ll li evitcft'. ai l the borty ei'iallylu'istrib'Jtec! 1 moag those concerned h the spoliation. Then Ihe tariff heaps injustice in a two-fold degree "upon fhe South Shj ftrst pays two-thirds of the revenue and when it Is distribute! nopart l even ttndtrtd to her. . r Ve in the first place declare our conviction that the present tariff is inexpednt, since it produce nothing but discord and dissatisfaction throughout the Union j and in the second place, we believe it' 'u unj11, ,ince we ,l,ve Provc ihat the burth-'tTof taxation ress solely upon . South,' and that the 'distributidn'of, Uiu "re. '-. M .i :l ! Ill W..n M'! rMti1! v y,:nxti ereaiea nwreoy 7riSivi.Mt mm4 d ,, u kfe ' Wnpfirfedainonri!w;ofihe state of the Lnion(itf,iwitkiskbr'tT r)abiihi im u'ctrr cirri- a lna.l 01 tllS'lOn, no porwo'i h which rc-ui n j , u orxavum ""r r -j-1' of holy eal!s of jaiSco inj Kttitamiy,' e ' wil) teach them to know if Astrea has been driven from ,the other, side of the Potomack, he yet keeps her abode among tit, and that she has not yet been chased fro n the eirth entirely by the wickedness and impiety of all mankind. We venerate and adore her precepts, and we will never do violence to her tacrtd injunctions, if k plague, pettilcnct and famine" were to be aver ted by tSe act. We trust our cause to be de termined by her impartial dscUion, and we will not murmur at it, even should it militate against our own interest!. .1'. .iw.'Jtia'jMw.awfc. .T,T-t,,v wMU.' Mwtiwn4 wf-iim' (mmt-ef ''resit -' "'" as.nweaUat, WH4f.i VfW. . tince ? We woiilu not have the South to pro nmiariui;tntiaf i jtiijM tofiM i ehira war against the North, or to 'erect her i tkatrtrtaaar tkatapf ar em'tr-mey, tkaj t njAtlr rclie (T f tluf in (M M tllicp, St prraiatbt rk itm ' Btf t In thru patflMlna In u ama.r fcnafar a.ymcal. 1 bci th.ra Is a twafttid atraMfa Mh41Mi tkla kc4UtWtt f ppr ewrtrnf? htc! woo Id aa hit la tat irl of IK rliilon. Wa , wllhoul taf arrlolia dilt.'nlt. prornre ltlr lt 4t iu rearj ar lf ol M alltrr catn.a drat to" pari vat war al(aef ! a ra are left l Ciu1r4 rubral, aarfrta will, n ta what kiwi "f laaucy, wa will kwa kjr wi, ar mm u tka standard of 'open," poaitUe rebellion, but, we oul l be proud to hear ihem say, they will no longer conssnt that the federal compact shall be trampelled, VitTe dust, under foot, if their re 4ful, to acquiesce in such a course, can prevent vv would be the last to recommend rew. i iim irnt ofam v a. ' . . i '"i t - ffn ltfrnaibtr nhirrthrsirfrttlftrlfitt tn rnsifrB aitia! that Irni nf r-s-nat tlrtitje, fw 1 mr;4 wilb f Arret aUBt ar ppr tmtvwy, mm offnld And liver, Ihf ovctinnt ua; k rt-4 agcAinitt prkf.tlblr i the ve ewe u th? fttkrr I)4r4 tl)i fret (ruth t. (I pn.prt r rnu.4 coutrmt lh( tttf paper In Ihet tfer une of (tie two.i.ac tbcbamriui4 tbe lLkrLilivol f ilauectlac pqi toiU cttriBcr f tUt et imj much front it that in ths tther. It ofira rt4ppn, thai e ntt a atact tf aonpy la tbt ihapt nd ;th (tie afp artu.fe tf Mirer re-ln, vbtrh, to tW cre tlsjic.b; tiitf at-rNtfiaUi Jinrllnt.U 41iv-OTre4 to a irtariou u4 )u.asl atchU tlte f itl rifs'laare e-f errry airce f mamry vf taat ktnrtt ty trie ttlir. Utit ia almnst impili" ta rect'litct, vltb aajr Liaiof ccttiaintr, frtiro rLom e rerelrad H- Wufreua tha aaclu areaoa'i'm"Kttt. aM ererjr tot kring nt,rabtr4( fre t.acbllf lu Antic W Oi prat n. from irhuai H h ob uine J Uiiwl tlthen at .tiUcalfy pretrntf luetf to bare It rtraofM fa na. Ja ttf cateof fold ant itTYer cioln, noaaca adfaatuft attendt Hi eirtu atlat. Wa sut Utrofurt thlulv, ftr a Tall !v rf th atlrtuiLkfck tly-'h i uM f'suii wiwrlt ti Ihf aiialk at topmatc iadnUnilatth'-tiir Airia Tan fur trriiia7ialcta taexrlvde tt.a idraori i..uily rtuiiaefbe t'KBtioii, IP ima ib'H brrtaftcrbe taiatrMjilatrd, H ti tance of any character to a conttitutional gov tmment, looking iit'iU admiiiiitratiun to tlio ptace.pn'sperily and well being olHUe country'. Uist when we see a government, once purely republican, and professing itself to be such now, lesolvedinto the moat hateful despotism, we cannot, we will not resort lo any means to lull or quiet the s'ernest opposition. Laying aside 'l contest for principle, the inter tt.'stf all the States, South of the Poiorruck, rill urge them to oppose every thuig to the encroachments of the ISorth. We thiak we J;w)w fftoitgh of Southern feeling to'tny thai a violation of principle and good fith woula be W vehemently rrprobated as' the grcsscat neg. lect of l!io most i-mponant interests. It is our honest conviction that every principle of right, j-utice and fidelity hai bee i violated, every es tentisl Sou'hern in'erest pretermit i the continuation of the UrifF and Internal Improve ment evrtems. We beseech our fcl!nw-ci:izeii 'to eiamine for thcifisclves, aixTthcy cannot i'ail to come, to the same conrluiions The linrt'Yhfii Uve' fait i'y. -If we may lie permitted to ruine surmises upon the course pursued by the upposi'ion, during the late ae ion of Congest, we think we might fairly in. fer, that a combination had been formed to hurry the President into the sanction of some measure, which would meet the disapprobation of hia friend and supporter, and thereby create an earlier division among them, than would arise out of tfto ordinary course of things.- The rrnrl- tipiicityltf iintftnnlitt'.UTial suhjteirfor VBTila-' tion. introducrd before both Homes of Coii grei'maTtes Oiis 'bpiniort 'quTfe pIauSTOte, Since rrm. camrornggesfto rmrtelyrs any other Tesr- : ion, for t he- cottso pinned by those unfriendly to the President. The late season at which the Unconstitutional bills, thut pawed in the Senate and lower Iloti-e, were sent to ihe President for " bis sanction, 1CI ri'lt'artherto fasten tbis co viction upon our inind-t. Why should they havt been thus, drlayed ? Is it not customary to send tO'tnc President for - hisaigsaiur aU-biliujM ' Oft wetve Tlaj" before- thf rtsing of Cor-grew, in : order" thai ,-both Hme niy lwye ftijl-fime-s consider them .well, in the eve it of rej-ciion? 'id d"ts mt the constitution in some nu-avire, . iMtr uiul intn.iap sn nh!i.atiun tmf)n,..)ri.rrf-A4. i ' I " ' r r -f. i, that tboae which have p.u'tdboth lluusen, iUAl , be srnt to the tfri'sident for liis tinature, he-' fore 'he session shall draw nearer to a clou-. Cut it appears that 'l those bills, invclv.Dg important constitutional questions, were re rervrd nil tiie lt iiiomentfnsomuch that the Frerdent I11J to retain one for toiler conkidera tioi, and yet the I'leaideiu has been censured F.f' tlVe" cdtiriS hepunuert in Tctaiiorr tarthat bill. Would an friend to his country wish that Gen. Jacks m' should sign a bill, in which icv pcritint .cristiliitional points were involved, witliuu 'consideration, nd without undertUu- (I. Yh eenst'dat'eq of tb V. Gtctea, the L'a?- naChsrta of American Liberties It was writ ten in plain fanr-iisire, that plain men michl on- derstanditt No forced constructions! r. The Virginia desolations of 98 A true commentary on tbetonstitution frox the pea of, one of the venerable Fa?her of the Church, , 8. The existintr Tarifl" i Dcatructive at one of American commerce and Liberty. - ' . 9 North Carolina i Her sons ware smone the first to declare In leoendence they will be amonir the lut to s-ive it ut. 10. Our Sitter State, S. Carolina The feel. Ingi pf iter clttiertl Ire warrrt and patriotick i the charge of rebeljion against her is. foul Caliiinny. '' " ''-".-- I lQut SiaterJtat,Core i She supportea her sovereignty, with firmness and indepcA. dence. , . ' ," ' support of the oppressed aouth we fill ever be grtttlUU e-iie., ssMda way Htt at wtttl-; tMi huse-liold god 'of our people i Long may it dwell in our Land. . r c vnamaala Married by Ket. J. Beck on the tith inst Capt. David. Linn to Miss. Kh:a llartman, daugh ter of ta?t. John lurt man. In Anson County, N. C. on the ?th insf George P. Smithy of Montgomery county to Susan Carpenter, daughter of Ur. Isaac Carpen- ter. - ; Also, In Montgomery county on Tuesday 29m inst, Henry Carter to Fanny Freeman. , In Lincoln county by Jaaae Hollana Esq, en Tuesday the 13ih Inst Mr. Ilichlrd Dirry Bachelor li yesr of age. Xo Mist, Duma tged about sS years, : i.--s.v--.--.- ANSIVLRSAUY. CtLEBRTION. The public spirit of our ci'ijens was quite alive at the Celebruiifn of the Anniversary of our Independence. Alter the Oration wss d livtred, in pursuance of previous arrangement. the citi.ens rind military SLjie-ated to partake of iwo several dinner p4cpAui iirahtaVi4 onc at '.he Mansion Hotel ; the other at a large, beautiful, and shadowed grove on the suburbs 01 of our town. The following are the regular toails, prepared for the former: 1. The 4th of July : I he sahbs'h day of Free dom ; let it never be profaned by the embittered leekngs of party. 2. I he memory of Vahington : First in war, first in peace, and the liiat in the hearts of tun 'countrymen.'' ;3rThe .athor of the tiectaMtlnn'of Tndepen. dence t " Recorded honoui a shall gather round fitifjniBnarHcnr.anrjrThitt solid labrick-aud wiilaupport tlie ltinrc'.s wlitcli Udomii.T '. . .4.;.LafayeUe tv-Araexica.'a arly and- devoted friend t tlie nation ha nobly testified her grati. tude lor his services, and refuted the slanm-r of monarchists, tint " republics arc ungratclul." 5 The l'resiiient of the United Sutcs. . (i., Ihe jleadi ql n prtments. 7. I he (iovernor of Noi ill CaruVuia. H T.t.i. 1,'i.iv. is:ly (if . Cwiliiiu I'ln- nnr. ding' their full bearing I .We believe not, we krtow not. ' The President did not reserve that bill to frustrate or oppose the particular designa Of any party but he refused to sign it, because he ""3fd not" inuJcrMand its tendency, and wished to ry ul her sons; ui.iy tlliibtate SUSiaiu il in lU ,l.A.-.JClitt Gcuei,U..and SuteCovernaneots W hen collisions take plute in the extrcie oi 1 iheir renpecuvtj powers, w vhu rii-r hum the wisdom of the nation, to devise '.he meaiis of re-.tonii harmonious concert, than Uza'd the untold evils ol' disunion. 10. AricuKure, t oinmerce and Manulac iiic: Hie pillars of our national prosperity; equal and exact justice to all ; undae prefer dice to none. 11. iho people i The only legitimate source of power. li?. I lie Liberty of the Press : Formidable to tyrants only. 1J. The tair Daughters of North Carolina, We have collec'.eJ, from a number of volun teers which were given, the .following,: l!y Msj. McCleUnd; llannony ainingtriends : may it never be interrupted by a d.Htrence of political opinion. D. K.Caldwell : The Freisident of the United States: lie deserves commendation for the sntimrnt "The Federal Union ( it must be Among the Volunteer toasts we recollect the following; - Oy Charles Fisher, President of the Psy : The Officers and privates of the " Salisbury Blues t" Their fine discipline, and their gallant appear ance in the time of peace, ajiow list their cOun. trv may espect from them in time of war. . By Ir. Smithi Tlio memory of Baron De Kalb, who came from' a foreign land to war with the foes of civil liberty. By W. Jetrerson Jones': The warof American Independence: Like the Star of Bethlehem it will guide the wise men of the Fast to the cradle of liberty. 1 Dy Capt. Henry Gilts : The Orator of the day: A wortliv member of the " Salisbury Blues." ' By, Ensign, David Fulton The Uuion of the states. By George M. Harris : fU' distinguished Rep re'sentative, iu L'ouirresa. CJ.' Abram Kem her. By William M. Locke: The memory of Thos. Jeffemon : IJe was tnc greatf st if the great. By Samuel latum: Andrew Jackson t Long may he live in the allection of bis countrymen. By Col. Varbrough : The Orator of the Day. By Maj. Lemly : Our civil, pJiti l tnd religi nus liberties: tiisy the never be abridged. By David C. Locke : Maj. James Hamilton, Jr : 1 he able and eloquent supporter of South era rigiita. . ... By John Jones : Whilst e live in Union, let us live in peace. . Ji,..Mj.JIjJ.Hoch o GumteVLi) Tie yialua teer companies of North and South Carolina. Bv W ul um Hi McDoiiU4 : May Ame ricaever flourish and all troub1receae, May ererr tnreheartcd Republican drink Lis fpirits in peace. By Mr. Marshall: May Buatimenla be eipcl led from Mexico and Republicanism restored. By John I. Shaver: The lleroof .Ww.Orlear.i. Uy U'illiam C. Illume : May there be many re. turns of this festive day to the "Salisbury Blues." By Lieut, Brown i John C. Calhoun i His tal ents and his patriotism entitle him to the high est honours his country can bestow upon him. Cy Lieut. Hampton : The Day we celebrate : may.it Baimate Ihe breast of .every true Amir, ican. - . ..By rtlix Bobiaw t- The Fair Stir J jrorship at thieir fhrine. ' ' - ........ dent, he has already done vaatly more- for his cotvrrtry than he tveVdirt as General. The'tTrni' and patriotick stand which he has taken in de fence of the rights of the states and the pockets of the people it of more real importance to the cause of republican liberty than a hundred such battles as that of New-Orleans. . Bv Capt, ileiirv Giks : .Robert Y. Hayae. - DIED, ' , At; Madison, lloriran County, Ga.on Triday, I'll a t I . . .. cuiiu oi r em j, ann juua A.nrjan. tww years ml two months out. ': ., urn BraJdoc at his defeat, ana was eiempi from military duty in the Revolution on account of his age i he was a good cititen or said county upwards of fifty years. Hju'hiiw 'tf"l'y wWlaWiSasVi''r , t i : : FOR SALE. '.' . THE subcriber wishes to Sell his plantation, well known by the name of Postens dIrco on the Catawba river 4 miles above Beattiel lord together With the negroes amounting 14 between 20. and 30, Stock. Crop a. on th place all of which he now ofTeri for sale either aeparately or .together. . , - . The plantation contains .'40 acrea, 1 great pr " ' tioa -of which Is tivr Coitom of fiM qujty ; The place taken together is equal tu any tract 01 lutui on ine-nvor, s. m aiar worn an tuf - atninatioit of the pr.-fiiata. v .... J he Tvfrole' vjlt tridd Uprw t6ru, hvottt)t " ' ' bom atto price and ayment for which ap,' plication will be roadMomy father J ami Cwu , :,SHf;k.whJtP,' BaUiaw.titdwwbt,t I My- t-,m..r be found myself from Vi Auti-t to 1 5th Sept,-. ' , IJPMtY VY. fOWF'f. ' V3aVntt sMakln RuaVwtsa. rtl'U: subscriber has opened a shop in the X above lino of business, first dmr above Mr. June's Tavrro, and formerly occupied by Pecr Krider, as a shoe shop t where ho la pre pared to furnish the surrounding country with all kind of furniture n the above line, such as Sideboardst Secretdrics, Bureaux, Corner Cupboards, llreattfhst &-l)inncr Tables, Ladies Cribs, tfc. fcfe. He his in his employ two or three first rate workmen, and the brt of timber, selected by himself. The subscriber hopes by due attention to bnMiieo, to rrceive that sbsre of patronage which merit deserves, . - - ' 27tf WILLIAM R. HUGHES. July 12i. IS-n. ViStixlc of 3tiii Ittrewa. ON Thursday 5th August I will felt at the late dwelling house of John Andreas, f.so. dee'd. the oronrrtv f said dee'd. conaistine of llores, Cattle, flogs. Mieep, Wagon, and I Gears, Farming Ltensus, Household and Hitch- Surveying Instrumenta, and many other articles too tedioil to niention, attendance and reaion- iible creWt'wuT be 'given ty"roV'""k'' JOHN UOUSTO?!, Mminitirato July 6th, 1830. 3129 K. B. AH ncrsons indebted to the Erate of John Andrews F.sq. dec;i. are requested to come and ett! their accnunts. ,Tho having claims against the F.statc are nstihed to pre sent them in legal form, within the limit cf the law, or thia notice will oe plead In bar of their recovery. J. nuian., -wmr. TlST tlTffiTtn$ EMAININQ in the Fost-Office at Morgan, ton, N. C. Oft the 1st day c-f, July, . Haywood Alfred Hamilton William . ' Johnson Dimpsy -. Jones Hamilton C, 3 K Killar Jacob lovintj William Loyd Thomas - ,, ' lavender William t. M MeTa,fgard David ' :: McKeitiie W. f, Madaris William , ' . ' N , Neibitt William . . F ' . Pirklng Levi or Tmpa set -FiicWd Folly- Allin Annsniss 2 . Aletauder lawnon Baden George Bean John H. . Boon John. Brown John Benham Bilson 17, Beck Joseph . Burgnin John C, C Craig Allen Coleman Charles F, Carringtou Paul Collier George Crump Lewi Coleman William Canlin William P, I) Davenport Vavlv F - Fob John 3 Fos A Hon girc lbx. priucipka iuiuked. lbe tLia a maiuret 1 coiMideralion.' We have no doubt a airoi'at ag will be p next session, and that they will endeavor aa much as possible, to impede the dc'.iberationa of Congress upon constitutional ar.d useful meas ures, which will tend to advance Jhe interests nd prosperity of the country, by introdu cing resolutions, involving queationa,l3bich do not, 'anl cannot .come wi:l4u' the acope J nf.naiiahaliegi Ja!ti'ort.t. Du thif s opposed ta lU. L .l-4rie4.-Sqi ew'cettnd i ffiKeCial" cTarter, uppu .. hj.:h,pw't, tigbjj jand-IHyertics.-ve inacribtsd hope to bury in, oblivion the question which is- enua1j..ird;termin:UldrJr0flge XQ twUtutiow wd w4 'leas 'wo rjwdreRMt; ,.s.. -or immdiatdatniC ioo!-JDo.ihey anticipate L W.b,? we cease to. venerate his nrne :..we will in such a courae the overthrow of the legitimate policy of the government f Or do they calculate thus to tnitlftate and soften, by' time; the 'just ! indigestion, of the South against their impious and unholy designs I In ei'.her esse they- will ro bt gratified, nd firelr hopes, if they enter, tain any of that character, mast be disappointed, i , We hope to se that tyrant eonster of many, , -heads yet tremble In the seat ch one has pro. taned arid violated bj an Irfef ereat dUregtrd prtse ved. (en. T. Polk : The countv of Mecklen burg : the spot where Independence was lirst pn claimed. In the chivalry of her sons, we have a ure guarantee that they will sustain the valor of their Fathers. LT BitiprXm : XlSerty and Jnion : now and forever one and imepsrable. WrnrMctVrT-Thr FirrT- W. Jeflerson Jones : O! that the death f ihotber Cliffilis Coidd restore the broken liber- nss 'tf hts- country - .. .. . ...( A Camp Meeting will commence at Fair fjrove Cump-Urojnd.in Davidson county, eleven milci east of Leiington, near the reiidence of David Mock, on Friday the 16th of July neat, aud continue until the Tuesday following. Physiognmy. Lavater, in his Physiognomy iyt, that Lord Anson, from his countenance, must have been a very svise man. U'aJpole- snvs he was one of the most stupid men he ever knew. Mil. JXi) MliS. IVEIR, rROFF.SSORS OF MUSIC, ESPECTFULLY mtorm the Citiiens of Salisbury that they will give one Concert nly, Mr. Allemotig s Rooit on Monday eve ning, Julv K'th, 1330. MRS.. WEIR will Preside at the Pioto Forte. CJ Tickets 50 cents To be had at the Bar of Mr. Allemong's Hotel 1 and at the Door, on the evening of the Concert C'hidren half puce. Who but dclighia to toast (he f.iry- 'irc n ltiough? For them the circling wreath we'll twine, To them we'll drink the generous me. Dr. Scott: The energy, efficiency and decis ion of the present administration j likely to re store the government to its original pmity. Noah Fartee t The health of Gen. Jackson : may it be preserved till he resumes bis seat again. Dr. Kerr i Henry Clay 1 mat. Nurth Carolina h.oii rum in gniteiu. jzniemurunee. fallC subscriber respectfully informs the pub JL he. that the lies aeaaion of the school st Centre Church, lredpil countv, under tha above title; wilt fofhrricric i'.H 'the'lJlrl 1K."A ft f boya.wiil be eeceivrd. wio--can W wll w-Cw f meudtd., . Xhc uttjea of tuition wiU be i for Latm and Aim kT 4n lalUrs d for Engliah Gram mar and Geogrsidiy, six "dollars per session, be- Wg-aiK-ISIMifhS. - - Doaid can be had with respectables) families, at one dollar per week. . ALEXANDER A. HALL. July 2ml, 1830. 2t28 Fsrks Gabriel L V Powell Lewia . Fnelev Joskua Fornian Boyd K.UZZZYvii Samt. I ZJL Fullwood William - - - . 8 U -Ouien Philip George Lucy Giles Crispe i . II llsmss Richard Hlnron Charles Li Hemphill James llendrick Berry Iligdon Leonaid Smith Joaeph .. . Stark James -Spainhowar Teter Bteel John Riernll Babel " ' . - t.;. .; . Thompson Dsvid ' vv Wilson William Williams Jordan. 3t29 ft. C. PEARSON, P.M. a- JYcgrdes fVantcih FpMt)MA9 MULL Jr. wishes to pnrehaieabottf X 30 nrroe, for which liberal prices will be given in cash. He will always he found in Sal. istxiry. Those who wish to aril would do wt.ll to call on him or send hiin'a few li net .SiilitbwyJuly t. WQ. 26f. GOWAN a tiUv KS-frfving tnd Hovsm ewtnty.li 'rnHwwet ofSathbtfrf sgeni' " tralijUSEnmeitt'iiT.-- SZ..Z llilZlIIl'J!! . TJST OF" LKTTERS 'W9 ' ' M A NfWtrTrrr1WTfhrrTrt JL iS. Carolina, 00. lite 1st day uf July, taJO- R' A Wn. Andrew ('til, Wn. Allen -Cspt Ste. Alexander 1) James Brou n Carolina Bell Narah t!i aUhaW 3 I lav id li. i milt,; Joseph Baker U'm, Brown Wm. baiiev C Zachariah M. Carter Sarah (hanibeiliii Philip Jaator Alexander Crowder feheliy Coiine., Andre TJoriinr! (ienrv Cress l Nancy riavia 2 Owen Dry R Robert Easley Tbas. Erwin F Paul Furr 2 12 CJ For particulars sec bills. Notice. TK7.fr.L- be wldforeailrnr VV IlwU&eia.Chai.lottc, on the" four. h Mondsy in August next, a Lot of LAND iu the Town of Charlotte, lying . on the north side of Lot No- ISO, containing twenty eight square poles, sold to aatialy the taxea due orfsMd lou JOHN SLOAN, Sh'JT. for r dinner at the grove, which, were llr ;V.U ceivd vth.4he.arflieBt approbation by those present, i. Tbemerjjoryi)fJEcrrZYsbing i j ctase to love liberty, 2. Tke President of the U. States; Ilia civic fame will more than -rival his military glory, 3. I he Birth-Day of Thomas Jefferson : May its annual recurrence ever a waken, in the Amer ican people, a lively recollection of the princi ple! and patriotism of that great man. : 4 Charles Carrol of Carrollton: Th only survivor of tha signers of the Declaration of Independence. I j v 5. The Ex-Pfriidents, iladison and Monroe: Enlightened Sti'tsmen, devoted patriots and true nipporters; cf the cpiinitu'jon of tbs Union. GOODS. , IsCOHAEIa UHO WIT BTAS- tlie Dleasura of ariuouoctnir to bis KM. friend customers, and the public its pen em!, that he ia now opening, at hn old stand in Salisbury, an elegant assort men' of - AVit?, Fashionable, Cj? Cheap Goods, direct from the cities of Philadelphia and New. York; and aelected by himself, from the tWtr las pmaiiha for the Spring of 1830 1 Which he oilers as low aa any Goods of the ssme quality can be bought in this market., liis assortment comprises every article usually kept in Stores. Furchatert ere Invited to call, examine, and judge for themselves. V 18 1 . AWnris irtaj.fris 1fi3." . ,1'ihn Gillon David Goodnight 2 rhram ioodman Polly Gilmore 11 ndrew Harris Jonathan Hartaell Hugh Hayer Wm. Harris Christian Hotlihor Jane Hadley John II. Hunt Charles Hagler ' Jacob Litirker Mason R. Lyon Jacob Lewis Jacob W. L.ttl John Lonir t John Morrison l)t. Kobrrt McKenaey in. McLean John B. Moas Thus., M. Motley Dorcus McComoiia Henry G. Mountfort klunru MsLjrday Wm Mscirraw Abrshsm Misnhamer . SaJlUgl ilscurdajr " n John Nine Washington Newell r Win, Prsrtre Elizabeth I'atttrton U Daniel Reep '- John Rodgers ('arson Rodgers JMryl(usjxll uuuws. . selectrdby 1. 3, Hcfvesof tlie a&ove nrm, an3 bought for Cahh.froin the latent importaiiona ia N. Vork and Philadelphia. AH of which they. are, determined to- sell as low as any Goods of .k. ..-.I' "' 'Tr.:: l. J tt'"i r "Ti"" r ir me i(iiui can ne otniui in una section we tlie eommy yrrrtritTrjfTmgn of aH desrn ptToTs usually ke)l in Stores. Thrir friends and ruston.rrs areluyited to calt,t xam ' ine and judge for themsvlvca. ' C. k H. " June UiA, 1830. 3m't3 Cowan & Reeves, retpecifully beg leave to return their sincere thinks tor thf liberal pat ranae they have Imelofore received from tb." friends snd customers, and hope by cloie at. tention and steady habits to merit a continuance of the same. Hutha Reed Seth Hodgera - Itarthr Srytciibonse John Stirewalt Jlicliael Slough 1" ;ansuin Miiiiu Elisha Hcutte Wm. Stiinou Nathaniel Sima ' V: John Voils W Josiah Whit - RufusHavwrooiLM.D. El'ua Weddnrton -1 : Capt.- Jamea WbUa fhuiiits )HwtPn . Jaawb VVtsa;st George Keaine Oliver Wiley - . "Tnlfiimmijf;r:,': D. STORK E, P. M. . -i 1 fT AN"M'ay Troni IbeT sub- JLlv scriber on the th inst. s negro named Jirrt, about 30 years, old, well set, very nark skin, with a wen on his forehead. 1 Anv person Vomav apprehend . : t a i r? l.!-x , aaiu ooj, ai:u coimnc mm in Jail or otherwise to that 1 vet him ajraift, y receive th above reward. It is thought tho boy haa received a pass from some evil designing ana maiicioti person. ,-' ' LEONARD EASTES. Negroes JFanlcd! THE subscribrs are ila'roi of ptfrehssing n kuhflrnl .Vhfi JiQk.S, fnf whirh ther will pay a liberal pneo in ruth. AppficatKin may be made, either by letter or In person, to Josiah Hvic ip MCUGANTON,'or Jastict llnss in SALISBURY i who will be ready nt sll time! to accommodate those who may wish to ex. change Negrb property for cash. . alAMER HU1E, JOSIAH IIL'IB. June JH 1830. 25 ; iiliBr : a(fV BolUejp. FreJJbany Jler just iJsJ ceivrd, and for aale, by At Sf;N & BURNS. SWi.inry, Juh Sfli-A, 1830." i6f - ' milOMAS MULL Jr. .is ROBERT HUB JL have mutually dissolved their copartnership) in the purchase end sale of negroes. :', aAry Jnlf Ul. 18J0. - ?6tt . , ;- ral&.ibwibi'i'HriU.riWUit,'far 1 .1HJrJv;,'"l 'JL ern ad Western trade, and keep! tori stantly on hand, a verv !arir Stock of Ladie'a. ITSiMWweVs aV'a.ir.TrVTT?AWdw'P very description of Silk and Stuff' Ooofls, pura chased expressfy for thp bo'rpose, at the lowest7 uci im prices. nese lovas re mitla ji )hn . bai.yl$t.bytwoni.i iliTeJk.sditW4 year experience In the business i and will ba -old, by the quantity, on liberal terms, at prkee -that will prokauly make them as safe and pro. fitable a purchase as any description of Goods that can be purchased in thit .Darker. 10t2U. F. J. CONANT, 18) Maiden lne, tvmer tf Green tt..V,T'h, F.J. C. also manufactures and keeps constant ly on hand, for sale, by the quantity, a large and omplete assortment of STOCKS, of every des cription, warranted made of the belt of auaterU at, au4 ia'tbe diasUnacit bvle.. . : .

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