X ( it will be speedily, accomplished. And iuvely no work is ra'ire worthy than thifj r)f the constant and unwea ried exertitine of every frieniof CM, of mankind, and of his country. The B&t is the., revealed will of the Al mighty and the oaly inf illible source 6f divine truth which he has (ven ji to' xlisuntruish between tight and Vf otS"firrevea!r rotrrthrgiorie . beaten -which await the wicked And ov-i .... f M--"'..Ww.ijr-aVW- ier truths aretattgM w-tw uia. '.'bapayrVicr will be admired and aoUjjht after. The risng generation of our UIghly f votired Und will advance in virtue and holiness as they advance in years, oar j institution! boxh civil and religious j will become more ctimeroue, ooMe and perniaoeot the basia f mir coun try, bappineaa. will be th virtue of IIS wnnuetauw inu ui vTV,u . meot with the amilel of the Kinjj of' Heaven reating upon it, ah all continue the envof nations, until the hat day of tirde. I). F. It. SPEECH OK Mil. M DUFFIE, , 'jjgaikst the rrohibilury System. : -, ("(UnliHtMilJ - . Such afl Idea never would have been in - dulled for a mementt bat for the dis gos wdjrmjnjwch Indi rcf faxes optr . ate apoejonvnunKr -"" confusion in which it jnvtlopd, I will advance 'another step in the process of simplification. . I maintain then, that an import duty imposed upon ihesc articles of foreign merchandise, which r receiv ed in exchange for the domestic produc- equivalent, in the existing state of our tbmmercW relations, to an eaport duty levied upori the productions of the plant IhjptaiesTti : precisely equivalenr, in the CXiiunK iiate oi our commerti, rewHtuira to an export doty levied upon the produc ttons of those States. A very brief exam Ination of the actual state of our com merce with Europe, will satisfy roe House, that those articles of merchandise which are now imported principally from Great Britato, France, and Holland, In exchange for our cotton, tobacco and rice, are the only articles which can be obtained j- . - . t ' . ' hQtexounrtes,.ior t.ne pronucuons we TJorrine'TiierenarMiiae, on wwea ai ii ev , 'fcrniTT 'ifiaTXitV 'reicTieiriiM" TOiiit "nTrftw pay r toll of lorayr prohibition. . 1 am aware that a notion pretslfa, and I hsve recently seeo it ?favrlv-iatiirrtl-MMribir-of-the North American Review, that if we were ' to nrohibt absolutely and entirely the im portation of all those articles which-vit . .--- - -,- BowJnorl from Europe, in exchange fay oy et toor that u reaL.lritam ,. an J France would atlll couiinue to purchste "the same Q'tamity cf that, staple as ihty did before the proliUmiou; und that in Stead Of paying for it with merchand;ae, L they would pay for it with money. This ,ii an argument of aome plausibility, and may imposo upon persons unacquainted .with the laws of commerce, and the func tions of money. But to persons tt alt familiar with these important subjects, it can appear in no other light than as a fcrjis an3 palbabte abnuridity. What, sir, Is commerce between nations, but a tnu- ..luat exdaarjeuiXjJiwtuirdcleAJ)!. jnirin.. - sic value, which are mutually produced "nd consumetby ihe'n'aUons wlo e7rfy it on. Great Britain, for example, cannot purchase our cotton, without giviog fai it directly or indirectly, the productions of her own industry. Having no mines or gold and silver, she cannot pay ua in thoae metals until she obtains them from somtother country in exchange for the Srodqc'iona of her own industry. Fjut un- less yOur duties rncrcae the demand of the countriee-having- gold f end-silver . mines, for British merchandise, and also i apecir, Great Britain can neither sell any more goods to the mining countries, nor '. purchase any more. specie from them, ' than the did before your prohibition ; Tour refusal to take any thing but specie for British merchfcndise,therefore,iarufu liing,ta,take anythingibut that which she ; cannot give, . iut the InQuiry docs not ; txhaoalible mwes of ihf precious raetalsTj There would still be wanting one of the commercial exchange, to runner it advan f tageoua lot ua- lia Tcceiee.ipciin return for our produce." We have" no' use" for my more specie, than we already pos- ss It would be extreme folly to think cf Importing apecie, aa an an)cle of con-: tumption, in the United States; We can ocither eat it 6or wear it. Ilia not an article that w want fer consumption. Ita prio'P! u at the basis of our circulat : ' .1 r. .i . . :i inir medium, anrl hr that purpose, ihe supply is alrcerJy ample, which we derive kom our direct trade with the mining jctymtriea.. Suppose, tbe, auplo atatoa were to irnpift annually, if, such con-1 summve folly may be imputed to them. tuny, or even twen'y millions of Specie. Whit would they ib with it? Of what valaa would it to them . We should have no demand or use fur a fiftieth part of it in the U. Slates. To what country men, ehould we export it ? To Mexico or Sou'h' America I They are tne coon triesirom which it orzitnilv. cams. T i Great Britain, or France,' or Holland t Ttiesc "are the lountriea fron;;wmehrtt on the supposition, we should rectiva.Jt. Bat even if we c6uidES& aiardtt:: as :weecdvev'iiriHn;-.M!,kvahat,i.n.oLi rTm.llJIlT'WT "I-, n''ri !-). J- . -V. 1 nm-ria a an antr a 61 commerce. wr.ni specif aiXnrTftefrftjJfllttarttrTffal' ue, that public writers, have, fallen Into the strange delusion which 1 hAve ttfus aitempted to expose. Specie, as an ar tide of irade, is subject to the same law that apply to any other ertitle of com merce. it Ss only between tne nations that produce it, aalthoje which quiro it It for actual ui that can be an article ot profttabla. Betwesn all others, it can answer no other purpose than -tout of a common circulating medium, by which the accidental balances of their annual exchanges may bo adjusted and paid. L think, then, I have shewn that the only articles we can receive advantageously, from the countries which' consume -our agricultural staples are those which are produced by the industrv of those conn tries, and these are precisely the maou faeurs which i 4s the design of the'pro hibitory system to exclude altogether. Bjt, whatever may be said as to mat. erof theorfr Wfw1 fn srtertatnd iif uter ollact. Highly - , have taXftil the manufactures of Great Britain. France, and Holland, we do ac tually import those manufactures, almost to the precise amount of the agricultural staples exported to the countries in ques tion. . We find it more advantageous to import the productions ol those countries, under a tax ol 4J 'per cent., tran to im port specie free of duty. Such being the actual tae of the trade in qucstioi, diss it Jiat follow: th it a hjt n port -t tw, norts of cotton, tobacco, or rice, would not he more burthensome to the planter, nor to any other interest concerned, than an equal duty upon the. manufactures re ceived in exchange for thoe exports ? No ingenuity candraw any substantial discrim ination between the aciul operation of the two kind's of duty. Can it b? at all ma terial to the planter, whether he pay the .dwyjopM) the .cargo... he sends out, or up on that fthich he trrinjjs "bid t To gtve" "Pan Nmon he sent to ma.ket, than it woolil bp to pay the same tort on the goods he reccicd in exchange lor it t The question is tof nlsin to be artru-d It would be simply the difTnrenre between s ne retui nefl hme. u, -4heivihr U lies were" levied npon - the expert f ur prbducliohirivhif W argument (hat t'nc ronttmer pays the whole of the duty I It ou!J be too bsiml for grave consideration. As our cotton, tobacco, and rice, are consumed in loreign countries, it would follow, according to this argument, that we levied our taxes from foreign coun tries. It would be only necessary, there line, to transfer our impost duiius from import to exports, to exempt oar cim sens entirely from the burthen of our own taxes, and throw it uoon the sub ject ofother mtions. ljt, Sir, we cannot make foreign e rs pay the iaxe, we impose upon our own U'izens. The market of Great Britain, I r example, regulates the pi ice, as well of tha cotton we export to that country, as of the merchandise we import from it. fJoes not every man acquainted with the the commerce of the country, know that the price of cot ton at Uverpool, controls ai:d that the price ut that article in Uverpoo!, depends upyotrduttes,bHtMnTn supply compared with the demand a ! States but from all the cotton, growing regions of the world f And on the other hand, does any ,m tn, suppose that the price of Biitish merchandise in -New York, controls and regulates the price at Manchester f The price of this mer chandise depends upon the general de m nd for it in all the markets of the world. For the same reason, therefore, that a3uFv upwTheM the prioe of that cotton in the British ish merchandise cannot depress the price .JhflJJKdseJo -Ihose markets. The American coti6n'p1atite7"tlen,' pay's a duty of forty per cent, upon'the export of his cottons, or which'is the same thing, upon what he obtains for it, end cannot indemnify himself tor any part of this du ty,by raising the pi ice of his cotton, or by dtminishiog the cost of the mercban- diae he receives in exchange for it. tnu -'.f 1.' rt - 1 - '. . . - , Whotfien, ultimately bears the burthen of the tax t It is evidently levied from the producer in the ftrst instance for the merchy who hally p'ayt It, is notF 1 , in j more than the agent of the planter.' Upon what principle of political economy then, can it be maintained, that the whole burthen of the tax is ultimately thrown upon the cduaumsr, on whom it Is not laid by tha i govcrnmsnt end that no part of it rests upan the prlucer, where the government originally placed it ? The nrodiicer has no tnwer to throw tHe ths whole burtheri from his own should era, "and plaee It upon" thai of the con ."earner. i It' gniiitl,l),mj)iU,U?Pjpdj.ijiaq if he had. Toe yuth ia, that every duty levied -upon wtfUow'hetJtf direct indvici,, W4ih t M. -MMil 9. . f ! ?.e WOOt I wnemer W. CAUurn or iiiiuuii umuioi .M-..'..... 2,,'!.:r.y',..wwi ..ifc. ....... .... .... . . ... 1,. A .A -: ... ... . a. ..T T. ' - cballr as a tax uj a i iho producer. Sap pote, fr example, tht an escise du'y -f forty r cent, were all at once levre.i uo;i tats. Tne tax would be collected from 'he hitters.. Tney.wouW actually piy the money to the governmcat. Could they immidiately raise the price of .aats in proportion to tne il lovica up on them i They certainly couid no I'he only, possible m sans by wuicti they could raise tne p ice of hats at all, would be by ttye dimi Mining tne pi ffactioiVof them If u,piy was not di'Utuu iel, a r the demaiid increased, n i addi:ion wiuiever coU'd oe made to he price Now a Ux up on any artide, ceitatniy doe not increasc the dein id tor it. Un it the-aupply l dimintsnel. merefore, by the wnnJrawal of sims ol th se engaged in mining the arlkki tne price canon be ennance'J ; and this withdrawal can only be nude slowly aoiii gradually. Lot it be remarK ed thai, ii is oniv b the faculty of aDan- doninir the br--"" r industry suojaeted to a tax, anu engaging in sorue ot liei mar is more profitable, that the producer can throw any in aerial pirt of the but then of taxation upon the consumer. If, there fore, a lax were laid upon all the o her productions of the community, equal to that supposed to be Lid upon hats, the teTo'flot4vd wy teiwfoy iew ing to other pursuit Tney surely w mid not leave an employment to which inejr were trained, and accusmedj jud in which their capital waa already inves ted, to embark in a new and unaccustom ed pursuit, aubject to the same ijXj'Ioii. Such a change would not relieve- them from the tax, and it would deprive ihem of all the advantage ol their existing.in vestments and acquired skill. The re suit would,, therefore, evidently be, that the tax. would fill almjt entirely upon production, f aerc would oe a general fall in the profit oi capital and ihe wages or labor. J he tax would be paid by tne Iff "Cortse- price of his pro praporuan to If. rQW. whatever rlinm,tjinr.a in ma vt ... ... """- coudltua of ny class of producers, pre - vent thsm from promptly ud easily trans - dmstances m-wuicft ney-jua.pice4. 0f h(Mftv-iarueaUflloi?.u.Silwj!i fernnC theircaptral MtI laDOT,- lromthep.inCfpie, of "G-enefaT ' Ifu'tTiiUon; never"; pursuits in wnico tncy are engagod to 21jL'.'Vve',t yL2ibLLji&uLi ceia lioin rsisiug the puce ol ibtir pro 4ucUoa4, in cunvqueoboJ'By uk whioh .m'y7"Tmp.ied .upjn. tham r;andt of Louise, from throwing tho ouubea ol that tax upon the toasuncrs. Let Us iov apply these obvious and wel! established principles of political economy, to the ac'.u ,1 condition of the poutiiern planters. The government has Lid a tax I will a-siMic it m be fjity per cent upon the productions of their industry. What is tne power tluy pos sess to throw the burttien upon the con sumer ? Can they diminish their produc tion, in consequence ol .ne ux imposed upon their siaples i Cm they reaort to .. I . r w!I,WTcm nronr:im5n 0t -uua i.er rr engaged, even with the burthens imposed upon it f bir, I answer, from .my own knowledge and experience, that tin y caainot. Noth ing could be more impotent than any at tempt to raise the price of their cotton in foreign markets, by diminishing their production of it. Their great and princi pal market are in foreign touiuries, JKhac thcy-jaaet camihiMrajUwHq the cotton growing regions of the world- n we- were to diuuoiah the . auin.itv of iur uwii prouuciion, mereiore, witn a view tu etitiance the price of ojir mp6T we should only create a vacuum in the foreign markets to be immediately filled up by the cotton of South America, Egypt, Greece, and the F.ast and West Indies. We cannot, therefore,, diminish our pro duction, with impuniiy. It would bo a fa! Paljcyjf3LPffhoul.J ditniubh ,hj demand for our cotton, am) nptn a mar- ket for the cotton, of other Countries, in exaaly the, same proportion. Tbare is noitber jhlo"ophy nac.MmtarMi t.ie idea, that a tax linobed upon a brauch; of productive industry, which leptnds .!.. eiclusiy.y :J;pujforeiijcpuntriei for a market, can be thrown upon the con sumers. Foreigners, Sir, are the princi pal consumers of the productions cf Southern industry. ..':T' f T t continue J.J A -certain Juatice of - the Peace, would X)ny hear one of thte partiea ia a case before him, because it alwjyt butzled htm, he said, when he heard both ", - -'"t 'j..: : ,..' r ' - - -' - - ' ixtrairfrU rW . Mr. Jefewn t Mr. M'Uh. TB pisTiscTioJ iaiwe'i -FEDERALISM AND REPUCLICANISM. The principle of difference between the two great political parties here, you conclude to be, whether the controlling nonen shall be eated in thkpr that set of men.' That each parly endeavors to get Into the administration of the govern ment arid to exclud ti otncr irorn pi et. icue. ndnm be Litated as a motive of .nlnn t but this is only secondary J the pri mary-mbtitre beinp a -eal end radical dixepclrpo!il principle. ; V am icerelv WISH oar Uincrcm.ca ..... ,. " ' t . .1 . . - '. ..." "IT "-" 'a-'"-'!-" ,. - - ...., ., otherwise t aaJ the alwxdoa oi,prejfercnce between rtbnarchy and republicanism, which has so long divided mankind eUe n?rt, threateni a permanent diviioti here. , . Among that section of our citizens cal . t t f....... " 1 cr r ri led f.-Jeralists, there are three ahaflea oi,tnenap?ycon.cHiwmv.UUrf-.,lulB ,pi'.iun. Distinguuhing between the oWerM eninca of peruabn in the bngf, Uatemtni fieofite who compose 11, tne leaden conaider the L uliah . coiisiuution as a .Torlrl of i,ert"ectionP some, wi'h a correction of its vLea, others, with all us corruniions and abuses. Tids' last wastg Aljiander Hamilton's opinion, which otners, as well at myselt, have ileniwi,ns -jch Tariff and aeductlve astern rf heard bim declare, and that a Correc.ion of what are Called its vices, would render rs a- . . , t r.t .be cpgusn an impracticao.e K This government they wished te .have es tanusneu nere, anu omy atttp'tu aeld fast, atjrfi, to the present constitu li.m, as a stepping stone to the final es tahlishment oftheir favorite model- This y iharfure flung 10 Co)(- Jahd, as their prototype, arid great auxil iary in promoting atd effecting this chdhie. A weighty minority,' however, of Uiese eic r, considering the voluntary conversion of our government into a mon archy as too distant, if not desperate, wish to breik off from our Union its eastern fragment, as being, in trull), tha hot bed I5f teTrlf WTrrcrn5rt1tlm, "wf th-a re w- to a cornmnceuient ol tiieir favorite gov eminent, from wSence Ihe other Stales nav gaugreae by oVftAvtn'J the whole be tnus brought finitlv to iho dtsircd point, for M issaehusetts, the piime mjver in tnis enterprii", is the last Srate in the Union to tuefin a firm! separation, as being of all the muM dependant on the o'.hers. Not raisins bread for the stisten ance of ber own inhabiiatits, not having a aticit ot limber tor thi construction ol vessels, her principal occupation, nor an article to export in them, where would she be, excluded from the porta of the on ungtano, ner oirecr anctTaxaraT, ri- ;.. . .... .. , ... . " HI'WIUM,, flH v4tlO VaU OS iniSI -..-... w i . i i i.iniiMnr m-! i . i, . ii ... ' j unto oi .'lassacnuscus. nunneMAJOR ! tTy 0f the8e Wtrrj do no: aim at separa 1 !lou. In-it.is, tl.ev all.cre tithe known ln(..r any vie ; l(, h-ojk the Union then, are he.jsrinciple of the lUstx frd- cra.?H'.t P???!. hfcej iitc..fl.a.m5tlMn.U!L'J..(!vd alone, that of the portion among thchwUV who call ihemsdvrs federalists. These last are as gt,o:l rcpu'ilicnns as the bre thren wliuin thev oppose, und differ from them onlv in ;he duvoiiou to England and lutred of France, which hhv ruve im bibed from their leaders. Tne ncTi. ot tht thew leaders should avnwrdlv pro pose a sepraiion of die Union, or the ebtaUishment of real government, their poplar vlhcrents w. old q.jitthcm 10 3 mm, and join the renuol.can standard and the mrtiins uf t!i rh . :.. r,. . . - ::s..'. - - ,fclJ - Massachusetts, .would Ihusfiod themselves M army 0f olficert ,vilh,ut ; 9lljle The party cillert republican is s!enlily for the support of ihe nrcsnit tonsiiiu ion, obtained, at its commencement, all the amendments toil thev (Laired. Thcae I econc"cd lh" perfectly, and if Ihey ' . v'c'11 ls ""'y, pethaps, , l" P"lK1,J,',e 11 ,u,,i,e by shorteninK rci lur Ihr rrrmiKiKilit u ..f ....1 . . ""X.u . .V". ,nmC They esieev lhe ople tif Eir1rrtt r ranee equally, am -tu f!r.t itnv.rnlnir und.n nfl...... T I.. u ' . . . 1 Ins I verily believe, after -n hiimacv r inr,u Li.i. .1. o! lorty years with the DUb Ic counci a and chiracters, i.a true ttutemctit ol the grounds on which ihey are DrcsentK U"Vy- t wlb,t,.B divided, and that ills not merely an. am bition for power. An honest mn e n feel no pleasure in tie exeicTnj cf jwwf r over h;s Icliow ci'tzenji. Xnd' ronsuler sayv th itrttVB - anr.lcgK tfons of ihe General and Stale rnvi r, tH.ntl.,h. f nmm.M .f...... -f .. S x muTfipTcJ r e sTnationi, ar e pfoofu iii f : .i. .. . . .. - r 1 i "ai .fowcr t aHunnR6 pure orl1 ontl.eir od, . , ; ; of it; it is that on whicb4 hJ acted ,h ROt T'1 hmTA and had it been a were cutest who'sHoutd WlA "ffney the lari.T.'. .Would be permitted lo administer the imvern ment according tofi genuine'repyblican principles, there has never been a moment of my life, inwhich I should hate telin quished foit the enjoyment of my fsn iij: , mj jrfm niy.friend?i and borAs," '-: t'uT iva rni4 aiur etr.ivn. JULY " li, 1330. ;rj ll'e art aiithtriztd t annmHce Cttj PitER Hoxs, d a -tawlidatt, tt rrp-titnt tin' iiutiiy if Liniiin, iH 1M hiut f'-Cmmnrxjf ih Attrtiachtnr UritUturf. '. ?.W'.-f ...... .'.ve mmt apologise to our reaaeraTor nsvinjf aeoutlves, during tUe pant Session of Conren, In opposition to the jiroLibitory and proect'm system: Hut elor un,r,freton ik1 truth hivf been unavailing and liae pro.luc.ed none of j n'I incurwjuea Uays w we aurpuuiic. augur. tha said, with a sulftcieiicy of he coull n.ircha'e Home i Walpole declared, in the is ccnty his heart, that there vai no man in ths f p4rliment witlim'it his price and n-i 1J(jnrv c!g anJ yjanirl Weba cr add that rutemal Improvement, they hove purchased one half of the United States. They have acjora. : yM . (e MdMy of thil nfpul)ick( ub4t w rgurth abandoned and profligate agea of liome and England. With what I'oartul apjrebeniwt should tha devotee to the iutigrily and inis. pon Jencc flf his jioun'ry be : sctx.-d? One hatf ul hia country bought, and the libertiei of tha Kit invaded by the mon diti ig and insolent ty. ranny ! . We will resume our remarks upnn tho speeca of Mr. McDulTic. The clear and lucid msoatp in which he evos a the injurious operation e( the tariff, cannot tail U wrk conviction upoa alt unhi'i'serl miiuh. It ii not a tariff uf Whkh i air. Mcuuuie cotiipiiijiis, o.u me unjasi sntj yn ef lal principles upon liich tue present syiteia, .of duties, rest... , 1. 1 he m'.;iI;T)rpi-ov'i3in a revenue for theiyp. port f ttte Oovernrneiit ui' Me U. f, by meani of indi.pct taxation is one which 1iaa proved t pedicnl and salutary in all well regulated gov. emmonts, and none could be mum suitably adapted, in th opinion of hta'.ismrti, to lie- piiblicki. Hut thi' wisciit sv'ste.n my be abuud j by ttrai'iing its pui poes tmi tr, nd overstep-, ' pinf, ,he bo'tml, ot prudential legislation with j r.gard n u We h4VC exjjerienced the happy 'i,. :.r ,'.i,.,, ij n..u.xu j v , i r , ,; jL iKCUonoriuatalicrLdhjiLiaior duller -wbjeft L.,..T.. ... r-' , PI3 f " m-yrrr r ....... ii ' - . . .. . . . I" 3. ' i-nnitii mm this iiiuntrv. I i Tlu' '" rate (,f dut'c, UP? ' importations .mist wortrfreatl -to the prejudiis the'epintlwral-roMUM-wtand caunoUii ; to emicr, the commcrc ai ngent or original in to tbe .uliarll West ire clii fly occupied in tla tillage .of Die I ertli--tlve' to- t'ii 'JWrth" aBJ-"E4vaW-ea' in ewimereiaTrsuitV con.q-ienilv the VnjurWscW'iTlpw ,.r,iv ,., f.il .11 i- ,;n,,T.i 'm il.t country, immcJintuly upon its. If, lien vrlaf high iuties upon aiScKt of foreign inaniifac tn.e, v?cnuM at the- rime time raike the priet of our produce, in prnpurlion to the rijr (ifrl'i (ie thus impoacd upon foreign jrnodj, then ir iced ut r'.iould not feel its tnjuri'insnnd blight nS "P1im- l,,t' wc Vri' rextorple, i H' Bmish m inrfurt,res nre not entire' dcpmrlant upon ns fur co't.,;, vnee they caala ' abiint'antlv sntsBl'ed fS"" "thtT cotton rroalrf ft - " - - c - - ,.-4 'countries 1 therefore we : .-.ax it Hcasesut, I m the price of tiut -rue; in th FfigS n:,'-i,s. The pw,"' ' supplv, usually cat "s-.mi' ir.ot Ueiiifr., ''.at . ... . tru-u ;, tne t.nt.-.-ii tmratl f-o h the U. S. do. n.n comrnl ti.e price of cotton, in Bnelr.ri.l. by anv means. I i- tiat plain so be perceived then, il.at feUever price we -imy obtain for our cotio i, the tiniMpt- f,HU(. joes ot vary the vain-of a niclea which .wasiiii.e ajwnntJ.iq tciuJluii oar. immediate .eonsun, y of thisy'enywn1c'rj ;aoe not prouure any casnRe, j Poo la abroad. P'.-ovo. iiiroiites'ay. at KVft 1 that it must operate to mk Ihe rxpottinf 1 ,. . , . i-( t- pay nHM-h h.uhtr foryforeign article', w 1 . b. h . If orsnmprimi, than whpn jt more moderate rats crn.atarea tie pay ia. ! ' 11,0 '7r,ei uri" imports, ami vm i- RoutHcm Maters receive tkrectip-aH-UKi-own'? for e xporjaf 'BiiTTt i .e';ni,liy correct flui all Jrn,, , m,,i?. Ku m i'i, Smith. Tae I .. . ... . JT uirt of tlie (liiiij,Tion imnnrti but l torccs t ,low. ,he importing mercbanti a canaiJerahil . -r -t- r hoe fta.kis re9t tlie distribution ot trie pJ revenue, disperse its bentSis lJ''y ad ff ititUtioiialVv, we rihouW iiearth'e hiirtnenof ation without ' mainKurCtkctc'd .f r'tfw"'."! tbe.reveiiue.for the leyitimae purpnses of foveiimiiiTthe pt',& tiKHi-ti7.il &l?9&J y, I t f r .