1 ! f 6t her Lt dlfTcr ent sphere. Her ent spnere. tier pam inrounn iiici .though perhapit nut in soma rnessure cd through Jfltowery meads end ver daot dales," ret it require til the boas ted power ascribe J to. men to enable her to "preserve the even tenor of her way." In tbe (Jithtrge of her duties, whatever tltcy PVMT he they are thronged with the iamedifticuiiie, and f cqiiro the fame .uct:y to. perform, ttut attend the path- vey of tne ft. (J ' . . - irkiiiwteftrhlii-iin.roHir(J'1fs-imple jtaKCto h'mw..-if id-icatiou hat tegen oiuted ' inJ"enngWhed her mind, how Li .mnut m. oaU rkU uooicf'kla iaiuex der itood. to tite treat means 01 llfHMJl IV HI? fT,i V.M litweiiiaj v iVUHH't, j s r rt till is .ir numuu.ua ijvi. Ujki7i.i.v..Mu. jiicu.svic ' 'jVir relative dependence the one upon (he other, call lor it The firat for rr protection and support, the Utter for that cet peace whkUU only iu her por to kik. It J' om ner inst su min t JOVS J nd plousures etosnaie. til U:t auta it the throne or l nppi:ies, anc if ignorance. aoompsnied with the gros for feeling of our nstOie, spread its mn Ue thtre, hw-w gloomy is the scehe. The vul'M'itiou of the female intellect cannot Jelract ft oca the power, influence, or pleasure of manl li will brii no " rival in his kingdom" it will not render her conversation less' agreaule it will not render her judgement less iuic end cer tain in the tnaoaemcnt of the domestic hffaii of a family. it will not render tier less capable to discharge the dutiea ol a mother in rearing and correciln the ecu timents of those over wbom nature lm or . dered her to be the natural uaiUian and tutor. When man finds his little at) awepi Ire hi him by repeated mislorlune, it ifl not render her less capable to soothe his mrlancholy otiitd." When he fiods himself stretched upon a bed of sickness certainly knowledge and information, ad tied to the tender feelings ot her nature, will not incapacitate her to administer the " balm ol Gilcad" to bis fevered . jnind. -rt-i .JUJM 29, PROSPI-CTUS KOR THIS PAPF.lt Tee desire to be useful to our Fellow-Citizena, "Whilst it the same time we eMwdvwM w pe-i M .iwtlipi ld.nkq .umc-scrvinj men of runiarv interesfa, has induced m: to- undertake ifh?1 -' " - - -l, oiucL of the press which Jia recen'lyp The meriti or the Indian ri'iestion' we will not pj,c . j tLe MOd&Mucc'of. the NutU waaAaL. fuunded In undertaking the management of t tak, to ' n the conviction of the justice of the cau.e tl.ey do'proper justice to which, would call lor gen-1 advocated, but waj based upon that intermina crat and accurate knowledge ;jiQ.iiu:oniiidf;ui)k 1 hie andjalacable hatred. which it Jias mani ahare of dignity and prudence, with great and I'cited towards the South, aint'il.e "termination unwearied industry and apnlici iun, we iccl of tbe last wrr. IjuthrjtlliulIiil m.eriion tSUJent r UieTfiuliiStiice e in aisofeate iu ourseiver n?itiw a tU - uUika - a44d - bd a small dividend vf cry. Hut vt Cnn Cc claxe in good iaith to our ftliuw-citizer.?, who inay tee I iuclii.cd to extend to us their patron -', that no efloru uu our a: t, slii.lt be wanting to till up the highest meatuvc uf expectation that can be f'ormtd of the p. c'mLIe good and advantage, which the pubheuion ot cur paper, with 1 view to the dtsjininauon of knowledge and truth, cannot tail toprjJu.'t in some ilegree. We are in no wise inclined to detract f; om tlie credit and standing which tstiu of our Journald 1 1 . - . L ' , I 1 .... I! uave acquirea lor iucu.its auioaj . cu itwejve ; Ae eeU!ilCi at home-but we mu-t not U cherged with un-1 W(. " w bav, My correcl ...iaiior.iUiWral.tyr.c -j" Jeclare, that many of the agents of our presses 1 Wi,0 j, eerarnly, been at mnch pthed have a:andaiiaed themselves and their country, by abusc n jn our countryf bu. n au unpardonable reckhitaneas of that digni.jtBi8 recrD. cc,arrcnce is a cu,ar manifeaUt.-m lied coure of conduct which should distinguiah ;of M,eem i)( wUld( hc hM by Li- own cer, periodical intended for public investiga- n(J ?M Mion of the liun c"iargea, which have been preferred against We profesa ourselves to be ardently attached And y e Lre incKnei ,0 the beliefi ,hat to the good cause of our country, with which ,i;g Mon waa a part of that system of pro e cons,der identified the .ecurity and perpet- .eriptioB. whichlome 0four Senators have been j"1'0" 0 the Urioni con8Ult tnd unahated artyitij; wtliilt tt the Mtne time they WCre sn luoicwus mcuicawun II I-. I-. I-.. I--.-.. tke Republican principle the practice of whlth characterized tbe administrations of Jcfferion, Uadisoo and Monroe. - We re at present particularly friendly to those in whose hands the administration of the affairs of tbe Nation is at this moment entrus- A V HMUOpSW lfMe'4he path of tfttit Itfewieww " "Should any measure 'be recommended thaf , does not strictly aceord with ur idea of pro priety u to the policy which should be pursued by the nation in tbenducT of Pi Inttitist con terns, u weft as the relations which subsist be tween this and, other countries, we will not fail to warn our feltaw-eitii ent, in order that they may commune with their representatives, thro whom alone the can enter their protest, in the Legislative Hall, against any unfavorable or ob noxious measure. ' t Of the domestic policy which should regulate, the internal concerts of this State, we do not exactly know bow 'to apeak, Vir.ce no subject taomentoiu to tke people ef tbii rjuartir cf tie cotraonwe&ltb la, vlicb tie whole populatioo in common are not equally interested, doe a, at this lime, present itself to our view we can therefore onl promise at present steady ad. hercnee to Such principles of domestic policy as in our view will best tecure tie peace ami pros, perlty of the state. To these fond of perusing literary prodoc fiona, our paper, when enlarged, (which we bar e it in contemplation to do) will afford eon. aiderable advantages, since we.hsve determined to fill up the iiure room iu our, colu Tins, with the beat selections of that clursctrr, which our tsvte end judgment may prefer, as containing instructive and entertaining matter. .,W.wi2 cuaciuda by Ataurtng aU, thai aotuing 'II hf ft unwayed which could render the jtefulal of-rnews-1c'ter attractive ' anfrnrgrea rvi - - i we-feckcrconfit dince that tui. liberal 4od enlightened public will npt fail to proffer u their hand and eupport , saving. to theftis jives the privilege of with-draw. al in the usual manner, when dissatisfaction as- ili(lltl reij?rJ kmt)ag Ulcm wfl hope the old supftorurs of the paper will continue their pat. ronae, n l that this nitre ctrhanf of Editor will not be an inducement wiiii thctn to aith draw their su'.iijjtiuiu. PnttripHo-i-.r-Vle aiyi thought, that the mat;.ianimity of the North as id'e cant and wLiumg pick-n.iun, u!ita the exercise of that virtue could be bi Ought to bear upon their in ttus'. 10 fur as to optrate to its injury. They know how to Ulk of manamtnity, and to re CooiTenJ it to othcti, tiut they cannot add ex arr.pl.; to ire ept. Certain of the Northern dele, gttioii Ud tt:e Independence anj magnanimity (0 op;te encroachments upon the state author tile", in the th'ipe of In.iian Sovrreifnty, and to set their Utn against the power contended for; to ci'.fch!.-ii an imviun m iotperU, deatruc tive fct nnce of sll civil rule and domestic quiet 1 but the NorlVrr community had not the maj namr.:tjo applaud the disintf-rrbid and Oianly spirit of tlieir Ktprr.eifcrivei in Cotpreta, who dared to cpp,!i; the principles, which the Indian Dartv souit to es'abliili. i ho:e tnn ha.'e a I.- reaJy bee 11 piotcribcd by public sentiment, ami threatened v.i'Ji a deprivation cf their srata in Coiitrreaa. attrie next clechon. Wiat dea this evince? An ob.t:;iate spirit, and a relentless, wayward diaposiuuti Tin y U'k of the liberty -of ach d fre-lm of opjmon a ltn priv ikges, unalirnable, erd inviolab'e, and which lean only be exercised, without in'erruption, in a free Republican govcnicicnt. T!iey boriiV of those se privileges, a bein the firmest props ir freedom and independence, tut tlie't t!ey not already violated thoae rights by pro I scribing thtir Iteprescntatives, for a fr?e and honefci eiprtssion 01 their snmnienis r iney : Ph lhe nerves of our Institution, by such ..... japjl." iu their vote. Ml Congrtgvjsod to ..UlC out the linion. ) lair III!." It will be rect!lect;J thtt men tion was nude sometime since, that Gov. Wood, bury would decline a re-election, as Senator of New-Hampshire, and make way for Isaac Hill, whose nomination, to tbe Senate for comp troller was some time since rejected. It was, we f)d, a correct statement, since he ti now a Senator from New-Ha npihire, lor six stars. In the Ib.ne of Kepresentativea be re ceived 11 f votes oui of 20. and 9 out of ,n(le.h.r.nh;m with nro&criotion because ffl u jhe w the indu3tr.y and Krutfny t0 fid out those who had abused tbe trust reposed in them and the firmness to turn them out, and fill their places by those who were more de serving of the confidence always to be reposed in our public officers.-1 C3 rThe"frne,iWi'S' ttf-tWHrnfahW Tern psWcVieJywqueaifed to niee'l at iheT Court -House, on the 3d of July next, at 1 1 oclock A M. Tao or three speeches will be delivered on the occasion " William" D.' Wi!s., ah intelligent farmer Of iliis county, informi1 us that, from one grain of wheat, he produced twenty-two etalks, sine of which had one bunclrec and one grains on it ; and the twenty-two stalks, produced fourteen hundred and eiglity-fivegraitwf f.Beat thiwbo can? The Supreme court, of this State, com. me need ita aession onMonday thtT 14th inst, All the judges present. - . '77 7 Joaeph Caldwell, of Iredell, and Burgess 8, Gaither, of Burke county, have btfl admitted U Soptnor Court f'scuce Xhttrt. )nti U Cro'jlt terfrit B (j Siitc, through the medium of your paper, that a ve-y favorable opportunity now present itself to the ciiuens of ftalitbury, as well a the military generally,' of raising! fine Bandof Musict' Mr. HurTtnan, a Gentleman from Germany, but more recently from New York, end eminently skilled in the science of music, la now la Town, and ould be (lad of en opportunity of instructins; one. His terms and conditions are such, that no one who feels Interested In the subject, can objects- Opportunities hk tke peMeM, seldom ocean, and it U confidently hoped, that the pre. sent one will not fail for the want of encourage, meat. .Jtx. WT ZaTtlj, wro a7n1oThe charm, of music, as not to, he thrilled by )m trtdodw etraiiM ef a weU eryanitedrand wwtH arfrfct nd f VOr vb errU triTin.riie um.'mii wuuw nuureMiin re-aniniate J plea- sure, to witness the Civil and Military proces- ioiii of Salisbury, escorted by an elegant Band ot Music, like the one in contemplation ! I take it upon me; Gentlemen, to aay, not one. Nor do I believe that any thing more is wantinr to aecompliab an object ao desirable to the citu zrns generally, than for a few individuals to pat. ronue it, by circulating subscription among their friends. t The writer of this will be himself, ra-sponsibl for fifty dollars, within the Circle of his own f.iendi. A Lovtu 0 Mtsic, We lay belorc our readers, to-day, a part of the very interestiog circular of our Representa tive in Congress, Col. Hencher, to the- people of this district. 'We are sorry ihat we Could not publish it entire, inasmuch is we think it will be read with the greatest interest by every man in the district 1 it shall however be concluded as soon as practicable. He makes a very dear and concise statement of our national afTaira and expos? the Tariff in all its nude deformities, to the view of the peo. pie. Agreeably to his statement, and it is eor roborated by facts, the Southern Statea, com posing about one AjJ tht ppululin tht Union,- pay tw4hirdi tht Unxnut." Can any reasonable man, any longer, give his sup J'orV.tft, t,wcaur,e. Lkh curie 44 rVec) vueh deep marks of injustice and oppression. It is foiilTuhbcry. Having disposed of the establishment of the HVtrern Carolinian and being desirous of en tering upon Du'jlic duties ihrcuul. u annn pr,cucable,-tbe underwgned requests aU a ho 4re indebted to him for Newsp.otrs, Advertise- m.-n's, fkc. to make payment as soon as possible Those who have paid in advance, will be sup plied with the Paper by Messrs. ; U Crflc Moneys due the undersigned, may be transmit, ud to bi-svby wall; ... , PHJW ttHlTE.... '3W'intt citkena of ibe Jersey settlement, in this county, assembled n Saturday the 19ib inst. at Pinkaton's Store for the purpose of making 'suitable arrangements, for the celebration of the approaching Anni versary of our Independence. John March. mvtg veen cajienio me aiAir, ana ae 'hack .PinktQn Esq appointed becrelarv, the resoluUone w re read and adopted 1 Rettlvtd, that the" 3rd. day of July be celebrated for the 4th, by reason of the latter day's coming on the sabbatb: Rtu'vtd that f)r. Burgess L. Brail be rtquested to deliver an Oration on that day r Rtsuhtd that 1 ho mas J. Uright, be re qhejted tn read , tbe Declaration of Indepen dence ; Rtnlved, that John March, Meahack rinkaton, Jainea Smith, William Moore and Thomas J. Bright, Ksqra. compose the commit mittee of toasts: Hetolved, that Capt. Casper Smith, Henry Wilson and Hiram Thompson, Esquires, compose the committee of ar rangements; Rttalvtd, that, William Moore, Kaq.- be Teqnested' to act is -president -of "the diy, and Meshack Pinkston, Esq. as Vice Pre sidont; Rcttlvtd, unanimously, that, ihe toasts be drank with cold voter. JOHN MARCH, Chairman. MESHACK PINKSTON, 4c'y Gov. Gilmer, of Geo. issued two proclamations on tbe 3d inrt. the one declaring the laws of that state to be in full force over tbe Cherokee, the other forbidding the whites, aa well ss the NaTiori". The report that President Jackson war to visit the Hermitage via New York, seems to be incorrect. The National Intelligencer aaya he will proceed directly to Tennessee. The following extract, from the " Banner of the Constitution," fully shews the hhraliif of ewmiiil !" thiTthe'y'look, or affect to'look, upon tbe American System, as aettled firmly and immoveably s ao ctnfident, indeed, are fbey of this, that they hatre foredlosed their public print against any thing like free d'tacuesion of the subject. Now is this real, or ajfetttd confi dence in the correctness and justice of that part of the policy of our country t la It not ra ther tbe strongest evidence that they know the, evil of the policy, and the sandy foundations up on which it tls built i and in afraid, that, if their prints are left open to a free, fair, and candid discussion of the merits of the question, its injustice and oppression will be too glaring any longer to receive the support of a majority cf the ealijhtened people e Uteic V. Statei? We tt to tellerere io Vrar they are, always, used to brow-beat men in tbe forma. tion of their opinions upon any subject, as has been sufficiently exemplified In the case now before us. We no longer, want to hear, any thing about Northern hirality. " It is with greet satisfaction we notice that the National Intelligencer, which has wide circulation h the Tariff States, hat of late given several extracts from the Southern papers, eihibiting the. extent of hejexcltementwhich therf prf tails jn regard to the usurpttions of the General Government If some of the 1 pepere'ln Pennsylvania, 'Ohio, -and other States, I w aielv4ika 4be-oatrU kybee waw t he f- hid tneir neaas.t nine, tnerc 11 no cancer, woum follrTtrrxiruptf7TevrTfrre-' 'Jt op eriehttr 0 .prospect t-ihittuo- country fearful that th litical questions will in Are they in practice hostile tnthe liberty of the press Of what, advantage is it that' there should bo freedom of publish ing one's opinions in theory, if 00 editor can be found to exercise the right in practice f it is e truth, and a lamentable oh it is, that there is not now In the wools Ctate of Pennsylvania a single' pa per that .will circulate the doctrines of free trade. Even, in Philadelphia, City which has iu many commercial advanta ges, there is nnt an editor who will open ly avow himself an opponent of the Araer lean System, nor du we know of one who would five freec admjssion to essay in tended' to show ine fallacies of the restric tive philosophy, or the mischievous ef fects of the exercise by the General Gov ernmeni of the power to make roadt and canals. We state these facta for the in formation of our Southern Irirnda, ia or der that they may see what little chance they have of be in heard in those quar ters which it ia moat desirable to reach There is not at thit day acountiy on this whole continent, Bratil included, where the liberty of the pi ess iipoh vital quei tions, is . more shackled ttun in tome part of this boasted land oi liberty. n WEST FG.V EUROPE. The latest London papers contain no news of any importance- The King's health engages ibe ailentiqu of all classes. The Liverpool Chronicle of the 8th aaya The Kin, notwithstanding the Court newsmen and the bulletin, continues ex tremely ill; we are sony to say, we bcliete hi condition to be hope It is. Oxie reason has been assigned lor the arcblguous lan guage in which the bulletins' have been couched, which captains and accounts for 11. It ia said that his Majesty insists on seeing cvety bulletin before it is publish ed, and that his phyiicians do not wish to give tiie royal palie nl more uneasiness . bjf speaking deciuecly ol his iUjesty a com piainnThe'ptlmeacr stating, that little hope can be reasonably entertained of his Majesty's recovery. The London papers contain rarls dates to the Sth. t reparations for ihe expeoi lion against Aitriersjiore rapidly progress mg. OenerwFljoui r:iunttradii"rircdit- Toutoii. All tbe ships had received order to tupplf. themsclvei-aith pfdvi'. sioiis, for four months, for their trews, end one mwith for th 4roon on board. -The artillery, to be embarked, conatats of four batteries of six guns ach, of 80 battel ing cannon, beside a reserve of 80 the em barkation to be completed before the I Mb t'tiun'er IS Enquirtr, Notice; faTIHE editors of be Kicbmond Whig, itich X roond Enquirer and National Intelligencer, are requested to stop an advertisement, signed by me, for a Teacher, to take charge of a acbool in this place, and U forward their account tor payment. ---STEPHEN L. FERRANH. '7imeS2d, 1830. Jitf laoM RALEItiB TO SiUSBDHI. v . STJIGE F4RE, .$S0 WJtifK-imWSmWS stage runs tMw4eeoeee4sT-and.goe.Jthfoih days eac-way7Tne accommoaation is gr.oa. Paasengers Who are rravelling from Baieigti. to Salisbury, or Tennessee, or South of Salisbury, will find thia to be the neareat, cbrapeat and most expeditioui route Wet of Kaleigb. " F sengers who are travelling from Salisbury Nwrth, will find tbis route, by the way of Raleigh and Petersburg, to be' the nearest, cheapest end m.t expeditious route that can be travelled -to th Kni-tii. hv two clava. A uagsener who Ksleieh "and Veteubui g, to W ashington City, win y;o li jn hb mm win ibtcc inuui out r-f five all niirhtl 1 the Contractor will pledge.hijnself to keepj first rate Vla'rf Coaches', end good genii horae,! and drivers of th best-kiBd and kewiltapwre no pains rh -trying to render thoee who paronjse him, comfortable end safe through his route. Passenger who are unacquainted with thia route, will secure seats' by application, at Mr E. P. Guioo'S Hotel, in Raleigh sr.d at Mr. -William H. Rlauirh'.er'a Hotel, to SaKsbury. . The stages will leave Salisbury every. Wed. nesdar and Saturday, at 6, A. M, and arrive in Raleigh orT"Thurday and Sunday, V, t. M. and will leave Raleigh on TuesJays and Fridaya a soon aa tbe ftor.tiern stage arrives, and arrive at Sliburv on 1 hurwdays and Saturjjr at 9, P. U. -. tiEORGE WILtlA W, tntracttr. JYcgrocs JVaixtd! fllUE subscribers are desirous of purthssino X n hundred JftO R 0 t, for wb'tr.h they will pay a liberal price in eosA. Application may he made, either by letter or in person, to Joeun He ie In H'Uiri ANTON, or James Moiij in 8ALISBLRI j who will be ready at all timet to accommodate thnae who may win to c change Negro property for cash. - . ,, JiMF.' HUlfi, V V JOilAJI HlTE." , . JuneU 1810. . 2 J ' H , FOR flAjX, , .'. 1 r. e j 1 -'i - ifi - nenr in 1 .ineoin rmrnr v ,nr aale. Ivinf. An I r. w . dcC.'jQfes,X wl lt .awaiwr.4. '''-fr ma; i"w Acre s 01 ianfl, or whtcii tyu are now" unde cuhiv.tion. '. AI-, the Iron Works are in . cdmplele operatioe, Saw-Mill, tllacbroith jhop "'js'l neewsary . luiildingfc 7. . .. , . , The Cattblihment abnttnds In the grav, mag. netic, and red hoton Ores, which are deeme uiexhauttible, bv mperinr judges ami eurpsjaeoj by none for iheir quaK'jr. The porta- U easjr andtonvenient. ' A yoke of oxen are auffcienk to port the Coal and Cre to the forge f t the, daily conaumption. Th-rTia also bren diawjv ered, recentlv, 09 I D in e'widerible. fluencies'. lu:h hid fair to be valuable " Thia is in thai gold region of the celebrated King's Mountain ""J milel distant, and for lltattk i aurpaa; sed by no situation in tbis vieinity. , Those who feel, tlrsirous of endcrtaking in the kuaineisj would V well m mil on the auhscriber aad view ' the premises and hear the onnditione, as ha feels aniioua to remove t the Wtetera pert -ICl" A good bargain ran be bd. . , j MOSES T. ABEOATHV. . JW 5. 1830. - a' . f ..'28 THE subcriber having obtained a Patent in) the year 1827 for Mill for grinding afvl waxhing Ore of Gold and other metals, and hlai plan having been generally adopted, deem it nt eesnarv to cintion the public against uaing ain ilar Milfs wrthncf 1iis eonsent : The subscriber thinks it unnecessary to give aiy description of bis Mills; as they Are In operation in.viriau prt ofthe State, tli f atenta embrace Kra"ch ind, SiikJojviAexal ierma'wid be.(ot.c ded to ail who make early application tor rgni. and every information given on applifativn. Ch,rrt.tk V r ' " 5tN -'Ur- ttiThe Vorkvilla Fianerr: Cmnaiwroughi - rtriiit ami Kaleich Tlcrister, will insert the above advertisement In thdr Tftpectire papere for one mjflth, and forward their account a for payment. . W. H. P. Uock lor Salts T 11 E subscribers have a GrsUate Uxaxs-Clock. which tucy will sell '. ' HAMTTON k FALMER. - NEW-YORK CHEAP iVAsOalKl MamifAClovr.. e discussion Pf IM: hr mii-T ZZlTZX1 LZZ'TZl ' a. - i I at n DU( 1IH 11 j,JUlltXBl llU'fff jnre ine people, t Mforkviiie, So,;,i,.r.,.j 1 lllla thAtatk. antltaasrW THE itibcriber sTana'artures, ftrihe7-5outh- . crn.jtidAVelm 4ri4nI1ieep-e-21r st 4nrty'on hand, a very large Stockrof LarliesV r-? "" Genlletoertw aid Childreo CWAKXTmado of every descriptiort bf Silk eod Stuff Goods,' puf-": ,,7JT. etiased expreaaly for the purpose, at the lowest) auction price, Tbeae Cloak are mau in tite beab Style, by persona who have had several ' ; years eanennnce in tne ousirtrtsi ana wilt oe jsoM, by tne junltty, on1 hlieml levm -ir iKwi' --.r that will probaiil) make them aa safe end -pro-. . f thut can be purchased in tfii market, . lOud 1$) Maiden Lam, censer" Urttn M. X fa-,-' t. J. C. also manufacture anj kps constant ly 00 hand; for sale, by t'ue qtisntity, a large and complete assortment of 8T0CKS,;f every de criptlon', warranted made of the best of oiateri-, ala, and in the'handiomt Style. ' JVo Combination and a Free Traded EARTHEN WARE & LOOKING CLASSES. Tnos. J. JJARIIOW, 4 CO. Imporlcrg, 88 Water-Street; N. York', OFFER for ale 1,000 rack ages Raflhenware, Ufass, China and Looking (jlaases. com- bfivtii ff4'fejjMiiot jfultlt sMQnrt iftnt ever iifv ed in this market, and which will be repacked te the Country Merchant a the lowest prices" In consequence of having retWd to joint thai Cm4ifuinon for regulating the prices of Crock rry, in thia city, we have been made the tub. j'cts of a most intolerant persecution, the 00- ject ot which is nothing lea than w rnttrt rvit and ci-pulnunfrm the trade, our characters hav. been anaileu u men pf integrity- and fair deaU ing, pur credit a a house of responsibility im. peaphed and every endeavor made to ruin it, -nd to erown the whole our importations through lua-Wpia onawneie havf hten-wtttfrrrrptart'ti consequence of ihreats thrown r-it to the Man obiee(r ,0 tmvy A-cnU r ifetinooi t0 m.k(l U,ir purchates in such e manner that our name would not appear in the tranaaction--all thej facilities attendant upn obtaining credit for our importation are denied to us, and nothing but, cash in Liverpool will obtain for til our needed supplies of ware, We are miff,-ring these bard, ships lil the cVuse of the Merchant and.Coo, u"rner of tl4 dMiptioif ifeod, ne- lee than - w ano assistance t ao romr as we are ena- blcd taausiain ourelv against more than forty - - men, who have combined to bring about pup, ruin in this unheard of minne, w4 wVJ eontiiMie r --"" tAealLeut. gouda Free iwUAdeMeiiiu.M our " llfOS. j. BAHHOW, fc CO. ; . 83 .Uater Street, above Old-alip, ; . fflO the Jail of Itowan county, on 35th mwart, X a Negro nun who his name ia Ihek, awl belonK to John Uonner, of Fairfield Dial trict, South Carolina. Ho is about 3 J yeara of ' age, and quite black ;' "peaks quick when po ken tot and is of common sue. The owner it' requested fo prnve property, tpav charge, and te.him away. ' F, SLATER. &h'ft

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