f ii ify C"f A A r ' ?ri i S V y'A Y v - . I i 1 I 1 I 1, 1 I fhui4 !, , r M.vr rajiuji.i r !.. tl ma I i(rM, . J SAUSIIUItr, HOWAN COUNTY, N. C.........rUK3l)AY, JUNE V;, T830. yO!s.Xl..r.N0.621. ". .TM l.rart MIm Wm4i- CamkltfU wil .... .'!. fmj, I f 4.IM'. k4 kmtpn nl,i r twi SallwtwilT. U 4 t.. ut ii I- -i-n. Wt .. J4i etwmoif , , itrtt l MUM M H f ln . " pi a il tuff t.tUn.. irfit. " mm' IUAWM ; V fit.! J' - J1JL- frlrri1,'xnirnr( tes"t in jrn erst, that he i iJW opening, at ! Id tand In alibtiry, sfl elegant sesoitmen? of - Yew, Fashionable; & Cheap Good, direct from thu elticicf Philadelphia ami New. York', and arreted by Jiimseif, from the iutetl im frta'nt fortha -Spring of 18)0! Which he flffuTi ii lo as any Uooda f h a'lm- quality heiouirht in this market. His aaaoitment : comprises every article usually kept in Stores, jjp.irc'ha-rra are invited to call, examim-, and jucVeforthems'lvei. ' Sutiibum, Mti7tk, 1833. , ' , , rt'ST receii'f'i, J fof W rv lo for ch, I iS bit;! 'r 6 titid Sf or 8 (R Mnwt " 3 bb!. Uf .Suf it'J bmheU Livti.ool Salt Z ticrca reHb itica 2(V(0 Ih. Spun Cotton, orfed Noi. ib. Li'j;ood, partly griuJ . 2 bbla. Cvppvraa. , 400 b. rutty - 13 kfti Whfe Leni, found m oil Tetieriflc Lisbon uJ seet ff'iW on liml. 5UCJ!bi. Kc-s i Wth (re nerl ami tut! rtment ( IJ otlier kindi of GOODS, suittd ;g U,i- wm wnl p.'acc JOHN MUtr-HV. Mtylih, 1 830. ttil ! REMOVAL. HE ubcriber repcctfully Inform h'a cut- tomeri, and th public, that he tin nrLiovED ins stoau Inoliinew nd pci(ui baih!ii,Ti j'i't timtlied and fitted "p in mt cieg-int 'yl Huiiorior to any :n the town : It is the 'nd lormcrly orni'd tndocCTpird bf hi nnclp, ftanirl Vr?n on Main "treet a few doar from the Court -llunte, vest aide :' Whee the suSeribf r liopea to re- J r ie call from hit old Customer, hiu! all oilier I who are d-iroin of bnv'ni, I Cheap Goods, Good Owls ! 1 lie is receiving, at short innervate, direct from 2 -..1'hiladclphisand New-York, a well selected and I coffiph te assort mnt of , J '$prwgmt:$ur&:tf''W I "'"Wftradapted to-tbin maritet, ivl pitrcliamnl en- . , tirj!y - for -fitA,..lH;hjy);. .ablie-lm sd- 4 -wfthmp IbrC ASH; wwi time-to tptnsale" 4 tMKneftr Awwff hi-atockT--WHl - be.- twind f g complete asonmrnt rif- " - zl Hard-Ware, Croccricr, Cullen, . Domestics, b cy ATrnotitTT. V ...-.J-4l:V:,!ll!(!L'ril.f---, Mill uUi ia whkh tbl Vaitti) States ia a party, or interested, and cause tbant or either of then, to rebart to pirn from time to time, any tnforma """."rJrv FTVtJ" rciattoij to wjne.: i - . - moneys recf red or collected by the Solicitor reported br him to tbe officer from whom the bond tit. caber. ado of Mraf "received, and prober credit be ri-n thref.i in.t h ttta4nrref tawrrany-iQitrmtetlriTdl; T' liatos pf the lima statri: 'oie ,i A riVt" .Vct'i a ,'ie 21.1 Cw,. acMtmi 57, An Act to provitle for the appointment of a Bo. iiuinr ot the I reanjry, , RF. it cwutel by lU Hxw.tc and II f Hrft. trrtihiUve, cf ihe .Cm'tJ St,u ,f tunica in fjunn,! itiirmb'eJ, 1 there b appointed, by tlir l'rei.Ha of th.- Uniitd Ste, -hr and iih the advice and corscnt of the Senate t aorne suitable person, leaned in law, to be S0. Iiriior id the Tnaaorys and that ll and ainiTfi. lar the pewer ah d i-,ea that are by law ve ed. n, and rcn;-iired fro-j the Agent of the Trea- UI V (if the Uuiied -into, Shl he trmmftrrrft to, veiled ami reqii.red from, the Agent of mc inai.ny oi in vmttfl. Wates, siull be rrani cm to, vrstcd in. and retj iired from 'he aid Rcl.ci'.or of the Treasury , and the said Solicitor of U;e Treury shall alio perform and discharge so m-ich ortl e duties heretofare be Kinging to the office iif Commiiwer, or acting Commiioner i f tho Revenue, as reta'ra t, ti. stiperinfend'-nce of ih- collection of outstandinir tr shall have charge f all lands and other property, v. hlr.h Imvo hcen onhall besMi)(tied, set on", or conveyed to the United Statu, in paydient of d.-b't, and of all tnuts created' for ine u . iiie united xta'ri, in payment of nr.. unc in , ana in sen , tj Jisp'na orlands Mwrt?nrmysx wTiWeT Stifevfn'pay mint or delns, or binsf vetoij in them by moit raj;.', or oibtr necurity fir th payment of tiri imi irn vtivr "pit eite hath al ' tTendr, "wilt please call, eTammey-amr jntre for Ibcmscues, ' Dec 4fA, 1829, ' J7 i." 7 '" 7; N. Ft Th-" nnmtfacturinr of St;'.! :nd tin Hate Ware, hwtofore conducted byt,fF'"''' Cress, will htreaf'er be cnrrif.1 on by the sub scriber: who will keep cmis-amly on ban J, or tnamifactore tn order, SH1U, and Tin rii!: Ware, made of the best materials 'd in the most ;ub itantial and fisbionuble sty!,- "f workmathip; and hopes, by a strict uttcnticn ro'bis branch of business, to merit the patronise of the public. 1). II. CRESS. Boot awl ftUoft taking. KtJTlttrf. ' ?ec 7. Jnd belt urlfsr enacted,' Tht it shall ba the duty of the Solicitor bf the Treamrj-, with the approbation of the fecretery of the Treasury, to eatsblish (iucn tules end regulations, not inconsi tent with law, for the ohierince of Col lectors, District Attorneys, ahd 3larahal rept'Ctioir -oita in which the United ?v tes, are pirties, at may bo deenjed ne csarjr lor the iut responibilit of those officrrs, and me prompt collection of. all revenues and d'.bts iuond accruing to toe united spates. SC 8. And be it further enacted, That i shall he the du'jr of the Solici'or of (he 1 reastiry to obtain from the aeveral Dis tnct Attorniei ol the United States, foil and accurate accounts of all causes and actions pending in the courts of the Uni- icu o-.tt, in wnicn tne united states shall be plaintiff, on the fourth dr of Julf next and shall cause an intelligible ahslract thereof, showing the names of tne parties in each suit, the eue of c- ion, the time of Its commencement, end uch other matters as my he necessary to full information respecting the same, 10 be prepared and laid before Congress at the commencement of the next seaaion. Src. 9. Andbf it further enacted, That the Secretary of tne Treasury be, and he hereby ia inthnriif r.i . 'r "hcipbu) Rl. 1 hmiiiiiici one ui inc reauy ueco.re the ;)rnpc.rty of tiy rni'e- ,-a'es lerki now employed in the office of the by conveyance, extent, or otl.trwi,, i,. payment fifth Anrlimr. , ,L .Tto.r: r . i - v u iiiu uiiilc tii iidiiriinr the Treasury j and the said Clerk shall continue to receive the salary as at pre- MnlWXTOX'S SPEECH. Substance of Mr,, Ben tons iieccb made in the Senate of the United States, the tnoiion for the raducHoa of b4ktya 8ali'.teibf iinder eotv ideration. 7 ,." 1 01 a a-ut, ana s rn rtcbt hath been lullv nai.l. in money, ami the wim-hath bi-ii received by iiie! Ctiiteil S'atea. it shall a id may be I1wf.1l for the Solicitor of hr I rrasnrv to rclemn. hi- (!e,l ,.r ! otherwise convey the same renl e'a'c to the debtor from wh im it astaVeti, it be shall be livinp, or if such lcbtor he ilea l, n his heirs .;r devisees, or j ft '1 prois m they shill apjioint. Sio. 2. .1ml he it ftrther rnm-tnl, I'hat the Secretary or the I ru usury shll cn'ise to be tmniferred t i tlic Solicitor uf li.c Treasury, 1 books, pajMUM, ami recue,U; bel.wginjf ir appcr taioing lo. Uit o.Uce oCut t" viU Teea-mrr, nr bclonjriiif and appertaining t,i the superiu. vrmlert .f the coitctuo if iMwlinp fifes taxs nd internal duties j aiMrW CAni(rn)lcj; ttftTinfTrtasnrv;- and ittT)Ther officejwl, havr vprpnff,fe liewKeequired to-caasn- srwmj to be 'ialetfandrclHtSe wMlis,-reroni?;repbrlfbrautements7to Agm f the Treason-, are hereby r?ouired to cause such accounts to be s'ated and certihVd, and such !i!, returns, reports, and statement. icnt Src 10. Jn& be it further enacted, That it iballbc she dij'y of the Attorney Gen cral, of the United States, it the request 01 saia solicitor, to Klvise with and direct tne said aolntor as to the manner of conducting-the suits, proceedings, and prosecutions aforesaid ; and ther Attff ney GenerarsTiall fe'ceTve, in a idition to hN f esent salary, the surti of five hundred dollars per annum. r-i. StcZ 1 iSAndht&furilicTenacUd, Tha I tbeSolicjior of uie Treasd-ry shBti recetyc n ranhdaf "salary of three" "inbiisrid iSve nund-'d dollars ; and be authorized to . mploy, with the apptobation of (he Sec retary ol the i rcasury, one clerk, who rrrw-w,frwish4phs il 4p.L 5ndr."wiH please can. eTamtneramr intfre for 4 ths-Tiwmrr nrf nH V fcaf fpnilOMAS Mi l,!., Jn. havinir Sexvensive assortment thr'frwtiryT' and H.Ts,TcTtirn, n-pirrts. and ami lnti-rnal duties, heretofore required to he nade in the (Jomrmssioner or actuj. CjmroiSi SHMier ot tlic Kerenue hereafter be ni4de to the .-aid Solicitor of the Treasury. Sic. j. Jn't fie it fwtlierrn itteit. That when- c.v r anj -jona lur oui.es siian oe oeuvred to a district Attorney for suit, the Collector so de livering the ;ame nail immedi uely give infor mation 1 hereof to the Solicitor of the t reasury, with a futl ami exact description of the date ot such bond, the amount due thcreon.and the names uf all the obligors thereto ; and the Solicitor of the Treasury shall thereupon make such entry thereof as that the said Attorney niy duly ap. pear chargeable therevith, iniiil the am.-mnt titereof shall bare been paid to the I'nited States, he shall have obtained judgment thereon, and eliversd eeaniott -'o the Marshal, or sha!l oth erwise have bff n duly (lischargad therefrom and the several U'wict Attorneys of the United States shall, immediately after the end of every 4he fur. aid iak, of jda beat-quality 1 and baving i ,crni Pt. "e Circuit and District -Courts ,4- loy from 10 to IS Journeymen, soma l'mtfd lxU ' their tespectiwe dist.i.-ts I re eq-isl if hot superior to any work wartl f lhe fcol'Citor of the Treasury a full 1 f all- de- acriptionaof Northern LEA'f 1IF.R and Jilataiak, in his emul ttt n.' h mn nr .final i, tint Kiiripmnr to Anv men in the Umted'StateS ;-he therefore feels j particular siatement, as well of all cases in winch warranted in assertm, 4hat he mWSio e. ?he V?"fd Sta,M a.re. Par".es.w,,'ch rc pending cute every d.scription of work in hit line of coons, as ot i.oju wtncii may Have been -business, on...! m tl.. neatness Rnd (Ljia. l'ec,"prt titlri"S su,'! l accompanied by a - imtf VA VTMh hf t 'kimrtiTthe-t'ninir: 48ari6at.- of th,kra;- wf siicbxwrrn"iwrt--tt- . I J. II . . uu 11 iy uunars per annum am one 'iaiTMenif r ft sVViars ortTveTunfed d'jjlaj ",p.ejr annum. All lcura-4o-an4 f om the Solicitor of the Treamry, rela ting to the duties and business of his of fice, fchall be iransrniited by mail free of Police. r Sric. 12. And be it further enacted, That the sum of three thousand five hundred dollars be, and the same hereby is appro priated for the payment of the said sala ties for the present year) to he paid out of any money in the Treabuiy not other wise appropriated. A. STEVENSON, Speaker of the Home of lU-presenialivea, '"' J. flr -AbHOt-Ny - Vice Tresident of the United States and President of the Senate. Approved, May 29, 18.50. T A?VIT!tEW -JACKSON. Mr. BENTON commenced hf speech by aaylnp that bf was rta adtocate "firtin pcoubW.4Usatavaa4 hid noamirttioft-tf vtwoi a nui uiai-sqaro .. wera-ms tn which speaking: did tjoou cases in which moderate abili;ies produced crest results net he belieed Ihe ques'htt of repealinir. the salt tax to bo on of those, cases. Ii bad ccruinly been so in Kngland. Ther the salt tax had been overthrown, by the labors of plain men, under circttmstanco much more unfavorablo to their under taking than exist here. The English salt tax bad continued 1 50 years. It watcher ahed by the ministry, to whom it yielded a million and a hall sterling of-revenue 1 it was defendeii by the dontestic salt ma kers, to whom it gave a monopoly of the noma marxet ; it was consecrated by time, bating; subsisted for five generations; it was fulfilled by the habits of the peo pic, who were born, and had grown gray, under it ; and it was sanctioned by the ne cessities of the Siate, whicb required ev ery resource of rigorous taxatbrw Vet it was overthrown; and the overthrow was effected by. two debates, conducted, Hot by the orators whose renown has filled he world not by bhendan, Burkes Pitt. and Fox but by pi dn bu.lness men Mr. Calcraft, Mr. Curwen, and Mr. Ceerton. rhise patriotic members of the British arlument tomm ncnl the war upm the 832. rommenced wi'h the omens and auspices all against then, and ended with complete success- They abolished the salt tax in toto. They swtpt it all off, biavly-ffj4cuiiR all .compromise! when they hd got their adversaries haff van ' quiahed, and carrying their appeals home 10 the- people, until they had roust-d spitit bclorc which the ministry qulled, the monopo i7.crs trcm'iifid, the (r lia ment gave way, and tlic tx fell. , Thi, example is encouraging ; it is fell of con solaiion and of hope ; it shows what icj! and presevtraace can da in a good cause ; it shews that the cause of truth aad jus tke is triumphsnf when its adyocates are bold and faithful. It ledi to the consic vm tlwi Ibf American salt iax will ilt"a ; the British lax. drd, is .worrjanieoiiii tne viovcri)meiii,-auu mat its repeal Is in their own hands. thirty prjtmdi In the bushel, For tbess ' U educe the buahel tofitysix pnundit andtha retail merchant and talt maoufac. Itjf rtivtmprova-T2?aa.itbt4 4,Uil,-ha? made a further reductlon'ril six ro-jndi anrjredu:ei n,a ru.i.t-i i ,r(r. 'i h.t . ono half and raakinr tha aah Cn,f petssiriMtw--tnii-YT.-l-'-r : v . 't -fiif 1 s-' nsnc., . cWijjphT opor trrif ittiiTWrtsnr"" in tbe-tJtuhel and the duty 0(l ,)urn ,c is shewn to be near four hua cent j in other words, ihe tax U f . .tn,- the i. .6 of tha' article, and make ir totV. thd i.ufisumcr fjur 1 1 fTla ft ft iniidK mm, I aJ would cost without the tax. Thi. I. - crut! oppression, opan the penpia ono -.m-r, .,.cr OUgn no( r without ne. cessity, jnil which there ia no necessity, as shall be fully ahewfl, far beirine lor ': longer. ,n , , , ;'. , f Mr. D. entered into itatl.Vi.i . ..,., uciaiis, io the afgregate amount of ihi. t.. which he aiaifdto be en.irmo'ut.andcon . trary to every principl.1 of taxation, even hew H taxes were so neces,,r a, t0 jul(jf the xing of salt, ,! t,,.e! t,e ( fm anon 01 loreigr. iu, , 829,at,I, tail ions ol bushels, round nauibain vt! re of Sris.COO, nn inB..tax at 20eentt 1 bushel, 8l,2CO,O00: the proH i?uft.jat dutjrxaoa pneeent. i ani thQ secret or bidden in tb slupa of false wriRht fo-triijs mei' sure, at ihe rate of 30 lbs. in thB bushel, was g450,000. ( Ifere. then. , tanikw! to the amount of about two million. quarter of dollars, upon an article cost-' inir K71J.00O-S an.! ih, i .. . t v t . -... i..i I,, fir ,tm up i"t; next after bread, in,i,i (MogM9 of articles for human sub Jstence. ) The distribution ..I this enormous t upon the different sertirn oflhe Union!: was the next tit&w4-lF&mmnfty& and fcr this purposo, h sld the Uniort gr divisoria the North Suuth, apd the WCst. -To tb;. The enormous amount of the tax was Uwlicsumittl. eentvupon M$rpttoj viown, and4(X pcr,f afthe commeneeme-nr nf iirjvKBir;,,ft,'"-- I. . . L. ll.. .1.. L . O '. .. .... HavtiigeSaped MrVTO tne-1 pea. t?n... .K.V..n.!Jmu u,;il -maltum. hsi"7 me nwstaut and strict comparisons fouH3 m Mdance irniy Slii)K wtllictr Irijirf -as.:- ....... a. . ,.. .f -tfie rn,.ri Itnct -Attorneys, of the reports made by 'the CoT- Main street, three door aoulh House, and adjoining the Post-Office) to re Caiva orders, dlivr a-t-ik, give rcv;inis f:ir moneys paid, and generally to accominouate all who may patronize the Establishment. From my extensive arrangements in ousinefs, lam enabled to give long indulgences tikje Sponsible dealers. , b Grateful for thi liberal pntranage hitherto re. reived; 'J shall use every endeavor to merit a eonttnujuiccnt the. nuahiJav: raersior umitaor hiioes. aent tronia "llu " J tttH.?"" - , i xiiV.TM5ni iwrntvai nt ifsmArimimntf il..i A,yKd asaartaujit ai 'senrs oep niitiri " ' Hditbttrv, .1pnt 2., 1833. wanted, two firtt rate- wnrkmenrat Latlrres' Shoes and Pumns s to whom vod wages, and constint enrtvloymetit, will be given, on apphca" i:...i.L....' -. , 'I VI ITT f Ih .. TJaVttiA wi ivvxtl ommUtcit TO the Jail of Rowan county, on 2 th instant, a Negro man who says his name is Dick, and belpngs to John Bonner, of Fairfield Dis trict; South Carolina. He is about 30 yeara of quite black j speaks quick when spo lento 1 and ia of common size,. The owner is requested to prove property, pay charges, and take him away.' ' F. Sf iTEK. Sh'ff. SeXfbury, 28?4 Jpn!, 1830. .1? lectors of bonds delivered to the Attorneys for soil '1 and if it chsll appear that any Collector shall make return of any bond as in'suit, or de iivefed f ir suit, or .shah return a.ny bond as in suit, for tbe whole a'moiint thereof, when part thereof hi? been paid' to him, or her in suit, for more ttiairts actually clue thereon, the solicitor of the Treasury -shatt, immediately upon disco've ry thereof, communicate the same to the Presi aeni 01 me unueu amies. ; anu 11 snail turtner Hampton & almr, HAV'Efo-med acopart nership, aa Hutch M.(lLJ0hckUktr,iiiivr. tmith and Jewelltn, for the purpose of carry ng on .the. .business. in .all its .va. nous branches, in the town of Salisbury. I'hey occu- py the JVtv Atuft, built by .lamc-s B, Hampton. mTmlniuff KlA al laVil I ll HMMiaia f saSarsina s 7 amount actually unpaid on each; and to the truth of uch account he shall ee.rlifyjja.0Ath - SiKSh- 4n-ltnl4 it4nrtkernaeteiii 'That wbeir ay suk-uti"tioinf he fecey -of a'fi4' penalty, or torteiture, shwl be instttuted r com menced, a sta'ement of such stiit or action shall he immediitely transmitted to ihe SolicitoT-f the Treasuij, b) the Attorney inatituting tfcfe ssuti ; and whenever any seizure shall be made for the purpose of enlorcing any forfeiture, the Collector or other person causing such leisure to be'made, shall, in like manner, immediately give information thereof to tbe Solicitor of tbe Treasury. " .... .. . Ssc; ,5. And be it further enacted, JThat the said Soliiitdr shall have powerTo-instruct the District Attorneys, Marshals, and Clerks of the Circuit and District Courts of the Uniled States, 'i all BsaUert and owceedinjv appertsicing to. doors south of the Courtd louse. They will)carefally fiepair alt kinds of Watch, es, Clocks, and Time. Pieces, and warrant them to perform well : And are prepared to mangfac turej anil will keep on hand lor sale, all deacrip. lions uf Silver Ware, such as Spoons, Ladles, Sugar Tongs, &c. Work aent from a distance eLa&iaaBBaYaaaakioaaabJ.. constanlly on band, and sold low for caih. . ... . .. JAM&S. B. WAMPTO.N, JOHrt'VrPAtMEIt. ' .13... - ... .... : .. a .. -. . ....'.. . , James 8. Hampton tenders h'rs grateful sc-knowledgementa-to-the-pablic, for the liberal patronsge hitherto extended to himself individ ujlly T and respectfully asks a contihuai,ce of it to the firm of which he is a partner. N. B. Thoae indebted to htm, are earnestly desired to liquidate their accounts asoon as possible ; as bis new arrangement makes It necessary old scores should be settled op.' Writing NVrappin Paper, MANUFACTURED at the Salrn Paper-mill, for sale, on moderate terras, at thi office. Jwe,m ; .., . 31 used in ihe vCst, he would confino hi observations to the salt of Portugal and the West Ir.dies, called by tha general nairwc ol alutu. The import pticc of this salt wdi liom fi's'ht to nine cents a bush el of fif y nix isotiiids each, and the duty upon that luiihel was twenty ctnts. Here was a ux ol upwards of two hundred per cent, i tit. 11 the merchant had his nr.iflt upon the duty as well as.upon the cost ol the article, ami when i; went through Ihe hands of several merchant before it cot iflLlhe eppsumer, ..eACh.hdJijHjirofigjiJ on it, anu wnenevcr this proht amounted to fifty percent, upon the duty, 'it was upwartli of one huudrtd per cent ajxitt ihe duty, it was upwards of one hundred per cent upon the salt. Then the tdiiff laws Iihyc dvpi'vd consumer of . thirty four pound 111 tilt bushel, by stibstitutini: weiilit fir measure, end . that weight a iaise one. j nc irue wcignt ot a me sured bu.sliel af alum sali i nighty fur pounds ; UiiMhe liritlsh tariff laws, lor the sake of .multiplying t be busheislind increaiing tbe product of the tax, substi tuied weight lor meaure) and ottf tariff laws copied after them, ami adopted their under thre east", the rl Tirnt r. in ..u..'.: n.. t " ""' Bi', i-,J'T to tome part 'i 11, he cutisidcred the silt tax to be nc hurtnen, but rather benefit and l nto ney nukm bijsines The fish'ine aj V luwanccs and 'jountir, produced thj. e f. k'Ct. In consideration 0f the aalt duty, illfto.''.'dexrfirf fiiif-iireil-- lowed money out of the Treasury, to tha yT'ftder etlin tiUAlcaaam.tirJtiin aliceWwuI3iij, Ct-rTr,WfrenTtt, 1 firat imposition of the salt ddty in17o9, is shewn by thff Treasury returns to be nve minions ot dalhis. MdchofthU ! eenlujHMialjim alu LuUiAibeXisiarpwH- Wr-psg 8 -of heujTTol-. was a very inferior salt, and not much Hriahres. The Northe ut mJka: m, ttx iKa. VV I i. I J . i- . - ' T a -1 r sail ut nome, and chfefj by solar evapor ation, whicp fit, h for curing fix!) and pro-r- - - i t bet roudi standard bf fifty six pounds to the bushel , . Here Gen. Smith, of Maryland, rose find said that he had led the Senator from Missouri Into an error,- in telling him. stfme time back, that the weight of alum aalt maa fight u fmii ruuuula & ajRaLaa, querjreflMllt!a..hadib'jwaJiira that it Vlblon Much of It ia limy-,.' K- ,1.1 . turns of tbe salt jnakers, to be Used in the fisheries, while the fihe k 8r0 tirawfno money from tha Troisory under the law which intended to indsmhify them fop. the duty p.,id on foreiKn MC To" thi section ot thn Union. tiim, the salt tat iw not heavily felt e a burthen, Let us proceed ta the Smith. T ,k:-7 section thtve arefcut few a -It works, andf no bountiaa-ot-allowaneTitfaTthere" are ho" ns.tcnei. 1 ne consumers :ar ihrowra - alTSlt'r -uP3.illk?diirtjupply,..-. and ch.efly use tha Liverpool blown.-.. ' The importprjee of this j about 15 cents? ' a bushel ; the weight and strength is leta than '.hit of alum salt ; and the tax fall heavily and directly opon (he people, to iicoy Bunntn upon mo OOUlti. ; The WtsTls the last lectieii ihriT . cdrnw wdftwfvamrTo- toe ifcaTrOS"iiS6 of the most oppressive opurattoo of salt ? ia. 1.10 onm.'Stie.SUpply ii high tt pricTTmrnrrent in q'untry, and alloireth Mr. B. resumed his speech, lie said fta Sariator fronv-Marviaiir was noWdr far S 5?nt.ia'i,.l.? filiinfni ipn.ash(t,.u.p:. posed; that he (Mr. B.jwss infnrmcc! from other sources thaf TuiK's Island salt weighed above eig;l4y pounds t and he had a report before him of a commit tee of the British House d Commons, made in 1817, by. Mr. Calcraft, the chair man of the coromitfe,e on the salt duties, in which the weight of the best Uay of Biscay salt is stated at eighty four pounds. Jiut let us assume tbe weight at- eighty pounds, and at this weight it is incontc.i tible, (hat the taiiff taws have been the means of defrauding ibo cqasuiaef oilteuiuuiun cr unfit lor one of the greatest purposes) for .which :.t is there wanted, rtlrtn, a. for exportation. . For thiamtmnse. a loieign aupply is indispensable and al um trait is the kind u,cd. . The- import price of this kind, from theWestiadita. Tf-mrrtj ccnts a busluij from Portugal .KocmTannrsnri; rmese prices tho w10.r'e"n'iXh),dUy was aiiolisbed. Surra-ToosetrtWnce bT iYe'autVlt cZi ' "':: " iri ceu- pP'4sJitfrrej"bt!i'fi 'tauf" nines jntrtmpririprtco otthS-articleftmtl aeventy-five eeuts-per bushe at Louis ville, and other central parti of the valley of the Mississippi. This enermoua price) resolved into component parts, is thus made up ,1. Hh: or nine cents a bush el for the a tit. "2. Twenty cents for dmy. 3 tight or ten cents for nercbdnV pro Stat New Orleans. .Sixteen or seven-' teen tents) for freight,!? Lusvile. fiUcen to twenty cen's for merchant 5. the .second 1' pic.fit, wi counts Ms per a hf wbots outlay. 8ll ghut 7. , j