.Vll.i.Tb imount of iptcU toirtiJ ever feer it lh In,' of lh 'United Stilts U fu'.lf ()ulilfr.j to tupplf U tbe lo ehennele f circuUtwn J the ctflt of prohibition tclnn put upon th ! f w.llbilli. I-eUteir t)V the f .e,xrt of tb4 Mio, bliei 00 .Vr tn trvtn mi!ini of piece of fold an J Vilf colli, ere ICd "Mare tain kVf i-f IhU emount, in tho ihipe wT n doller fJ4 CW The rrtJericliturg Artm ittet thit Mr, HtTrion, cbicl director of one of the Urn mining corn pnliof Lun4on,ittendcd by Uiree other Ceiiilenieo h he employ of the mni compeny, w Uttly in th loi far the purpoe of mikia en cuni'moion of ike Uld dietrict, ltf t lt of ertfti!nln r mlnlnj epiMlMe. Tbey Wif nd tit Jths North Cerolini etn, end ibould the m tit rvir.a irr iiiniiM. 1 MCKXW I PENNSYLVANIA., , JSttitfl uf a Irl'er Mtrnhtf if Cv l!aaisaco, A?Al s'WW Pentitvlvanla It sound to lh cor for 'Orn.ril Jkvr If nevtr Mi ,. , , , ,.. APRIL 20, 1 a jo. ' J" "bnte.l to nmtoT mmt '' n, 14 s eaadiji l Kuaat ewrntr p the fliae f Coawfc tbe net. LefWuur. , t 'tr Vtcl't op- lf ('cliiHUKliH people ClI ' this powerful S'eie, than at the present -moment. Tlw - lUpubjuaa members of he LrJ.Uivrt ml lst tiicta to ful) por bieh ihey will rmke, i tohe indlci lon of Gold In either Site, be In publiriat whirh rererHlf Hiertinf of tliM Stoeite, held in ibafua r,.,o.i wh.rn reeeifif T""' " . " ' . ,k. I u. ,k. Lri will )4f.e,, ttnrtnik, kc. in coiuequente ..i, i - .. i .k. i i i i.rh irv ini'tviumijiimsu viuuiii.i,iiji'"-'' -""-' - nrannxcitMnxT. , tSe faUahowl, ahi tb art,) ef the rwtMti AJ atU'riMM, in ciil antH th A U-n, CUy, WaWer sl.Tw CUim !;;, pitMiSWibaiullwwiiig fra tht,'iin. iMate JVtnpb, of tin Cth lnti birt, b?p ' jll eride jh" Tirrttijt ,.... , - -( .Wa.sMia'oroe, AhrU Mh, 13 Tt tht EhtrtftH ('uWVa'ra TcL - - -a "tf rrWiijin to (.he tiuie of the general administration. It i Uin to every one, c that naibinis tan urul i'r ruu io tistic lamily ul tin Liu n, than an earty VwhCtc tM the f resile so. ill coo tent agam to be cantliditej and the Convtrtiion, under thete impulsions, proceeded immediately to exptets Us pinions and feelings on thit subject. John BiOwn, F.sq. of the Senile, wt l'reidcnl, r4 the ?pkerii Wer. lkint, of the f-en jie, auJ Smith, cf (be llouMi Vir ?iuidriiik. The foil jwjr.g preirrthte end reiolu lionr were tdopteJ uruaimouvly 1 Wheren, In the opinion of this nrn ing, the policy end incisures of the p'r tent edininitriion of thr (lene'l ("i cmmerit, eccord iih the true in'f reU of the cotin'rri end re tuch the (rietidt 1 of the preient vct.cr jlle mid divifit'uith ed ifidHuil, placed tt iho head cf the G irernmei.t Of the f ee and tolunurj u:Treof the ptoi.Ir, tttUupatcd nt dined, i.i tf.e tm .l t.n aucceit.aud BUtli are rot onljf ppoed bf hia for nifr ftienda, Lut by innjr ho opprned Lit rlrttion. And wherraa, I'enmjlva i.ij wnilc fiiki Su e i:i the tnion to licrn' the imme of Andrew Jckion t 4AwHfieaiF flrotdei'T 1 ciifdlWe' Tr be mnnthe firat to c )n eaa htr t'ufc ioSlf ih pioapeiujr aid autie ofbij edininiiiin'nt.i : Therrfort, be it rrto!vrd, That, in the opihiori of tlii met ling, tlc prut 11 1 ad minlatration of tbe Generil (iofrrnmenl iiieeta the cordial and dc.ided approlia tinn of the Democratic pai : jr, and of the pcoplr of t'ennaylvania. Krtolvrd, Tbat in tlie opinion of thi maeiiu. the unanimity and harmony of the great Democra.ic party of the Union Mill be f reatly promoted, by ai;in plating the name of Andrew Jeckion ucioie the people, a a Candidate for re clrcticn. " In addition to tbe above reaolutions, 0P,.iJred to General J.ck.on, by he rremberi, eiprenirig, jn tie aronr.et termi, their approbation cf the "iu end judicious repuoJican neaurea" of his administration. Tbut yrn see, my dear Jlr, ilut good old TennijilvRnia hat agatn boldTy decla'ied beraelf in favor of the rrople's Cindiihte, fur ifie tibes: Rk in the world.'' ,-7ejfej. VTW-WFtwrnit' la an extract of letter, dated at Va,h ington City, t8th Maid) last, to a genile- . mn in Chaileaton puldmhtH ill the . .ttJ$Ut.JlibJ& Ai-r r I beHrve ytx that tnnf;rrst will not adjourn without reducing the duties .upon t'offet;' Tea, and Salt. The aituaiion ol the Treasury, ibe swell amount of ihe public drbt, and the pretture upon the people, by reason of their ftiminibed otnmtrce, render it impcrioutly the du ly of Congrats to alleviate their condition by (educing their burthens. The people t if Carolina and Georgia complain loud against the Tariff; but do they remem tier the grievance which ar borne by Virginia and Maryland ! The staples of the former are yet, in some degree, pro .ductiie; but in the latter they ate worth less. There is not market in the world fjr Flour, and little or no demand for Tobacco in any foreign region. Tbe people of Virginia barely obtained a tub mtrnce, and could not do thai, but for their animal stock. Those of Maryland are reduced to state of pauperism ; and bill for the fisheries of the Chesapeake and its rivers, would be compelled to fol- low the example of the children of Israel, aud seek an Egypt in tbe Western world, wants of the people. You have no idea in the South to what a deplorable degree the Stale of Maryland baa decayed. '1 hat land of luxury and hospitality is little beautiful and eardenlike State in Ike Un ion is, by the operation of that ruinous and enslaving .system, the Tariff, blighted nd witheredi audita wretched inhabitants covered with rags. So delusive, so im neretowbler' aoWetertioar tr thtf hfdde nd eoncearedeffectf of iMtlSftapjf ort'tneir economy,, mat mey are wasting away like the human constitution under ion faslaw poison. The lute duel has caused in extraordin Ir sehsafi standing that the matter is before a Grand Jury, some of tht citizens are so excited about it that a town meeting has been railed, for the purpose of omploying coun sel on tho occasion. r 828 od 113? wo nHe fnnnlerl it erfr, nj calculate J, io mi Tel J lh puMic mtr Tb tiMnji'urei of I828 ef VO W1 iT 3,41 ,4I i Thf iinn'!i'Orci of 111? Mkinf thf etptn-'iture of 1129 18679:80 freiierthn the eiprnJi'urn of I Mf lioj(ion, i metifxTof the Cam n)Hie( wt()e d itr it h x,,n (nlo, bjf I the oM-r of the lltue of Rcprewnu i tie, s iT-uifc irito tinunl of the ni; :-ttc nre, it tril ji t.te ob writ jI i , ,,0;, !,1:)i thry t,e lrefi mde, frn!,!ei i. to fi.ri.n'i 4 '"re-.t iiitermot oi the l r i" ! ' 'l.oe ot I e i d t j ! 'f dcie of HI5 to HI, . .-. U 313 90 a:so7', air n n.ITorcncelr.favoiof i87 Ai.i'.Mi 3i Thit ata'ement l-.U-n fr n:i puliiic domenT in rn p'itiet'-r(, e'riBjiin the armunt expended in ek.l yt'f, en (inf un the firtt ol January 1 ol courts all the ex,irri1i''et mde, r,tiefn the lt tf M irch, M-9, un.ffr thr idn-.iiiit'.ra'iirti of Mr Adimi, it iiiclii'.d in the a;;;;re K'e i-f ZlAlQMU d'il'w 6Jv'i.'n -- ticndiiuret : r,f J .j.ir- nt kulr.l4Jfl.Mc,W4H,, l,rn:inT7.oi "17" fpl.cni'i avowed ardour. Ah! Ame!i! Il a co'npiion betceii the eTr'n"! Uift of t-he'U'C pTTimt rfnr"'ialrK. in,i K ft.ftirnlr. tn nrder tn (rt thp rtnn omv of each, that compjrivin, lo be fair and jii vt, tbould b made tieiween the first 13 mo' tht after the cmimrn rinc on tho In Mirrli, iV), and endM on Ut March, 1 8 JO. I' ! not (nucti to charge the 2, 498,903 d-ilt 8T, spended bv the laie adunutration, in January and I'ehiuaiy, 1129, to tbe pretent AJminii i rat ion , From an offwul document before mr, it appear, tbat from the Iti ot Match, 1828, to the Ut of March, 1129. tbe lau , ... r me late arlmtnittiaiion, Ue "V'irt gate ainixim of the .public expcndi ores wat 26,113,788 dot.. 13 Tno from 1r March, 18??. to )u Maicli ISJAJ, ino ftrtt year oliien.yaik son's - Iminit'rati'mj amounted to ?V yio.rta doi- C4. From ibis -sttemeill Uken from the books of the Treasury, it appears that ihe amouiii -a.nrdd in the firsr year "of f (i-n. Jrkon'a administration, is le", by l,93la dais. Hi, than th exrrndiTrres minittration. - I ttale tbe ficti, and leave ilic p'jlihctto draw their oun inference! 1 ami retpcrtfuUv. vnui. """" ""7::rW!CKLIFFE ; Tilt) -ARMY Secretary Kiton in a late communica tion in reply to a resolution of the senate making enquiry into the cause of dener lion in the Army, gives what we consider an excellent iut;eUoii, and one which, we doubt not, the wiidom of congress will adopt and act upon, ile proposes that promotion in the army should be extended to the ranks, and that, intead of giving all the graduates at West Point, eommisioni, and thus filling up Ihe pott in the army, and excluding the soldiers, no matter what may be their deserts, in cases of extraordinary merit, the cadets should be arranged to the army or navy, aa the judgment of the executive may determine, the other to retire to private life and there follow whatever pursuit their preference may direct. -The fact that a common soldier io our army can not rise higher than a corporal or ser geant, and that these grades are to bound the extent of his ambition, is calculated tip"n.'TJoubtfeVs the suggestion of Secre tary Eaton, if carried into effect, would infuse new life and vigor into the ranks, and excite the army to discipline and eood course will present opportunities to the non commissioned officers of rising to any rank, however dird. The common soldier will perceive the road to promo tion open ana accessible : new leelinirs wjjyi pride, will conc,entFato their influence to. acter i and with it, the evils of ejeser- .rtaB.raayVceas1i&5d pfih'eH ffij fhiKand this only, which can render hirn heroic aidi daaeer, and Inyiiicible ttt battle. Alex. Gat. Ce. .At the balls in Brazil both the cavaliers and their dark-eyed partners dance-ungloved. To present a gloved hand to a lady would be taken as an in-, suit, as inferring the existence on her part of some cutaneous discrder out oltne country v i-ir-eiir, ... ..... n t.t Trllcfnair4'.iuiii" .' ."AV" ' .f niVifl i CiaP " ""'" ' ' . i Tu Van'laejy that wMcn It ih ily tc u rity of the ;x r ajpiios' thi iiud 01 roi un Ufik, and p;cr -ntlH in afrie. '.If. de Uvalriie, fn-mcrly Ditector (iiKral of the Pott OTre, who was ton (tcmncd 10 death in 1815, bu wat lived hv !te berole conduct of hit Ld, le f unded by Sir Robert Wilum end ittnt, died 11: Porta on the I lib Feb. ' (Jen. Barrad, Cofninand-rr of tbe Ut' eipediiioti again! Mexico, hid no ie to Prit and inteodeJ it proceed tn Madrid Mr. Viturre, Pcruvi n diplomatitl. In! -r'wrd In Parla, to t-iitcit the recoj n'.-io." of hit (roernm'.n f.nefef Coivrniftcr I' it mm i-.ticd. 'hat on t;e H'h Jim.r, w mm died at St. Ma"in ur KaiUr, the n. cf 104, whom, when ne wat up wardi of 80, a young man married, in order (0 etope tbe cooatription couot iikK, It Is said, upon a rnurb earlier release fiom the bordt of matrimony Curioui Hiiffoiio"' Adored and an Kltc Amelia, acrep'. an artlett amoritt't arTecricmir etlovlite era ;Mihed mf' II appears an awful uprct App4e jl in ir tiinfl ihd ffartiTrna't nd anon acknowledge fTucicd Aimrt't ' alliance at agreeable and acceptable. Anxiously awaitlnj; an affirrpiment ter, actept an ardent e lmiter't acbim dieu. 5rrai.f, Circwma-irr. -It it s'atet! ih, on th lOlh ultimo, in Union toijn v. Kv. ( rAoderat ahoer of aoniethini; atbLcka ink fell from a vrry : tloud. When it fell the ground was tu ered with anow, whi-ri v.n presented ihr timcualar toectacle '( kiosk t. After it dried, th? corn aa,tti werr tovered with tomethina; like asnes a-id gunpow dee. jrp nifl jvas.accumpnid wnh lbi-V,aMbi, fcij .mctled tike :.. smoke xf stoo coU -Ahet - ho"-r fwhich lasted but s few minu'e) was over i: commenced snowing, pan of vtbkYi w likewise bUck. tt his created uive liwlo alarn ; tome attribp'.e it tu a vokan. ic eruption. ..-...jr2rftf.'ir:ilft-hft.wuleoa.the. 10th ult. a le:tcr wat received frooi Mr (ranch, Secretary of the Navv, -accom panied by a report from Lieutenants Tar aJ and ;.prdnryz who wcre.appointcd taf never f wiiiFmrR lof tliem. " The most survey the Dry Tortugai, with a view to 'friendly rtlaion uc have-ever been able ascertain io fitness for a naval reudaavoui I U tire between Mr Clayand free 1 he result of ihe surrev is said, by the Secretaryrto confirm the favorable intici pations formrd fiom previous examina- lions; but it is yet to te deiermi .ed whether a harbour tan be selected rapa bis of suck perfect defence as would be requisite for naval station of impor lance; and an appropriation is asked to enable the Piesident to have the nece lary scientific examination made under the supeiimendance of the proper depart ment. It is the opinion ol (be turt eying offkers that a site may be ele;vd entire ly defensible C,c. Courier. Haywood" i Lav Refcortt. Gen lemen of tee bar in this state and ' Norih Caro lina may feel interested in the fact, that the first volume ol the late Judge liay woofl a neports, embracing the decisions a 11 t . of tbe Superioi Couns of North Carolina, from 1789 to 1798, has been recently re-1 primed by Mesars k and J. , B. Hill ol: k 1 V"' "f1 nrDSfIn may perhaps be yviicvuie in tun ic. "'ajgJtXJaawy'tfte Uuf', "7?'" . and containing as it does tome important legal precedents, will be ji valuable ac quisition, especially to the younger part Ol the nrnlrssinn. is ha hav hirhfrtA hrmn Uhlhle to procure it. Ti'aihviile Banner. ' ,. . . :'" A Travelling Cow. It is stated tn the New York papers that Capt. Crocker, of the Pacific, has crossed, the Atlantic Ocean one hundred ,d fifty 4w(tme9i Capt. Crocker informed a lady of our ae qUMOlaractBi; Mi I cow on board the Pacificwhich hact rcrossed tbi Ajlaniir convicted Of oij;amy atj'rovidence... Jlo is to r on the gallows an tiuur, to be fined and imprisoned." The Taunton (Mass,) Reporter an nounces that the Lilcot tien. Atiiasoeit Hamiitok, by a gentleman"of that town, is in a state of some! forwardness ' j v-- 1 mtiftei j. . . . :.ti -rt l0. 'N oliter-d yencrday itliati ttiect 16 iqt, d art by 6 liores each, cirli ifmVr ff'H a Nur'b Croliii w-ct 'o'lh.' Htlti-noie 4iid Ohio .Kail ,t, where a i(rcat innnicr of irraont ,rr ,1 wrkjim '.he Iwile fur (de brtt 18 mi!e. A number ol ne carruges ttr in cirwtl'iet, 10 oe reauy lor ine 1 . . 1 . r . . . rtd tofin at '.he J'ub!e track lipom idctcl." I: it ruTt'trcd, tayt the Potion Palladi um, ih,' DuviJ Porter, F.Mjr., thi newly t(;oiind C nu: Uencrtl io the Baibirv I'owc't, will tail ffim (hat port for Al (fieri, in the tloop of w ir Concotd, fiuw fittintC ou' a Por'smouth, N. M. .1 !j. fla. Jjn't We have seen the pm red. i f te 'iMiTt Mjrtial which rcccmlv at at 'SVasumiuii, foi :tie '.rial of Colonel Uer Jonet, ot the L'. H. Ar my. U U nH deemed necetvary to re count at length the various thrgt a.l apeciSca'iims, ofsomr f which .be wu found guilty, snd of mien not guilty Tie sentence of the Court it. mat he tie repriminded in "miM. Wrderi. tu ex Thcrourt, in a.ard.ng .hit ten.er.ee, (hem fr ,llcif bi aenaibic o' I s ,ppirn .n...,,u. y. when bffn rcftt , contred wuh the offeDjecLiaLi , I.rrn Thru iiiLiii. hn, ii ir : nor icnii l il ki,r jtn adapted bv thtm, but fur the convic tion ltcv entertain, that Cul. iorres hbnr e I uniier a mitroncrpiiun of bis ofTicm '( iliitioni, which, lrjever litile warran d !iv the rryu'a'iont- the otutfet, and :hr inierettv o tbe service, lias still, at "n y brhrvc, chicil tioJed to mitlcad mm " Tlu Msjr General commandini; tbe 4 ui., cuiiii.int ihe tetrtence of the Court. Col. Jon; it heiehy rclcaicd Ir 'in .irtest, and will mum hia functions at Adju'ant t'encal " HaUimtre Aycr. Jhi Cut air,f.A .mmnte of sen- la-- T'cen Jy. ao.jtlj a deliberate irajey id(tr-sed him tc rhaatpion of "Free Trade undUaT v niijtus."- A more cut ting si'Uu.u a never inflicted tnd seeinir thj: Mr. Clay' wat rctt at New Orleant, involvrt," in Our' opirilori s ime violaiion ol the rjles of courtcou Uoa- .i.icaa.iuai.arwttr-TTmTpcaica el fortt of Mr. CLy, to prowrate Free -(Trade" at the !iri:ie of upe and caln.o At fcr "kiiior'a Myitis'' we. bxlieve he trade, was, when at -hent, he very pio perly perfcrred ihe lire navinion ot the Missiisippi to the privilege ol (Irving cod- fiv, jn I tcwivc on the iunk, of New I Utldla.iu. Cslumitia icle$cofie. A Louiiims pap r mates that five of the andidates lor the Cubcrnmorial chair ot1 th-ii Si j c may bs considered as off 'he fiild. The declension of ai many as Jive candidates, leaves only T others to con t-"d lor the pa'm of victory. They are Menus T. Butler, W. "II. Overton, A. BraTjv"4s,"A IV Itom'Tft, I tasc Thomas, an t S. Hamilton. " Tne more the mer- 'lier.'1 J'.a.ilmilie Retiublitan. The publication of the Darin Phtnix, ceased-on the I m inst. It demise is an- noonced in iU Inll. in., , ,.w . u nlLj. ... ....- , ..v, r, quite fif.rcil )0luh,,tho men Phanix. Consumption, inherijedfroraiajicxv. aijrned ;a one at TT.e remote causes f its deh but the proximate agent was nndoubteyi)- starvation, for with the appe III ftf IK W-r.mn.,it . . k - .1 I U f . . : 1 11111 eilUUkli lo aswal ow. Yet neither hunger nor disease could subdtte its spirit 'or damp its chtetfuiness. To the last it forehore complaiut, and gave up the ghost laughing at the pale inessenirer of de(rrietionJ,,..f ...Jattfitojaiiairircitn . v. .- , , I . .r.-.v.-.i-. i :fiy,bom 6riet by whom begoH . A bev f it M teffiiijjSjuQU The body of dam 1 ateh. has been foun-J ; in, thevr a few -tiTrlwtfow ,itoc1iere.tscSptiOT ot aH counterfeit notes, the pty&&iiL: JJ c h;ve not JerJ l)b tho body cf j rore;u gold and silver eoljiaj the rates of tot- ; Mr. 1 homas Chiitnr., thi next' groateal e ind Nettie exchange i commercial, p- l' mm in the world, alter bum, and who al- Wcl. lteritPy xni lllCeHaneous reading, tc, ,v so made bis last jump fromhe topofofje of the enormous columns iol tbe Intelli gencer, h y-i been I'ou'd.A; ' - - Jour. UrajmuiirHMiin'a 1 a" !; Hnht.l, l K.,aa.iciely w.y immr.it-w rnlf jn the ,t ftri eum.lnrcil M . f M.. Y,.,k .r. I ...... .ll- ' J tlllri tnd i and lownt, of ,!r,tM,ti.f; fact aj u! try f.mil; in Utu,f w.lij,,- i rvery i.mn; in 3liarUiy ,h,H l ft,a nn l tint tho Itifd uf Miltavara tVw-iwd in drviM riV!uuni fur ery, . rtiliiioa into cftVt i , , On ra Kion of Kev. Mr. feck, il wm t.rflvrti Thai it be maUih duty flka B -ard ol Ilrc-r., t., pr-yr 4mm rMI:llJ! ' to di hvei act 1 lrc, .itab'e ti lb neeaeva w Uie neat enuirr.ry wMtiii f sf tb SirtTi ., rke Wljwmf are the QiBcers ef it kVjl f. the tnij.nj jrat : . . Thum. !.. Coaran, Frttdnt j Cerr Tojtr, Vice Piei'dentj PlatUa Wlii'e, iectturj . duel nr,wf, freantrer, ttit-lf t Tiaaer, r Jte Hankin, Brr. Jahn Urck, jha Uyrpl' !!ieenr.i A'rtiJidrr Lnj, $m Lefflly.So! liritpif, . . TU TUi KK'Jl'Lil.U.' R0V4C -Cireunutancca nwt nax euary to SUrj ' have irdjqrd me to lUc.'iiie ttindini Ms ' ' di4,te f,r the o!f.c oT E Wfi; ! thai euV" dr.ne fiom the r.iPet, ! tike tbopporkal'' t of . fl. rin,; irjm,,t (nirM V knowledj V rretf 10 't II.OM f IM Clllttm Who tHnam.J ; m. via,(f mtt m w Mm.r-Jkrt-: f 'l.T The '..-:( -'irn . sZutj av n. aohrdto tui'tt.ng hi the Frvabjleriai Church in ljncoi)fii:. by caudle fijht, oa tka w(ftrl of thw itd f ti,rs month, it btjry 0 Thunday of I jnrtiln Cju. Tbe atte!aaee sf all tba fncmla of ihe giod and '.rUm imm, il ' rerprrtfully aollci'.e i. There wilas SStrm on tbe oerjuu:!. 3UJ K i. S.RfKnr, TrmtiuT Superior Court.-- At :he Fall Tertnai the Bupci'ur Court for Rowan county, held in this town week before UsU lit n n: juat.. wtea on an - mmameni lor the murder and concealment of berir ' fam child i the, jury acquitted her of tiaJ ' firsts sad fotxnd' iief guilty oTtrfttttrV toUnT."Sne"was sentenced t-j an Impris oAiam of six months, in tiie caoaty J1K"T prosecution or! behalf of the state,' and the I p. isoner was tigrjurnily tictendeJ f Measrs. Caldwal .t&i.::.-J.Z.7.ZZ I'eter Cautle, Jr. wat aUo tried at ibis term, on an indictment for nmiiene - -in ofuce, t a Cui)staole ; he at fouoJ guilty, and sentenced to one inon;n's inv pnsotiment, and to pay a fine of 330; the term of hit itrprisgnment was subse quently reduced o fiv days. Tkomat P. Uevereux, F.Brj. ha been re -appointed, by the President and Senate," at United Stalea District Attorney for tail Suto. h it known thnt Mr. Devereiilt in the late PresidentiaJ canvass, was op posed to the election of Gen. Jackseaf and it is also known tbat efforts were tc, to supersede him in hia office, at the ex-, pira ion of his term: His re-appointment, therefore, under these circtiins'an ces, is additional evidence of the falsity of the charge against the President, of being 4t proscriptive" in his removal -frorarami appointment leroffiSW I J??- not doubr, tut what good end substantisl - reasons can be assigned forevery removal s which has taken place under the present . , . . 'iiiiimtvi.wiuii. Canfield! American Argus, and Coramercitl Exchange 7"ele,BTaph, haa been revived, in "esf York, after a abort euspension. Wrlisve-,; heretofore apoken of it, as .being .the largest par . per ut oe union; snu we n9UJuy-J'.?V"; si"u.ae aw..ais KWMWiitBjt..s.-.asiewta s"rsi as mi nnuiifu nien iriinarauv - es. swusif" .rjVitenaiv table ef prieei, .1 Balt-rrere, fi; Eanks in tbe U. States, with t&e value or UiP aotes.in ihe above narfied crtiett Krt of '8 'hf ' i.a'it banks in the U. Statesi a Iist.n4.4 ic. Price, C pcrannumi If. Canfield, Editor. 17,500 balci Cotton bave been received tN vfi zHrint frm. Cf-e-fTthe present leuotw 1 .