1 w "i .... f I " oi,, ero.m;.l.W. -f the ;,-.;.. i.. - l r"- cf.M.1. ftei -MIhwI Kd, from BufT.li a tod Calls I commja .( LJ i 13. n. uuurux reigned ia l.ri.hu.r, nj rewmd , (tracts of bn rr.Wr,ofi i. pw-n . . I hi hi H a a -fat eil our cUH, CrM.'rthM.i. ..,. J Do .mj.. .. s . .r"",, ,B4 I .1 ioJm (r:l) an ho 4 ftb III f,",,J, t ' rkli'iml Hit .). ,J ' iv , r'tT'u.-,.- p,"a t"nmm 'oe 'mo em,, ,m . - ... WM 6tof h.m, ithrxit mt rt.'.fd to ... fr.L lMf ! (bt plAr.wJ eiw 6f , CUl ! Kieti. M 19 ih, el.lm f lhe iwjmi... - iyraCiiIrri.' Tin rret t vtuh.n i .k.i:.. . f0'""" hit paper, bcro mid. iha member,, i,PmnJ ,75 ffici ;o .ht it ibe du- (bcir ilien ti.if Jclri n, Tfft, en ih (8ih J1 vfn w cirtiiif court. 11 "" -"Tr,er l"5eulii.-t , , tu , " " l ill. l.-y, w,M1j be , h.,pt!tr un. h r,,M.i. it ppert ihM N.i,:0 Id. , drra mjf. Mr (hupi'ihen mbm.i to be nWd Virji cK I ftruli;latt for re-tlcction i i.J . 'nl M,u!leJ, t;d g ,,)mt rscr) j VI' C""1 lfnib'tflh st.i... jU'til frtlii... If, on ,,e ,an, f J!jft John iii-ynoUi, a) iht !U tcui.J , ImiicJ mn tlioot . 1 1 i,v ! coiitrqurncrt, TJj. lTiir, for Iht 0..brnitor1tl cl.ir A-'lj! i.ke irmtul rnrcnf, (, ujhal t'f i" ' eeP' julcl.;p, re. ., U, .wt ,r, i,1(.a. ik the put of S fcfc.f, tlttl br iLt ptf,l. jcirly J..tMib ! UV t,ffrfrrei,,k ,(,;, nnriln. . . . - . , . . .... , .. r.V,. P.,. .1.1 U T.I. " nl ""C IBM u UU be tt,,ihf r...ri(W i , .......... ' hii i if wowa Co injur.ie to tbe proteman, wr xhry to itop ktre. Tier rr iw o '. a'.l bn, ami not lot .t the btr of liorr, lio m er (tece 4 to tlirtf retieei H"J!i Drcgfii ltelv mur l r(' in Mrl j,,,fir uleoU nJ mr4l tiaIncaiion do not Tit m p'r Wonr tp tint rarniib cf fi nd went into oprmwn on the ?iib ult. TV r ' P' nb I nited Sutei itoiei. kr jtr'or Iim. nt been rrttid. TN Smljfe eft tn f Itct, tt f.'hpmw, I hiuch t tuHf'anlwl intaiiner m tu be b! tu itw'. fl) ft'J or norm. fivcii Nt bjf, gril ?5 vrir, iMli;trof 'he Icrulutiitn. bo hull rscapej unharmed, an.idtt ', Aovtri of bullcta, throiib that arduoui stn-j-fleaa killed la fertjihiDaua eouniy, on ttc ' JU ult uy a kick from hi on hon. I i... " j r.L "" Between lho The j.. .... . ...r .iki mote ntnu utt aholiiion In th. u : V. v" nmner, enon Jeh.lt! upon thee apprJuZ. TkJ 1 0r." t fou .' public deb,. 4j or 2f.e r ,br 1 7 " .. Army. ,h. It . .. j. ti . ' -r""K' !. are nra4aii .. I t. i . i rontrrMi. Mr. aar VeTid MnVf I ' Cfid ,,,,C " b' " ' IIS Ctiirilftlri ! In. a. 1 1 " Ib 1l WW iU ' I .Vfllcr. ( JC VaVit- M nu hm rrfici-- rVr. I'hurch. L I ha lnn ,J .!.:- ' " ff r '" vey" vNVUktfiboro' .Icadcmy. 'I! it W rr MeM.KI of tl... i.i 3fl.a.Hl in thecuunir .i ( . . M " per ,,n uf 6,. Womhl , . r- t.:;.;:"hl"" ""u ,n 'ie .ue . I : . . . .. ." '! UUUl num cfjollar,. for the boa, .iT. I T . ! . , , ?' ibe L!rP'' ...... - I 4 ' . fv " be V, IMV uinar a ..if . and afford M baf, .""T TMH,,4,H in a he ih. J. Cor t three huii. i- ..t V . . "' ,w " mrntj orb, reducing ,he enoun, 0f du. 0unl, E,. J 1 ' lesooe half. ,e two ,nim,l it h " 'JH t"- inaoafiahat ih. j... .. I .me:.t to Ii profci,mn , tiile the other Iw. ii 'lc,i n ' Hlif life- Henry Peeler to Miu .Sopt - h any ,LIrf but in orn.nt. P" 'Cf PP-'He.ot 'r, P Jat I Thoa. U. Uarner, S.ml A. U.rklcy, John B. Tod I, Hei.jninin I'o.'on, J.ilm H- nl, Jr. AcUiti Koirman. Ean till.., Authur Morrow, H'i'llim Allen, Ocorre M x k, Ilcnry 4lbntlit, ophta freHer, .i: ofthia llak . . a. I If) Uitta Uairau 1 .. . ' rii wnoe votei, are earned in . i , UJ' pre.identt.1 elec-ion Mr. CAliSOS BhSpr i""."? eW'JU,,' ,rt in,t' bv Met- .. , . ' ucnaiTC . J llie laillr, Ii i t u- ni h Ur U'.l , ...... -t w. payiiiR in. tiUbllC lirOl " ' MUahrll, ., , ou aixjitnine the du'ir I Mr. H t.. 11 ( pr:ei bay. U.n ateady'. td " fcih 'n,t; ' tU' uf 'hn K V"l ttedeaiaud Koodi (he eiport during the muni h jf"' of Ihil atate, a LmtcJ Mtea Attorney t MtrcH, am tinted to 13, ifij bales. Ii tltur, tM trtotoctioita n eece ratijf rimiie J , htit wrVm, J54 87. North Ctrolina Rank BilhL 2 '-tkfteti, 3 ti IHWKI WTwJii, Oto , t1 Mill, I .'..I... Lo.ke,, j, B.;r;;.' :::r;r ,nf flu-," eu.n- .. 1 1 ew. Mille,; NicboleXpT; j " " "f umf v' "pencf, urg 4 Vf;, , Aiaon the eppointn..-,... coofirmed by the r'r"m,,le mtLttw uhtr J.JMN Adh?h" frJ "!i"'; ,Hh tie rriiiibUi r ,."..:: . 5... its ysiisis ssff K I U A ft- Mr. - . r.M w tl. Pnrfl- t. .... . It AletantkrW.II.'u . Hrumhy V ffcf,fj -f 7 ".WN 4 u,e,i "f o. mtT ri .r-f ?..XoS x:Zv:yr ter.'r-r .... VBra ur(C , ihdp ' Ji:. YT . ",",e"" eitnen. Barclay Mart Bryauu F Kobert J Byari Haahimnon I. . 11 ... . ufa.i nailer Crew Jamre Carrijrtn Jimeo Caldwell P. tb.f Caldwell Hinkne t'lery Jobs UuraJJ ThiHiiii HuiiCan Alex. fci Hcl.!l R U.I, , PPlil Cilbmtb Cholaoi, itm I'weket John Wntt MarK,ret "'ee 8 ephen Qellion (tilliai Rev, It rd lr(iret " id Itufua iee Di. I The a.Tj lurnment the New-York LtgUia. lire' W Wo iied," By rtao!jUou tJ UtU TPhUuJtiphin W. An!ritene e7cite. Kcna tu u4e cxmed.in.ruadctpLia. ftUtmn te the Duel between Midthipman Hun. laMitejailkrJ.tixcwUliajJt (ink of the lat'er. Keaolutioi.s bavebcen id hy both brancbei of tbe Leg.slnture of Pewtirlrania, piirwtiig the conduct of the frswjrnt uf the U.. Hile.vnd Pecrrtarv th. W.tertrilttfljTromtbe' rolr of theKarr-thoir taan concerned in the Duel lis lit. .LM .JbeekcioWir,.e. ..rt.,lT hnrd wed ,hi tbx mituaj, defence of Wef- " 1' --5Urf. y .tie M.er, mr.tn.fir--lM Jviudtt whole clrr Via! "fg-. Si iwI'.k nmt J f ,Le' WuM to take wter Mentha; wJC - J 1 ft.rr.ArvlYiiaure, , 1 1 ifcA, on the o iettwn. f-oonoi or union, 1. nther lor Irnclnv 1 . . . Ihtjf .upon tbOfflrii.he for huhce ucatn oj Aoram ffrundon.-- since we mong the itaie ; and for tbe lore- of mrtiinefrTnrtfrjm Coroner!' barton', Spe.ch was very TUB CENSUS. . Oaeuf Crt page will be luund the act of Con r for taking tbe Fiftb Censua uf the people K I'mled States, Tbe IUIciifl. Star, ul the inst. contaijia a L.t of the Aui.t.nt Ut.tealiaiil ,fwukdby (ia, Beacrly Daniel, tbe Mrhl tbiiSiite, for taking- the enumeration in the tral count'wa. From this list, we he e- e Mow, those in the Western and Middle wof the State: Mr mioiij, James Calloway. Adam Lockhart, Jamea Marsha!, . " mrt - - 1 J'.. J w ill, my f mmm uaaiel. m. r Mantn. Ci. ju, Mplionjo Aletanderr Cimmiana, Duncan Uuie. 4m, Ambrose K. Kamsay. James Wiseman. Woodwn Daniel, James Deaslr. "HK Wm. T. Shields. w4 Kinian Edmonaton. James L. Hill. i tW. Betrerly J, ITiompson, and Peregrine ,MaJcom M'NeilL fw, Thomas Love. ttmetg, James- Allen, William II. LiJky. 5"", Wereditb Adams. Joseph Alluon. "JaLua-ia-Daniai, 1 ! (Aint James L. Vaughn. Gilbert Sfllers. r 'Aa.,.Mark Uardinff. . . . Giles Pearson. ' " Mer.rrf, J0hn Baoers, Walter Daniel, John Thom'is flwieocki'tV!-Jrtn R; sau, r-.-t . ::ohnniii.. ';'r , ' B8nel F. Pattewn, '-.tiiehsel CoCiiA"" ". Wm. Cowan. . wi,Tbeist T.ue& ' ' 'Vi.eorijpV.C.ary. ', ubvki umierwoud. - - excellent one, and toe him great credit .!.nUrwu ,ca to iciutA-iaxiu. fwat- id the qoestion -of -BoIfs'unY ooneciaMre" duiita is eonstan'.ly gaining friends, and nasooiy to De luiiy and properly di&pla ed to the people, to become the xatlnnsr point, and aitisl of sictorjr, to tbe friends 01 economy and o( limited government 1 may add, to the friends of the rurmonv of the Utiion ; for in the tuccess of tnt meanure it cotrtsined the qxiietut of the 1 anil que&tion, which is now tbe creat est dUiurbcr ol Iht harmonr of the union n, iktc seen iur. ttLiot, tne coroner who held the innuet over the body: from nNom-weierti that our ttitement ol the tircuioktantes :teodinj the mel ahcholy caauaity, was lubttanli.ily cor reel. As we (ben slated, she old man and his bortc (tbe latter beiog blind) fell into a deep gully by the side of tbe road, alter tught, .bout three miles beyond Mocks vine ; by which, the neck ol the former- was union unaiely broken; tbe borse es caped apparently uninjured. Ji was late in the forenoon ol the next day before the corpse was discovered j wnen the f!rnr,e hi . ... M... l in-E FROM EUROPE. "'" Rtf ,h, .hin H-l- M..V..i. r .1 ih. ..iHn,. l... .l-v . . ' - -' '" 'UlW i.oin ...v ' "i..'eiEi.T, Llv.niiril.lh .1. CL j L' quiier hat received Liverpool papers to tne 35th, and London to the 3th Feb. T he political intelligence by these papers possesses but little interest. In the House ol" Commons, on the 23d tebruary, Mr R. Grant presented pen lion froTi 957 persons of the Jewish per sussion, praying for the removjl of the civil disabilities atTectina; them disabilities, it" is saidTatfect 30,000 per wnslhtfiitin ' very liberal and tolerant character, the MAillinn it. a nrAmr. A m Um nrimA ' I FOLEIGX NEWS. Lsq,- who, in tbe spun ji true luiuu.u ptiiiaiithropy, had tendeied the use of not onlj his house, but ol his servants, and otter things needful on suchan occasion, was very decently laid out, and buried in the neighborhood. 11 to i centi, corn M to 33, beef 2 tu 3i. h.,i. ter 8 to 10, flour 375 to 4 -cr barrel, wheat 40 to 65, lrih poutpet 40 to 50, iweet-du. 10 to 31. -'i uuuicajjuii cum 13 to wiiukey all tu 'Aorlrtfirnr rfS. .Cotton 9 to i5 cents, flour i a Jj, wfmity. .'6 a 27. bacon 7 tu 7$, hams 8 a i, best kind ol togging 20 to salt 40 to ou. corn so a 4J, collet 1 1 to N. Carolina Dane, bill. 1 j a 2 per cent, discount ( Georgia, 4 UIUU' Chern, ,ifnl 7 ....Cotton 81 to 9. bi ging 18 tti ii, cuflee 1 tu 10, auar tu II, aalt 73, corn 4J to S, flour (Irum ttajroot) 4.3u m. at 1J. u: ... . at a-(. i . . a oaiiimore u.jo, pcacn oraiidy U to Mt, ap. pie do. 31) to 35, whiikey 23 to 30. nulaMr. L io natseed iO to W, oat JO, bacon 7 to 10, iara a to iw, macserel 0 to T.iU. BaUimre, A tint 9 Flour .(!. rtiltnn 8 to 9j, wiukey 2.'i to 23, bacon II to 9. i.gncMitrg, tirf. .ipnl H. Tobacco 3 to 5 l-iour 3.3 io wheut 83 tu 65. hUk 25 l o ' Ctlumhia, 8 C. .ipnl 8, A Washington correspondent of the We " our paper more than three months are " barkd" to publish what ap. regard to the appointment 'oTCmmodoFeopTirr' as Consul ueneral at Algiers : A more popular appointment than that of the gallant Porter could not have suit. The Commodore arrived here , on Saturday, and in the course of Monday, visited both Houses of Congress. He looks as well as ever, with the exception of -darker bo front, the burping sun ol Mexico; and it was really a pr.ie.fnl .... . - . o - - - -. stepping eagerly forward to shake bands Jur ntiotiitlons of cotton -this week, are newly 'honrtTial.' ery tiiffe Is coming in, and the 'stock on haml unusually small prolably less than 1000 bales. Camden Jour, f fie, precedirg column,' fur what we Hesse lias iued a I to pubhsh m the teeth of Tom jre to b3 disgraced; atid imprUoned ten , I years Efloi ts are making in Europe to dis countenance duelling. The elector of aw by which duellists Vo longer to be u nut off." llfreKi.ri-.? 1'iirrenre. and I nmr I The following ie mi oSicul narazraph ff spccjinjiae future tlovtrhorofCreece; we hnd in tbe Liverpool Couriers! Feb taary 24t!ir As much contrariety of onioion as to tbe ftiture destiny of Greece continues to pre.wo hink it proper to slate,, at a tact wiibin our own knowledge, that the Auangtmeau e that iotrject are -utefiofr- tively conipJeted and -ratified.- Tire str ptenxt, . .pawejw i M bw-TtHtd' Hrnhe bands of Jrrtflt t'pgonfVIIr) Jhtii, we oeueve, ot sovereign rnnce., The Americarr 'Minister had kme confeience on 23d Feb.1 with Mr. Hemes', the President of 1 he Board of Trade, at bis office in Wiutehall. Mr. Hemes af terwards visited the Duke of Wellington STILL LATER. ...By :he shipOIin hestrr and Salem, from Liverpool ; and the Formosa, from Havre fhe) Edi'ors of tbe New-York Courier and Enquirer have received Liverpool papers to 5:h, XTorre7iceT& Co, sre placed in lh hand. Lt U Lr Torrcnce, itrf etillrcrion , end I would aovise tnose mterciled, to call on him btfirt ten ' o;or may ;ourt. A, J OKKKNCE. 17th, 18J0. 1 ...nntlnn r 1ft. a r . , . . .. . nuur 3 o oj, wuiitey J to 7j, bacon to 10, wheat 87A .o 100, corn 60 to 6ii, salt 70 to 7a. Camden. Jlfiril ig.....Cotton 84 to 9. flour & a to 5 j out of the wagons, that from Camden milh 6 to 7i wheat 85 a 93. corn 55 to 56. oat. :Ji aalt 75, whiskey 30 to 35, bacon 8 to 12. LIST OF LETTRifs on, N. C. on lb. lai day of AoriL 18J0 f-'nytTTironliT " U,l,f Hiratn MclbJI Joha Itutt1lehi weirt Jo.eph iladger tfrira 3 Burns Nicholas tiuali iuhu ' Craty Thomas - Dy.0.i William B. Daniel Ltmard Dursey Kndimmond Guier fhilip tioble John Hall Jetaj Hsmiltun William liarrta Edmund Ifioda Juna han Johnsot Demote Kelly James 31 17 fh'm Wllli.m fiX" 1'owcll Jesse Prndley William Pricherd Mary Perkins Levi Hider Ueorge Stepp iohB Thompson Abil... Tipp Jacob Winters John Webb Thomas. C PEARSON, . . fttraj .Marc. SI RAVED away from the sub acriber, brinr Bear 8otith t.j. !S!?r ridgfiJUuaa eauMytaw-ice- ua7 nipnt. mn Marco, a so ml MARK, f at 8 yean old. 141 l.a..l. I,l,.h . ..n Mreak of white in her lace, tolerably" thin lis Heal,, and nearly blind t It la nroh.KI- .h. . have followed some wagon off. Jny persoa who will return her. or . i,,f,.,i 1 K slie may be had, either to the subscriber or to the Editot of tbe Western Caroli ni.n .( II I... satiified fur their trouble. April 6th, 1830. FREDERICK FORD. 3tl7 -"itcmovtil: r THOMAS DICKSON, Tailor. RESPEC'tTULti" inform haacustomers. and the public irenerally, that he has removed hta isiiOP, to the buildine lormerlv oceuuied h WIe IV. Hampton, a a Tailor'a bhop , on Main treet. the weit aide, a few dnora from Ih. Wia-prepared to erUMtl fleartipfiotis'oT w.v.utv.i TJii'ijOimrttf""'' ' " "" " after the neatest fashiont, tmr on the shortest trtjTCr?t"aTttt is prrtwred' tome-ll-kMlfcH, Ciotmnjf Tti the flmt rate style, haying in bis wwptoy six m seven first rate -workmen, hteh enables bun to lo work on the shorten notice. - Alt kinds "of Vutllne Out of Garments will be done on very'moderate terms. All orders from a distance for work, will be mo't fuithfully eiecuted, accordinif to directions, and within the sUortest possible time. ' , P. S He has just received the lateffl fiuhiam from Philadelphia and N w. York t which will enable him to rniks fine Cons, &s, after the most approved style. j aawy, .f,ri ISth, 1835. llanafayy the bt of the 25th nit. f V New fltliom beluKlnff fjkfi the estate of the late m .j rf . ..r';.':-lv named Gilfrtt &i,Tl e,K''Tiie1SinIIrriy year frr 1 ,,out bull,' quite black. " i . about five feet, ten inches birth. Said alam la a f. ... .- trade, can read and write a litil. an ........... tob. religion. He it a plausible teoundr-Unel W.JiWJPy! lutvettrgpadaMMaw.. Wboawetwia 7""" or lodge turn in any tail ttf .VliiJ.MR Rt.iivajijst?a fte'rtijbiii warded,- It is verv hCnh.M. ih.t i.. l. ' -v . . ..r -ww-uvm.y vm-- - . 'tTOavwiMii, FpO the Jiil of Purke ectinty, N. C. on the 5ti .auat a ne boy, who will himself about 35 year, old, saya be belong to Wm. Boylan, of Raleigh, ln this State; he saya be b a carpenter bv trade, and was on his way u Alabama, to aee his wife, Who was taken from "'" bout sit or seven weeks ainee, by her n.tr, Capt, Tlios. Turner. The owner is re. quested to com forward, prove property, nay cfwriffs, and take him away. rl JOHN McGUIRF, !-. Jfrganm, JV. C 10(A Jfiit, 1S30. ' Stl7 ' 1 v .1