"If i. Wtlllf brl ) y'lf f i"y Jfl letniMf aahsbury, .f h 1 I'" ciltona (if m place art (5eif! wf Ltdv lul tUkt cLage of it.f fcermna . it mil. I !, nrefrrt'ile. if Gentle- ch t ot VUW Wi 1 Frmtlr Hcbuot. 1 be F emale k-... J .....I.... i il... tun?. 4U bUI'tti i nJ I - . u.'a School BfitouUht mimhf,e.wl.lda.i.; 1-m t.a f.1.1 oi.lVutM, were camp tWuU'ff to uodVrttke i. '..... U U tan t?r?5 rii'ml.l b competent Jo give lnnirin in n ... ..,-,- r . ..(,, (and fIie Miictiioni r-tt, f rfrat trr HrtnlenM UwW lf and 1M 7,111, '!ftevisjr) ttwrw "T T" ... vf l tn rjwi ... s-iac- lion, preparatory tt r meriiig Ci-Hrge. . sud m.t durable, pert of Nnb CroliMi 'h salubrious tUmt,d e eurmatsdsur. ,,mW cnmtry , provision, are abundant and ri.cp, enaohng a Umily 10 live m cheap njr is tcte in the state. ... i. All( Wion for further infrrms'im.tr, bemtde, it f.m.ff. or othe 'wit, "' 'r,,nJ ;i r The National Intelligencer, Richmond Emmirrr ml Whig. i!lj.lce f ,'0,c three weekly insertions, and forasfd tl.cir eoun't to IT. I cnaii", - Irty pai I 12 SumAa' tocou Wm.Vs. ppu.u ri1ll Kundiy fchooltcan br ri X H (ne P II Ihe pu'jtlci'MW" of Hie mrM:rt . d.r School Urtim. by pi.l..:n o nt "in The bxjk tll 0c rfC'iUr Pl.ill-lf" p". "' :i crricf , . . .. i- V M Tiling Oi Pny N. t". wljjinirj; Burke (, ulh. n.l b Ten CLAYLANH TOUUKNCI. UMMIJHLWD n! A. TRHF.CF, htic 'nt4 s cppt'trerliip I h M'Cntili! Bailie, tlfi'trf '.. firm, htg lrt repef.tful!y lo llim ih lnhitmmi tinr rouMrt. Hi fHMHH, ' " Irt Ifo Town e S.Utitmrfc for trur. l-itWVW prwpeny to pln.rn,!y kiunei. .1. Die jfrreti!y prt f .l ..i.l.flAiib murii ram lifu'beft. Thi lixrtw 4t JRJf wsr. Mi! C' F'"," TtU f itf jr cb b pin! by mit m Ibt IU. on itn dmu lerrni of rwimtdiiMWi. - l tym m'mluHt la purtkud, bA apf'" 10 A e' motif . f o Pikl P. CiMwrH, RJ.' (wl rl Uiotm4 to k title.) ih1 tlx c" known. - ' , H. C NM. -mrtn-tfio-- " 11 iriil viewihor nrlmen. coons. - rnnnlri l.iirertiTee.ei4from eiitn .i.tiry rwt Uai rwmlyi nwl it in ,.,, ... i r. I.irn h.t iiiM-rr thn lor m I,. 4-lti4j.; hone, inn lr "P .' It ..iJ, , I .n.l rl.nii ut ilimt'lt of GW. to Bir. I eontlnium: of he ritcr' etiMenreofrenligh'enlc)mmmiiy. lie ir now iKfrtin, tnet irom n ie'P' Fal' mil Winter GOODS, til .J.i.leJ t. thl- m.'k". "J pnfc.'l er. Hiriv rf .'.. hi.'h II emb!' h"n v. ik,f tor V-ll. nr on liiM to rrpM...n,. eiici.-n..r.. Wnr U. Hock, i'l bw fu' coin'le'e r torinitiil of DRY GOODS, I lard-Wart; Grocrrin, ( 'iitlm, Domrttiex, b'c. TIhim Im o pi'cti foJ nl thrip i.K. plee call, eumine, wJ jn.lge f tbrmtclytt. . .. ,. D.IXIKL . (;... j 1ft- JL Id !' llmlliii(r i 'lie 1 Hire r"- Murt nttm N '",,"' J 1 ' ' 'urmertjr oce.ip.ed bf We, k -TM TV tttN, Ua spcoeil x" FUtrimimnl, pfeprf'i ft lh feceplloW Aotelert ifcl Trewr. Mil Tible ihiH U frh4 tb ! MMniry ll.mJ i bit (irmnarie ir filled, tml hil Hitblrl art lenJciJ iib aHentivfl in! honett llntleff t fut. by fcu uiirttlttei Jtttntlon, to.bil feniinrii hopri '.a reeeiv b'ikl than ef Punic p.rmiKe. J. i'tTm.U- i-'A'i-f'w 4-J..I3 JiL-3 ml i.-.... .. lamiUnn & Vtttmrr, lIAIXij-ine(?.cnpvi-J. hl Cie. .Wttieri, Mtr. ' Miclael Albrljfbt . .. 4 . .41 4 1 EM MMV'.in il.f & J'-I'U'7. A the cuunty, e cmn'r m nneee line rn the e. ami norlh. Tlu Un,l it uneyeJ , ( im. nc of from 8J) to 1 WO kth each. ul the qu!ity cf each tritl it ent.ried to bv tburcye, l U'lc P)i f h- n ma bo aeeo on application to Mrht'e in S.r,J)irr'y,"Mf.' tTCr nen.TfiTi T T.inr.hln Inn, Mr. Tho. J. I'ornry of Burke fount), or t ,,t.cribf r in Ailieville, liimvin.be cunty. A Urge m.rfioii of HiUHait I U nf the State. urc Um beta dool m liflVrt pru ol tbe ui-cey j uJ golJ b beeu f.Mjnd ailiftnt to il : the cli.nate i the mini healthy and drlighlfu) in the .'hi , ami at im veiy liUnt day, thi' mountain r.-fion ol North farolma mutt become the tavonle part or Ihe ettte tbe land it well timbered, tud finely wa U.eJ.' The tracti marked l q"'ir or ..d 7$ cent- pr ir.re; id quality, t 50 cnli ; aiwl "d nuaiity. 'i cenli ptr a re. The payment may he ma.lc in four veafty .ntal L.n. ..il. .nlerett nntil paiJ, and ll "ubjen- l.U cive bond to Bl yjuuci vi ic an r a !Twmfji ftiTftr wirr hit IJIVffl to ' fmrxhiieiaj: Ap(Jiaitluii fur furlher infofina. lioii. aiul fur pnrr.hain( any part of thee UuuU, carrSCTTatlC'Tn-MrrVrte-r -Malitbary; Mr. f, C. Ilendrrwn in l.'mrolntoo, Mr. Thoi. J. For ucj U-Emkc cuuul) u 'uUluLwluulliti. DecmSrr 14, 1829. 1'CJtf N. B. The mhtcriber tlao abo.it 9-0k arret of land in Buncombe and Him no. tiro. Man) ol thett- land ron..ajt.lMCteuif. TfvoT amait fnitwrila m the l-nmrr, time the tubaenber will he prepared to ietur tome of these tracli to eompanieiwho mipht be liitpottil to work the luab.- mine 4 iron, lead, nlver, ana fcoM, which they contain, tie N. P. The mtniifu-inriog of Slili ami Tin n.lr W.ri'. herelof.nr eondurte-t by KJwml C,,. ul hereafter he curd on by the ub--ri!..r wt... w.llktrp Contlantly on hand, cr maimfarl'irc to o'der, fllills, awl Tin Unit' Ware, mad,- ,l Ihe b t itirriU 1 l',r m,, rlb ...4. -I ii ft f.;n.ii!;lr Vvh ''f worklian-h.pi a4 ttupra, k- U id alle-luu, to iL'i. !iT4 ;.rji pf l.iitiiir-. to merit the palronuije oi inr p.iv. II. CHESS. pum the biiM trt, in all a- Ahralian ? riout brioche t, u tbe town t f'iKira.1 Ken bc rcr of Patiaburv. rbe occi. , f liat Brter tbe .Vr I'i'lt. tnih b Jm t B. lUrnpton, i Khr r.ralhtw adjoining bt dweilinjf on Maint tirect, 6 or 7 4nort aouib of ihe tlwirt llmitn. They ill carclally.Kepaii til hmh'ut Wtttb. ea. Clock I, ami rimr.l'irc , and arant them t perform well, And ar prrpared m miMie t.ire, aHj will keep on hml for wle, all icai.fip. li'Kiti Silrri .Vare, nrh ai tnMi,, l.a.llra, S.nrar Tonpi, lie. itk trnt from a ilituncr ill b prorrtfilly f leru'ed, and aafrly returned actorduif to dircctiont. A gowl atfir'went of JF.WF.LRT ill ne kept conttantly ?ri band, ttul iU low foe ciK. JAMKS B. IUHPTH.N, JOHN C. PAI.MF.K. .faii.iurv, Jftl J, IH&K ll Jtmet U. liamplon lemlert kit fratrful ar knowledrnwitt to the public for the hlmral patronage billerto tff't-nded to himae'f individ ual)) i and reicctfill kt a contniuai.ee of to tfte firm otwhfth ht bt pailwef. N. It. JXboae iaJi b'tl to Inm, are carnettlr detir, d tu :.uhUU t.lraccMUiia at aaon u pouiuie I a hit new rrraigcmeut me it neiry ol I tcore thmild je teited up. FW1HB mbteriber having .JL purchased the ') I..I......IU. 11,1. Hill. 'J . k 1441. U4 in 44.'..- jlj u rJ on the (mkA and C.r Mu ber e.I in thit atate. The nUclou.au 1 Jf k - j jJ3 Butinrnin a! i' va. "" rioiu branchea. liaviuj: l-rociirrd tlierx-it kind of mate"!, and h. inir fjoo workmen In hit employ, he will make to rrrdr-, a. well . keep o. hand, all detcrip. tio.it of Coarhea, tiinv Ca'nea, So.'c., B-rwnSca. i:arrv.AI P"Ce tli'll be .ii4wmu .ujnuinu. mi. ua i4ir imn s r)ij41 .attended 10. Iletiiiri ol done on rtwft TloUcc, ami tasonable lermi- PAMt'.L BL'fTOX TmJ(f, A'. C.-Aee-.i-tfr. - of all aind-, will beluneti: a eoo4 woekaum wii COLVIASZA, S. OAtlOLZNA. ioJ conn- j ' ( ) A M.Uwi rtllltj po lit a shnrrl !r.3 wr ere and romrmdinrrr It Of SIT former!) known by t'.ie name of CLIRfCS HOTEL, On the Rrrt day of JinnaTy neit. Ira rrntral am w-ntnrn'ifif at, PU.. II already Waaed out tome f th trartxanrl 7 , ' ' i . T' , ' , " . - i n , ., . , render it a UtairabU. a t.mtirm fnr tientte me n Tiaa nil IBir .nttn FT 41.1: MIC 4JI UII14T4S. .TIIV 4. - -. . i i ....... iii.. ii i . who my nnt Columbia o buiHiieM or pea 1 . .. . , . ture, at any other n the i.-arfO'irf .Hies mine iu jiurLiinscra. j . aromn, fill IK 8oVK;ribrr rerfpectrnlly M. informt hit friendt and the Windsor Chair H Ik'fl -Stead .M.1KI.YU. fllUt luhcriber try retneetfuilv informa the JL plihlis that he has and will continue to keep on bant, a larre tnpply of biarh, balf-liu;h. aod luw . nlcimtontte in thit countrv. Alao, be intend, to keep on Und, a full tupply of etrgant well iui.de WtwLor Chairs, Settees, tfc. warranted V he of good timber n 1 w tti rn.de. ' he tub'K.ber will .hortlv have SIDEBOARDS if 1WRW1US. Ordenfrom a diftance will me t w:th punc tual iltoilion i and all kind "f ttrptun, in hit le, ,.) inet with iu tujiuc. Hi. 'ermtwillbe accommoUtin(. f'n-atry produce will be liken in part py for work. The .ubtcriber r-turm lutackin.w'rjjr mrntt fnr the liberal r:courai4; i-ment he lia heretofore received, and hopei to rnTit i cmtumance of pjbhc patronage. WM. R. UUU11LS. ":1J3''.:-. : It m-al, bilk tlaiil empk)vatVI liberal waijet. Bout ftttA oa .Mkng; b V Jm - ' J'isT if ciuvedXTritli and lifiJJextrniive as-orlment of nil le. aeriptiontnt Northern I.F.Tltr.R William Hrakeit Harali Hut'cr ITiram IP.at npl.t William iluford I rob Hiker Ttmm .a Bmuin Tliiimat B.iit.r Peggy Brown laitir. Illue I Uriel Hat-tt Un.oeih B ady Hintn V. C wn aWvall fllifTin fb-rk M.i,.r Court 1 lUntnm .Cook LeT Camphell or Juliri l ai.up tViltia n f" n.ni 1 '''homat C.haffin (.'unmet Cauilw J diin F.luiidefT, ltiiii C:dmSfl WiMum Cowan, ten. Jamet Couch David Croat tieorge CroJI Jacob Coon rtliur lavit P.phraim Dtknlaon . Jainn Dunn Kev. Jim Dicktou .HMMXItlM - ' David lioland David F.aton tViltiam Eaton . I beudrick Kdardi ndervin Kill Philip Rddlrman William Suhry Thoma Ko.ter ec'y. Fiiiioo l-ode John Gin!'H-r Albert H. l.anirtt loti ri r:- .t jhn 1. lirihum Jan. t4tn-u Jllllll li.Tlhlf t:i,u tor t.'iham Johu C. HauViM Jaur llauitli4Mt A. IUU I.rruv Uigk'uwer lt'ireW llotferj 'S Jrrw'ph Hall Tbo' Hall " ' ' " John Hat 3 ZP Tik" ? "1" I)ai.,el Hi ; tnd .Muunatt, of the bett quality : and bavi, e Mir; ThST be Wopened" lualtlif uirtt'i'T(ijTro'rr,' TO to"TJ Tou'We) iheh7Viiiie nr wnom are eqtiai ir nut mnenor to any work- SaAe of ant for Taxes. IICTILL be aohL for rath, at the court-home w T in Salitbury, on Holnl.iv of Rowan coun-! ty court, May teaaiont, JH.)0, (heinp 17ih dav of ! to arrange Parloun and Private Apartment! for May next,) the following trarta of Lainl, or so j I.adiei and Fm'iiiea. SAMl'F.I. F.WAKT. ture, at any omer in me puce, i none who may feel dirntcd to pttronize thi. Etahliab ment, may depend that no efforta shall be wanting to itmlrr their titiution utitt'actory and comiortable The matertalt are now in a iatc of readiness much thereof at will tatiafv tbe taxetdur there on for the year 18'8, and all coit aceruing..uu It at previously paid. 1R2 acres, given in by Andrew Ramsay j .",6 do - do do by Philip Sower. , 70 do do by Darid Waugh, 1 ;i - oV7 dv" " b Joteph (iiboHi.... '17U"cIo dti by Catharine Leearr; 200 acrea tbe property of Vincent Reed, hot given in, lying In the Forks of the Yadkin, adjoining William S'.eelman and other i TOO acrea, belonging to the Eitale of Jno. F. F Infer, returned by nid I'hifer ; 235 acres given in by Widow Todd, of James, adjoining Richard Lock and other. ZOO acrea, given in by John G. Chaflin, lying in the Forkt, adjoining Widow Pelly and othera i i arret, hy liwluia Deerer, artirtn7fTTt sjnainn anu oiuertj UiZ fed-acJtiJy-Cnlemai. Jwkm;rhinFJio7 ., CBrifn and other 4 . ' 200 acre, by Philip Swathlanderj adjoining Thomas H. Garner and others. F. SLATER, Sh'f. ,fniT PS.!1, 1B30. tHir Slate Xirlh Carolina, treJell ctunty .- COURT of Tleas and quarter sesViona, Febru ary term, 1830. Joel McNeely and James v p, Knox, vt. the liei'i at law of James Stewart, dec'Ui fetition tor partition of landa. In this caae.it, M ordered by .lbexourt that miblicaiinn LJbe..mde for tiv weck in Ihe.HeiUrn-CarB. .... Pr!niea,iii caimotirj, inn I uliy, Stewart and James Stewart appear at the next cqurt court-houae in Sfatetville, on the 5th Monday,. lusw iisp iis. iiiunuas 01 i'Tarcn next, and an, ,...erf wilLbe. hejanl.expajriej.aridi haye :juJgtMutr at to them, jro confes?o. Teste: 6tl A. K. 6IM0XT0N, Cri-. Jlarch, 19J0. 3mt2-J FB11IF. tubacriber. intendinir to JL JL . move from thit pait of the laAMate, offera for tale the above T JeStabiiahmeiit. will) or wiih,,,,, ,k. lurmture: there ib attacheit tn this. A n. 7.ID ae a of Lantl, a part of which it in excellent arming order, prime Meadowa, Orchard, ttc .Negroes would be received in payment 1 and the condition, betides, will be liberal. If the above establishment Is not anU , 11.. first of My next, it may be rented for one or more years. From the incrvminir custom for lb Lit it. yeara, during the tinnmrr months, the place, if (table as any establishment of a similar kind in fc-rac. tJHAJtLKS JUGNOr, Jientietford, Lmctht ermnry, Ore. 7, 1829- Y'we DoUarA llewatd. STRAYED rf S Journeymen Cabinet Makers. WNTFI, one cr two journeymen Cabinet Makers, lo whom good wages arid con stant employment will be given. HORATIO WOOnsON. aWMr, Feb. 26l, 1S3tf. .08 I71R0M the subscriber, on the . 34th ult. a bay MARE. 6 or 7 years old, good siae, slim built blind in one ere. little hin.hn. both hind legs white, and a thin short mane, Any person takine- her up, and deliverino- h to the subscriber, 7 tnilea below Salisbury. n. the Bkwii'rFefTjr rraut of gfiff1nforWttori whefh maT be bad, aha!! WSCeive tfi'i" abave rewarded for theirtratible. . - - 'Jlprit 3i, mo. - 3tll 1 1? nim:2?mwi!mtm 4LL persona Indebted to the Eatate of Jp'ni'' "F.'TOfcfri&'a&d. iui i.ii.-cu me ic ui h:u ueoeasca, or other, wise, are called upon to make payment by April court, or they may expect to find their notea and account in the haiuls ol an officef for col lection, and all persons bavint claims anin said estate, will present them indue form,, or they will be barred recovery by the statute. KUBtK r .vlih t.ZI l.t AJiinintratir. Cnfamu eo'y. JKzrch 15, 1830. Si 15 .men in the Lnited Siateaj he therefore feels warranted in anterting, that he 11 able lo exe cute every demsfiption of work in his tine of business, equal, aa4o style, neat near, and dura bility, to any thing of the kind in the Union. Having engaged Mr. I.HI.NF.ZI-.H DICKSON as Foreman, that gentleman will, at all timet, be found in attendance at my bhop, (which it on Main street, three doort aouth of the Court House, and adjoiuinir the Post-()fice) to re ceive orders, deliver work, give receipts for moneys paid, and generally to accommodate ill who may patronise the Kutablishment. From my extensive arrangi-menta in butiness, I am enabled to give long indulgences to re sponsible dealers. " Grateful for the liberal patronage hitherto re ceived, I aliall use every endeavor lo merit a continuance of tbe public t'avo-. ' Order for Boots or Shoes, sent from a dis tance, shall be promptly executed, tnd : the prk sent as per order,"" Salisbury, .Ipnl 2d, 1810 13 To Journeymen Shoemakers. Wanted, two first rale workmen, at Ladies' Shoes and Pumps ; to whom good wages, and constant employment, will be given, on applica tion a above. T. Ml LI, Ja. A'trlh-Cartlma, Iredell cawuy . if MOURSUANr t0 n rder of ,he cmlrt of MT Equity, made at Tnr r rr wtttrgr Clerk and Master tor the countv of Iredell, se on the 5th MomTayfterrrhrnrfiV(taynn" Alarcb seat, at ihe Court ! louse in Matesville, the LOTS in said viUaee. known by the name of the Irwin lots, on a credit, to be made known on tbe day of sale. This sale bavins- been nost. poned from the Monday aiwl Tuesday of PcVyr sessions last, will, without fail, be made on the said Monday of tbe Superior Court, held for the i county of Iredell. 7tl5' Witness, JOHN MUSHAT, CM. E. J njos. I! rime J ihn H')iirtitef nuC. Jonef r.. W Jobnston I'urmile Jonct Kami. Jetef Host jiitt.ee I'mpl.rey Jones Jamet F Kerr 3 Jeob Kuril . lliiy (:artwri(fb l,ro. Ixwkr of Ire dell t U F. Leopard imuiaii l4-.'p4rd Jt'ijU Lmk r C. Ike" H"bert lOVd Alea Ir. In ke ? Alndr. Murcbiton Jain s slt'liwin James Viumford Jamea Mrgi.optey Jtmet .Ickcnzie hand. Miller Jeob Mare.h Ctty NV N. v 0en Jamrt 0e '- Henry C, we Hriuy t. farkmsn 4 Joseph Pc4ice David L PoJ Iuiaa M- Pmkston Joanna I'aik Jacob Cool William Pink-ton Henry or David Peck John V Hocbcrry . JaOiU U Ulco. , ia Huhinaoa ' tieorge Kjbinn Aim (,'. RobiPkon John Smitbrtl John II. Mwink Wm, U Simonton Wm. P. Mtorkdon John W S.-nith James Smith Sn.anra Swink W illiam Stoker Henry h'wink Henry A. SwinV Jacob 1; Smoo. Jolmo. 1'. Sliced Villiam st.mer I i.nma Turner r.liibeih Travis llaurv TratW -Tit:tf!rTij!riLS-. tnui. Win tmrm AuguU.st H iUis " XVm. n Vitton ? MichaeJ a Walk William W'altrm - ItoratjQ WoodQl, Dmirl Webb. RAMI I I, .tr;E0.2V.W. R list of i.irrrKiis "nrfrNrrtTf tn-rfliy ;!1 at Oone.ird, V.. rarbnria,"on'tlio 1st day of April; U.?0. Mits Martha Alexander t.eorge Little Wm. I)wden Wolcry liiig.:;."l tihrif.npher Mclchor Jtmet Marlebt Jamet Miscnhamor J.mes W, Morgan John S MaraleDt Ann (J Merrin 2 KiiOert S. M:.curJy Wm. F. Miller lltiljb li. McaUps Duvid Maclure JacAb Mitenhamsr ! Joicph Mahuffy tVm. MucUrty .Tno. B. Moss Archihsld MichriJa John Nine ahrrrent : Vm.,Petre Robert T. rtunket Marcut E. Reese Genrge Uichey Aull.tr Stall'ord 2 John Shore Mirhael Satrel Kliraheth Skillintrton Ctorge I). Stewart Henry Shoe II, Sussnbergh Henry Allen John'"Rnat ' Jaewb Birringrr Aei. Ann llaird C;hrine llrem ("u'tiariiii' Brown llerjaniin i'r'iwn Joiiti I. It lt J.il.ii llarniiger Alfred I a'uie 2 Joseph Crawford Wm, Collins Solomon C'ine Stephen It. Diabrow Elijah Davit James N. Davb Wm A. Dunlap Jamea Kagle Jicoh File He-ery Kner Philip File Robert Franklin Henry' S Gorman Jacob Goodman Francis Glass Win. G. Harris Jo II. Hllilt ' Wm. Houston Jarob HilemaA Jucob Hou e C. W. Wink GreenbUry Hwlbrook 1'ianklin Stafford Joshjlillixil ikiAinell : Pamuel Irin -"ludrack Sutton Mia. Uriah Jones Alex. H. Stanley " Laird KVripatr'.ck T.wi. Todd. JohnKiiows 3H6 D. STORKF.. P. M. Slate tfjferth Carolina, Dt.vidnn aunty COURT Of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, Feb'r. . .itei9fc4&l&- - Joet Dai -and r Eliaabtk Davit wiilew-Hkndelir of Tlrot?-yiij jjefd; Djuna Mxl 4fiHh- mtiet turns 1 ti. John P.mt F.quDi. JOAca.UjiiiiSiaU' iWHeh and the children and hcin at law of Kuncw B...lla. AMiwiw-rTr"" r-v . . - "r iiciu, oeo i ( reiiiion .w Ratyon lat,,,.! rendants, James Daviti knd the children tftd Mr M las of Nasci.BrhmfieliL dee'd. ara aot jonaotatua ot uuaatatei .uereorc,rdreJ; ...L.1. ,: l 1 r . . niUIVWUI UC IIIMUC ,47T IH 1TCC1S 111 IIIO VV ( tear. Carolinian, that ttnLsa thev be and armear before the Justices ol our next court of nleat and quarter amnions to be held for Davidson county, at the court-house in Lexington, on the Tn the Jail of Ro sn county, on the 3d inst. -a neVrs man, who lavs hi4 ome is Claboin. anrl' betongs to John Griflitti, of CliesteificlJ Dtatnct, S. t. i that he left hojjje about the 1st March last 1 He is of common size, 3.3 or 40 years Id, light complected, though not a mulatto 1 the owner ia required to prove rupectjr,. jy t1iare,TndTale : him awav." '" ' "i".." ' F. SLATER. .V; ni , : VARIETY, LaughUr. Then miy kTilT rotxJei ufwerpmg, BtiJ our lei' but maokiuJ have alw)ila..v.4'J' trrre We lame way. tVe denvw f. UuBhel in variety f wi tt4 1 night at th new fane, Qm dr.ppeJ ln head into tie loa.t j tit haoda, and litiped omil . en wlii. h he t4 qttiycVctl uoJetL inothrr liH"hrl idailitiU. J fcaturri liLe 4 painful eomtnur;a tfferttf the-W in hH t-.ru'st', i tomlh, titf and anon, bii j ward na lorwrd, vnj tw 'r hill in hit hand, nj , uttering like the- aqiieali of prthrs. . were D'.t aliundact diversititt in tb exnrti(.n of toroiclity, weodb refer to a ulth uluatratitro, in fa . oo of a fat roen, who got uf ', corner to laugh unobserved, evade the Uo bro4d effect cl (he n humor, which eemcd to fat "' iic it in me irout j " h m the cd fuld e box j thi tane iridiviiujj V y'tp" hi forrhesd, tbie1, ta :d iU 4'tni lo re tbrm. prrjsed hi hand on bit iJr( dnrd liia eyes, for lis ttari fell t,. tuooily, anJ fm.iU atduiit,iIJ brcth. All ine philr-sop'.y t ttafnWll 2(6t harijonlze Lx d m .'.V" la ighter it i,at i.f aoysij, pcrso'i : it would be cruet vf itmti The Xtm. The rnowioeu serve as a hint -ifj tnoy cozfeingjr i ticiaos, who are to di'adfuily iaki: hh) trdea.foL?Y theret plei the TovTog PopTe, the ciirmi:' peoole : ' II is 1 1, Tour family. Jifcs1 How ones sk m are .Airs Clod end tie n..t v said Ml. Qulntarato i ',- boor employed to meotlia; tie pu,,l,. road. 4 Pretty well, 'I hi yos,' aid Juhiv l am glad of it,' says C other i .H'hat pC v JaJ )kIL-TjT.:. I gtiess we (hall hava an tUcttiB prr ty ootj.rcpUctlj'ohD-V'fc3f t. Ueeause you are ao glad Mrs. C-. and tSe littla ones are-wtUr' aff' tha fabourer. with a shrewd lock t!'. L'.;4t UitSw jrtr kt M Je?ri ' Vr CtHjtfsal Affection--k hts tj lj5a.paptf .juteth arold fans: recentiy died at Ohughi" in tt.t err, j f-Fmnagh f-KMi-tifTa at f iirorotfhir w ifeppnT wwiljurryrin j i;i age, waa so overpowered ia i; trnt she auddeniy expired. day The 2f huh. at Washington, It .? tt!n,7 a young rnsn by the narrieeHf' j ry Attesjtinrhot Mrceorst fr? ; shanks through lha head with tpifci-, which he t-nmedtatelf'BlelTJk? ' wa arretted, and was confined in it' of that count. ' We have just understood thitt" habfet corftut had been issued b lh lift of the circuit court, to bring Aurjtjiit fore the court now in session herei b der that an effort might be msd: brb counal to have him rcleiacd froa f finemcni, on bail and wbea the Autauga county was on hit wty prisoner lo '.hit plce, ho was'ifjcUrfa the hiuhwai- b (J. Thomss VTooi' aod Triomi ADfeOfltnT-brothtf ? . . .. 4 .1 l.m frflf! I prisoner, who lorciniy rescues " , his custody. n the conflict, ihf aot- the Jailor was shot down, nd th P" cr nude his escape, PlantcT)tG& A horse was sold in Ppilade.pM'i Saturday for 550 dollan.snd ast boy" 1 ridinhnmc,he it, i,.,.. renins, over w ' r- .w iiviav WiU ." . wafdr-atruekr hfs-ired-af aiott-U1 stone, bywhich theitohle aoimal most instantly killed. -"r fi'Qfiotia qf Beauty:. 2d Monday in May next, and dead, answer, nr demur, the tame will be taken pro confe4ao, and heard eirtarte. 6tl7 -Test: i. MOChjc. r.'c. Driving to FayrftcviUc, VaJJCILt find it 4o their advantage, to trjpt the-ojn FnTit where every con venience is provided for Man and Horse, to make them comfortable, at the moderate charge of 25 cent a day and night, for tbe privilege of Ihe Yard, the use of a good bouse, 6re. water, and shelter. Attached to the Yard, are a firorerv and Provision, Store, Bread Shop and Confec lidnary, and a House for Boarders ami Ivxlijers, in 9 'plain, cheap, whofeaome and comfort able ryle, Fayrttevlltr, AfH l' 1823. J Xrntitlai In Africa. tfr.rm UM while skin, a prominent nose, y" attmired by the sable beauties of "They rallied me-aayf thw, t"' 41 upon the whiteness pf my k'8' the prominency of my nose,, ttc A younaman it BtQsjch;rcc 7. , , Ball in presence f ibQUlV&U The leaves cfthe yew tree,.wfi Iftahy-stJerabrfeiii cows, are said to be poisonous tTet,: can browse on them with inipuni'f' ami tJ "--" AN ACROSTIC. t By human wrongs, by sorrow whe r '7,. In thee the soul shall dwell, and dwell By thee dbpelled, no anxious rt csa Love, heavenly love, shall mark the Eternal mwshioe' end! etffnaJ 4y.ti V

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