I'or.rnr. tut . A iimiiUI? .VtU'd),, fa J , m' h!! Harp m l.u.hed, .-.JU . jrt li ftt tr .! uf pi Tlr kfaffinil In el In f b'.m l c rovWd; ;ir toiett wear tbe Lrahr chain. . lbs ilk Ifivn bmf4 ihe erted, ' I! nr J.,,f, LorJ J thf tw0rf h slept I O ipi"M U vpi' in loa ptuU 1" t Mill l-Wanti rJJ, wept, . '""" , It '' U, the ir.lg'ity Id il ri-er, . A b'. iMiii. Urf bwM far f lr",- p!Jfi bin U tn deep ' ,S!i ?! t,y tjrr ii ) pr.,.,. hl.e turned iLia lo atb to weep. Wholesale Hardware Ktoro - ttVaKV . UV.V.iVU .vo. wwtr. miWKUS MUM Nurlf oppoiiit the Pearl Street UoUieJ TT CrrCTI tU-Y inform iU ciiiaer d yt'fy YOU If I Saltabory sad m vicinity, (Ut ihey lavs i-rl.: Lttw! At:f f1!'-" yLPP'V f will UK" at M Us.tr IK'tKF k.m."'v of 8.n,,rv. beyee. Mioltmer.r C0mnrijN4NWTM ruJ,Tltuf'!! " ' I h, ilnljr au'liei.tifi-el wfl.iii t time r nearly every article IO Incir lin t rnortimja ut ami wees, .fin,.; ;prfmirn r MtMrtnij fio'ii-9 Ui DC puJ t . ' ..' . ... il.. . ti. ti ,f . rim.. L.. J.L. . . - f. 14..I ...... ttntt'U tit' J!ne(r- iftli !!, 1 b r(.inj mother pU' 1 4 her chill. , Pe ,r,.itf1 '.h (luxifr1! ihf be J A miHttcr! Hrc m muf m b f?wtl bb, wtii tcb oVf tbre " ' jrorw lt.it mmtroinir atoilwr ! fconf 14 14 th ioiiikI iU'm tnjf I knd I' jlitl one bt ki.c, . A lolr m tb imiirrl fctt. .Tn he of FriX rUftV ifl.trr, Titat wi'ti t.rt m'irn coo, Ka e Ilrr fiH rf bfuf jr in tbr wn'p, llit with brmjljr'f ji.ce tl Te. Otil tnnin'i brH i Hit the rre - . ; Tlt l'f br nr lib tb 1rw;ii;' rmr , Anl bluomi tt iwert 'nJ ikmUiCiti mo ' ' l of vtr lof ly vl i(ne j Wbtf'er ber rnk, '!in-'rr.h-r . WbrVr Ur Kcnt! infl je&ce rngei, T Tt rt tu Wen i fif 'r f fjjnt, 1 be will to cwqifurt ntvtr tbArgti. Th mcmarrl.'t Jyjfhtrr m in J rt Uo Wtljr f'Ji toiu)iio' 'fie! 'TUm bb that 'h-rc in ipi-t l-pti" BIeftln u6'flrfmnncf t f, - ' Tm Lr to pi(y in.l t ii, . The infant thief, ibr t,U u tge j L'A-lviog fme the t!cr l rr.a'ul, lieCwrUcd p:a tcac'i nun gf. D'ijrbtrr of nm nxx.rn no more Tb yptt6i, t.nuJ ii rk on thro, Ctptirityli Lrk r? if it it o'tr. Tbf chain tre Uit--thji L.oi. are riven Ob f like rirrr atronf nJ i.lc j A raptun i to Jml.ih ye Tbe bJic tliu. I'ljt b- Nile's brot.l ii,lr. amy to n k I'fttmfr rf- fined t cepftn 1 1 nrral.in. u IftefCtrij fv '! V built by Jaute B. Iltrtipinit, it'iinm b'i dtinf i Muoe frie or 7 dwi -xiib of tbe Oirt HfMiw. . Tli-f w.W er ft?! Keptir 4 If A of H'atch. f, rW.ka, aivl Tinw.rtc-t, oj rn'it them Ihhm (tiiver Ware, aurlt m -Vxm., ! Jl-t, "Cr Tonr, fcc, t ,r k ari lro"n dtaner iU be promptly ei-cuttd, fid tt'rly relumed eertn(r '--mi A rno.1 aMor'Nieot of JKWr.l.Hr JT ket.t 1 J Trr.-n ttmpi e.- . j oin c. falsi kk. Janre B. Hatii'ttm Irmlf hit jra'tfu! ic kiiowlvde'nrnt In the MjSliff, fr the lilral palrfnaT- fiithrrto r&tti4ci to liitrtaelf iXkt ua'ly 1 m tttpeoirMj -k rmnnmm, f it i the lirrn f lilt l, i iiariner. N. B. Tlne itkkbtfj ti twin. re entt dend t u I mif.ie '.lie r a'coii ni ai orn pnble 1 hi new rTnnc.t maktia it ijecenary id I trorti ahKiM b aritUd up Notice. Frjlfl! ttibiritlterf Liin rjmlif.rd iu. JL triol the l't WilJ and f etment tf Jr.c nj:'t. Jcceiw J, it 'he Arwt Term of L, i lio coyhty cHirt Ifl.iQ, Lnrby notice ta a'l prrirw hifinjr rluii, rirlita, dute. or !. tiiande i'a'nat Mi l rt'atr, t ytn them fur h'ch, thry will wll it the" beil mar kt. puc The' hivt cr hind, ' Krai lug, Idiny Forbu'k, KornUy a4 -flutejjjnc ljMprtft rJeri knte 1 ntiicn cicri 1 ujtcner, iiteau inoc h nvti j a greai vricly 01 pen, pocket iuily-bl4(!r Knivet j ipunion'i piece nnur, rprarp;ini, m; r')ia.Jtf, f tbe aria-m lb arncurrd fnm the '( and H M ild it 'he Win.'K pti'i-i! JtWiiw lr ifoaxtCl 31 d tin fur him) (.itiHrrt V4 8 A ML, IIAECRAVE. i '"'" All iHjrMin iiT-bli.Il(rjH Fttatear . ..? ' r" "thitW QU(lte!J(tt,mfr4,dai. make n meat..." ne-k or hii. , ii..',., !-. k. . - , :.. i . alt ..f ...1 . th-m-lvet, and ,f ikey fi..4 !h m i'-raflSlMAl flf lltf - Uiwl n... . . ......... ....... ..n uniuva , F11MR mber.nber ruprrtfuUy irformt lh JL public that lie il cfrr onhe . t Nvgrop.s Van led. " IllMMAS Ml l.l, 'r. lo p.ier.t.a.' Son I .) J nrcroek. f'T h'i Iilw-ral nrir.i- ill Itr ee ilieit their i)ri.rr, aJ pl-d,r 'nf b.at eiertHint to deierre it. . . .BO.VLIl? h SiLl.L. 4i.?:a. iw ; -Oifo'tf JMum VftMimSt t: BrA?fpeToilWJ id lite J,'i CfB f in the H-mie formerly arcuif-d by Thunae Krufer k Voner. fur H- ' the tr ISjtl ll.lon. TiremrThe' hoofitTjt!- MiHr . ...1 iaMj . .i. . . .... 1 . i... d . . i' , i .. . . f . t 1. . . 1 . ... . I I'M iirm.'n llltl9(u ."I- "tlT-i m trtw ui 1IIB I.IMiri.llfMlftJ n . n . . - . 1 . .1. .l.I'. . . .... ...... . . . . r,itci. ni'i, 9itoKiumzf 1 anu iaj. wtMi iMj m,k, immdia-e -arn-nt or I afi.ll hcr he rafrt on 'he ah'nr bunntM mora uier I iMmmert 1 Cfrpcr aau Cr iinkr 'lienecrwut uf plecine, tlinr rf.iinti twii"' 'ban eeer m rfunif in thi place, prnten' Cimnwn, Crn Mill. P4. in ,h btn "r " vr f " : h1" "i'-r-i. 'iM' be tw it, ftm ql,ir. ,., ( r . 1 1 II IRI.LS L. B'lWF.fl. hi murk ecr .nrd 11, durable, IWabion.ola V K , MJ ' , ,C- "0?. if"'' r, 1 and elcpm ..yl, , .d hi, pn .b.Vbe Vle bright tr.tirnf) ami jipart (J 4Nor. UuiUtlV ill. jrmnlrr?,; to crr N,,,n.I i:u i,c i,met. 4lapr iflg 'j4 ck p t k t X" I V Xjjc c-1 hrar, tScikt'in end Hazori, iTioe I'inchera and Nipp-ri, I'Jycri, C'r- Ci'i t'l r-ah. lie will Nlaay be hxtnd 11. Sal cO'i y. Iltoi" h' ib ti enuld do tr c! on htm 'r and him 1 b line. folk Latche, liftinq If mdlrs, nail and P'- fJimrrO, Hicklen. liat Tfap, Waffle Irom, welded nd rivettcd ta We hinges, II and III. Iliogti, pew llingca, ciieat limpet, out Hull Ifingrf, flat and round IJmIis, V .oJ. Mdn e'rpH, the !, a fn d m fr-m the j TtlOMlS DICK S() Tailor, k WM' II t 1.1. iiform lnir')fno r, ami 1 0 kv the ptihtic (r'-i."rlt . 'ha? h' Ixi rrrtwivrd hi llP, to the hui' lii' ffrti r!v ".-'-.i -ird by jiry and TrnijMc'oii, I iho-i- ircen lv by ..it.. iiaoe t. iixiifi' "1. a I ail'n ?t'i Pi on OnUr, i'm n a dia'ancr, fr Si'frhoardx Ilircwif ; I lining Jlrcikfiirt, Card and ht'lii s worUnz Tnhfcs ; Snrrfnru t, nn ! working Desk ; Caivlir Stun lK It'titi Stands, 1UUU.V. t,; icrew., irao and t el Knitting Pint, "; ;" ';' '-h., here Ihd-shuds, bV. 11 .1. 1 ?. . n i prepared eamiti a'l decriiion nl -ml .1 . ' 1 LMauae irp, findroni, iron C.ndlr. r ,.. ... ,1J . 1 j h" ' not.ee. and iTKtly in tiekf, pd ieoJrfiTew ' Aurcm, Surl- L l-l '-UL(., 1 ac-P-d wiM. ,.W,;,io,,c ' - . . . & ' alter the nea'c! ubio u, and on lie nfiorriit The fuocn.er . Ii'il the paironire of the 'ard, aingle and douM? handiirew ut. . . .... fffl'ti: S frihrr h.inj ,hr ShtiT. Tord 1 ''c, r'C4,e !'". L tcheft, Jl No!, l ,i,,!r fri.m t:iiirv. Iim fr a.V. I Hd HcrCWt. Ilr'lcws Pine ... " I - VJ ila.-p iedlotiKHn, ar3000 ei,-ht . f md carpenter' and .ooner? Ade. . m,. AlXAJAMi HALL. I- ' . ... '. .. J"" .cinir ivuivra. i rnwrii iiii i ri I . btenn Jithiin ft(iif J3S .fujiwi, lo j an (illUPti. I'ij.ii" frnn Dunlin,! t'tlblUyt .MttUln liUiUtAS.l Knives, 'w of alf kinds, Files aaji r&iiir. iitrritrr hat pjwi.eil kli p in Hie U. above line of b uinr-, t.,r kbore tirr rrt,if r, a l nor Iffip t ;irrr Jji- i prr". pared to fjriih tli nirntonjinr r-mntry itii 11 :rt.ji of ju'iitt-e vi thi !He line, euLh a Sid) hhiids, I a. JC4p, comuoiiiion ' Sir n I a nt.t, Vorurr CurdxHirdt. Hrcnkfa.-I (j? Dimur TaUn, hidit i (Jrihx, tc &c. Hi hii in !ii rmplny to nr three firat rate 'ork.nen, and the brt of timorr. ulretcd L hini-tll. 'I 'be. nbtcriber hopei by due aitention e... lo recpirs that aliare of patronage which .licit d--re. 'jj V1LUA.M K HKillF.S .. 1 1 ft 1.1 - - . HMKACli il. BKAUl). RK( i:TlA irom I'hiladeiplii,. -(t51i!e worked fr several ; , . y' in fie best shops.) "respectfully aDDounce to the penilenco ol Jihs- it-. .' .... 0 . ' - inarnc-iikt comuKiuea me above -bu C 8rttii 10 the liausc formerly occupied t ,- ty .Mr. 'JVrrence as '(.rer and a . - TXew drmrabel-. ..jr. -Morpiit b, wherf v Jl!", EI5R!Ictl to x e-c u :e all kmdj of j worY io htIiTie wit1.'ihrfrw:treiU' J nem aod pjnctualitv, and will nrove : Tftr wanl-of tlitt tatter qaalty iv not f"7 H f W?r V rr c n . . ' antiiilicit nf tbc-pfeinurt, - - - true a i4r..4a.AC ti. COUCfcf tieu. .auce Pins, nhort and lonn handle fVrfn.pnaf tew. J;J, XuoUllj-j dleB, Mrass Kettles, houie and alarm j He 11, Cuny Combs, Kiglish and American ythes, Hra k'nivei, Slates, Inki-ands, A'wU, Shoe T.tkt. Coach H'renche, .Siump.fointj, white- w-h, paitjr.shoc, scrubbmf, furni rnr rlmk . .l .1. i . 1. ( notii ei ami 11 f.r-.ri I to mike all kirI nl puuuc, anu l.npci re will mfru M. Cioihliijr in the f.,i 'ye jile, having i-i hi, M')llT0 U'tiniKON. employ vi or ii n fir it rate workmen, wbiclt j J'i'h 1 1 3 0 .tj.f enahl's him 'n do ai.ik on br lt.iret nttiee. N. It. H. IViwd-on, rvtima hi thank to the Ml kind nf n'li n? 'hit i.f 'MrenUMll bejfn' be, S.rlh li!-rnl tia!rwnar lie ha receive done on rr mo4kr'e 1 r in. ' iheir h'iif, and linn , be eonlinueL All oidfrs trotn iltUaiiLe for wjfk. be - . l.HUrt lnr wit tr Ttieg I 4f II . . .1. . . y,'- Z '""'ai iorf.(Hrx MoU'i 111 a. 1 r,ai ton, on the 4th Momliv n'T cJi'TnTi, fJ,n Arteint Land, r ai murb tlureol a ill be stiff,. Clei t '1 ii.fi 1n i.v... m '- - .... ..... '.Kfvo, lut lb.. .r'lT.'Bf r?tpH. . NAML.';. TATIt,.v, Hv U ( HAMULUS, j, vr , .lupitt IT IS .u. 315 mo-t tantifol'v ei...-.4:ii.'L.,;. u il;, i c'i'in., 1 ami wimiiii 1 w Hillings' -,u .sin,,- 'uni. Pea Ketdes audi I' s lie ha i-i-.t ftrn-, l, U'cct fi.liiotii from Philadelphia and V Vorki which will enul'le him to make line t'ota, lie. afier the pIMwaad JMJc. IJ A .Veat hvt i., In the Town of Sti.sburjy fortalr. flli ino'irrit 11 1 lta"m!y r.tiu1-.! ill 1 he wmt arrt-ablv ,r.'t oi ;l r toap,,aii(l n vtiy 1111 kfil,- I r ri:v 1 1 - I.. 1 .j 1 ...1 cut anU Wrought licks; br-si, jud i ffond gard.n, with n.o. h rar 'ir..!.b.p ,e ironhead fc!vvcls aid T .nc ; Ir-m ' " rr r" m'l' f ). '!. ''.: , r ;.ur. Wire. Braces and Ilitt. T.,n It .re--. chl t mone c" "- " 1 ') - b.'k. ....... .iii'in, iritni, I 'IV iruIJS, I f MrHetU be ewaLlcd to maLc t f all kinds 01 'garinenta agreeably to the A latest Fashiooa, inasmuch as he is well acq j tinted with the bait workmen in Pftiladelphia with wht.u he lus nude . are .nueoaents so a to evttivc the li test (yindnn Fanhiona a $ojn as they y cn be ent on. He w II keep none . ... but the best workman : he tmetids, hs .ooos convenient, t 1 suid to Phiadel phii fur tush ai he kuor it ! good luj fakhfttl. V Tfrn his long eiperience ru the bu- ainrfMi and by u. remitted attention, he bopet to merit a aharge of publlt pat . ronagc. AH nrdert froi a distance will be punctually attended to, and ex- ecuted bu the shortest notice iirrcea- ...bly todjrccujw. tJlU kinds of rotting out, w.iu ir umic on me niiortesi notice and warranted to fit well Country pro duce 'willbe taken io ''. payment for work at the market prices. tMfitWy. Stop the Thief & Impostor! ! Cutawba tmuA, T" "'." Sale. '"IIUI f4iWiier uliheito 4f l,ii planTat'tmi .A. rclf knorn by tbe pame of Poateim place on t!ie t atawba nve 4 mil khnri. Hatt;.. lord te-rtaer Willi the necroci aino'intini''i(i bcueen J) and JL Stock. Vn, Jtc. on the place ttof'hieii be uow olferi for aale either p;ly . iitjjetliar. ... T!r7nirtTnnJea4itJUd.ajacj.a err a? nor. -i .. t. ' n .. . nun unii,i 11 nrrr notlom O lir.t ,i,-,li. 1 to any trait artrear trom-ai-e- The whole wdl be inht upon ter.na favorable botii as to. price and payments for h-h ;,. pbcji'tim-will b md to mv ft&crJumn rr I mile from llt-attic I'orJ, where I may alao bu found in) self Lorn V) Au'iim to 1'ih Sent. HENKV VV. CONNKK. a a . n . nr., iao. . '.'mi.4 i .l-injj to pur. I, i-j" Pinsand ,Needles, Fish I look's, iNiuf- ",r"r "r '" 4',", I. M ! v lers, an(J.u.-rTt rTr.vs,Kre.t. I:t.kets. Tea P Vts, Tea Trays and Wahem, i Liun Flints, -0.1i.e, tJua hocks, j i.d nrilv Ce-nona known. ''.V IH.'O,. J' on. Mr. !.. A.:. . 1 . r . 1, i an. ' ':r li', .,..1 can bi' 1?. V rrtK. - - . . 18 farlll'. tUcnocr. repe tfnlly iiifnrm tiie eiti JL' Helta of lvij.ii), and the a ljuc. nt conn, tioa, that le coiitiinir to "carry on," at hi Simp .11 Irtinftiin, the uoin-.i of Makii;jf (1 m GINS, e.u! to any manufactured in the totted States; tidecd, hn Gin are prt'cfrrd to all oibem, b those at.o h.ite tried, ihem: and have loutid a rea.ly nit throughout large ei-U-nl of country. Hi pricea aJta.11 be ai rcawiH a'de a t khy other itu.p in the Sou the n crtrwrr. -- ... M Hrr will be nromritrf attended ti. an.l o:... 1 1 :. .1. 1 . - . iii umanrii m me anoru S' poi ihl? u-ne. Rtfurttf o! Wii. be done on Hie short. eat notice, and iii the m. nuhs'3r.ti:d mi mer, PXJ.he pnbJie'a hi mble lernant, IJF.XRr A; n.IM. VMtiN. xj iiti'.ait.'.f jy Vftrn, IS , 21 PoivJcr Flasks, "Phot Bae.. Whm. it. ..,. r i. 1 . , -r. i.uiiiii',,nmmo(it Knons tnO ftins, -fjartjin Pins, FsCXitclieons. lirdcaps. Brass Butts, Brass N'tils, Brass Cocks, Tea Ciddirs, Window PtiHierAaviljand Viies. Tra.e Chains, snd Paper, Bed Keys, TirTt- isrramt American I a k powder Surcta.- cles, Box ntiTcs, s!.iti ,,nd lead FrndV- 1 ' . orass Dracket and Chan.ber Candle- tUst Lune con and fitspendcr Bijtt ms, jilt vj.)i.jw uiciai coi ana vest JJuM iIT Hn to I f .... : . .. 1 lODH, rejrl iUtt IIS. If . Khrr r,e. r I eipcuitiou, nnju- el aVtsw MV Atoutc 1I.UM fi.Al.Clf.ir r i'.re"rr- Uarai!s n auus. "2 ft 'V ibCT' 'Jer bnc' tr wle - - ,,"rly fort thnu.amia.-ree 'miXX ;! '""'t- ":.e! i t Aide tdunfy, ' ti lj. " nj. It cunt on '' 1 i ' T" t-rvee line nn-nc e. i., ,..:,,. 1;,;. .1,;,.ftfrf -II ..: - tiu.-s tr,,n x.'i ,n .i:'t ariM.a'ch, " I ihr (J ably ra. h --a-t s ratified 'o by fie a.i,t;oi. .) ,, n,v!.- a plat of hi- n-ey tf.i.i' t inajr b s n on p!ic.it,i, 1 -o jr w n,9 i Salmon, 'fr-r f-- .t...,,,.. x , . i "- o .i uiirorn. ' 'O'l, Mr. I h .. J. KorpeV Or Eli If l-niinlv t1? "ri.H tnr.de, fbinomilw eauiity.- y . JTC'TVrlT-r.VJi!!? L .-" " : tne Uin 1 i. the " MrLaViia I ' ' : 'ifll !,n.bere and STJUtLURE, &i 1 U f ;Ttli- Tinri,, . i40 jagg, f cesta j n,ber Candle- ,w,r'- oe-tf wh- nrtVe. trK ir ts mfcix-!w ' white met,l sT'h J 'r"v 'c'7 f c " maVrc irlron-payr , wnnc metal, Sjhh,17i or Tei,n,-.e. ,.r mffh l,T!UtT.i-W.-. ii.- -.it Spnj;: r u Ihi are lr.-,, the ni-.n-e-t, rlit.tpra, ,.! .'it it K..-.,;),. i'i,. jf!1 '-Fill F- Milvcriber ofl'ers for ialc, on i ' JL dierthdnv ofSenterftberncTt. ives, containing JI5 acres, together n tne crp now (rrowinfr, which ... .ii:a.iin,iirei I ouacCO J Kt S, will ,i n, t,i, r(). VfUriaill KalPK. Jjdhi 1 I i,nns I'itrr,l.rr- ... K. 1 -'.'.,. I t.'itama, and pi s screws, hair andtooth BruiHe,. Bends ;! lUK-h Pct,rs; French and 'Dutch Sri 1 rf B,'Xe jron ' J,i eJ t ir- fit- u, I l w a . . ' i ei it tt' .la -.11 ..l.-l.t anu oras Knockers, Jnjnrrs' So. tares Spoke Shaves, Spurs, brass thumb Latches,, Porket Books, ia,,U, mortice, closet, chest, cupboard, trunk, pad, and till locks, Spades and Shovels. nauer t.nHi.rs, Blacking, Pocket and Dressincr Co,b. 'Pailors' a,,. I V,. n:, nit j'Mn.f ,,r:: ') Ine . :,v of l.ul.-'.,.!, )f, j the iiiMrc' rn.... . . . U'ir Irnn ' V ...,..', .. I . I t I rlllLt tF,,. Ill ...... .1... ' . i.v.i t uiniiia, l. Iiailia, 4iU Dl.i. -. i u r uia. ran it' i..-i;r. to ted table and" tea tJ:rt.. . r. .u. ,h Nor.,h' bF v.- d..- a pa.,-,r u.v. irom Tljiis "it -v. nv t ,r U J. i f rs:..r to ivavnu'i,,., I . a i I v t., i. en u,rr. : anu bras Knockers o it o' ov. H iiii,ii I nc ..itrortrr wi't vi-r1-t i..' M.,.1 i .( ... ,,. ( i u;k1 1i i vi is of '!i 'if .' .. , i im pain in (r,i t 1 .;! r !' S.ltC linn, comlori dde. rai.t'mi-rs w! o arc nn-ir". .uti;liii:r'i ;i,i!, staci UiJI II v J.X 'exchanged with me about two A,' h stock ol cattle, hog-, tc. Alsrj varioua weeks aioce a horse which proved to -be stolen property, and for .which fjc fedeived a dark bay Mud. colt about articles of botlaellold arid kitch.-n fi ;rnittir u.l r . . .. . . . . .. . .. lanninj; Htenii. I ne Una is well watered and its wtiiarksn is healthy." Ab.mt 80 acres of the Ia"J elfared, a eonaidVrsMe portion of which it ir- fiye yeari old, between H and 15 vre 7w ',wJf"w"d. mi adapted to the cui. irifcrwUh ......... , ... .. . ., , ctiienrnrwiow, ant iwirri nwre miirltt be ?5?frMAlJ-SS? "w"' re"cfeived twen- maile; Tbw ire 'w.y1t4.J f.MT.-Tp,;.J3r-tl.J,., fv.hvft - draiars.-" on tht i.mmiw.- WiM- rTiyaf Willie wee rh'ra.rt r...a. tu- W00V" " timbered, and tmicb ,f 71, bf r-swjacrjMC.r' warn au person imm If. t' Th a ln,lbw.n f.,lt vi1Miiinm 74iojflorjLM hor'? he w ,e,ly,.bo. , " and legged in jail s that the law can tk'e bold on hfm. lie is about 5 feet 7 or 8 inches rtigi, with a dark skip and tnm visage, w itn hn Iront upper teeth out. JOSCPII PACK; The subscriber , wufd respectfully ebrrcUIhe Editors; of, paper ia this , part" of the Stale to take some notice of the dttcriptioo. ot the tnief, since they will c .feryrtoUigaUqaoo the be wlJ at the same time three other tract of tauu mtoining tue oioer tract, and wluca lie in the jjold region, bavinir many faeoraWe indicart lions that the precious metal i buried beneath- me ion. i ne terms ! sale will.be liberal a ieaotiWble credit with approved securitr. irfUihuHufiul IZ, 3t3l- ICT Tlte Editor of the. Raleigh Star are reii'iecu to etve ine above three nartLm. .n.l forward tbeir accottnr to this office. ;x rout, wiU.aeciia'.M.a: . j .!,. I". tinion'i Htc, i , !; J. 7UU men's Thimf des, Tenter looks, patent I" VtoS; mef4 Ci-ckT, Razor Strrms. IlAraei nedar and i . ' ' .. . . J. o.rus, cotton and wool Cards",, trace and leading line R-.pe, Bed Cords and Clothes Lines, copper Tea Kettles. . lhcV also keen constar.il v on hand axompleteiwoft Cut and Wrought X.1II.S, -lYiULQn and. Curt nnxuft T A 1 - - . i ;j',ff "Tusliintt-n at potnl a any w VVr oeeu !i..-oofrcX 3 ' ! vim. inn I ot Tie? trifWer rani k-. k- rHtit no Ntnli rtTie- ltni.li. u',. j -1- "Aa ulcdl.tqt.itll'.jHill be ?oi a: ..i.cui.1 per. s:rr. 2d ri'iali'. at AiT V'i'r. 'J cent per at. c. TI.e in: a,'. itibfcrt- irlron-pajmem-of AC'.L-J jt. s" !. t. ,') , i,.pttti.tr for oniamii C" ' .d rhr,-, . v.r hef.,re offered ."'. t'-ntv-.cr.i ill I.F-jfucto pnrchas. ,' 't it tor I trt'K-r information, and pcrclrt-ny an '.rt it iH- w InH't, run oiL- to Mr. t it, in ,i,',rv, Mr. C C. Hen d r... m l.ii,. ..,t..r,. Mr. Tl:,. J. Forney of liufSe c . or to :tte stWrnw .. .'IIN CROW.V. I B- c'uci at' vsr aboni QO oflf) ' I. Hni.-ml r a d If lywood cmin M.t) ,t , laH r,iain aome ttf the rh) it lite Union. In a abort tin'e thp ,.,,,. . ,ii ... t . . i . uiuL. l. . .. . . t"rrr"-1? ' t r V-tteir to- I t . i : i ':" ' , rrt '."! b- w,H ,rift ft,, r. i'-'r-i,ic J m.M tatiiant ''"i i 8 r.mio ... a .. I... v: 1. L. ., , .... ... ,..T.,). , . p ., . l; ' . ,:'IH t'n m tv tant!e rt,ine nf iron, .r. nliaio ie.., s.W, , .r-fii.Id;vin;;a f of v conr-Jn.-He "e.-.tWrv eve- V.A. ..... l. . i . . - ie irac-a, ana i wir ifevh for Ihe or othrni. Anv m j pjart of then btnfi will Vl;?. Vf-rv . -infl which are sold at the' Manufacturers' prices. Folcer and Lamb refer to Messfs. Austin tind Burns, of Salishnrv , -nrl Samuel Frtel.t . - - - - - - .-.wM iu Vi' rt vduar TITS county. ! . p . :K l frin,ia;that te lett hm ttetUtia-ti k... 1 he had taken Lim with a droee fo tw. , Jim is hi no years oiit, durk complected, 5. feet biffh, has a scar on hw forehead and right arm, lb former be ay was cut with a rock, he baa uu nun , nuuie anu a !X.t cloth coat and psn- tttliw.na I h. .. . :. .... 1 ." ' rruemeq to come pre reir7KrFea61v to l and nro It'., nmn. n.r .I... .1. t . . r l""l,v";i r- "wij" ihiu lane mm away. . r , .T-ri I M M F. R M A N, .oiVee. VTritm V Wrapping Paper; MANt'FAGTUREl at tlw Salem Fa per-mill, for aale, on jnjoJenas tcrmi. at t hi. offir.. ...d w,H leave K.i;. VVe'i .n!i ! " ffC- .wa. t5hUe of .VorUi tyaroViua, rrxrnf.jf rotary. V r-;'y Canr e-',.. and Quarter Sn'u.tu, -: -- J I T .KSinjrs.' 18.1(7.' Ntf;W and Uiliian, IJOnmcker i-BeU Siliihltr it A -t j -T.it r, ........ ... .. ,, al;lv,. u. saIis(jlrv ter) iniir'nv ,sw ,.! IV ht -f . VL Forty iV.iUavs an v m i. ! rt -. ' r",r '"K mi ea- Sallcv, Susannah. Marola!in lhir.n .n.l 'ohn r..:i:i;rit, h, in of John KulbriRfO, dee'd. C4.ti.uv on !), .. .1 hi mi rnmim m t.ann. n '. vt.no (.' annc to tne at.t. lri ,m ,. Wit UIT t , . ., .... , n.n f.Onp,:tln g lirurl,! . 7 r , . " '" '? stra.i'lit C,l""CfiV''!irVi';"r)'li"-sme. h. his dinL He has.cnt across hi, ..1" HeOim white man: I . Iwrn ;,., ,. .. .r - v. nipt C ti l(J I IVnwa AV..li;l ''-ir? T ?a iSlliVU. ,4 liberal price ill.be given.'in cash, for olean X m. linen anil cotton a nni. t T:T! J ,Jt DE CARTERET oafUff. .i-ftl 1.4,4 lgj;i, . . V- j hf - Ui ... .M'. . . .'V . lwdlar. .it i. n..n...- ;" e.iwenty nwnroi.nt, i w 'p ' ,l!)rwd n oiv FBIHOWASLLL Jr. & liOHF.RT Jinr A liave mutually disked their cpartnc N,i in the nurchaae an.l u r . 1 ruM VI,,P r.. .,k " " I ' t' ........ ,u wen y two years of Mb, raid llct,ey. Baity, fimtina. M,. a. 'hilip. -John and Utlliara hrir, at I .. i.f John i..ng.il. d.c'd. are not inhshitanis of ihi fitute. It- t thrrefore ordered by' the? (W.. tbat notice Iv hahliihrd 8ix we. t In tl. U'e-. 'i-rn Oarolutiaii, rt ipiiling IJ,tJ d:fefldaftSb :fe,.exi.,cow!l,- (;ourt of rieas'ift'l H lurti-r N..-irn;, to be lieT.fTT;;;,! imtt'! malei5S.rditm: Virgin. I wil gl;'Tlren?W il tvt 1... . .... .. .. - . -otiiiayjH-jui)-, -ijKjti. ".58 a J'VA!1DP,V M'BCTarT- - .'Dyeing to Fa filler il!ef.. f,;" "llWn.L find it WjtlieiVjidvsntsge, to slop t V the nirM lurrf. ""Wher. tenieiire is provided for Man and llWt make tuein comiort ibie. it the modt.rat fit P(l eem. , day and mghufor the priifege itfcr - .. Vi jjOOU nnnae, lire, wafer, tno toelter.. Attnciied to" the Yard, are a Grocers no Provision Store, Bread Shop and Confeo titwary rnj Ilou, for Loarder, ,0d LooVe-ri a tlain. rlw iv ' f-t. . rt u wmivriw'1" afjp will aeU-very feadliy, ! ,W, i Annlv .1 k!.' " t3Cinon. ;f -' tr ! IT bt ta w tai an sir TO . m en pic abs csl th not Tn, w tner chat peoj the i rvns . . ha . hare pose ftist Nort Ot p; high i-capit, JVcliti out it UyvK mem -other - reat Siates foreigi Yantag the for enmpe ind Mi eenary est oft tnd Mi taxation rnanufai Ty ?he foampo. hleftxT ' trirnll each otl T inre tureri. fessi!fii .. r,t com i add, tl)a Planters i the t ; lions of il 'lfCQtni cloihec! w MJheir, poiisoftl upon the have, all ti nd ttnqrj Wjr purpo Yaijouf . ..' .' 7-,

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