. The Southern Times and the South Carolina fetate Gaaette, have been amalgaiita'ed. and the jpipar ii published now at the ' Vimes and Ca ?ette," utiJsr the superintendence, of Mr. H-Morris, a native, cf .South Carolina, and a gradia'-e of Columbia College. The ability ani zeal of Mr. M'Mdrr'.a have keen sufficiently attested in the conduct ufthe "Soiirfiern Times. The principle of the consti tution have been ebqientlv suained in its col - until, and have nodoutu, thst, thrtwgli theiF -inflJence"niTich-tnre knowledge of -the proper jolicy of.ihe National government will b cs s7mTrtareij, which cannot faTlTo work a reform- " we hve to restore lite government tt it i ...-m.w ..M,;i,.r. f Ve must' pvye'tbftte1S;Hta'o:lJ riven at the Manun Hotel, at the Anniversary ' CcftbraVion Tr.-'iLfs p'tacl, v.l.VJj w".U be . i , , We insert to-f!ay part tot' Iheproceedings at the Anniversary Celebration at Lincolnton. for the woi.t of room we have been compel!- to defer the publication of the baUr.c till the Beat paper- -'-.-.-,- The udmntagtt of Xewipifiert.TQ convince the c .immunity of the advantages which are to fee derived from a regular and attentive perusal gf nr w?ppcrs, we only reqnest parents to give one of their children tree access to them, and JsUr the rest a sight. The former will be intelligent, agreeable and instructive, whiM the Utter witl( really, be ignorant, bashful and un- peasant in companv '"'"1li1toii"B&lt'Soty';,,8 k annual maetin?; on Saturday, the I7th of August, at Citipn church, 5 miles east of SBl'ubury. , Tltc Members of the Society are requested "g'ptl'treriRtfln theVttcnneefW4WWi gregi' ion geMeulSy are inv ited to attend. Rev. John Uobinson, I). D. of Cabarrus w ap peinted to preach a sermon n thfroecton. " JtSSIi RANKIN. -rjTTarim- oy. in The ninth Anniversary of the Iredell co Bible Society, wilt beheld in Statesville, on I.SUIIV " - f, -- 1 ' that a discourse will be delivered by tins Rev. Thomas Espy, snd that auMn'ssci 'willW inid'e by two or three otlier pet sons. As the Bible cause vi advancing in our State, with a progress truly encouraging j and as this w ill our last annual meeting previous to the expiration of the Great National Supply of two years ; it is peculiarly deiral,!e, that nil . our memlKr ami friends . jboitld. favour tgnce- Exercises ;ie commence at 11 oclock. " rtlinTyfriii; Suuatj Sink" . Jut'j fi'lSIL. .ne " Voluntccf'toasls" 'drank Celebtation iii this place e Anuwcijay J..,. By. Ur..Smith,tTutflr al.t'ha4)el.lIUI :--Xrth -Cari' ...:Ttu, it .,M.m .... ,n i , alitv, her h -sail Liberty. v. IWIJlliSlllTt U "wiini ill w vikvii '.r. Clayland : The memory of Patrick HeBry By ft. CrteYOur Cht!ty;'t1i prt65"anff t03irri7Hrt'lTCxrqttita : May tjie peopte-pf this stste, in their choice of representative for he ai'ching Lcgiihaure liave an ee to those who will be willing to lend uu able tuiul to ji lieve her fioin her pnetnl pecuniary tn- Kv Cbtrles Savage : Henry Clay. C My C ol. I'. While : The people of AVestern Carolina: a fair specmu-u ol tthal Aincticjii freemen thould be,-corll in thoirfritrndahijis, democratic in their principles; seldom permit ting merit to remain long unnoticed, they never suller talent and tnier.irmo to go aay un rewarded. By Q. tV. Brown: The ctay e celebrate i tnay each succeeding anniversary incresue our Stsl and patriotism in its t;aue. By Mjj. McClelland . The tnator of the day. tiy Jmt -k tT?mg-r-fe' -STwr-e iY.etntm-. Bjiirptssed by noiie, equaTI-f by few. B Thomas Mull, Jr. To the Generous and tlie Ikave. Bv F. Slater . The Survivors of 76. By D. F. Caldwell: Political infamy to the rnai who endbavours toinculcate the tentiment, that we have nothing to hue, but every thing to gain, by a dissolution -of lUm Union. - By Maj. McClelland s Our old-friend and OftffiDamon. Gen. Suikea. By B. Craict i -TW VaU..'nt and...Vk toa tbi wtsTsaw caaoui Agreeable to prertwis'arrangenietits, the citU Xwis if the Jersey' settlement, and ethers as sembled together at Tinkston's Store on Satur. day, the 3d July, Capt. Smith being nominated martial of the day, fjfmed a procession and marched to a beautiful Grove, where the Dec laration of Independenc was read jr Tt$(k.j.. f : figbsiTi4rTO4itirtrfr-!legat aa4.Krtpnu priale Ot ation wu delivered by Duct. Burgi-s L. Beall, after abich a large timber of persons partook of dinner. The cloth being removed, -the toastl - preparear3,TriC'"n ''r drank with cold water, with appropriate fcel iags. . 1. Thaday we Celebrate: may Its annual re turn be marked with such evenuof reprocal in interrst and feeling, as declare to the world, Americana crane not to feel as freemen. 2. George Washington The man who filled the tneantrt of his country' glory, his nam and his works will reach to the latest generation. 4 Cheer. b 3. The President of the United States May the eternal power that waa bis shield at New ftrlean, tcier forsake Wm af Wsshington. 2 vbeer. 4. The Yfce Fres'ent ef rVe United States. 5. American Liberty i QoJ'i gift, natures right s may licentiousness fce bsni-hed from her presence by temperance. - 2 Cheeri.' - 6. North Carolina t Distinguished from her sitter s ates, tor her early patriotism and inde pendence. 4 Cheers. 7. The American Militia t The ifo-guard of lives, fortunes and liberty, and the protection of " Beauty and Booty 2 Cheeri. . fl. TrMHttmviny Revolutionary Patriots With their associate in ermai They fought and bled fof the independence -we no enju'y Whilst liv. m&ite Jf nave our craaraSaitidairectwa s and ttleaded, a grateful peoplu will not forget' them. $ Chtrs, ' ; . 9. -Charles Carroll j The n!v urv'mtfrner- S.Ltbe great Charier of AmariatiLBM!,. The American Presa: May virtue be its .xrUrTtf Const irtMf the' trmfed" State r ..iL JreierxewwiAiaxUeqaau t jjUW.iw juruvj andiotWover.iw!ettby the mmorrtv-.- :3 Cheers. Pire?athvsthat purchased tnl;wj&w;cbaib Wioi; i m .iiiiciitan rair. 4 necri. The following are aitionj the volunteers that Lave been culhxted.; My the President of the dav 'm. Monre : Our Elective ffauchise Too nreclu.to'be bartered tor flattery, tir a little whiskey . Msv the inttu- ci.ee ot Ttiiinei-cect:itie's forbid the acta rimM trade. 4 Unt-erj. My lif. B. L Ccatl; Intemperance : A dis ease which if not terminated by resolution i may end in mortification. 3 Ot.iers By Dr. It. Ausiin : The Jersey Settlement : Celebr-Med for iH indutry, ecoimmy, and rich nosof s-oil i Ti.u lay btars witness to its tal ents, its political f r.(ry thd temperate habits : may year alter year find its citizens the same happy, aocial, temperate, and independent , ptople. IJyJohn March, Em.; Andrew Jackson; May prosperity attend hi judicious acts, 3 Clmers. By J. S. PfiiS'.,,, .nq, ; M,jr(. Cotton Tacto riea, and fewer Piuno. SCheers. - Dy Di . B. Amtiu : 'The more water, the lets whiVe, By Dr. B. I Bealh Woman, " The star of the Hover, the hope of the Lover, The spell that iuspii Cs, and tne spirit that betfiiilfs, .. MiSismLtluLSott, the flrr am oftlie Ijgvtx.. 4tie ini.uei's Heaven u heauty'in smil, ." 4K.'hecrs. . osi tbi WEsrsajt'ciaotistAif. The Annivcrsury of the Declaa;ion of lr.depcndeace, was celebrated in Lincoln ' ton on Situhlty the3id of July. Mo,iR Keveillie- called the cii- . . i- . ' zeos to tti.e cnjnietn pi .Ul?etj4.aodjLMJO. - rise ihc 'him ruck U HuH VtlumbmMt&t honesty respectable, and useful member,! wnen tne oejutuui star apanaltd banner vita noisicu flu uniunea ny tne oietzc, sevtatv leel in tne air, after which the favottrite turo o" Yankee doucHc was played and thirteen rounds find. At II o'clock the ptoccision Limed on .- r , i . a the Academy i.'.li, cxnooaed of a numtipi frocp of cuvalry, and a iafge coricourai; of were met ty vfte k ai, hhW-arriiri t ail whose smiles gave a pjcului: charm to thcflf.cioaAd tomTninKlcd ith the enthusiastic and maitUl glow cf Li.;ing a gentle and pleas "i'ltlS "v""iik:iiii in " i"Fv "'t " inTVi"i rt.T'Tr' to'i .t lPess. on every brow. ... ' 1 Ueclaraiinn was read sv vatnes Piukney Men'icrbon, FUq. in a foixibie jtcf eiind .... tusie. aiid-tlaquent-ioja: tijn i was alter wards Dioiiotmced bvMk chad lloke, hq. A universal burst of uppLusc followed the reading of the Dec laration, and tho delivery of the Oration. At 2 o'clock upwards of a hundred per ou sat dowr. to a suiupuoua bat bet uc prepared by Col. John Zimmerman, Ja cob Ucinhai'dt ana Charles l-eonatd, F.sqrs. Ucn, Moore snd Jacob Forney, Ksqs. presided. In the midst ot the hilarity produce1, by the gusts ol the feasting and tliw animating spell of the sparkling gob let, a heavy and refreshing shower of tairi fell and drove the company to the village, rejoicing with grateful iceling tc the Author of our blessings fc- the provi- flcntjalJUituitoa Tust aaveil ih'e parctclj crops of the farmers. I rfh fi.llftU'lntv hi. K rt t 'ip fr. inl. 1 ., .."Jj w iv,ui.i W i'. .LI of the voluntetr scmircnts, ai ::e handed io, that wtre drunk at the tebie: 1. The diy wc cclebrdte : What better evidence ii the value cf ouc-Ucsiogs, than ta see every body here thinling.whai they pkaae am; ipepkin what they iMt.k. The signers and defender cf the Declaration of Independence s The rrjent ory of thejr devm''n to-ihg cme ?f tree- dom hut our hearts viiU .Jove to iaue 0 who are goneiiji'.d grathude'tb those who survive. 3. The President or tbe United States r "He asks tiotbiag but what is clearly right, he will submit to nothing that is wrong Sjates; 1 hrlce Bss hrs wuntry's gra4i tudet called lam to the second office in the nations gift : May he lire to wear the laHt4"ihat-re-1 wtaingto reath? hisr Brow. 5. The present Cabinet: Able and en ergetic are the men who compose ill The best proof cf their ability and energy is to be found in their official productions. ' 6. The memory of George Washiog Jon. " N 7. Thomas Jefferson and John Adams: " But search the land of living nan, , " Where will w e find their like sgsin." 8. North Carolina t She heeds net the frothy poli'.lcistis of the day with " Dis union" and Dulfucatoa,, fat their rWto f true to herc-wn'IrUcreat, and thai of tho nation -she is able to distinguish between good and evil report. 9. The Uuiurt of the States: May its existence be commensurate with the ex istenco of time t May the anathemas of an enlightened people remain upon the politician wha would advocate measures that tend to sever it. 10. The Army and Nary. , 11. The Constitution, of .the Uni'ed States and the Stated constitutions j May no strained construction of the former itifijiejj?jijrbiiiih4J4ueillZ is left a.Tiongst us" the sole aurviyin .55?!? Ouriurter ' of UtlepeiadaBce. t- the erteiVaiii,.j "2 swcefWace-bf Ete, oh : Woroaa Twlioai form . ,..!?4.he soul. , .. . " Are tne spell and the light of each "path "we pursue, " Whether sunned in tta" tropica or chilled at the pole, 'If woman b there-there is happiness too." ), ' VolC.iTEErS. By 'the;,Preaident, Gcii Moores Unity of fcentimrnt in rrligion and polrick throughout the world. By J. Forney, Es,q. Vice President s The President and directors ol the Ca tawba Navigation Company: May they at their meeting, on the l?ininat. be-unU ted, and the result of their deliberation be the speedy opening of the Catawba river. Dy Col. John Hoke : Let tho pubHck debt be speedily paid, the Tariff moitra ted and the surplus tevenue apportioned among the several Stutea Ta bt concluded innur next. m mm g mtm Married, on tbe 8th July, in this eminrv. hv ! Dr. John bcott, Solomon Weaver to alias Celia Hill. DIED; Departed, this life, on the 2.jth June, 1830 in the 66th year of his age, Mr. Jcdediah Wallis, who atthough he was young at the time, took an nAlve part in the Revolutionary struggle. In ftrfy4ite toinaueT)f apnrtei became a member of the Presbyterian Church, in which for many yeara by a uf exemplary sobriety and regularity of deportment, he gave W&r!" I - v v.v. aaie bubs will UC HJUkT JiclUw. - bUiai uul" w c,v" ou religious wciety n NSontgomery cunty. N. C. on the 10th inst. Maj. Buckuer Kinbrol, in the 7th car of his ae. He M as an old Kevolutionary officer, and fought during that ii.tertsting struggle against the Tory party, in this State, lie was zealous ly devoted to the good cauic of his country, till the day of his death. Communicc.ied. Lnnts ut Vublc ftaic, & Ikwbows,' on Tuday ul .. Atlfr,18l Coun. a.trad of LAND ad. johtingCol. WaughVMitl tract, on Moravian creek : We "IK al aril. ai Uf-nc sale, in statesville, on Tuesday of Au giw eotrrtjnhcfoitroto'jp itoa laismlyHNl-by. ;orph- harnberr, he--inga part uf Arthur Chamber' lands j a tract lonijeily owned bi-Jjuhu Ball; a Uaa ibrmeilv owned by Wm. Stewart, joining the lands of 'ion campDeli. A c5't "f one," two and three year) in equal Tja3?nlV:nrBe given, beariiig Iiitcrert aiter one year. Titles not to be executed until the purclie monev ii paid. ALEXANDER HUOUINS, ) Ex'r,. of Ja, JOHN f.KWl.N, ., Urt'J.' Jult, 8. I Ml 3, 30 Look Out 6averaM VLL persons are forwarned from trading for a note of band or due biu, made payable from me to Wilmm Haden, Jr. given on the 15th ni May, 1830, for one thousand dmUrs.i. it was fraudulently obtained. The aid tJaden left here a few days since for AUbma, where he sometimes resides. . 1 am determined not to pay said itole utile forced to do by law. 12lV9 ' BF.NJAMIN MA.VWBLL. KEM VIMNG in the l oat-OiRce. t Leaing. ton, N. Carolina, July I, lrt;H i B Henry LeUford j Joseph Ball M F-litabeth Miller Davi,l MolHt George Mer Adam Mock N George Northatt f John Tersiii 8 - James Kinder Joiia hiackburn Jane Bhuklt-y .-.- - i - John Calloway 3 Levin Charles Thomas C. tirump ! - Tiaverse Uai.'.el ' E tame Lsans , AhJei'son tills r Caty Fouts Uary Tagan or Fezur G Jaoob Cos William Grist H Chrintian 8tckinger Daniel I). Shuler George Suinray Michael Swaim Peter Smith 3 Earnhart SUelovsi Henry Smith Georg Smith Jacob llagty . K Headersoa Wilson Jonn'Kennedsy 2 Viu'on Wood V ' L Joshua Wilson1. .William ttdford. . ., . .... !. . ..,..,3t30 - i WAGONERS,. Drivlfig to FayellcviUe, . WILL End it to their advantage, to stop at the Jfuws ford, where eveilr con. Venienee is provided for Man snd I lone, to make tbrm comfortsble, at the moderate charge of 25 cent a day snd night, for the privilege of the Yard, the use of a good house, fire, aster, and shelter. , Attached to the Yard, are a Grocery and Froviainn Store, Bread Shop and Confec tionary, and a Ilqus for Boarders and Lodgers, in a plain, cheap, wholrsome and comfortable styles ffljetmsVr .fyWJ, 1st 182 II - CaYiiuii sMoking Husint&s. Cm HE subscribers respectfully inform the JL public that they have entered into a copar tnershipj and.wil carry on the ! Cabinet Making Business in the House formerly occupied by Thomas rioitpn, as 1 avern, and where Aid. Woodson kept hi Shop previous to the engagement with Mr, Jarrott, The house is on Main Street a few doors east of the Court-House, Jvhere they will carry on tn ahove. bualiie4.mo'e etvnsivly than ever was don in this place. The materials shall be of the first quality, and their work executed im durable, fashionable andeTegant style and thi;irprlcea SlVairbe Wdtfmter M tftrrcyprtiwr wTtir thd VtniXr-"'' -Onler,,fjloiB a diaUWfc;fbf. , r "'Lddics worMri fTabtM; Candle Stand$t..,lVash.Sianil$X.. ; ,, licd'Steads, tfc, will be executed on short police, and strictly in accordance with direction. , The aiibscribers solicit the patronage of the public, and hope thev will merit it. HORATIO WOODSON. JOiiN M. JARROT. My 14rA, 1830. - 4t3t N. B. If. Wmxlson, returns his thanks to the public, fur the liberal patronage he haa received at their hands, and hope it will be continued, No Combination and a Free Trade. EARTHEN WARli Si LtlaivlNu GLASSES. T3?S. J. EAIU10V7, & CO. Unporters, B3 lFatcr-StrccttX. York, OVFt O. forsake 1,(XW Packages Earthenware, Ulaaa, China and Loukiug Glasses, com prising the most complete assortment ever oiler--ed Lathis market, and which will be repacked to the Country Merchant at the lowest price. lrteifi&Gtiem:e ol" having refused to join the Cembiiumm f& regulating the jpe'' tirKt'' jects of a mot intolerant ''persecution, the ob. ject of which is nothiug lets than wr rn ruin and txpuliion from the trade, our character have been assailed as men ot integrity and fair deal. iAUtJXCiU.W A! peached and every endeavor made to ruin it, and to crown the whole our importations through the regular channels have been all stopped, (in consequence of threats thrown out to the Man ulfPMcr obliged to employ Agent in Liverpool to make our purchases in such a manner that our names would not appear in the transaction all the facilities attendant up.m obtaining credit tor our importations are denied to u, and nothing but cah iDLiverpool will obtain joe ua. uur needed supjilie j of ware.-W'e are su)V ringjhese bird ship iu the cause it the Merchant and Con mmer of thii description of goods, no less than our own, and to tliem, a our last resort, we come for aid and assistance ; so bug as we are ena bled to sustain ourselveaiigaiiisi more than forty men, who have combined to bring about our ruin in tliia unheard ot manner, we wi.l continue to ell our goods Free and independent at our own rates Jor Casi r upsovd (tty lircrptanui onty. " ' " 6tV9. Tuas. x raituow, k o. yEWYtMlfeflfctF.''"7" ' :' '" j 8 tVsier Mrmtrabov- OULslip., C-ValisAK . uunut'acVorj. 1il wibcriber Manufactures, for the Snniti. T nufactures, for the .South. ern and Western trade, and keens eon. .stanll.un.Uodji.yery bugcSiock ofidi',. Jl'l'hlrttt:! JliAKS, made of every description f Silk and Stuff floods, our. chssed eyres!y for the iuipoe,jtt Tlieluweat aiictVon prices. These Cloaks are made in the b?tL.!jk. by perswa who have had weKl years experience i the-burinrnf anc? Will te 4dvy tiantiiyi on iberal-trmw,- at price that will probaoly make them si safe and rirn. fitable a purchase as any description of Goods mat can ce pureusa in tin .nirket. I0t28. r. J. C UN ANT, 1 8 Maiden Imm, evuer of Green it. V, Yt-k, T. J. C slo manufactures snd keep CoimIsoU ly on nam i, i r fc.ie, oy the quantity, Urge and complete assortment of STOt'KS, of every dts cription, aarramed made i f the best of materi. Sis, and in tne UamUmn3t Stkle. l'uvtutirno. 1HE Factorage and Comminon bttainessof L Henry l . Conner will be continued bi it- ubkcriber. tfnder the firm cf ii. W. Conner Cf Co. ni tin date. tai uOiiy.iv; xon.nev . rfUIUX i . . i AdUXbT. CkirUtton. Jim I, IHjO. lliiUAi MULL Jr. U HOUtUr 1IL1E have mutually unsolved their copartoerhin iu itie purchase sua sie oi uegroes. ' iuUtburg J,df ut, 1830. S6tf Calawba Lands, FOB 8ALEV j JL well known by the name oi fattens place on the Catawba river 4 miles above Bestties Furd together with the negroes amounting to i. i n i . i . . . ftweew w w o, wtoea. i-irnp tfv. on the place all of which he now offer for Bale cither separately or together. 1 he plantation contains .140 acres, a great por tion of which i river Bottom of fir quality. The place taken together is equal to any tract of land on the river, a will apj tar froiu an ex smination of the premises. ' 1'he whole will be sold upon term favorabk hof to' prici'TiVhl tjavmcnts f or ahich" 'aa. plucaTion will be made tu rnv lather Jamet Com. I ifcUilfrom Br at tir Fotd, where I may also be found ni) self f.om 10 August to 15th Sept. , lltNIU' W. GUNKCJs. ' ,...7i.lfVllTO. .. 2mt3 " ' Ten Dollars Uevi at A. RAN away from the ub' i acriber m the th nst.,s negrd nsned Jin, about 3d yeara old, well set, very dark skin, with a wen en bis forehead. Any person who tusy apprehend aid boy, and coafiite hint U Jail or otherwise, so that I ret him sgsin, will receive the above teasrd. h ia thougtif the boy has received a psi from some evil designing and malicious paron. - LECN ABU EASTI S. Bf k rvan'y.V. (7. . CTtf . HAVEfo-rnedscopnrt. nmhip, as WatcA Ol B.i.1 Clock Maker, Silver ' J imitht and Jevietitn. fni T' the'inirnoseof eaminirni fS-IV S - '1 ,ne """mess, te all i OTWf 'ii " i riousbraiichcisinthi !ir.i---! . of baiiiibury . Vhey me business, in all its v. thetnwii iev occiu py the' AVw Shop,' badt by Jam"s B, Hampton, adjoining his dwelling on Min street, 6 of 1 . uoora souin ot toe Court-llouse.. . , , ' - They will carefully Repair ull kind, of Watch e,;ioekt,ainl Time-r;cceS, aint warrant ttieiit to-fe-rtorm weiu. Aitu are nrt-psredso muiifac . turer n4 wiB 4 wu xww w-itl-H J'$fftp ' - lions oi Miver v are, such a .toous, Ladles, ' according to directions. A Tf&oii aisttrtwetfrof JF-WTXItT wTirVele nf PMallAiWUl4iJ HPd-U low.ftKta..,,,. t w,, JVMKS B. 1UMPJ0N,, ' SaUbur April S4 lO. t James B, Hampton tenders his grateful ac. knowledgement to the public, for Jha liberal ' patronage hitherto extended to himself individ ually I and reiinectfutl asks a eon'inuaiice of it to the firm .of, which.. he is a partner. 'N. ft. Those indebted to hinV are earnestly desired ta liquidate their accounts a soon as pouiblei a his new arrangement irske it neccsary old scores should be settled up.- o " " fWlIIE Editors of the Richmond Whig, Rich JL mond Enquirer and lS4tit"at Intelligencer, are requi gtcd to stop an stiver! isement, signed by me, for a Teacher, to take charge of a school in this place, and to forward, their accounts fof payment. , f l'ETHEN L. FiJIKAND. " -JwHf ifindi WSQ; r t" Jitf j m4 fa the Town of Salisbury, Jot sale. 'l'1! fwPrty is pltanutly sittitel O, M .t04,n a1(i Br" suitable 'or a amulf family. 1 he lot is spacious, and contains a very gwojl garden, with much tare shrubbery. The terms can be ftdtk easy, ai the most of the pus w?SJB,fi n WJutJWtt tn the iBaaifc, on the usual terms of iccommoation. I't ions wisiiingio purcnase, can apply to Mr. L. A le. monf ,.pr to JJavnl F. Caldwell, Kaq. (ho ia au. thorised to make title,) and the terms ran b towm; IL..C..JQNLS,. Feby 20th, 1830- , . . , . . 08. Negroes Wanledl PH1UE subscribers are desirous of purcnasinff it- omhmdrtd XF.(iHQttiir ahlctiUb w ill pay a liberal price b tflt Applicatiois -may be msle, eHher by letter or In person, to)' Jos uu Hcieiii MOUO'AM'ON.ur Jmm Utile in SALISIH KY( who will he ready at " timef to accommodate tboe who n.ey w'tfh to to cliange Negro property lor cash. JAMES HUE, Ml HCIE. June 221 IB30. 2S . Aim. Bottle of I nst, Albany jOentut it U 'I'd, ami wriater.hf'; ' '7"rTzzi AUSTIN ! Br RNg. SaHimrf, June 29A 1.850. . - 6tf. Clock foip 6txt raiHBmSstriBVrrhivtn'''aT HAMPTON & PALMER. PT1 HOMAS MOTX Jr. winr to purchase ahnnt Xr 3o negroes,' for which hberal prices will b i given tn csshr- He wil lws- be ttntnd is al. isbury, 1 hose who wish to stll would do well to coll on him or tend bim a lew lines. .Sulhhnrt July Ut. 1830. f 26tf. 'Vo OoU wNUncts.-- : flIJE sutscriber having obtained a Patent in JL t the year 1827, for Mills lor grinding and ; washing Ors of Gold and other metal, snd hie plan havfhgbceii generally adopted, dm-m. it ne ccssary to caution the public against iifM ig sit' ilr .Milk without his Consenl, The snbcibep. thinks It unnecessary to give an description of ' hta Mills, a they are In r pera ton In varioua part of the State. Ilifaientfmhrne branch ' and Fiidge iold. Liberal term w4 fee wiel ded t all who make earlv applici'Kn fur right, ' and every inrormktiou given on apf f!rsiin. " . . WM. n. loLUER. . CharLitr, A. C, 5t29 . ' " . ICJ The York vilfe Tfoneer, Grtenshorotigtt - ' fstriot. and Raleigh Regiter, will insert the ,' above advertisement ia their respective pspere lor one motitli, nd forward their scrotmts for f payment. , W, II. f, " FOR, SALE.- ViVJ ILL be Md at Wilktsbnro'Ia f V tha county of Wilkf a. to the 1 Tilght LiJder si public out-cry on ' .1. .- A f J - . . T w i no iiri tucauay in August Dfi. m ut that well known and vrluablc . Trutt ut Uh4 lyiii in a body on the waters of the Tsdkla and Reuses Rivers, on mile North." " ot W ilkesboro' having the on half of a vsluabta mill not sttschdto it. Said pretni'f formerly " belonged to Ch:Mnn Gordon, late of taideoun. ." ty. Uc?pSctL,l hetemSiif a4 ace,, tiirei in-'..- aUJrtwiniaT.fcnaijM thw .UamntUsi.- laid. when possession Will be given, the t'hrr two.' equal annual psymeots thereafter. " " ; -. - ; i JAMLS II. tivROON. Unt Cent Uaii.' KANAWAY frmn the subscriber, ou lie?9tli , of My, 13.1.), as indented aopi':ire bov. by the hsme of Levi lliukle je I soout eighteen )tsrs of sgei bat red halr.at.d red complexion All persons are w arned sgabst . hubor ng said abconiling apprentice. ' AQL11.I.A CUESinEB,' Writing'.- Wrapping Vn'persj mrj-ANLTACTURED at the SaJemrapNm U, il ii for sale, ou auaderatc terms, at this tlbco, Vrwlaa9.

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