fiCflTr 8ALI3J.UUY, ROWAV COUNTY, N. C TUESDAY, JU.VH 29, 1830. VOL. XI.....NO. 623. ii' nil r.rr.i i ir:4 wwr - A. A. - A A. -3 ,..TU MM i W wtr CartUataa Will k- tr-,'r H " V tell." r 1 , l-. -W'"t ..a-.. at iullu !. If M " - - . ....... m.i riaiaarjt Ml Mtinm""" .it HI"" -rt -MM r.'-- IMIiM w'ita of the WnUrt.SUtra: JaaW il 'A fmt Xnum IhflXU CawytvM. CNaia 33 An Act to incorporate the Aleiaodria Canwl Compmy. BE il matted by the Senate and Haute J Hrfi'fteniativri of the United Statet of America in Congreti aembled, That John KobertB, Pbincs .'anoy, Robert J. Taylor, ThompM.n V Mason, Hugh Smith, Anthony C. Casenove, William II. Millar, Chatles Henneti, Edmund J. Lee, Colin Auld, Henry Danirerfield, George Brent nd Jonathan Bucher, be, and they are hereby, ippoitved Commis sioners, any three of whom shall be com tMtenl to ct, :o receif c subscriptions to I Lee, Coli.) Auld, Henry Dangerfield, ng, ano rnan.ging ati tne saia vora 1 George Brent and Jonathan Bucher, be, P-ny'a business and concerns, for and du I ' j w,hr. .rWitved Commit- ung such umcnot exceeding three years, the capital sto.k of the company herein after incorporated, i he said Commis eioners shall C3Uf books to be opened at such limes ind places s ihcy shall think ft, under the management ot such per 1 uiaj as the" shall appoint for receiving . .tl -irxiAvr,ai tr the r unit 111 ..: j rl Ki,h ...h.rrir.tinns mav te msde either in person or by power of; pute any oher memher or proprietor .rtornVy- ard notice Ha in b7 the ." vote ami act as proxy fvr him or her, a,id Commissioner, ot the uaie and place neural mee.mRt Vot M ,- of o.,.ninK the books. ' ) That no on.oer or director of Com, Sic 2. .1nd U it f.:r:!;tr enacted, T Panv sh"be ,!owed to vote on any slock Commissioners shall cause tne'1 h" m'n:. And finvided, t,U That books to t.e kipt open K least twenty,1" t days, and within sixty ("ays after the ex Diraiion thereof, shall call a p;neral mee ting ol the subscribers at the town of Ai -exanvtri rof whKrh inj; notice shall be gtv.-'i by a msjenity of the 6rnrnts sioneis in at Icest one newspaper pub listed in ihe City of Whini'lorL end one " tmtdhfrtd fe-flteHO"n of Ateati'dTtt-aHhir m6irst of aTmjifMllyM: Jeas twenty aeys next Deiore tne sain xnee'iiVti ; and such meeting 'shaMartfT ms-h--rOnttnwd iiiitil lTie"biiiines? hail be finih-.d; and Iho Commissioners, at the time and place aforesuid, shulr lay .befuije,iuc :..aubwj:i&crj.Jiiii...tooiij:u.n. tainmR he :ato ol i4e aid subscnpticn,J and if one fourth of the capital sum ol two hundred and P.fty thousand dollars should not ppar to have ben subsciibcd, then the said Commtss'torters, or a ma jority of them, aro tmpowered to take and receive subscriptions to make up such deficiency, and may continue to take and receive subscriptions fur the term ol twelve months thereafter ; and a just and true list ol all subscriber, with the sum subscribed by each shall be made out and returned by the said Commissioners, or a majority of them, under their hands, to the Secretary of the Treasury of the .Uni ted States, to be carefully preserved and in case more than two hundred and fifty thousand dollars shall be subscribed, then the sum subscribed 60all be reduced to that amount by the said Commiskioners, or a majority of them, by beginning at, or striking off a share from, the largest subscription or subscriptions undrr the largest, and above or.c share, unit the same shall be red'iced to the capital afore- I said, or until a share shall be taken from I all subscriptions abore one share ; and lots shall be drawn between subscribers 4 of eqnjH rsiim o lwermin tha timber I of 'shufeswBicTTe at h subscriber shall be I allowed to hold ui a list to be made for . striKing oft, as aioresai;! ; and. if the sum I . subscribed shall exceed the capital afore- I said, then to strike off by the same rule, until the sum subscribed sha-H be" redticed I 1o the capital aforesaid, or all subscrip- I tions reduced to the .capitarTfoTCTaid, or llaqbsCrip'on. fedrtfed to jone share, T , respectively 5 and inhere be stilt an ex' A iwnrtbx.j.ubLSCiber-- 4s fodd in -nJiM -1 tfdue e tfc subiscr i n 4 Uoir - tttff : v;TaRrt':a king off shall be cer'ified on , the list afnrpaaiH t. nnrt lh. rt.,.1 .it. nf iKa Company hereby incorporated shall coiv aist of two.hundred and fifty thousand dol; lars, divided into shares of one hundred dollars ea"ch, of which every person sub ecribing'msy ta"ke and subscribe for one or more whole shares: Provided, That rjnless one forth of the said capital shall . bo subscribed, as aforesaid, all subscrip tions under this act hall be t&idr and in case one-fourth, and less than the whole, shall bo subscribed, then the sid Com- CUJsiojjers, or a -majority of Ihent) are! j hereby empowered and directed to take and receive the subsfyiptlens which shall first b offered inwho.a thareii at afore ssid, until ih: dcficicrcy shall be made tcription shall be made under the hands oX4hcaid Commisiloneri, or majariiy of them, for the time bcii tnd returned, s ati.tsafc rre at er" parr nt the said stock shall have been subscribed in the, manner aforesaid, then the tub acribers, their heirs and assigns, thill be, and are he rehv declared to bo, incorpora ted into a companv, br tlio name of the Alexandria Canal Company, and may sue and br sued as tuch, and as- such shall have perpetual succession, and "common seal; and it shall ifereupon be the duty of the ail Commissioners, or a majority of them, to call general meeting of the subscribers, as they, or majority of them, shsll appoint, after advertising the same in such public prints at they, or inaptly cf them, may tt.i ik proper ; and such of the aiid subscribers as shall be present at the said meeting, or a majori ty of them, ore hereby empowered and required o elect a President and six Di rectors, for coHucting trie said uodcrla arthe said subscribers, or a majority of them, slull think fit ; and, in counting the totes of all general meetings of the said Company, each member shall be al lowed oMe vote for every share, as far at U) sbares,and one vote forevr.ry 10 shares alwve 10, by him, or her, held at the time, in of the said Company ; and any I hand, executed befo e t wo witnesses, may structed to prevent any person or per bons, who may, from lime to lime, be by law appointed, from voting at any general meeting rm any stock which may be heldl b y- at y ' e. -.- Sec- 4. And be i' farther evicted, Tbat the sitd t'resideht arid Directors, and assembled, shall have full power fld "au- thonty tn appoint, and, at iheir pleasure; dismiss, such engineer or engineers, and agent or agents, as they mey deem ex pedtcnt, and to fix their compciisa'ion sjjdjgNLll!!ej oh behalf of the said Company, to cut canals, treel Uams,. open feeders, con struct locks, and peiform such other WoTftai"tf:cy shair expedient f r complctini a 'canal, from the ' termination, or-'other-point ott the Chesapeake and Ohio Cai.a . , ft such place in the town of AlcxanJria as the Coard of Directo-s shall appoint ; and out of the money ar'uing Irotn the subscrip 'ions and tolls, to pay for the same, snd to repair and keep in order the said canals, locks, ond other necessary works thereto and to defray all incidental charge s ; and also, to appoint Treasurer, Clerk, and' other officers, toll gatherers, managers, and servants, as they shall judge requi site, and to agree for, and settle their re spective wages or allowances, and to set tie, pass, and sign their accounts ; and also, to make and establish rules of pro ceeding, and to transact all oter business and concerns of the said Company, in and during the intervals between the general meetinrjsof the same; and they shall be allowed, as a compensation for their trouble therein, such sum of money as shall by fl jitrat .meeting of the 'Stftc'SboTdcrs, be determined : Provided, 'always, " TYflt the" "Trca1&ufe''''s'fiall''glv'e'' bond, in such' penalty, .and with such se curity, as the said Presiclsnt and Ditec tors, or a majority of them, shall direct, for the true and faithful discharge of the trust reposed in him; and that the allow snce to be made him for his services shall not exceed three dollars in the hundred, fo'r thcMisbursements by him made ; and iWno'ceVfcrtheenmpany ehtlr any vots in the seJgrnjjqt pr payment .of ba own. account - -Srf.v i . jlndh it f;t vther. ao ttji . T hall there shall be..paid. ftl tho time of t.he subscription, on each share, one. dollar t andjhereaftejri when the Company shall be formed, the stock subscribed shall be paid-in such ' ihstal ments, and at stich times, as the Presi dent and Directors shall, from time to time, require, as -the work advances? Provided, That not more than one-half shall be demanded within anyone year from the commencement of the work, nor any payment demanded limit attcssi thirty days' public notice thereof shall have been given in such public newspa pers as tho said Prietiident and Directors hall direct such notices to bo published 'n ,ndi .whenever, any jubtcribet fhtll fail to pay any Initalmant called for by the Company, It that! .and may ta. lawful for i ha. -Comiar,yV'ponovi4f ebk nvaJa in any Court of Record, after tert days notice, to: ohtaia . jtidf merif.'iEl6it.tli. subscriber so fai inir to na 1 or lhsaid t xf t!ay -norrce1n"iaeK "p ublTcTrr s papa n at tney may jurFre proper ; and, il the proceeds of any suoh sale ah ill exceed the sum demanded, the surplus, after paying the expenses of surh sale, shall be paid to the subscriber aofailittjr, or his legal representatives; and the purchaser at such sa!e shall become a stockholder, and be subject to the same n:les and retj ulations, and entitled to the tame privil rne rights, and emoluments, as original subscribers under this act. - Sit. t.' And, to continue the succession of the said President an I Director., aid to keep up the same number, le it enac ted, That from time to lime, opon the expiration of the said term for which the said Piesideni snd Directors were appoin ted, he stock holders of the saidCompanv, at their next general meeting, shall ri theT continue the laid President and Pi rectors, or any of them, or choose others in their stead ; (and, umil tuch choice be made, the President and Directors far the time bein; shall continue in office :) and, in case of the deatn, removal, resigns' tion, or incapability of the Piesicfent, or any of the Directors, may and shall, in manner aforesaid, elect any other person or persons to be President and Directors, in the room of him or themi so dying, re moving, or resigning; and may, a' any Sftrr'rtieirfrrcfar 'SneeflafirffrnWIr the President, or any of the Directors, and appoint others for and during the re mainder of the term for wTikhlsucKpef son or persons were at Beat to hive acted. Sec. 7. And be it further enacted, That every President and Director, before he acts as sttch, sb-all take an oath or affirma tion, for ihe due execution of hit offi-e. Pec. 8 And be it J inker enacted, That the presence, in person or proty, ol the stockholders having a major part of the stock, at least, shall bo nec ssary to coo- atttute e freneral me9tif the atoek-ftttc holders, which shall be held on the fi st Monday in Mjy, in eTy -year, at ystr:n time, appointed- by ih said t;ira rn- ttCt-; but, if a -tufrtcicHt number anail not attrnif iVn ihat Hafr. rhe srr who do attend, and the business of the Company is finished : to which meeting, report, and render distinct accounts ct all their proceedings ; and, on finding them fairly and justly slated, the stockljolJcis tfien present-, orT"mi)Vi Ity n'hTn7'iRaIl give' a ceniflcate-ahereof, dupttcate ol which shall be entered on the Company'a books ; and, at such ycatly general nice tings, at;cr leaving in tne hancs ci tnc Troasu'er such su'ns as the stockholders, I or a majority of them, shall judge neces j sary for repairs anri contingent charges, : an equaLdividtnd of all the r.ett" profiti arising from me tolls hereby granted, shall he ordered and msde to and among all the stockholders ol the said Company, in proportion to their several (shares, sub ject to the several provispns and enact ments hereinafter declared: and, opo-i any emergency, in ihe interval between the said yearly meetings, the snid Presi dent, or a majority of the sai l Directors, may appoint a gen'Hl meeting of the stockholders of ! he ( mpinv,st any con venient place, giving at loan one mon'h's previous notice in such papers as thev shall think proper ; which meeting may be. adjourned, and .continued, as afore said; snd in case the stockhoUlers, or a majority of them, in. troy general meeting 'ififr'enaidi ifoilt 4ttif---iitiidir:'iT der a semi annual, rather than a yearly dividend, as aToresuici, then, in like manner, with like notice, and under the like restrictions, there ahall be a half yearly, or semi-annual dividend of net', profits declared and paid. Seci 9. And he it further enacted That, for and in consideration ol the exprnse e4Tfar 5 siock fiofe fs wfrre"attnT:u t tin g thoaeid. oariaVeretfUoy locks works, ixtiprovln5 and keeping the j8me.Jn.rep other works aforesaid, or thich may be required to improve the navigation there of; at any time thereafter, wlth'atl their profits, subject to. the limitations herein provided, shall be, and the same are her ty, vested in the said stockholders, theit executors, -administrators, and assigns, fore ver, as tenants in coflMftonrtri"propor tion to their respective shares; andthat it ahall ond may' be lawful for the said President and DirFCTorrat slf tirnerf'",r ever thereafter, to demand and receive, at such places as shall hereafter be. ap pointrd by the PrecJ(!eirt arid Directors aforesaid, tolls for the'passags of vessels, boatVJafta, ptoduce.aod all oher art such rates as the said Pre side nt and Directors msy hereafter allow and ea l alnlH acCifuIog.U4Wrii f i ts is act. t-r l r t areordtcftsi'ct'iii vacanVy occasioned thereby, shairte IHIecT'bfa ifx7T , v iv. uc " J ' J'' 1 VWI . .. 5.1' 1. J person or persrfni appointed by the Pre sident of the United States; and the per son or persons so.appnihted, shall have all the 'power and authority which was veeted in the commissioners, whose place he or thej miy be appointed to supply; and rvhen any part of the canal aforesaid shall have been completed, according to the true intent aud meaning of this act, the President and Directors of the Com pany, hereby ce.ated, shall hate power, and it shall be r duty to. ordain and establish, a rate 01 toll to be paid upon ooats, .vessels, raits, or other property, pasting on the part of ihe canal so completed, and so, from time 10 time, as a part or parts shall bo completed, un til the entire canal shall have beer) fin ished, according to the true1 intent and meaning of this act ; for the collection of svhich tolls, iho President and Direc tora shall have power to establish so m my (oi.houesi nd, at their pleasure, appoint and remove so many collectors, and at tuch places as, from time to tine, tbty may judge exosdient ; and the sa.d Pre .idem and Directors shall have full u thon y, subjeci lo the direction and con trol ol a m ijority in interest o! ibe s'Ock holders represented in any general mee ting, to regi.late and fix 4 tariff of tolls, not TSrtediflsrrt ,,ac'ftfe!ftfv twtv-tttt'', per ton, per mile ; and so 40 adjust the said tolls in relation to the captcity or hoTtrenfff the boats, ami the dimension of the rafis, pissed the locks of me said canal, as to penmate! economy of water and lime, h ne navigation thereof. Sec. I I. Aid te it further exacted, That the PresiJent and Directors shall annually or semi anomlly declare and make swh dividend of the nctt profits, from-'the totls to oe received, uccotd'n to th provisions ol this act, ami from other resources of .4Jsmpanr, s ihey msy deem-ad visa- ble, alter deducting therefrom the neces sef rttf rent-nnd itic rrrcbubie coonngeot expcs,1a'dfvtdtd7aijrTiTnnc jKieioi s 01 tne aiock ot tne saU Lomp my in propoiion to 4tvtir retpectivo. toarck. nav reached twenty per centum, beyond which it shall never extend; but should ' that amount tor any two )ears in succcs- ston, (hen suuti excess-lU-bfr apTrtied ',?'i ""'I Directors, in such moTc athaiFGjjjigi eed on by e majopfty of tne stockholders, ronvened in general uwciiog, tti "fciKiigiheoing, improving, and estrn-.ling the works of the canl ol tvciy lccriju n iccjuuiog the aatne; aii'l siiould the said lolls continue, af'icr such ia;p: ovcnieuts tuve been completed, to nctt mm e inju twenty ptr rent, per aimuuito il-.e atockiioldert, for any two years in succession, the lulls upon Ihe same snail tie retimed by the President and Dsiectni-s, according to some just and equitable ratio, till the si1 dividend sii.ill f id to twenty per cent, per aim tin i I'riv'dcd, 1 oat should the Sl l dividend iht-reiTteF"sin!6 per reht. per annum, the satd tolls, or a parr tnere of, may be renewed, till the said nctt divtdsnd readies tint amouut. Sec. 2. And re. it further enacted, Thai the said canal, aoa tne works 10 Oe ercc- ted thereon, in virtue of this act. when completed, shall lore vtr thereafter Le cs- .teemed and taken ,o be navigate a, a " public htgiiwjy, tree for the iranspHla lion of all goods, commodities, and pro k4teV to be imposed, as provided by . this act ; and no o'her toll or tax whatever, for the use of the said canal, and the works thereon eiected, shall at any time here after be imposed, unless under sanction of a la of the United States. Sec. 1 3. And be tt further enacted. That it shall and may be lawful for the Presi dent irrd Dirtcrprs, or a majority tf ihernri t I ariajyy ilus. aatd canuVor,,.any ijJbe.ara9,befii?. ted, or of the land necessary for the c;on- chase or use and occupation thereof and in case cf disagreement,, or in case the owner thereof shall be a feme Covert, un der age, non-compos, or out of the Dis tract of Coiumbiaf on application to a Jus ire of the Pence, shall issue his warrant, under bis hand and tea), to the Marshal of the District of ColuTTrrdi, to tnmTnon a jury of eighteen inhabitants of that cou.v ty, not xelated to the patties,' nor In ?,v manner in;rete,' to me'eCon tho land to be valued, at a dsf td T-ii ipreiseTlii the " warrant, in lens than ten, nnr i,Kr (han t wen ty thereafter i and ihe Mpt,i, Vpoti re, I ceivinjr tfie mid rrtit, iha'1 forthwith wimmori", I the aad J'JTr,",a;!i.s,i)c4,mKt. aUU a-lm,fr shall rrr, heiir nnt re-sthn trrlve in 1,11m. I iiT(Tinir,nr 'iufi, imi in in'incei tne owner tr.mttietnr urm, anrt U TiamS(jet tne owner' .. ,-. J-r,. - , t. " , r S51C!J MU3MI. 1AH,UIM-OI OCftUWll iw hMSf r 1 r - " (1, v. - -1 1 iuu, uwir, d'mir to fhe-hr of hir skut and Judgment, an th.r, in iieh valuation. , hff will nnt apara any ; person for favor or aC'ectinn.. rtor any Of'r.toti grieve, for malice, hatred or, ll-nillt and ia every such valuation and assessment of iitv,ajrei ' V the jury shall b? and lliey are befe"v, L.- jc. , . ted t cciiaiderir. detenttlninr and fiiitur the amount thereof, the actual bere8 wt,eh will accrue to ilm owner, from eonductinir the nid -: canal tliruugli, or erecting ant ol the said wnrkj , - upon hit land, "ltd to regulate their verdict thereby, except that no av tsment ahall rerjuire any tuch owner to psy' or contrihute any lbing , to the said eompsnr, where ueh benefit shall exceed, in the estimate ol the jury, the value tnd da.mgs av-r?ind at afoirnidr and the acquinitmn, iliercupoii Itken, shall be aignad by the Manh.l, and some teU'sor mora of tha jury, and returned hy the Maethal e th Clefle -of the County, and tjnlen good eauie be shown ajrainst the; taid Inquisition, it ltall be afUrmed , . by the Court, and recorded 1 ut if the taid in quiaition should be set aside, or if, from any ' cause, no .)'q'i;'itio.jhRlUe.JUurnedli-- '' court within rettrmable time, tse sH Court) may, at its dincretion, at often at mav be '.r r)'( direct arjother ioquititioa lu bi al.j. . .. ttt manner above prejeribed 1 and vrm er-ry such valuii, the jury i hereSr direeied .to detcrihe and atcertaie the bounds of the 1rA by hen valued, and the quantity and durst' f the interest and estate in the nine, r-rriire'l 1... .1.. ..LI r, f. .- . . V " Jnl yuutfimny , tor 1 1 usej and 'neif valuation tliall he conclusive, upon all pertu,n, . snd Thsll he ..aid by the taid Hn aident and Di. recton to the owner f the Ian I, or hit legtl repreenitivei jud mi paymn( thereof, the) . said tJomoan tall be neied of tuch land, at of l tiiWuy. eauia . pMpetttrtr, ,vr--sr1fly itr1i"'-,tenww 1 test qiantity ni duration or inte-ert in the same, or mSjcct in h.i- h partial or temporary me or occupation, m filil b required and de rhett. fs afcfesjiiirf xsaafBt ay tki hwnr ; ol ihem ; and wlier.vir, In the eontUuctioo of h hI etnal, m- any of the worka, thereof; locks, dlfi, ponds, feeders, tunnels, arpieductt, bridges, or works, of any other description whatsoever rp.irtenant thereto, it shall be ne ccwary to ue tarth, timber, atone, e gnvel, or sr.y other n.atetiat, to be fuuad oa any of this Uii.S adjtct;it!i..or. jseartheretu-. and the ealcf "" z (resident ami Directors, or their agent, cannot procure the sme for ihe Works aformid, by rivHt ntra( t, of the proprietor or owner, of in eaae ilia aiwner-ahalt-be a feiriiiaVrfeeV : : non-compiia, or under age, or out of the Dwfri.-f of titlamntnreavfte ''pr'ooeediegi';l toecrs. slulf be I,kL as in the eau, hi.r.. . iioiscsl, ni tlse aw'wmt and eondemh'TTtrnrwnwKT rtthaUuda.fjr.ihe eaid canal, or (be workt tppxtf ,te?l!WA,lk Qr 1 f yf halt be 1I10 duty ol trie (jompany hereby incor. l,l,r' e'' ' cut mt and construct theaaid I u :l. ... I . .J ...m.- . . 1 . . ' wi n Kinm hi "mnciem locxs. on Ihm tnereur, ana witu wnith ot not lei than fortr fter r the nirfkcerpf the wileV tb'reiri,' or ofT 1 "":el5ILl ,evl " I1"8 OO'tom tnrreof, nnlfff bsse, to tdmit nfa suflicient slope to preserve thj bai.kt fr(in sliding down, and suffiRient to titmit, at all seasons, the wtrigation of boats and 1 ' rafti with a depth of not le- than forir fet wa ter, at the least 1 and whenever Wattes shall b" essential to the security 0f the laid canal, audi -n no oth:f situation whatever, along the same; the waste wtr iT the said canal may be, front time to time, aold or disposed of by the said Company,- for the pirrpose " .'f-fiipprying aucl worka aud machinery as require a water power and along one aide at least, of the fid canal, and such aqueducts at it my render neceaaary there ahall be provided, throughout ita whole -extent, a towing p'h of aufUcient breach tw sppty the power ot huracs to the navigation 'hereof. Ssc. II And le it farther entiettd. That the) stock of ihe Md jMHinir-ahalt tR eonsiderej as personal estute, and dull only be rai.'Vrabla by the owners thereof, in person or- by proxy, on the book of tho companv . Prnidcd That no transfer shall be made, eacept for one or more whole Siares, and not for nan of aurh, Is'isre or sliarei, andthat no share or shares shall l l,jr ume.btt old conveyed, or held in trust. f " other, whereby the said I'resitlent and Direc-' tors, or the seoekholdera of the taid company," r. any. ALMieuv juuox r',''K?J?tl(?! thst Vfy person aLpearinz. as aXoreaaLL'ta a i- compwuy; be, to eve(y intent, taken absolute)1 at ich ; but as between any trustee, and tjja person for ,whoe benefit any trutt shall be crea ted. the common remedy may be pursued." Site, 16. And it furthe mncted, That If the capital aforesajd a'wll prove insufficient,- ie shall ami may be lawful for the sakl co.mbanv f.Aill- lim lik l.m. tn InMM.M . U ' .1 . oy-we atwuo'i; omaytsyt-a be utlged necessary oy'theaaid ocl atockholdere, flrth:e..aaid..ia2aiJlpajiy4.- by empowered and rtnuired, after rivimr e least two. moiitbiUprevioua noiioo thereof - in. proper, lof reeivipg inch addition! aubacHn- tinna, in which' the stockholders cf the taid Company, for the time being, ahall, and are, hereby, declared to' have the preference of all others, for the first thirty days after the taid books thail be opened; at aforesaid, tjf taking -iw subscribing for to many whole ahares a any of them shall choose t the said Presi dent and Director are hereby required tflrobs v rve, in all pthr retpecta, the tame rula tjierrin, as are.lby this act prcacr'btsJl for fe ceiving an l a ljutiingJhefirst tubw?riptions,andl ua like fuunucr to returr), under te tik&js f m-TTT-tmprovtd pla i fur ejtwhrh)tr"tr tHrtrief M - ! t i i