rrive at 'Irwin.sviRe ty 7 a m, and at llu'bcrfordton same day by 5 p m. . 2 1 S 3 From S.,!i ,burr by , Fulton, to Uuntsvtlle, return byJIOcksville ta Salis bury, once week. ; - T- l.eicf Salhbiirtf cvtry TbiHiiajr it hrson, arrive at Munttville same day, and t SalWwjrrrerjr F riday by tl alii.; 2 1 5 1 Frpro Morgant'own, by Pleasant --GarcltfWf 01 1 Fort, and SwannajipiV& Aili: ville, 60 mile? and back, once a w eek in U . ata.ttes.. - r-A 7 , Leave Morgantown every Sa'ttrday at ."";', m, arrive at AsavUi tame day by 6 n m , , - ; arrive at jiaorgawown aarnc uy uy ivpni - ' . . Iff" .t i. , I llJi-FrotTr 34; Leave Mpreantown every Monday 8t 9 t oil arrive at SutettltaeveVy Tuesday v by 5 p m. .' ' " ' -vyS Leave Siatetville every Wednesday at 6 am, arrivo at Morgantown evtry Thurs- ly by 5 p m. . . v 31J4 From Charlotte, by Alexandrians, IlkKory Grove, Mount Mourne, State .;-;,'-;.v-?ille,'Mdanii Pleasant, Stonev Point, and Bogles,, to WUkeboro,Mf9 milea and 7;7 y back, once a week, in stajjes ;. v . V- ! Leave Charlotte every Tburaday 'it'll tn, arrive at Sutesville ama day by 9 p m. t I C..i.m)I mm Crisis at C ;tn, arrio at Wilkebbart aame da by 4 , -'''y ro. ,' j; .Leave) Wilkesboro every Thirrtday at h J a m arrive at Charlotte every Friday by 7 2157 From Chapel Hill, by Clover ; i, Garden. Newlin'i, Longa Mill, Troy'a '" Store, New Salem, New Matket, Hunt'a j5uira and BrummeU t-Le Kington. H u,f turn by way of Fair Grove, be Grange, and Mew Market equal to 83 miles and back once a week. '-.wJtieave Chapel Hill every Saturday at 5 f; f Leave Lexington every Mondiy at 6 a ' rn, arrive at Chapel Hill every Tuesday . J li-JJ6 P.m -. 2158 From Aihville, by Mill Run, j; ClaytonviUe, Calhev's Creek, Toxnway, . , v S. C. Keowee, and Pickcni c h. to Pen dleton, 92 miles and back, once in two eeks. v Leave Aabti'le every other Monday at . rtm, arrive at I'endleton the neat Wed nesday by noon. Leave Fendleton every other Thursday '. ; at noon,' arrive at Ashville the next Sat' ljii.irrdr.byjg-p:nu-.- f rom Ash v Ulr by. Tni key Creetf; j?kfhlirt IC "h." Of" -WbynlsvlHel - and ". Jk-'. JP'aaklio.-iO-Clayton. Ga., 98 inile and ; , : . i...back. oace.a week. I '--Leav AahvtHetvtry Mrtdsyat fr.t ra, arrive at Clayton eveiy Wfdiiesdy by 6 rnr "77 ,'Letve Clayton every FriJiy'at 6 a m, arrive at Aahville every Sundry by 4 p m. MarthiV ViQlyard,md l&ywbnd,Mo Fittsboro and Chapel Iill equil to 73 miles and back, once a week. Leave Chapel IMl every Saturday at Jam, arrive at F-yetteville every Monday by 4 p m. . Leave I'ayeCteville every Tuesday at 5 a m, arrive at Chapel Hill every Wednesday by 6 p m. "7 : 7. ; -2161. From Morganuwn, by Little River, North Cove, Hear Creek, Ha Icrtvillf, GrecnWesville, and Ivy, to " Asbville, 01 miles ndTackr-oc Leave Morgantowo every Saturday at 4 a m, arrive at Ashville ever' giirtlay by 8 p m, . Leave Ashydlc every Monday at 4 wtarrire-,t Morgantown every Tuesday by 8 p m, - ai62.-From Statcsville by Thoma' . 1. ... IV. !,.oi,;U. ud rack, once a.wet Lave ytatcsvtlle rrtrr Mooday at 1 p m, arrive at Mouotaio Creek aame . day bvToo, Leave naouotata Creek every Mnn- rT tlar tt'HT- wi.- artlve at Ptatesvtilfr lama day by 11 a m.- 5163. From rittsboro, by Hamey - Mills, Tick Orrk, l'adrrwno.4fjpjf AMen'a FtorcMolTit'i Jtlill, Hmwer'a MilK WddVe'a Ferty,-Tvtot.'s Siom boro . equal to J muca ana oacc, lQtttA k.. - - -. --' -; '.7 ,'LeavcT Pittsooro. Crtfy Jo3J ' at 8a ro, and return ao at to arrive at Pittsboro every Friday by 4 p m. S164'. ttbtn Went worth, by Troub ' Iesome Iron Worki, Martiosvillr, Oreeosbr.ro, Centre, Mendenbaira stills, and Gardncr'a Store, to Ahbo. to I tnilta and back, twice a week. Leav Wcntworth everjf Tburida od Sunday at 3 p m, arrive at Ah " bro1 every Friday aod Mooday by 3 p m. . , ,?- . r Si60.-Frcm Chaprl HHl, br Pttts '.. 7. Eoro, lay wood, andeld Store, to !".'""' "'' Favettcti(te,'tKencV by NorthTn gtrna, L?sve Ashboro every Wednesday and Saturday t 10. a ra, arrive at Wemworth every Thursday and San- day by 12 noon, 2165. From'FayetteviUe, by Packet OSce, Carthage, Mechanics Hill, Caledonia, and Hill s Score, to Salis bury, 1 12 miles and back, once a week. Lsave t ayetteville every Monday at ( a m, arrive atSaUshuryaveryThurs day by 10 a m. Leave Salisbury every Tfiur,day.at 3 pm, arrive at Fayette ville every Sunday by 5 pm. 2163. From Fayettrville, by New t . ' MorgaoVStare; nd jCbisnolfO's Storcv Leave Faveucville rverv Friday at 6 a in arrive at "Silisbury every Ma w day by 9 a m. Leave Salisbury every MncUy t 3 f hi, arrive at I'yetteville every Thu'sd iy by 4 p ra. 2167. Fron Chrw, S. Cy Stieedbiro',N. C. Morven, Shrpa Store, VVaJeibow',' Iteard'a Store, Norwood S'lfitb'a Store am! Kendatl' to Sili'i)ur'. 3( ml'.ea ami back, twice a week. in riorfe KtiRt'S. - Leave Clieia eery SaniHv ami Wednti-Uy at 5 a oi, arrive at SJi.-bary MonUy and f (mr day'by 11 a in. Lea9 S!ibury every Tuecv and Friday at 4 am, arrirc t lirxia every Wednesday and Saturday by 1 1 a m. 516. Fro-n.Rrtckinghatti to Cheraw, S. C. 22 miles ami back, once a week. Lave ll'ick.njrhim every WeWly at 4 a m, arrive at Cheraw, aime day by 9 p rn. " Leave Cheraw everey ..Manday at noon, ar ri ve at Kockingliam raine day by S p m. 2169. From Lumberton by PliiladelpHiu, Monipvlier, UoKvar, Co per Hill, Stewartsvillc, Queeiiidatr, and AlfordVville to Lumbcrton, eqnai to 4 mitetand back, npre a week: Lea ce Lumbcrton every Monday at h a m, ar. riveat StewartaviiU every Tuei.lr by 9 a m, and at Ijitnbrrton the aame dy by 7 p m. it71. "Front Warrenton by RanomT Bndr , Belford, and iliUiarditown to Nhvitlc, 4 1 mild Aui, bck; xclu Leave Warrcnion every TuMcJayat 10 a ro, arrive at Naahville every Vednetil.,y by 10 a m. Lravc Nailiville every M'edneida'y at 2 p m, arrive at Warrenton every Thursday bv 2 p m. 2171. -From . Uilifiia hy- IXtwuM'a-$-Jto4,t, Scotland Neck, I'alinyra. and Clark jore, to Il.imilton. 4i unlea aiul buck, onoetf -week. - Leave Halifax evnry iiirlay at 5 a m, arrive at Hamilton tame day by 7 p m. Leave Hamilton every Wednaday at 5 a m, arrive at Iblifix tame day by 7 n m. 2 72. From Tarboro' by Payis't Store, Ham. iHon, Williamaton, (ardnera Jtridr, I'lymmith, vnil Cool 9ri;ijr to Columbia, UK) miles and back, onre a werk. liivc Tarboro' every Tbiir!ay at 10 a m, ar rive lit Hamilton me day by 6 p m. Leave Hamilton nost day at- 6 a m, arrive at Itlnoutb aivy I'tay by 4 p m, v Lfavr f5:jni6 eycrx.. antNSuiiy at J. a r ar.. rive at Coin mHia errrT Saturday by T p in. Leave Citti-uoia every . Aloiulay al- i m, r rive at Prymmi'h'iaTie day by 8 p m, at llvnil. every Ttieby by- 6 p.rm, and at " 1 artroro' every frdnraday by 5 p m. 7.217JJjona,.ffaRtoaby Ci'dw-XA'atafo, Los. II uae Landing, Oermanloan, Svcisulall, and-lake I.aitilin to Middleton, Mtnilea ami back, "ic a week. '- lia U'abington every Fri.lay at . a af. rivc.at iliJllrU.i.eery SalunUv hv ft r'"- Leave MidiVeipii f very M'tJaenky a m, arrive at iravfrfnvion r rrrv Ttnim.hy bv 8 "o m. biro i'prinif Hanlt, kinrtn, Cora En:ie and Cove Crerk to Nebern. 120 milea and back, tic a week, in 2bore a'apea. Leave llaleiu'i every llsiiday and Thunday at 10 a m, arrive at NewbcrU avery Wedncwlay and Saturday by 4 p m. I.ran Ntwhernevcv Mondv and Thursdiy atftatr, arrive at Ualeiyb every Wrdoeada) mid Saturday by 4 p in. Si 75. Trcm FateVcville by Enrabribtoan. an I West Prvk to Wil.ntngton, 83 im'ca auJ backr, thrre times a week in 2 liorv a'aea. - Iav FaeUeille ery Tiday, Yhumday, ami Saturjay at 4 a m, arr'ivt at U'tl.i.ingiun neat day bv 11 a m, Lerw 1tmm--ii Tverr-ltutidivr'VT-edncvlgnirty'Tjf ndealrrig. wilh the Jcvil, lie day, and Fr'talav at 1 p , arrive at FayeticviHe na rliyvhy 5 jrrn. .216. Frwa iNcabernby Trent Bri.lire, Crta Soatl, ?anboru', French Mill,anJ Onalow c. h., to Wilmmjion, IM badca, oct a week and back, in 2 hurse-alters. Ieav Ntrn every Mjnjny t 5 a rn, ar we at U inutt(f.i..vt.y I',i4day ky 1 1 m.- Leava i!mniglon every U'ednraJay at I p m, arrive a' Newbern t very Friday by i 1 p ra. 'JIT7 I'mm AVilmtiii'liti he Ortui, la lmilh. ' jvinr, hum wiuuaca,iwitc uuo Jviltr. ."! It l l. t I. - lavti Wilnrinrtrrr rrerj 9qm!ay aod U'asL r-frtay all p m, anive aa taiibviUe same days by 8 p m. I.av Rmi'hvlllr tmy ulay asd tVrtlnra (fay at 4 a m, arrivejt Hil.ninjtoq same oats by nam. rs r.nTi Wn'n;rti y ratvt rtri-ja ta G'a"t. I y Iti'l, 4 J miUt a-vl bek, once a week. Iavt Wilmingion TTf " Wnlneailay at 2 p m, am-re at Gravelly Mill every T&uradiy by 5 9 an. -ltrwi :ravf ryttitl evvr-r TtirsT if7Vm. arrive at vV.dmiogton every VtctlneUay by 10 Leave Newbera every l mjar at J a m, ar .r.Tl""rTr"T v rr 7 tv r ,0 lutt "i.cta;t orUea.. with iheen tal thxxwua44 ar.dTnto. to .New bera, 137 miles and Uck, Southern and Southwestern, portions entire demand for cotton iu t?jc mat-0" 1ni -Jl'.kJ?ll.r7!sOiJ'V-nrir aaweawerk. . r ; ...... f.thiaJni- . ... J7:7: TtttlVCf the h .?. IJrZw.'Ttr fJl ! I Pot unaware Sir, f the prrva- d-d, trn hundred and Mihi- ,K,i i ia " u. 4IIVIJ m i'Siw m 'v.ia w var , vms I rtv at FaVetteviile every Wedneaday by S r m, 2100 lroiri-kteBanevdW by Hocknib to VJ. mington, 54 aailea ami back, nrt a week. Leave Krenaatville evrrr Friday at 2 p irt, arrive at tVilailnirtcm every Saturday b) 6 p av Lrava U'ilainirnMi every Ttvurwlay at 5 a en, arrivf at Keejavii: every Friday by 10 m. S 1 8 1 From Onalow e, lu to Richlaoda, 1 4 a lies aod back once week. Lea't Onalovc. b. every Thursday at 3 p B, arrive at Kicblanda aame day bv 7 f tve R ch W mry Thursday at 8 a m, a. rivt at Ok dew r. b, H . . . r ' '. ' .' .: - . v' . 2132. From Newbern by Bordinsv'dla U Beaufort, 45mi!ua and back, once a week, , Leave Newbern every Tburaday at a m. ar rive at Beaufort same1 day by 7 pa Ltave Beaufort every Wednes lay at 5 a m, arrive at Newbero aame day by 7 p m. 218J. From Smithhelj by v. fcttiey's to btan. tonburg 39 mi'e and back, once a week. Leave Smithfield every Wednesday at 5 a m, arrive at Stantoiiburg Mine day by 7 p. m. Leave Stantonburg every Thursday at 5 a m, arrive'! Smithfi-ld same day by 6 p m. iJ: - ?J From Currituck c. b. to f opto Df inch 17 ruilei and back, once a week Leave! Currituck C. b. every Friday at ? p ra. arrive at Poplar Branch aame day by 6 p ra. Leave Poplar Branch eveay Friday at 6 t m, arrive at Currituck c. b.aame day by IQ am. All conlraeii for routea embraced in this ad- t J vertiaement shall commence on the firat day of i . t...: .: .... l-i . l. i ; . . peciaiana on bid will b: 'rrtade kn.Wn pntbe 13th day of. October -t 7:7 SPKPJCII OF MU. 'M'DUFIR, Against the Prohibitory Syi ua. (Ctntinutd J This system, which has been grad ually built up, as far as it rus goner, bv successive acts of. Congress, upon the ruins of Southern comrnrrce,.has now become, in the estimation of some gentlemen, an object of idolatry too sacred o be touched without profani ty. When, at an early period of the session, I hd the honor to introduce bill to. modify the existing tariff, hy a very moderate reduction of the duties very extraordinary excitement was manifested. A gentleman from Penn sylvania rose in his place, and as if some great indignity had been offered gainst the majesty of the protecting system, approaching to the guilt of treason,' the measure wa3 unceremoni ously condemned, and strangled at the very threshold, without the commpn forms of parliamentary proceeding. The gentleman to whom I allude, (Mr. RAMSfif) as art excuse for a course so trtrasa 11 ''atitf natfeou rfeous,"' "irate "J thnT he had no idea of having the repeal of the tariff ot 1828 discussed or agita ted, until we had ascertained, by ex perience, whether it was really as it had been represented.- Mr. CflAl ft M an, I should be very unwilling to permit an ignorant physician, wholly unacquainted with my constitution and habits, to indulge in experimental quackery, at the imminent hazard and almost certain sacrifice ol mv life. For the same reason, I cannot consent that the vital interests of jny couatitu - mts should jbc pjit to. hazard upn4U result, of a-experiment in political quackery, wh ch tan only end in the ruin of "tltoVe interests. Tlhe gentle', niati aaysgive: h trial jnor rflifcta ioe that wheu the result is asccrt.in- cu, me uauciu may oe aeau. ttnat What has taken placcV'fofcTblv reminds me, Pir, of the mode of trial adopted into be produced aunjallv, articles of ! rium,,n 0 "-Tuonm' ra the final eataS timea not Hite 'enltfAtcnetias-Theithrsc-rvjrious.' kind, M the nmnr:nf r.f5Unvrt-tlrB rlfthtf of im"- - - - a - water very simple, and, as it was no doubt supposed, perfectlv fair and equitable. A large stone was tied around the neck of the person accused, . and sheVwas C-st TiiTo deep water,' under the verv natural belief, that if she was really would not permit ttr to aickr H btie, therefore, humanity cried out for the rrscue of the struggling and sinking victim, the stern justice of the times replied, let her alone I let her alone if ahe.be really a. witch she-certainly will not sink." I need hardly atate to this enlightened audience, the final ssue of the truT. .. Tne . innocence of the accused was most exclusively cs-tabrHhrd,"-but -unforrra 'ktelyT6r'"tKe poor old woman, it was not ascertained until after she was emsigoel t a wa tery grave,- and placed boyond the bope of resurrection. An J sor hf f?'trf will be the inevitable fate of that ble fate of that Prentj for . a? cert .lining .ih.fi. guj!t.or J tyytlyc aullLiiaciiLiiljri. u. innoceneerof WtafoTeneTa'bTe qMTVA n MuVt br.cn produced W fr the' " l,,0MU w Uc um,t men," xfrargf tf 'irtrtrtlrrdre-adful' crime prtecrV NtS" gTveiV " the mV It foITows fT f " 4rkkW '"Mt a of witchcraft. In the dark ages otiticn, as a corollary, ti at at leust an' ",,k,''"-l,cJ jurisprudence, these predestinated vie equal amount of tnes, article of Sr-1 , Cnv m inJ M lU tints were subjected to a species of cij-i production, must have been c x . ' ,,,U'M'' 00 tnal, denominated I bel.evr, the dude J. Hat these -re the very ,ru. ! -,-;-t; ---iJ-.un Hat like - Ui -uiucrti. i :ic i lour in iriii wzv branchof our foreign commerce, which itory effect of our ur.tT, it will h w : ',x cnipron.is, fr ihV.r rights. Itep" is the rightful and' almost exclusive that we have gained a made, for 15'J , J'rM,n.V Z A iw. viirkwij, their fttsvi...-tfrtyf"tH-p1antinj'"Stalti.'."I 1000 halci; L aaa.liNg ime f or n,J r','it ibeVaVn.-!!, ,f ih have no idea of indulging rcntletaeo 000. Frow - th rtwi '-i'-nrl't tva f',L 'w n tt'lfL ence of an idea, that the Oorercmrnt stands pledged to maintatu the system of high and prohibitory duties, from the mere circumstance of having once enacted it. Nothing can be more ut ttrly fallacirt'is, thatt the idea that the faith of the Government is concerned ia the maintenance f ao unjust asd oppressive system, limply because it bat been adopted. It assumes that the Government is iomt ideal being I at Washington, who lias persuaded the maoufactqrers and others concerned, to invest their capital in certain pursuits, by fcivinsr them the assurance that the high duties would be maintained. Now, Sir, what is the Government by which this pledge has been given -to the manufacturers f Is itBinposed of the Representatives of these very f manufactarerjy and o4kOaiereii is sciatedwith-nheiufTnaking togetner that interested and despotic majority, by jwhich the most undoubtedTfights and interests of the minority have been sacrificed! And, Sir,' is it to be eiwiurediRitlithtSecjho rtmatmit&menihrfVU croachmenta upon the rights ot the minority? Sir, I protest against a do trine which thus sanctifies and consec rates to-day what was admitted to be injustice and oppression yesterday. What, then, let us briefly inquire, is the tedencv, and what has been the effect, of the high .duties imposed tor the purpose of protecting manufactures and other domestic productions? It is top plain to admit of .argument in deed it has befn candidly admitted by r lhairuvtn ot the Committee on Manufactures, in former discussions, that domestic productions can only be protected by prohibiting the foreign ankles that would c me in competi tion with them. He openly avowed that he aimed at prohibition, and it wiuld have been folly to have aimed at leis, if ne really meant to give pro tection. No duty can pjve any protcc- lion to any domestic fabric, which does! not exclude a similar foreign iabric ; and in the very nature of things, the amount ot protection .cannot exceed the arpont of prohib.tion, though it mavTmr g iTuift of It. You cannot create demand, f ir tx ample, lor hhv d -mebtic manufacture, by legislation, otherwise - than by tx- chiding a similar foreign manufacture ; i our, calculating no doubt to be haadaomely re iind" as your legislation is calculated Baled and foanted, even to satiety, upon full fed to enhance the pl KC of tne article, j 1"sh both of a przuniury and Jiuliiical flavor. vou certainly cannot create by it a de- J m ind for a grcatrr amount of the do- tnetitc fabric than vou exclude of the j foreign. It may be confidently as-' sunicd, therefore, that wlutever may he the amount of iron and salt, and J manuTactures of cotton, .wool,-ironi auu-hempy w4vch Kove- been brrhgrrt : ,n4W ucl w 'aa-Kbeitov we-Att jptrri--mm existence hi thetrimetI'Sutes",'by'i " k"e""6riMir own k'tivwintj) prove It oly the system of high protecting dunes, etW,h! ?.?h. !n3 15t?,.r''lrf .Ke- at lea-it an e'cUiaLa 'mount of forcigV ri ' n,uOTc,' " Viriy Tl'. iiM-rejiVth La val prodaCtTfihsV has been t xciu'ded &y !,we':wMl" tdLt '' "dSinayVtKe" feellaT UiocJaUjCA-.li-uUl-wi bu deciiml-""1 ltllt y4-" fhefrrhrrat-p-7Ty-7sr an cxtravainni tsumate to suann i Tthat the protecting system has caused : i -j - u , .l i i ! we receive from (rrai Hrit- ain, France, and 11 )anl, in echan.t ! for our agricultural staple. !?y . ,. - . . f r- ' 4 S lBf,vc ",""lJ", 1,1 .,sucn wpportcn and tdma.tr.. mil eo.. to cles, therclore, we ecesiUy diain-: US the foreign dem md for our staples, j v mu-t tbert f re rlm.NaM. the Republics ? "d..PrilP?,.,I C 'Uo" V.' hat.aoJuuuUlyr4Uv.-H,errnWwtr Uoon W V -"7 "" ' ie con- mptrrrTjr trnr CTltrrn Tn Lurupr, but .Mr-nit as the have antuiSy ri!,d themsehri, that v.hich is impused by .ur rdusal . .rhr.i ..p.n il.o, vho have ro i-ppcttu. to take manufacturea u cx-ha-gc f..rjm.y ti rrrutin'-ic tlicr rnnuplre. al icight It. I., thercforr, we wt re prnntited , lUrrf re !(- m. Vd bv i.smcs. ! tderalism ran to import the f 12, (X)0,tXXJ worth of;wer hnle if a jiiring McmjaUea Vv a couBUf. jnanulacimea that h-t'e Uea e achd-' fri -rt.' No kt them cfru'ie It at " ed bv our commercial rrstrictioni, or 1 hr .).l,,Hlwill iuconc,lmnt brrenctrated. rather, if thcy l.ntl never been cxJad.i ?V only cuttriwa ti.e opiwor. o'v nwd if o td by those restrierinv, it cnmt be'rt,,r"-,tt0,l" the seh.M! ot honest repub'4. in?!''l . d.'mt)uJ..iIu. w -tlhiutd itrM-n-u vily . iittlrr vtmrf now" luve a demand in Luiope (or ,frl j'J1 confidtncs that the prupl will aup 400,000 bales nf ctton, bctond t!te "or' " ""i cor.CJcnee Va injured bv ths existing demand. F.vtn, t'oerelore, if' we grant, what is net the fact, that the wh If ot ihs rl.un.-ti'K' tT,1tni frrt, ton, has been produced bv thr nrAh'.l.. bales. In addition. ihV. , .k. ... nUl bUllhen hr Iw.r. ... t. v WW - , ... ymj .K oc j oatics upon ns impirts he it still prr- merre l.v me aviitiaai r-oncv oi hit own govern mfn" , .ifTtfot continued. J imueu so oNi-.g into tae rountrr. the' ., ' planter auitait ao .nnnal loss of Sr-1- ",lUf wh l 500.000, being the.vle 0f the cotton ' " "r ?" V' W " ' d mM w lor which he ha, lost a market, in tun.1 .T T 7 V"'"1 cquence of the" unjust rrs.net on, im J , 7 !,mMJ'n, b5eU I -r nosed ..r-s... V.. lifT.l !" T ! ,J "eeaai,, wd! be fond Jath,. U - i i '"m Lunmrire iv i f'ti Tlt-t Jl'TITU KT fOlf.UJll. AUGUSTS 1830. Non dviurn.ar lor pri'jubentium. ifion vuina miiarms tyraiuu- Mente d'tatit anlida. rtenn Autter Ru inq-iiett turbklua !frlri, .: v Kec ftilinina'iiia magna Jovia aiaftui s iate 0 a jvat toil., science, and will not awerve from mbonrit dii. charge of his duties by the cvtcriea of the pop . utuce or the fro win of a tyrant. A rfltn, uh'o engagrj or connect himself vttlt the affairs of our cuuiitry, as they ten3 loele vate our national grandeur, forward our proi perity and estabHsh, upon a solid basis, oiu moral and intcl'.tciaiil chwkCter, must, as the poet expresses it, be upright an:J firm of pur pose, whom, not die iioTeiiceoT the pooulact clamoring fur wrotijr, na'r tiie countenance of a threiitening tyrant, uar the turbulent ruler d the stormy Adriatic, imr the mighty arm of the God of Thunder can d-ter from Ins filed Trio lution, and v. ho, "aimdit the wreck pf matter and the crush of worlds," stands unmoved. Xa itnlividual, who is engaged in bis country's ser vice.no matter how guiltless and guileless bis course may be, can encape the unjuat and ini. quhioua accusations of the foul mouthed De famer. The liar nd tlandertr were uriiparous. and have infested and harassed the better part of civilued Society, for :tiiu beyond the retch cf memory. Even though our walk in !ife is humble a4 unobtrtnive, yet our character, as well as our purse, has suffertd in no small decree from the and corrupted treuchtry and faltehood. Vcs ' hungry vultures, no longer able to stay their voracious appetite lor the honesty a ft J vir. tue. i human -cW aeer, hac pounced bpoa " But v. e think they will find it by far, too toufh ll)r U:r feeble- jaws it will stick by the way, sntJ nMy " a!1 hunun probability choke some evn t0 blachfu. "r PPcr ha the reputatian of b'e'mj the I mt1 "bcrally patronUrd Jonnal in the Sta. A- rorbei"krt,-fil mis secuon oi me country, and thev no w loot . "haft ! Thcy ec KoL"8 ,he complete ( . - ... . . r ,, 'rom vi;i:n wiry can crriveanj nopc.lBit i. j- , . . . Il ijuhy it it ti psi away, and to be no lonirer if tti mbirr'J but ai a aubiuLt uvr .. i ... i . . uii.u neriui riiiw-y. in ,fri: gcvernmrnt ara .tb wtiixyt y..i.nm iiy yffM; K'e' "'th t-f the cau,c v,-c advocate ly the , ,,er"".' ' ' ' 'be pri-icipU-a we sup.j.i, and :Lt i ait.' ..hmii.,1. .1 hn,t ,i... re"" 1 ,ml '')' 'l' vhoia.nl f.rm and conUad. Pom,ii ,a r tin) b. it maim I a i . t The grt lerg'li A tb- fdverti-e-veat aimiv papci. V it taiv ri be t- Ut u ativa fi!l safltfaetba tu thte aba dtaVsd tkaur ptdM' ' the t'oat iiUicm tii iiiHn..., k.. . ... . ... . - .i s .

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