- . ' ,;::: S it MM'.r 7 a fn lit J if k ) if cuy rif j p in. . . . a I. rott riis'ur lit t unon, 10 llg .UM.l-, return jr ,'1 19 Lory , mic week. Leave jliiMft tttrjr Th'jrs-'ay si toon, arrive al UuMtville same day, sod i l't!U')r i'iUf bf II mv r 31 St From lvrg,ntown, by Fleaisrit nirdi.0l l Fort, and Swaniao,i Ash Vide, 63 railav arJ U.k, n.c a week, l sta&es. Uve Morgimown every raurday it - 5 am, arms t AibfiiU m Jiy bf ariv ' If , La,. Ai ixJ?nri'J,'jjiJ.Lr!j .... -t 3 Jf -;ilt(Wtf j,prtay tjyHOt V -3151 From Morgaiitowrs by Heard's y Fnre an, Little WiveM3'"1 fil Leava Mfwgatttuwn ever y MonJay at & am. arrive l tJutasvilU every Tuesday by I pm. ' ' . I,eav"?taesv!lle emy Wednesday el a m, a-rlve i JurgnU.n cry Tbun- day by f pm. 3Ij$ FromCbalotie,y A'exsndrlsni, tfirkory Grove,. Mount Mowrne, States itl. Mount FleiM, SiuiKf Point, and tfoglet, i YiUbW, 78 miles and back, one week, in atagvs. , Leave Charlotle every Thursday t O in, arrive Siatesvi.le same day by Leave Staiewille every Frldiy VLm.'irle at WilkesbW same da bjr P m - Leave Urilkesboro every Thursday i 3 a m arrive at Charlotte ef cry Friday by C II m. ' - , - 2 1ST From Chapel Hill, bf Clover - Garden, NewhVa, Long's Mill, Tioy's V Store, New Salem, Ne Matket, Horn's ; Store, and Brummert to Leiitgion. Kt turn hjr j? of Fair Grove. Le Grange, iod New Market tqulio 82 mil aod -1 tnk onc week. - - jrife Cfwjwl tlitt c rery S txrdty t 5 , ? p m. Le tf lt:ton f ver Mondf tt 4 f ' Chpl Hill etery Tuedf 4 kf 6 p m. T -ijg-From A"bUlt.lr Mill Hun, T Uinnilf, Caibev't Cret k, Totiwuv, 8. C. Keoe, ind Ficken ..k;. to Feo 4 eleton, 93 miU and tck, wt in to vrckt. Leve Akhville evrrf other Mnndar at - .. 6 a rn,arn at renuiemn tne neat trec ""nf.Har br noon. . It.JUave I'endleton err ry wrttr I nunoay 'f . u. It Boon, arrive at AtbvUle the next bt ' ardav bv t n- ' -r- - i f j9 From Mh-riHe br-T-rkf yCtTkr -. -a. -i ---- - - -. - ,t (! :-:.f uf xu of ynr iviile, and . .. IVaoklin, to CimfliAh 0 Sft.miUa and y-.- bif koiK week. Leave Ashvilie every Monday at 5 a m. trriva at Clayton every Wednesday hy 6 T Leavt CFayton every Friday at 6 a m, arrive at Ashvilie every Sunday by 4 n m IZTT 2i- From Chapel llill, by itts 6oroVirXJ.v;4' Slot eV-Iii r "Ta vcttrv itlethCTr-MrthTngway . MarthV Vi&eyarJy and-1 lay wood, to. Pittaboro' and Chapel Hill; equal to ! 73 mitea and back, once a werk. . Lrave Ch.ipel IMl every Saturday at 5 a m, arrive at Fayetteville every IMondav bv 4 p m. X ' rl. Leave Fayetteville every Tuesday i m . at 5 a m, arrive at Chapel Hill every r Wednesday by 6 p m. -rH at (U From Morgactown, by Little - River, North 0ve, Hear Cre k, iia- V . kerivillc, Greenleesville, and Ivy, to . ;Ahvillt 91 miles acd back, ence a-sveekx 2 v v Mave Morgantown every'lSafarday 7 at 4 a tn, arrive at Ashvilfe' every f! Sunday by 8 p m. Leave Aahvillc everj; Monday at 4 m:8JTThr at Mrganto wo -every Tuesday bv I p m. 2162 From StateaviHc by Thomas' Ferry,-tt' Mountain Crcei, 20 mites and back, once a week. :litaau&atet.iU&!lry4Ionuiy,t 1p m, arrivft at Mountain Creek same day bv 7 p tn. are1 mmmram Creek every JM-n- ' day at 5 a m, arrive at Sfatesville . aame day by It a m. , 2 1 63. Fom pittsboro, by Tlamse ft - M H. Tick'Creck, Underwood's Store, 4 AHeo'a i?jor SIofR.t'f Mill, .llrowera Willa.'Vaddlf Ferry, T)Wi Sture, if.- ;B. :.a, VM W;.avU.iVli,4-4jy' : f boro't equal to 43 ntifes and TJack," T J rittsboro tveVy Friday by 4 p m. J r 2l64. From reritwof th; by Trbub Xome) Tlron i " Worka ; Martinivills, Gretpsboro, Centre,- JleodrnhaU'a - MUlar an( Gardner's Scre,'to Ashbo K:'f roV 54 nailea and back, twice a week. ii Leave Wentworth every Tharsda "?71hhI Suncfwy at 3-p m, arrivt atJAsh. fcoroV every Friday and Alonclaf by t - Le ave - Aishboro' e ve ry Wednesday :'f'? and Saturday at 10 a na, arrive at Wtirw .th every Tlurilaf inJ Han .jy by 12 non, 21 3 J. Vtvm F4cttiHe, by Picket ()5ic, Cjrjhi, Mrcbiniti Hill, Calednij, ai 1 IMl'a Htire, to bury, ! tl rnilet an J back,oncei week, Ieave Faycttcvillc evrrjr Mootlty i tun, arrive t ii4liibary erery Th jri dar hy JO a m. ' ' ' Ieae Sis'jjry every Thitridjr t i p m, arrive a FiyetteviHe tfey t?uoUy by 5 p m, 2160 From ( FlycttfviHe, b'vNfy fide id. UuthrxHi'lfi f'??fTj!5 a ireek. . ..Lcivc.rycltcyillfl fjverjr Friday at 6 a rn, arrive ai Halibury every Mi Irave HHbury every Monday it J p m, arrive at i ayetteville every Thu- Jy by 4 p m. 5Kf. from CM-rtw,. ' ey Rr.tefoUri'.S. C. Mown, fiha-r Kitw, MTUiljro, Ul-vJ'i to BilttViry, 8 'j n.tU suJ bck. tic a wek, in hrr n. Clitrn e f in br WednvJir t 5 a m, arrive at tli-bury V)umhv an ! Th'iri dr by tl a pt. Lcve ?nLiv eery Ti(lir 'id Friday it (in, trrne i Cl'ra ttry cJ ic!j nJ Bii'.ly bjr II a in. I'ro-n Kjflkinp?i-i t f heri, H. C. 22 mil arvl bek, cne a wrrk. Ltt R'trk'iig'hata rrr WnJ;ir'Jv ( 4 at, arriv it Chrrn, vr ljy ny ? ; m. (')irrjw rvrrv M.miUy tt now, r rir it K kinghfii u'ik day by J p m. 3169. fmTi Lu rnb -non by flulsoriphim, 4 imiUl-. tml A1Afrrille t lnnhi rtrti, eMl to 41 mil. t aiul ha :k, -ner t wrrk. I(ic Lu'iibprlon rrcry Mitn!v at i am. af. rivat tprrtiile f very Td b 9 u, afvl a! JUimberton ilic day by 7 p m, 217(1. From Warrcnton by Hinanm' Hri.r, ftelfV.I, and llitliardilnwn to Ntiille,t in'n and back, once a aeck. , . Leave Warrenioa evr Tuly at lOl'm, arriv al Nvthvilfg rtrry Vr!.ieUy at 10 a m. lavea.VITle ttctrVTtftnr ad7 ar-? p m. arrive at Wrrrnon rvrry I h'iraday bv i p m. 3171. From MliUj y I)aoni M II ...Is Scotland Seci, Pilinrra, ami CUrkt More, tj lU'n.l'on. 42 mile and back, oner a week. Leave HIifa every Thuriay il5im, anive at lUitiiKori arne day by 7 p m. Iave Hamilton crtry Wedix-a-lay at 5 a m. arrive al Halt' um day bv 7 p m. 2i73. From Tarboro' by Pavi.'i tlrr, Mm- ittMit, WilliamaCH). liardnrr BMclh'r, I'lynrmtti, ! amt CimiI Hnrinr In Columbia. llFI nnL i,il - back. oikre a week I Tart.' every Th'iriy at it) a m, ar rive at lUiuiliou Mine diy by (5 p ni. . ' 'Leare Hamilton next day at a m, arrive al TImoutli every Prida by 4 p nt. Letva rtymouth every 'stiinliy at 5 a m, ar. rjw arr4rjrBKa "rrrir-Harml:,v by,7"p m.--- Leave rotut'oia rwr Mwidar al i a m, ar rive ? piniMih bine itivby 8 p in,w rr ut-! ton every Tue rftay by 6 p m and t'arHtiro' y eviry WlntfcU by S p m. 2171 r'rom Waahinjfion by Bath, I'an'eo, I ,ojr Ilii tiKlmP, Uernntuvn, Si'hJH, Land Lake Inditiit. to .MidiUeioa, 4 mile and back, ooee week. l,rae tVaahington every Friday at T a ii, ar rive at Mil Anon every Saturdi by 8 ji ia. Iave Middleton every WeiJnculav ut j a m, .ihive aLM'ajJiingtoo every TbuMday ov & pw. 7Ctr Kfom ttaieiirh. br Smrhfieiftr Wayne bW- SprfT Itaiik," KIifcrinT; 0,11 lire nd rrre-Greek to-iw, tW- mdea and bvk, twice a week, in 2 hone tUf. l eave Ktri)rli every Mdiiday ami Thurvlay at 10 a in, arrive at .Ncvreru evvry WrdncaJjy ami Saturday by 4 p m. Leave ewbern every MonrUy atul rlutriiy t 6 a nr. nrrive at Italriph every Wi-diielay and Stur;by by 4 p m. SX75. Kium FajettevHte-fcy F.lisabethtoaa, and WeH P-rnik t.i Wilmfngto i, a milr and back, three times a week in 2 borv staei. Iav ravcttevitJe every Tiiestlay, Thursday, and Saturday M 4 a m, arrive at Wilmington ttett diy by tt a m. Ix-ave W ilmmgion every Mmilv, Wedne. day, and Friday al t p m, arrive at Fayetteville next davaby inn, J. SW6-rw.xW.bf.Tat-Bidfc,.Ci:(Ma UomI', ft ansbwi, Prenrh MiHt, and On-lo c. h., to Wdmingtoti, fJ mile once a week and buck, in 2 hMe tge. t Leave Newbern every Mmdny at 5 a m, ar. rive at Wilmington erery Wetlm-wlay by 11 a m. -Leave AVilminRtoa every . Wedncadxy: at 1 p in, avtiw at Nr-wijrrrt trrry FritUy by ti p .-- -2177. From Wilminutnn by Orion to Smith ville, V."9 milei and back, twice a week in 2 hone tatrea. Ltare VilmiTi;toi every Sunday and Wed nedy at t p m, arrive as Smithville nme days Iave Smithville erery Sunday antJ Wednes day at 4 a m, arrive at Wilmington same days bv 11 a m. 3ir& Prog VVilmingtim fry P-a'ie's rtridggtrr Gravelly Uill.sO miles and back, once a week Leave Vilnrington every WeJnc.nl iv at 2 p m, arrive at Gravelly Hill every Thursday by 5 p m. .. - .... Leave Gravelly Jlillewy Tuesday at 9 a m, arrive t Wdiuiiioii'tvrryVednciilay by l'J a'kv ": 217 Frsn .rAVtUv4lW bv.iUinkHu1rKn Oidteih: and Trenton, to Newbern, 137 milesand baek, once a week. ' Ssf-Mvf Tayettevill every Thnmlav at5 a- ra; am Newbera every Satur,;iy by j p ni. : 3";Kevs1)erCI r.e at r ayetteville every Wednesday bjr 3 p m, v From tfeenansrille by RockKi to Wtl. mingtoh, 5S mik and back, onee a week. Leave Keenitnsrille ery Friday at 3 p.m, arrive al Wilmington every Saturday by 6 pm. Leave Wilmington, every TburUy at 5 m, arrive at Kwnawsville every Pnday by19 m, 3181 From tXisluw c, h. to jlicAhniiljr, lfmilea and back once a week. , - Ltae Onslow eji. every Thnrsuay at 3 p W, arrive at Kichlaml aame day by 7 p m. t Leave Richland every Thursday at 8 a m, ar rive at Onslow e. h. by i 1 m. v 2182. From Newbern by Cordenavilte ,t& fJenefort, 45 miles and baek, once a week. fteKbrt tf Tk.ml.y at J a m, t! at Biaf n aan .ly br 7 p . l iveDc il t every Wrdn-tUy at i a ffv at Nebra aan dy bf 7 pm. 3IS1. ffom fm.tlifull y Whitley' ti 8!n- tanbur 3'i nre and bali. ne a rtl. . Leav futlifl-l4 VYtdneHUv at 5 a m, arriv at Sumo'ibur mi dy by 7 p lav giailaibiirf etrry IturaUy at i a , arrivti al Ami Kf.U Mtie day by 6 p n. :iH froaiturriUifac h. W foplar Pnb 17 illr a id bark, a ek. f ve turndi'-k 6. U. .ery FrKUy at t p ra, 1'iife at 'W trtncU udc Jar by 6 p m. ' la4 f (ip r H'ancb evuay i.lay al fl a m, arrive at Cu'f hk k e, k. aane dby 1') a m. . Ail eonlrarii fir r Mitrt embraced t'i thi at Vr' .iv.iu J!I c nuiK e on tur ftrtt dy f Ja ;ur iitijyaultuuliii'ic f xl i; I-t.'oat4 LlecaalrrscrTCf the right u eidiw tfte m till, aod to a!fT tMe ttnt of tirtr arrival d At P iltilLa rn t i m e d j ri u g the cuntio a. nee nfTe cnntractTbyTvTi"!! adeq n:e c 'npriMation, iiever exceed' lai; a ''o rnt i aliojnce, f irmiv extra exp-ne :i lucfi alterativn may requ'ri!. 'I. vrn minuirt hil 1m aliovrca f r i -nin and clutto tnr umiI jt ach o!Bc-( w iri uq p4rticular time aiud Ik jm-' ifird. ' 3. Vor every ten minutei delay in arri inj a any point alter tne time preaenbed in any extract, tne con tratir ahall forfeit five d "IUr. If the delay anall conn ae Bfyou.l Hie ti;n- for the (fcpirure ot any peodiug mail, the forfeiture ahall be rqjal to twicr the aatojnt all iwcd for carrying the mail one trip. If it be made to appear that he delay was occasioned by unavoidable accident, of w'tic i t:e Foitmister (jmcral hjil be the jade, I the forleiture may be reducrd to tne am nirt of pty tor a trip ; but in no cx cm that amount be remiited Tne forfeitores ireo hermtac unc onditional, and will in a!l caea be enf irced. 4. -Persona -who make propal wiU tate their price ly tie ve.,r f pay. menta to le m le tpi.irterlv, in the months of M-ty, Aujjut, Nvcmbrr, and Fcbrujrv, .one m'mh after the'1'' iha tonamunon to tha Ruarcunamp expiration of each nmrur. 5. Njne but a free wb'tc' person shall he employed t carry the M41I, 6. Ifop saU shoul'l tte whether the person proposes to carry the mail -in stajje vr otherwise, 7. II tiie person ollcrinij prorxiaah wishes the pxi vile v-r of carryt news papers out of, the mit, he mut state it'in' Iiis lald j dihefimc,' hexanuof en joy that privilege. Sr Proportion -fcir- anv- improve- rocnta in traospoitiug the mail nuv be stated i the prop Mil, and will be duly considered. - V, The- nom?er of t1a roate,and its beginning and tf rnriination, should be st ited in every bid ; and the pro pol ni'ist l"seWj: dTfrc'cd rev the rGeherT-rW"OTiceoTre Mill Q jntracts,'' aud aupcracriUed " Pro posals." The following ii a proper form for a . , L i .. ihl ronvrrt thr moil, narrci- ,, .,.. , , htoiilrrrtrmnrnUm route So. 'l tm to M Iht yrwi'J Compcnvaion ? , , dollars:" He mua state the place of his resi dence; and, if not contractor, mutt accompany nis Lid with aatwfattory recommendations. 10. Tie distances,- as stated, are believed to be substantially correct j but "if . any. tmstakeivepcce'tl lift relation to them, nn increase of com pensation will be allowed on that jc count. The contractor will inform b'unieli' oa that points : iTrTlie F'stniaster Gcnirat reserves the right of annulling any contract whenever (repeated- fathtres to arrive within the contract, time shall occur or. wheaci-ex. ojae.l4iiurff .sbajl happen amounting to the loss of a trip. 12. In every case where the mail is transported in atttge?, aod the present contractor hall be underbid, and the underbidder shall not have such stagj property as may be necessary for the performance of the contract, he shall purchase from the present, contractor, ati7.Tea7swal1ekrutiof;' the whohrr w, 4y uiuc aiat;, property, tni- eluding holtsesythat may be suitable for the servcrr and make payment for the W Weas-dnabS his pay sibJi become due, or as may be otherwise arranged. Should they not agree as to the 'suitableness of the property, 'its value, the terms of pay. mem, and its . security,, each may choose a person, who. may app6inr.aniHSCa,e the coramejeeofthe South, under umpire, and their decision shall be final : or if the dnderbidder declines to do this, the Tost master General wjll name the umpire. This will be made a cwrdition of i bid, under-by that of a present contractor; and should the uderbtddcr fail to ccraply ir.ir.Ss ti will Le ofefeJ to ll) rcifnt eoafractori bat ah ml J be decline I', tbe propol of the tindcroiuaer win be accepted uncoudi'ionalty. 13. Ni biJ ahall be withdrawn aftff the lime Ut receiving it haa expired j and ahoulJ any penon refaie to take a contract at bi bid, he ahall forfeit all other contract that ha may have with the nfpirtment. and be held mp.mii blf for all damaje thrnay-feult from hie failiire to cumnlv. . . Ml , , - . . without the approbation of . the P't. miiiir f:nral- and the aniromeot of tzS??it!k?'i!2!" hi-a6atakokJ forfxit.it. iT'fi I fuT vTTnevcr te dft nrted from. -I I, -If a - e'ntratori5r hia agent thall vi date the I'oat Office law. or iranimirrfTrmnrrc aurllirjUit.a by express more rsjiidly th.n lle ind, his contract ahall be forfeited. ' IC. The I'mtmai'-r General rc servra the riijht of curtailii g or of di Jcontio'iing any route, when, in h j iptiiion, the public interest ahll rc- Hiure it i ana m ittn cca tne co - tract shall crie s far as reUte to the part curt tiled, or to tie whole, if dis continued, an dllo-vance of one month's extra pir b'injj tiylf to the contractor. 1 7. AH crvuract for routes embrac ed in this a Ivrrtiicment ahall com- mence on the Ertday of January next, and continue four years. IVeltioxa on bid sill be made knwn on (be 19tii (by uf October neiU C'3 IVfl.LIAM T. BB5tV, I'nlmiHer.Ctnrra ! tJlKKCII OF Mil. M'llUFFIK, (CuHhntud.J Whjf, then. yi ncrul eaute, and w!mi the red ohj'"i of the prohibitory U of UJ4 ud-li2il--Vddhcf,pru rte fro n any coninier:ul reult'toa of (nrtn power, injurious td the ri;;ht or m ere(s whe h nve been committed Fl .... 0! thU Zr"mfnl r ere not. Wert 'hev intended to tM'e- ind protect any hrancb of our f.n ijju c'unir.ere, or any other natio.i-l interest e'-triiated 'o the protection ol CoiircHt ' i'fie very reverse, Sr. it ejtinot be du jnised ; indeed, it hj been ojt;tly avow el, t'ut they were r.rc.iJit! tor ni othtr nurrr,se thsn to annihilate, not far a sea on, 'ut fjr all tioh. a Uvful branch 'of rnrnmerre witrn ?oni;et:a coniiu, tionally bond in protect, in order o butld lj) nn its ruinv an nher UjuLIi of ihdus irv wltt wliii-H n)fre- hiis lio miira il;;ht to iMeiferc, ihiti wi'h the parish poor rates. .- I uk you then. r!r, in the mrrie of (be Cuus'-Uuiioii, iad oLi'5. p;jnripfts of eter na I jMstice, what rii'ht has Contrresa hit riiit can any hurn i;o7etnmfui wVi tt 'rteT'rnv ne interests of one fftfre src'fion'offBisehflfberiCf.'to p-ro "livile ifielnic f'eVls" of lTie""ofIie1f' ectl nTt W'ur- rlgh h5ve-voir,' f pn- rhs qtjes'torr to the majority of thi Ilojte, in 'he nine ofalllhe people of. the Southern iS'a'es wh it riht have vot m lav your :K . , 7 .hjn;h upon our iirnperiTupon whirh j, our, ,,v 'hi,rll(.v f)f ejrtMv . .itles-the blesun of Com upon our own f honest induatry ; -111! innranlv ,.;proDr a'e it to you? own use, or to that ot your nn cons'i'ttenis ? Nu frek of ivranriy, ever coin tutted by an aisoiu'e despot, can esreed this oiitrspe upon the ptinci )de vf n-iturj jiiiiitv, thith you are perpetrating und r iie pervtrte'd powers jnd : prastijj ' ' e have an iHuIuhted natural right to 'he enjoyment ol tint co.n'mrce, which you are now engaged it the unrighteous work of steepiosr.Xco:nuhe great -hiKh. wsy of nations; - itoperadded to ihl na tural rijjht, v9 have a caasti'iitional right to call upon the m-jdriiy.of Congress aa the special guerdiaas of thi very com merce, to guarantee the enjoyment of it, ttWfjegstast) wean; but againnt the injurious tegula tions of foreign i ites. And if is in this state of mir mtttn.tl rights anrt ninMbmi. nioi inn i id or ii urn r urm.,,, temoriegialative ptracy-tVcgrading the government iron its hi-h cs'.ate, aTWl re doting it Trom the sacred relation H ought y v.. w ... hhciitih Of inc U.Qfr lntl S aril a Nina f. '. . I . f I aus Mtgif ByiK uviiieiieracy- wit r jea robbeiA Ando.uiJusu..ir- rcrc gi inf. lrgmmaTJot l.iokrtiblv declare that I ivotihl rather, as.a?outhrrn plantertakerriy. chance,, unaided by the i?:rr.fmu.rdl4hpi ?nfted the JjajfipVtoii'.fcfi subject to the comprehensive and dcsola !8eep cf the prohibitory system, "tid mow; hiving shewn that the-ien- l!srir artf nKtswt akrl.t . . the false and delusive pretext 'of re.iiia, mg it, and to appropriate the proceeds of me propeny mus confiscated ani con demned by the high admiralty of this system of plunder, to ibc special and W elusive uses or the Norihern cspttats, I beg leave to eall the atjentlon of the com mittee to a rkw ef thUaobiccti wj'l ca! II. No contract can t traPiirrreap cuhtc J I t'cvtl oj e and li:ui!rta ttc priiim and duracier of th ly item. Tne reprnertailrca of tnnufctotir, and uril .v-ia'ei allege, that they lurt and ei'er.Uva uoufacturin cit! liihmenn, which It It tLcir tnitrcat anf their ii;bl to encourtee and protect, and derif the light of the Sju'bern rtprtitt,. tjiivta to irte'rfr with uir proieciii.f nolkr'..yi Fir, a a Fumharn irntri, l tUim no rihtto Interfer wiih any prutfCiion, wliitb any fortion cf the Northern ?t.e may cnooa to ... K'ld, a: their own expense! their ot 'minurcttm. AW I pretend to claim is t!, right w pot my eo upon thii tUnk-4.f-ii.iuiikBlodpluu(ltrt by, ;ylilcjaliciT2?Tj cly nil rP' J.& f JP U .,.,ni!.:,iefi'ij h feoiniiituiionally ef plied to that object. -Thtf a caunot .to a propoaidon sora. stlf evidently jost and equllable, tkau MhojslJjite liDL!!lll!U!l?...FJ5V4r twing ekt'!ihmeritt are situated, sfcwul4 ber the hurt hen of protecting them. i Can a man bej found, tfir, in this house or nut of l', wnowould hsva the boldness in ioiite,t Ibis potion I Then why do not the manufacturing States protect lbir on insnufac'ares f Will it l4. pretendti 'hat "ii-v hae not Iht cons'nutional poWf er ? Has not '.he leifturo of ' every St'e 1 1 the I'r.ion, at, nniimiicd pwef t i.npjke uxrs t p hi the people of tha S:.e, .1-td vi,r"i'"', ' ptoeceds, io the form ot ooiunici, f r itie proteciioa uf donirv l." iruiinraiture, or any othtr branch of toriL ic industry f No ton of common informaiinn-no mm, indeetj, f tommwi stnc, ai!l Cenythat every Slate L Liiilatu c his this o ier. Whv. then, ia it imi? cte niied ? Is he protec Uon it .would aCoid less direct and eu (icnt than tnt which is atfrded by ib impotiiion of hiirti iojpoi duties I I wiij answer this question hi the language of a man to whom inemanufaciurer have al aars Inoard, as to an orarle I mean Al exander llamil'on. Speaking of pecuni ary bo'imies" he says i 4 This has bean found one of the nvn. cffi aciou meaas ir-cnt hurafrln mantjfitTQrer" it 1r Ja" some view the bet. 4 It u a -pedes of encouragement m;rr positive uiid direct than any other, and lor tha: vrry ressor., has a more iov nifiliite (citdtricy io stimulate andvp hold new enterpiie. V ' 1 1 avoids the inconvenience of a tern porary nuKineiitation of price, which is incident to soiie other modes, or it is ins less degree, cuher by making no addition to the charges or the uval foreign anicli. a in the cate of pr&teciinp, duties, or by mukinsj a smaller addition ' As often us a Ju;y upon a foreign ar ticle makes an alinioii to Its prtcej tt au an exit ex&ense lo ihe coimnuo. ty, for the be'nc.ru of ihc uamestic ia(iu4 fai turer. A bounty d-es no more." These quotations are perlectly conclu sive, as to the suprtior efficacy orpecuril ary bouiiUea over proteciing.duties, as a means ol tncouxagUig.dameaUC iTL'.pn?r.l ures. I will add an udditlonal adooiage. wjicli the advoc.uej.cf.tbe bill before wiJl cot .tui'vJv'i'cj;rd 4aj.'trni trsoLrrsnt ! Ttc -pfaicu-tco gi:ca-ba-lLec buumiei cannot be .evaded, by . srtjwgglmg or fcy f.tNe invoice. This, of itieif, wo'jll setm to perfectly tltciiive in favor cf the bouniy sj,:rTi. Luder that ys!err, Sir, there would jo nv occasion furores' ing cuatom htuse iiij ;:ii:iuiis and arbi trary jpprti'jcmeii.s. IKiw, then, has it come to uasa that, wid e 'be matiiilactur- ers have been, for more dun ten years, f past, clanioiiiiir st our (J-jors far protec?, ti n, the LvgisUtiiiC cf no sin 'lo States in the Union, so far as I am Infoi med, hit ever pppropriated a tent, or raised a-6n-ger, to sustain these langulahing and suf fering interests, which certainly hue V tfciim-opon he States for protection, if iriieeniiey 1.ave sny claim at alff -Str I nave frequently put this question Infor mer (iiscuibioDs upon thi fl ior, and have never found a man bold enough to answer it. ..Tue advocates 10I. 'Oie.prpfeTijs'si:" tern have invariably pissed it over with a prudent-and profound ilence. The rca on i ia r obvious'. ' No man dii e to avow openly the true causs why the manufac- ,l?f j fliS;75l 5 Bt 8 T '"ST"1 e siTvdottbtcc! frd er, wilt not extern! "ah'vp7oTern"n1o1nVlr on msnufactures, but Jend them to Con gress for relief, The moral sense ot this nation wooM not tolerate the avowal, that the State of Massachusetts, for example, will not tat' fcer own citizens to afford protection to her own manufactures, because the Fee! eralGovernment car. be 'made the uc- rifiieotas instrumtrnt: of taxin the pec p.e of ihe.i?outhenvh:sics for the parpsf. oTinordthg iFat "proteciTori. - (To he jnnttmtetLj . rront ihe JS atonal Magazine .-lAltTio'Ugif-ihe liberty of theire js exploded front' the ea;erny rnsy we "'hope it wilf. make' b'e tand in the tpJdcfie and ttutLern ta;rf, for condemned and persecuted is that USertif, the civil und religious rights sye eojoy are' coreimeevjraie on! with the freedom of the press j this St maxic. so- well founde(f, that not all tl tongues that move for Aire, nor, all lb1 mercenary pens in the rution cats-cos' trovcft.it4"..V''';-': A V1-: !' a . ..

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