,d.t to reprint t1"' l" tb "I'.w twlfiwt t!.ei( in North Carolina, -nme eWw4-f -WrA" ailit Jcsti tlAt f,iW;(c w.tb ' ef'i'lar' w .? I. ..1 .. . it ... OV .... .U In nil Nut w.hkf"MW Jctilat ftiii. . 1 MtfjyeXUUrJLW . I... Hicei ny.H-" - ' S ISttua, purv. - ' . y " I - " ' a-aw..'amaf SUM. , ' 1 . . . i I. ff . ..I -jypirJ olh. important mcaoret N,r wpp j,,. In the wou'lts of M.r Ju" Crc ,,1J' cnl cwi'i'W ith tlc crrl Volume. The hrt fltmet of rfffy r.bemtitf tilWy creJ'-tiible o Granville cimnty,- eiamjilti -bich on tetrcdy MI of brinj TU by every iuteili Bt fiUi.: ff Ibc Bible lour Lol j Ru'e. (i.'OMjatItiTt. Ktw. fronvthe State of MWih tlaie. thai j ' dr' U,T ", t-",,"n 'fe ,M c" , .twle of hi Cbofl'.. Indiana h.e dtter. fi ' b ,t l timc ,h"r' Jto.ir Wratof !,. UMppi. j 'Pl'- Apple., Pe.chea. .J.r., Tua-h .d apart by (.mmeul. And O.e, ' of f ru, ' !uwJ uluDtara entered iuu, . nt wuij .flhail hhoilt UUnJf State tai iooeaobly? Hbe baa redeemed" Iter character, by aleetiof lWmen! tfta (rrnor.and t wjity of Jatkaon Lemocral to ihr b te SMt."Mj. Noah can no longer a'ow thii 'ptlruAk JiuUiSute aaay in hi watch-fob : her u..n m u tnr a a lionV hp w ill tiencrfurdi be honored amonp her Ke publican i'cn of th Vuiui, of tbe true f-iih- ngi ItntnHtv Antiioov V411 frh lt--ly (lied io -ir?a- tfrafr.;ralJstaJckael 6 ef aiui t 11. ... .itl lii 1I11 mi it a rv tin' v ... 2 BUI. Jl m ihe Keuh:ttoit. He rei-ieI the ui I. .,,.1 all ... udi-r Uuiiie.. txuiaik.l.y Vtl!, tu tiic U'. SABBATH SCHOOL. w , 1 1 ll bn aomeaniCi bceu a (l'icry to tl.o-.c . concerned in the Sabbath Srhooh hy ao Jew of ..lhelIJC.n!i.D(l of .the ci;iens in reiieral. vuu the Babbitt b ool ro'im. " Perhaft aonte te backward, fearing Icat I the interruDt the business of the Khucll'1!1 ' t'. ;r If ny abKOt tbemielve enurcly lor thajjfj noiae m t.yar.l, n..l i.hjj.i.1 ,. -u . .: ... y . .. .... . t --cotioiMtj;ee-by.-uioi5. ia,- no wise fluturo tnc orccr 01 me acnooi f tie icuTzeid to tlae 'Sab&alll bchoJI ivouVj take it as a favor ; and do most coi'duiiy uiviiG an woo are liiinuiy iu u.c cauv 01 !. 11 -L. 1-T ll . L ...... fl laVb-iwUt4-:4- mm . a - a . V . .. ' T. nr-r.-nr.-ift-t-.lrihei stfhbilrnafnW'nextl r , . , j - ubUih, but any and csety other' aabbatti tbey cau do so. Sum a course, we think, would be calculated to bare happy ef fect upon the milium of the cttildrciit in inspiring them wii.ii e love and respect for their school, end in wiirusilotin ibem to uui aad diligence in the nudy of their resaorn. The chtldrcrrwill rrrerf see that ttiih individuals ore friends of tlie Sdbbaib school, and feel an Interest in their edu- Cation . - Sucb iKUiuuak.w.il ib-aa.husft. opportunity of becoming personallj' sciu aiiittd with iha plan on which tnc tchool is conducted,; with the course of W.ruciion pursued ; and would nfter- : atds, ia all probability, feci a deeper in terest in the causci which, in our opio . 'r ..,1 Kin, disci vet t.tiw aucn'-iori and patj oimt . The hours of the School, are Jrom 8 to - Sufierir.tcndcntsjJJifSabbatASc (he Ifrcsbyttrian Churct, Suluburf, -at OnjTet.-rMr. Foot'a reaolution, which has .ao prolific a nest-egiraiid caused such . lft;,tnened and able debate iu the S-jnate, has, e observe, been laiu on ibe table. lr. k Jbasmf of bm t)!t"h)e tU"iweitl Kition from John Mowaniof NcvybenvaskinK J iiin.r. luam...:.., a- i.. . .-.. Kinwh I Carolma, pram j for a post route.1 - tserrhia I "ArclieTnronifiiclim te "roTWWereiM'wa'-'aMcww Jtnittunt bntUirgef .State, ., rS' A bill wii reported In the llnus to allow the , , District of Columbia to tend a De'lejule to Cou-1 V '-'.' r..-r -,t'-;y;-; :;; 'lo Sena?e, 27th, a resolution war offered by r. White, but subsequently, oit hia motion, jd n the; table, for removi(r Jltnrg "fitm rntn the' office of Assistant Door-keeper, fir "Jiiil intoxication. uTims,JmOre porter Senate, 28th, Mr. Holmes offered a series resolutions, calling on the frtsident for the imWof officers reaioved durinjf the recess 8 wv v Senfe ,0f' tl'e reiusnt for the reroovab, m M fos,Pn'd indefinitely,-24 to 21 esj Alith opposition voted agaipjt the poaSP . yonement. - : . - - . j oilrf of thr S'rstn boat Chief Justice Mtr.lul, crpi,lc4 netNet burgeon the on river, ute of New.Yurk, on tfe Si U't. by which v;rid-M, 13 persons wer b'.!y t! !.!, 8 of whm afterwards died. About irtt prrsm, wrr nn bosrd. irj wy w Mfbtv i ii iho Hon, Crnclirr, Cwrvin, end Cornier, r epi of Hr. M'PuiWi leportnuthe tiankof the U. tri Bud Inf. Mr, lti(UWt (the seerstfy of the Treasury's) Vttrr to tli Co n nittrs of lUtrfic'i. mrn enfiuinmjf I t'tinrit Mf li rfUU'W and espn.i.Nris,of iU C. I government, flow llTUoViaJlL3... I. Chrrum StMttM n nn.nt)stt week, per. forming in trips twice a week bit een Chert wata (IB ?Mi. : I w www IIM al k Halinburt I it will hcrkUer imt on Man. i lf. I is Milirnminir ur.mr'iM 1 (!.. 1., U.l 'dill I. on -i .. l.. . 1... M ; -.- - -- fc. t'u jM,m,J V n i TIim new tr-m-m win Chrton, ami the uiier.nli tOW mm. 3'hc Vuee'i, aofr, Km been r4'.!ier projiii ou t0 oUwrwiac. H7if j pnmii i.i wcM, I;l.i ih oiic fiehli a'ejnjiirej by Hie t".y. flut ihr firt and middle of lr month, ii ao ei'ret-. Ta-e.. .miua.nce-a. ibCy au .m 1 beyond the reach of any Might which, imhi! or dintry Ciirv if the kimihi, can be eiprclTil n. rioiily to injur the eip. Cn-en Peat, and riic ?trao-niV, the grrkleit luxu-'nof ihe errnal rlaun, Iiav6inade ihcir .epj-ci'jnce 011 our tabitl. ( Ko'l'i Pttiitir? Col. ( If ndenin, of Yorkville, j 8 t:. compl'unrniid'lif Kilit.ir of the A(!vik-'p, n the lOthult. with an n.A Vole, which I . .. ,. , ,, ... .. Itf-ew .nlhet.ol.mtlvrd.-..th.,pnn. wei.fh. j " r; ' "s (i w 1 . vru.c it in uie ji'ui as- : d've of X. L'.itk'. , -.- f a-i - . c A I I .1.11 iiurm, I' k-f ... I... l jMerrW, wii.j vMi co'ivictml, at lait la'l tcim, ol ' n",r1 r- " vv" rl'Piru to Me M?r.-me Court, and obuiutd a 11. v ti im!, - li. a re-trial , I 1 ne was ttpm.cu 11 .iiu-vrr. dm nvimi gii iny it n.ar.tlttiigtucr , mxl .j jlu. .ncid to bt brn - 1 .4 .1 , I :, I UvU a.J l..'l ts';. ' .rWJ,nr 0n tfi h u, j, ,Ml ,.!(,,f Jr of C.'januk .500 try, acc.ilcn'a ly iul La .ua.Lcr, ' ' .V " " ' icnamcu inai nut 111 ii"t m i i-ciamx cavilf-. Kuq-i-r-.t ill u, . ' !.! i:i .11 i K'1 Il mWF WIWVMQ; -.iCJ-'J.t 'Tii r""' " '""j'"" "t Tnr ptrrrrsw, nm iiraUa fiwci.i. near the Tcu.!t'. l.eie i but j family. 7 "T . T " t , M "T " "f r TsNfc-A. .vil .s-a4fc V UavWtafrewtntv'.Troith raroirna.'i-Mictrnrd.Io. bacon b to 16. PriMili Mis' ,7w Siilif diu'litur of Mr. Daniel in, ....... -r . weight ttuhuHiMamtttteurtt tix pout'h f This ! tact chh be atteatetl to by ounibjia of the rt. tpeotahle nijliont .ipnimi, IdJX Imfitathment of Judge PrcL.. . . In the House 'i f KfpresentanveS, 2f5tfi ult.' Messrs. Buchanan Bnd Stotrs having pre viously bcen'appointed a Corhmtitee for that purpose lepoiled tlrat they had ap peared at tbe bar of thj Senate with a message, iiont that .llouset end. in tbe A a iic cr Be "lt6us'r o F" jrepr'eiequu vesT 3.d ol all tb' people of the United States, iiuueachcd James II. Peck. Jtidce cf tffe TJfii'.cd Statea'Co.urt for 1 the.- Uisirict of iMihOurt,"tif bitrh OTisde.neanoistnoffke; whcieupou Air TuzewtU niovetl that a select coianuticn be appototed ioioaidtr and report on tne st'hject, when on ballot Wit appeared liut Messrs. 2.1..::' m i . . ' ll.c Uoinimucc, aip Mined, lit pursu a;ice of the motion oi Mft Sticrst ' Vnrk in isitiuie and retvirt to the llriKe. 4:WrtiapttuwWlMeponv.W iknl aulhi,! Juagfl IMa, cousisia o! James Buchanan, oi Pennsylvania i Utn tv U.Siorrs, of New York; Ocore.Mc- DufTie, f StMMii CaidlafMfOiSpWmtlfc647fwhwt 5 d,eorni5 tt$6tsts-3kA cr, of New Yoiw Viiarles A. Wicklilfe, Xbf. v"oe lf.th House vl Kepresentt- " ;- ; - . .0 tbe measure. AUa? iSfJuSSCI Sft raCDtJiiaUJistjaiiifc'C-xeiswa- and presented to the Senate at tbsj present tesaioh j but -iifoat'probabiyjoei wU be acted on till next BessionT there will not be tuflicient "time for witnesses, to' at tend from Missouri.,! -'"':V Tbe crime with which 'ladfe, Fee jc is Charged, and for wbkh be bat'bfen iro peached, ir the Imprison mnt .of luke E. La wfess, Erj is praetiti?ie r at t he bar, for eighteen months in a prison with conv mon lelonsj for; g cqnstructive conterrpt of court, iu publishing strictures oa .his decisions. It was a very iavlctt piece of bUiiness all thrtwjjb.J - -. , . .iahi ,m An F.njK.h g' ! i.f r '.vet ibt rcu!t of cufici hofii:uIiul fipnrirnt RikJe Utl r by huiiw!)"., A for tt tut ti. iff tlinl, La buricJd. tfcu'.lL-ri;e fuonul aAmy rr f, ta emii ti tHd , fruit u:itil then bi 1 been of the 4 pvinj fcut the Miu-m af'er the catontUin of the eat, tfi fa'ittnti were i! tl1(j hur. pHckt; L!n4 m'M-eofrr, ilia eter-pilUr wHkli IwfceJ tlia bu4i,Br..o.imriUMljr hifih.ttijjy, finw we nuryel at hli erpfiin jjr flop. ti,-; Wl h hla iii,9r oJ rW. t pen- W w mi l Ui-d nft W Ki t, uf Cj,'''5 i. u t.fjf t'i routtvf Impt ooh brry ntUj a.J if, i tt iced time, ie f.uit 1 notam metanorph into feriy u '.tV'li'S'i'triJnMU , 111 111 i 111 ) m) Q ffmmm ' ' M4aj tjumw 4 0 ttj'imr If tfttvrrJk W( It Jill Iftrhnf 1 I, al tint inf-Vlno. f1f. S.l,h..l.l tnedti'ely iluco'i'i.iui'ti; the Aea' MJjt, ind to wind up the one wt Char i'Aie rt0n at pr.r ticab!e j Vir; ,! Rj, of MrUd t ami the Hon. '"hark A. U'lcklifTe.a diatinf liahed mrm-r of f'..Miffi-a fr m Kenmcky, yt i;okci of to auc etc J Mr. Il.i, aa 2d udiior. Coicaau, Arnt'?. f'eria There hit been more nl Um article in I be breem week, iha'h could he been p-cte'l. It ia bri iiring from V a lu ota. trj tij t'latiapr'a Krwmfs wiW prrhp reach f I -:tt, Ce h. f, arce nnd in demnl it 6'.' J da "( f'ltur, rmn.trv Ji per barrel 1 Vutm, lummy. h dc.iia.id fim 10 U cia. per lb. . Tt,. .f;i'c, Cn. Ma ti Cotton C I." to IC I l';," 8 to l , t'..in to a iMir 7 'i 1 1? 3' VVkc' "7, N.mli t V.li.u Hank 1 o'c, 3 r Civit. u tcounl. IWby ibia pr. J tenptinn of N. Caro'i,,. ii.o.ity, wbm it 1. i .. ji g ij mi ,ivt r ' j iD, cia MrettdetU Jrm,.:. T A fwtpr frnm 'viinton, published' in the Iloton ("fiu'.icr, (en opnsinon paper) atys : " The president in the light it win. h f -jut him in ik r.. .:. j - v.j 1.1 ,n; 1 uiiUI iknuncu : ",'j'cji ui.c 01 a uct nun. 4ir is : ''vt'v 10 ''Ve wcuty years, s ujy one o hie d!iir,et and leu timea rnnrr hliolv 1 be jnsidcrtt ifie nexr terra Cirrr-i f t erpoul lelten written iiyou. April lit.jy that toe dcnijnj ..r C,' ,t, n rul nd th; Rales cf the cli, i.kciv to loot cp iiiuar wat raUtu ; ' - ... , . - . . Tim vU.n ifti law afKt moon at and Hri or wi:e4. ,.,'., 77 K MARKETS. .InHwy J'ncrt, May 8 Cotton 1 t i 1 ct-itta, corn 35 to 37, bcei t . 4, h ,i. . :l r 11 n...,m 1 rt 1 A ..... k 1 1 ... . ., .J . v-.mi m..,.. w.vit ....vuirii 3 iu 1 1 cpnn I "' J. lH ''u,tf.v' b"Cor ' To 7A, ,",.n' V' beat kind ol ba)rifinK19a 22, -alt 40 , . . - aM '.'r III"! I'll lllfir Lurlff. in t K.. t..ri.. i....rrk I.. " -..,,.,nJ,., ,vn . .. I . .. ' ..... . i nti .. n, Mir, ,iu dhh Ll..,.h .... , -7 -w'4io. Jki. ofj. 1 u c u, in ma 04 it y f or Def are. bhe waaai r I I ltd (CK.lo flr ricifrmn.H n in" . r . "T""7 isi"r m iu rrraurirriaa 1 ourcu u. t, com so a 4J,cottee II to j...im, Carolina ',0,y, gloom and detpondincy han,r over hit hank bills I a 2 per cent. dicount ; Ueoria, houachold and tpota reinlerrd aacred by memo I ditto. riala of afTecliou, and niiit;Hed by tearswrnng aten There has been a fair demand for 'fn tha chk of wibi.! h.lwn.l .n.i . uouon niroH)Fiiout the past wocK, anu prices have advanced about cent per lb. Inferior to tiiie9iall. J : tapttanie,',1pril&:.Z.m.:&non9 to i9 bacon 5i to 7, peach brandy 43 applo do 3U a 3i btittt-r IU to 15, corn 4!) to iO, flaxseed 95, flout 3 to 4, lard 7 j, molasset 23 '29, mgar 9 to 10J. wdt?.i. 10 JW, lJim..Vbett 60 a iiwhialey to 27-.......U. S. bank nutea a 1 pr cent, pre- mitun P.nl Vmv .till. 11 a O Hirf, r-fin r oj .1 .....iTiiiiiBierinsr at the domestic jilutJialb aif wo. . . . " . . I rwanhj aS.laslala asnrl 1 1 a lfi lilit . at a. a., ii -an . Btam. 75corn 3oi, bacon 7lo 8. brandy. anDle. 28 to 30, whiskey 27 to 28, Hour 5i. i Li f . i ort" i. u i . . f' I t Flour 3.25 to wheat 60 to 65, whi.key 22, 0B - ' . ' ii- r mwn, main mug 18 t A cotice I , to 16, suar 8 to 1 1, ,0 Baltimore 6.5(1, peach brandy 4'i 4o ad, a p. taAQ. taaiweiafftQ 6(1. oaf!t 3, tsrml 7 in 10, lard 8 to 10. mackierel 6 to f.50. - ' CamdutuJhril 24...1H.Cotton 81 fo9j, flour 5 a to -5 out of tlie wagin tlwt from Camden salt 75, whiskey aJ to 3, bnci 8 to U'j s;.-ii..; T..JM-.wr-'.' ia'ts'.'"-wr-'.a rlTlHE subscriber aliH cominuea to keen ur a JL ,'lare ar.d full supply of aiawtery kind of suited to all teanont of. the; yearr rl is liow , receivinjf and opening, at l.ia Stvre in Salisbury, additional euppiiee f the latest im Eortations, selected by hirhfeIC with care, and ought on the beat terms for caH; part in Phil- tdelpdia, but principally in New Vork . Which are oiiercd o the lowet termatcr ch, or ott a abort credit to punctual customers. . The pun. tic are invited to call, examine, r d jtnli-e for .1.. I.... - IMIIV Mf IJMIV. jprit, 1230. 3iui2a.'i---J, M. Retpeetfully begs leave to return his unfeigned thanks, for the very liberal and dis tinguished patroruige be has teen ao fcighly honoured with, by a discerning public and j kopes, by dihgert aiteulwDj Vjj ttotj.; a Cj.uauce of tbe aianty . - Jf.mrjr.n, 1 1 Chrru cutmiy, ( .-(t of her fithrr, hy the ke. r. K jbmi in, on ihi S J;ti u!t ,a. (iaita, E11. of M. tkhtnhu'ff r-uny. to Mr, Mtitiiit 017, dauj'ner F Cm, J'.ul Uttuuftt, of Cibarnii, 1J11 ihe 6th i nt. bf Bie. J.niei Mckiuiifht, f-. S-mue HarjTMve, Jt. of IrcdH, u U.a M.IIr Lip, of Rtiwen. On 2iib ult. by Ht. Carn tt r, Mr f il ra!r, km of Mr. f-ewia tu-Ut, t i MM I'a lia line rtlir,duliur of Sit forK'e li.hrr, 1 n thetrnn dt, it. Jjiuuun ?(U,v lo Mill tl.-bef tftuIa-kk-H T ' " ' . ! Mrkh nhiif euontv. JJth alt. of tt't'u Us 1iinr,Vtr,tt, l'.at dauirttier of .Mr, 'fJi'." ,,''B ' arr.;;. AuJ c.1,1 Hum he rol n " f.,(.-,miCiUfM.. f.I of C t icor.l. Ire tail c.Miute. fur nB' Hit vra t 1 , - ' - - m Wta a hi,;hly rta'n:ced member of mimrruj miy k'md to Iim afllieird, and benevolent to tb poor. (enawKaicaTia. In ;!. Uirrd:au enunty, litaouri, 111 the lat of March, in tbe 6olh yr oi'W aa, Juaa IKnait, Eatj. The dictwd , waa a native of Miscklenbttr,' toun'y, Noith CarUna, and in the fear.ltJ.J. rm Vj with hit family to thia ritate. hi North Cirolina, Mr. 1 1 arm aem-dae a nioin her of tbe Uju'alure held for many ; ear. te ofT.ce tt cuiinty maipttrate, aad alao o.-itcia-Ud a riihiiir elder in tbe I're.bvlerian eburch, of lUmah, lor a lot -g lime previixi to bit leaf. ins' thai iute-in al! of which itaKoua, lie dia chrned hie dutiri in audi a maimer aa coin. i.ianJed universal approbation. After the are movit cf lie Harr.a tdrtho State of - MiaouH, thf eieeilenoe of bit character on frcoinrvn ded Lin to the conudenc of tl.uae nnnn whom hit Jot ual cast 1 and hre afaifl ha wa calkd 10 die eacrrite of iuiportaiii civil olTicca. and wat a'o inatall'd arfchl-r in th prrnbrte. .win church of Apple Creek 1 tlie fnwiijiit ol wbiUi uftlce be rrformetl with no Ice imrr.iv ty u i pari, ami ai itaction oil the pall of t'ic ttlin.c ur!raire hd in vetted him whli iowcr, tin l,c ii 1 prvrniU done in hit na tive state. Ii. tii dea h nf )'. Ilaf.it, a loving- mo DclrteJ wif - lu hrrn lirrayid of a hii V,r,,t . ill wl-Vri aTicludaAit more tlian 43 jean of cotvuibu! hajipiurw. flit ohiblrcii lavt- u,t an arl.-ctiuiiu'.c i;hcr a.id an able .lOiiacllori nOlirly ul iv". a Uu:)lli and diatin. Ipiiilu d uieii.hcr; hit IiicikU, and acipiainun. cc, an auxiliary and ai onaitieutt and the Church, nf wdicn he h i an hinjr been an ins portaut i.fuccr, one ol n Uio.i Lti-ij'at aud ilea dy lunaiDirics. At a meettnjfftf th ?eInil rtf jAppl-.Crtw-k Church, tlie retoim ions bt low were unanimously ailuplid: llcmlilved, f il it tlltl ketHIOII of thia t:hirch deeply laneitT th lo,i wfiiiAlbty have suttainut, in iho diath of their brother, Ilunu. Laquire : liauhetl, l b-it the Hit-nbxrt of .icn, at a tuk-ti of their hi'b rfgard and ic.-f love for their deried brother;-wear crape on tue kit ann, tor a pace of jO days ' . , - uy oruef of bcttion ttrnTTtmrntn - To a frVtrd-haa lall-ti the welancholv Jutv lu wUj ot ViaiiuiitfUm tjrrinm,,M,Mbtt plate, riirji nri-tbei-.h mat; n the Win yearot nef ar-. h avi a Joat njiy (ond buabaid to the dep anjimn nf eonjnpl bereavement,- and Two hclplcBt ciuidien, set to learn from the World their un.ipurecialcd M. How withcrini' the 1 irbarrtt, h-i -ii) untHi;4otta amila t mtaitev, when 1 CLSl-t awtrarT-'3j-txr);:de-r,f',f'' Whet's ft',e t I'CcrfinnoTuuocainal visia in tneir iivt aaornei! Dy itiut mutner'a TT5:eKnf HrenCTtTfuillclionV toMvrffiXK thowa he ta'lacy of human hopo, by puiirtiiuf to urr. aa ma Tiuiiin iv t.icin. ai uiaiiir-rieiiB nr. u ki' u. .:. - i..M .. .n phana . but vtttcrday, fortune ecmcl to smile him a. the happiat of li.ubanda and fathera Tather Th'Mi)jh ihe voice of friendship could , -'. . , .. . f long dwell oti the a-riubiej.ihrteajif her hear.. Ka M.r.An,bla Imk is.ea l.a.M.Ia m. aa. a J! .uiuw, .... ... rv .Tc,...r,.i, m ! a woman wuu.tc were an cenieren in licr home, where she at once communicaieU and re reived pleasure, the tlctuiti of tuc!i qu.ililies might oe sootitiii only to tne ear of meiaJship. MidU .reUriilbeneypI? she sought not tba glare or the world in winch to display her worth, but caojed it o ba felt by i""" Weh7 0'1 uevoiKWj-pot aepmn to i bmt by P'eoa0"' " conumed ! to be intelligent, uat-ful and froodiliert ws a life which all woI,ldad,mre,bai lea-would lmi. ,w. , hff plciaure ed u be f(AjllJ jiri promoting that of others i her greatest pain iai ne. uusoauu, ai.e ,was cieiy ii mi; nmt1 licc4to'i'e oi paremsi to, ner i rifiuisv accessi. 10 i'i.rJS V!? PI" tue devotion ol a puie ana Honest, neart, ana confidence of arr enliir'htr.n.- tion or austerity her friendship, by acinshnesS or interest. T say that site wa exempted from tho frailties ot'vur nature; wonid be to, deny Uut sue wat, mortal, but jt tuny be said . Hat thni frailt'ifs. whi n dijwovt-rrd in Her, would siiK1' f'-""Her yJrtwee are bt at attested by the tor tow of her nit-ighbors '! nurtu rotts inend" tlauld.augMallayjJiiu' lilia.j band, this eMiItnce or her Virtues should r.tise tues can bi rewarded, and mounieia And an an- lulidti fur ihpir rvt f ( : - AVtll'I'K . y - , i aws Hd iU- tj Cv C S (CI saat A'eie TwA-, Jpril 2i. Salt of cei, for wer past.JOO baU-ir Upland af.8.7 io.ll12j. Of Flour, there have been ntintermia arrivals fwm the .Soiah, and tbera has bsun a alight dj dine dwringdte week pait. 'J ides, 13 to 14 cents. North Carolina Uat.k Notes i l-'i to 3 per cent, discount i South Carolina, 1 to 2, Georgia, 2 U 2 1-2 s Virg'tUa Jo 1. . ' , v :.TU!fWelai4 Price Turrnt of the 28tft April, ' a" that "auperfiue V lour . cont nine steady at S 1 Per barrel, and the demand keep pace with the supplie,Jeivinjvriry litlli! uu aold, 1 Corn remains steudy, ami sells at 40 cents for yellow, aud 3 a 3o cent for white... J8 coii-ioarreia i-mseea uu aoia yeercy at 4 cents, fenendjif heid LigLcr, "'', Sl It.MtbNi'U inurnh In f'-'Tum in $T,f W bury . r.ort tinie, and will mend lo any atiiiculimi if, ,L firufoci 14. lie hit lake thai Mom over Mr. M.iclitTi, nppnii the Slate) llanki ahrrsLelirt amlfirnilcmra are mo ropretfi,;iy tJicud to im and k iTcimeni of tn riiiUn . f tf '3 i' ba- wpportrmy f itirmifT"lbI " it. p'u)'ie, liiit l.r CU')t. in Mueiil, ie aw -in -. pi'-.r fr-JTW ee-Mra.-ViiHiNl wfila" which lie b4i ,'ica'y wi, i anrwaMi ti.-s Utmrt.. , - I . 'Die braw.he taifSt In Ui'n c!i.ol, aro aa fe!- itnM;wml wi H t rtr v '. mmr:vr. . t..- rr.1 r -- . .il)r.wM.K.ii,i, ',..i,n V.l-wt Needlework ( " o l!in4Wi f.aje and M.i.!ii 7 - I -CMi4ia : U bad Ve WWnr rf - I brtt (amiht-a, TUa ChurcU la ailitaird In of the choo ronn, where Uve prJ.tE .fay H im. ' 2tJ9 . . : '.-GOODS. MA4 the pleeaure of announeiwf to 't (rirndt, ciittomcra,anlthetHiMioinran. crai, that he la now opening, at hia old ftaud ill Dajiabury, an elefant auortniem of Vrtt, FashionnWc, & Cheap Goodt, direct from the ci'it 1 1 Pbiladelpliia and Nrw. Voik, ami aelectc-d by himtcif, front tlie tVilrti im. puwUni for tbe Iprinif f 100t Which h offtfil at low at any Goodaof tbe same rjual ly can be bought iu line market, -flit atyrtmjat comphee, rvy erticle naoallr kept lit tori. runiavrrt are Invited tv ca',1, examine, and judge for tbuisiatK'a. " 14 Wiirjr. .'W7A. IBJX ' Vt'esU Urocerks LT receivtd. and foT tal!) eery mw lor cksh, 6 IiLU ear n no. Wo.a-at-t . tierces frrsli Rire S'MO Ida. Hpun Cirt.in.aaaorteJ Vr4, .TJi) lbs. Logwood, partly ground '2 lbis. Copnruat 4r--0 lb.. Tally ' Ii kew vti.tu h-M.tfmt in oil Tenei ule, Lraooa aud w Ve wl H fiiee Aim, on hand, ., , - 5CKX) Jba. Biros r- -r , w'h ifraJ am! fuU aawrtmeft or all othef kinds ol'UOODi, suited to the ararm and place. smx jiropur. ; .If ie fiA, 1S30. 82J ' Fresh Goods! ::.. i Tal ' 'A'1' m"r weeJrinf and opeiTa MJr 'ing; at hi Store injlie toa m of Charlotte. TcwTiloara tvtrii of (be 4;tM4H.)Jtnae,' " Ytrj rn.35m M.aaeortatent v . . . rSSi. preTielby.K!7iseTi,Tor raih, t iie Korik . wbicii wiii enable Jum Jo. sell ji low At Coodt . can be had in this part of the country. Hit aw aoruneut ompruea every article uiualiy keptia Stores i and beinir of be latest imnnrtatmnt. those wifbitiiT 10 nircbase may- be assured of 1 A" Jl n-li2 JU;JaU. pasJXitiaiW J -BTd'arLt 11 frrateful for tbe liberal patronre bithcru received t .ml.refitr:tful)y.)nritei hii3 out cuatomera, and all who wish to buy. new. t'tanrnd-tbMl3mH0fall,'?nmtfrrip-" Jock, the q a'.lv and iLe piicet, ami then judge for themselves. ; . Zi'20 j C,ar,'i(e,.Ifuy 4s, r. t RLEACWD. TRUNK Wei MM. MARr MY ClNON let.i -e-fully Int forrrrt the Ladu-t of Cabanua and the ad " mm l,nn"i" will."' v.umiufl hiuiti? ,1.. i,ilimj, conBtiearihaf she has commrnerd, 'at L - . a . - . . ' . tetnirinxep iwCtmcwd, tUc buainesa of bkacb tag, lrimmiii(r, and dressing 't l.EGHORX U other; BO&XETS; and will warrant her work to be done in a rest and JaabiorMtbuj. aiyle. Sbe public patronajrai and hopes to merit it, by lha . aivla -of ber work, and the. promptness with wbichliTilrttettd- lf wdcrt therinay bo , Unnnets sent from a distance, hall he es re fill ly attended to, on the shortest notice, and forwarded ia accordance with instructions. , . -.. CtncwiLy .l3f.4iA,.1830,'.-t x oO.. .; , IM CONC0UDT rgift1?luT,iclTbTrsTa l-Sliip.Jtl the. above buairH:Ba, iuidar;tb fiwi of .VmiiA li Tuylor, respectfully inform the citi. 8n of Cabarrus and (he adjacent counties, thtJ ilk at XI kaaj li . , .t 4, ..a 1 ja ... T! ...ia a T aTS fjai 1 11 I lalW 'M'wJJ Mf fflrrw f"l'" 11 af fffiniitwaj if f Bkaajiis,B i "i Shop in the To o of Concord, and are now pre pared to cairy on ihw ' . Juuhlon&ble Tailoring Business. in a styfe cqaal to any thing, in tfiat line, south ,aiiVbteA'ota47-iier4 Iaiwyerp7trefhi' knowledge of t,heir business at the. North, thy " 'w ! pf wsrrntel in speaking tlris c ii n lenlly.". f f Mnty-W di ypfailyt'taxifivwi' wl 0rt-iMe-rvitls; " 1 " 7 from Mew-ork ami 1 htliuleipl.ia, the u"5t . Dress Cuats, Tdhlaloons. Vests l?c.' ; c,,.i, . J ,' - vaIMi., t w hich viil cnalilc thein to accommoiUte Oeiiw. - m ., . . 1 iim Ibsii iiwiiiiii 1 mt:n Midi garments, fuaue up aTiei1 t'ie vet IaUiat and most tplebdid stylos at Jhe Noim .Wl'nitb h Tayhir invite t trial of tneir fcuop, 09 they feel asurel, that in the style of their work'," the rcastinahleness of their .price, .&C, tliey wi:t bo a!le to KlVrt t-Uirnction lo those who may faver them with work! DAVID SMITH. JOHN C. TAYLOR, ' f'tncmt,.Viti 4th. HIO." 3W "mNTr.RF.i) on tie llanirf'r's bnoV ol Dnrla . 'JmLi county, a hay lltrn, about 14) hand) luh, 7 or A eart olJj one hind loot st wtu, andia a " crip jIc in bis bind parts. . - JACOB rOBSrXVimry. a.'.". I ' t. ..i ! f - ;.- 'Vr; 5 -