poetry. t"iy eiace g'her;d a b..ri let of fbwere. And teut Idem by M.rtn a present to Wit, M ho told htm that laucr had pluckM from her bowers. ; t he wtt briar rote; and the toft violet, And the tulip and pink, and tUe tweet scented thyme,- ' (power, ; ' JLiri ,id jt.af her wish wis, to try his fara'd ZI And charged fain w leii. aod. is &&wW&z , What mystical-meaning was kid ia the 6o. , VT,t jufid it was L,d in the abaonee of ber, yfkt .m4.fcri usually 'kept in Store , lo 1 as sue Old U.a, but whiM not snu'r . . f PrcrursHtT TiTyTTtiiBiWWe? To ht-f ladyaiuya ordert.aiid Mud'ha would try, situ taji&njtt : Red haired and uandvimeend tmidofber lord, Auf$ -ttwttir -srtiton-wf Wuitf. a! ?fly,Wl.., tajora. Site weaidtomctimei integer cA,"unn' she The wife who wwuld Ml b" through gtSr ghaute,1 . . i, Whose soul Mi all loVe,' ilthe toft rioM, ' ' ' Ani tk tulip if aufely the drti loving dame, Who ftitWatuk of co.i(,,i.st at ripe Ueuiy. ' tight,. ' ;The pink to a lady wborvje too-highly, JLad use perfume till it atcaen tins senae, - Aael&fh coquette, one who gains her ends l!1y, And a tmilfi or sigh, atit uha, cn dispensa. But what thall I sty of the thyme d Hymettus; Tie piquant and sbrj iiko the tongue of a ' threw, . (is. So we'll aay tia a scold, who ia born but to fret . Eut I think ia ita place be hod letter sent rue. JEKUV. , ' REMO VAL. flrtUtabcriber repv;f'ily int'ovm hiacu. Ji. tomer, and the public, that lie ba HEMOVEa ins aTonc Wo hi new and apacirms building, jut finished ond fitted.up i A moit elegant tyU, atiprrior to : $ny 5 the to vn r It U tho aland formerly owned and occupied by hi daol, Daniel Cress, sen.i on Uaia itreet a few doors from the Court-Houae, wet aid t Where the aubscribc-r hopea to re e-tWe catla from hit old cuomcrs, ami all oihera lui are dtairtMil uf buj iiig cAeii GXiODS. . ALSO, The manufacturing uf Siilli and Tin Plate TVaie, faeretofore conducted by EJwaed Crui, , aull kaJxaJui.lie-tarcicd ga ty yiewJicrsr who will keep coiutnoUy on Land, or manuliiC. tare order, - SlUkf and Tin Plate Ware, made of the beat materials and in the most sub. . ftanrial and (kahionable atyle of . workman, nip; tnj hope, by a strict atteiit'iun to th! branch of Bulimy to ibcrit the patronage of the public." DAXIEL II. CRESS. " Dfe. 4f, is ir Salisbury Female Academy. AN Iuttitution, under the above title, for Fe malet eichuively, will be commenced on ! Monday, July 19. 1830. - Tb-cure oi initructwn wi tncmde sipet- Vmm, Ralinff, .Wntin', -AnUimetic, Enlmli Grammar, rCeorary" Wirtfttie 'tw of ThetHobev lJitory, Botany, Cbymiatry, Natural Phiioaopfiy, .. CJOODS. . H the plc3ur e f annountlajr to h'a frienda, eiiatontera, and the public in jrn. era', that he ia now openi!:, at In old tUnd to Salisbury, an elegant aHdrVneh". of ' . .Vr w, t'a$kih)ifb!c, & Cheap Goods, direct fforai the citkJf rUHaltlphia ami New aorkandjkdeiJby Intuffj'f, from the UUni im- ofiera a low at any CotHU nf the same quali'y can Se bnuirUt in ifT itirket7" Tlif asaortinent judge for themieles. , , ,, i r "r " vrz r.r;mumm . GOODS. ' rflllG subacriher fill continues to keep np a X. Ug s and full supply of almost e ry kind of ; j GOODS suite! to all seasons of the ye&r : And is no receWinj and opening, at his Store in SuHibury, additional tupplie f the latest im portation. ilected bjr himselti with care, and bought on the bsM terms fur cih, p.wi in fbH iae:piii, tJUT-prrapally m New York. Vhiefa are offered on the lowest terms for cash, or on a short credit to pttuctaa! cusi jmerii The pno Entertainment. . . f . . , : .":tttwgn1ierV-r'iBage fafaar,'VectrriHiwrhrf reter Knder, m a shoe ahop i where he is prt-j - - pared to fo-mh the aurrotfiidinff country with all kinds of fwniturt ia tfa above line, such in Sideboards, Svcntdries,: littrehus, Corner Cupboards, . Jireahfast V Dtrtaer Tahiti, Ladks Cribs, tfetfe. . fie Una lit bia m'y two or three first rate win k iicii, ni ilia i-t rtf timlV, t.ltetcd by hiiiiu'lf. The subscriber hope by due attention to biiMnew, to receive that sUara of putronage which merit de.-rva..-, , ' - 27if IVILLIAM H. HUGHES. July 12th. 1811. iijill Jiolice. WILL bo sold lor ch, ot the Court House id Cluihtte, on the fourth Mviidv in Aiif'U'.t iirnt. i L't. of LAND in the Town of Charlotte, lying on tne north .ide of Lot No. jO, rontainitiy; t weii'f eiht stpare pois-i, soli to sa-.if the taxea due ou t J hu . JOHN SLOAV. ftl'f, J .Heck'tnhur aurty. THE subscriber tkH this mth id to inform his friends and n public generall that he has opened a KODflE 0? E'XTE U TA IX. WENT. In the town of Cuncord (formrr'y owned by T. V, Canon) where he will be (-ritt-ful fur patron, age. He pledges himself to uue every exertion to mako travrllern comfortable. I!is stables shall be uttciidid with attentive Itosthrs table and bar with the best th maiket ran frJ. KI All r IHIJKIS. Coneottl, Jung 30, '8.3') miJ7 AYoxiU .Uenton C3WAN U REEVES are now receiving and opening at their Store, Wood Groc in Kowan county, 13 milci weit of Salisbury a gen eral assortment of Xco . Fash hnnbfd and Cheap .Goods. selected by J. j. Reeves of the above firm, ad bought for Cash from the latest imporU.ion in N. York and "Philadelphia.' All of which they ar e tle'-erntinfid t SvIa aallawui ,a iv G'wd ' trtr-eane-koMrht in- 4hii SiCtKHi of the country. Their assortment cons;s;j cf rl f , licare invited to e.ll, eaamW, ,d W for ""J L Hard Ware, 4.!?4nre fir roA. of all descriptions usijal'y kept in Store . Their ma and ludire tor themsdvea. ' l.. a K. ' feTSOTfroeTr trieuds and cuitome-isr and hope by close at tention and steady Lbi!s Ij merit acoiitiuunct of the mme. . . A XtiVf.aMaiV Vloult. tku.m n..j.ticaTj SAi.i-.cWy. S5. flkN I huraday 5tli August I wit g H..J' late dwtllintr house uf John $i33 I huradav 5tli Aui.mI I a- It a !l ut th,. Audit- u . t-sq. dec (I. the property of said dee'd. coniihri Of Hors s, Cattle, .llos, hhetp, Waon, and Ucars.pAT.niiXicuaiJa, JtuiWUiut..aUtch en Furniture, a valuablo Library, one set of Survey injf Insti-uineiita, and many other ariicle too tedious to mention, attendance and reason able crjisUt will b Riven by roe JOHN HUCiT0.', JJ,mnhtrabr. Juif Hth. lUM. - jvJ STAdH FARE, his . 3 Jr-ii i arrangement, the stae runs m f. ' U twice a wtrlc, and troej thnxiuh in two la tscli way. The accoinninda'i'in is pood. I'assenirers who arc travelling from llalei,;h to ftjurT v. or r.-Mtsessee. or Smith ot Sa isburv. aVtlWUVVlV j wil find hi to the r.tareu, clu-apcst and Tr')TrJC run tvi i rr 'i i "")!,t expeditious i'"Ute West cf Raleigh. Pa-i-t IliKiui fL,l..VAV, lailor, aen-M who are truv.-llinp from anbury North, ffj ESPECTFULI.V tn.f'irms liis'-uNim n, aad j ' find 'his ronte, by thew'ay of ILIciti ami JBLl' the public 'g.twiily, sL-t he iws rcmuved f .etrrsbui-ft t. be the nearest, cheapest n. his -StlUr, to the u:.i;.i; fomieiy occupied by i m(,ti expeditious route that can be travelled to Lowry and Templntj i, a ii .iukc rscenily by ! 'he N'orUi, by to clays. A pajsener wlio Wade W. Hs;rpton. as a Cailoi'a Shupj on , 'nvels tiiis route from Salisbury, hy the wsv of Main street, tht; weit mde, a few doors from th- i Mateigh anl Peter;bu"J, to VVsl.ingtou City, CoMrt-lfuuse, in tho town of Sah.oary j wUrt ' vil! m'tt in fi"e dajf, and will sleep three nijjhi. hs is prepared to execule u';l desci'iiitioiu ut ' out ff five all niht. TAILOHIXG I r,,e C(,",PX,or ph'dgc himself to keep a., ,1.. f 1- '"','. . ! first rate Vliil Coac!ie, a:i;l I'ood J .ntlt: hones, ancr tne neatest fashunn; and on the hhortest i i i r i . i . ,. iiotir ml .. ,, i , I ,,..,. "J drivers of the bejt kind ; anj he vi spare notice :. ana is prepared to uiukc all kinds of . i ... . . . ' . t - - - "-aaafi a . aaa XttW Store. CLAYLAN'D $ TORHENCE. M. CLATLAND and A.- TORRENCr haviuir formed a copartiiershio in k2 Mercantile Husine, under the boye firm, bt leave respectfully to inform thst inhabitants af lifbury aiul the surrounding country, that they have just returned fro n New-York ai4 th'dadelphia, with a beautiful assortment of New Style, Fancy cpid Staple I . which hsyeTeen ae1 cfeiTTrom tteTatesTtiiir piiirT3TTOTi,;arrvill:firfFrredi t'urchsserrare invited to cJ employ aia or seven first rate workmen, which enables hi in to dw work on the shortest nunc;. All kinds of C'uttin; (Jut of Guimenta will be done on very model ate terms. All orders' from a distance for work, will be 1 mojt fuithfult r ete.iitiit tr,i,iV, N. B. All penons indebted to the Ea'ate ol I and within the shortest possible time, ohn Andrewt Ks dee'd. are requested to) P. :'. He has just received the latest fashion (tout Philadelphia and New-York j which will enable him to make fine Coats. &c. after the most approved style. 15 4WiAiiry, .ip,U 15M, 1839. come and settle their accnunts. 1 lure luvin clauiiti against the I'.tatc are notified to pre sent them in legal form, wphin the li ni' of the law, or this notice wid be ok-ad in bar of thci; recovery. J. ilOCsr'iN, Jd'mr. " Ceuirc school. FjnilE subscriber respectfully informs the pub JL lie, t hit the next smio.i of the. school at 'lt tfanrch: IredeH cotintv. under itre hm' title, wiH commence on the lilh inst. A few Bnnnir nd les l,etire Music, votaJlbuya-woildw feceirctt: aLo coa be wJl rm. (la ntarnimemai f fi"K, himuj, m i H.tntu. t no raMss w laiwoo wm oe j loei.iHm (arm separate departmrnt. j and tireek, ten dollars j and for English (rm. ""Awarwof the indipeiauW naceaaily of proi mar andUeofraphy,ixiiullars pet iesaio5,be tortinnirj the hnmber of wrtntcew t that of i inff sit months. - jmpils, the subscriber, at Principal, pledgee bim- B atd cn be had w'..h resp cables families, htm, Cmfwrl&U asid.aj'j.lurujirill ha route. Pastenjer3 who aie ur.acijaiiittd v. ill; this rnu,e, will secure a ats by application t lr E. P. Guiun't Hotel, in Raleigh H.id t Mr. Wihiar.i II. Slaughter' Hotel,' in Salisbury. .Tlie :ata;eJ -wilJ leave bIibu-y iiy W.l. resdiiy and Saturday, : 8, A. M. and arrive m Kalcih eveiv Thurlv ami Sunlav,7. P. M. snd ; . will leave Iialeigh c-vry We luevla an.l Saturday o, a. si. ar.u arrive at baiiiDury every I IiursJa) and Sunday at 7. P. M. GEO'IGE WILLIAMS, fWnjrOr. June U. Si'). :s i LIST OF LRlTCil3 EMAININUintlie IW.- 'Hice.at Salisbury, il N. Carolina, 1st d? of July, laJj. tclf to' emnfoy sl Cowpetett aiui.i-a-ao a- -t oe doihu: .p welu. " trie arKooi aaadaXwciayaaii,iwatl.t, A L EjlA.PEEUL ry ait.Utionai tweny. i 'y ioju. -ivi 1b cVarires fir tuitloft will be nrpilated by ) ' 1 -. -;; ' -...- ijsoawhkfa-hare hexcto&re priad4 w Uiis 'f v Vr? (-""It. Hnrke ctuntt: - icctlott of the State. ' (TT . . 'wod-t.Haftef hesaio, AprU Arrnnlwiir irmiirKUfbVt&4. rit Cartron w. Jnwn tt. " pte, for the reception of Boarders by the Priif. t ' 0'igiual Attachment levied i Ordered tipalt lhe? can be receivea immediate iy, oar hlPb)Kttm ,be made for six moderate terms, into respectable families, j Vti ern Carohntan. f.rthede- GEO. L. BAKFR. I 'endll to appear at our neat Court of jIti and y Ju?th. 1S13. 22 'qisrtrr Svaaions, to be held for Burke county, i - ' ' '"i the Court lluuse in MoraMon, ontlie fourth ftTtMlt Warffalna 111 lilVUllA. Monday of July ncit and plead or replevy, oth UTtttV .IittiyUU! 1U erwia judgment by default final will he entered 1HE tbcriber nlfera for sale i u? Kiinft him. 6 2S f -V.? JL thirty or fort; thousand tvet Xwt james EH WIN, CVk. .Jf Itm-U situated in A she '"'"Yi ( JP ,J. C. adjoining Burke county on LIST OF LETL't'S the leoiuh. wnh.Tj.MM. Un j B J EM A INI NG in the Post.Oilioe'ai Concord, en it wert and north. This Is ml u surveyed I iv i..i;. ,k. ,,' vid the rpialit of each tract ii certified to by yu Andrew f Ihe surveyor, who has made a plat of his survey tjul Wm Allen LhhbfenMapHica ' is) Salisbury, 3!r (J. C. Henderson w ijncom. y r ton, ttr. Thoa. J. Forntjr of Parte conntjri we t tjitnet rjrown tubacriber in Ashctil!e H incombe county. A . Carolina U. II ' . Urje portion of this land it as good as any in , sn,h liradshsw 2 tne Maxe. i or nas seen aiscorerci on j Ravid Ut-nmn l j r .1 1 .i ; i . t . . a ullierriii paria w, iuciuhcj iivif,t iia. vcch found adjacent to n t the cJLnate ia the mutt healtry and delightful in the work t ami at no very distant day, this mountain region of North Carolina mutt become the favorite part of the . state i the land ia well timbered, and finely wa JteffijLTha, JncU marked 1st laliljtJti!! be . riilltJ CUTS aold at 75 cciit per a. r'd qua!itjr,lit'-$0 ceuts i snt oa a ishty- cents per a -re. The payments may be made in fmr yearly inttal ber will give bond to make title on payment of the money ana interest. . So favorable , an, apport'nnity for obtaining . ' foe J and cheap farm, was never before- oner. '". '. ed in.thie atate. The title to the land is in disputable i arrai deeds will be given to purchakere. Apphcaiipa tat further informa- t ioi, and for purchasing any part of these land. snad ta-.Jr.A Jwte.iAHIisUurj-yigr;, C. Joseph Baker nm. Crown Wm. aite C Zachariah M. Carter Sarah Chaoibcrliu I) Nancy Davis 3 Owen Dry .. . C . . Robert Esnley Thoa, Criu V rPaul rHtrr U ! .H...l.,..il,i nal.lli.'.ku.ik I .. ... ev vf Burke county, or to tha'anbseriber. , .. . . JOHN BRJtVX. St. 9. Thf ihacriber also efleri about DO.000 'acres of land ti Buncombe and lliywood conn tie. Many of these lands contain tome of the nort valuable minerals in the Union. In a short time the nibecriber will ha prepared to leai tome of thso tracts to companies who might he disposed to work the valuable tones of iron, lead, silver, and gold, which they contain, lie !lt already leaied out tome of the. tracts, and has had fair offers for tho tale of. oth era. Any ftf of three lands will be told, very low and vnn-anfcv title made to purchaser. J. Arwn, IilANKH 'SCriDtion. netl kt;fpjr ! tt this Office. Tvr rrery description, nettly pnntcil, and Alexander Tmw Jef Shelly Coriiue Andrew Conine ' Xlauryrcaa I. Jacob Liticker ' Maon it. 1 loa ..JaCifb Leai Jacob W. L.tlle John Long f a John Morrison Dr. It hert Mck'enrey Wm. McLean John D. Most ' Tho. M. Motley Uorcus McComona Henry ti. Mountfurt Munru Mac u day WnTJTacTrs " rAVfsuam Misenliamcrr Samuel Uacurday N )lil Goodnight 9 Hiram Goodman J Pally Gdmiirwv..... V II Andrew Harris Jonathan HarUc'J HjI llayer Wjn. Harrit Christian HoUibor ' Jtna llailey Johl 11. Hunt Charles llaglff Washington Newell P Wm. Pcartre EiilabetU PatttriM It Daniel Reep John Rodgert Carton Kudgert ' 41 irr Itu tsell KivxiUdr V Thomaa Atba V-. MaryAUai.a f Aruohr Williaffl. AJcrton' " ' U Geo. L. Caker 2 Nathan Brown 2 l.ucilla Bar: John Beard Hoct. JtiLif"BcckwTt5 r.Tin B.'.sf Mrs. Sarah Bullar Hiram Boatrilit Wm tSracaen Jacuu ir.ker Patrick Barry 2 Wm. Bufurd VVm. Baber Mrs. I'egjry Brown K!ihs Liuroer W ,'iain Brandon Au.s'.n B.ad.ihaw llioniaj Brabin . C Jacob Coughanour Henry Coun Wlllini Collins Kev. Itc'jt. L. CaWwM Wm. D. Calient Thom.s Chanin Wm. M'Cousins (Unsom Cook sitiuu.kja Jacob Caubie J mei Couch Darnel Coleman 2 John A. J. CambeU Barnabas Crosby Charles t'aton Jacob Coon D Thomas Dcadnian Mary Dent Joseph Dobbins Mary tfflfht Araur jvm -r E Anderson Ellis John Earchardl Joel Ellis Aoiburu llulen . IsVac-kiah iistiUiufl FiZabeih Hr-ndcMOl) U'ilTia m sorniaTna U- ll'lTu- ' Jjiiu U. Halt Thomas 1111 A. 1UU John Had Mura vt Houck "Vol.ii'tlairri "" - f -I"-' Jastpb Irai.i J Rain'l Jeter fiuHj nrjIinsfon ii Iauiel Kurr lili Karrod Iay Kioi Lirijfht Jau.cs K.ncaM I. Kobt rt Lister Henry G. Lamer 2 Jacob Link Mary Lamb John I-eiitf Henry Leopard M Edward Mof.ler John iMcgahi-e James Mundkrd J n. Ji Levy Mckensie - lvfii-Maemaktn Je Marliii Jacot Ujore"" W iu. llcgimsfy O Ann Uai-m James Oweiit P Hev. Jonah 11. Powers Joih fool liy. or U. Peck Lucius J. Peck It Cbrlutt6tJ.'KhodeJ2: John T. Uced Knbert Kuule I'ok kali:. jillEJL. . feu wacstaiJ&i,, CtJJ iC'li HU.IMCOin Ctati)tff mittV4tef and wiiwtto.rt.Ajiecatvaa4 fndirJe ii0tijnlitf6gtglall on him btjbrett J,iyt Itefure May Court, '' K; f GftMNCE. . '' .'IprilUih, ... - 15 ioro New and Cheap Books fait KNElt & Hi-Gl 123, at the North Carolina 3. UominWiioii lyook Store, two doors above tne t'ost'Omce, hive on hand at all limes a gen. cal tMnrtm'-fit of Bopk, embracing nearly every hi)g in the vanut.s department of 3ti. ence, Literature, Ststinfiaiy and Eogravinjr. I'uolic, pnv e airl aotial f .i'Tirirs, auJ tboti. who buy to- ', t! a jam IKriiislu'd Jt umuna'Jy low piicts. A.I orders tha!'.k:U!y received and ' puoCiualU a'.tendi d to. The futluvWiv are aaitiif' the work. fust tt . Ceh'ed : 50 Copies Webster's Dictiontry abridged, in 8h vol. Koyal octavo, pnee g6. "In laying th'l work before the pulalic iu its pieseut fjrji, no e irons !uv.' br an vrd to mske it a conW. p'e'e dtfuiii.g ar,. ivoxouMing UiCUouary fjf ge'irr;i!t use. Al'o-.t 16,iW worda and be. te-n jDand W,(M tlS titiotis are Cautai ltd, i;i ii.i Dictionary, whfctj are njt to be (om,d ia any aimilar work." Henry's Fposition of th HihV, ii Calf ani : S'lcep bi:nllii,ji, in 6 larpo S vols .with a pre. fj.ee hy i)oc't r Alexinder, and ri commended hy the most iIh'iuuisIku Citrjy and Laity of .the (ii:i'-rent (Iei;o:tiiniiioni, it'is peculiar for rdeiply siiitual thouLt and ahieiire front ttc'irun hia i. Cniden's Coii'iordaiiso t.i t!i, Holy Scripture, complete in one super royal Svo. v i re-prin-ted ir. nn the Last Lond-vi r. litioii, o i super v--fiHp-y-aH'P--4d-''e-sy.'--4(yrwKV-nf''trt'''' tliouh.nid errors exiling i'i the London Cfy have bec:i curtecled in the ejfuiou now an nounced. iktavo ltihlcs fcrfa'iiiJy nseandaed persons ' ttie tui:diu:iieiT"eVer prin'feM." Cis'iop Morue's liitroduction t j the Study cf tta fccr;,;urcS. r!;:Lsi anJ Scutt'a Commentariat, lata edi It"" r, i ;i i'i f.mmo:i lw I'epnrts, mid many otbi i : -, unbracing works cf Jam?, Mub'cin III, , 'linings, j;.'crt:-tnS, Xt ijc. T.r 1! ! iKh. Jure t. 13.il). 26tf or salXT. irij-" oiiTrc w ijerttMeti trn -ttrr- mam r "id tr.-imrt'amtifjelt h hbury to S.riaiurh Court Home. South'! of Teiiueae l,ar;..ina, 4 n.iL ir iniles Iron V orkvilie, br,utti mrf hwo . -n-i ol .ai.it, ot winch CO arc now W. HI,. riirncit-.: i. . .. .... Ti.iiruinc nereiuure, a rower lf. AiVliCuty.Was ireu.itu.Gi;tt'lJaiuia. '.v eliliorn, ot the rorTTTCa ' ' the. U o-;-ity (itJVV i U-jLa'i Y &iiJt aro-msfTy Hiivi-J Cam; oeli snd'JaiMf t his VV'iiV U"rtn couMir. tind tiuim" icuueiite, in relation to tlu eitate, both real ! J Iio.ii. 1 4ik-KWV rurivace.land persmwt,- wh;eh Titd Jarre xh-riired from tie? Lmcaato,, aad u ue from father Hugh Monlgouwry, Jeceaaed, U SaU. th-Carolma Jue north, contain: bury. N. Caroln.a; which si:d power ave ,hU 01 mm.u, 01 wnic i CJ are now 1 IWII i.r r.i l ... i.. .. ... -. . . nnr,-.; a. . .. 'Z. ' i'J vuHvey, wr. .ami ; , , 7 sre m pn-hereis, slid David vti Jc-h.vr-tnrrcrred wrinaarnbtevfav superior jlge. ,n,l jvpawed -i wvnke idT,w r Atkey .t.cwl : by i.ooe l..,r their m-ahtv I'tao nr.m tvin . .. . ....... . . . 6 .. . . rartd4.onTtnieit. A v.ku of ox.-u r i ..t .Lt .v n; .- .. . . .... to port the Cos! , Ore t j t 1,. it... : i..ivi.:... . ..t . ; .... A . . u...f Oll.ll.j.l.lll. I . PTi' H i. . I,... .1 I . rred, rerentlv, GOLD i jv-! .).)n-nli VlarreirCaiii.iiii-ll. lo u.- li.r tl..-.n in r. - HI CO iiil,T:i 1 1 - in t n i j i ! i ... 1 1. .. ..I.. . . i .. : . . ii . . . i- i;i - -i ' 1 ' oj u.;j : i iH-icoy lor ni ,.J T.i , '""!'"-; . r.i.i u inthe,M-l.m.lf.V tl,., ,',., named pr his. reiokt . w.vi is s.irpjs- j ana nlu -.e to raiilv or coi.finu a "J ru.moii in inn VI null !'.,. i.il i.tirom ol Ui J 8th Hodgera Msrtin Srytenhouie ...won', urepaa . -.-v Michael Slough Haosom Hhinn Eh.ha Scntte V.'m, Stinson Nathaniel Pirns V John Voils W , . Jnaiah Yhitt , Jatob Frcete 3 Joseph Porcutn rhomas Kerebeo William Puha Uaia U Joo, Foots Sec'y. Pulton Lode Jl4.ry D. Ciaaaaw S t Wdlmm HifljiJ i nomas uueeu Hicn'd. Itohiuson, Jr. Daniel Houtr'i S nei.j. w. Simmons Tho. J. Stair Peter Saiuk David StenaM William "Stoiter Jiio SmithceV""' - i"ie who ler.4i.ii ir i.i i'i.. i,.i., , ... wouij do well to call on ;i.e aahail.er au.l view the premise a.id hear the cm ivMi,. , iK. feels anxious to remove tmlv Wistorii pai'i. '-j-" A good uari;aiq can beha.l. , IJ3LS T. ABLRXUHY. June j, i j j. .y at: a .n, d by virtue t sai I W'ctltmrn tray hcieatui auihou-v. -SAMCEL C. McrtUlXTiliU.Jfirrf.cft. 3l, !. 7:2hr 4'V'o fp. It subscribe ruaHfr.i;av,f wthrjJ AWxar Uwao -aa. or lav,.u .... a ,ne a.-xnt uh,i, tUS, tual he CMUiiUli (o c,rry tm, a' hi, Sl..,. n I exinK-ton, the uiuhi'xa iki.iif C.jI T.iN Gt.NS, e,j.ul to ai.y u.anuUlMie i , .i,e .Vl.u.-i, 'icj, i.iue.u. Lis llUJ kle i,rci,(rtll , nthnu.' k,. it .. ' u, ,o,e who sue t.-i-.-d ihem nave i..nu a rea.lv i a'l ..l ale throu 'K.i , l .. lent i.r u .. " ..... . ,,,, prli;e, llltd oie ai i u.y other Shor i-Hii-rv, LIST OF LKTlValiS TTtt E.MAI Ml SU in the P..i.utF.ce t Jlorrta.. ai rvaion the bouihcrn i ..Ai ' "'. r i-be promy atta ". .. u.m.u n ,ne sntmcst -prrib1 U.nc est ntnee, and i.i .Aha mm substantial mr, vj oic JMIJIIL J Ill'T'.t" ton, N. G. on the 1st d.iy uf Jilv, lif X 4,V-wM4- A-ffrrd Allin Annania 2 H-iudtou Witiiarn i .. . .. D Jui.na.in Dniipsy Bailen George Jjiicj llau.oiou C.- llean John Is. K Bkjii John Kil'ar JacoU Urnwn John f , Bciiham Bilson C. r.rnirjr Wihi.m Heck Josrph l.oyd Thomas Burgui,, Jji,n C. Lavender William C M Tx-Wrn McTrTrftlTvtJ - "itman-Oritrkt P. .TtarnnTrnn Paul Collier George Kufut Uay wood, M. D. Eliaa lVcddington Tfaomu Johnstoa X Gaorrc Keiine 3t Cpt. Jsmet Whitt Jacob Wright - Oliver Wiley . . . ... . x ..- TNIIEam Young. D. 8rtMUCji,.f. .Ljybo.taardaietv.. t . K. Gibson -John laiobons . - Albert tt. Gamett Job 'i Gumber Jo ph Graham Wm. P. Graham Dr. Itich'd Graham II Thomas Holme Wesley Harris John Hughes 2 Leonard Highleig ? ter Hclterbrand r!eaant Henderson Janet Hamilton tSuMtm Swink Wm.&dsonUM -r WraP. Stockton Meredeth lliurmon Thoniai Turner Villiam Taylor 2 Jos. E. Todd 2 Vf Augustus Wil l 9 Dr. L W. Wolcott Coaey Wadn A. K, Waroer Daniel Webb Wm. Wilhams Dr. J. Wil-on. StS3 r;'.f(;l. May STl A(A. IU.N;V A. CLINCitMOV. iA, 13 .U. j i Crump Lc i ,. . ColCh.au W.lhalu 1 eVt m ejiry, .Way .Vrihsnt, 133 W...UA-I C. UVKIiU j,;,;; A.ChaT.,: f Or.jjiual ttcti:net levied, .c It an. pe.ru.g to the atfac;ion cf f,c t-wt, tl.at the dclciida-itJohlA.t'baffii ...u . i o.l.'. "! r . . . " easa aaaa-isiit Aoaa f liito.iwv, reiser tr iu,-t WOICTT f " - Georr t.ui y aidJi-!o A4 t5a 4i.i4. licattoil be maile tor ai ... r I t . . . -" oi i.ie icaLcrn -J .It "',""J,r'nle '"O-HWU). for '"" " appear ortj-th ,.:. ..- HiK.se ,a bah.burj .o,, i)e j4 ,lun,j. , A next, then and there t , repVi v r, Jft, 0uer. wise jndgmrnt final i! le enA reo S." nin for the pla.nt,r deb. ,ni en. . i'"'! !' ? !"'"' ".' our aaia CHirt it his office lUtra Monday in Mav.18 ). & m caslin William P. II Davenport V.'m. Y rot Jchn 2 r u v:ien r:nr,i.an K'njd B. 2 1'jUooJ V.t.uam T7 leKrtrt- W ( -Marians Wtttioia N INca-Ut W'iliiatB Pirki.ig Levi or DetrPi, ey , . fiul.ard Polly Parki GabiicIL; P .well l.oNi3 I n, h y Jo!;i't I'arkt baud. 2 ... . w .. 7-. Til' h .tr rnn the II " l.avj V, Homphil! I lead Wiiiia'n llclidriok IL-iry HiJjii I.eon.rl JUH GILES, e.c. CooU Wanted. one that an coma well recommended . lor iiMluat ry nJ eleanUn.,,,., Dric" illheriven. W.,d, abo, . Vof SSfeK fears 7 age. Apply W this Office, " Sramhower Peter 1-iW.o r- n-jiinrcititr"""""" ... "... . . T -lha.-paoM. Katli- 1. W 1 i'i m Wil Um V. ,h,.r..i Joidan. K. C. PEARSON, JP.. ir. 4i r Jiurne)inp.i Tailor?! YVrilO are pood' workmen, and steady mer. WW -will find constant era; U;j mein, and l.b eral.waet.oa iprdicatiou to the subscribers ia btatcsvtlle, Ircdvli county, N. t. ' tuwiiy L l.ocKr.--