Si 'ftifiirftrftixfi tlilki'r1rt-M',lM-11' IOHU CI4II(,1 yttniririTHiiii 1 ' r TtrBa -TSa lenu if tt Wmwi CtnlMtu m It rrW U(M .. ' . ilu. UMtlrtl M K- mu Uxt'inara rrw,aiMla iu j.ur. uiii an initf m14 a. aaivrUwli ftatoi of the fclnfietr Swtrs: Fatwlai the first SiMtot of the 2tt Csngrest. tenant 61. Act for the relief of certain officers and sol diers of the Virginia line and Nuvy, pd of the continental Army, during the Involution ay war. BE it enacted b'j the Senate and House ej Representatives of the United State of America in Congress ..Assembled That the: officer, and soldier,,' tailora and marines, who were in the service of Virginia oq her own State establishment during the JUvolu'ionary war, and who were enti tied to i;ti!ttary land bount'uu, by iho laws and resolutions of that State, their heirs and assigns, shall be, and they aie hereby authored to surrender, 10 the Secretary of the Treasury of th United States, such of their warrants for the said "eweunu..AJ in whole or in par!, uud to rcctive certifi cates or scrip for the aame, at any time "'"before "The-first day f Ian.uary,Ja.jii.e year one thousand eight hundred and thirty-five, which certificates or scrip shall be issued by the said Secretary, and signed by him, and countersigned by the Commissioner of the General Land Of ficr,i" the following manner, that is to ay ' There shall be a separate eti nQcate or scrip for such bum as shall, at the time of issuing the same, be eqnal to the then minimum pi ice of each quantity of eighty . i 1 i 1 acres 01 'ana aue uv sucn warram, nuu remiinin unsatisfied ht tne Umc of such ...... turrender, n4 fflike "eertUieBte-Or.lCUp for kut?ri sum the timc shall lc cq'ial to the minimum price of the quan tity that shall so remain unsatisfied, of gnf such warrant alter-such sybdivitjiona r .. . r .;,.!. acres. And where any such warrant shall have been lost or mislaid, by time end srrident, rrll-aniia.yci4J!uLfjLi the party desiiinjj :i surrender the same, Vt surrender an ohicui copy tnereoi, cer tified Under the seal of the fund ohk of Viiginia, with the afRJjvit of tb prty n4tstd upon, or accompanying .the same, stating that such warrant has been lost or mislaid, and that the oiimal hath no: hern sold or transferred, to the k;nvvt edge or beliel of the party so surrender ing, or his or her jjujidun. Sec. 2- And bt it further enacted, Thai it shall he the duty of ihc C jmmissioner rf the General Land Offbe, to request the Executive" i-f Virginia, to furnish him with a statement ol all sued warrants, uiihin the purview of this act, as have al Tcdy Usucd, showing the number and wate of each warrant, and the quantity of ecres granted by each, and alio a month ly statement of the same description, ehowiog '-he number, date, and quantity, of such wairahts as shall herealter be granted. And no warrant shall be taken to be within the provisions uf this act, which shall hereafter be granted, unless the Executive of Virginia shall cause a certificate to be endorsed thereon, aigned Vv'nmo nfonc7officer, atatinir thTtlhe ' fcirlFro1ramtich-w . ... cr revolution ot the said State, in lorce at the time of the deed of cession, by the State of Virginia, to the Oni ed Slates. Sec?$J. And be it further enacted, That befoteilte Secretary of the Treasury shall issue the scrip required by the provisions of this till,' the applicants' shall produce ta him thi -certificate ir.f theBorvcyor ol . the llcnister .of the Land Oflceio Ken w trt-mtwiry- wols-o-ine,4rgii)jj line - t.hat the warrants (when ibe original ia- 9rsfe-ed,:iDtthe'sa.3tiiiiM r- 1 iiinnain 1 iiai-hM.irH,.tt' Ar .k.irWrgdUab'Tiey,'Tmn"e ipltWaoltriecurltrrem'n' located, surveyed, or patented, in Ken tucky, itlested byihe seal of his ofke. iec. i."1nd be ii further enacted, That the certificates . or scrip to be issued by -virtue of Ihis acH ihall be receivable in payment for any after the same shall have been offered at public sale, and shall re main unsold at any of the Land Offices of the United States, established, or to be established, in the States of Ohio, Indiana, and Illinois. And all. such cer'ificstes or ccrip as sbll beiued by virtue of this 8AUSDUUY, ROWAV COUNTY, C..........TUKSDAY, JULY 13, 1830. ict, ibail be assignable by endorsemsnts thereon, attested ty twa,tlneiKl V vtded, 4 hat all certificates or scrip (0 be issued, in virtue of any warrn-hmIWf :- lin.bemtBt. thalttur isstiA TKirvstfi Wiau tnejrbe -"iie.'-5.-ifnrf peirfurrhermmfdThii the prevision! xWiaMJftie mA and taken to extend to all such officers, soldiers, sailors, marines, chaplains, mil sicians, surgeons and surgeon's mates, in the land or sea service of the State of Virginia during the Hevolu'ionary war, and generally, to every person to whom the State had engaged to pay a land boun ty for services in hat war, ol any descrip tion, by any law or resolution passed he lot e, anil in force at the c'ate of the said deed of cession except only-such' per- sons as are mentioned in, and provided for by the reservation contained in the said deed of cession in favor of the officers and soldiers of the State on continental establishment : Provided, That no scrip issued under the provisions of this act, shall entitle the holder to enter or pur chase any settled or occupied lands, with out he written consent of such settler or occupan's, as may be actually residing on said lands at the time the same shell he entftd or rpiiJ fr 1 w.wra, aio, Thm the amount of land thus located shall not exceed tna hundred and sixty thousand acres. Sec 6. And be it junker enacted, That the provisions of the first and fourth sec lions of this act, shall extend to and cm brace owners of militirv land warrants, hwrjttff toytht: i:nHetJ-$tstew in-aatMao '.ion of claims lor bounty land for services during the Revolutionary war; and that the laws, heictrfore CHTCtett, -prwidinff fur the issuing sid warrarvi, are hereby revived tn& continued in force for twp years. EC 7. And be it frt.ler enacted, Thst the otovisiuns ct (hi act shuli alto be deemed and taken u extend to all the unsatisfied warrants of tlii Yiinia army, on continental establishment 1 Provided, That the quantity theiucf shall not ex ceed fifty thousand acres. 10 addUion to ibe two hundred and txty thousand acres heretofore u:4iori-.d .to be located by "--- A, STEVENSON, vf Spanker the liui of UrprcMuiattvea, J. C. CALll'JtrN, Vice PresIJtfrit of tie United Stares anil - Fmident of the Hciute.. . Approved, May 30, W3. A.NUUtVV JACKSUN. An Act making api-tipriifibuajor eminujHtiuns and (hiieya,.aui atau tor ceruua . .ariu..ot' ' TiiUriwil yit.- BE it enacted by the Senate and thuac oj RtfireveniauiKi vf ihe Utti if America in Congrcas assembled, 1 liat me lull OA 111,; bU:lli ot, tul as may be con iidtltu n'aelKatjU. bEc. 2. And be it further enatted, That the sum ot one nundicd tnou&aud dollars be, and the same is, nereby appropriated fur toe puiuse of opemug, grading, and making me Cumberland toad, westward ly uf, ii! tbo State of Ohio; and that the sum of sixty thousand dol i e, and the same ts hereby -ppropa atcd fur the purpose ol opening, grading, and abridging t tie Cumberland toad, in the State ol Indiana, commencing al lu diai,apolis, and progressing with the work to the eastern and western boundaries ol said Stale; and that the sum of loity moused dollars be, and the same u heichv BDDroDriated for the nu'pose of opening, grading, and aonoging. tne a M vumtcrianu roac, in tne tato oi luinois ; wttictt saiQ-swrnx -srrarreaiTwn-tn-rry I -..t ....A Kfc .u. I... .1 . I t.,M 1 in,; nut AnA winking rpads, under the di- rect ion of ConRress, by the several acts passed for the admission of the Sie of Ohio, Indiana, lliiuois, and Missouri, into the Union, on an equal rooting with the original States. Sse. i And be it further enacted, That for toe immediate accomplishment of these objects," the sueritrtendents hert- loto'frpnear'Cr'tiei carte; iu hep - tpatateo -t't ;iMMtr!tli.jq-lMl!irj.l.. trtmotst'erwMr uudxjUulnairjciio.njBt tnei President or tftiifiaMfattwairj 'caeewtaeihe aijorkvHtod-'dssae-tiii direct, and receiving such compensation as in his opinion shall be equitable and justj net exceeding to each that hereto lore allowed by law to the Superintendent of the Cumberland road in tne State of Ohio. ... Sec. 4. "ltd He it 'further enacted, That the sum of fifwen thousand dollars be, and the same 'is hereby granted, for claims due and remaining unpaid st the Treasury, on account of the Cumberland road, east of Wheeling, to be paid out of lerijr moriey to the Treasury not otherwise sppropnatea. I , Aaosew Stithioh, r""' '""". Tf -ta-rw-- ipprove thta tiiltf arrd"kTt&nsc twtmtmnrjTrreiriorrrw : AN'ME-W JACK5057 Annrovei. May 31. 193a. From the Southern Religious Telegraph. THE BIBLE CAUSE. To the friendt of the Bible throughout JYorth Carolina. It is generally known, that the Arneri can Bible Society, at its annual meetins in May, I829, adopted the resolution of supplying, in two years, ail the destitute families in the United States with the Ho ly Scriptures. The Society did not ad opt this memorable resolution without solemn deliberation, without bting fully aware of the magnitude of the enterprise which they were about to undertake, and without having received r. u.T.erou plede- es of valuable assistance' from distinguis hed friends of tho liihle cauie, in differ ent sections of the country. Such "an enterprise oeeds only to be mentioned, in order to commend itself to the patriot ism, the philanthropy, and the niatv of thw wnole nation.. Tk- pit4r Introduc tion ol the sacred wrinngs into "eight hundred thousand families" which have been hitherto " unoleswed" with the ora cles of God, must ex-rt an influence on our population and be attended' with re sults which no fioite mind can estimate. This great Society, which is truly nation al in its vie wn,crat"8Hrivl11., numbers amongst its warm friends and libersl patronsjhejnost excellentcharac ters" of various denominationTTnThcTJui". ted States, printed or pur chased, the past year, 308,009 copies of the Ifoly Scrip tures, averaging nearlv 1,000 copies pot day. In the States of New Jersey, Penn sylvania and Maryland, the work rca dy accompUstted. in the six New Eng land States and in the State of New York the supply is so far effected, that a few months -will probably cause its comple ion. In Virginia, twelve agents are now in the service of the State Society, about 1 8 cououes r&avfr alreadyr Jbeen supplied. uiki strong expectations aro entertaintn thai the ternatoder wilt also be 'supplied before the next anniversary . --" ";;; rr t4 In the xjther Sratespand in the ter rilories ibe work is less forward, but ma ny extensive districts', i especially in Ohio, ! Kentucky, Tennessee, North Carolina, and Georgia, have been supplied, and ul most every wfiere mucn preTTaTaTofyTa hor has been performed ; and the Board iia thr The wort of supply ing all ibe (teatirnte families in the Uniietl Stair with twgeeara-lramla-a J last, is still practicuble, il the Inends ol the institution will all co-operate. V Hh prompt anu energetic ctioit on the part ol alt, the means may be raised, and the Board with it to be distinctly understood, that without great effort both on the part of the old States and the new, the work cannot be done. If many of those soci eties which have purchased books on credit do not pay for them within a fw months, the wotk cannot be doue -II tftose societies which ..have .pledged don ar tions, do not in some good niea5ure re deem their pledges, the wtrk Cannot be done. If those counties which are yet to be supplied, do not enter on the sup ply ai once, the work cannot be done. The great danger as io tne failure in this enterprise is from " the thief of lime," I procrastination s Conquer this encn.y and j lhe work j, iviCt every family has its i,bjc bv May,"1831' I'ermit us now to invite yoor a ' - - . . . . . . r, . . more particularly to tne dioio cause North Carolina. Lxtensive operations ed .o. this-Staie. at as early a period as in several other sections of the Union, Since November, however, fifteen or sixteen thousand Bibles and Testaments have been procured by. our different Bible Societies. Of . these, 8, 000 Bibles and 1,300 Testaments were procured by the North Carolina Bible So cletv. and forwarded toths following bla fanitd - tg -KdttttonT--to-i'ifA nwth4 wa ui, J$ Newbern, 1,500 to Wilflsiiigton, 503 to IVyelewneTutf'TW waietapectediharnwlyrTOirisf would nave oeen ttmiiuutcd during tne winter and spring. But tbVlocielyhsj been greatly disappointed in their efforts to obtain the services of a sufficient nura ber of well qualified agents. The conse quence Is, (hat a large proportion of the hooka have not yet been distributed. The work of distribution will be prosecu ted even in the low country to some con siderable extent during the summers and be fiiiuhed next winter. In Iredell,. Caswell, Granville, Hyde, I Tyrrell und Washington couadca, the good work has already been accomplish ed. In Beaufort, Craven. Robeson, Wake, Person, Rowan, Cabarrus and Guil ford, it is expected the supply will In a iweialva eithercunxne nctdiiitjire. aooa :to. tctln vrmetr,- ri sirraxr onnamporrf viimoer- Pasquotank, and perhaps a few other counties, rreparatory measures have been already adopted for extensive opcr ations, and the general agents propose to a . ai ' . a visit wimes mite aeiay a possioie many other counties Indifferent parts of the State. One of them will probably pro ceed as far east as Camden and Curri tuck, the other, as far west as lliywood and Macon. A few counties have formed, societies, and commenced with a good degree of zeal the benevolent work of supplying their destitute families with Bibles with out waiting to be visited by an agent- As the field which we are culled to occupy is very extensive, and tbo time allotted us to accomplish a great work is short, we hops other counties will exhibit equal zeal in this glorious cause. Even half a dozen cordial friends might form a socie ty, procure Bible cither on credit or as a donation 4Vnrn the parent-aotiety of v v , una speedily lurniin ettij uvt.u. family in their country with a copy of the sacred volume. .The object is surely worthy of special efforts, of untiring teal, and liberal pecuniary assistance W nil it in other States during the past year many have contributed to the Bible cause their twenties, their thirties, their fifties, their II ardrluY,'lnd r fe weren iheir thottadr there, have. not ..taeii.woiig.liL.Nortb Carolina instances uf commendable ceal and liberality. Washington "crantywaTt chiefly supplied by a few benevolent per sons, some of whom contributed 220 each. Iredell having at considerable ex pense provided fur its own wants, has purchased 600 Billes and procured an agent for an adjacent county- To obtain (he necessary funds, a subscription was commenced to ascertain bow many per sons could be found in the county, wiio would give 16 10 each. Twelve ElO sua sciip.ions were soon obtained, and it was. expected ina number -would be increased TWeinif T 'imtW -i&ii-6attijtBMe Society has voted to ue its 'enJcama. w raise: during rtbeprcrcw .. yar iliOOQ, Doc pcisouimiaeAiiitly u-ibci:25, and ten otners DI0 each. No doubi was enieriaiod but uiauy. pn'suiu uoi prcsiiiH al the meeting would subscribe liberally, in Caswell, put lady has given tier gold 4wWfcyaaa.aUirr a2ll LuiLlieJlliils5iJ ctety navmg upt,UJ its nsn nu.ufiious destitute; -ia raise X20O9-. Several peraofia subscribe 3 Jij.ttrit 3jx. 1 hisSocutiy has iccenilv Durciiased 3,000 uiblca Tor the purpose of assisting in supplying five neigoboi nig counties. In tVukc, lh friends ot the Biole have voted to rie g 1,000, aod one person in lUcigU lias subscribed 100 dollars. Wc cuuid men tion gentlemen in oilier counties who have iien their tens aod their fifteens, and Thomas Biewitt, of the Baptist denomin ation, in Richmond county in this State, has just made a donation of one -thousand dollars to the American Bible Society. These "re-praiwhfaa4ajl-v.juiu might easily be imitated by thousands in Naciu.CardlL'.J?hVuld toe f ieiids ot the Bihlein thisState generally exhibit u cqaai degreeof xeai and linerality in this good work, we would soon have the ne cessary means for supplying our thirty thousand "llcil'tiute families' wilh the bread of life. But it ought not to b concealed wniUt-we have procured nearly glorious author of the Biole graciously smile on our bumble tHo:'ls,lcJl lUousaiitl copies, more of the aacred writing will be procured in tbe course of this year, anu the supply of our whole State ba Comple ted by April, 1831. If this great work shall be accomplished, (and who would not regret its failure) it is much to. be feared theie will ,oe a .defi ciency of funds to the amount of several thousand dollars. I his consideration will fKTOine'ap laaxneft!,nd Dcraonal seas iRekdar:! have f oodohe any ihingf-for f the tfiecial fitbli effrtVJfiiiai yourtownoutxoUQ.tfyjyoor :,staie,- or youf oatioo 1 any thiog corrispemiing with your means, and worthy of thcOod- like objsct K if so, we congratulate you on baYine lent tour assistance to, carry forward one of the noblest enterprises ol this age. A gentleman, who ba seen as much of" this religious world as almost any other man living, wiWes'fiorh Greece, in reference to the present attitude of the Bible cause in the United States. ' M I hi is aa examjla .jrorihy to be held pw wnust. we na.c Ageot of the American Bible Society. - rtes va -ms t .n,A k. uiiy ouwnica snail jscan oat. uermaoa -. i kin an in ii hi i iuii ui i us- an "tivuiii i i - w ' - - - 1 the vie of cfirUtJaned Earope. and of H J, I. . . au nanona."- ? it wi epQearnhie . etefL to those who sh-ll behold .the Mi linnet glory." v But;hyvjfO t.yeV. done .001,: m ' ww - : 7 -'IWWHliytfV'.'.,.-, iRyaajoTtrraMMaraaa 'treat Iyede''d:':'irji;" .Wla,.yJf4rIJ.j9 in your State. If you put forth.n'i tf forts and make no ari5res if 'ytvtj te' main idle spectators, whilst others per forrri all the labor and lUst'.il all th'a tt pensr, and glorious rewards, pertaining to the accomplishment tf this auVitrpe enterprise. They, will belong U others, and not to you. ' P W. MWtlATtntsftot JMriea Tr: CrULI),T J B. S.ftrX CorlU.i ttuleigh, .Vay, 1830. - , P. 8. Msney for the Bible cause In N. C may be sent by .mail, or otherwise, lr either of the following gcti lemeo in Kal eigh, vlii William Hill, Esq. Joseph Gales, Esq. or the Uev Wm. McPbee i era, D. D. - . -"V Jg BIBLE Cauie, in Davidis Canary. V. C. Agreeably to appointrhenta a numa . ber of persona isscm bled thii dajj in of proposed to the viahabitantl of thu ' place, a few weeks previous' The meeting was commenced by aiogin aa appropriate llymnj anal by an I dreas to the throne ol Grace Te Rev; Sir, Qouldj agent ei the ' Am rrUt; can-BtWe wwy4fyt'ttkrmt, then explaiued the objev t of he .nic'--ting, and the nature and importance. of . ihc work proposed to Jt..hTfm.IJly, MrJ Reck, then followed with a i au'uable r address upon tne subject, . and. alterr him, Rev. M. R senmilier alao ad dressed the meeting. V tvf, The subject being thds plainly laid before the m'nda of the people, they' proceeded to business and appointed Rev. Mr. Rcckj Chairmad.and lU.h Foster, Secretary,- of the mcetingr Tne following Reaolutioni wertT'tKeo" ' rampjddjmammmi Resolved, Uu . Tn t ihi." rne'etioi aeepiy-ieet the tmprtance and lieteis at ty of h a v in g eve ty ramilv-in the United States, supplied-with , a copy of-the Bible, agreUy-to the reaolan. tion of the American' Bible Society, aud that we will accordingly unite our exertions"" irT eTTde'aVoll'i't nj to aCC ' rYH piisn mis wont.iQUjyta80ii county t besolueiij 2ndly-TflHt we-now-pre ceed to form ajjilde Society Yor-thia county, as the most convenient and, cfiicicnt plan for accomplishing thil work amoncst us. The meeting -' then proceeded ' to ? nominate and appoint officer a for a" ' Bible bCIetv. ArCordiiclv Jamea Wiseman, Usq. was appointed PresU dent : Dr. Wm Holt. Mtasra.A. C.ldcleugh, David Mock, .md Joseph C mrad, Vice Presidents! Rev. D. P Risenmiller CorrespondiJg Sccv, Mr irPosterr Ree,r!injf-Becrttary j-n4- Mr. II. K.Ousenbury, Treasurer. In addition to-theaer officeTinti?fcWere also nine Directors of the Society ap pointed. The Society being thus duly organized, It was, Resolved, That the CorreapondiniS Secretary be authorised to write to the and the tihef IfitbrEngliBh laoguageT7 ResOhrdrHtyrrnn miller, Dr. Charles L, Payne, Mesaril, B. D. Jtunsaville, A. CalJcleuch and J. Conrad be appointed as a committee to draft a suitable Constitution for this society and report accordingly, at thej next meeting, . ' ' -'. ; ; Resoli'cd, Thiiit ' ccny of Keaet tfoceetrtnga be forwaisdtdet-HEdV lewaUtuttney te .published, 'The ociet?fierH" afie ted w iiavKcv.:Mr Gould in tendering tneir tnaukajpthe Uad ot the Ubld for hi a goodness and their prayers to him for his blessing upon the future labours in this gooTTwoTk, then ad journed to meet again in the same place, on M mday the fifth of July at 10 o'clock, A. M. Th n the good work of plating the Bjble , in every family, has been commenced in Dayiil. son county, and every circumstance tcbde to otirm us in the bwlicf tbit

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