jo In tHrir rll'tcjtt'iitizfmtn', nj tuTtft;, jiutitiO eoBCtrr to p ottl, W hen ifr-n cf te to rmil mwl iluofe f(Jf il.,,,, Kivrt, tint mnmrnl tlicv tirtntlly (Mit ti frtt J'it, J there I n r Ij rtnl, W of friyrviU and t, tluti ha l cn rT,. the ill i'd HMiiiit of tU ptoplg to 14,4;, ith hii tft ie. If e U.k -moh.!,, we iH fl M iliat the U tid, n.t n U niJ, (c, and that alihu' e ar m r.anrf rt f,o ,ij it M f,ro;.'d lo r?um it. But b f fi"i t rtiyi i Anther mt'Kt pi i hi I0f n-l wtiUiiif'j-jcniMtJereil i lif mrjiitft ihcn S") frnti fir tch mmHf of hi (mljt ni Ih'n hit tn-iutl iitHcriprior A n la ctrne ((rir.t tr.d enrolled ki nirne tit ; lha mem btrtdf th Sicicljr 51 mr oshert con 'rltju'id U jrHf 4$l mtj fl ied inioeur rreMUf jr, mucb br ronl mr e;tiiioRt When e,4rtit)tcd ir Teurer 44 in hit hnr -MlhrSi brfira e irp rfd, ihrt tm!! t'tu wt inercitrd in tum mire Ihin lofficient to lit plmitri Hf Rrlf rHnM'i ihttmA' f i ipvj.i'e J Jo dTifr terrain co th( occUui He. Mr, I'.cck hit titer ntc. The neitannutl meeting t') Itka plice It Sjli,t).irv, t the utit ti .uft, in Augutt The Krf. Mr Kpt lo deliver Ibe nni erirjr tarmon, will) l"Je Kr. Mr. litll et hit l'crnitc. , At tht tin of the metio,e nura'jrr of ptrtont idled their . nance to the tun fur hcrcitin the lunJi of the So irf . " I 1 , M ii ii i r Til .r.a l.i.Mlt. I-tfrrrtUHtf At ilVl try If A'fl VatfV., The NioiH Aim.l Mceiai( of th Ire f'p.l C-u I y liii.U Si. ! r wt ft'.M on - - WH.iin'Ifif 4' fcf Ao. jn tru Prat HtUrliri Clinic in Statet.iHe. Thadar ,Vl remarkably Flr.e the Mr jr etrh n'fTi1$u1!tii.i tg.?al1-m fud J'ltl been . Stvrd wilt) refreshing tSowert. Te audience was numerous and highly fr pecublev V 0'4.4 several persons . jnii, nwu .;lau.urae.jJona. ot, tin Z cuunifU..x. it Si 4- . 4.r , nttivtlint lnrirt. ' jtl ho uf po ttiral ir.iituii..f,t rt ii,aUuc., . Tlief'Mpulvet':h'i.irini) in- - inr iihetpr rtrfirMte tbe fnftlfirtf.on. upon Ifr-e pnncipu t, jet mtny of ua ar .'ae JtUA(irtAr.'.4. and vital w ! w an aiatti tu pica! iVtr rm,t.rr..iii. M -vb) . , , ,! ,,,, ... , L . three hymen id to favoured tit ' able rtentrkj. ao.ill cou j uh or ttl we intend fjr the detiltu'e tiwt roitvd ut. In O. t. hit aparance io Dretdcn. UJOU a trali-d. and wW LUlUn invnli-mtfie dvr.,! , 01 .'....., bnai.ui 1. wU,u.U,, 1 .. . a . . J a . J Ih Satiety, eoo'i fr If oMot.Tbti hounred he object of ihe meeting,- The , Pa.lm, beginning, , , " Let ktl the heathen writer join To fuf one perleet wit wong, enr. plater clfred by lh Rev. "Mf. fp. Toe Pn. Mr Fron-i ibr n rd the report of ihe B.tH of M.naer. , In hkk it as t'e1, ' ihe elf on ol i the Society. aice their tail cocaiing in VFeb have been wholly directrr! to the ipplf of neilijOfibK rouMjr. Fori hi. purpo.e 600 Hides and 100 Tesiaincnta .have btf p"v urti! At an expene of fteuly 800 Of'hitttj,n.240rembine Unpaid. Two' auostrtp.ione base been - enmrnr eitetlr she J atce-ruin horn Weny pervms ruu'd r found in the so'n r ly, who would p 50 ceoie fir Mtb ' inemher' of ibeir respectable families, he nhi la ivint'iA Jiw nutif ternn "fre illinf n pif glO -h. Tnf lirt;rl evotriipiion wt eeded murn (he brsu r'reioM to lhc m.'ftn. ienijr """u1)cri!ri ot '210" rt uhU(tA.J Vt lhev. fnr fr lrd. If nieml-rrt. fend live r L'dici Mr . A. CiliUtll r tonmi'ti-rd life inin-Hr, br the ,f pirmj.tM$ttstet-W Jxf theirwdTrnt. .' AtCMfr WmvH m"'f hnrtrt-eArUui:Htnnwr-o reived and rrad from Third ,n! Mirk complf wjth thia rcqwt. T'- Mr. Ipjr then delivered the tnmveraarjr dhtoyae. It wat an appro prime rl JTipftiive pfrhrtnire, well ' vlru!tfd to antmite the fiienda of the 'Hitlf in thti- ftvxl work. The Arnt ef " Vf PxrffirSorirtf fjilowi in a hrt ' ipterh Anrn(f orher thingt, h tiid, lie triittert, he moalrl with the Divine t - blrMirj;, hf lle 10 announce in a Itw " - wkJ 'Thti' all tor court net in this i i-e "eai r,i u.u.-n arni r aie;teiitf 1 m,r, .,r wh h. K. , had tn arne vr-d rrrt , been proiifJ Vi.i. -.... ; r if fi u 1 . fin . i 'Ut report wt 1 vfr in'ern'in one. for." Hut whi the luble caie It ihut u, , i,. . . , ' , , f h ' ..... " w I'u jiiMcii. 11 a i;)rjrs ' r ... 1 ' Wt 1 r af ijf orgT0niu5T(j ( Iort rfiofTiiir hern paid, oiue atiitanre it alvi e pecttd from othcrt. Uul we have already extended our rental kt :o far SufTw.e 11 loatfi hal ihetietr nd ita Irienrtt were mjrh Rtttifiad witn the result of the mretiog ; au1 teptrited, we bliee with inrreatrd atr.';iini to (he I!i'jIc cau. Trte Hev. Mr. Frurititclotrd the eierciifa with p'irer, ami hv prooniui ci(j lite beucii ciinri. A ML' 1) 111. r rat wtarta fiiDtitin, noirjj.y utnu: socihty. The llown HiMe Sorifiy Id itt an nuil meetintj at Union Church on 3iur. day lh 7tb imir The -Hict'ifir:. opened bjr praver from the Iter.', Mr. (joiiM, aiid (ha ahiy'rtaia dicourte wt rlrlivered by tbe Kev. Mr. Koaen riltr. The rretidnnt, the Kflv. Mr HrAin, being letif, Geor-'e Andie., K.ri. one of the Vice Pretirlenti, tor,k the chair and o'uniutd (he mei'inr f jf ct A letter wat rrkd fiom thu I'leMdcui, at ininjt the reatoii lor hit a!ieiitet an.) expretsin Sit ardent viMh f r the tuc ITfOTrjorirHrttnernirsryn n.i.. w.,i7; of the beit familiet wirn whorn a onn,r j ,.rt fur the hunrtt mil ctm-.i r..'iiir.r)tr,i.iii,f !i c fr iiigt - i -tt'n t?eniieti)ao f'om the city, witit bit .iitir, jtioUi ji.hirfo of a publ.e inr, thv aiMn-K ajb-K! if Um rrr i.ut(irk- .,)(je i,-.,. wat on vWt, rriade love to the younje la 1 M ctl0rt ,H; , Uerr and 'mtl.' tin rrr.v.- of ti Krf:.U.t, al.m, lliy dr, prevented to her an elcitii diamond We(J( kovrrf,Hw who F,,,r,., ,! a d ! :...:.! .;-.r ..... or.., U, wtr .U. ,, tm rinr and a ffolil ay. !ch. and arrninrn.rii.it1 .- . c ' m ,,r 1 tbe wulie'l aaw iii'iioiv iinj i"r-i"'' " ' ,v"" rr i t u kj .t,. . the jrounj pcopfe to B-itton. I fere he' tponei! t atouchcilo the tor row of t aia'de keeper j i.tode tailor a tulTar er." to the amount of two auitt of it thea, one fr hiuuelf and one for hit intended l.lictl pb'lira, and w!.o !. 'nj 4. .111 j ft 1 tiili.t !j l4, til- l.ttical anJ nu-nlal .trtntl. I.. 1 vert -if ; .'..nil nu-1 j p;,. 1 ..... tu fcl-im.t j.,. danjfstotjl brhrmrt, biiripwinf; umlr 'h- fur.- ; datinna Biwrn whirb ur frredum w . .. t-at ban-1 .1., ' ' i.i 1 .in 3 Ii'. ' at brother III law. and hvii.r taken ,hfl jbr'eri r.te.t and -.:. J a.tnrrnu. luM.nn.,..,, Vi-i. ... a.. ) ... u,c m.u., m li( ! (UKil .nil com nun wcmi m i i idum 'j j '"''M'aefkl, ' Wlie r-fir aiiojM thrae il..n(ti !i an.! t' j 1 ' in 'l.ia rnliKheucd p-riod ..f Ihr world. ...J .n j 1 ""'m " the Ca Ibiapurett of rep.ibl.rVi Ma it that -c arc d, "lc " aj rM.H.,, tuf. terinrttrnc in enrml m.flliKf..ce a-d e-ib 'U',,U' ' " " "" b "la U,t- ,3r iaa-1 U. .,.; 11, ,,J vlm" f 'V cn il lie that w are brco'i.inn murr watch to a jeweller to have hit youiiir la dy't rurtje enjrve thereon, prevailed on the young lady j sulj. r him 10 put limiind. in her wcdJlK rinj, and Lor rowed the aroietaid rlumond 1111219 have 11 et by ; be tent off hit funk io a pack ar Drelm, and it now in other part, crc(lu!uu- M " iljn rf ffce " P"-!"'! Hew.. 5 feet S or 9 iur he, U(h. Iitfb "l,on ' complexion, aandy, and hat aevcrti . loo"' H,bl:eiirn Wart, two f which, on hi. hand, he C"1,',u r tr"" poj'""1 -f'-rur,!' uiJ h icceived f.oni a hig'i .ymun. j nl ,'c'' onre rm. d ro ttr..njr and proit.ii.eM iiuiitii' a future in our na mnal cLamclrr. Perhan. it would be ni-arrr rfi lo any tint A Si-rne.- I wit mirietn, on Vdnet te are l- commr, .'ur;'!i and inert earcWtt nay Ut,of a ttr.i.r uime on board ol ?bnt our t!nicl r.i'M. whitb we unwiaeU .cmaie, wni wjt pr jee-m.j an ciopeineu: IMly c fd i.itr.ntl enrmiea-lhe irom her hUtbail.l, C.ll- on liO.rd Ullh ! ,1,1.,.., ...v labour imrlor. tta.ement be laid before -hem of iJwirj!'" ' children .:.d her ?.....!. Mir 1 ,,...,.,, uf llf ,;, political tx tr.actiont uitb Societr 'i ! 1 Py a;; I.. Kreat klce tor . - u il. of dan-. f.m . reaturer wit requeued fo.lhi Ii tu i ynie lime, af'tr the 'lef.anurc .f ihtj. OjjI front the wharf. Ths.r hit.iT la .1 ti.e ;v..,i,.., 1 .,,H,re. , V. , ( -i( aird .na.Uuon riti ii..i(1n . .' ' roj..i butbb..l ot ilM u, lgti -Xu . (lit ir public acrvar.ta. WUin,rw Kroricijr ta.cuaied, iben, t Wv,t conujitirin thwt ihr cuh.,iti ,i briber, w r'.rdcdMb aoliui, ao.H.rtr.K;. by utntaf the ri-r, il.r American Ntio.i a.o. ,iili.'.i W!W.d U.JjuJm u i (Wtr emrr tr,oe...t w.rt! of ,, iU( br.auae cerium r....U.ct ,f lo firc,a Ud ,.ro.iH4 i vole fur n. k. K a road or caui.1 (hreuh theV .liatricl, tl.. ) ha.;, I.y w t rriurninj; 'he fa- r:...- t ... i" . . nowevei. i.iUm run'eil l.v 'I..- i.i.uakior. a -ir..rKr iiooiewt, no. ajjent Ol t ne '. ' . ' t...e win make erett l'n.f-i..ri, ,,l f, .. . . 4 j : .1- 1 an i.niorttuen tmi't? finr-i -h.i .: j!i... u ' Kre" I " ' '",f" '" ,nr Wceto..f.- whirl,, ..ibly. wewou'd : -t l" "'r 1 """" K- -rupr!..;,,,, in V Wl;: tl.i,k ..f l....k.,., lor ,. We do not !"ll,t':c,L S tter-rf. not 1 'P 1:-. l . . - - 1 .u.r. v. hi. h i.n.Lrf n. I... it, .. K.. I ... i.".- ...u"ihi..iic.i r.n iinwirT m i,ov..n wiin comes r. the ..crrd 1 . ( S. P uret. mad, full and defiled re 'jf ll'e 1 r-'reiv j ;n' " f' ? - inline iMiDc, t'.teinp'ea to thfow l.c.-jdl ' 1 I'"'':"r"1 I'.revr' ' overtmrrl, bur beiiijjprevtn'ed f ... a'- '"','' ,,v a ni render .f our - .r. k n .pc. ! coniplititii.i' hrr 1 ft r , b'.e, at in d'ji ! t-1'"! 'hro the ar'.r ! inHmnrr: pre- .rc;uin iV..ld be n y d.reeted by ! 1 tn ivcrcai, vd rr:ntip!t utitri) diucarded ! I'lie rcMimuo., Mveri., ! ..cur though oil Of l.u:j,rc I Of .,,., t r.pidl advanring, he feared, there -quid 1 f;m Mr Ani)ffw, ' ' ' bound, fell Hysteric Sts, on rccuterii ! 'e..b A frienJ bud ..prir.. .pi; 1 -4jteer Ikm . ...C: 'i n,"VH riri.trtklriB.iii.lin, r ' I 1... l.. . L - t . 1 ,, be a defiucocy ol fuudb in tupplinc Notih .Cetiftlitifc, ia ihe btnoutUtit R'iOO ..'JTix' Rr? Mr, Patterson of the Mtihodiat con : 1 1 ic.BV t h e - Soriei V- A g rmrrate- rrrnf " texnunf of htelaho' in aupplyinif Sorry nunr. "Allhotlph Murry ron'aint many II. il.r. 'i ir.cai ii.tin niny, ir; 11 n I ' ,n , t,. m,. ,. i , . -wert-deie-uitf Wel .- hM 4 ,r . - viairer! rvtrr n.rt nf h nmnt, rt ... I 'ro."l vlikbi her .huiOarid relieved iiu; ol j We IV srenrr lrim f lit invii.ini nf m.n . ,.l a a . . ... ' . Ttrb mrtu mi flui, i i . I, . ....... Idctiiwe e.f tnr flrj tod Nc, Tetamer.t ; ml .t edina. the rrVrwton;- oi the Socitiy, be upp'ied all auch w'nh the "rd f iruth The destitu'c oi Hawaii tf ft iamille etat luuiK..KUhauuHe.DiUe. . ...In' their bouae. And the aetrci.y iif money Is tccH, 1b crrnrrarirly hw vf det't'ine have the meant of paying ; 'riitjr"Hitiler :r .. " " -Jainet Campbell, Esq. of the MeihoJul -t,0WHxi, offe rd-tba. frttU.wffl ftitolir inn u VV he re at i hat frrjuiicd longer limeto.upplv Surry countv than ve an , - li.i))id Krtolved, we will ute our be.t " efforlt to flninh our work the. a by U'ed tt Deaciay the 30'h ol On. arid lo to raie ,-, :-r -fundt-by- that limt hi d.uliarst mir - - deb't," Several gentlemen tupporterj llii re.oli.iion in short but bi.imated " lpeechei in the course ol whkh many pertinent remarks were made, and tome Iflierettinf fadi brouh o liht- Ono termor bsTJ, (aTliHririg to the statement - -. . .. 1 r .1. .. .1 . iU inr areiMi - rii inuuaauo uuiiart progeny and di i.t- u i)c pm on U ad I iM.r lu llan.!ton, rd S.-nih rfo),t a..., tn ,; :iAkn. tl,vn re,uai.(I.v , i.,,-. u' t.t i lie u,!. ., A .. .-.! aervt-iov tnrr um.ii- of I,,, ii.,.;.... , sm, r.ta. rr;r jirrt ieVefl.fsnijtcfK; r.'i,' :"iT Mil IJ.I MIC r . .1. -..... i r i ... I .... - . .i,u lite i.ii. ,.k m.iii -.I,.- ,,r.'r..,a-i t.... r a' t&c !r?t firdmff7lttx. was i;nd iin,; w;mL.V-:U .' f-'-ci.a.v.--,pmmr' aa-T.r tKHW in ... , I ' .uc Ulilt.l IK -mr fHV-nl ."ir.-.-..,, :.. . .. - o -" JMinrtt.Jrj(f T'But there it a tn:lcmjn I meeting -t wne ltn,-- 'tta-'Tla 'MAiinltt ' UlhaT - In a r a. .-. .-1 1 c . . CFt ThU foon'y who has recenrtjr paid . ien thouM-irt dlura tecurny money " i did uot biek him up. Ibat pcrton doev not owe dollar :n the world, lie is trill in Independent circunoattncea u W.iat, Mr. T. L, Cowan olTered ihe folio-tine resnlmirm,- nrbrr wrs bdo ted i Kftoltfd, Thit the sticcets whirh ha biteoded aur 4mlU ITi444 44,.:-44,p:R;. rawe dem.ndj our ItrHr cratitode to lha ..flk'.PA. M'!Jlp Of all KJudt-mulnlId ui the most aboitil,int en. ouragemeni to peitevere in our lau hiblc htmra. Mr. Cowan olTererl t lief f illawinr r. lu ion, whi. h aa in like uuuncr uiuni nioualv adopted : UitaiuiiU Tbi hret have un dartiood there it a deficiencr of fond, i-i upplyinu one .State v. in, bibles, in ihe amount t.f t.erly f, 10,000 ; "the biidicl waott of our toi.niry call f.r odditionil rtTortsto enmpicte the sum undeitakeii to be rai.ed i (hit rouoty The Key. .Mr. Could addressed the nT.irtliAi.' or ims rrsolutnn. Ui lvned to the resolution of the American ttible Sjcieiy to bupplv Ihe whole United iXHlet in ivro yeart, and showed what had already been in miny pint ot ine n.ton, (o ic hi. rnird'cn, ihe misjuided wo min to wend her teir on tbe wjy of tlirri" and di.-race. Cat. P. T. There is no living in a countrv vill ire, I a 'oum-wnt? hes-been- tKertHftt4iuiriej ; ;'l!.lb.,icI.tM.'' ,!,c Kl '"-'' k "Ib'tt IT V li ft, rtf-a f '.. tn I :. ctkPrat,..rt m ( haiilcjluii. th.y hud ...j-i'. ty a:n wclt.Uir.jr nxl a: !u 1.- I. I ' ' la ' i 1 V ii. 1 II f:,rg C' .,,r kj 1 ,r 1 . 1 (fort -K-cv-e .ron t.f dtci-itire arr T'brU.rvt ' , , ' " '' WawlU-gled iiUlixit Vciut..bX aw, r. .-t.vU ' " -, -- .--iiu ....1 ,,- .. . ... "1ttn"T-' s.-'J'-. d.cncurti ofw.i.wi. M m'm ' "n n in nrir vr r in !'ir rrir .ri mi,, r.,,-.- r -w . . . , u i La....: . 1 1 a...- .1 .1 - - "',rw ""e nimet were trie samt;iU0U,M,u:- uwaium-aruiy ctura.:Uii rrFfjaii,.4-- fv ;rB-p,-rrmn ., ... T ha hail I hri-a r hi I '-11 K a. 1. . ... 1 . . . .: ...,..i . . :. . , .. , . , . . i . m trr . . v.,,M.. kuu, kaa.1. f .u co "-" ,pi-ir-,ii.n- ,?. i- fftr .-- " -wij' ,tt-trrt, t mi rrtTTn . l-'H ii JI wl'.U:): lllil... U.a.d .a . we evcrv act ;u" rii.".i Lfi.r-nt i f l',. '- ,,,,1.1'., 1 .V...J...' 'i-laUi vuur-r, ami inr nrnmrnt nrr prcre ne UB- , ;;,- I wortliy piiMii- rinifi li tii-f, I.ipI them fr rr. hri. nction ol the J '.n-.. ...... J 1 . L . ..I. .:iwi,.,o .. , . . . . xawuna, t"ti I'lnpiv meir r.-aM-. t hy the s' ' ' ' " ' ' 1 ' I m-j I iTfrpv, n,. liulll 1 hi m. I i ,i u . I .... . ,, ni'trlj ..-, i . .. i't b.'j c :,. r t. (., 4lttUwUt Itiiit wee ( erf . -II wa5. a irtW !.t.lif bamla.kl m jtieUii.a,.lAi J'J -..4.".U i: i i.u' (.. i: wiouw'eV "between ench niierape three tcarat has three nhilditi. .livlnn;lla We by each wife, and whohe bind (,y4. are wnhm three dayt ol each other. 11.-.! last wife Ii4t been detid thite vejrt: and . , 'r ne ritia tu gc: iiaiiied ai in in thrre ""'''- Ut-nr' Journal. t-tt-i , nnn H.r:-c :h.. ,,. v ... a. aw, wt. ..i;v--s inursv trtr trrnin-air; rrr,'?t: ,-,f V Aurciiorn. i'rf trui'v a-'iTuids. "r a.n.M! iit.-'i ! . uti "ol r,,- ' I " ' "'.:. r. 'm .,,, J ,jK nan, if we would widitoe.-i ,v the oi.f'.l-iri-t 11 "p;) 'ul prn,"' l,,r,-, -'oci;;',d to .attain I'n.ialion, frc teiii-n I! was H. t.liHt nmt K ! n ,i v tu nnd enerifv t to upl.oM a id tnMain III It ff-t Wt'.i.-i .:.. I..... ...L' t t ; tbe filvftdt of, ne Ltble in X. Carolina W and itnpressire trKuni-.nt to en .; ,,... 41, ? Jij,nr im.c. v Anotber member stales that the Iredell . EibejSjJej 7"tne years apr, contisted of ftnly ITmem " b-rt, 'He liule'eeid be "did any of u. al t'Kt time imagine what we were to dft f" Thtat aWuid wiih our limited ", tnearti liVtA STiOfl I1 gCTlo.T.-'lil I& i.n" tbonby instruniertt of puui'iR into tircti. "."V la'ioo nearlf 3008 Btiilet. tmi Testa- inebtsi eod thai we thould be able to re 'y .X taL to the Parent. Society io payment criurae the peopfe present to persevere in a work; which so jresdr cohcemt the :tempor5tirtlt as etcmai-woljp lxhc nurnin inmy. ,Jno',ta", r- offered the .following. rev.TutToii, wFiich was uninimoVbly adop ted : A full ll odf-d J omtJion, rcsiJing i in a Certain town i:i V.-.!.': .nl I nee tool il into his l. ad I " g. a j r"fm"" ihe analh-at ., ,., r;-(,cn!e our i lea courftif rt he accnrvi.n!v sadJlcd the f uU ern'nrti to predict s dV ;li!r. olvl mare, qJ started !i' to pny -,-w de. j ,!'1n of -11 wi''W'"-.ri avre.f p,,, voir to ooe i.f . fte. humn au-ii tf the j rrP"t'l'c'":n fi-e, their sceff and ridj. oeighliorhonj - After 4iiit4vin" witn e,,lef,,,ve c,'i,e,P,n ''''M 'lv-'a. andbr.wKb his galu Until d-v light beran totayu','un tlletW "f m,mrM,y...,mJ rp s:reak tbe est, he maJe nrenarations '" ",r '" V M uf ' to depart. Just as he wa seat in, I ' 7" ";n "'l u! "i'"'. hi-! f . have been formed nf our View p,jJi;-,r eijjpr,. riliohrcl, 'I hit Society deeplv la ment the death of John Andrews, one of the moat active nd;ueful mtm bera ofihia Soci.ty t and that we took on hit Ueath as an event infiiriino an i... ptrabbj injury. on the cause of dhe Bible, f a.'..f - . . , . hitmtlf in the A .1 Kt ..:. - - . . i . inn Mil l-UC.lafc-,. ,i the way, was remarkably looj 0f hav- inr epartj." wishin?' to h:iuf. "h;, r. . " rorne aeiin, t;,rmm.r"rtj out. " y I Mkrn, WWjj Zrbedec, taking uut hi, tobacco bo, I h J W9 '"- than a second. hnn..r .a ' Uy r ainf the broad I O,. . I, ;yvt:ut .LelJPl cnanlMaatl od fr-im th.n.i. t t... r b. If!,. 1.1 l b t, I... . . ' . . . "".L",r r"e. i nere w as jo.-i.c- .i ".(J III inr , C ;T,.!).ri.,n, ff t, i'ivn.. i!,ie , , ,1-, h '!K (.' ..'iioirir in i x.iet ff',n;'i.: c r, Hj shad I, frj aiiiif!rlJa-h.'U it m n-L-n:. : it in r c of i im. i, . ",1'r ' pwiecti tir all. nb iitber ncr irlC"i.bii. to (o jury to any, beli ra!u- . ,,i u, a.e the,-.i..ioii of oon)f man whose et'iir.;.:.-. ,f ami inrii.eii. v.A, !i0t, ioweer. lonf :rinK ton.r mdii al dclVcl in' .he prae.l ical ST . ra'.ion ot ut tnecl.a....n..nif. ,, of ,in. 'ir import, wliich ktl.-fiwl n.ethit these v. tin tvet. invoicing uuc-MHi(I M ,,..f,f-in, on.i i n jHtft oi iiie.fcuw ovt-r the ern -ii .,i..jv.-,.-.v.i.i. .:.: it -." ---- - .-;-wi .". h .v- ,-ie Ule -.1 (lst t orriiv rent in-. - in (d t.ur liberty, tl,e-ir clnllenKrs m, tl,er r.-inparta were the true and faithful aic.hwnrd..t aJid it ...tbey Ml i adaik a..d u-.a ..ol w,i , coe6,intf th error of r-.f ht politic..!, infjurf quite- I'm., u d honor I.. the motives of thote .. c . . commencement ol u.c operation of ottr; 1 Witt WWW. thln m eat penl, s'e HS it Kre.teM leiukfier, waste-f-.-.tiHohdation, asm put myfVttn opb.'iont be. lord cawl or di,n(.n. I.. . . . ,. - - - - iiciiiiciiiihi Uuruitr the lusl Ihim. - r , . . .. j sreas. I a-nnr'scd cimu.jh to convince ,P, t,.. , ,.rri,ebji;, the government ,.f tl.i, rarfcdfiary noiiiiuw. liveth-in nn )t t. iii ;TloU: - V, - "!. tj fail "3 rT-t'rTrr.Tnmir.SfvnVcd TV.m ntrittrfl ll.e jti!-jws. or taxing one, portion ol the t l.moii, i;h toe vj. w nf uUtnlutin',j-ita exacii ' tinns-inawwotlvWr nnd iliat, nulr r f-avH - wtvl.'j-. crpariAfcrjhip Letween tlte TbrilT and Internal to -aeeatee tnonop oly, V tbe otben ? ,vr i tiiour.t i perc-ived, af think I do now. Pi r ;. In. romir,tin. the areda nf ih lit! tht tfllion. l)UPil hrot.l ra.. -..l .!...... -.. , - " a-., ..lit, .lV,,f l, 6 --r-- " iH..yiHiirr, i nat man 1 itiii.t be far, gone in Utopian vtujorm, who up-- , uiai Ronreoeraie government lifce enrt, ean violate, if you please, even the A ir it of the compact, for tbe puipose cf oaorpin powers ef ' internal legislation 8monfc lheStatea' wben the , objuct of .ch" usiii-pnionJ to j,i.ea aheer . . plunder the forma rd law, wiihnut terniinatjmj m a rapacinua d apotlsm ovet ihe minoTitjr, and in a thorough coiruption-vf the public epirit of ' ta'l-.r. ..a. KaV C. .Jr.l '. ... - dnier. ------ ... - - U". .jijun mo cause otjne bible, V . 1 mmhrt. nm Hi.f tint, .t..;. . w.. .:. a ...... - from ittT of t e Ribftr we r .-xiHctr Ai Lsng tared; he fbil win c indebieo-for otM . success ; Jit Almio-httra rexi3ititiMC wki-h.. .... . . , .i- - . .. , n 1 -. j auou .".ua I i ... annrcny ami disorder. O,,, ,,. and ' i the Pfntile rf ihrca I nS. tti ntGHtTATStXN AXD SAILOti ..i;.,.!: . . . .. 0 - , , . ... ' " ' tlirt Une ol the Dover stgesr on its way s0''m not ,0 le ".reded the voice of v.i " t rn h Jiuttained us, and csfrried us fot' . Ward in oof work. To him we rive all jtraiae and gloTy Jfortdi5d iv ill I Ifiul-jJ T..'. ' .. ," laie and gtpTymmwJirii r . in. t K...aiiu. r . , l . ti . names tu'lhe. Jut of. felO, subscribers in'- : freaking ihnrnber ! 85, Je young iPtf ;Wi.o narj bn absent a year or two, ...'. .- a . . o5'"i nut m me basket, tod he whs 'a sailor. The rob. f4cy wat i.montteru t urcadej : b4 hi. nafne on the SllQ .ubictirti nviiri. .Kich he fil-at nnt hrini.n.. cessatv io co stitute hiia a life me tuber',. tVosenmiller, for the -exctllen: rtirnurae delivered to this. tneeling. .... . ( .1 ne society proceeded lo the e ection .. p - - - - - w" -- i' " miVr b arrearage, and then placed . of ofief lr the ewsuing ear.-al the I,'.. ntrtiM nn th Ctfl .nlwrtinlisn Tk. It.r". a. IV.. " ' '. . v,w -. . v ,,u v.uvcra were re ennointctl. Jnn. ,e ?in:e 'tbe.. o.-ictv wat "formed l 1822, it - haf tiwtd 1 9ii Slei and WW Teattmenl t ? tall Jf9UO twpieaof ihe sacred ndima. AM Frtley arid iknrv Tinier .r. ted . Managera ia the plce of Oie Tier Josrph D. iiilpa'tritk, dtceaacd, and Air. WhiteKabnut to remove. C'li.the 2Sd ol i M. U ttln:lr. a rvi... .111.. C: - i -.viuii); vi i ii ootio l7i jU be l.eJJ at ity the Re, ilf. Plovoitnt On the t.r whrn ....1'... t.:. . the resrxinih;i;t f ,i, . . ploymt-nj. on the tar., when waking bim out of his blern Ti. l- ,l.a.,l.'.l ' l . ... . u.umuucj. wllj bViotet-w waS ich' 4h-ion of tK ur'. atr replied, Y our money .M , You hant have h,' said Jack. " Na? replied hs rohlr, thco I'll bio tttoyed. the retpon.ibiiity of the rei.r,..,..,, :. .ckno,e('ged, ,nd in some triril ini.cea duprrn,th.t titho' the acn 4nd tefnpeT of the -people k openly dteKrtd ainst Im at- 'mrnea powert nn rh. ....... 'e ... (tener.1 government, yet ,l)e rrpreaen'etir. of Lliril l Jl lllveaw 1 . -il :vi uic irnravntali your brains out.", Uhoeetrery people mtv throw I T. -,.:..i.. - av.w.. .W.l II.CII.'l.l. 1 ... " w.KI.l ..n 1....II .1.1 t. - . . . . 7 . - the bCaU t.rr,V.A -s. " ra.iaiiu mwtr,. enca jact aquirtine ' " ..'"era. and still meet with i it ) i.i... ..... r .. into tlieVbacc iuice out nf hi. I may as well go to London withoil braint aa. without manwr!. . -t , ;t7uiilk..iu ooitcamaa - . --- . in meet Witi theeotrntenanreabti en yin tte fact ,l,t,d,.r)etJfIel are too mobaervant i.f iuh;r m . , . j uunc men and measure L r - -.. v ...v iit"cu u;cv.i m inn wt" ":afJloity. Vfrimcitfea told ibat Uiat g-.--. ' 'c?' f:.,f"',: -- .. ''.?-

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