nTi'Titi pi r vxijsi mi. s .Perhaps then never wtt a ' In tho rivil iffl of any nati-j lft M nwdi J''' tailed thro-i gVmt th country and s mnoh tot. ' dtiMtna of opinion,- growing wit "uf fctrful e uion.ia el fl part of ledin;j politic'iain. 4wlwiwr4ayH tlrttW iW fate of tfc trlntir.cAtt-ryfftre-turned to him. ' ,!! attention eonerntra'ed upon his inestures. " We fctl coiG lenre thaflit' "wMI'iWit thi expectation! of bit ftenda, and that no act of l'iirriW wrwrTsmm- owner,- n liUmir.iary achievements shine with the bril- Uncy of th diamond. Urn. Jekon bet ex hibited hn independence, and lili singleness of .ufniM ! the rod of bie'couotry. Much of '.Merest m.ty b looked. fr in the coming set. ir m of the national Irfilatiire i the clout! now lowering over the j.lti-l horizon, and we m.v ntrt it 10 bunt fmih with all the vio- iie of siifled heal. The people of this country begin to regard principle with more vent ration than formerly tod no degree of Intert t couM p'evao on such tjre and exalted minds to iai-r.fke, for present and imr. diK advantage, all the blrviings of civil republican liberty whit h nothing but an ad be.ence to principle ran aecurr, upon a firm and immoveable loundation. Nothing wa tending more to Corrupt the political integrity of the people than the syitem of internal improvement by the national govern meul which will eventually become as uupopu Ur a the Alien ami Sedition lews for one is at grtst violation of the con-ri'.ulion at the other The Tariff too it part of the American System the tine f'"i nti of ita existence, and il ii de .rnU bceominr every day. more hateful to "theAmVncan people. It'll not How vVwed," frmtrly, an Innocent and unboftheosome expr dient for the execution of ihe legitimate purpo. let of th government, but a lawlce lyatem of Upine and plunder. When tlieae two branches of the "American System" thell go the ay of U foul and corrupt legidv.ion, we may look for qmet. prosperity and happiness. Commerce like the fable J Plioe nix will rise out of id own ashes, nd remnining untrammelled, must aecure to ut il! the weakh nJ power of t migh'y nation. Tkt C frei A4 ', i.c.'ti. The powril ' which oofc'l.t to be gt-n to that !!y in the X of k-gitlatinn, wis i m'ter of grrtt rooe. rjuf nm to the people tithe If, H. at ii regarded tbi aafety mil co'.tmuiion of tht frce ium they ijijcJ, when they had f.Higlit ueeef illy to (re llit melet front the pko of Hrii'uH tyran ny. It wit jtintly regr If J it one of Iho moat f irmi.Ub'e bmliet to the lndrpendenc of the people ucii eiiriea in lUc g'ltermntit of any to'mf, ind mofi ctinI!y iln Ihis where hold the rein of purer end authority in iu turn'.. Thi frTfr of tie eoAttU'itina iwart r,f (he inimrtne of a proper regulat ion of tbe puw ra which. era to h Kuciaed by- tha natiowal phrvVtk wmnn ,tt . wwmW- tM fceew ring esUblUh'd, ami were thougti' ti ba well 'inder UooiL 'oU UlatAodu li"il.iritio, rareely power hat bren conn lal to tht C'ot MU4fihU.S.lw-liLiA.iMjtLeauaprocj-! elerriwd or the hdiin It unhcede J. Tlie lemjiUtion to the a!u e of pwer it great wl'h every b't!;', but fr more ln'iln to be iit eremcd to the prrjudic of thve who corfcr i where there art many !io are to be Cru-ured fur the uula Ail eierci of t'l'hcuiiy. tiicf tlte blame cannot attach to tin panir.tikr milnn'iul They can tliift it frcm one thoi.hlcr, to the other here that it the rae. pni'leo'e tUoul mark the?rtnfcr of (he Ir'uin'ire mwrr from the people to the rrpretcn'.i'ive. Io tl.at centred their indtpnlriif. A Cfr..r, ,t uprcled in IrcUnd tt'Jr'.j m rt i'ro( '.ntry efTir'iire mt lito fclien the !n- rei'ift of the poor. Fotatoel aro ararcc d ear Urge price. It ha produced icierat tarbancel aleady, Tlie Jckfn Ticket fjf I'ati repeetentatlret in Indiana hj rjeceeded entire by Urge ma. ority. Th few CUy men, bo were in pre. tlout Hi latt ilection, Sav been left a birme at tha hiddinv of the oertle. Hit Duke of Wellinjton'll li t to potet in a great degree the ettentitl, q'la'inuon of a Kirg'i mmitier to know how to disw'mhle. It U mentioned u faeorilt iiyiflg of li, tlt if the hairi of hii head knew what wtw ptji'H UhwH ho wouU rtajthewojrnot ..cr apt imi' eiJfer . , , . . -- -T-r- Peter Lyrv h was committed to nrideeM, tome three weckl aiuca far murder of -Abb Carrey. V'aa it the effect of inflicting Lynch' i law upon herj we i wonder f F.en the C(a men now tdinit li t! the letter purposing to hate been written ty Mr. Jrfl'rt ton, aod pohi'tthed lv tlie Hhode llt"d Sutul (ern.it abate forgery. The I vnchhurgh ir gintan met the folio inglanguge . " We bf no hei'itir. in expressing our un'jnaifrd be lief that it it a bate f'g:ryi and that ut au Ihwr'e ear ottgM to br nailed to the pillnr) we wonder he did nH .H, kI cot oft." Hot h o cnitl to i (Vuy man, Mr. Tditor of the I irginvn f C7 Tbie paper concliidei the pubricatinn of the. long nd weariime Pott Oflice advertise fairnt, V'V are hlldp!et- d orelvea n'. ii d'.aaoriearance and cnifratolte our readrrt upon the plt.'re of getting rid of to moch dull and aoiri'let! ma ter. We hope to give them better eoteruinmr n't hereafter. Mr. Clay cannot give up hi fondnes fr ma king long dinner speeches. A dinner was Isiely iven t'i him rt Cincinnati. He took occasion to make the political trantictiors of the ik the nibjrct matter of hit dt-course. lied , J i , 'i'Ui j'ltTini'icft tt ttii rm'8 fchool lt Statcsill will eommeace on Thurtdy, the I fish Septe-nHer, at 9 o'clock, A. II. Tatront and frirndi of tlie School are repectftlty Invited to mend. M. A. C ALDA'f.l.l, P,Utipl.. IIYMFsYF.il Married, in Lsiii)o.i, by lue ll. r. II. C. Uoae.imiller. on the July la-t, Mr. Wro. Ad tUewtn f Patrtdsoti count jp to Mltf Amxndi llttch of Lexington. In thit' eountr, on the 72nd July latt, by the Iter, Jamei SttfTord. Ju'mi Jeo Rtevea, f.rl to Mih Margaret tMleiple. Alto, on tht St K in st. by Adan Rweman, IU. Mr. Daniel StafVd to M M l-yy ' greeie. And on the itt of Aneii the U. S ? tli liicntli tavr almost UtiafliUiOQtty dcclirtd him a Candida's f?r the rreiideuc for the nett fmr yeat. - jl is with munh re(ret that we notice the de termination of the able and enyglitrm-d Hitor of the ftanner of the Constituiioii 'o ili:ontimte the publicatiuu of hi iuu Im.ahe.4'U. LU ceiliber'oext?" I he fiTrninToT llo: Cm nutiiliiui will looee erne of ht moat zralotn n strcngext d(edert thrw-' irpfrrr. -rrr-r"- I'acifiC Ocean. A MAUY. .tfr. Ctay'i .Imeriean Syittm !u the con itruerion rf thii Vetn ti portnyed xli. that fnntritT ind anphwtry for -which Mr. Clay's mind ix to rrmarkAlclThe materiali are of tbe twit beautiful and magnificent fibre, whilt' it the same time the decorationt are juperb intl enchanting. At Rrit riew d!r fnc it ttken Cnptiye, ud we forget in the delightful ict.m. - ttont which the -tight of ao utucb, -apfewlor of adornment createa, that it it only contemplated la .entice. t. into -tlie -dark and dreary -lull, vhere we fiffiVo be .Tltjitclcd,-ai forever de'- prived of our liberties. ..! philo U'liite Eq. the former fclitor of this Mr. Clay it possessed of a vigoroui intellect.' paper left this place lor New York, on Satur well t'.ored with the most usful and varied day last, whither he has rtpsired undof orders to knowledge, and jiis iinaguiHtifm exhibits all the ! j jm the squadron which it desuncd lor the colors of the rainbow. With the penetration J el a sagacious politician, when he bad put on the ' livery ol the Jatcmli. he saw the weakness and futility of the argument, so frequently urged in support of internal improvement, claiming rhe proper exercise of thut power by the General government, fron the words "general welfare" and determined to ferret out tome new au thority. lie quickly gave the Houre to understand, after rising to unfold his system, thaV.he peyer - claimed .the cicrcito of -tUt owr uadar-tbe-wror!j " general welfare," of indefinite significa tion, but that he looked to higher and better au thority. He claimed ihe right under the grant to Congress"," to regulke commerce, between the States." His argument Was able and spe cioui, and the frirndt of the system otfe aU their gratitude to Mr: CUy for its support. The opinion that the general government bad the ?'tlt. totnt.ke )iiternLj'npo''f.iJeitJry,-i''tJ looting ground, and nothtngliut Mr. Cla 'i in genuity could have preserved it. Campbell it charged with having pirated hit r.iilo of Erin from ihi papers of the late Duke ontuckingham. When w ill they ceate clarg ir.gpnor Campbell with tbe horrid crime of plriarisni i The proprietor of a gold mine In Georgia dis covered that hit negroes consumed a great deal nl time in tcratcuint- tneir heajs i tlie wealber being very warm and their hair very long he de Irrnu led to have thero shaved closely On sha king the wool af'er the lonure wat performed, he wst aMonished anJ deligh'ed to find s quan ity of pure gold concealed io it. It ti a ed ihn. Tl.t Richnvond Whig ttinl nothing but the elrttionof Henry Clay can put a check upon the dangerous doctrinet of the politicians ol South Carolina. Tbe Courier and Inquirer tiUlt Ihe remedy would be worn than tbe dta i-ae Tlie leglalattire of New Jersy haa abolished imprisonment for debt. It wu humane, and will fk fleet honor a'id credit unon the at ate. est mtm rot Ti Wisraaa ciaouautr. Another lit to of Ike lletolution gone! mi.i ii...h.iiwi in. V .ii'. ' ' "r" " "". Ii tM-comra our ; i '.'"il duty to record the (h ih of Capt. Itichard (iraham, of Kowan conn H, Stale of North Carolina, lie departed thit life tuddenly on the nigh! of the I i h iuataut at tl advanced age of abmt eighty yean. I he writer of thit cannot in jus, ice to hit feelings, permit tbe luhjrct cf the above notice ro pan frorrr thrr rxlr cf tein without making known some of the nolle train which adorned the character of Csil. (iraham while living, lie ti i kind, aflec'ionate husband, an indu gent parent, and a noble Inend. In early life he sought his God, and haa (or f"..Bu & ka at n m rtflatBair In I K a frwakolHr.! nou. ce.ltne irenucmiur m- rc.usa. io cflUrch antl bcieve a possess of rehgi-n , his (he Maisville road bill. Ho uuhecimiog lor i generous heart alway t felt for o-heri wyct to . . ' - .- - - - .1 I If . I i r. L ' J 1 t Mr. Clsy in h present relati'iu to the people ot muru so, uiai ne m- ouen incommoaea ntmaeu i&iutiii m miuw. uiru. . .... ... In that glonous" sfruggTe for indeperideiee, which our loerftier-aenieVTd with to mttch ufirring ami bravery Capt. tiraham t'lok a fen ijilcuoui part r He re eiwd the apjointment o Litut. in the Militia of the Stale of N. Carofina XtUmli fiittfrit ib tfin rirtt-. hr A rrf. fln, Mr. Abraham Nub Io Misa' Sarah aiaton. U liwdatl oottwtv, m thr 37th wf Inly 4w, by Jot. Murdotk. Ran. Mr. Samuel Keler to Mim anitna H.iier. Alan, on the oth tnst, by ibe mrlr sa-wee fUwhia Wise Krnker-Mty be, all or Iredell, and all f'r Jtriao. In Caharnis cxinty, on Thursday the 29th of JUiy, oy Jacob Williams Kq. Mr, Charlei li'U ney to Mua Catharine Host. la Burke county, on Thursday the 29: b of July, by tbe Hev. rbimat Cartton, Mr. Christo pher Keinhardt to Miaa Khaabetb 1'l.U r, former ly of Cabarrus county. CWnNitit. - DIED, In thit county, on the 2 J Inst Mr. William Pinktion, Sen. after a lingering illness, which he bore with christian furtiiude. He was a good cttiren am! an honest man. He has left a wile and Ito children to lament his lots. In Concord, Cabarrus county, on 26th inrt. of a pulminary complaint, Jjhn il. Malian, F.w an old and rpectale citin of tiial placet letvi ig an amiable and interesting .f4mily, to mourn the low of in affectionate husband, and a kmd anu fond parent In this county, on the 17th of July, Mitt Sarah Wilton. daughter ofW'm. B. Wilon, PjKj.lnthe 21st vear of hrr are. with onlv two davs sick ness. She had been entirely helpleti fiir four pears past, loiiued by Mercurial ()inlmnt. At his residence in Burke county, on the Khh ultimo, Mi. Jacob St Connelly, tn'he 3lt year of hit are, lie wat a worthy man and ulul citiaen j and will ;be very generally regretted oy hit aeqnxi itsnce Near L-xinton, N. C. on Tuesday the 9'b tnotr ioojrWet em of Miehaet-tT,tr!Jl9 years 7 week and 6 davs. In the loa of this youW man, cut off af'er a very short nrkness, in the flower of life, his friends have siisttioed an irreparable loss, under which -hey can be ton soled only by the hopes of (he gosptl and the entire willing-no, which he mmuli t'ed in his last iii nents to leave thit world and go to a better one. Ctmmunitattd. 11; ; YOUIVCV flOKMr.KI.V of Hli.:.urv, t.drt t lit mrtho. ; of infiirming lot iriomlt and the merehin'l in general, that La hat connected himself in the WJIUliKSALtt in thi City of New V..rk, with IV. Jacot ti A. C. tmhury, under h nnn ot, I Moor, a iuuhy touiio. Store !ih. 2 rturfi'tg Shp, nt il to the turner Pearl Street r where t'.ev are now receiving ami pyitlnf an r enwM;m e nt.of Tt;;- . Z. ." rTcl they oft. r on liberal terms ad at thfl lowerf market prices. . , , He (latieri bimtelf from the eifcatifanci of Im . having been engaged in btiai-icM in Carolina f a numOcr of yrar, that their assortment will bo found detiraillfi forihatacctuol!couaUy aa.t begs leave to solicit a aharo of tht patmnago o those who vii(t tho city for tho purpose of sua king pu ehaset. . 6C7 KEirlOVAL. THE subscriber rcpectfully informs hit eus . tomert, and the public, that he has XIE3I0VED 1123 5T0XIU- intn hit new and spscimis building, just fimsher sn l fitted on in most elegant ityle, niperxir to - any in the Uiwn i It Is the si aod formerly owned ami occupied by his uncle, )niel Crews aen, ' on Main (trcet a fi-w doors from the Court-llou-e, wett side i Where the subnber hopei to rs c Ive calls from his old customers, and all other! who are desirous of buying tkettfi UUUDi. - , ALSO, Tim maimractarieg of S'illi an t Tin r!a! Ware, herrtoforo conductf J t.y JwarJ Crest, will herrtftrr be carrird on by the iubrrilrr . . ' who will keep constantly on band, or manuU lure to order, - ' ' StUlt. and Tin Phde Ware. t made of the best materials, and in the mot sub. stawial and fastdonaWe "atjle ef workman i T.ipf " and lopra,by a strict attention to this branch of ' biiamesa, to mt,rit the patronage of tht pub'ie.,". , lhlXIKL II. CRESS. 4teV- aud w at the battlea o Stono, Ramtours, Col. smn, snd many others; indeed he was ever ready both with life and fortune, at hit country's call. iu -j.ull agaiik-. tli Xort who tbinjufeaUid, STTTiTTiVa' "TT'Tn va ,Ie FTaiiT anuToppreasors of our country j and a rircumatance occurred du tiii our. lst war a iih great Britain whiph I mim TieTerfite'. TS i on)y 'iiii tliat fived'"a! home withliim at the lime, and indeed the only ; CAuretiOi, .i'tquit 10 o , y j k flour i a J. whmkey Ti a 35, bacun 7 a , turn tt a 1U, tw U kind uf bagging II la aall 10 a corn 4J a cofTse 11 a li..MNoith Caroliun hanlt tutu 2 per cent dtscoutTl j O'eor gia, '.'J per cent premium. .iiMtkJtiuguML lfl, ."Cotton ) a ? hacuu b a 7, apaU brandy. 5i, ooen 4S, t1aawwd 7i -IU, flour, now 4 a j, AMihnwee M'l 'Jfl, i. gar 8 a 1 1, aalt TO a 73, wjiinkey 34 a 20, wheat 66 a 75. - ( umJtii, .inguit 21... .Cotton 9 a 10, (I uur fS a 5, out uf Tie wtgonCairKlen Mifla, g5 a 7, wheat 83 a o j, corn 5, nati 3, salt 6.'j, wins, key 30 a JSj, baejin g 5,9 12 1- unoiiATL snowxr . HAS Ihe plraaure of. anununnis his! . Tpendi, customers, and the public In gen- TP"".' eiai, that he is now opening, at his old stand 111 Salisbury, an elegant aisortmeit of ' Xew, Fashionable, fcf Chmn Goodi', direct from the cuiea of I'bilndelphia and Sew York, and selected by hitmelf, trom the lalnt nr arioon for the Spring of 18: Which ho T olleriaalow at any Gootltof tho ain$ qoitju. can be bought In tint market. Hit a.soi-tment T7 com rises every article usually kept in Stotee. Plirtht'i ralirelliiirifeir Jo .talL' einiiiioJ.l-,! - judge (ut tnenlvw,----3-f'--"-'ri(- - n6trf,Mftrf 7r, WOr - : - S1OMEVnTKEiii TownV'a'wi.air Memorsm dum Hook, roughly covered with rediLtS- The aluir between lien. Illair of 3. Caro lina, and Mr. Hammond of Columbia, the F.ditor of the Times and Guxttee, has been amicably settled by the inierpouuon'nf Iritnds.- Mr. Hammond disclaimed at y ititeAtion of disrepccl towards the conatitueiits vf Uen. Bk.r in tome remarks made by him in which some alhision yas made'totlicnt. ten 11 "air r troete t Ibe disrespeetWepithetsj which were publisncd by him, of Mr. Hammond. And o the ufiair eiuWd. 'A violent iquall visited Chariest on, vhich de st royed a. quantity of shippiug anddvlxoiiwder. able injury to the w harvti!. Tb'tr is the recond withiuafew weeVtjast.. The Algerinefmade, an attack, in Juno J?tt, upon the French encampment, but were re- puial Uh.tini.lerhl !., - AU-liie camp equipage fell into the haiuln of tiie French. A rebellion recemly. took place in Vale Col- 6 h6pe at some future day to say tomettijng LJege. Some of the. Student refused to obey person be had totakar 4 him in Im old age,bmw aiir paper cmtaminj entries of all my was drafted for a tour of service against tneTeollectiou-, and other memoranda, during a tour C;reek Ind a ia. Capt. t.raham (like righteoua ol 8 or V weeks, through the Western counties. Abraham w uen he wu about to offer u or his ton Aa il it of no value to any one but the owner, banc,) instead of making any excuse or wi.hing wh-iever ma fmd it will cooler a favor by giv. to prevent hit ton frum aervirg hit country, bad mg mytcll ur lareily mlormation. hini well e7 iippd for service, and when aboul PHILO WHITE to part wi'ii hun, maite the tullnwmg rt marks: A'aoAvry, ,JMf. 23J, 1810. 34 " Now aaid lie, my wu y are giiwf t d-efcl "l vourcounirj. ) jU art w w'-iee, and if eter.i V J i iti ti (T yen digrace rWwter, aever rrtwrw to ate, I y 111 litt l:yVZiZZ w. J- cowan t. a. haoue veuerata tt toan. faacwrg aae ecteg w; JT X& eptered into a typartnenhip, and thrtc. I M 11 uUen.a shop m tbe town of Conco-d, se Ho is gw lb SUSHI t iea-L, sJ i ; cun.1 tioe from the I oort-House, oo Main street, is na'ur. te us to iiini aM rvo of alt ! fof lb pu'j- e ol carry ing on the ',e cosoget wbh w w. iwwa ofj Tailoring llttfincssj mat y wSdmsU tarmWjrteO; qurrertr tll-t.tesr London,- New-Tork and r,y.nd oUacrMri hrArr.U,'l! PbiUdelphi. FA?iHO.N8l which will enable KM'UrrUB rise kVtru in j ur nmw p w w mn , . , a ' , t- g a uvih w x icvutv irvil w wi CUtVAM li iUXlXS ar-irekivig ami V openingat their Sioro, Wood Urovoin, How an county, 13 railciJttat uf StlitUuty- gen--- eralaMuHment of - - -r"' ' ' t"r jyVw.. Fash ioMfyt and jCjieap 'J C- lecTedliv.J. J. Reeves of the above firm, ami bought h from Hie lainM importa'Mtns in .- pi...ii'ri-a(ia- ruiiaJciplua A4.oJJue 4bey are !ettrinini d to th as tow as any GokI of the same quality can be ;bought in this acctmii of lh! country. Their assortment consists of . ' : Dry Goods, Hard IVarc. ; Cutter u and Groceries t ... of all descriptions usually kept in Storea. Their .J,, mends and cuatomers are invited tu call, r,xam , ine and jmtge lor lhcaiclte, C, h It,, yvne run, lOJr;. 3ihU4 . . Cowan & Reeve, respectfully beg leire'to ' - , rcum their sincere thanka lur the liboral pat ranage tbey have heretofore received from, Ihrir- fnendi and customers, and bnpq by cl'j"? Hi , tention and steady habits to merit a continuance I tbe same. , ' ' war cceeng ,n tlteir tura ti W.of kt. ( ( ( respectfully request tbO'pit rm..l him. He was brcomin a atranrer in f . 1 J M-VS A. HAGUE wi- confinue. . hit 6t that part of the conatitution from' which Mr, ly deduces lhia poerf for really, when fairly Considered, we cannot think it giyeiitich a lati tude of power a's.is contended for. We think beq the .objects, for which such a power waa ; liflded to the general goverument, ixe' 'pp. 1 - nft't'that it will ipVear mitioienitly clear tlrt no power to make internal iraprpvemertts was intended to jbe gien to tbe nali inal Icgi4tu.rc jstt,Ja'ti woufd lugged to the writer in tbe JditoriaJ columna-of the Examiner published in Oxford, that he open till eyci, or sharpen his understanding' when he reads any tiling of ours again. A aecond reading uf an article of ours (about which he bat said something, it may be Ae knowi what) woufti not be amiss. ICP The citizens of Charlotte invited the Hon. Wrn. Gaston of Vewbern to partake of a pubfic dinner, as a token of their esteem. He very poIiteiy'"decPiied . in consequence of the "ecetairy of bit immediate presence at home, the tlirectiona ol the Profeorai Forty three were dismissed. A atorni, simils'r to the one which visited Charleston, paused over NeWbern,' which like wise injured a considerable quantity of thipjmtg ancV did othennaterial fotmg''ix'--! WVMOis Wifeixiiay bean eatabtiahed 'it Jackson Jlitl, (called by that name) in. Davidson Esq."a ?ost Master. "- T :"-' " A man in New York alvertisei for wife. he mu be an agreeable companion with a btameleia characterbut above aH the mutt have a handsome fcce with a good fortune. The returns from elections in Kentucky, ao far. as they have been received, give "Genl Jackson a. decided majority of friends in that state. Mr. Clay, where known best, is least ap proved. . ,t ' . . The Supreme Court of'thii itate adjourned last -eek. . Tbe. cHun hai been unnauaity .protracted.' ":'''?: ' "' '"' h. nuAti of a new succe aion of men. a race a usual, to carry on the above business ai who knew turn- haariae tatvil 4b.axUw ..Af-.fedcncft .in knk& county. on.tlje JWaUie'a er all be haa beheld, hia eyes are now closed ford Road, 21 milei from Salirbury. He will forever. iiiKewise carry mi me nusiness, uirtmgu tiie Thus pasan the world awar. Throughoiil aU agency (tt competent wortmep inanenop raiikiahd cohtrittons br menqne gentra ion Passe'h -away, and another genemtion comelh" and this great Inn is by turns evacuated and re- pltfrii"hed by tronpauf iiir.rei'iliflg ptlgrimai tl lbrmerlrotwopiedtrf-lr urove, (Cowan fc Heeves' Store) Rowan county. tHr, I8 i0. 3t36 i t n . - . s vain and inconstant worm; u neeung ana trar.iient life. oawaosfe PHILO WHITE , " Being op the eve of visiting foreign countries, . i a - t a t n c on pub ho pusiness, Baa appoiniea sir. mm Agent and given him- lhejriquisite Jpowtir Jo liquidate and settle all bis business in North quested: to inteaynjentt in Salisbury, to Mr Hampton, and him only ,r to-whotjt; H buiinesa letter! are hereafter to be directed. The following Gentlemen will act af local Agentf, for the settlement of sundry .accounts in their respective counties, and have full power to grant discharges David Sterlet. Esq. P. M. Cobcordj DavifPttrki, Faq. Charlotte V ,. Win. f, Cewan, Eaq Stateivjlle , -Wjw. ,VafenvEq; Wilkesboro'i fobt. C. Pearun, Eaq". P. M.Morgantoni J). tV.Ctat. ttq HunUville, BY Daniel liarkey aud entered on tbe estray books of Met klptiburg county,- a small bay mare about 14 handt and I inch high, shoes on her fore feet, a rope tied on her neck, with some laddie and gear marks, and valued at fifty dollar, 3t3S tltun J. ftlcUAI.N, Hunter, .jiaigfaw-tj.'er 1T0HN FUttK and others vt. Jacob ami Geo O iurr : Petition for Fartitionl it appearing to tin tatittactioo ot the Vourt, that ttt rtfen dants in thia cae are. not inhabitants ,of this stater Ordered b tbe Court that pubrication be made for nx weeka ui the Weatern Caiohman, notifying id defeuHanta to appear at the beXt Superior Court of Law, to be held fur the county of Cabarrus, at the Court-House nt Con cord, en the ?it Monday ; alter the 4th Monday in ntpU mber next, then and thero to answer or plead to said petition or the prayer of the petitioner! will he granted trparie and partition made accordingly. .V c W - Cnjftv -otwt-r r-3 CLAYLANIJ 4- TOKUKXCK. " 1 RM. CLAVLAND and A. TORKEflTK, 4 having formed a eopartnenhip in tb Z Metcantile Business; under the ibove nfm"."ber '" leave respecttuHr- to tnfom the inhabitant! of f Salitbury and the surrouttding country, that they have just returned from'ew-York; and v liiuaucipiiia, wun a oeatiiuui aoaortment ol . JYcw Style, Fancy and Staple which hare been selected Irom the latest liri. , j portatioiis, and will be offered at a very small advatfeo tut rath," Purchasers are inyite to call . ana view their assortment. j. , ; .Vniirt,- irtV 5, 1830,. rjlHE. NoUiaod accounts of A. Torrence,"and v; . . JL A. Torrence H Co. t re placed in the hands ' :? ,. ;: of 0. L. Torrentfc for collecrtom' and I wouht'- advise toe intcfete J, tqjc.all on- hint ffirt .(&. tMfciJlMi . Crnirt, jJf, JO Rlt,KM; BL rS1Jii.tbscrieefS jre.'desimu JL nt Un4rd jr&WQtjr-hi- which' thev' . v will Pay a liberal price '. in cosAT Applicattoi). may be made, either by letter or in person, to " Josub HoteJn MOltOAN TPN, or James Hci ' inALlSBCHVi'who will be ready at nil limes -to 'MOTtfitoiodate those who may with to e changeNegro property (br cash. V ' JAMES IIUIE, , i: ' JOalAlt IIL1E, , : ' J,me.2U 18.-50. - . .; V5 - A NY one having Besuchamp'sConfession.wil! please return it to th'il Oftice, and cerfef ' i ar"far"K the ovrnerv .4 ,