t mum mm POETRY. REMOVAL. ffflUE aubscriber revpeetful'y informs hit cut JL tomen, and the public that he bat XltLIOVCT IKS STORB . Into hit new and tpaciout building, just finished nd fitted ur in mot elegant style, superior to any in the town i It ia the aland formerly owned and occupied by his uncle,' DamicJ Cress, sen. j on Main itrcel a few doon from the Court-I louwr, t d -4Vhcre the auUtcriber liopea I'j re- ATTENTION I . ALL NEW GOODS. W. . Hackcttt and Samuel Umhj, HAVING formed a Copartnerihip h ttx' Mercuntilq Biitinew, under th firm of Uackrit U Lmilu 1 bej leave to inform their I'rom Blrckwood's Magazine for April. tub roH3.trrjr to tub falsb oxe. ' I THOMAS tUYStS TI.V, i &re thee to forget me ! go wander where fboj Thy band upon lh vessel's belm, of on the m- ' btt't bile Awav! tIio,rtfre or land and tea, to rush to GOODS. . LSI OS ACL ?HOW2T. . HAS the pleasure of announciag , to hit friend, customer, and the public in gen. enl, that he it now opening, at bit old ttand in frien ! and the public, that tlwy are now re- 8libury, an elegant atiortmen ot - - Ntw, Fnttliionablc, & CtcipVoods, direct from the ciiles of Philadelphia and Kew. eciving and opening, in the !!nue lately eceu pie l by Uaniei H. crew, on aim tireei, cireci-, ly opposite J. MjrpUy'si a gsntral and lmnd vne atsortmentof . , , .--'-.-daoger'e brink,.-.--. . ' ;-:.:t -- But oU .thini caust not. fly from thbiglit thy """ratrn be ta rt'-"---T-.i-.i-M - - Hemetuhfr mel remember all vj lonj en- Yorti and selected by h'mtrit, from the Uilett bit- e!re,tjllafrgm his oJ2 ciV.omer., andaKothert ponatian for the Spring of JBV!.wtiicn fie rrn .. (A.i. ink f!nvla nt h nnM nilklltr FJrriRELY.XEJV. goods;:: who o uerws h, fauy ng t- . Cheap Goo'ls i? Good Goods I . ean be boneht in this market. Hit assortment fcailSmlTN lUWeft purclmtf it tor CMii, in, ncw-rori anti rnna' (ielphia, pf the hint importation 1 Vhich they will srll t low'st tiood can be had in this ptr Ufr W wefipr-tijhort .'inUrrabv direct .irortju ComurWraeyery, article uatially kept in Stores. tmESBliabu 1 :bl infiuit- WirV-s w.tl IMprua and New.Vork,w welJaelectodanJ urchaa.re..iavitcd.W.cni "J" M n.,- rrf 7 KronXV f of iTeimulryT" TBef reipperfu ly-mrtw their " ,. e uMv- j complete gfrtm nnirw"7M 1 , I'rmemoer in Tnr utmost Peru, i nccr vner . be-wtW.A - , - - , Then go, thai thonght will render thee "a dast-' ' - erd it) the fight, Jl thought, when thou art tempctt-toit, will - , " fill thee wilh affright i . " " ' In iaiw wiM dung on nitrat thou He, ar. 1 coun . ting each cold link, TLat bin'U thee to ea,nivity, tbjy Cttre thall hi . to fAinAr ! ; Co seek the merry banquet ha!!, where young nruident bloom lie thought of me shall mike thee there endure a deeper gloom, , ' 7 Jul thought ihall turn the fettive cop to poi son while you drink, ' And while fiUe amilcs'sre on thy cheek thy ; curie will be to flunk 7 "Wget me false one, Uope it not ! When min strels touch the string, The memory of other days will gll thee while The aire 1 ued 16 loe will make thy coward conscience shrink, Are, e'ry note will hare It atring thy curse -; ; will beo thnk t Forget roe! No, that shall Dot U ! I'll haunt tare in thy ileep i la dreamt thou'U cling to t!imy rocki that over ' - - bang tb deep, . Thou'U ahriele for aid! y feeble arm shall hurl - thee from the brink, And when thou wak'si in wUJ dismsy, thy curse w HI be to think I .fjailSUUry leiniUe ACatleinV. . . mm mm m m. I A N lntUtut..n.undrrtheaioe.tle,tor re- m. males exelusirely, will be commenced on tuj., i..t. to tain . rjThe course of imrtntetiun will include fifwl- rmsv- Readm?, - WtMf, AnUuuctiC, . Euabah Grammar, Geography with the ue of ihe (.lobef, HUtory, Bottnj, Chy mill ry. Natural Philoiophy, Astronomy ami Benes Lettretj Music, vocal and instrumental 1 Drawing, and Painting, will forna a teparate departmtmt. Aware of the inditpentab'e necessity of pro portioning the number f initruciers to that of pupils, the tubwf iber.ti Principal, pledges htm elf to employ a competent aai.tant a soon si hie schoot eacceda tweuty,and another ior v- rlditional twenty. l .Tbe charges ior tuition m o- rfgiimyea oy i thoee which hare heretofore prevailed in th eettentif the Stwh-.------. -.u '11 '" "' ArranCrmetits w iltbe medr.-si srmnspw . r i-5,----L-r--.T-rg: -r .ii.vW: - ' Cifuti 1 iey can tH? rc. ineuia'.j', 00 j AiTtftV UaTgaVna in jamVs. fc" fatlilR subscriber orTi-rs for stle ; x-jb.- of Land; situated -rrr Astve-ttitHyi Th frmtfi, ; Mdthe" 'Trmeee hrif en the wet and nnrtit Tli !nd ia surveyed and Uie quality of each tract it cei liiied to by the aurvcyor, who haa made a plat of In'i survey which rosy be seen on application to Mr. White w in Salisbury, Mr. V,. C. Henderson of Lincoln ton, Mr. Thos. J. Forney of Burke county, or to subscriber in AahevinY, Buncombe county. A large portion ot tbit land it at good aa any 111 the State. J-taJ ore has been discovered on different parts of the survey 1 and has been - found adjacent to H:-tho cthnate is the most s healthy and delightful in the world 1 and at no , ery distant day, this mountain region of North - - Carolina must become the favorite part of the state 1 the land ia well timbered, and finely wa tered. The tracts marked fat quality will be eold at 7$ cents per acrerl'Jqualifr, "alOT cents t and 3d quality, i'J cents per acre. 1 he psymenta may ie ruada in four yearly instal ments with interest nntil paid 1 and the nuhscri- ber will give bond to make title on payment of the money and interest. So favorable an tpportttnity for obtaining good and cheap farms, wst never before offer ed in this state. The title to the land it in diaputablei warrant deeds will be given to pure haver. Application .for further informa tion, and for purchasing any part of these lands, C. Henderson in Lincolnton, Mr. Thos. J. For 12 ary aurkeoMBtyirW4h4ibcHer - : TnnY-immvft. ,- Decern!? tM,m. IpOtf N. B. The subscriber slso efTers alW 90,000 crea of lnd in Buncombe and Haywood coun ties." Many of these lanib contain some of the mort valuable mineralt in the Union, In a abort time the subscriber will- be prepared to kate tome of these tracts to companies who might be eVuposed to work the valuable mines ot iron, Idad.Tilver. and rold, which they contain. He ;MraYia'T"se'e'aeywM - bat hadt olfera'tonhe ialrof othm: :zr(y srt of AeaeJands will be aotiJ. very low ana warrantee titles made to purchaters. J. Rnran. Jtrmat'cOHitti, Man Stitione, 1830. ' w-W f "ng'n" Attacnmwt e yiwlj-ffcci It np 'eari'np4teafttoiii oT the Court," that the defendant John A, Chaflinla not an inhabitant of thit Stale, On motion of the Plaintitf by hia attorney 1 It it ordered by the Court that pub lication be made for sis weeka in the Western Carolinian, orinted in Salisbury, for said John A. Chaffin, to be and appear before the Justices pi' our nest Court of rleu and Quarter Sessions, to be held for the county of Rowan, at the Court House in Salisbury, on the 3d MosdI in .August teT. then and there to replevy or pesLother. vise judgment final will be entered against him . T J.U. . v U'.,..,. l. ior vne plagium iwmiim-Kwa niiuvw, Giles clerk of our said court at hia office, the third-Mouday In Mav, 1810 6,58 iQlW GILES, e. r .wettilvte4-tiMa xiutkeu anU.prrJ)Wl.jen tTreTy " 'for ceV w nr w:ifW5ve twr'-'-sett vtry theup lor CASH, or on time to respoimible cuiuin-r. Among hit stock, will be found a complete aijortmeiit of , DRY GOODS, Hard-Ware, Groceries, . C'litlcrv. Domes! ia. Ifc. Thoee who wish to p'irch good ant rher Coodi, will pltac rail, examine, and judgtj far theinel;ea. DA.YML . CRUSH. Dec. Mh, I823. 'JT ff. D. The rnjriuficlur'.n of fiti'N and Tin Plate Wiirc, Itrrc'olorn roiiducled by Hd-mnril (.'re m, will hereafter be can itd onUy thn ul- criber : who wi'l keep Contiantiy i n hart'!, or niiimtacture 10 order, Stills, and Titi Ybtle Ware, made f the b?st materialu, and in the most rub mantialand fajltionable tryle of wrrrkman-lif; and hopes, by a atrirt attentinn fj tlii branch of butinest, to merit the patroiwtje of the pi'bSic. . . cniiss. m . Boot and ftuft MakiiAj. IU fBlHOMAS Mill., Ja. iiavm,' II M . IVli .n. hav'm frrV! of all 'I lyextcnuve aHorlment scriionaof NnrlSrm I-E TSir.R and .tumjrt, 01 tne qi':iTy : " "i'ik in hi rmidov from 10 to li Jourfievmen, some of whom are eaual if not superior to any ork-i jmenin the Un.trl aieti-ne ineremre .ieei . . 1 C f i dripi,,,:, of work in I.U line of r . ' , i . ,t d. u.iw,t.r, - bilitv. to snv thins ot the kind in the 1'ninn. Having ensaged Mr. tBRNKRR DICKS' 'N at Td-'emsnr, rhnt pentlerrnm wiH, atatUuu,. Le found in attendance at my Shop, (which is on Vlain Street, three doors south of the Court House, snd S'!jiuinir the Pes'-Ollire) to re. ceive order, deliver wnrk, give receipts .for moneys paid, and generally to accommodate all who may patronise the lUtablislunent. I'rorn my ei'ei.nive arran'-roenit in luiine, I am enabled to givt Ion;; indulj.'ciiLn.s to re- nnsible dealers. j ! .r..i r....iWa tiKiir- t i.ttwiniiri, t,itieit o re. - At ue eve; y endeavor to merit a - f,T- tirdcufor Boots or Sl.ot, i!iit from a Ciis ranc; HTiatlBr "proinptly errnned, and U w ork W.''ll Wanted. to firs', rate worknren. at Ucics !lme4 aivi Vumpi 'tu whom good warjra, and constant emt'0) mcnt, ill be given, on ap;)i;a t ori as above. T. MLLL, Jm. fffedIR wtwcrhe reiecttully informs iIms cit- - Jj - jrent of Davrisnn,"aiicJ the adjacent ein tifS, that he contimies to crry on, at hi Sufi hi fcctinfftttH, thiijj.yM nf M rlrrrrlhJlirj:. lilNS, ecil to any manufactured in ttvc.L mted State j; indeed, hi Ciir.s are preferred to all others, ly thoi- h have tried them; and have found a' ready f ile throughout a lirge ex tent of country. His pricct ali.dl be a" reason able as at any other th p in ie Sjuibtrn country. AH orders will be promptly a'tteiuled to, and Gins finished in the h:)rtc:t 4)oble time. Repairing of tlinr will bi dore on the short est nstice, and in the moa su'batantial manner, by tbe public's humble servant, HENRY A. CIJJKJAMON. ann?in, -Ifuy 26. A. 18. 21 lYV4StXat; TRAYED from the subscriber resiuing at W Liberty Hill Kershaw DiatricVJSC in March lat, a small dark mule lately purchased out tf a drove from Virginia, supposed, to be shout two yean old, not bridle-wise, had, when it left me, a small rope round his neck. I am inclined to the belief that he will endeavor to get back to Virginia via N. Carolina. Any per son who may take up said mule andjpve infor nation to the subscriber residing at Liberty Hill. S. C. will receive the thanka of the sub- w . wvArr PATTERSON. "SJ" irVTHERGAS, aoroetime heretofore, a Power tf of Attorney was given to Gen'l. James Wellborn, of the County of Wilket and State of North Carolina, by David Campbell and Jane Campbell his Wife, of Wilson county, and atate of Tennessee, in relation to the estate, Both real and personal, which said Jane derived from her. father Hugh Montgomery, deceased, of Sali. tare. IfiiUxoTmVx.' wfii-iwid; mt ntt aaid whtreaas said David arid7n;have twrsMTe4 their Interest in aaid estate to William Mont- gdmery Cowan, Mary l'urne'1 lie Whit tr my rife, Margaret I-avinia Campbell, and Joseph revoke aaid rower of Attorney given to said Welrbnrtrt And whereas, I am authorwed by said WilSam Montgomery Cowan, Mary JPurnel McW'hirteri Margaret Lavinia Campbell, and Joseph Warren Campbell, tw set for them in re lation to the above business: I hereby, for my self andor the above named petsans, revoke the Power ef Attorney given to aaid Wellborn, and refuse to ratify or confirm any act which said Wellborn may neieafter do by virtue of its authority, - ' S ArUTTrCT McWlIIRTER, MtvLVc: Mag 311,183!. BLANKS OF every description, neatly printed, and kr pt far sa'e at tht Office. I Jc1hL T'Sf reeeiv.a, and Itrstaler l m very low for cash. ii oage L'et 6 l.lidt ,Siif ar 4 do. MolswMt 3 bblt. Lof fiugar ' 5 ix) liutlicU Liverpool Suit Z 'if rcrt t'n b Rice - " 'SVTIbi. Spun Crtton,twrted Not. 'W' I'll. Logwood, partly ground 2 hb't. Copperas. .fO !b. Futty 1 2 kefrs White Iad, ground in oil Tenenfle.I.itbonund weet Winti ALi, on hand, 5ono :i5. b vcos 1 I V ith a grnztJil anl full aasortment of all other i kin-!s o (,001)3, tailed to the t on and p!ce. JOHN M' IIPII V. M11, 7ih, I MO. 81 25 amnion & A'aVmer i II AV E firmed a copart. nership, aa Hatch and Clock Makert, i'i'ter. tmtlit ami Jrwellert, for the purpose of carrying on the business, in all its ra tion! branches, in the town of Salisbury. They occu py th NYi Shop, built by Jamt B. Hampton, adjoining hi dwelling on Maiuc atrert, 6 or 7 (lour? south of thr Court-Hntjse. - They will caref jlly Uepaii all kiudi of Watch ei, Clocka, and Time.Pieces, snd warrant tnem to nerform well 1 And are nreoared to-manutac 4iw'idiU:i:UU.bcrt for .aaJjJA"Jf.r.!Pi tionx or silver Ware, such a spoons, Lauita, SuRar Tongs, kc. Work tent from a distance aill.be promptly eiecuted, and safely returned acrnrd'tfig to directions. A good assortment of JE WELRY will dc kept coiistantly on hand, and sold lo"w for ciiii JAMES B. HAMPTON, JOHN C. PALMER. V.i.V Wv. Jpril 2d, 1810. 1. IjiiifS B. Hampton tender his gralclul ac knowledgements to the public, for the libera natronaee hitherto extended to himself individ nails ; and repectfully aiks a contin iar.ee of it to the firm of which he is a partner. N. B. Tho-e indebted to him, are earnestly deired to j linid kte tlicir accounts as toon as possible ; as hia mw arrangement mskei it nece'sary old scores should be settled up. --Windsor- Chair $ Iled-jStead fBVIcrlheryetyierifjjilyjofor "-. -pwbhe vUl 4 Wvnd- ill continue k. cp cn lin 1, a laige supply of hili, half-high, u.kI l?v " m:i)-sTFnii)s, inle-ior to none in ibis country. Alvo, he intend '0 sec p dtrtrcna; 1 ftti Windsor Cutirs, St ttees, src. - , win anted to be of good timber and well made. SIDBIIOJRDS WlWilMUS. Orders from a distance will meet w.tli punc tuJ attention ; and ad kind of Ilepairt, in hit hue, willm.'i t wi'h'doe attendance. Ilfs terms will be accommodating. Country produce will be taken in part pay tor work. Tiie subscriber return hit acknowledgements for the liberal encouragement he has heretofore received, snd hopes to' merit a continuance of public patronage. WM. R. HUUIIF.S. Salihry, .ipril 2 J, 1 330. 1 7 "t;7" Wanted, a Journeyman at the above bu. nne-ss a good woikman will meet with con stant employ, and liberal wages. IUI vjiav mi uni) FtflHf. Houses and Lots, in the towi of !5alisbury, owned by Peter Krider. That ranee of Buildings, on Main. street. in post occupied by Samel Jones, as a House of Entertainment, are so well known, that a de scription would be superfluous. Their imme diate proximity to the Court House, renders them valuable fur every kind of public business.. particularly for Stores, Taverns, Shops for Me chanics, be. nnt'nr H't at'1 r"fi Mjin O' three squares east of the Court.House, for merly -owned by -Alesamkr - Byd,is -very chr- siraale far ttwettingr emi -e-ytots -wm; ding, with tbe necesssry out-houea, &.c..ii, beiivre on the street, it is suitable 'or publis uses ,iAU or any o(.theM Houses and Lota will be sold low, and terms made very eay 1 or, if nut sold, they will be rented, on moderate terms. For further particulars, apply to the subscriber, Agent for the proprietor. j.NO. LTZMAN. SaMthwy,Ma9 19th, 1810. 6t2J Mli ... and others, tbt carrtei on the Stone Cutting Business, hear Salisbury, in its different branches. He' gets out and cuts rocks for grinding gold ore of alt sizet, good quality, and a!Jesihm ofT-in the bi iyi of workman ship. He now haa 00 hand severai pj tof !, jPWat Hoekt, finished in the best style, which he will sell low for cash. He likewise cuts Mill Stones, dreaset off rocks (or Heps, !ic. on abort notice, and low. terms ; and requests the patronage .of the public in his line iof business. awe 3d; mo. - 4t2i Cahtveir sMaUexs WunUA. OITE or two of the above named, thar have made suitable proficiency in their profes sion, and can Come well recommended, jnay get stesdy employment fly eaUing on the subscriber at bis shop in Charlotte, N. C. SJ6 . j. II. MCII0LS.. 2 1 JO, ..- I I INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC, or Introduction h the same. COMPRISING the f rst pr'nciplet, tmbraiin); 32 various instrument of nninic to obtain Vie Uieory and practical parts thereof in a aci ettifie and eomprehea.vt nu.:iw.r, with facility to perform the first coune. of 15 popular airs, in 20 Irtsins, (positively the limited tiue he-eV on any solo inslrum-nt, and uill insure, to any tttentive learner,. Of to any who lu no car tor music, and whose elTorts have hern int-Tec.'"!, to attain this FIN'R ART, will be taught the (:i-t course in said time or no cempriuution will ht retpiirtil. Each -subscriber to attend iniivn'.u. anv ani recne i inc ncu' aijniinc:u ri..i or evening, ait may suit h'n mutn.tl cunvenicnre. " AniTirss, impressetl ihr ftriher iinpron?. ment on Chromatic mus -., the Sonatas pt:t lim ited, the tetmt moderal.-, .md hi-i a:tcr.lion ai tiduout, with warranted initniments. fit s:ile by t 11 1 nri.' v 2ij5 . .it Mann Hotel. .1 Vvvt wtni;, In the Town of Salisbury, for idle. f 4 railil property is pltaii'ly situaiet 1 in the most arocabiy part f the town, ami is very suitable tor a mul famHv. The lot in narioii, and Ci'nt::itu a very good garden, with mu.'h ran- slirulihery. 'I he terms can re mane easy, as ine nmsi 01 w.v por chae money can he pnid by note in the H'ink. on the uiual termt of accommodation. Peis-ms wishing to puT' has-, can apply to Mr. E, A.lf mong, or to n'd F. C.djwtdl, Esq. (who it au thonsed to make title, and tli terms cap be known. H. C. JONES. T W.1AX DICKSO, TdBor, II TW-Af KtLL4doniois customen, oni; ht -4bUc e-"j5eTah,vvibti be has removed j his SHOP, to fhe building formcr'y occupied by Lowry and Tcnrilcton, and nitre rec nvly by Wado W. Mampt'in, a? a Tt'.'oi's Si p ; on Min atreet. the west side, a few doors li-om the Cowt-Hwuar. in thciawa: nf ahstmrr "whtre he is prepared to execute all descriptions of after the nratest fisliions, and on the shortest notice; aiid is prewired to rrifltc a't fcmdi ntl Clolliing in tTfe "nrsns ff employ si nr seven firct rule workman, which enablel hiiu to do aork on x'm- slj.r'ei'. ;iotue. All k.inds of Cuitinr (hit til Oariiieiita will be dotie oh very niodtr.1'0 tcr n-,. All orders from a dutance Ii r wurV, will he mwt fdiihfuily executed, according to artctioiii, and within the thorttst po,y:.h'e time. P. S He has just received the iau-ft fashion from Philadelphia anj New-Ynr'- ; tvhich will enable h:m to mnVe fioe-Co.ui, .c. rcr the most .ipproved 5tylc. 15 .Salithury, jipril 15."i'i. 18'jO. XSIV 'VsV'Il-L, be sold W.tVttb y Y the county of H'ilkex. highes' bidder at pnlilic rut- orn' in to the cr (Hi .t, the first Tuesday in August iirxt. :V of th-tt well known and vhIuj'.Ic Tracl of .i; lying in a body im the .iters of the Yadkin and Reddits Rivers, ooe mdc N'orth of Wilkesboro hiving the one halfot-a valuable millttat attached to it, iid premiss t' rmerly belonged to Chapman tlordon, Lit,-. ( tuid coun ty, deceased I he. terms or" xde are, three in stalments, one on tiie V5th !)r-ceo.her, 1830, WAeJt- posttrrtrtienEiTfi,-Jlje" ofher two, equal annual payments Ihereaf'ef. ' t -goh do; imeSud, 18 ;0, ' 71 TAKEN up and entered a small bay horse supposed to be it a teen or seventeen years old. an- praised at ten dollars, no marks or kan.l. 1. 1 IM- . ' . . . yiiu (iHWHwug. 1 us owner can nave tum leeMs,t?..Y,Jm., IM . 4t25! Slate srM Cut!iJuiy.Jii,rteeHnttti tmafAtntmentlctietfr-trrdeTeH by Court, that publication be mad for six Weeks, in the Wejierw-Carolinian, for the de fendant to appear at our nest Court of pleas and quarter' Sessions, to be held for Burke County, at thfi'Court House in Morgar.ton, on the fourth Monday of July net snd plead or replevy, oth erwise judgment by default final will be entered up against him. 6tJ8 Tett; JAMES ERtVINt CVk., I 1 Writinj; Wrapping Paper, MANUF ACTURED at the Salem Paper-mill, for sale, on medenj-' rjns, at this office. June. 18.d , I I N. B. Darken fif-emly, have slot back HT their store, and oppoiiti Mowry'l B1acktmith Shoo, rrovided for the accummodntirn fjf the' frieiuls with racks and troughc, ronvenient for hitching and feeding horses. CI.YLANI) 4- TORHENCE. -'- R. M. CLAYLN1 A. TOULRKCE, havinir lontud a'copartncHP in tho Mercantile Iuinevi, under the above firm, beg leave respectfully to inform the iulututants of Sa'i,biiry and the itirrounding "Country, that they have just r-itumed frnm NewYork ini Philadelphia, with s beautiful assortment of yew Slijk, Fawii and Staple GOOD, which have been sitected from the htcst im portations, snd will be offered at a very small advance for coA. Pnrrhaeraareiuviied lo cal! and view their n'sortiuctit. .Sa'I'.Wj, Jpril i, IHol). 11 rtJl'IE Nok and tcaunts of A. Tonence. and Jm.. A. Torrence f Co. are placd in 'he hands f C. L. Torrence, for rolk-cttoui and I would advise tlmse intrrHed.to cull on him hrfirt lt day, 'vfrre May Cn'irt. A. TMRL'NCE. Jprtl 7th. 1f.W. - , - . .. 15 ... !er tiil ':d') nine to teen up a J. l.nc a:id I it', supply of almost c cry kindtf GOODS, suited trt r.'l :-ea!-:ns 01 ttie vear : And 11. of the now rcr.;M:i rnd oper,,!ij;. tt his S.ore iri S di-liory, additional supplies ot the latest f'n jiort:iiio:is si-hcted by himfll, widi cr, and ooupht on the best terms for cash, part in Phil adelpdin, hut principally in New Yor: vhitu are olTVn d on the l,iwet terms for cash, or on a short i iciiii to punctual cusiomen. I tie p'to lie are invited to call, exaruine, a:d jude Ut themselves. JOHN MI.KPHY. Halitbury, Jpril, 1.10. 3ml2S J. M. Rcsue'Ctl'utty be !"ftve to return h'a J jirtfettHl hakJ, Jir the. very lilitral and xlij. tioguished..4at(au(;e-lie Jusji .been stt JugaT honoured" with,'- ty 1 rhcem'rrr- prStic ; an-t hope,- hy di'rigr'gt attetrt im, fcr rert m ? corr ttnuanc? of the xarrnr: - - Y ortUy ui' AUenVt,n I C10WAN U Uf.r.VES sre now receiving vS' J open'fng at tlnir Store, Wood t;rove iu Uo'van cmntv, Z3 miles wcj'. of Siliabury a gen era! asaotlmeatuf- : ;uW ;eted bvi. X llccvwf tlii.ahovc fimvatitl- t,,,T,t c, irtsi, f,.mthe t;i:t iiidior'.i'inns 11 rnvTf tbtiH: yt- nt' la-tilr;! trnr- are i!eteruiined to scli 03 low KJ a.'iv Coeds ff the same q'lalitv can br hottjrli! in this se"i of the country . Their tissorloitnt consists (f , Dr GvDih, I Card Ware, (it fiery ami Groceries 'f !ldf'.-r,pt:oi-si3,i;d'v kep i" "i'-'r--. Tli.i" friends :i 1 nnsto-n-rs are uni:c I t: call, t saiu inc and judire for themselos. ' R- June. Wi, Idi'J. .mUjI Cowan & llcevrs, r-inrc'fil'v bee leave tr retii'n their hincerc thanks for toe liberal pat raoaff 'heV have hcre'of'w receiver! fom the: ftiend3 and cistoiue". s, 3'ki I. .'!) ty J -se a'- Htetttbtr ami sreadj"hitd!;ftoiTirrira canrivfriiicu " f the s:un . ! Oittuwlm Navigation.- Conip'Va A fenersl rr.cetinpr ot the s'ockhr.Mers of th ZXL . Caiohna Catwha .iviaiinn Oumpanv will be he'd at Lincnlnten, im tijc lih nf Jul next. The stockholder-) are earncatly rtitics- trd to attend, either in pern, or by P.rorv- The settlement of the outstaii' uur d''lts orTnc compi 'any, anil Ihe nppnintment ot officers, art ; the objects of Alta. McUinL'. The Nsvi- , .1 . . . am 1 ration of the river Hein taiion ot the river oeirxr now open t to tle State Itne, i( becomes exc'-e(IuigTTmp7)7fnT"Wat ' future itperattons of the company should be uc w Mm wwetwfrv 11 ..,mi,ai IS VAC T. AVCRY,rreW.e, Ue. , ri2ti THE Factorage nd Commiwion business of Henry W. Conner will be continued by the nibtcribertvundef Ihe firm of H. W. Conner ti, Co. from' thit date. 6t29" HENRY W. CONNER,- rO f fN f'.-t .tM-pfca-feF-1 i C4tstJili!-S- tti& WAGON VMS, Dririi fa FaJcTtf venience Is dtc vtded for Jtan and Horr to mk- them comfortable, at the moderate oltarge of 25. cents a Oay and night, for the priviiejre of the Yard, tho use of a good house, fire, water, and shelter.. Attached to the Yard, are a Crocerf and Provision Store, Bread Shop and CbnfcC; tionary, and House for BosrdengnJ Lodger, iti a plain, cheap, wholesome ft' id comlbi'.; . - " n . .'. I. ft '" 1 Cook Wanti IOR one that can .come wc! reebmraendfd . for industry and cleanliness. a rood price will he given. Wanted, also, s boy about twcl y'ofsg. An)yirttb5r9fF.5e. ' t. 1 V. r

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