i It is even aise to abstain bm liwu. which, however wise and irod in themselves, have the mblnce of inenaUr.yhich finds no rt'sponig in the'.lWirt of the citizen, nd which will b evaded with little remorse. The wisdom of legislation i specialy seen mgr..fiifjjUi on conscience. ' Dr. Chfinninj, -if Mntr4 ! pMlied. one wf , r :9.v;: I JUifK,-, l"nHi,lirr f Iht Ia of C Wr-M. j !l m ii mi r r 1 1 i i rlr.iM.,... Tb term of Uu Wtn, CvollcUii will r y 5S,tt,"5f? rwwif '' wsM!Wilitt.1f'1itH ' ttxt ww iwf r ewnnnvN r"''wr. j-wit.v ui ,(1 ww nwrin "nmv n"" " ran wTmwigT- ILstei oi tUr l!;t:!i&t:Uf: Paiwhit tfe Firft Srtfiin pf thc'iUt L'ewfres. NIHRIB 67. . An Act to confirm certain' clsiiui to '!iv,Ut in thr r nc of .Uckn;i Court-llnuie. in thi S.n'e nf IIsi'si)pi. RE it enacted by the Senate an -! n,n.tc rJ R'firesentativet of itr Uiitt.d-S u'et cf jimerica in Covgreti aetrtnble'rf, 'IV.at a tl,e claim to Und reporrd hy iht tsier and Receiver of ihc- lmd OGTj far the Dmnct of Jaclnon Court Hoint , iii the &ts'e of Mississippi, tindtr the provis ions of the set (if Congress, uppruvecl on The twenty. fourth day ol .Mav, one tju sand eight ..iiuodivd and twenty eiht, en titled M An aC tip)lcr,ii)tiry to the &ev ersl ac's providing ( r tJie adjustment ol Itnd tl tini in the Sa'c. ol Mississippi," a; (uti'idcd on ;iny otdrr of burvcy, re qiictc, permission to Sfttlei or other uiitten evidence ol cliin derived from ' the Spanish authorities, which ouht, in 1 1 oji n jot) o I ,J)fi, 3Jtd. Jbgiu- od -U- Cfiver, to be cniifinncd, und which by the 6icl reports, appear io be dc-tived liom tr,e Spanish (jovernrnent ptior to the .twentieth-oL. Ut.cembert otw thousand rit huitdrcd and three, and the land claimed to have been ruluvaTrd ati.1 in babi'ed on or before thai day, ih:ll be confirmed in the twrnc ma.itn.r as if the title hid been comil:ied: Provided, That, In all such claims, where the pUl nd certificaie of str.vev, made prior io the fif eetith day of Ap.il, one thousand! eii it t.unarea ano iniuecn, nnuirr lie i I , ,- , ruin"' i i vi ",lr .. I'pii" j viu Liuiuim, I;'. Ti oy' ArHoai";r"rK'":' .,..,..,,, eri4'W'A-tt-l W, It .jWg-- "i f-t ii . r , ""-TurbfviinTcatTvrsTmTVT.retHn e.irK rt-ilm uhl nnf k ,-n,.tti .....ft It-. r. " I EULII 1 .. i.v. I.Vi'1111 I.IVU 1 V Bill cne person tor marethantwelv'tiui.dfed and eighty acres; -and that for a!ths otfr er claims comprised, in the reports as aforesaid, and which ought, in the opin ion of the l rpis'cr and luniver, .o he confirmed, the rtal'mant to stich !.:t;d shall IteeatUiCJ lo-a grain ibwreW, ia-( t 1. rru ,u . rir ..r . - -, . j . .loiav be neldpy the said U sttFtlfcuqijf: tion-,nrt to -exceed 'twelve liimdrert 'ntt -' v ' 1;' " ' id,lf(L aiitK. TAat Kv.li,vf -t4v rfHii .niatTvcs of Lnni. BoMrr, nuK-rcd j four, in report numbered -.brie, shall not j v,-rnnf.nncd in more ihm twel.s h. n drcd and eighty jries; and all the ctnfi,-! r ,h -,S.I .til.. ,..!! '.I (I fl'IJ "I HIV MUM IIU I'll IV it, ,11 DIM pr ints of donations, he ( tn provided 'o ii madi- shall nmount only to a relinquish men; forever, on the p.rl of the boned S ate, ol snv claim whoever to the tract nf land so confirmi 'I or jji anted, without prr jtidicfl tnh itxrres's ot third persons FtC- And be U further enacted. That evety person, or his or her Irgnl repre sentstivrs. whose claim is eml)itacelbj 'tlic'saTd'HegTsier and Uecelver in their reports numbers five, sis, and seven uf actual setileis, or tocir lej;.l represent lives net -having ary writ tn evtd?nce ol claim, sh:di, wnere it appcats by the said reports tha: Ihe land i lumrdnr settled on, had been sctnsily inhabi'td and cultivated by such person or persons, h whose i ih the same is claimed, on or before the fif 'eenth day ol Apiil.one tjitmsnndjyiv Tiundieu arr thrrteen. be entitled to a fjrant for-the Ud-ai-ctrsmed or seitled on, at donj'.ioil't Provided, Thst not more than one tract shall be granted to rttty o'Tpctiow, antl the uwvt shilfnot exceed six hundred and fuiiv acrei, to include his or her improvements and to be bounded by section.! or division! ?es; and -that no lai.iU sliall be thus granted which are cUimcd or .rccognfred by the preceding section. ..aw,y yrwtt- t)rJlirw::IaT,,fapfa sentatives, compitscd in the aforesaid re f arts f. iul ett fere, not -hovitrg- w ru . ten evidence nf claim, who, on the third diy of Mrth, one thousand eight bun s'red and"rtinetCen, rlid. as ippeifs b 'hose reports, actually innahit and culti vate a tract of land in the said district, riot claimed under anr written evidence of title lefsjly derived from the French. Irtish, or Spanish Governments, or gran ted as donation, shall be entitled 10 be come the purchaser of the quarter, sec tion, or two eighths of ant section, on which the improvements may be, and ia t!udingtbesame,it the iarae price fir SALISRUtlY, UP which other public lands arer sold at pri ,ytg:e rwVcJy That Ihe We shall -be -mtgfd wht thc7.lfgtcrpf the Liftd - . . wW wvnisa. vri wu.jiv, ii n, a.;ns h:i ic iriv'rrn rrt I- whfre any tih pVfsort U seated, tv arid iWrroTsK,: beverwed h't 8rt7ppi'hvcd' 6rt the jtwenty ccotl4diav of right -fif pre epp'iW'iifih purch.i'.e of lunds, (o rcrtVm sjtttsrs in te Siaie of Alibam.t, Mississippi, odJ Tciii-oiy ol Flti-i.Ji." S.c I. Ami it furthfrcnactaU 'tbX the li'Ayiite'r snd Hcreiver of th-: s.ti I din- irh i siuil j;osn the sjin povwer, and Perform the same duties, in rejaiiun to 'he rlitiis rorfirme.'' hy thii act, a arc given to, a'id re j;ircd of them hv ile art l Onig;rf (( he eighth of M iy, one rtiiius.tit'l eiht Uui.irci and twriiiy-ti. etitit'cil An act suppiimcntary to the M-ter.il acts for mljuviii; the tlaimn and t'tlfn " i imli, ntuj es'ahli'vhin K tod Ol fi. i-s, in thci!i'tic! F-ast of the Island of Xew Orleans." A. STn,.TVSON,t S;)cuker ofthe Mnut of K:-r,-ien!:fivet, J. c :uti)i.N, ice President of tin; United State and President 'of the Semite.- ' Approved, ijv 2:5, t AN:!.T.Y JACKSON. An Art infrrninfj t!e Trrtjs of th" J'ltlicial Courts of the L''fcd ?itatt for thr S vithcni Dittrict of New V-n V, ni.d nd Ijnij to the com prntat'mn nf h veralJistrict Judges of the REnynucfeTlJVie Senate of hefireieht.ativek if thr United H'atc oj .irtjrriea inCwigrcss ctirmbted, I itat iiere ulte r. there sh d In held, montnlv, in Iht city "f N'j'w." Yoik, "vF.ssnn nf the V riict Court of ihe Uoi rd Sr.ues for the Southern Dia'iict nf N -w York, to coin mctice on the fi st Tuesd-ar of e;irh month, and be held in h- niunner no provided !v lw for hold tip the s'a'ed erms of the sui 1 Comt. Sec 2. Jtdle it father enaetrd. That. in i an'.n t Iter, th"? s'i i h. held, annn ,!!v. , . v in ihe: ci y ot N'-w V 'rk, t"" sddriitt tl jo-k. .... t-, -r r r .l t. sessions n the tiCcm? L ourt oT ihe UN 'y, ti canvmcncc on the iaKtai(itv t r ehTiinfr, and the jistJUTid-ty of Ju!y 1nd .further, That the sail court mjv, Bt us (Iiscietton, nirrct Spf.da! esinn thereof to he held i'i Hie said.citv, lor t'tc uiil of ciimin,! eunses or suits i,n rqnrty ; lJI id ii miI aiUilmniil nrtrl itlwr I il imli,,ii - ' ' v- Srr 1 Jnrt h' it furthrr rnnrtrrt. That 1 hfe4,ler' ,ne Wici-Jud- for hc " ""hcr" l't,n nJ N,:;T York' ,c " H'e nty of Now V ork ; and there ,,c all vr 1 ;h'' s4' 1 J,,,,e ,he V' 'V onip-nsa ior, of thirty five hundied k...v. -. .T-r...'-.j..-T. l.'l. u dollars, to tie paid ..t the Treasury ol the I'nin H ties, in o Ht tei-lv inymi-nts ; toJincoui: 1 ax, there would fail to the soarc ihe Jude of the Nor.htrn Disiir.t ol New" Yoik, thr: su n ol two tho-jsiod .I d brs; and to the Ju.le for the District of ronneciiiu', one thousand five hundred dollar. Srr. 1 in Lit f;r! rn:,rtr,t. Th..'w"u'" ""C IO COtltnnUIC l,0W.U.jU. ftrAiyi-babe triri Jiiili of i hf United S ac In Di.uicti of Alasa-chuaeu Su.a--. C.ro lina, Georpi i, Altiam i, and 'OeCisU rn Oistrict cf I'coii-.ylvania, rs h ttie vc.riv compensation of i o ihousand rive iti;! dred dollai . ; ai d othe Dish ict orl of the full j wing D:'ti':t, respectively . the vesrlv compt- nj at lot, following i lo the District Ju Itfe ot North Carolini, two thousand fnl(?rjjr,j!i! tight hund-rd il .l'ar,; ol Koolc l,.(d, . AC A. . 1 I I. . . i SSMSSSIWMHISlW ll.I.Ma.A. nn. lh.i,.nr1hwitnf1rM'lrlril!. Delaware, one thousand five nunrfred dol lars ; ofMirrlit'tK ,w thousand dall.us ; of N6W Jcicv, 0.1c ttiout.t'ia lite lino died d dlais; of Vermont, one thousand two hundred dollars ; and of ihe Wesiern District of Pennsylvania, one thousand i eihi hundred dollars J lobe paid at the Treasury of the United States, in qusr- terlv piiymen'.s. r. .. iimiii 72, a-Vct-tu-'tefrtai iiut pW-An-ef4rtn th.Tnrms,errKf rli to. certairi..casei to ciar out eiitr at th- (nom ll jose of Pe IrnUuirg, or that of Kichmmt't. RE it tniced b f the Senate and Home 0 Rcfr'ttenuuivea c the United S:atei 9 America in Conrest atiembled. That ihe provuo of an ac),-passed May twenty sixth, one thousand eight hundred and twenty four, enti led "An act to author ize masters ol vessels in certain cases lo clear out either at the Custom House ol Petersburg, or that of Richmond," be, nd the tarn is hereby, repealed. Approved, May 28, 1830.' WAV COUNTY, N. C...... ..lUESDAY, JULY 37, i830. SrKKCII OF MR. M'DUFFIE, I noW ak the iattension -of i-Iie Comfnittee to a tomp&t& ,:h.kh I pto ' . . t f - t uavMV.f SJe itiU VI MIV . CUCI4I - "? !naTJf. . , at"r,r"t tliFrlSCtlartTt "r" ' .a.B.fMt-M-a-rt.ipt; 'n ais'rnu'ive justice, la the appointment nf t ix cs amorjfj (he diff 'fent p'tniona of the romm iVuty f Ijis bid diwti i i a work of the hit lest su!horiiy--id indeed, no ai)!hri'y i neiessarjr io ijve sanction to rule .if -f ieri apparent justice'4 Thit t.ie subjctt of every bute otiht to con ni'jii'c towards' he support of the Gov- eminent, as nearly aV pasMide, in propor non to the revenue which tney cntoy M' dirThe pro ectiou of tlnr-S.ale. -The ex p-nse of (.Government, to the indivuluaU nf a.rtat nation, ii like the expense of management to the joint tenants of a (rrr it csta:c, who are all obliged to con tiibutein proportion to their interests in tfns estae In the observance or neglect of this maxim qonmtt what is called equality or int qudity of taxation.' Ac cording to thii fundamental iulc, the jus lice snd equity of which no mn, I am ure, in this committee, will venture to con'roveit, an income Tax nould be the nearest ipprosch that could be made to hat equality which ouht 10 be the aim of every Government, and which our on cons itu io i, most carefully, but vainly, attempted to scurc. Wutj view to as t ertain what would be the result of such . ,,fr , .x8.v .ju uiuauwiiw wri aTeTi3 iSTiis -'"'"if, Idll'iui JUI ilUIIS Ul the Unim. hav nude an estimate of tin? ajjsrepte amount of ll the incomes of th Unicd States, i vlug as "ihe'resuli 350 000 000 Hollars. 1 have subjected tm .irnje io the test of seveial mod;s of cali uLtionx and 1 think it rather under than over the truut. A Urt'tsh economist rti-n..trrt the jo nine of CI real Hiram In 1 820, at 35O.OOO.00D pounds sterling, and I c.rttinoi Mp;;ov- a wiH be deemed ex (avaaiii io ii,nt'e the income of the United Smes, in IS30. at :JI"liuny dol lirs. V'ii4t, Utn, wuuKl.be the disiiibu tion of the burthens of Jjiejrederal.uxj i if toe people weie taxed in pio- portion to thctr mtomes tll .is to bare-, marked that trie exports ol the staple Jg'owing States constiiute the printuial p irioi uicir annun income- uut :nt 1 m iy be certain of not makinij oo lo an estimitr, 1 will assii ne that the income of ill t ie persons irsons engaged in pr .lu, ing cotton, lob jcxo, ndjr.cc1js.fcro.J).jQOai. heTrly 'double the amount of their ex ,'OItS : and t lat the HICQIHC uLthu 51i-i i ...w. gaged. in pnxlucing coMon and rice is 50 000 000 To produce a revenue ofi g24,500,00O. a tax of only seven per cent, upo i t tic aggregate inc. me of the naiioa would he ne c-isty In the apportion ment of this sum, upon th principles of ! 'f t!ie growers of cotton, tobacco and rice, 'nlv ,900,000 dollars, and to 'tut of the I ro ers ot cotton and rice, old) g3 500, wlirreas all the other htancn. s ol j o.iucive industry in toe United States. .1.. ,1- n . M n nrt im f l,t. . ....... j - l il.. I.U ! HI of i me taxes, witn i ia winch ac- uailJ r)"U-Undct oux picsou-Xesaoua sVV n ihe "rnwera ol cotton, tobacco IVI riL-, as I have heretofore shewn. now ic uaily coofihute to the support ol (i ivnmen: git 8 X) 000,b.itio' 0 ) ) 0W more ihati ineir juit propoiuoti ; and tne growers of cotton and rice con tribute 8.3000000, being 08,500,000 1 ,m M. Ctt.ttim.v. '.K. " rv-". t I-L'JH.JJ.-2'mX ft. - ilSj.l - . i j , ,cheme 0f , , ,.jon, u ;orm3m.ihat it ii. calculaiad asiytuufi those who hive not thoroughly examined the muter. With a view, therefore, of prcienting the question in 1 more prac tical and familiar point nf view, I will sup pose that general excise were imposed upon all those productions which const C.Abl Unian, and thai the ttnpos du'te-s upon foreign eoramerce were reduced let I J 2 !i.'.nMJ"' e. Aa , met a q je sU-xjoi ritstribulivo justice, it cannot be douistcdTP'-bylul' for a siiomrm,-thai. ihe exthanpe. nf in tcrnal commerce- should be subjected 'o the very same impositions wlih the ex changes qf foreign commerce. It is es sential, indeed, to the perfect equality of taxation, that all indirect taxes should fall precisely alike upon all the production! of domes'.h industry, mad br manufac tui cd lor sale, whether at hoti or abroad. If the planter is called upon to pay a cer tain per rentage upon the annual value of the cotton he exchange, for foreign manufactures, upon what hutnan principle cm it bo contended, thit the farmer is noli eqaaUy MUr,l4-payth aamK per centae upon the at.fafoejfjiailtl and otKer poddctTns. which he eicbsages wit n i n 3 neihn-tiptr minufa wun ma n.e.ijn.arin minuiacturer : atvi tionT-aronot g ully ttabtV-4ipjh tarns; pscxiae j9iwAefHWi of the manufaCturev they 'cxchanSe for Dr nc D e. d frer nt? on in Mho so tar. particular, that they fall upon difTcfent' productions of domestic industry. And whether the tax ultimately fulls upon the. producer or consumer, a just regard to tlfb principle of equality would require that all the producers and all the consu mera of ihe country, should equally t;ar ticipatc in suMaining the financial, bur I hens of the Slate. , r ' ' Il the value of the cotton exported by the planter is to bo regarded as (he mea sure of his income, upon the very same principle, the value of the grain sold by the farmer, or of the cloth sold by the manufacturer, ahould be regarded as the measure of his income, and the duty im posed accordingtf. ..- Novr Sir, it will be found upon exami nation, that a general system of impost and- excise duties equally applicable .to all -'corn m ef ci il e xc hah gei, w he t h er for- lienor internal, would faring us almost to the very same result as an income tax The advocates of the prohihi'ory sys tem have habitually dwelt up-)n the in-significance- of our foreign, when com pared wi'h our internal commerce. In the well known address of ihe Ilarrisburg .C'uu wnuoaviiTaMMa, jy m4 4-hai -4 he -in-' tern j1 commerce of the Union amounted to 8500:000,000, being nearly ten times 1 he amount of our for ign commerce.. I think this ''estimate extravagant.; and will no', therefore, use it, even against the manufacturers .themselves. It may be safely assumed, however, that the inter nil commerce of the Union amounts to two hundred and eighty millions, exclu sive of the coisting trada in freign merchandise. It fullo therefore, that while the whole of the taxes of the Fed erd Government are thrown upon less than one fifth of all the productions of national tndujirv the aTT-r.i'e amount flinortVb'elngle thitre are Tirodactirai capntly: liibfe re taxation upon every principle of equity and juslice,'a(iM)Uiitihg to 8380,Q3o,Odo; which are not only entirely free from all Government institutions, but a la'ge por :ion of which actually receive Govern ment bounties I Sir, it is in vain for gen rB.fnc.f to aUeP" disguise this gross mei vague notion thattheTrrrnrtabartrreTTOf luxation f.i J ts c xdu si veljt. up m ,:ba toaui-. racr. L.vcn u. this were true to the tet ter, 1 would not materially vary the case j as to the unequal npermim ol the reven ue laws upon the dillerent sections of the Union. Tnc compliint i, that upon less than seventy mid. .his ot the commercial exchanges of the countr, principally belonging to the planning States the whole of the federal taxes are levied) whilo upon commercial exchanges eqtul ly liable to taxation, belonging to ihe far ming and manufacturing States, to the vast amount of $ 80,000,000, no impost - " J . ii 'i IX N0W 1 challenge anr gentleman to nolo. I out a singje instance in the history aLlbe twofld I will nat except the cruel exic- tions of the Kotmn Government fTom the conquered fruvinces that caii bo com pared with our own revenue system, for the injustice and inequality of tha contri butious it draws f'otn the people of the Southern and Southwestern Sues When all the States of this Union were ttmncriTeTTa'rM were interested very' - -as ,. v-. , - --WW . . .. , . neany m anr qua io err eJTLinfijoje IgU lice resulted, from making ihese ex caanggy sustain tita wi of the Government. But e ven in 1790, the period to which I refer, Alexander Ham iltoa, the putative father of' the prohiol tory system, deemed it unwise and inex pedient to carry the duties up in foreign merchandise higher than seven .and stonUbed, if anr owe rrfdr "prerlrrted ttnTT in Icsi than foriy. yeara;SIi.,l90.0QQ'..out of" a" reirenuo of 23,000,000, would be nin'.rrpaTtof the produ'ctTve industry and commclai exchrie of the union J ' I am jure, Mr. Chairman, if gentlemen did not permit thetmelves to be carried a at a away or e mere aistincllon In names, this iiriei'iit distribution of the taxes would a'.rika them more forcibly ihio ii now coea. if the whole revenue of the United States were raised by an excise, and Instead of levying an impost on thr merchandise imported, tn excise duty to the lame extent , were levied upon our toiton when aoH to the merchant, and Villa. XI..J..N4I. aw,' beforo It reaches ins custom house, the? to r-y One. T " n d i;ot tnen n di an excise cuty ot iony ptp cent, fjorn ... I ... " a . ftjf -amrtinttntcf;riin b 'Wif T"trrtltu"(Sof tl fhi" fnttnn mi.' .. oirn.r.rL t. txacttrtrW'dtttytiT heretofore hown,.that-an impost duty U precise!? eqniyalent to sn export- duty upon the same commercial exchanges, . t follows, from the same counts of reason ing, that an excise duty paid upon cot'ort when it leaves the storehouse of the plan tar, is precisely equivalent to 'an.''; export dot? paid ati he cu von rT equally taxes up'in tlieproduc'tions of t.ho planter, arid operate preciuety alike in all their bearing, whether we regard them as throwing the burthen of the U upon the producer or the consumer. And I', have no hesitation in saving, that 1 woukj regird a liw imposing an excise out of forty per cent upon all the cotton sold by the planters in the United flutes, arid providing at the same timu lliar foreign" merchandise received in exchange for it, might be imported free of duty, as mak ing not the. slightest change in ihe bur 11) ecs nader : w bicTw e M w laborv HotT then, let me ask and 1 beg gtntlrmen 10 answer me the question, if with r Jear con sciences they can how would law strike them which pnivjded. In lerm, that atv excise duty of forty per cent, should be le vied upon all the productions of (he South ern States, whereas ol the immense a, mount of the urtulucjLiruKif Middle, antf Western States, only twenty i 1 millions should be subject fs j imilic ' ' ' ,xI.I..i.?ai Ihcxcjnaioi exprcssl v exTmpted from " any I'm posit irio - at all! Would such a law bear inspsnion I Would not such an invKliwv-und m jmr"" distinction shock the moral sense of every man in the community f And ye-, Sir, the law I have supposed, would do no ': thing more than express, in words, what actually exists. at this moment in the ;iiue laws of this UovhrrimeiH.wTp- . 4 , ped up and disguised in tha hdirectnesi ' . of their operation, and the genetalitf of - ttie terms in which they ire expressed Bfitislt--prmtjctinn.-f'--brglrp which spcaKs in strone terms ol the in tolerable wretghtorCruinjTaiK a conclusive argument in fvor oJ-a t9 ------ ducfion of the taxes, the writer assert. thit they amounted, including the com - Isws and p-jirr rates, to a tax of 33 I 3 per cent, upon the income of eyery .-individual . i., ln4lllCbgdontv-T.hU-hrregs being trrrery oppressive, th4( no JnpU - .1 &93li passiblf .ejidute - 8tn eve- r if cotton planter-in ma Utii'etl StatVs," -r ' par a tax of al leasfSS I 3 X.e"rf VnjuT upon his inebme, 10 sustain the Federal ' Government, in addition to his contiibu- ; tion to the revenue of th State in which ' ha resi les. Indeed, as almost the whole of his income i derived from the. ex changes ol foreign commerce, the tax he piys upon the annunl amount of that In-, come cannot be estimated at much lest than the rate of the duty wtiich i indj. rectly laid upon the productlona of hit industry. And ihua it i, that while e 4 nte-vairtty-aTtd" IgnoT mty sstitig"rou treedom Irom taxaiion, the people ol a PilonLJhtJ.Ttuoaare-subjaa-l- more oppressive bunheo than the most heavily tixed people on the face of the earth. - Thus fir, Mr. Chairman. ! have enn fined myself to the consideration of the re fiifil operations of the Federal Gov ernment, and have attempted to show riejirrgusi action nt yngt wfy tern upon different -parte of-ilw-UHtrt, - V - - - - - w aar W Ul J IUr" I. . . ' wunQututcifnca to U prottotTmarTor l.a.l r .X f fa qi onmetic tnaustry. U now bccunni my duty to Itace the operation of what hat been very Inappropriately denomined the protecting system, and to ascertain. If possiute, how f,r it ron tribute to increase the ineoualits of tha butthtr.s Impisedby the FedtralOovern. ment upon tne people of the itapleErow- An"d,Sir, Ut jt btirememhareX that a..' revenTje-iystemigrbSUy'ahd palpably unequal io itself, tvstem which! under . TotiVw6aid levy ttie entire amount offtie iTcdeul fixes from one Rfth psrt of ihe produc liotn of the Union, while the other four, fifths are entirely exempted from all minneror impositionlet it be remem bered, I lay, that this is the substratum uponwhicb hss been reared up this mon strous ar.'d iniquitous, superstructure the protecting system. It did not aa isfy the manufacturers and their conlederatei, that the whole expeose of suppsrti.se the Federal Government ahould be" sustained bf those brauchea of domesMc; induitfj 1 ' f -'4 .J

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