,tt rfust be a tturce of regret t6 til those tl& have any regard for the purity of the English language to find ao many innovation, or to spn. -mors critically, such eumbers.of new wordsadded to our vocabulary. Possibly we might not be to much concerned, if the additions thus "wads consisted of words which were -legitimate, and ic corded f ith our lymphonloua sounds, but we 6n4 words of the moot outlandish origin' Introduced':. eonributimti exacted from the c.fferent pie of ih.: Northern Suits, either for oh; v er frcr;n mer tir?M" i'Otforiefl by them, jcEi 1 Kjsi and Vs Iti-dis produce, or . , for Ihtir own tiijaiikctuie. Bat this is precisely the sa ne thins as if the South ern pcopleconsrf fried .the very article ob Wned abroad, lot their 00 prodace---!Wtm djesit matter to the phn'er, wheth r h consume the very cloth for which sections of the Union, tne .inequality of the disbursement of the Federal Govern merit h tiil much greater, S jutb of Nor-folkr-throuHh the entire region extend inn thence iSouth an Southwest alons the Atlantic and (he Gubh of Mexico a re- '!- ftT .'ETI'm SUiT ClMi.Ut. .. KU)ii which contributes two thirds of the! revenue of fie whole Union there is not (Sit cotton h f Kchsnsd, or the tea, and fl'IMUBHf C'IIUl'J IILIfVIIV w I fie . hwirk thotmnd dollsrs! Now,! JULY 20, 1830, into our -language,'-thereby rendering it more ' 0bicorn(l far luk cUa.icaUWa observe the' v4"l oaopk of 4he United States have ojUa" g "coffte, and sugar, imported bflhe ps ' "t!e of the North, In exchange for their Argus hat fj'len into, the way of mor Imakin' 5ir,. ntenuoo . i 'V w which i triily 6esh'n j f tht time',.. 1 He wiaiies -to iiuroduceTimwJ'rnrtw" Jm,, fea'ureiof Uic troernm,fit nndcfhichjhgj;. pre)dactln una tnqimry, or ino of it, to mgcJ, af villi a v'n to expUin j trimeatal to his, or hia friend's interests, 1 sure live. Ve 'have not vet (a le 'hat,, tn'fri r PtJ,Ve untlmtnt South ef '(he Potomac. -Upon elimination, we Cod the public sentiment iouth of ilasoii and Disoh's line, decidedly favorable to the sovereignty of the state. There have been btit few toasts drank at the r ecet celebra tiona of the annivemry of our Independence throughout the Southern country which do not speak ft Ianguigd itnng and terrible agaiiwt trespassers upon that safe-guard of our politic! tmirity and independence. H3F MiiaatAUK pmdu4Jiofl-Woeatifi-iaio.awauf.CH4it.;- . m rnnftneen. itt-mice. r:uite-. iiiu.w 'i urn . tit nf tin mi rm n? fli uri. it' i .. ... . . . " -p-- kt rhrce mnnntOI IIUS ltUDOSta JUKJ UU'Jii tters merely.- uut U i ceen taiu we exchange tome Ihrco millionVoTour Jmportt, fr the lire tsk pf the Votern Stattt, which U not enhanced irt price by rTe1 wi.Mt -., 1-irnt.i? '(t.vwm,t Tint te-more tjartwetrwmtJ V toy duty. ' But -n here the planter is not entirely relWirid from hi- burtntn. "t-Co heporcha n4tch live tock--ui ., ilxty piece of eluth, ho cou!d with a hundred ! It would be abturd to ro! tain iuch a pfopoaUion ; and yet thit ia Anttr mtm in which lie Could rt HeVC & tiw " - " - -------- liirhk'Vfrorn the whole burthen of -the ' tM,i.' ;f hii Till ii. that he would be iatit - - i- able to purthas,e but Iktle m ire than haif Iho quantity of lite ttock irom tne, et tern neonle. than r.e could have purchased "V : if no deity hd been bid upon hw itnpona. " ' Jo thU-ay, uiwiouUcdiyi the burthen MrDjldb acriouUy fel: by the Wettern people.. But Jhi would not tniilj;te the - tufTerins ; of itiaTpJanterOYouncpTjTe ,r - Utn oT the ineana ot purfiiuaiftg voc lo a ?ery great amount,' and m thit ex tent cut off the market for the productfons cf Wettern induttry. By rhia proceas, at in all catet of prohibition, you destroy two valpeti that of the planter to the ex 'r lent of the Jmposta, and that of the prow r of stock to the extent thai he h iniuied Lit induttry Onori a general sarvey of the c --nditicnof tnefnlteuataiet, n wm oc ucucu uiai, owine to cauea lanmatelr connected -" wtth-Yft fettMUt-tyaiexii-t pjoauao-ia vary where overrunini; coniumpiion. When to thit circumhtance we a id the fact that the consumei of ihoe articka of which you propose to enhance the prtct by yoor high du.kt, have so murry Other resources, i nu tan re.AH to so ina- A tu'Htltutas,to avoid paying the duties, verj gentleman must be satisfied of the - utr i w?oibUUyo .iftro.iuijljf thins: ni'eTKawboT u VrVualT. Iai2:m wfconi fIfrff.iW iaitfc ---f h twrwrnw Ol' m.WWCtur.;p aqrwr m"cfTI7"e'")f ci '"rtft the veiv at ate of thnKt Sratexvxre verr dtffewrykndTtTnk Heaven, tronl the consumers cf grain in OrVst JBritsin. . The enornvotis bunhen of the corn lawt, Jails almost exclusively ".n7h "tonsu4neia.'Cofri"ii an trticta of absoiuta -wocaaaiifrfnr wbicfi no doaux-a ; i." L..;-.J Tk .ni. -erblr&ri'4h labcrtr, thercforrr is lied W tonsirmo the rn f the lordly land owner, at doublj price it could be imported, of " pi iih. IrTni nof so with the American consumert of cotton and woollen manufacturer Before they wilLoncnt ta pay n enhanced price, proportioned to the duties imposed, they will cloths tbemtehreiio home-spun. 'Upon the whole, then, the on?y mains which the producer has to throw the bur then of lax from bit thouldert, it to di jninish his product too of the article taxedi and the meant which the consu mer has to avoid having it thrown upon iiiai,,U,iixiiouj3isii hi) c.9.QJ4rjinm9fJLh.!L - article. In th conteat th consumer " Jut a decided and obvioua advantage, it " tnaybo very confidently assumed, there ' ' iWi that at least oni half of the burthen ' impost duties I id upon tha return pro- Jl uctiona of tba planter,. wou!4 beu 1 tained by Jutaai a producer, eiven if be - consumed no part oi those proaucuont. Bnt itaneal;ubudabai tb popi of the Southern Stjriet consume, of the article, imprted. irt lexcane-fceiii' tiples, of other foreign article eubject .A. PI. U gutir.i; ana pi norccatic -roaptit'C, ...... n iilli, nhaneed b the tarif. to IUI vv -- tbe arrouitt of three-fourths of the entire returr. which they receive for thtir ex ports." I ."follow rtui the direct" opera tion ol the impost duties throwt upon : ' the people of "the t8ple growinR States, - weight of taxation Very nearly prcpor- .'Bdf, r.thete main to be presented l tiew of thia aubject, very Uulo consider el fare'.ofore, otther n4hi touotry or in - lurope, whldi. Ul exhibit the unetjual and oppressive operation of this govern - ent in inrvb.r ttriklniKhr- W hen thit it taken into the 'estimate, the com nilnee will perceive that X have been quite' within the mark, in assuming that the tp1e growmjc Start are burthened In proportitm to the amount of dutiet ley led aport their commerce. Next to the : unequal exactions of government, nothing can bB wort ditt reusing to a countty of Wcb tttt extent, than the unequal dia burieraent'ortt revenue. Orest at 1 lave thewft tU lnejualitj to.be, to too fmNpe?ToTatt"aTa of "JolLrTeM counlt wTriiTj':fairrpoM l he itnrHi. Ivanii (J example, would find if arTid-1 - .s vanteout pecuoury specouuon, y pay -piunn. ncw( unure us um,..j a million of (lolUra to the Federal Treau ( cmae'ience v.Wcli audi a Uicloaur; o.ilJ ry, aunullyUpO(i the condition that tne ievitab!y bfget. He d d,Vnt, (n& meehojiiJd Feileral Gvernmcnt thould annually dis nim ,nj,itice ty ttiat he as not aincere bur.O 1wo raiHlotta of dollars amonjf the in hit conclusiuna) when be dcelared. in au ar people of that State, in the pu.chaae of tlceJ which ljptfare(i ftl tne Courier and Ln-Krin-, iron, manurcttt-e, .nd itucli otn- j -rer WCek, Baekt thaj gouU, Carolina er prddttctiw. are 4her tnade for mar- on vc ill!!urreefJOTf lbM Vir. ket.. It is obvious that a new dcrrmud ' " ' ,. ... . would be .nnuatly treated for a million , E'n, Mtlh Caral"u "oM ff0Wn ofJoJlar,' worth of the production, of , nd ditenance every .Uempt to reat hw. Pennsylvania, and a new value 'thereby ' M "h""ty, we repeat, when Mcb ateotmint Riven to those productions. It would of. eP the Editor of the CourKr and Enq.iirer COWte give the highest possible ttimu he ihoufht it could not fail to be responded to in laus to productiye ftiduntry, and at Hie the to atat, which he ihed tbua to concil end of the vear iht ireie yeajjh ofj iktc. He u widety misUken, however, in the the State would hi increased rnore "than j effect which he thoujht the character of that itjwould b diff.inintsed, by .this fiscal op prit wquH not fuil tu produce upon the puhlis' era'.iJ, t -paymj one .nstluoo In m OtlfeiOCmi. mow CXam- pie of the infl jencs of c-rvernmcnt dis - Oursamentt, .of whjeh hiatoiy h.s kept an, record, and that which Br.t drew my hy (treat nrjlain in the war against the F . c , i r . r tench Kepuotic and the t rench Lmpire. Thm -.,rar,rrlmfo fnanri..! ir,u,rrr r.f Gr4tin, ia.4hat .eulfi4 -MxukkUv- have exci'ed the wonder m.d aclmiralion of the world, scarcely Ics than the tin- I the Courier and Cuquirer, fearful that hia mis paralleled miliury achievements and tx ! representation of Southern feeling niiht pre tenwire r.onrjuetts of the Cinpjror Njpo-1 j. lice Lis favorite political scheme, which wil! loon, Xc apectadc of a aaiiat) annually j ihnrily be brought to work upon tht V aoiu ha expending some two hundred million ct thought it necessary, tn order to save fiat grand d illars, snd yet flourishing almost beyond j ,lcignfrom perd.tion, to make aoai atoneimn;, any lormer exunpie, seemeu almost to j t.aJTld the prc-f.umJett spcculdtious of po l.tical philosophy. . . Lot the mystery la completely unravel- leu wncn we aaveri to tnc tct, mat so; is . 1 r r oM.JiUidjt4.niUio4of.iUlara..-.iiy.ibU bpcraimnalolieTihVann bfjtfw.goyanw of the tasei. ver fneaiirow htmdred millions:. We bavV, I supposed m-TeuarrJ to Penniv'lvanid. . The government levied an annual tax of 5100,000,000, and made an annual din bursemcnt of 52000,000 Great Brit affi was never so fjomishiu ; and, if U.e am p4on could hava lWsttdT67fvr I L i i i : i . n . . tib-.H4.Ueeiid; EuLlutav noi uoheJiuiuie if thines that it could jt much Inngt.' than it did. Great Britain was acting the pirroPiIie" prodigal, who eon vericd his inheritance into an annuity (or fifteen veats. and then expended liii whole un nual income. She was living upon the resouicet of posterity, and if she had i;one much (urthr, she would have ex haosud them. lut. when peace was re stored to Europe, the picture of D.itisil pronperity was teveiscd. When super ficial cbscrvers were expecting an in creased prosperity fiom the cessation of war and its expenditures, a scene 6f dis tress and ruin eiuued not more astonish- iriy andeppirerrVff 'Hm'Otimat4e-hsrihr former prosperity. Hut the one was just a natural as tne other. The sudden withdrawal of the disbursements of ihe government, to the amount of more 'hanl 8100,000,000, without any corresponding reduction of 'he taxes, was like withdraw ihgMs acrtlstorhed jTtmuWstrom nun, ho rahttuaily toox his nettle ol wine a day, A paralysis wis thrown ovcrTT.eT''' "' l1" K"'.r " ,irr industry and prosperity . of the. nation , nn r...U. Kn .h. will recover, 1 ."ow, SI.4, when haTfftDttkrir aTttiTr picture and then) looked at that when you have compared the distress end suff ering ol Ureal Britain since the peace of Europe, with the prosperity which pre ceded it. you have, on tbo one hand, an exmplification, and only a faint one, of th bustins and wnncnni mnuence ot ttrW'n6tlsif-itWr,vm'ier portion of the Union, - with sesretly acr. return in the foim of government dis fcvirsehients ( ahd.on the otheavoftha aai mating and invigorating inSuenca of large disburaemtnt ii .porjion,..oXib.o .JJnioni that make tesrecly any contri'ouiions comparatively peking, to the public re venue. ' (T bt nntinutd.J ; aa avmi O awwat a , Changt.-i'K tailor looking terious in a certain Chape! in Boston, wat asked by the Clfrgyminr if be felt an change J whereupon the tar put hi band into bit pocket, and repliecV" I have not tent.? klArif 4o.thepart!U4,t.,M,.ia if.tbe-arierlj .iif-ia..pteig.W.fb acted to the Sutb that hie' Jealous mind t. . . . . " .' 4 ..! '"d. t.14u. aecrct work.nga 'disphyed t L.I.. .. .... kr.-u h r J' ann!,ih.it ill. ; mWiia Virgioia arid N. "Carolina, when the i. r.'mnv tn mnmii'mti. am- vtRva re. ! ., . ,rt n,t- , n,r " I He h.s rii.cover b t,o late, , . ir,j .f i " . , ,, . , . j. . . 'be! ; and the nub ic ininien in Wrrfniarnw ; 1 1 1 teen .;o freiuenty .-fXuiaed, to be doubted i Jk;li!SiiljLr 't " .,7e aovfreignty ut the ttt'!'- 1:1 nu.;.g this discovery, the hdiior ol lor lt fjje ,n, uilrou,tfd charge uikmi Sou'ii , Cjirolll4 tothrt Mercury Journal ol'CtwVston. Upon'aclosc cxamWhm, of t.;,.ex,.Ur.ation oi h(j erctottre ,aid of Suul(l Vc. I . , ,1.1. r I till. I1VI MIC IliaiHltl III niPH-ii lib vavm'.- I th,.CCaMon' ' present language, hytwrtiucat tirtdUfuwis. lie lurwends now to have great .confidciice m the patriotism or trie soutn, wiich a t wca. since, he derl.ired bis bclud'that South' Carolina was preparing for insurrection, and he knew Virginia and North Carolina would not give their support to iuv auch uuloyal desigiis. ' .W e.bj-vs JlftCft lijiaiiXwe-iaagaia-dlartxf!iJ ve'ro'staks, and th- final oer.!.ro ol :hat the people of S.' 'Carolina barbosr no rebel-1 t,e ,,aity wliicimcw wtaiiu ihe exiting potcy ! tviMitioteotioiVHMKl that wdh,iJh.siiie.riy our liearis-aoii-'autr tne eourne wnien- that state will pursue in relation to the many mHinfetrt viwlaliiw of ha I'JraJ compact, iul, V'irpiina and N'rth Carolina willl most cordially lend the'.r aid in support of any measures se mav adopt. Every movrrer.t f the Sov.'.hcrn stes, one and al, will be p--cable, u'-lis; the tyrannical and imperious penple cf v.i. N'trih should forwe the South ti deleiid her.-eil frcm invasion. The Courier and Eiquirer cun not make an impression upon Virginia .i..vl North Carolina. The cluracier of that print is too well understood in those States to p.odi:ce any n voluiion in public aeiitiment. 1'lic apulo g languag looked upon m any other light than as decep tive and fraudulent. t( But we are the fiends of the South, and shall continue to be so. Our la ith shall never be shaken in their devoiion to the uuion,and we shall take the Irtcdorn whenever we conceive that thtv are 6u 1 Ihe. wroni: track ... IU ,. itb never-will aitow j the New England, federalitr and tortt-a to ya ." loo it at taa acta ul your oalilxtu South ? Look at the birth-place ,i Wh rngion, Jefferson, Mud'aoo,. Fmcknty, Hutlede, Surapici, k; Sic i did we do worse in organizing the Hanfotd Con vention ft. I In tbej Mercury of ihu jili we findjhe phbli V$ f 1!!jilri.ri!;'2'1."'"s ! ditne f irci 40 rjcartlaVBe iftd Cot" tWaytatlerided aoltty by friends to lbs constitution and Stat right. W'e will forbear to mska any further mention of the interesting procetullAgs wt'lLu' Jinrfer, save that the patriotism which every sentiment breathes, didivered jpon Uat occxMoru is.of the most ardent and unexampled character ; the eloqucnie of those who addressed the'mceting is impassioned and moving beyond description. Wa will cot fait to gi-t'iTy our readers with a perusal cf a much as we can cruwJ in our next paper.'.. ' . J'.nneiit.--.lUr. Jxmea Mctaughlin Eu beta appointed Pust-Master at Miranda foal Office, llowan county, N. C. in the place of John McCoonaiighy, res'gned, . rv to t!ie Mrcurv will roc iv from the otuiili. ,. , . , A. a is. sm.n, (n.n it rrky, . - re!fMpre.etaclf? - .. , , , I internal nnprovunci.t svstenj, tr.e line a ron - ; "' "7, - climate. TUc tol.o-vtng language caiiuut be, ... ..... ' aiiarf.iaai su,..a .a.., twi...,..4i.iM...fr1,uij I it.', -ilNv.iu .ii, nl..jJii.,.n ti vlirritf-i ttTT-i iprli-ni-n eoi''Wi4lwif wtvra po!iticLptyi, fi one'wf fnwrt)f thetft witfi-wvoml . ' taxation a.. nd proRiKate expenditure a if the public revenue, But tbey have luti aince learned that they did not. in the formation of tlie '.F;dru1 Cunaii'tution, rel'mii ii;h any other powers than thoe which are expresjly granted, and foibid' den to be ex.rciad by the state government-. that in the charter up-n which is inribeJ ihc power of the national government, no elanse iatObe found 0:1 i'a pages, rr cognizing the right of the nati inut U-gisltur ta '. the Southern planting iutertt, to make improve ments in the ,Jorth;rn and Eastern slates. n? a community of fr;rnen wil' not recognise a right either burua'n or divide which can justify one people t(J tax s-n ,h r for their special nd vantage and profit without the content of the taxed., It wa the promulgation cf aiuh unni. tural doctrines in the ahaf.e of purtiamentar' Aicii, which gVe the firt impuhe to the bai: j of the Ssvclution. Tbs people in iubmif:on. , to auch i'.iquitk-u-s exac.ns, could see in eon i :u'ioii n . Mug sho-t it aofc'-u'e slavery ai.oi .i - ie.frudAtiar.. . Ilaa not a similar oarae marKtf. . the pn f !es cf IfKiSlation in the Coi grsts .t Uie United Stales Is not the Southern portion of the Un'ttin made to bear all the br.rthet of taxation whilst the revenue cres,t?d thereby h expeiHled-w-- -b- ffky--f-aii;miU. schemes of a commercial, mental and local ru-tu-e fcr the individual improvement of a qu.-ti.-r iif the Union which has no irti.jninify cf frit '.J Jiip, siiitiroent or :U?n .:h us f II).. are we to act iii (?.: euiergencv whr-r oir ii. rtbt rights are iiin l.d ! y I (: . te fjj I We I el the tiTtl). rajs n. .1 of ,a. Mio - i Il'vl iH ":- :n v i f 1 ' W i ' '''"' -e j say it is already big auh the f;ue of this 1 i-'ioa. Will not thote who united with us with Jo much good tetling vihen 'he l.'r i.i;i was ts taiiltsliud.and -who ti(4i -valmlr for1 hnae riglits which thry lave :iow ir.va-'.t.d'tli--n srlvfi., tenm tt.tbett ranee aitJ-flKidratifvl---Wc aottld. recommend it tQ.ituiiu the atrongut.leiiij.. Is it one state alone which has manifested dia-ptra-sure und protisud aiinst the policv of the Kovtrnmenl? Is the opposition loihe tariff and the Amerii-an system contj led to htvu .:h t;eo - linaaTimei No it pervi les IL ibo XiuU.4,nKariulL. imm ml mt,Wartd-fhfir byrnetartf 1" tof -4 General - govrtrwietR tokt -uirtiw-v ras-Hie only evfiftt that eait -finjihly i restore harmony in the councils of the nation, and preserve the t'nirm of the "States. ' r How tbenr-it is gravely asked, i. s ) di-'r.;Me :.n end to hi accomplished, when iheuo p .i - v wtr; diisemions tr.dasiger the ' ' o re a ilii.-rri.iiiid njtrit lo ttaiMi, t ...i;, ''X ' 1'iicl yi-.-: I i -j tnir.j; t j one L'n.-..it-i ' ' Irt un.iimtv o . ; -rtt ai. 31,01 'ot pcfjoi: w.io have o ii ii'iu Let t'xir : w!io have .teiitori . . oi-.ct oiiri;, th ri' the meii'um ' el t iiiif ILt o.-t 5er.lii.ii.a i., t!oi..-i ca m.r.i .1" :h, fi.it fail .J biiilg about a Itl'tw u!' ti.rir girV ... i ..i : ' ain-.-. I l-t h.Ai.lp n I ... ii .1... ,til'l'"MMll..all. W.So n UU V, u nu L1..1HIII. at anaaciantia ul. I, Sjr IS. 4. ,irr cf ritiM? n;l(.il.ai4 Then will the arrr.gnc of power ,nJ :k,4"w,toT a-i.,a,i...aa u wrr- ' ", an ,' l, .1,0 nut ti, II.. ,.llr ciM4rrai!iau ul .avulul. U riority be rediicid to iis piopt r !ei:l, and the mawi kjr ii,nj ia rya4,ir ivm.., t . r blessing: of af-ee government ci.vt more rck'abft'"rwafmtsa.,i.e.,ai,,... stored. Then Will the reso-utlui.s oTour nation-.; ay Xr, k..i,s . . .mmwr . aaitastsaa ai Wp.slatur bsv the unction f Ii, pto-ilc, ' : "aarrti. ... , 1 w i r Uj l. W . rMell: Kibi..il llw.il TS. 'l'"' w..- v... .r hit wm oi a FrrrcTn.rUfa(l.,.,,.,iH,, ' n-ent Ueciwive and eiitrifetick Then wili ihu T I 1 -l 1 . i vnausi sua ;unwiaa avwwJMisa witsor-eii ptmnl. tm and the regulation by which its concerns V. e Jp. L.tuJlir 1 , 1 , .... wm 6.. ivu a, ue:iiyi 1 a. id lawless. We w ill refer Mr. WiUon as well as the - Is?. etteville Obserrer" to our paper i surd two weeks siuce. for the publication rtqm sted ,v the former, denying the ritren.khy o the j i.anor w mia pa,r i.a.i B..ri, impcstU ..put. b ... a a I , - -. ....ft..... . i. .r. Vt ilaun doei not eot sider what w kav mw.l . w" m'w 111 and what webave before said, a suQcieMilci.H of the charge, r, can orly sty to him, cor toiumni Miai) oc i.pen io admit an comsnun ra. . . . , ivii uc mj i.i'Hft. jNuj-cr iu sena u, relative to thatafTsir. No fa"thr answer was rejtested' to Mr.-WUshn'i letter, than the publication he requeued lo be made. We neve rofuie tc do justice to any individual, whose -character has been injured by falae and unfoynded tccus. tiona, more particularly wheo that injury bat been done through the f eoev tjf tiii fsper. b1ifj.:'f tingfnff hVt x 9ccaon at the hn.e t.tne to t,y that ;W fc.fi lit .,..,..4,aa.M,i.u i. .sauttd,ak.,.ir. tt.iOrfiUiiMAU Uie word -? fta fhlcpe1iptPre-'M?iwhe ls--ansr ,i!i.iaTOwiwiw'WwijiiiiJiiM, Cm Uel word ' imJgrq u on'' ty en more clearly. other, which i precisely tlie idea the Argus would wifh to convey by ifce prd 'iMmigra. uo't." The Argun t j it as 41 EnjlUK, (hum . and jnotoy?," s any oi liie Xing' j;iiJi, and qwiU tVe.!)S'.(.rs dictionary aa authority. We buve not et seen that vatuahle wmk, ku'J w til not Aticfrrpt to ciuu-oven tie d.ctum of-life" ' Argus, tut v.e iuy be p.ri(..Uti lu taprcs: tb idea ao had tulertaiyed bl -the coulpiiktion of that dictionary, tti vi-at vhe vi;w ul Uic Riiuoi wer; ia giving it to .the world. Mr. Webster, aaw, w Hi. r" !:'tii b;tic-riies'of tttteCtion, thai it had b-toie fjl.i!able in Waiukgtou to iuY . trodtic eoiii:ki into the ii&ut;iis which took place on the floor ui Congteus to supply the' pluce of plain ngit!)i, such as th people gen aa'.iy couid undtrs aud. '''lie great complaint I'lat the spcechei ol the .neaibers could not bt , properly understood, without correct ideas of' Imc (ueaaiugs bich were lo b-u kiUxed to miiy r phraeea ol loreign exiratiioa, induced Mr, Webber, a man ol known learning- and abilitt. ,0 undertake the tL-k ol explaining the mean. t.tT, ryr...... .k"1"' '-ytfr thus foil. ted into our langiiags and whicli did aot properly belong tu it. Mr. Webjlcr did not thereby admit that t'atac v.orla were pure and genutne Engliuh, but his reasons for publishing . Du if the word -'urmirrwnu" is pood Englisl tt ..on V ill deny il'.;it i,a.iu:ui ia father una liarmoi.io':s -nd g ruling to Uie enrs of Araerie c.,i., w!i- iiave Leco-hji'ai'.uattd lo ue the word ! i in Mi f o convey the asree idea, kit taV , ioiy ul oi.r I'm .;uiii.;e th.it we have not nu '''- ' ''!. " 'o .v ne ,,r.e uicaning, iiier . , -k'l. ,i ; .ijr a.-ecu i-u:i;ie and ener. 'e.ii.k We 1.. ... i,t eonatoiuity of uur teili j w'uenever l'.vrch r.o pa'.isli or othel liian American phrases are used i ithtr in wri-. ting, public rpeakmg or cmnmoii conversation,'' Ifthe ftdrtor; ff itKfATgW-rsi!p$- xfart we cic:- not. ..' 1 . 4si. ' ' : i Jhrr flandt'fh. A dinner wvivrn tT John ISandii'ph ol Huanoke, the day .f-r.. ious lo h', deparurc lor the Court of St. r fersbiirVby the citizen of Norfolk. In thus tunorihir tuia .diUnuished his long and faithfu. a;rvicw in the gvuneib t..i iii..n. but clearly indicated' il.nr Oeckli-4" f appmiwtwn of the at-1, ctiw vf Mr. K arti jlpbiw - b rep' sni coiinti-. -at-ll;'at illu.liiwus C;.l. -, nun in our estimation, i-- !ictii r cu'l)le of Mt? -4li-tlttffr tnl -charaeter- if this - ' na.i..:!, ai.il rone coul.'. lo us K-tter act rice bf a 8-.n uinl t,iit:.';l renCc tu toe tutre.. vf Ins country ti ,.11 Mi. t, ,lo!oh. Wc 1 i e , sui j 11. ii exlracu Iron tot) ' 'n S i' . ,.JI , ,H Clt l- 'f. a 1 -.ha --H I S ! rinl tvla jl . J( ... .MM. A. a.,..t(i M. r i-u.. f l.l,ft li.t 4 Sy aait.ri la Um priMc.tai. itfk .laSl .f. i.Hi-..wuaipb myuna.a. is. tt,r)4. inrr ,ai fits l kw ni nuiliir 4i ni iui.t b aUn ii 4 r . u AA 1 Ju. RoUlpt mt naak. l7 J . .4Juf ftftiK-Xl.ftil..r.'iOi.r.l,,TTTWt tS HIlH .v.... w. ..... . . . --rr-. .-. i "'-."" n. u ai r r..w ruiy. a? JLa. a.iWia.1 lka aiu-.u .ri Ik. " Aa.iUaB .i. k.-' .rcuiftg 4oi.ar' ta w.tol wftat- iu. aiiLb sa i.a ftaMfti. 1. 1. a ftt iM.,. f.-.i ai.i4ra s, Mr. Bh4.ipa. rka SUaSt'lt. i UMft.. VLf M'riaSkAi aal nl caaattX' , l t. i i;kii nual i mii mn auit. . !. . Sr.. ( .U. ,.! 1 Tkr ki.tb ,ar ol 1 I.'ff.ri M.j i(,.. .r.rtMir rrrlr.liftM.i. ia Sf.ulft S, k U. aV.1B. "U..W"i'S.f i j "TTIT?. ' t-- lt llai tcep ohU.nej ,0 ,he additico to the". "J ..i.-."..-,., ..... .. -.-.. .- , ... . J f.Jt '-.i . ."""vr Trti ical. 11 e cannot lira, it in that I rfht. III. lIluA e;W lhc Loneit Mrrc-ilB . feet wl,i.-J. l.,ola,well where it i. placed, though ' ,, , ' , , , , .. . . , tit Had bitii .pjtnded to hi- spcetli. t are surejhst i.iore iott8atterig tbii.fi are said; every lty ' its tHriftcr Vpeeclita. Lcsidca, the,' manner and the time are entirely cuaracteris-: tick, and give additioiial force to tbo exprct . aion. ' . i ' - " Br Ji sW.is t awat i tu f r" t sn kr f artaa U, ft4,k. r r.tuku, ' t Q4. H ks m, "4 W f .if.!!.,.. ftta-SSs, A . ssr.rwaats.ais ' W J '' ' 4f