fjj$t$tttt c$ ijfWliiito - " 1 - - , . 1 .... ..... It M I'lnm lw al.tai f mil Lt, ftbita, ltrvr tAte :hIwhJ ii llierWv-s have the Mmblanc of inequality, trbich ',m it fcrart of tbe cliiien, al V,ch will be evade! with E;tle remorse. The wUdutn of Itp&im ii t r,'ci!ljrerlrtjrf1iagUlln('o,clenC. ' . , - ' Dr. CJUntri, ,,4 , .tn. a . V, m a C a a , ftiUUWHW It WAN COUNTS N. C........TUK$l 8KPTKMHKK 0, IflJO. VOL. XI.....NO. drewe' ft ' tMiMttMi fc f pf rl 4iitn M' - ,a, rw l ' 4a.w4 9 ft MIM4 ta f ( t"" fA - 44 ( ai M a v 4 Ural -fc 4 fk tr v im uAf. r Ml AM fl itwfw tl I IM 4tr9 a lf 4 fta fttnum iud J T"S Si iit(uiv it gentlemen my t it the tru s itkil o" inioUed ' In "the wou.d permit every ekttblihirfent with their limurto kink i'tto titter ruin, be fore iher woold levy taxes from Ihclr oii ci'ii;ns to noiuitn and tutiain them That wo'lM be loo piai i and palp.ibia a proceeding. It woul t inuan'ly p-:n ihe eyes of th people to tiio tine raurac:er of 118 protecting syatein. It ould tear ofTlrom the mnittcr the veil which c n cctltitt hurriole diformi y, an'l 'ire ill i!t Infatuating charm for ever. If the p i) ttctton atTuded to toe miiiuf.ttureit ny were entirely i',nurii f) morrow i I do not btiiivt thetojs k folate LruUture hi Hie U.iion, tht tould (!re to tub'iiuc kit tfj'iivalcn protecliuri in the Iwiin cl pciunijff iuntic, drn fiorn the vcoiilc o itic in; roiripicte ami p't-rrttnent onirol otcrthe ltghllOfl of Conre, on thlnubjicr. A reat num'wr o(i4Uei hire toniribu ttd f j;le the nMniifriurini; interei 1?-' il?IllL,,jr:IO P"Mf,"if'w4 Irvine time, i bcV'inU ainfJuVlTiriiraT hM(J ot a tampru If nn ill num'ter of mttii acting wiih iha jfi'ini, porcrt tfQ!:o,.arid,ixticer'4 oiytb.jhe. ire tiirir own r-curtitr i'i!rreu. It it mf Unrholr fiei, to hirh : hn'prf (wiiira ib mt U'rrj it voct tetimuni thJl hfeer rietr her.imei o (ar jdica 1 in forrT)erf e nd ih? arm, s tu hir pfnounfd r r'ini'1ffa')le armmii l'ion rr( r ptnl, die noHir'k of thdi tpi Ulai peifccilf lrrrinii)lc e-t .til (nose fprtitani in relti n to thich i;ie ictim f)l Ihe ;'r rtirnent it hrfiujjtii to ber op on ht t;rrt peruni ry Svcrrk'k of mcie y hi.ry one K'itv tlut thie ii 4 ilrr?e, not vrv rtmr, lieo trie cat u"! .tom? fekVie in 'he J':k? of ilm ;oi rmieif, to fjior 4iit (o'er, li ererjpcJi, of rifnp'ion an1 bou ity, the nitritrnj anr? comnertiiil inttrts f i hr na'bri. I need 0Jfll add, trut at he :itrlijd to hich I alhi'ie. ai'itoat th eri ami ihe. frmera would be like) lhal 1 ih product of their honet Indmtrf f tMwen rautir koldien nI untrained I Uei not that mijoriiv 'declare t to be mu'M wen, in wnicn tuperiir dtKlpltnelite tntereit, and avow r t be lie objeot outd over'uljnce mperior nunbr. to puriue I hi rnem of Dtohlbi'onr du Men eorife4eriud together upon acluihliiet umil the whole of that eon) me rce ina lmere!Trd prtncrplea, wfrerhef tfnnf- wiH eie e alue to theeekuUuaL pro h":'i-fTr-rtiii i-. ,., .-l,.i...iii I -t . i .. o . r, . on oi ii. o i.iuek or ina sunnei oiwjt jaarrirmf or rre ntmhefn AaaktannUA eei4efr.UirtuLiULIouLJWCBj!OOl' oetol lintthio the treat mtiortr. whw act fioin I '. thill be utterly and abtofatelr'aboi' dUiniereted and patriotic impu!ra.--Jihed t It if not many divi tine I hntrd Wjrt ie DoCi:ociKd Jl on thi (liwrJ.n honorable eenileman from ht York 5klYii(itlt-AQ?.lh.' 'ifljDJ? '"lJ!ntl!i pjorifcil thin ten "i-iui mi muj ijciiini iici .hu inur i rrin pruaiuif m nan trie umci mo confrilcnicj iuiarciia f If rot propote whole of thoe forrlpn mmufacturei t j rrJc-e my one of the lu ie, no nut which fill witbh the purview of the pro ter li ) ptiviudk the etpeHiener of the re-1 hihitorv polirv, and which are the onlr ar Jiit'.lon, thrjr will tell you, if not in pUin ticlei the Southern planters can feraive. woici, at ai br their rooduc, th the to any tolerable extent or with any tort d-j'jr f.m propose to reduce U very op I nl vantre. in cschanve for their eta prciMvc aid u tjut, in the cmi ol talt 1 1 plrt, wpuld ceike to be imported, leivtn or vcrr abturd aou tuind.l, aa in the cae not a venire of that impor ant branch ol in tm st, ou' lht it you reouce eith our foreliracotnmeree. I he'e ii too ft Ahtc dunev proportion will be I much believe. Sir, that thi mule to rrduce aoroe other, and thrn opinion i well founded. When the tr -n- other, until the whole ayitera of if of 1 02S thall have reached its mx f.ii!edcrjd ltteret will be ehken to its imum, and the riorou enfjreement ol i tntre. The atchord it S'ick tofretb- tht duties thall be aaimed by Ihe bill on er, riKhr o- ron,, upon every qiieioo yDur tble, 1 htve no doubt you will have an :r !i-i tne com noo ctue. bach, Sir, proiided e avtient, which will accompllth it lite ronrcrt and vitrdince, and auchlthe work at in ire nrohiliiiion. in the itne limited b (ha member from Xewl lie cu.rniiu iont by which tbe manuftc j i . : . i t. . i . D'kict anu i("iiii 'i,!f iii'iii nig ) i m : i . , . , 1 ' "v i Jrejiurv. otbimr Hut cum'J beion ,J1B "'"'""" MMy. tium ujkju ;4ie jniarciii on i ur to wnom l have alluded. 'I MiUjjj'i n anu cinineii.c lily iu,Kf'C(l, in tne ay ol ai liniein, woo d exhibit trie plpblu injutiiceoftiiis rrm in ao ttron a libi k tbe courke jKirued, in i hi rrjrc'i, by th'c Lei,j turet of fio tanflf Sinirt. Wuuid tity tnn believe, Sir, that the Lrijiilnure of aovtrcin S(te woi.l I iiieniorinlizr: Coogreka to prwieci .ike uioJitturci ol fht Stale, by itupotinc reitncti jiu and duiiek upon tbe commerce ol .other vhjics, when thai Lpisu urt, oviitj itic edm tied power u protect ltiu,e m.iu:jc 3t.Ail uuerly nrRlectt to d it.' Vtt kucn the Conduct ofihe f.citlatiiir rl Miicnosetti ; anJ r ucn it 9uutitii r te course purMjrJ by ibs Le;Hljiurc cf all ihe utilT S.tcs. I turn, thus fr- ronti Icred thin tytiaio k involving coiii'ituii.jnal prrverjua cf tbe power to rtguUie (oiein com nierce, witb a view o beMo indirect bounties upon th mjnuficturea of cer ttin Sti(et'by imposing , taxei and re wtittirmf upon tnrr-cornnrerfTr of cer tain other Stairs.' I ti:i now invite the attention of ihe Committee to ao-ne eon siderttionk calculated tm'ifv mat it in volvek a vifilnfton, 't the trti aixi lumla mcaul principles ol cjviUik! r ittr jcul Iit eriy. There it not one of those punci Hilt a toon an !hn CKt'ttjl w trtnt furred la lUe buiinest of nTnufjc'titC the whole polirv ot tne government, tmJ the politlcitprir.riplea ol n eit'ire region of coua'ry oi t te niKject of free iri te and comment ij' rettneuonk unf1tfrent I cSrreipiWdinp ctwx. -would al- roat iraajMnp, nohil been loti rrllu),i i. Collar t to hvtf wl:rek' (J ihit t 'riO'd'Ofv 'r.Mninu''iiHiihat hi- N ' bnl.ind .U "infers of Unn;rek r! rre xoV. iu'd .11 mo irp'er.n''ic ni rjpiul. airt !i ). of nUMl'l"!!, ' iinjillClll) livo ibc'v f )l!oi:d it t!i'ection. S r, no in jit of tiie slih'fat obscv- no 1 cun () initn.'iie m me ir.u icnrc oi , urc c j i r j i i t n,o t'ic tnrmjcr ol inu j fli.i.r.on qrvnm :l -i i'i tiirn ;jr uiiir in'i-r;!. ; in not to ba (It riiMed. Hut two or 'b ee wciltl'V i'Oii o tirirtf . decid(J and Dormant' lOniri l o6r pu ilic opinion in all the tsnTS net. ii iDc H'p'eicn't'.ivet 01 tnoe strs, ioirei drrid.-dly opposed in principle. ojl.e pronmi orv poUCr, are rorvrind " ru; ml :be in'eret: of the manufanur rrt m mat of their conitituent t: large ."trtnaff, rHrron a fntufrrU mu oh ( let, womd dtre to vo'e a'inst joy met ura, however unjust and opprcisive, if 1: be only deemed beneur lal to the man uUciiiren, and denominated a tariff. In ad'li'inn to the reakoo ( have tttted, I; it In vaio, then, that the people of tbr South atteorpt t palter witn this question, or to diiruie any longer the 4d real'y o their condition. They have no tocurifv .agaimt taxation, but tne will of thoie who have a aetiUd interett and fixed drtermina'ion to increat; their bur thent they hive no rights of piopetty, no iMj 10 ihsT tommerce which urna the prinripal value to the production! of 'heir imlunry, which tbry !o not hold by the tsme miteranie anu iirgrauing tenure. They arc, lo nil intents and pU'potes, the lavr of Northern m r.ioitolntt. If I ' the Southern people. : Sir,' iKrte thi u rannot, mutt not be," ll it Uttrrlt tmpns. kible that kUi:h . tta'e of thlngt cn b permitted to ron'Mur-, In e.lard whem f . liKertyontl'it'i'mt tibrHy-isriHeir ! , 4Jy einflf-r;!uri')U1 ti'fc.l'l pnk-.,.. Tl in a w iit i M r "fit m n r -t h it"? awUljpQIL7ilt!t the right of 'the majiritf lo govern. n'tl he duty of tha mloeriiy to avSmit-w There Uno political nrjnrlple m re in properlv applies Dill it is tuj-rt to ' two ery important limitations in our fad- erative stktem of Ooernmcnt, if'owmif out of tbe conttl utlontl tompnC, aod founded upon rhe'prinrin'esof natural jtittice. Id ihe fi'ti plr e, the mijvf'f rannor lightfully do any thing no au'i"r i tl'd by the constitutional chartrr The . great objret of a i:ten rpniitu:ion It to ita'rain the mtioritv. I is founded up on the Idea that an unfherkrd nujo'l'f it at dangerous ak an uncbe k -d mi'ioi'y I belirve, aim rut loose fronj lb m or' ings of an t fTcctive an I real 'etponslbllitf f it Is more so. Djtofthst herrtfirr. regarding the manuficturintr at the were called upon to give a kfiui i.n ol rontrolling interett in the tariff S atet, 1 Lhvrry, I could not ut hnKUge more ill 'Jd another, which every reflecting appropriate, than that whietrklauuld act ur duly apprecuie. Ihemanufac airiv detctibe the condrion of the Deo urert in their application to the General rlr of the Southern Siatet. iovcruinent, naturally tnlint the tvmpa Thf re it no farm ol dtapoti'tn that hat tnics ami prepoteioo ol tbJMatek and ever esitted upon tbe hce (f the earth. mo't mooMronk end horiible than tnat ol rrreentattve governmcr.i a mi; ik h;i of iiie L'nion to whirh thev tie inH-ert in nuirciPi i iTTJiiifi, rt1TT,1 )!!(;. T:ie qucttio'i ol graniing iclief, kaniauve heff, ni;s all 'be ret .t ti t:of. i'uentk united, uvm liu- qus:ion of 'increasing or diminitniiig itiv .,x up Jforrln iron. Tne ttme ii e.j uil u ue I at to thr. nxir pi inter, sail m k. , and ! .H.vmfatrnrrrT of xotoo Mii.n. la Ilca of more vital importance, or mote 1,1 lc- I' it not ,:itii ull maitrr to a. absolutely consecrated by'alf the nisrori eor - f.,r 4t iin.iJM,e Lca;ai...cia Cal associations of Uoi-'i Great Bii:;iin iliplovedin l ,nu' l iu r. I . tn.i co the L'oiudSu'et, than j.iai ft hicn jeeyre 'Ti-mTv l):i vc, that two or torce laiy, tbaftoil aeaiitst 11 -tax4 n.l AtirrCT !kl by tne?li- ... r , -n - i not inj posed ny their own rtpiesentativis f hit principle, Indeed, is caseiritlly ii) wived ii' the very rio'Dii of teif govern bnrf rs lio wrrc cnti jrd to vote at eicc ti'iits, would bi 3'i ovcrmicb for il the othrr intere' in anv C'ltigietiionul Di ment. Now, Sir, owing to t tie Icdcraiive ! " "Ct i t the Utlio i. I have tet n enoun character ol our Govei ivncnt, the gtcal gcoprjpbical extent ol o'jr icrii'.ory, add the dive'sity of the putiuitt ol our cm exns in difTcrent part oi tbe Union, it .. hat s,o happened that two ijreat inteiestt liavc sprung up, stanch. i directly op posed to each other. One of them coa eistt cf those nianufactuiei wnicti mc aSortbcrn and Midulc Sta'.es aro capable ot producing, but which owing to the high price of labor and high profits of i-capital in thOic S.ict, cait.tot bold com ..petition with foreign, m uufactures with out (be aid of bounties, duectly, or inUi llyr giveo eiier by ihe GcricratGorern ment or by the State G iveraments- Tne -ther of tbene i!tret coisitts of the - threat egricuftural ;apl'a of Vhe" Sjutaern States, which ran find a market only in foreign countries, and which can be ad Vantageously void only in exchange fr -he foreigfv-auutacturet which coma in ermpetiiion'wlth those xf the" Northern ind Middle States. It followsas a ne- est of the manufacturers in the Northern i Mi.. n .... . . na ;oiqnie atates to prohibit, ny neavy taxttion,ihe importaiion of thote foreign .manufactures, which it i at uridoiibted V'hs interest "of the Souihern planters to import at free from taxatioia as postf ?.hlesT.b. SBfaod.ripinjc.Hsb sch other. The interest the petunF larcr irdTrecily prdrrTTOd by cveilrP "cressrof iheiaxtrs itppwwd op-aib-:rh "comrnerce ; and it is unnecersary to 3d, that The Interest of tne SiVufUcrTi I even m my owii (lit'rir.t, to convince mc 'thiit even tnt lorni t;o exiep'iou to the i.-nrral rule I mve hid iin. Wh.if numier ol farmers, scattered over the country, anO customed to combination, eonid rit the it.flui.nce of thr-ee Jare nunufacturing cpi:lis't, each having three hu idred free hboreit in his empiuyrnem entitieu to voter Upon iny question afle tui the interest of the raauulacturea, tnrec thousand I r men would bold no . ompction wi.h tbem In the hrt pi ice, tnere would be a per tict unttv ot aciwn amonc ins tanuaints ibemselves on hojuestion, lor examine vi'jl to their own interests ol indue ing Congress to ki" tham a bountr, or impysa a .prohibito! y . . du y having the same efTt'Ct. Ii the second place, all thu laooiert io-thcir employment would, Ijp on the most obvious principlok of human action, cive their votes in tucb a way as to gratify .Hi is' wishes anJ promotd tlio in' terett of their employers. Tiut would indeed be their own interests. In tbe third nlace, a considerable tminber ol 1 farmrs and other persona in the, vicinity of these manufacturing establiihmenis, would hml a market lor a great number of agricultural productions, which would otherwise be of scarcely any value to them, .AlLtbek.o causes would produce JHrlectftlt f - f a ttloiti" a nrHtslla: erre-.' .(ill' over injreprc.-4Joq Xanp.e.JO tig'X. or. Jen toanuiacturj yoiid- .ibe.sphere ofiu rrKpoiitibiiiij.-- Liberty is an empty aound. and rcprcten tat ion worse than a vain dilution unlet the actiqn of the (ovarnmeoi be ao .gu hted that retponsioility and power shall be coextensive. How, I would be glad to know, under what respontibility the majority of tfiis House act. In ijnpwio? nurlnens upon the industry ol the oauih cm pec?le, and in waging tbtt mertilest warfare against their commerce T Are they, in 4h- slightest degree, respoujl--. bl e to ih rise ii pon w h orrf t he f I m pose t h ese heavyburthenk ? Have they any feelings; of common intereti, or common Sympa thy, to restrsin them from oppression and tyranny f Doe the ayaiem of prohibito ry du'ira, which falls with such a des iruciive power, upon the dearett interctli of ihe Southern people, impose any bur then, or inflict any injury at all, upon the conttiiuenit of that majority by which It has been adpp-ed ? Tbe very reverse of all this, , is the truth. Tbe majoriy which rnpotet these oppressive taxes upon the people of the Soth, so br from bving risponkible lo them, or. to those who have any common interest or common sympathy with them, in relation to the matter,' are respontible to the very men who have been, for the latt len years, making the welkin' ring with their clamor for the imposition of thete very burthens. Yet, Sir, those wad lay Jjahd of uftcfcnsjHWionat and lawless taxa'ion upon the people ol the Southern States, are not tbe represen tatives of those who pay the taxes, or hare any participation in it, but she re prV5entat"ives6f thoae who receive "the bounty and put" it :'Tn "their p6ckttsr TT Can there be a more gross monstrous In the second plare the right of tbe .1. mijorlit to govern, in e fx-II ital sfti rrt tompotrd of cor! d'rattd Sfvieigtitj. and ex rnding ovrr pi'grphlral vitiont having divrrifitrt nd cr'nDutirif.. Intercs.k, mum b limi d to lfae r r n where ihere it a common tnttttt perv! ing the whole conlrr ert . Thi it ' limitation g owing oorxflhe very uiure and objret f me compart, ev. n upon mo exercite of powers expretsly gfante.'. ? ' Thr submission of interett which arfl itcoiiijli .dv.CjjfJ.,lhe.59ouol comnion govarnment, necesviily in vnlvck (he dea' ruction of one or the ri.hef cfth'm This it the foundaiion of thai 9 rheckt and balances, even of consolidated governments, at d of the partition cf pow er. 'itniug ditiinct toveififjntiet, in thia cenfed'rtcy. Ii is contrary to he clearest p-inriplet ol mtuitl ii. e, thti the matonty merely r-ue they hue the Mwer snonld v' '''r the rtgMe and dtttroy h4 tipsf 1 prruilr interest t or na iri'."'i ritt would Inake powr nd ly )ionnv-4ierin- i tie fnajorpy planters Is promoted by every diminujlouwere engaged or interested. me taxes imposed upon tne produc tions of their industry. If, under tbese circamslances, theirtanufactureri were cloihec! with the poweT of imposing taxea at fjheir. p!es sure?, upon the fjretjjn ln poiis of 4he plxnterT bo doubt would exit! upon tbe mind of tay mm, that it would have, all (he chsracterittics of an abvdi s and unqoalified despotiira. It m ' Wy purpose then lo she that by' A tPtiPVl indebted iBtsreste t a Tir'gJ'TlflrflbVr'tif Ttrrerr, directly od indi- rectly coituecttd with the manufacturing ikxtj;9!ni5kotd direcTedTiO" atngle object -the project tue proTec :ton of the mUrtfcurir in which tftey Whatever divisiod might take .place among other interests of tne distuct, you wou'd never find the manufacturers divided. Every candidate for popular favor womd be made to-Ubdertiand, thnt the consolidated vote of this manufjctunug interest would 5e givan tjtihst him, unless he wul;i promise to support th.etr applications for ih bounty and protection of Congrets Injhia, manner it would come to past, ibit the contest between tbe rartrofafciar li.K cua jllj.nnctitji in Aiatsacnuveiit, wpqH be evidently regarded aa -.&te qaotuun, 'tbougli nol ten noij.iTii1po pie should be directly or indirectly inter eved I Y!7"ami the member of Congress who sfmuid oppose ii,"woul(f be deemed io have deserted ihe interett of his own bute. i ftere-ivawomer-eofrsideTatton," sull mure decisive- The relirT sought by (be manufacturers is to be obtained by impotug ouhunMd eukuwM-upoi) .uu commerce of oiher S ate, and re mote sections of (lie Union. All classes, pncrtforei in a maoulaouring Satr wilt n.tiui jlly take tides with the manufactur ers, in regard ioll those measures which pi jpuse to advance the interetia of those in jiiuljctuicr. by taxing the commerce of the Sou'hcrn phmers. Viewing it as a (ijetun, there can be no, that 'lie aggregate interest of tbe State wouid bo piomo t d by tuch a rnea buic, tiowever niton tl iei able (he number ot nianu-actuit-it. i, indeed, the ii.ler cst ol .ddstacnute'ts to protect any of her iniinolac uierti however tmall the num ber, anJ noever heavy tbe imposition necessary to cfl'ect jt, if the benefit, how ever tmall, accrues lo her-cttizens, and the burthen, however great, fall upon ihe ciiiatsns of other States Toe unanimi:y with wnich ihe mem bers of this House vote, even for private el.Hms wrfting .trorn iheir owruSiafesi. wiien scarcely any body else can perceive any justice tn them is a commentary up on what I have been saying, which evtry gentleman will know bow jo. estimate- On all questions to be decided by Con gress, theretoie, affecting fhe interest of mnnf.,-lnr r.r any t( thOSfi attsn e no ra unl rich'. in ivra.m gov. iVii the" rhirioti y.' "ft ti mer f f,iveri;-'' ional rlghf, g'owini; ooi of rfestuv td, the "tvrirriiKrr'gt" of tbe minority to the erjoyracn' JlLIKlI "... liberty and property, without anv nrj'itt iri'terfeioneo ""on ilie part of the'Tniionfyt :-" h "at sacred, o( ihena'uril J,itt.-I-r cijted inleretts, which the persons con cerncd are pleased to. denominate domes tic iudustry, 1 am constrained to regard the policy of the tariff States as fixed arid unalterable ; as much so, as if tne repre sentatives of those states were chosen wivei,inai.enuherc.v?!r7 agents, scung undcpjnstruc! iW?'J.,:, : W fdrpre--of libert yT4 jubj c!LLh,v ed 1 1 d fwareo ecurc toe pwi sw- ny burthens of taxation not imposed by their own representative? It it noi.absoiute y annuled--na, is it not completely re versed, as to the, people ol the Southern States, in all casea involvintj the interest or the manufacturers and the policy ol the protecting system I Is, not the'fna- jbrity of Congress composed of the rep rcsentatives al those. whonave cirect and positive pecuniary interest in impos ing taxes upon the people the Southern o... ; . . . . .f t...!. nt.y i- K 1 1 . t . Tatet, in wie iw'iii oi um" "vi jiumii,w and insulting mockery, than to tell my oppressed and outraged conttitueotty that their rights are secured by the principle of representative responsibility J It would be just as rational to talk about the rca ponsibility of a Romtrj Kmperof, to the .PrfttArhn handa hv whoM he waa elaVa- pjundeHnBttXtCCtPrd pur pose- f - pay UJg ibfl ttuUtfO0 tives by which be had purchased the Itltn- tV very ptTrictple? of representadye responsibility, when th governrrtent is tbus thrown JVom its balance, becomes itself a principle' of the most despotic ty -ranny". It would be far betier for, the Southern people, so far as thi tariff poli cy is.concernrd end at God is my Judge' I would petfer it that the rnnjoniy of Congress should be - responsible to no earthly power, than that they should br responsible to (tie Very persons who bavt the deepest interest of alt the ptfople Ton ry daties Hftomtheir lawful commerce Icartfi in the t'axaUoo and oppression eJ of man. ,i Wjpen the great snttgontst lneretH i of society become arrayed sgamsr each olie,-paMtc'arrf;.wVJ.5J!.P ated hy divanrr snrj rtiviigHoe,u lUfTerertce of climate,. eht.recter and ri'jlI insti'otions, ne vieat bie.ct of xbt Oof ernmtnt ahnul'd und.mbt'odly be, not to become the ptrtitan of either of tho -inicrestt, hut to interpose its power for. the purpose 61 preventing i-e snongrst from destroying the wester. lovead, however, of assuming this af.ituric in--stesd of restraining the m.jr interest from doing this act of iiijusiice and op pretsion ihis Oovernmunt degrades is- elf into Ihe character of H pinrran ejf - ttronger interatt and unintnumertt of i a -oppression. It rannot be o'hrrwise, Sirt is the rrujnrity in Congreat, bnngf nothing mora than the agent cf the m.' jor interest in irYe confede rac f , iskumes lho piwer.of arbitrarily and unjiintlv appro priating to its own use,-the li-'ful and exclusive property of the mino t'y. .JThra majority can have no sut h tlth ful poer. If i i ni h ef more tjor ieai 'tfi Ztt disguise thrown around it by the"efopry lorms of IcgisUtive prOrredtng, hn downright swindling and tobStrV c;irrca which, in any rivilixrd tountry n lh world, wrAild subject the irstiiviflua"! per- petrarof 16 "1lf smtrux ptjnrshire "Vi,at i human rower cn confer upon one set of mini UPwrTer immeffiut, the right tn , commit such en outrage upon another set, however few in number I Will any tfdvoesu) cf . the tartfT policy admit that ? tats men hiye any greater right, to rob", him of his property, ihsn. he has to rob . tbev teii bf theirl f Ye. t thi would br a a wtjoiUy f Congreis.haie an unlimitta UDControlabte right to eisposo ot tbe, pro 4' DertT of tiiCTflinttrrry, -jtaeix'Asi hit ...CATCIimq, A TARTAtt. ' An Irish -soldiery once returofog from battle tatlienthtjmarcliing alit tie' way behind bk-f ompanion, catledr but tQ bim, rIIol!o, Pat, I have catch'd . Tartar !" u Bring himlong ih"ii X. M Jib.' but ; he won t come. tKcsx come away, wUhfJut Jitm.' Jaaea.Jbui t won Vict tne, V '" u Why,

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