Wl.ole,:,!e Hardware Store JU W, Pt-AHL iTHf.tr.' 'CMVLAND 4- TOimKNCE. J Nf, rL.Ut.lN -! A. Ti)RRENCr, hiwnf firmc4 cop'tier'l"C ltr reprcUu'lr ti iiifiwm inlibiiuil o( Kili-bi ry nj tr.t jTi'Cn eiuntry, lht l?i"r tuf j.t rfilMCil fwt NrVfk ftnJ fliiUHphift, iih betu'ifitl ferment 4 ,V('W , VfJCy i' fe fioons, rt.iob Lite bei ilect.. Iron th lHt im- ' ' ' . llii. V.;. . . oppose the ?rl Sirtetllomei HOUACK II. jltlAIII). R'kcuntly from rhiUdc!Phi4 (wbete he worked tot evmt yeir in jtfie bel hox.) rrpctfully nuoouu'crt f the gcmlfnfn mi Flii. bnryind the iurrourjtiirig country, th4t be hjn eornrnf need the ibore bi jor in the bouse fwrmcrlyoccupied by Mr Turrtuce at tOire, ,odt fewddort IkI iw Mr, Murphy', where "f "" w'. U or, art-mj Ai r SKW YORK. 1 1 if s ktitri fin t t fvikl li ,,, miihittynfi fl Iff And ton ;u rich ow'i infer U bf I Uic SniiH'iit gUnce U pride, f r hrt unfi-s trtri - I t in! 1 u4 pt,ik J tin every blosr 7 . ram .fe"i full q nvtr thrown, lVlnl tn-fty ne fl lbs and kaoT - I (.tuuid ual 1L4 mIuocL-.'.-. . I " th n!rtir of iiirw.uvinff to !.! CO. inVn!i1cinom-r,in.th ehf-iH! rOliKltr LAMH. ft row re. rrl, il.tt ha U no opnnK, i .1 1.4 l.J id T 1. 'rtt? in ft (all up!) leooruU lUlfS I'll. 'r ...... Irronr fnmnri )"llai htZl jtejEMr1P Vri fMiIy evrry article in their line f Votk.n1rlrctM by hiinHtf, f.. lb fcrr ,m, ihcy will ieil t U IoCt mar- ftiil fur Hi 9 Spring gf 19.0 1 WuicS -e Krr pr.ee. I Dry K ivc on nana, iiJcri 11 Jmr .m .i,?y J mI in jim't ei bo bjutfU v U. 44kelT, ju.i1ai .nj f ini tri4dA ba.rlf 4fit iirnsflK . Al 7" I awiM.l think I ecVl 1 hri WIM KTH for tfm; theMfto .... lifniiom, gml will b nffcftJ rT ilii.'f fir iaV ritfctwiBm MituA U iH rijrCi,if-i-tiTmrt-Tir-ctlL- rwiw J3lJ:r k1 ii'id C4rvir 1 tiW and nl liiiif iii(!4irliU ' " . , ' be 4 prctwftJ 10. tlctU'.tjttiigsJljoL: von m. f'l . . . I. - ' To win lha back ami h ti 4 I iTweTT On with, no been ftkwe. , Dirt thua ia are, from chy l Hay, ' Tlif brt!tiiiiiif eye sod check, in.1 a'cit thy hle-aaod watte away, I HmntibrrM slowly, rfk 1 To meet thy ami! m tend 'roe, , , AJ csitli Iht ktll ln Of kiodnrn ever bra he te bletj ' And feel. 1 11 Im aluae. Te mrk tby stretith, earb hour dreai Ami yet thy boprf grow Knuirr, A' fil'ttj with bcavcaward t'U-rf they 14, , tfftrth my frit claim Wc Imijet bar. drtft!, U too much -tt.it Ut.l lnt bectk, titMi Ml tfunft, It must" not be, we mv not i t, I rugU It 4 hvt ... - - - ; - , ' . . tt r , i ' " ' - """K"i'l' l! I I, ttJfc'HniMiw,; 1.1 , T-t a M'fi, f plirr'l in the Imltt 'JAl ' ' JB1 ii.Mli.!, M H'uuh ' :r !!(. H kr t ICntvti i ,rrp.'M Trr-'. tuMcxmx , iml IcniTTTnir!rtTJr He " tunit ... 4 ., 'ft ... I .. i. -.1 .i t ' i m i. ii 1 'T'WjuJ l :ivl.ifitiH. iii mniu h h lite Iiuii . in l. '. ("'"" t 'inniii.i .1.14 4U' , , fi..iibfmht. in ii? t,., ! lir'i 1 1 , n nti i , c t-t . r unci cftf. I t U UK lU !l tl i j ac'uir. tctl w u'i ihc belt workmi nci it'id rao.iii4iiiy, aaJmi jpror I Ipr wntii ui tne tjtter rpiatity it'DOl urwi-C 1 .. . Villi- U. r,r t, Arm ... hull, br JV B. IUn, ... - ' ' nfj-iiiiiiif,' lii. iweUifiir on Mth rriet, 6 jr " trnt 'J "cc "'""Ci HO J hrt'i Jnuri i-xiih of ih Court l..0.. . nu.Ui t .ilir' id i t''l Nor. l k Loch' s lilting II dl . , 4it joi irnir; vnw brr rp. ci.ui'v JL iiublic llnl 'i i v.11! trrv rn if.e it llu- If i I i- in r ir.ni, ir l hv Til mi, a i Tfiit Hi' ln;t!"c t "ft Vi.n !r.-il frw ij..,r fit u( Vlf t . tl r f -H on -, ThtV Will Cirrfj'l Hen..r nil t, t. ,J U ....I. I ItKMOVAL. , H1;'K aubicrbtr ri'pi-ct fully infum hn eu. JL tmer, anj t!ie niblic, tht be ban XITMOVED CI3 STOIUJ . . 'c b'niiwl ipctti b'iiMinr.Jii4 fliiiihed ft4 fitll ap i bad elreim My(, ftuperior to , .' be Uiae i li ii ti, ii4i,d 'formerly o iteil - tHeceNBI by l uncle, Daniel I'rrn. cn,i lit Main ttreet fc dwi from the Coun.I.Mit, - " Wh J where the eulncritier hopri to re fe 55 ' eillft'frolM bit old ccntumrrt, and a when tl i v a l.r'aui'twtwyM nrtif moot -- A WO, Tke Kanuficfurin uf HiilU n.l T. " T'e, heretofore eoiuluclrd by KhirJ ( r,,$, td kemfterbe camcil ua by tl.s au'inber: bo itl keep CaittUnily pn Land, ur ruanufuc tprft to order, SUIU, and Tin Mate. H'arr, ftaJe of the hen mate ril, md in the moat nib. aniiJ and UtJiioiu'.lr nyl of orktiin.hipi bope i, by Uriel it'ention to tlin hra"rh of ttuainetft, to merit the patfon(je of ihe public. KLYIKL II. CRUSH. : Negroes f Fan led! - s - m r. ivrlVH ire deiimai of rmrHia-Ane wJLjm miiA .Vt akOf.S. for which tbev . xif k fliade.eiilirr by Irtlor or In ucrliirVJo uii Htit U MOUG VSTOX iiiimti Hci. 'JUSBl"Vi hu wi!l be rra.lv at all timri I aeoifiifiHHlite- IIk .Uo . may t ra -Z. "L'Vrrr Jniprtr fur r4. C JMF.? IK IE, JO.-IAII III IK. Jr 2?i !?70. vj ci. ClKk. an.1 Tiinr.Pirft. , nd i,'nr,i it-m ui pen'irm ariij An t ff (.itiitC,( i nunuU-l tu'i-, a:ul will kerp -i bind for !' l n,i. lion of Silver 're. inch a Kfni,, I. i ll. , 4Kr Tr.(f, 3k. V-irk fin Inm l uic J ft;'1! be fMuwpily ei.nyic I, ind aalrl) retmnni a.ro.j.ii( to dirrcimnt. A K'ud AM!f.:Ri:nt df JEWfJ RV,i!l c kept coiirtantly on bind, m l oM low f .r r.i. JAMfcS B. IHMPTO.N, John c. riLME'i. to the well orkmen in ii.friD tii.- j J'n:4(.lc lliia vHb tthfTti he has madu rfrrHPrntcnla it rt receive the If. tri lu)dua i'ail-.ior.i ftuoo as they 1 i .. . ' t i.i lie .rn? oo. lie w.u lerp noon tut th. be: wirkmtQ : J.c iotrnd.. as m . (I, n'll-.n. S. .., U: Trip, V IH- I j.i-d ud livetud t4. ,M"' r,r' "n '' '" i .is ccfive:ii'"t, to nd to Ftiiadelk IIin2cs, C'tJl Hli.t'', C4t Butt! hi 'work rtecirrd ir. .i-traVe. a iim: ! ; '" I'l.tMt'l. Ifi.iJ'-t, da and r i.md B !, U' od-''"5 e'ft"' '!; ! hi pfiie elaH be Fntn bs hng esp?rteOfe 10 the ares ifin a d tet! fV'iitu:jr I'ms, I i.iir Turn. rnn. ii,.n ...li.i "tick, p .d aod H-rcw Auj'Ts, Htetl- .?0iV.A.ir. Jfirifjd, I8. 11 Vfdft, atrde Mud do.,S- nj- d crew Jtmri B MMm tender hia enttful ac.!Fi;tci. fiiam. K .!. f. i. ' lr,.-i-,J..m..l. t - .KI.. I .. . . " p.trona.hi'h.rinerendcdtoh.ma.inn.hr.d.!1'1 K"I'h ,.pr,, Axn, , uallyj and rtnpeettiily aka a ro.Mi.niiiu f ',. I Carpr.-.ter it) I rooprrs 'A 'zes j m.O- tome Brm w wnici ! pattner. ri. fb' tntkhled U hire, are eamettly.diirK j in MtUte their arcoania a oin at ma iifw arrmjfrme.ii mitri it m eeiary a- orc etioiiia be a-''lc1 up. N. B. rin K itc, T' iw .).,, , Chisel rv 'wM ' 'vfS 'wa r1 a'' "0". Kma ai;J ii. ... '0nc eMnU'in Wuslnis! f III". aeri?er lu (( d 4 h ip m JL aove line of bimnr, Sri ilwr b"ie Mr, Jihw'. Tavrm, n i furinrrly o.xupie.l by I c'tr Wndt r, m a iti.n- 'i.t) ; nlrc ho 1 pre parcil in fin nijli th.- mrroirnlin cminiry with all kiiMl. .4 Ji uii t iu tlic a-oc line, ucli ui Si.hho'trdt, Srcrriun-f, IhtwiuK, Corner Ciijifwards, lheahf'Ul V Dinner TuL!vst Ijidiex Cribs, &c. Me hue in Iik eniplny two nr three fir-it rate niH..rtr ti t. r-ejo 1 I 'Tie titfl'l. rd- ', fi-o L lir noe , .V' IrbonfU D'twivA ; Uinins. U.r'ikf'itt, ('aid and ltdics wofldnz 'i'tiMti ; Srcrct'tritt, 0 n i working Denki ; Ciwilc StLth; IV 'th Sfaih, i sine is, .in j f v n. rc tiif.cd attention, he hopn t . in.rii a rr of public pit r'ln.ie. Ail oti'.n itun a distaace will In- pui.ct . tl.) jt ci. J;.-1 to, anj cx c tii'd mi t.H -.hutiM iuiit.c atjrcca-. hly to tfirrtii ns. All kiuds of tutting nut s i'l Hi d 1.: on the shur'cat notice Knp, C"UijAi.iiKiii 1 j h.ilea and Fiym -0it (,w lclis C' v-lt' Li dlei, Bt:hs KcttUo, hoij!-- rwl al.irm BelU, Curiy C'omb. Ivi-jliih nd American ficuhei, Siraw K ive, Uieftj'Iukftinndft, Awlft, H'no? T ck, Coach IVrenchea, S .imp Joiuts, white wabh, pjint, shoe, icrti'jlim;;, farm, ture, clothes, .ad djiting iWushcs t cut and Wr-.ught T.ck; b.-is, aad Irrjnht ad S.dvcU and TtiK 1 I r d . 1 .. r,.' ... . . , . .m.i . ,ju...i.i-i t ' 11, n; 11 V"UIII I UIU Will be eaiii.'eJ 01 i,i i.t iini.ce. cud amctli in ... 1 I acrord,! w th U.i.:-i...u. UK(.t Wt.l Lt U..II Id p.i'!DCUt T if ju'ii.-riiii-r !iri iie pvr.mtf U tUe j ii. k at the rr.a.kvt orn.es. pu i.ic, aiui '1 i;iCI U3 w M i.i -n1 t i.utt,nio vv.wnsov. vLj. lral l.LV lit N ii. tl. 'V od.Tii, return tin lliank to the pu lu-. f r l.r i.'i Tii ;uiriiiMje lift hrt reeeed ri .', 4 tinr 1 1 i will be eon'inurd. ''i'y. .V ?', Lvj. pn' 'JjtMK 4.11 cr.bi-r (.ff for laH ft ")ir:' "" ,ur,y 'hfiiuftj acrra wrk.wn. and the bet of titnliL.-, i;l. ctt J s U ,rr 'Jracrs nd 5i;ti, Tap li irrei-3. aV .Vitv; .N.U iloule i'V-v- Lift ?4im3 himef. fii; .uiaor herti.iri.bvd.i- .tttr.iiun ' IfOfl Vei.l,i- S5iilfr.,n r .0 ;b..neaft, in r.v. re rt-ptru,i-; plnj anj 4ct jcj. L'n ii..l. Sllllf. niLUAM H.llLoiin "" r "s,nfcau msicets, i,uk1, .ad. .v n - fX I '.'. l?i".-. "I : n.', .'itinteJ n Ahe cimnly, N- . uilj'.iiiiujf irkn cHinty eft t!ic aottili, 41.I the lennetwte ViCM im i-i Ml ai d nor'.li. fi,. ltntl i lureevcl li' in ti4C. of froovfiAi t M) irn titA. and lii j..Mliiy of tb l.-ti m ccrtdieJ 10 by r I'nteyot, h In. ornir p!4t i,l hi aurref li:tli my '.e Men on apphcuon to Wr. While in "iifUKrv, Mr. (.. c. liendtmn of Lincoln, ton, Mr. I J. i'jrney f l!t e f ounty, or to tl.t mi'iien'). r n Hlw . .i'r, f; inCon,be rrrnnty. A l.itt- po:'i"n ' Mini .in,! i i.r( in nh' 'e. Zrr:7 ore l,- been Oiecoverei qr n ut rar pi ti.r lrvf). . Mf)il jTr nt ,v.,i vijmi in it: t:ife ch n- the mit iV rI,UU pra?1,rt,r- -Pftraulis-sitiiattili Riogft, Ci t. '-J-'-tu.n, a.ui i vrry mt.l)le h.r . miI! i " P' 1 s--r.Hn: f.i hi:, g.i. ysni'H hi r'i.ivrni-!ii, 1 lie raj nin , j ip- n (f(, ,; .im d,r iiii!i miuri: .rr'.'n . oil 11011 i kimiO IV of Nonh (Jtirl of tiny- .. . . I "' wi-iiijmi-j ftr..icri it qcalryat 3 ceuti, and M i'.!i'v, 4Jrer.; t, r c,e. Tb" paymentr-mar- bimm)e-W-lhe yaarly.iBtjii llltllt Wll'l IlKlrH, I, ,l, ,,y,, . ..A .... .,,. '" 1 ,1 ..... . 1 . .w.v.r 1 ..iis:.ij'v, b. t;e ;v nli v ",,u "m Pnymentct ' iCh iiiTs. sTnd PJT7e-fi; TtT,rin.Tr-- -, - ult -- Peemf-r Wainrrn I '-itr -",e,H:'0 UU rutrcftt frwh -wA ; . ' . .! , ii' i e d.v. ...d win .'eep ll.r, e nih-3 . 'v "I Jiortor:!y for ttalninrf I T A y - -M5.V..rPrc' rt'irothrrattni-bt.- - , . it" nts, 'lea Tiavs and V.iiter.: ''"i?er. hi,., i .Jr.rrumT - -.. in,,, ft: vi.i.-v .-.. - - .iuu.-. j-- . ... ...... h .... "-r) '"'tani m, tim m-jurtim A V - . . 'IV WWII 4.111.3, VH11IOI1CS. Illin. I.'irk. n.irr,,,, .niu. l -HHUIiri, 1. ; , If" 1 cai UWeillllir. o.i..j. . ' . w,:i fi,ki u. i ,!,.; :,.,.! rt,,..,,. .nrt3'0" "i'."T'ef tte fttrme- 'J - v. ,,.-i ...... iiimius, 1 4)mOS. l.Oimnii: r I, iiaU . .-I :V-;;!sH .itiA 11: .: j.i. v ..1. T'err'i. i lie 1iH l lf,M 1 im.l. ' " " wwv . . ' " i v ! i " ! t.uiu n ni'T -. II, m . I mis, hit utchcaua irass Haiti, liuv Vilc Mil ' . ' 1 1 1.-.., f..:t.. l . : : . . I Inw. f.irlr. 'P.. . ' .1.1: ll - . '""j. ' "v n i" piiciinj, an i con'on vcr I " '-" v,"-, lid iiuuirn, if lliuuw KMa rrt-n, ;tn n,ii,-h rar Wib.-ry. I l.i- i' j.lie, Anuls and im.ett re min- eiTf. -Ti-mnt or 'hr tmr Jt4ft OMM.eV-.ClMI U.d Uv.wif- il).U.li. Jlijlk oriTiie rwrti term of :o'fm.MiiionnPiii h ;'l Vv thin riiuk-, liv the w ay of RT.-:jfh isrft. mo.t expj-.liiiiiin r. mi e ''..it emi he t ai elM to the N inh. Sv two .v. p.mviu'tr who Trai v tr.ivi-lo ihi r."it I' K'iou ci.ii.ii Irn. i i.Mr v,t... ...r.....l Sf .11. J . (JUWAN iC-T-A . IIAISirif- lJ pura-iuju ci s;'ii!y i Mr. K. A w. ,'CIch, li -x Uulct. a ate ttn.l lr..d Pr.e, . " -The r,rt,teetm.;t it-wimir ... i.-.. -ie. Hie ml.- lo fT.r "!I .! Tirv'?r.nV.-I7r- VE entered Tnfn a ropartnehip. .mliiuk vLV V' ' (U " !fi'- l?r.-ckrt a,id f'mbcr. C.dlc fi"! ,,..,,,! ,ntlc !,-rSe,. W-rtWorw,fl-1 ?renl tnnddonr from the ro.,rt-iro.,.e,oMiu.tr, Z1 -,M is-) ,u " U,nr , l r ... " , '1ul''' M-u. trviug ... remltr !.- !...,., ni-v 1 .i..W,. can U. . Hf the purpoae o cr-yin,; ," ' M ;J-, ,' ?,,,,PPI,,,cr w'te lllelal, hi,.,, ConforUhie, 4 l ,,te S-mgi, h-. rm..r I 'U('c ' 1 r- U'"lf " ?Wurv. Mr. v.. v. Iter,: ; . 11 ' : -1 arid v How tirta! coat and vest But- H,,s U r wl" " umeqn . ed i:!. thU Uir'f I'",ool',lJ". Mr. Tu.. J. Forrey of V ratlonnz IJuaumS, UlnV,. Jtu.H p.. .,... n, n V " r... wi,?.H l -,i, ,i r.-inn AH r 1 'i,,fke cfciiiy, or to tlic ubcrlier. ,v r"ir! j;-(H1;lln.,;Iwc:H,: ,,,v. c,;y ll 7,2 'Im T L rl.nreS; J . i?'""!" bw Mil,r-10 buiU1"'K me.Iy o.cpi,,! hx Tu.uuiu, Britapia, aod pi",. "PJ'U; u'"' Ss,rnlr 1 v- v V" c'" ' cuub; and (lV,, c..,.4 .I!' 12 rfl! taUe aod- tc Xr,. r.L. ' 1 w; " -' '0"',,., landa co.n rame of the IV. I. l 11. .... . ... . . . N B TiKiuia a u.f.irr :i .-. v. 7. " T'l'' ... i..cununnr. i .M4in a-reei, t:ie weI i,, f, w (Ir frum tS atuiual, to carry on tlwj above bnaine at hi ' Cimrt-ir.mt.tv in the town of HilitniTr, wherf . ... ..v,H.. i..i.ka iiuiii t-i.i.-in,T-y, TIC Wilt screw, hairTunltfKit IJnuf ft, Btds; 3-turdy a- 6. A. M. ;ini r,iVt. at - French aad Dutch .Sn ilf" ll.-xrn iron ev, ry ThitMliv rd Sun-i.v ,, r, P. M. and l,ra Knocker,. .I,,,...,.' . . .tiR,)K';- v'i!.LI.Ms, Co 7 tkewiie carry on the- Buine. throueh ih eeney of competent workmen, in the Shop formerly occupied by X. J. Cowan, w Wood Sjroee.iLowftn Si Uecvei Store) Rowan county .finr, 18J0. 3(3. ?a5"!-t,flrf (661 fTsIIE ittWrib n having tpiahfird aa Ficcn , J,. tonofUit but Will ud lestameut of lce .'ZhUL. Barfrraye. deceaaetl, at Hie August Term of 0 . . - - Sid-on county c.rl 18S0, hereby (rive woticeto H er-Jaiii cliiiiAV tJeb. Jun. or d inandi again! anid catc, to prearnt them for -...PJ."ir;" ."'"y fttitrtemica'ed wi'htn the time prticribcrl by law.'of tliia notice wilt tie pfcid 4 ... w "ar 01 itieir recovery TniLORLVn, lrV'kKhnve-.tsmt!t brass tlu.mb after the nr ateat fhvmft, and on the hnrrt ! Latches. Tot kci lLio'x Wn..h ; n!i.-e i and i, jirep.rcd to mke all kin.N of cloet rhest rnnhn.ir I .1 t Clotl.W,e in the A M raic .vle. bavW in hi. C V . l M '.JJ. ,r,,nk- Pi,J. employ or aeven firt rate workmen, w hich enable him to do work on the hnret notice. All kind of rie-finf On of tWmeut w ill be done on v ry moderate term mot and within th.; ahortest p mdhle time, P. S He huft jwt received the latent fihion :rrm-rpittflelphia and Now. York i whiqli w ill enable him to make fine Couts, kc. af-er the moat approved lei ; VaotAwy, April 15n, ll .O, UCfc1. halter Chains. Spader and STiovtls, j f .1. .. .. !i ir.i.r uaieig't e.ry t-tinrnlav unit mini aiti4'H'.- ir.int nils m ir L num. m!lirr buryiime 1 In. i,Im-i i'ier w. l he prrp-rcd to e,f I..UIC .d tlic-c traci? to cnipVuii who Tuht be I nrtir. K Iui.i tin- .ihi..n:c n,,i,e 2Sif , I u.l, jilvt-i, and aold, w iiirli the nonUiii. I.'o ! hi all-rail) leavi! out .mc of the trie's, ami tin 114 1 lair otti-rs lof trtf iie of o-her. An purl ol tlntw lauds will be sold, very l(iw( nd varrunlee UUi; tnkifcf to pui cli.iers. J. H'lvn ,. h' X hk, !S 'i. Vortjr WAV-avs Utivtrt. www Ltackinsr. Pocket and and W'o. ; Dicsninc Coinbft, Til i..i. on " ij xiiiuuraie iern. , p, . , ractaii Ulaxi4.ftrorV vril heleLm,iIet...rrt5r Hooks, patent , Dt fatthfully eSrnnted. arcord-ne to dir,Vfioufwtt'v,0?ckS';"" Knror,,;H'rrrps,-- fforw :- ' , FJ t f,o'n he ub- M.m i i'b r Hviu.rm lijiidi.lnh ci in. 'i- on Dtr-j rive'r, a V( oW r.ivi almu' a;'-; In JAMESAVISEMAN. i . .favriMt Uili, 1630. i 3Jtf r AH oeraon indtbte.l to laid f-.tate are re" "ffi:"'.1"!Tp ,?om f,rwrd ind make pay men!,' ai Ho indulgence can b ifivev. . - - a,Aaa.tt$.i-. THE HMh.rr.r rr.prnf,i))r ,nf aena ol Dayldion, and the adjacent cotin tit a, lhat he contimiei to carry on; at hi Shop twenty two yeara of fctim lllC 1 iMCl & I III IlOStlir !t ili1-i in conmlrxi.ifi 1 ol a ' 4 M . v i , , . 1 o.l...r v .h loiu, L U-1 A MAN htstume Tate, fi.M.-..c Vhlk. ha-r. Iwu-hW.,.1 x .txchangrd with me about twt C.r,8, cotton and wool O.rd, rme ,!in. lie ha. JTT!': If ! '---orw. WI,jtb .pmved J.r ad leadine line Kne Kl ... ,,e st0,en propertj-, and for which he J " - ' St arwva vn v clIJU lilt 1 111. Clothes Lines, copper Tea Kettle ,, . m? P !"'a'",', ' 5h out. up- "ived a daik b.iv stud colt abotrd i . .1.. ' -"HiHT ne,'.-i. aoti i i: c yc.ira OKI, Octwtet) 14 and ff Tiieyalso keep constactlv oo hand. a complete a vtrt men of C xtnd Wrought XMLS, Wagon and Cart BOXES i wtch are- old ai the 5 ,pnc;.' j '-ds .M5h with one eye out. In ad. '-ui mi. nr ,,r t fit? TTPTvnrit! - lis ; '.m .y t hji scA rKi'iirj'i..tui!JUJ v! P-rtrflty-five dollars, n, ,W difcrence " cf v.i.ue between the to l orses.- ThS prices. I.:- i -i. ' rl" pari oi ; V .rpnia. 1 ,11 g,ve 4" reward. iftaken witlin.it IVe twenty Supiriar Cturt of Lair, -.; t . T0,I, N'Briando'fiertr. Jcoh ml J. -.--i -1.-. fll th Ulur.r'mn ... F- r".".V.Vr t --a. -.-.71,. .o yum,, iim iiii O-nU In tbift cae are not fnhabiunta ; frtt i Ordered by tkt Court that publication be i mMe .or an wceai in the nratern Carolinian, notifying taiJ d'-fcmlanta to a;rper at the next Uuperitir Ctwit of -Law, to be held for the k( eoiinty oCba'rro at the CMrt-llotiae in Con. eord, on the T'.h Montfar ftfter tlw 4(b Monrtiii ,i - in September ineat, then and there to aiwwer l I ;j .L . - - ' wr picau iu ami pcitiMin or ne praver Ol tbe Fetititmera will be granted rxjxtrte and partition i r aiade aceorjiogly. .." 1 . ,-. , . .ut.n ini iituii reicr u) .yiessrs. u,t cai Austin and Bums, of Saiisburv j modi' h ,, , muel F. Uelstoo and CrZof Cab.rJtJi in Lexiofton, the buiiitew of Making COTTON CINS, equal to any manuNctnred in the l;nlted tateis indeed, his t.ms ure preferred to .11 olherc, by thoae who huve tii.r! ihi-m, ... t .ww. v. ..w.i.nr. mi price siuii be a reason-aKte'-srarTiiiy:"rther-s1rrjpHn he-iteatrrem' ...ku ' iik niuricH diiuid e iinM. i , wvw,i,.iiinM-w,. . gSat! the-abort, iffli- Lincoln conn.' ki...i. . .. - -TJ.;,"t ..,: . ii - ' J h l,l..,,A. ... 1 .1 j .... .ulu.ma u, iu4 iu, .us (iuuiic a inirnnie aervant, . ... bit'w-,,-'ataieT-oiiinotiTii.Yir- aVxin i, frtju26A, Jj i Mf "rtTt.t ... il. itoilansa.idten Dohars it aimr. t,n,il.t ; . I n'lbserihur anig rn'fftf.'nii I' aaiii ' " i ll W' i iiiiiniu f . .. . i FoLGtrt and Laub refer ttMessr,. .hat i . h.:. 72 -m J tmA bt.L COLTRAINE. rus:cwmtv..yFr-L;;- J4 ev . . ' -4 at . rt 4-. . ", 1 tORN will ell.-err readily, in this place, J a ta fair price.if application bfrroade aoon. gtnia, that he It A bis master in Grnrvl . !..;. be had taken In iKwiili a d"fove foelei- Jim in aootii years old.- dark enmnl-ri.. mar 4 .. -..-... ' Ji.i.i. 1 ... .r.-. - t 4IU l II, KS. .1 s ? "8 " Kr on " torebead and ris m 'c.(,r i-ii.-r. 1 wnn mm 1 rnuu if .u,k 1..1 rir (...i.. . .. , ' . . . . - v " " , W u n , 11 10 lUe,r ftu"ntage, to stop at . The owner 1 re'j.iested'to 1 . w wwuw tara. wnere every con- ; ayp at tlili ofltt),; vcnience i provided for Man aitl fr itroj. ww. n.i L. k .-r..... ... - . T" ---"' ..irfHtomiiinaote, ai ine miKikate eharce of -,r ,;i'f "'" oigbl. lyr the privilc of the Yard, tbe u of a guoJ houie. iirer water, iu! shelter. Attached to the YanL . n in . r.T...n axons, ures Shop and lnfc. tKinary, aoJ Hous. tor Boardert'am todeta, ding tor said horse, as be waV'fraut Irmly -obtained. Five dollars reward will be gircn if the thief is arrest? and lodgt tl in j.iil so that the law can taUTwrnrr mrtirlftift:-aijrssfterT- .L"Jf'..Vwha. dark -stiff aftCtrmHg7v';.'ff'.''K pared agreeabry to law. and prove his prbperry, 1 ft1- mi'i lane tiini awav. r , . ; '0,iN MAIEItMAN. JaU, July 19.' h. is a. r 29. f rtccth'fiiirt--- -- - U -jyiu.n . nam . u...! ,w , 1 'l.r rrr-f rr If- a4Ja, .-ai j-Ij,,, - U ... . ...... i i.'iii 1 t I fti T" Jf " 1 aprH-arm? -to .ia ratjrfaction of the Court ih TsoIltnie KditOMEiri-lri'lbl ' I lhat t4..K).4. : - t - I w a he ha, V. ' . h I" , ' V e-,H't '"hiunts of this ., T c mici, .aau. and pan- .7 V .' ? "''e ordered by the Court u,c.v wiiicnarer BO OWiMf9tt UPOfttOC M,m n .l"'"1 .'"'-e oe puoiitud rr week in t!i w.. iCimnn;,., a f .... v-..v..aii. rrij:iinniMneaifInVrn.T.i.Ht - - " Vag NV tinted. A libera! nrie will h ... i'-.v. t X.B. linen and coiton Apply to j a. i, a -.pUhv cheaib. wholeaom. and trbh appear at the next county ;wrt nf ffeu ,nd ..,.cr ,rwMo ne i,e!i Tor said-county ai the CoMrt.lfouw in Linclmoh on theh Mon. day, aler the h My i Septen.ber next. men ana mere to i,,wrr of m,i ..- i ...... w ii. nt4 rHiiition, wbeevne it st ill be taken p v,A; urn "Wft .--cc-d.ngfy. Witiesv Vardi ..I jCoort .t offlce.1l,. ,hi, a;-' r - - dfy third .rnti . trw'ly,'l ! onchftvine Bennrliarp r Confession e id i-x -i i .-. .: - . yic? return it irt li'.w tii.i.f. -niwer- favour upon the owner. ..I" " Writing Wrapping rapcr p? JL for jrde, tNf iniHyr twtc; it th j oBv 7