul to any in tlii .irt of llir cou'ttry. I heir terms will be moU rate, wllh'4'Teatomhlc rrid'iljrrnce tor par. Slltl.tllt' I. Jr( , $. H1). 98 Great Wwvuvuh In f1&S FJl'lr- aubiicribf offi'is f.r ale i-f r-,-r tbifly w Wtv t.HHIIItta ol Uin.l, fcituated in Anlie cnunty, w. v. ailjuimn Uurke county on the toutli, ami the Tenneee line on the west and noi'h. T1ii lml 1 suncyid ofTittto tracts of from 80 to 1200 a-res each, and the quality of each tract is certified to by llie sfirrtyor, wliofias iiia.le a pTat of his survey .wliicli najiic cca on pp!iaxm ig. Mr, tVlp'e , iilliihuryJilr, C.Cilcaderaoivof 1UoW, ton, Mr. 'rhos..Jkrorriey of Bark conn')', rjo ulUMPiAtherhleTlianoomDe "cou'tity. A lare OiKUoa.tiLibia.iaud.-u as. gtwid , at ajiv.-iu ; dilTerenl parts ol thesttrtry j tntl joWoasoeen fouadjdjacent to it i the climate is the roost healthy and delightful in the world i and at no ery dirfant day this, mountain region nf North Carolina muxt become the favorite pHrtoftfie. aUIt 4 HUTiuiui ii w cil LuilicicO, and uoe snld at-75-et oee-aere j 2d jualiyr ar id cents; and j1 quality, 4i cents per a re. It is believed so favorable an apjwtunity for obtain ing good and cheap farms, wai never before of fered in this ate. The title to the land 'n in d'mpt1tnblisi warrautre deeds will he given to purchasers, application for further informs-' tion, and for purchasing any part of lhee lands, chit be made to Mr. White in Salisbury, Mr. C. C, Hend-rson in Lineolnton, -Mr. Thos. J. For ney of Curke county, or to Jhe subscriber, - JOILY BROIVX. Tkxmhet 14A, 1829 r jgoif N, B. T he subscriber also offers about 90,000 acres of land in Buncombe and Haywood conn lies. 1 Many of these land contain some of the mmt vahjablniinerals in the Union. In a short time the subscriber will be preparedTd ricaie some of these tracts to companies who might be disposed, to .work the valuable, mines of iron, lead, filver, and gold, which they contain. He has already teamed out sumo of the tracts, and has had fair offers for the sale of others. Any part of these lands will be sold, very low ; and varrantee titles made to purchasers. J. Brawn. State tf A'vfthX'.utolina, Ittttherfard county ; ftt'. PEKlOR Court of Law, Octooer term. s!5,JH3?i Elizabeth Wilmoth v. Gabriel JVU utolii i. IVUlion iuf-J lIvwc-That . wbr!aai subpoena and alias have been issued against the defendant in this case, and which were returned by the Sheriff of Rutherford county, that the said defendan whs not found j and proclamation hsTing 'bee n made publmly at' the eeui't-hwiise dour of said county, by the Sheriff, for the de fendant. to appearand answer as commanded by the said subpoena, and he baring, failed it is therefore ordered iiy said cotirt, that notice, br given three months in the Kaleigh Mar ami Western Carolinian, for the defendant to appear at the next superior court of law to be holden fof,said mrtLntyof. Ruiberfor4 l'1? conrt-houe in Ruthcffordton. on the 3d Mondiy alter the 4UUi.!laJ!i'A.a4'fih.,loxxbs answer or domtir to the said petition, otherwise IC WlU'Oe lAKtill jH'V WIICU, hum aujuueu. ,! pordiuglytji Witness, James Morris, Clerk ' of h'k1 wi. at Jlutherfordtoiir'the 3d-Uooday In, Sept. 1829, and in the 54t!i year ot our inde pendence. ; Smt09 JAMBS MORRIS- Siatt f 'AarA-tSureb'Ma, Biirke counly t ' itTCHIOK Court ol Law, Septemner lerm, ? 1829: Keziatl Singleton v. Christopher Sinflcton: Divorce. Ordered by court, that publication be mude three months in the Wes tern Carolinian and 'Yadkin and Catawba Jour nal, for Ah -defendant to appear at our next superior court of law, toie held for the county of llurke, at the court house in Morganton, on the fourth Monday of March next, and plead answer or demur, otherwise judgment will be entered agsins't him. Vri til's .W"1" evJ':pironaKC.-...:..'J..!L.Ji';Li:!ICUJ.. Till i uxrrni) sr.nr.s mivt. lUe f )i!uing it co'tifKinicj'Li-i fmrn t' Dirf cior of ! Mini, to the Sccatir of t!, Tfrirjr i Y FliTl Confyriiubljr.lQ (-('n?',' ?vro f(n in ifio Tienjfy fdBrlmif b.ve bren miM of tb fllo ; L'jiiB.VVUiJfKJVl.iif fhit-J j4..aa. rcMictfulljr rimininir;ie(!. Oot.D court. Ibti. 12 prt ftf fin in 2 1 piriii ilio f PortU;al 21,31-33 ur of fine lolfl tn 34 prt i 1 1 c .l Yitme 31 10 J 6 parti of fine y, ,i In 34 parti i n I trune of Spain 2 1 part of fine pold in 24 parti. ' The value per pennyweight of the fdj CointofOreat Hrl atn, dfd'icf d fiom the f)ti nay, is, like that nf he g ! roln of the United Sia'ei, 83 80 )00 rcmi ma ot the gold Cgtiii ot 1 onui;! 88 76-!00 cen' : ht ol the Jjold coint of irrrttKeB? ai-IW ent-; -ml tn 01 IDS olacointot U4in 84 B4 10" cent The above valuci rc . 0:if n mable to the general resultt of farmtr na, e ctpt In rc.iJ to the K'd coins of ,Hpin, in rtlaiioii to which, ti rrguUri:ic liavt, unfrtqutntly- Ucui noticed veto-. Tin Was of Iht. coiiMjje of H24. ttie littil tnat hat be i.n oLui-.cl for rt- fi" lljdica.'ei " i 4lur pet' ptnAy weight aUnul tiall a cent ink'iiei thati n. Kcnrt jl rtiin'e louiitltd on aiiaverje n I i-mrr .i-iaya, wbtct) m. y o sia r(l at 84 28-100 cents.' . NlLTKR COt!ll. Sunidh itu.., , .ii.iu.s A.mnr hv ihe AjTrr''TepTrr,"tn W wmcrv 1 5 ,if nntrweights, IJ grains ol fine silver in 12 UIK'rS. Staiidjid filver, of the United States rontjiiu 10 ounces, 14 pettnv wcints, 4 5 13 grain ol fine silvr.r in I) ounces, indi according to the weiirrit, deno.nina Hon and valje of our silver coins cn jhlished bv law, is worth 113 "38 100 ; ems pet ounce. l'Ji6JfluepcijBar)ct pf jhe SpwUii milled dollars, as denui ci from the above .-ay thertof.il 116 1-10 tents. Their value by ah, accordQi; to me average wrtjfht of those coins "nitncrto deposited it the Mint, irnj be estimated at nearly too cent- 3 miltsi the valae rated in my i am? mm ere at f ,necT,'tn,tir ohedten f scr?anr, " a vaiULL jiuuniu. Hon. S. 1) ImohaM). . "S'ecrtiarjZih'reaiurtj.' Lafayette in America The fol lo iug a tecdotc is rtUtcd in M. Lk occurred, and tt ts related iihf a strict regard to truth. Petersburg Intel. " Vc returned to Yoikton, wnere we passed the rest of the day to fes tivity. A circumstance ot considerable piquancy augmented the uitereatof (his patriotic pod military celebration j I have ulready stated that On. Lafay ette, oq arriving at Yrktowti, fix ed his head-quirtcrs in the same house which Cornwallis had done his, forty- three yc.irs before, dome seryutus, .IPjc.S.aajojjag.!' hgceltar, in order to put away the rtlreshmcnts and provisions conveniently, discovered in a obscure corner a urge chest f its weight and apparent antiquity excited their curi osity f they oricoed it, and to their as tonishment, found it filled with can dles, blackened by. time: by an in scription on the lid, it was found tharj thy, fprmcii parr,jXornwail stores during "ihr8TeK,r5"Tneyr"immediattly mader it tnawnto tht;" ivousef nd "the j intelligence soon reached the camp. Portly, after; all th candles were, moved, lighted and arranged in a cir cle, in the centre of the camp, where the ladies, an4 soldiers; .danced during the evening1. A ball in Yorktown in 1824, by the light of Cornwallis tan dies, appeared so pleasant -an occuf rente to' o'urTiIi "revolmTeniry'soldursV tKat :iM?tttan.j ioJttityiatjige. and. the Jitigues of, .thJYlf them we're unwitting to refire.uniU the canHIci"Veretttirely"coaaumed." Rapid TravelUng.X traveller on a miserably lean ateed, wa tisiled by a Yankee who was hoeing hia pumpkins by the aide, Hallo,- friend said the farmer, "where are you bound V I'm going out to settle in the wes tern country, replied the other, well, get dT and straddle this-ere pumpkin vine, it will grow and carry you faster than that ere beas:." . cot.. C vra. tft t m.v t S; t rr''t., Vtb. Th dibito on Mr. Vo-a's rtsolu'io'i (s'.bers InrcrcM s it prt,rcfs. It Wis I f at jt.'if h. P "'Tii r.tti.n-om-d his t.-ni.iki Id trt if. V'fbsttt. The tg'ter tud afrted tnat the impnr (ant rneaitjrci, f jjr.tfJ-'itpt-li dDh,OUU hid been Carried by hitern in oppoMilon tl SoU'hcrn 0'e. Mr. nenton, in alwi'h a-mln.mm nnur .it ..f hB.I'.i.f-.iv f.,a j'rirn or impjiionrd itjcn',!!, nciaim frjnaMfrf,-een fin thr fl xir, tnnlrjueJ Webster, wiMi that pursued by Ihe Siuth towards ihe West, lie quoted ike tele biated let'er of Mr. Adams, then a Min U'.er abroatf, charinr; the p-liict lead ers in the F.ast of that di (1813) wih opposition lo the W'tst, smt atliihutlng that opposition to i clannish tnvy eaJjeat ouij. fie coniimtrd ihe otc ol the Eastern leaders, unor. questions relating i the tl itiicest of lb West, with i nose from ihe South, of date anterior to the num irable era ot 1831 i and pro? edrwntluiely, the reterse of Mr Web ster's proposition to b true. He ' went bark io the oeriod of -the late war. fie -poke of the limn when Oenersl Jacktu. itu forty men, was petit up In a lorn lu he eneinv's country, and ulTcilng every pxtremity lie titowrd ttut at ttial timo the whole North western frontier was ui the tymesiion uf a savaKeitenetoy IU drew n "aiiliiiited p'.cUrd tf t8 depr datiotvi corhmtt'ed on that fr6nur Hi idvened io the srciie at me Hivei Iblsin, at Chicago sod Foil Mcigt, and, Uf contratini the condition ol tbe el with thai of the Cast, be produced tid rf-44l4. 3UMa..X-oi.-iiiA- spec i. h M?Ul W,hsteron ihe militia bill, in which Mr. W. not only refund the meaQ of piotec- tion and drlcnce, but in language ol told dooded irony upon Ur calatmica of She Vri, ideiitiGed himelf, ai Mrrli.' I dd, witn tnr. c iursc ol- violent federal mea ures of oiiuui'ion, which resulted in the tion" I'vjif. Mr I'icnion proln d deep the raotitei ihir hiedtlr cower tdanacTi iTJC AVcBsieF tor-imrir South. He reviewed lb Missouri qurs tion. lie spoke of the" union wilb Mr. Clay as having .ni.wcred jik..d Land That it bad now been dissolved for the purpose 4"-m new .aiiuun 114.10: dicated hi belief that Mi. W's speech chased into an alliance wun too bastcru ftd'c'raiis1irtIOweed'tr'n,sr H, fTKtiwr y waa- ili&law e stol J .dO H! -nan facultie-v tbaUt-was comoiouio ine brutes. He said that the vety cattle ol the West could recollect the band that H e sook e of ttte eourse-1 hs t fwd been puaUelJ3)f-i"-r- uw j4juumi yy. means of defence at the time tnat our ,atern frontier was bleediug at every norc. He said that it was not for hitu lo rmniM.e such ptoceediugi with Ihe do ins of those who gave aid aodtomlort to in entmtf. That distinction ne left lor those ingenious gerftUmcn who coutc the differerice between tae Northwest and the Weal H North, side of aAairjbut be declared no son ot the Weai, who had been then upon the stage of 'action, and remembered lhat at that lime South Carolina had ml loan , nor Lowndes. and her uneves auo w-. ihoun toihcir aid, could now array him self w ih Mr. Webster aou m ivuuw associates in their crusade .sgauw inv South. . -' A Bit of Ebony,-U is stated iu "Lc Ciurier des lltau Unis,'! that one oi the d.tugilera of Madame ,g n r i a tophe JSlOmpr e?soJIjU,, who. .with tier family, now reiidks t DrdeaU.prbmi9cdjajnfjiagejtia very handsome rrussian uoiuuci, grc&t reputation ; t, , , Sftakarc-Trie only actocmprr now in existence of Wiiliara', is in Doctor C'-mmons. Itisspcltbhaks-pearer-The-oame of the bard a faiher occurs lf6 times, " under. difTerent modes of orthography,- id theCouncil biok f f ie -C)rprtioo-of StfilfUfd Shackspef; 4j" hackVpheare, '2j 69 frArr not these mode of- writiag the name 'ctfxtiusiVc'is'ti the propex methed of jirooouncing it f ; " A fetter from Washington published in the N. Yf Journal of Commerce, ay With the ordinary leutslat'ioai tbe tatilT.' the appointments, the. Supreme court, the drawing roqmsj the dinner pur ties, the tea parties, the theatre, dancju, courting, marrying, coquetting, flirtiog, scandalizing, and above all, electioneer ing, there will be a continued bQrrioan here until the 1st of May r,rf " ' - ? ihtfi Ceinr an t Vrrtntttl Jifk'on. A kuei fro.n Lih'i. p ('oflwell. of I'hil iletptiia. o i'ro i ir nt Ja aon, slid tno answrr of in I'r. i ' f i Uefn re rn if p'Aiishcf T - 'm,inp," t ipprsri, had he. fct'e'l 'Q K ,TtC Il smi' Irj rn tlrriioil of I' p- ,t snre-d Ltft dent's elsrtion, forwirdrd hltn le'tef . Mri'JirkvinMVMiJrtjcrv'dsterl af H vnnior ii 182'J. no "s, ' " i tirj icivc to in !ui,e the satafjc, iion I feel in thus coming b' f re you, ia effigy, to etpreis on paper, the sent! tnent of heart tiuiting lth exirrfno ' . f jo on that proplthus vcnt. ' ' , . ! I congratulate yoti anl 5 tour fricndii . ' and especially Mrs Jirkson, on lhal oc- - ' c anion i and anticipating the happie re . ' , - suns irom y.our ii;mintraiion, 1 coigrst v ; ulate Ihe United States in generil wih ; i ing you Health and every liUsslng for i , ' long sciiet of years, and Heaven here . tfet." j ; I The President's answer to lh tbovo ( " ' i dsted in April list, reached the Duhrp in f ' Paris, on his return to the United S'.'ei. f After tendering the Uishnp his thanks fop . - this portrait and that of the Pipe, he sp in conclusion, ' ' Allow me, Sir, lo, express hope that . twhing will occur ta'tbe s'lt.tlon,nf, thn successor at Home, to dt.'ain vou l"it? frti II f ZT MJ.l r "i wilt f Un a safe and prosperous return. With they ; assurance of my grratst rrs;ect, , I am your muit li-!'-n' aeriafi, - - AaotKw Jacxsov. R'ght Kev. Docto'-Vwv-tt ' flrfece.Onc of mot Importsat pieces ol news which toe recetu auitals . .- ' hroughl ; UvfriimJIuropr:, was iha mhM -". -1 . gent that rrince LeopoH was iikelfto) De-eievated lo the tn'onc t the new king dom, wh'ch the allied sovrreigm btetnl to form out ofUteerc Wftsi in'ay b"e"i' o" desfinr of Greece under this new arran.-e- ' ment? if Pitrieiotq opmimsjajr.liflL. in some degrcs sniiclpa'ed. ' Under tno sway f Leopold, a pcaabaef of the. Crk ish nation, Eng'ish principles and Cdi1is1i principles, and- EnUst policy wtU di-ct the councils of Greece sn t pmh her Tur ward pi "; tnfita51'nn.Improi:mcol."" What may not the-.wha!ff. cowlriiut" td? J. Greet. e, with ls UUimIs and tlawiw nrr--' irrjataJiDecupjbler-ef reschti, hul4 it . v . gr, and of talent! If Ltopnld ascend tht ' 'v-: flew threneif Greece aftir-RnrisH1 ''.kt " v't ' prevails there, we shall bs all '.omp iicd . ..'., to allow. In a vtrv few vearn thut tVel- :' K u kiian di olomac y - as... . elL as Auitri.'ri T.'M if Pamtu f fVrrA.Vat Ih e laf arronrtt! i i i... i . ; f f:r was iKctumig io muitiiunes at nt ur leans. Miss Wiight Is undoubtedly one) of the most singular women nf the 'aur Possessed Of inttlleftual powers of II.' ' first order blest, or rather curseifwh'i a ; ' c ihosi fervid eloquence, undVunied,' tn , cd, and recklsss of public opinion, i. i tonipara ivcly ignorant age .she . ; M ' nave been calculated to, produre i trm : plete revolution, and shake to thri oun- datiqn the very elements of society' Uji, - , m an age tike this, when re-son me ' ' rcisorifc ibcaargtirafcritjppposcs iumtni when mind acts on nitnd. her efforts will... , he harmless., We understand thai Misj ... s anny intends to Nit : Washington, and that she will be here again in thespilng . f to marshal her forces for the field, ib. ' . Beauty Insurance Company....,.X foreign journal states that a comoarjy na.s been, tsUbibcd tSatftUlVSvUiih..; America the objerl rr whicn is To iia- Su7cTc!iiiHTe;'le estimate her looks at whatever sum she pleases, and tget it insured at that vatar; I rte- perimt lr- whn-f beautv may be tusurta is from the uvo, $ '. i ; .i , , - . of 15 to that of 30 and the company t is Ijoup'i to pay the prudent fair oae, -' , a specified uum, if her beauty goe. off. or ia by aeridcut injured, during .9 .... j " . pivco pefiou. "attttremomic Jute. vA-bmof mut opposittt toak Ihe carvtknife m band.'--"Shall t cut it Vaddte-w is'c V s lid Tie". r " You had better cut it bridle-wise," aaid his friend, " f')r thru we shall stand a : better chance of getti-jg- a bit in our. ' months! , - -' " . r , Virginia, Banks atvttti of the Virainia Uanks are now asking for a . renewal of their th ers. "A mall op- . uositon ha spraiiz up lf these reac-l als a prt oLlt ajjinitihc.wh'iV av tcm of banking." It U prbvW holf ' ever that tho bauka jyill succeeds . "1- ,J . VaVTwMn-ykVWTfivD A 2mWU tVJl. U,

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