kT? - SAUSr.UKY, UllWAV COUNTY, Vr'mM'l'lJESn.lYJjJNiJ 15183 1 VOL. XI.....NO. 523. - ' ' ' 1 B : S3 ti -ti rx .f m Wf irt cii.ui w.tl i , ,, i . M r 1 - iLa .1,1 Mil I. X . . ci!' ; iimnr-tv-fa uli AV.IIllv. .ti.liu'id mi the n.ot agreeably part nf Ine ... ...I t .-' uui'-tblr lur t I t -I'h.. fat a atii.cuiils. ami com am a c" i .r.l. n. nti mu;b rri ln n iery i'hc 1 term eo b- m- v. m ,f ,,'e P' 0v 11H.1..M rn be p'.Jty ii'de m the lUnk, .. I i. .m nf ... .mmdtlMtiun. I'crwiil Oini.f . - -...I.:.. , i.ur lutr. can titpiy ' r. I.. at. I? .1 tr thnri.- t l'ir.ke title.) ui '" "e II. C. JuNKS. F. h'v. 2M. I8.M. 08 WfcinovvvV. THOM1S I)ICKSU Tailor, 11 .:i.it i n 'MA ii.f..riniliiiCUt"mT,ifi v. I "j , , i.ublic imerilly,'bt lii limrtinovnl T,lrai. Z, Ml -P. to the buildiiiK lormtriy uccute.l by ru..r... ,. . 1 1 '.t lf M' Lnrrr and Trmj)lewi, nd mur- recrn ly by ,(. t'lty ic l.trvb, M VaVV HaBtlilon. laili'i'l Sli )ii!;i,t of am inupprnprut.-il .non.-v m til . t, .if....--i;n,. frtdn of -"tikb-im where i -niiiii,li'' I ... ..... i.Hi.yi. . t,.,; i . . . 1irtal J . r.. n.....!!! i,. u,.kr ull tinU ot IiO'icr; I'm n r i . . CtotV.uir irt- '' ' '", 1 ,,,:uy Ml or a-eu f."t 't ..rim-',,-k Inch ,,b'-t him tod. work o., llir ,l.-,r-t All kind of C-ir ",s l)r d.)ii very ir ' V : - 1 f S- Allord- Mir " distai.ee ( . ' Blip'. '...Itl.fulH cxcCUtcJ.a.Corufnto.l.cUOM., r, ? 'itf n jut . , ii i from nnlfcdclfilna and isewourn wim.u Will ' nahh- him to make fine C'ua'.i. .c. at t;r .lie 45 moal aporokp.1 lr. .Suht-'tui v, J;ul'.Mih, 13 .Q. f3V.li'. MliCi itii r recpectliilty n.lontif ihr Ci'l J gei. nf Daridnn, and th: aiijucnit t-mio-ti a, that lf CoiilinU'-" to turr on. fc.t In; whi,i inUini;ton. the bosine- Makmh' C(T I'O v, 21N. rqttal t anv mamifaciurid t ii'ie I'n.'.til 3J'c, uidrtd, hn iina are prrler'1 to aM oliifra, by tho who have tru d ih. m : ami hre found rea.Iv ale ihr .ushoat i lr- ex- f cuuntr,. llif pncea ahall c ai r i -n llif pncea k'laii c a r i .,U M at any other aluifl I" Utf . 04iuiti4ij Oin f. isli.d in tUi s'lortest pin-, ii inn- J.li,y,-,i,riT,?rt-y I. . by:tbe4xbljCA!..'4t.oir!rviit. f MKNUV A. f.I .CTA .i I 1 ja3' r1ili Jwbucribc'r ui' r. for d-' 3 ' ' .1- birty Or forty lli.:u,ao.l a"r - , of aiiiinifd iii Aaiie ctttitii.i .i. : -rJV,.CidiuiuiiiK .CiU iui. .(9autU.: .. tui 1, . ; . -. K : :: -th-antc: iiut.lBe Te''iiici?ce Ii.c, cm The west aud 4.onhr-l'hia. ljif i aiirrcyri Aa ArVilj ic' ejlftnTo tnct triftn H'W o -r r h. I and thr qiian y ol ench tra:t it r -"'ficdj tr hv ; ,, , th" sum vW, whoh?.) ntadf b plat ut liiiiirvc t , ,;,ti, , , wtiicii inav be sren on applicntton to Mr. White ( -. ,,. in Salisbury, .'-.r. t:. C. HemlciV'ii of Linclo- . !'. s; .; . tnn. Mr. Thou. J. Pom y of Buikn- county, m to, ,, nhacribcr in Aaheville. tlHtiConi'.ie COUJlty. A law portion ul this lund f a gnod aaanv in i ilio oiaie. Ac.i'i ui ..-" ----' v . diflc-rt-ot partaol the survey and e -M lias htcn fo.nd adjar nl lo it : the cii.nate t. lha moat bea'lthy and delightful in the world j and at no fery djHtintday, this mountain region of North Carolina must become the favorite part of the atat '.h land A weil tiinbei rd, and finelv ua tered. The tract a' marked 1st q ialit" i!l be old at 75 Centi p.-r acre; 2d ij-iaii'j', at SO i- .n-a , and 3d quality. 40 centa per a te. The payment may tie m.ide'in four yearly ins-a!--irir-i'a wtUwotw-ai inuil pil -itl.tW-aiubacri. bi r will B'fve bond to make title en pHymeut ot the m niey and int. real. ho uvotabie a.i apportf.;-.-.l for oOUi'.'hK good and cheap iarn s, never btion .o'lfr cil iii tins aiate. Tne tide ttf the land is in- i'auUbU'; -warranter deeda will be rivn to I purchaser. Appiicution tor fuiih'er tntormH. n m. and lor nui cliainc any part jf tlie land, tan litf r, 't'. tr. Whlta liiSa?iahi:.r M.:. C.i nev of Bui ke couuiy, or to the subset iber . JOHN BR iU'N. -ft Jiirrmhtr Hih, lU'J?. N. B. I he subseriber tdijo offers about ? ',C JO acres of land in Hu:icoiiibe and Haywood coun ties, Manv ol il.pse lands contain some of" the tnoit valuab.e minerals in the I'mon. In a short time the subscriber will he prepircd to rate some of these traCts tocoitipmneivi lio tiuirht be lead, wlver, and gold, wlncli they conlaiti. He . . 1. -J.. I........ I tfo Iru 'ia an.l lias aireyuv .ea"o s,a ... .-. w .li Art V these lands will bejold, very low and I NOCrTli Wrf3FiTIiiTvrnii; 'Id'TSSiiirti; I JLJ and others, -tuai ne carnea on in-own ' - . " 1. ii.: : .1: rf ...... n Vu'tinq ynamess. near aaiiauuryiu in uiiie.ciu 'J braiiehes. tie geta out ind cuts, rocks for tw4W osi ore, of all tiiM, good atolUyva, t'O fiiuahu thero off in the best" atylft f workman. ahip. He now has on hand ,;veraJ pair ot turf " Jink; nniihedln the beat style, which lie will atl! low lor cash. Ie likewise cu MH1 Stotvea, drewef fifi'rock? lb aUtV4ikviv aljarWotKetAnd.loirtauiAAi and requtsts the rkttonae of the public in bis line of'tmaineai." " f-'-'T-' June 2J, 1830. 1 BUVMvSt, Mcription, iteal ' every deacript'ion, iteailf printed, end kept for Bale at tJsU OSs 2 r AXimC RTTTf; Tlntoi of the fclititcii ictatts : XiJlX&htl-otiU.i!JiU)f - ia, ... .WaX tUilt r'nrtnint f lit I 'Wit I Mnt'l J .l-Htnca IH ;: . -. ...... - livi v . 'M Hrvf vir I br apfi'.inleJ, ho l.il rc uic w uiJ i i'.y. a sti: i;-,on. f peakrr nTlhc kl ni- m '. prrt tra'ivca, .1. C, ', I'H'N, " ke 1 ' 'I' I i-til sU'ii and a jm;ly i rk's . r m k fin -1'J. An c, firtVif)!' ;!. ri'ia'i'jng to nrpv i .tj rf. if 'Ti' " (''" v' Ki'f nmt'll-.-tf fir. rcri'.ri" ' " 'J '''' ' ..('. t u 'II .in . li. , u. pal ir p a- . i: !:!., ;ht-w n. M-iin...i.m.l .V...I-..I ratiil".! '' !"' .ttairct r'prmra- i. tli".'i,a n.'ln A'ir,!nt a vl iM:y'ii, r Vv r.ie tfiViMf i 'dfrnt-:iit' f. (. imoniir : in !. I livurlli ar!n:lf " ! I ' , i M I : t .! I (l''l. i. s.v i .1 ! .-t f' I' J' .'IN , i . .i i - 'T. i .ii .. .. " :' . i- ohjrria .i !'....! ari i' j ci,; iM-to -In v , , ,,r,.r .1, i-.,,;,. . . j , ,. ,t . , , . ,. u. , ., n Act h i 'hp r, , ; ' i i 'v !.(! .-.I i.i 1 uslis'"! . t arf i .. '' ' ii . .' '- ' !!' l t'1 ' f I V if. . r:;r,ift l . "i . ' llr ftil 'TI t w I'll! . fi v t .!..( k. n nel; ! n i:i ssnrv, bi i' i 'a v f 'h T' r i- Mrv " 1' " i ; l i . ... i I s , yV ,V" ' " - I it'T' ' I I I'M. ' ( ,, ;r .. 1 liui.sm ii ' ani-.! S eiertu"- M..p (" ..' -,-.i.i ill IllD.. , li. .U'M c-a w (inil...-rl i.i i :i. I t.T ; ii' . ( , .. ' ( - , :.. , ! .v. vi.- . .. . i ,i ,. ,i iniii,!. ., oi l:i i.. I .U .!. 'I s, u i ii, - - ri- 'l.l 14 ' l.f I": I sUC1 1 M ... id ;iv. j u : ' ' I jjjp,, ,, ... . ! !u ri'hiJ fTijm ' Ml','! rf-.h t, r , . .-! ,1 ! in t -i ll.'j i rcr. rr. oM'n t -i , "I ,r ,-.(. a -..Huj It) ihr. tprma , . r,m. , i-iied iJii.jfH!.ri !?t t ' rcn 'rir then Sy c ' ' i-in t , ni lie ani ' v (fount ! T-r; !i. . t h i "i 1 1 .1 i, b.-, a id 'tl j J ' il. )l. 11,1 v. pi rP;" oHu ' - I ,-t .t. ii , . ' t' ' 1 - ";' 'tj , l .tLfr.)"i. t nf j- the j t; iVier.i sa i .. .i dutv ..i. (.;. tly koaii ttr. i tv.n ei i.'a thirty -fi.'K r .. ..mm, a.... m kiter in y 1 1 ( c ni'ior, on -In i ijtu liiindriil il 'i! I'n'utv -hv . ilutv iii- shal! I: ; i" f '--' Otr n n . i, -a4ie o tioit from and i r ur !ir- Is -t '..-y nf Lecemh . one t'luHcaiutc:.; n (i i-.li't . 'ni.:y, .in. nuty on t oc.ia xliatl frr. i.t r n nnt., H'ki ,-o more.' And tli., f: ...i a -. i at'.'r ine tliir. -first Deren.t-v . -'is hM-d 4 ':! boi drei! od teirty '!.-., OtSiT, .-h port i ! f I'ane oi (i ft,-.k' Tit, of llu'.V- am! no i ! vi i , ii J cod -i "ed on ;i'8oi. u t " i: a, or -.o'lcr p"'ice px$t . t hi ' d tf ii), , an J III Vc-in Ol li. C lli Mdi'. c I -HTfttA -i-rW'-f; '"Tli;..; e. I fth Drivate abariii.enia will atinrtt am. tionive, twe a id P'.ii'i i tlyS' It is 1 - live Ce'lls oer 'r.'Uiid, ih .0,1, '.'l ; , iivs.-.i, eo.ntci i C i.i.- per 1 ,, id 1. ,. (1 e.-ll 1 p''"'id , .pi!':!Mr and e- . : pt li(.i,ia, ten it 1,- .i-.r p. in ten:.-, p.- I' eas liohea I .in r i ;s per , ."tnd; ..n p,.ftt d fj.x'i;i '''' e-i r p' ii-c , or i tuan those of the I'. r-il Sun-, on I .:a mi- I 1 vessc-...m.'i th n il.wn.j rai'a Iti'wll i-Lni.Haiia'.i;ii.iiat.taLir. .iitUi.o.i-aa... nlWWw'trrttTanir' ant -A'-itj'ttr "ttv'irr;"' t-aeniy-v !. c. '.is ; llM.ii Ssin, and j'ber gieen t.-as. t.teir.v.cciita ,. tSo'.ichonjf, and other tdafffc tra". r?! fp' rtuhfit; eigri ten Cents , and Bohea MX crtits p,r poiind,... Sac. -'. .-Ind-hf it fw'-he- era cictTZThil Ten, Cpctn, and t' (Fee alncti have oeeu, or w.liivi sh.dl be hereni'rr, put i'1'0 ttis Custorh Hn se store., under fie bond of the importer, and which 'sWI remain under t!ie control of he of i)ecemhr,)'iwhoiiand eifftif hundred and thirty; and the, thirty firs' ditv oj )''eeeinijsx .noi - g , , ,1 1 T 1 1 lively, iliait De-s,. U)l!l)";slri?.v.,Uy ui.iiHO-rt-."c--iTrousa..iu ettljt hijntired inil ihtry and the tftirtyAii J tvi-f JGmbr. m. 4 Viao-ight bwlrW and ttiirtMne.t riov.tted. That nothing herein contained hali be conatnted to alter or poA. pone jthe ."time nlmn the duty on the laid lea, Cocoa, and Coffee shall'be pavaale. Ap.ir6Ve.-4I, May 0.' 1830.- ' .--s , ' M.'i;a.ia j2. An Act tt amend uu act, tntitled. hn aet t . regulate the practce in the Cotirta of die ' . Dnited Statf. f.r the DUtriet of l-'iisint4. BE it enacted bij the Kemte wi llivte of titp rtitnlaiive of.lht United Mtitf bf .Imr tut in Ctnrren mtetnilrrl, Tint the m ide of'proceed ine in draw mg and empa.unt ling j iri s 1.1 ih CSi.trtsiSf Jthe .I'n'rted- $ve fur he, JiMiina Districts shall be the Same aa i.ow r:v,0cd bytaw in the P'tict Courts tf th.?ute ei Stj'.c. Court n lit ni.l Diairici b, J li m by iuHio.iZrd, by nW, to ilfrny t'ttnJaii( Hi at ru4 herenf cr b indtf lu thf tawi ul inr n-aie. oi i-ouii.n, iaoe pt iiormeu ny the hIici'iITi in iclatirtn (othe dr.wini; and iirnino:iiti of juror, ihall be p iformfl y ihe in it hali, p ) those o pi 'i!x:d fir the I'ariih JucJjC tt the: Din I'M Jalc '.' k'aiti bupcrformid by the L'utiict Jni'lTi of the Untied Sitei. An l tnai ne !u ic h'j prescnoed .by the id S te 1 ir)ijied on any (othcr 5:ate nfTi ir, lif fpcrlormtd by sucli lioiiichoidjr stuiT tjt- utMnju-'i t)y i'.-j iid Jjdge I h U: . nr. Coin t .if tliu L itiicd 'unci Approved, May 20. !:'). tiaiki 54. An AC " ninet :l:e tit i i,i ci.riai i puri hwci i.i I. ii U uciMCt.li i l.c lint ut l.uilu' nil tt enaat-J by lh - -)rnj;c and lljute ' II: J.rcsthiutivf iht Utt.rJ Slates oj . ' -.'.r.i u in Ljiic un$en:t)ltJ, I'UjI tl.ti 1 It lu lit ol lie U.il tU S a:c be, add lit wrrct cCI t'Kot utd id pay, out of tiov' mOity iii itic 1 icaiury, nut tbcrwixj uicJ, to I he iini4 military it. ui land iiiuj td uc'wlcii Tie j ut i in me 5ta c ul Uiiio, coaufiui.lv i-.i Llililuw,) add KuDeiia' ilts. J ltd ititi 1 1 lijij , ul I HI 'jlitlivllic tlcaty line, luca 'or lo uic I vn'i y siattl u.'iy u; Jjiili tj' tl oil.' I. on) oi.c JlolisaliO TtunJied ""a!nT t wtfvi , Ue um oi ' III ' i 1 v ftvvo ihoukaim live mi. .(lied aiul fl i i en ' .dlara and t tn.y hvc ccnta, wim i.rt! li ihtrtoit liom trie lu'Hid Marth, ',n t n huiic'itd itid ivvtiii) hvc, at b.x ,1111111. pel annum, until jiaid , tiei.ig il iii iu.. at which Srtid laiKis ere vui in.', cxiuiie't Iniprovcmeiitj, uiidei in. dCi u C'oiii, its, einr.lca 'An act to .i '. ,unt: i ii e I'reaidcir. m tn United iit.tu unci Into leil. in liCgoilallniia mi tin: to Ihe lands located utder Vh .l.i 1 1 1 1 1 ' j I y land waliau , lylli 4-i e. 1. ;.; a ad. Ul,ei t' iltlta, Ml tlic ISa.c i,i 0,uo i," Prvptded t iwvrr, A' nut, " .. . .? ... ... . . u. ta, -. IDC L u.ltJ i.a.ta, Ul aUCtt U.aU- iiL oi. uit a. to Iticli-Jd lUi.U. l .1 . : -..' '2 And be it further enuded. Fill L .... .... ... .ilk alt.itl .... .ii ..ii iilri-i li fl 1 ' ...T ',1 in il,c al(J j i il a, inn ol t tic ii respective tiai i ol land, ii' d. under hie above rtcllcfl act ol L'on ; -Art-pr jtfd. May IG," - '.V i ncn County, Xtalh Carolina. 'LvV i'S u,e '' Ju"e "c1"' JJj the- llouwaal rhncco spring's, )mif ".ilea South of Warrei. ton, ana &rfrr ten mika North ol Lew labu.t;. t for the receplton ct vuitcia, t tit re-at au.ii'.tajjea ot thia Watering place iu moi,; cast a oi D.pep.m. oilier diaeaae aittl de bur), having been tea.cu by ihuac bo have at. !e i t ii i tleiti, to vm h, it i. only necrnar) to t'ia all he Huiidiuga a't in cxcelhul repair and oti iitiijii i lie aceoiiniiouaii iii, in every re- ci. shull be auci. a- mv best ett iris can effect. i.X ..r.dori andcjiivenieiict: to ali vvJio naav wait teiKace. I o those who lute i.oi visited ihoc- eo, tt 1V1) oe ncccnury 10 .say, lliat tiie ouiiumgi arc 3 .dKic'itly numerous' and" couveiiiently ar- I it, to lor- the accommodation ul" iriic a.auin. I I 1. tv tire me ui to those who prefer il, and tile 1 pi.:, ic Halls are abtiiidandy apacmus to receive , an .. lei may desnxe coman, and vvliere iiutitc j a ... .....icing can Je, enjoyed by auch us deitht " ! 111 1'. 1 .1 1 una .teniein win uc loaoc 10 nave ifivi,,e , . .. . .... .. .Ill l ... K f.. .. 4V..s',.o t.erlormed atW horin.i on the Sai.!il certainly arise, whenever power oUl ,, 1. . . ,....: ..." Uli ,,a...,Tj.ii prcacrnii jt!ipit,:mcuitv.euiejice.... 'in addiiinri to the'valuahlXATed ca! ijuahtiei nf tt e iihocco aatcrs, they urelncated 111 k most tlr-SI'H PP tT ID'1 fonntin' ..,rV;..wl.l h. a p. nt. lied society, where the invahd can be re scored lo health, 111 an aurceaule cinsle fl.e best of servants have been provided ; the liar u ill be found to contain the cnoioest l.i- qn ,s d no pains .ull be.sparedto rtudisr tuei tiuie ul visiters peilecliy coilliorianie iv lei ma lor Board, ac. Will be &l per thirtyitoyy, HnpemmtSrvvWt hull .rice. ' Fur Horse-S Jgl S per month, or 60 tnrma-in-T rjayr MiM -0llxwO? ijwaiv" There wdl be a bAU-ahcttARTv fuiiiiihe at Sliucco voriiura, 4t4h-eift--'l:-:4ite-6lt tttti f th1 ixm. ' 1 he --Mwe srvTaedTor 'tlie" oc casion win not be ulterior, it not superior, to any ihat was ever heard in iV .rth fJaroUna. Sho,c Sfrtng$ Muy lit, 1830. 4t2 J ! L-V I- " i , -1 a statco in tne .Lnloid Metcur 1 at' the Connecticut State Prison, one ol the best Tonductcd and most 1 fficient in the United States, as cleared during the past yeaf Jive thousand ocr, of 'jhich two tnousand live hundred has been paid into the State Treasury. A fluent speaker will pronounce 7.-00 words in an hour, 150 io r mr jute, and 2 Iq moment. UriYsVlLLK HlrAl) DILL. dertl Jacktott lo Hie lloue ol Kf preafn- . in .alii. -rarrn - y t-a-t. '.a i afc.i-.-M.aaM' jljU.U rx.tt:a. r. 1. 1 io xvua44i . rijiCitea.a 7V the House ct RcnrrtmaMtt: OcvTLtJafttf r I bv,iuMuccly ,iuakLUiiuLaw pear rvAUoa n4-( i A .1 n,.nn.lii,i I r uillhtirlf. ' CICU I ' 47 wilt l i-.. H 'sf " ' - v.ulf ripiion of aiock in the Mayivillc, W.anniton, Paria, and Lxinnion Turn pike Road Com u injr," udo return the same to ihe liouie iicpresentativet, in which it originated, with my objcctioiii to in pillage- i Sincerely ftiendljr to the irnprovemeiit cf ur cuuut'y by meant of rod and can .Ii, I ferret ih.t aoy difTerenre of opin ion in the nride of contriiu ing to it ahould exin between u,; and if, in ital iti trii dtlTcrence, 1 no bevoni'. whit t!ie occabinri nuy be defined to talj (or, I hope to find in .p doy in the threat im poi trance of ine autiject, an iKifiivji.e I leaped iur the liiktra ui ce from whi h thii branch of it tut emanated', and an jnxir, .i with to be correctly undergo id ijy my cons'ituent li) the ditchart(e ol all niy duties'. Diveii( of. aen.tnKiit among 'jmjoIic funtuntiirie, rctuated by the aaine general Hioiivei o.i the charac ler and teiideticy of particular ineaaures, li an incHeni commoti to all Uoverti tuema, and ihe tno e to be xpetted in one wincii, like ouu, out), its existence to the lieeii'.in ol opinion, and rnuit be upiicld by i lie .juii. i U irtv.f. niiiUiiul, ucioic kyutti oil i' r. specuve a( t wii oe i a:iva',!t . vi.h tne iiiiiuience due to i ac ni'P il ' lun? ol 'iiir n uurti ami a lib iLat l.iicihciii c LnJ u..Ut-i,d judg ment wiin.li aic (he Hue collective, oi ciioi, uti iiuluur espon-.iuiiiiy demands lb) Hiat tliC pUU.lv. oud ii- uid Iw die IllcaiU.C ol olli VI. Ws, ilicla.ll.lj aliac tneir Ii at.tc cn;ii cssi-n ai.d liu.iest main 1 1- liat. I I . 10 Coir aa ai the o,e.,.n of it motn- I ci.ovavoren to ex-iiw; t.iurl, my viewsupjn U,e imHa,i.t and higo.) Dieaeiiimve to the lieureacntatitct ol n c o- dti U d ilet tMl4d to. Ottcii-e Altc -tit - veiany oi vi'iiitoQ cunccrmiiii tne iwwei s I ul ".o.Uove.unici.t ove, u.c I.'iOkci ol Inlcinai IiiiiM'oTmi?rii, add i me in a n n e I in whieii tiicjii: p.i-we'ra, Il confjrreu by tile Couali.Uiioii, OllgUl to Oe cXcicijcd i Rtt aCL W UtCtt I all caltrJ"TlpOl to COO : k.dei, nas, tiicte.oic, occii i.a-.s'ed''wiito'alT.llI9IHI jKno-wiftrge'cl ray vie Ws en U l ""yuesiion, , aa inese ai c tx,,t cjscd in t ie iliiiaajjc iclcrred io. !,. t.i.t d ;cuiiuin fuc ijnii ' iUl Lti.siioti w.l 'jc Ijuiid : Aiiti uu- ex;t..-!i')ii .1 the i'u'nic debi.it i. not probable uny cijui- men ol iiic lalirl, U.Oii piiiielpii. sa.U iacioiy to tne pcupic m to. Union, wm, uuitl a tcuiJic pciioj, ii cvet', leave Hit Kovcjnmeni v.itnmit a coniidci aoie sur pius in the neasutv, oeyonu wnat lljy oe 114.11 ltd for n cut .cm service. A tnni, mt pttioa appioacnes when the ap piitation oi ine revenue to nc payment 0f the debt will ccjse, ihe ni p isinoi. ol die suipius will preieut a subject lor tne se nous dtlibera'hin of .ir:Hitii':X-")d..i; may oe loitunate for the country that it 1- yet lo bo dec't icd. Cnusideied in con niixton t'h the rnftV. ul ut wnieii have in.rctotore uiiemlid i,.ptopi lations lor put poses ol iti'ei tiai impronement, and wi n thoue wliicii t.11 cxjciionce tcils ua .,. ,., m,v t. i-rrt,,.,! h. the nui.il s ."J w . .2 .... sr. sa---.st. - , -7.'"" " ... . .... :. tioel-UoraiVw-44-b4 av ' lead to tTe" .domi;irtVr"icrpio ' . hicn will rttconcile tne diera.Sa4 imt- r;sts bi the atatcs, and sirens, ncn' the ootids which unite t ietti. Kvery mem oer ol the - Union, in peace and n war. wtti be bene fir d by the improvement ot inland navigation and rue construction of hiRhways tn the scv. rat States. Let u, i,,do. w!Lh Willi be stisftctory t.io..jlL-. hHh'erta "adnntfrt nas he-en deore- r.iiiNi as in initrtcnon 01 me v-onbtiiutio'i ed at the expense ofYarmony in the. leg islative councils; and, adverting to the constitutional power of Congress to make what-1. tonwdeV a proper disposition ol the surplus re'venoe, I subjoin the follow ing rein'irk t "Tol avoid these evils, it apperas to T.e lhathe most safe, just, srid federal dispositioriwhich could be made nf the-urplua-femiue, would o its apportionment amotig the several States, according to their" rafio of repre sen: Won : and should this nicisure no' Oi ful warranted hy the Constitu.lon, hat tt would bstpedieni to propose' to m3 Slates iT aiOCii'jmTm aaiuii4iua it . i c . . . A a . .H . ...iL.HM.,, a... , . ..-..-. -V v ..-aai.-tfva.-av-irt.i; 1..-. . . ' l.v oifitSiS; itliai beeCtieSred ainexpo' hj$ pprwaTr-etiinrWarT .1e &3eln . ;';.Thf.f Pft ', ftUwiul, mo r. tf Utft Fdirr a O ivirnnieii' tq lonvtrucl or promote work of iniert l iinpton i ent, precnti" 1TI7. fif e"tfi pWrrtr 'turfrHrt wrnf th-ttt itrdrfftiaitremfSsrulivTSeH ue i the econa- atieriinu mt aimpio rifht tn approp'i jtc money from the oa tional treaturv in aid ri iiicrt woikt when , undertaken by tMe atithori'jr, lurrender inq; the cl-i'i. of juridn lion. In the firit vir w th; quc'i')i of power it an open one. and ran be decided without the mbr rav-ment attendini; ihe other, arivinj; from Ihe practice ol he O iytinmeni. Al ho'jh f'eqeuntlr end atrenuoualf attempted, tne power, 10 thia extent, hat never tt4 n i rerriied by the Ciorernmrnt in a single inn lance It doe not, in mj opinion, p'is'.MS it, and no bill, therefore, which, a. iiiii!, it, can rtceivc my official ainciion. Hut, in the oiS?r vinr of the power, the 'iOc!ivnT d fTerently iituatjrt, Tho , i;r iund taken at an caily period of lh Oovftninrni, was, that wiicneter moo ey h oetn raued, by the gen. ral ati thority, and ji t. lie applied to a paitica lar mea-iuit, a tue:tn ane, wriclher the particular nuaiurr, be within the ru nmerated auihoiitiea ytaud la Congren. If it, be, tbc money itijuislte for n imy be applied lo r. , il not, (io uch appi ca non can be made." I ne docum,.'t in which thia puiuiple wa first advanced if be lie i ill 'i Kiaielui i cm, inuiaticc tor it iinifkdiaic uircncy in rocU'nj; the reun ify !.om muen exiittni; at)U-c and tor it :oneivtive rirti opon some, of . .h" niiisi .valuanlc pmuipieio: the convolu tion. Tne sy in. ncir and purity of Uia G jvernm-hi, wawld doub les have been -oitter, prteivd, if iiurerrictlonof the) p icrcl appi.iiiaiioti could" nave been uiii ii. '.ind, vki.iioiu weakemnij'its ability U"" 1:Kely l "" " ' -ppaieat 6t- 'V Uaecjuent administnr 01 l!JjmL luoiea, Hlot tiiy I'd ' ' uac t'u'vXij'i'ain v ou oruminiuft - o ..rtlo!,. tint 1114 F!:i.ir l,l I . .. ';ne movTprincM7T,Tordcr . ,j uK)Swji iv , my mind imybc better underwood. In the adantiisiratfon ol lk,JciTijr)r tta hv'iw"o aauij.iea -iri-the exercise of ' kunsid - 'ration jnai ua to;TSefOdpIioo" j "' ' i.'cu encetb upon cne puinic niind. hive hid a greater agency in fiatinn tha Icliaractcr vrf ihe po.ver, man any sube :qicnt event. 1 allude to the payment ''l.ccii million ol uoilare tor tdc pur jcoaso ui noui.iaiiiia, aiiu i ine pilginal -1 p. opiiavioa fir ihe construction ol (hot Cutiueilaud road i die latter act deriving t macli wcini Iroui tne acqu.cacencc anil " ' a, prohati,,., ot i.uee ul tne must power , ' h ouiiul memotis ol the cor.!ed 1 " sy. tp.ced through their respective) ' Letfialaiufss. ' ; AiinoiiSi toe C4rcuai-Un-i. cc ol the latter case m-iy oe such as to deprive so mucl) ol II aa rcla'es to the ac tual cotiiliUuajii ot thejroad4l4Ue.f of an ouitatoty exposition ot the Count .uiion, 11 must nevti thelebs be admiited that, so f r as tne mere approprlailon of money is concerned, tne, pieseui tno principle, in l tno. I nopoM,., ape..t. .No le than tweii.y inree UiH'oabt lat "-6 .--jomjiw. 1, o r ....... ,1 inn,.,n ,11 ; '!. lif,V.Xiu.-pptOTrrdntii- on i- . . . - . - - - . I maffl. 11I I Wi, iTlllil.iii anil a ..all a a ofluc l'e-uty in support i (.l Ihil 1 m lt.nv lrail 7" a, it i K a. r ... 01 tnai iiitLoycijiciH, ami me kd.oa Hon of eveiy t'tcstdent ol me UmterJi States, iiiciuaiit, my preueceaaor, ainco its commencement. Independently of :ne s. notion gt?en lo appropriations (or trie Cumberland ntj j otUer roaus and Objects under this power iMaiia-wM-uf rrrr iaCisuu ,taat. . ' 1 ii vat , cnjricjtjIH L Uy all aci whicJV fviH.wU;,- Canals, and improving the niy Ration of waier-JDwutses, in oicter to latiutate, pro mute; and give security to internal com merce among the several States; and Tr) render more easy, and less expensive. the means and provisions for the com morrccffnc'c. Ker-ardinz the bill as as serting a power in the Federal '-Govern ment to construct roads and canals with in the limns, of tha States in which they ware made, he objected to its passage, on the ground of iu unconstitutionality, de clariutf that the assent of the reap etiva States, in the mode provideit ay. iut'j)i!l oould iiot 'tbftftr the po?cs"ii uestiea f 7. 4,M

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