1 i ' It U ctn Iq aha'ain f um !, l4kh, liyarvir tn ! good in thtmr!vf, hive the trm'ilaiiea of .ieility, birh f nd no rr ii-'fif in I'm li-rl if Oi ciiiifn. and wta:b will be etaJrJ with little remore. The w'nJf.rn cf lT " ' f f ifcil!jr itft In 'f(inf on roririrore, Jh, Chnnunj, ' " ... ..V, HAI.HIHJIIV, IMWAN COUNTY, N. C TUK8IJAY, 8K1TKMIIKU 14, 1830. 11'" 11 :L,W n.w .-" '' "'' 'r , , , I,,, u iii i d r ".1 Unit tAi- PrtrVfy t. - Cnunuid.J. rn,u.tr. (O d.'ktrOV. WeTC I tl ht eirat ag'kultur! Uplei, which art the basis of thai commerce, were tquilly ihe proJu' ti'n of Hit State ol the confederacy, the prir.riplo of representa live rcpnniitiiii7 would furnish io the Southern pUmer all H ecurtif K-inl opurcwi buuun witd-mi cti r oiJ. Their would be a real and tfTn: r;-. rf.iioniiijiliiv pbrliui the wholb A riiixeo ol South C'iroliixl wouliJ cwifideutljr coaiidu hii irjterctt io a reeeiit-tive frotu Mchme:i, ni; hocu ih. rpre-ri!ue rponi )!o o biT), but btcaucc he wji reponi t! to pfrr iit!: very Mine in tiet. It U thi cotnniin'ity of in-erttt. thjt cm alone injure 'he effettife ivipuo f iVmty '-f a rptepf.'tive l..i-rnmr m. Where thi doe not ett. the piimiplc of retponibih:j cti iu trd m rcu i'hj apiin' oppf MUt iJ ,lic P'Jci" ' the common govctmucut ahould ceae with it. Whenever ihe redr Ooferoment, (hetefi'i a"Uf 10 stl UI0" ,he '0';', or ptculiat initret of pr'ulr Sl r ttctiun of tho Uuioo, ii - rcil irau S'rtWdHr-t npirrv i'fro titinl nd reonsiile power, a a State Government wou'ii co, io atterop' 5n- to control thoe comm iU imerc . thi hate been rommiited'ottio protecion cf the federal ,oetiineii'. In he one rs It wou'tl be rlespo'i,iii ; in theotrur. nrchv. Cod forbid that we hould erer i.. ..;. n i the draadlul 4lirrr.a;ive o! .i..m hetween them. vcr for a time.! thooam? between I hvo said, Mr Cbaimam, t b' thorn cf nnot bo imsRioed a m rc .iiou ami jn'olerihle form of de;im, ihan tht of a mjority timulied by motive of aelf irttereit, and acting wi'liotn any tea irattilK p0.r upon tlit intaieu rf the , -minoriu'. AiujJ of ths true character and principles of that cornHiivi'ton rot-t jx4wy, con spiracy of iatf rtV.ti wWen oumutt the tariff majority In the Ur.ired States, will "exnTbirihitdeti4nw-U4lubs paiM. cf ieT than any thinj I havo yet adtanc - ed on ibtvubjexu . I ve'Hyre.the.asser tioii that no priesthood, iri the darkest Ztt ofignotaocc and.;ier9'i'ion,. ever .Kpursued their scifiih obji-rt with more uulirliiK perscTersnrre & ccmTjmmste art, . than the manufacturing capitalist he prosecuted their mercenary schemes of nmnopaly. Conamencinj; with a few f illowers like other impostois of wbom wc rc-l the y have successively enlisted under their banner a sulo ient number cf confederate interacts, (o render them selves formi'!ib!a ! and finally by add:eb ing themselves to the ambition of aome and the prejudices of vthcrs, they hdve ditmatcd the delusion of their Lhc djc . ftines through all rnks of kociety, in the tariff States. Aspiriu;? poli'.icia ,s. find ioR it conducive to their political advance nirnt, have not scrupled to iurm an alii ance. cemented by avuice and ambition, end" not less - ominous to putiiic liocrty than that which has txis cd in other timei and other countries, bf een Church and State By the artful uso of .nl phrase J and cabalistic wrmir itdqrea- sed to the national pndr and local preju dices of the people such as the Amari osn System," and the " Ciitisb System." Old England," and "New Engrain;," J bF re.9iVS t ale vJL.and. tb JL&u v Hates," they have succeeded in work- ins up 'he public mind in the manufac turing S'ates, to a s:ate of infaiua'im al- terly incurable. Wha, then, are we- to expect from a miiority, thus bouid to gether by the two jtrongeat of human passions avarice and ambition and act ling under- te impoaing disguise of. dkiiv terejted -patriotism I h ha been said, iifi.jbfyaiiiW;aji;..l -phUtMpheMrihmwn : toKlbur, and acting ihiler iE5TmnuIT5f"i common ifliteresl and ik rnn.uiv.An nf ti mmmon rrassloo can be no doubt of the correctness ot tne principle ; and it is even more nowefful-" ly exemplifr 4 itf ippttcitibto-larBw wssse and communities of men, united by common interests common passloios Jjni tomftioT'- rrejudices, and directng, their efforts to i common object It. but too-apparent, tfiat entire aeclions of the Union bound together Iri a confedera cy of interest end mition, urged oil by . the matter tpirita of mannfactui ing mon opoly and poliiical magement, and sua tained by the blind and demoriliziag: de iQsin.th it h.ihe dictate of true patriot- Uti lonppirn end plu'itlcr.tbe minor) y, because they prosecute trde with a f r iign couvryt it mo! bs eppirrnt, I , I Ut I r a c ' Ion t f fh junl 1 1 "fi tittf ds'ud front lhrnit)Ot!r hy hn pecu luriijr J fiLjr civil hsii'uiion and ar moj. Ye, Sir, ihl ni'htf fni. bund rd -)f a dclu in whic'i convert ;ilttndcr into pitrivim, will pf i p-r 'e, wrier fhe proti'i'fd hrni of I .-i;'.--Ution, net of opprtMion nnd injuvi r. iiith no inli Mul rotnpoitiK it nulj i hink of per po'ri'in, hcn .ini; on hi rpifi(e rcponMoility. 5 h, then, it a lii'.hlul port; ut of th! njoii:y, hicb w; tie o (1 hsvo a natural ri,nt In rruhic and roftfivate; the ln'Ci';,. nflhe mimn'uy Wh it di i p o ( i i n c t i he pointed w, eith er nvn the drli rtah'.ie ot hivory, or the il(Jct firiini ofpncirj, tt t fcirful to con'emplate f What ttfjt, hop-j, what aecuritv hve the minority, when thi- divo'irintj monver walk " ; shroud, clothed with the mntle nd aim I hi h the vepire of power, and s.im uly'rd bf the. iiiHtiMr ipirii of motto- Ijff Shall I bo"told, that the- minority mutt throw theuniHvt upon the humii i t y . justice anJ moderation ol thi inip'i yl WttuSiri arc e to eipeit jus tice, hum ii.i'jr and moderation from the rdrit and j;cniu of monopoty ii-rl' ? You hid j well iiur.k of 'rikin fi-e fcein iAKiclel . Y ,u a y'''cmp'. eatiate th-r -ipncu'e of a 'r aiiriiirat7Ty'' ,TS'aieV"wr6TOTnlTd irthTTTrn- io the rric Tf t 'f iti' iouJ,5Mia,. ! Mr. CiumuAM llcmil declsre, ihut 1 woo j ,ir-f t -li." gortrmrn of d -;hi', to tint of hucIi a ni-jo' iiv 41 1 d.M ribed, ci Upon 'hi- uh1 and io'erei' of 4H miiritt uiuiut;k ! 'trun' !u' fct imnoed f.y II o will. Tho au'.j'vt 'Vl 'i'sn inipettii ocpoi, arc i no' wr i iut vrnif kf-ruri'y against ike rx i ireme of opi.rpssi'io. 'J'ne frei'est ly j r:,rt ths' rver rr'.i;ntl rvt.ii tlia l.m peror 'l7h!"i', s vt!l 4 man, hnvai the tout, an l iho f tiin, sod tnc sympa hies of a m.n, vid muM no; tncrefore. heiyM, wi;nout ooie " cainpuacuout viri'incsTTh-S.in'jiP f'?iTTXuiift'ts7l dfid the l-Uuto and plute-tef ol uuhv vini es. But i h a nujoity a I" hjVc described, hj no mte ouiii i'a - cotpu isTtTfy inTapljTc ofW.nmy rapamy - t rsuon, soil in tne very nru.e m i -nn-i, Th,in,ther restraint tO'Hliiie Pi I erorrbinele'TvTarT TAi Ti " J"J -iioropr -J , , r- rt. T, nf.-Tr-Tti'IICfr MS - llVWttttttt .lillltlliri O.HCk. e rate utntn ihistyrjiu ni-tjotiiy. ajjpup - in ' ..V,tVr ififi. i.L. ..k,. " Tn MhKi u.i ..i -.nrirrr l Ml- lite of lh Ol!rci.d. "a the case nf a tintla despot. An cf ! tvranny will vibrate through. 'ha heir' nil 1,11 his ubicet. from oi.o ex'.cmity f ; .k-...h., m-,.i I tllS tlUllillllU'll 1U "w un.vi. ...... . . . . . . . 'in wi!I leel thai tne blow wiucn stiuej nown his fellow subject todiy, may l.ll upon j him Co morrow. A suho of comm .a danger and common tulftiing, will ia dure the roost degraded population 'in tho world to irapoe auch limita upon the praciicaPexe-cisB of daspo.ic power, as ill prevent toe extrrmes ol oppression. It is e.bisioricai fact, Sir. that thore docs not exiat on tho face" of the earth, a de po'im that is not restrained by some principle, moral, religious, or political, whicb operate as a practical, check up on power, and a security against opptes- sien. out wnat numai? principle., wimi carihly power, j there to restrain thejocean, hy the mere msthemvir:! power insTortty f "To wht tiinhltTetrihV'oyWtfF numbarsi --AU- tlwt is "rwwed t tiat tiiaTortty r 'To-wli-at trftnnat tm tne op pressed Tiinority carry their appoai, and urge their pica against oppression end injustice? Can they -appeal to public opinion, that high t.ibuiul by whipU the despotism" e7o'6TX military power, was controlled? That public opinion is the very spirit and soul tho animating principle of the tyranny that oppresses them. Ttien, Sir, there is no refuge for the miaorty, if the sacred and protecting power of the Canstitution cannot be interposed" Their final hope is flat despair." ; . , There i another particular in which fefapto to mat ol a. legislative majariy, 'such as I have a&scribed.- Hi appent' 9UUU US uav3 uw?vltubu ' aiHiv.u !iJorw';'al bas na moUve to exceed. Wbea bis t,iiscis.lut;&1.suppU.e4"iuJteliiiu.er tfith aiBufficient treabUre to gratify.liis imperial vanity, by covering him with tbe decorations appropriate to his rank wbenMhey have 'provided tbe mean of keeping up his civil abd military ettab lisboieots, and of maintaining the pomp and pageantry of power, ambition itself Can supplv no moUve for any further ex action. But where is the people whoso resources are sufficient to satisly tbe to racious cravings of a majortyy acting up- on Ihl i ploctplea of the tijanuficturci anJ thetr tonfederateii In il.i unl,o crusade a-.lir.t tha rommrrct of lie Soutl.era Su:'cf Tlia wealth tTlh Ii dirt tnl'-n be axbuited, add yet (bo pcii!tjr p'uouer would J atiJsr from f 4 be tfwbtir 4 thet then m )u.r'!T ?f tU cotnmoa Jegitl4tWcffoun il, irTt"fedeTfnTr'T"-of TWBrnnvefrtiaa- uine ihe"pweraiiJ7nkc ini" apV 4aul Ilaal xbjjq ,f iu iuv la ift. I'ire or destroy the local, peculiar end cxcluoive locre; of a part of the t'tate, oinp-)i,ig the confederacy, the principK nf i on federal ion itsc If it cooverted Into the hcavie: political rurte that can ifU'ct any psjo;d . It very end is utterly per cried. T ie only I giiimMe purpose of a conftd. riiiuo of 5 te, it the preacr vatim of every member of the Iraua no'h from forrii hjuttlce end tijlmce, nd f'om ti e i jutice and violence ol iheoinur in-mcrv But it cannot be ilii:uised mat, in the case under consid era'.ioo, the power of the confederacy is prosii'utrd to ihe perpetration of the vtrt mj.Mtic and violence it was special ly, il nut exclusively, inMnJed to prevent, nd to the dusirui linn of too very rights nd imereit i w intended to aecure; an that, too. in the nr1 ijiiMti, t'fl tiuse the -nost Insidiou.. of ll, firm; ihe ulsti'uli(in of legi'.U.ive power for physical force. In thie way the Sia'f cttmposing the majority, are a dis'inciV ; sitayed against thse comp-svn tlte niooriir, in war ol legislation, a thu i iossilly could be, in a war of arms, if the wre unconnected, tovtreigtriea frjer.icv, a greater outrage rnu'd nt b conrriveJ, at well against the priorities of nstural justica, a against the Is of nstions than an attempt of two thirrS of those St- es to pronioit anl desfoy the lawful coimnarce f the o'her 'hid The ur.iversal sfiue of all rivilia-H na tions would cry cut against (He r nor-nity. Yrt this is prechrly. nd to thr cr let -, the outniKJ ,ich the t-irilT !-' res ;re now perpetriifi pjjiinst r t Kiu'n er-: S j'et, tifOURh 'he instrumentality of t (inn rnm'int formt- f r - e e rr pur tJ "f preri-mK. if.. Th- frdr.l r isl'itf'C, nndr ttieae circumaaiicea; en - ,iH - l - rTtllvlrH'fr cxo?ci lo.be. Jiic.cumnoa v'hi i1 of h- oi.Ud -r. -yr Mid bcojnts j mrc aibsji; tire for at ml" 3;id "il"avK,."""f6 carry oh Jti worrf plJtTT"en4 denotation, by - " liuOAtiffi-u: fta lu ranter 1 1 " c auu.i.uu. uM,'-"anoti ui i rovi iinittKM a not Klni lalitr w wrs I1W n II -HI or OUHI in W.MCII ii'iccotifliiliuir powers are -r ayd aiainsi e"ch tMhef- - CAt of WrUr, in iiher vilow ikiii.uor jeAaarjA cur justtxei are of j:jy aiail to the com bUui. 'jui of which ihe issue is ul.imate 'V to'slded D the mrfl brute force of ntimben. 1.1 r Cii siman, this palpjb'e P'os-nuiion n'i pervtrsion or uie i, , ':wr "f Un':m not only fail t.i j nite every memoer ol that union .om tbe injustice and violence of tbe .other members, but places in the hands of a niKjoriiy of States to instrument more powerful and more dangerous tbuD can non for the destruction of the interest of the minority. WVhont fleets or armies, and what ia of infinite importance to lender consci enr.es without hazarding the Im of a single drop of humsn blood, a prosperous commerce is swept f.om the f-.ee of the the Clerk at your tabic shouU count over '.he votes, and' the Speslcr pronounce k' the flyes have it," and tie nark of de solation is done. This, too, is all &ccom plished :peaceabl y cs.tr.; war is pre: vented between the membsis of the con fotferacy, but that is substituted which is infinitely worse for tbe raiuority If the Wajor'PyVln Wiglng a aar of finV and plunder, were exposed to therils of their vocation, there would te tome se curity io that, even" to -the minority. " The. battle ia Dot always to the atrong." V alorartttktirWgnTtu pffill&ft&Slir numbers; In the open field, and a "Just causcrwould g-ive tbffoid eergy to c, HtfJntm iQ,m JtiiJayjtthe Jasvlfsi I... .a. f a.' '". V.Vtww-SiaSi4tH,.! - 4. . , PT4JJZsLu.i I gumBr eloquence,' can maktwWwr-' ity of votes in a juat cause of equal power with majority jn an unjust pn r I bsg leave now, Mr. CiiAiHMsir, to suggest, f r the consideration or trie rom mii':ce,.aotDe historiea! analogies which are calculated to exhibit in a sirJrig prac tical point of view, the tyranny and in jus ice of this proscrptive system of iegis lation which the majority of. Congress have carried on for thej last ten' year aainst the lawful eommerce of the Sou them State ..WhitJ th.e.t,.is the,, sum n! lubstanri oHnal y'em? It U ?ri ciely this, Sir t that the Southern Na,iti ftiall be prohibited from carryinj; eo tommcrce In ctrtaln nielet- with the nation of the world, and ahall be rcttric led Oan imercourae wilh tfte tariff State ern Stale, in a tlU ol colonial Vaualt'W to (he tariff Htatei. decidedly worae th-n Vfm wii rhe"im6iTi xf tfcrcotiJTttatTtt a.lat oLtmLtactslui. more than that they should be " prohibit ed from crr lni( on commerce, in certain article, with the twiinnt 'of ihe world, and should be ritniciid io en iutercouiM with Grrat Britain ' The Somhern Statea, then, ere reoVed to the ver same relation o the ttril! Sta'et, ia point of principle, at that io ttiith all the cofoniet formtily atood to (Jreat Dritin. They hjve changed their inistrrt, to be sure, and I will now pro raic in innu'ra what they have iraiaed by Ihe rbanee. I ronGlenily assert, that the restrictions iinpaed by Ihe tarifT State upon the commerce of tbe ptaniiiiK Siitcs, are one hundred time more iniuiK.ua end opp. e sivo than all tUe colonial rtstriciiwoa and tne which Great Britain ever imposed, or atteuptad to impose upon ihe com-merce- of our forefathers. Ya, Mr. CHAieuAtf, a revolution wblcb tevercd a mitrhty empire ioto frapmenti, aud which hit'ory has already recorded as ihc fi'st ii tiie annals of human liberty, originated in restrict ions and iwpnsitions, not a whit more tyrannical in principle, and, as I will proceed (o demonstrate, not a nun tirrdtH' sert aoopprciia poi&t wf.aUcJ a the rfs'rictiont and impasition now unconsti'iriooilly imposed upoo the Sau'hern S';.t'. The proniMtion which excluded our ancestor from 'ho commerce ol all other countrie but Oteat U'lt-in, wa almost purel nominal, Without that prohibluoil, the trade rf the colonis would have been ronfin'd a. most excliisitely to the mo ther rotiWry. She furnished them with the b"t mitkn in the world for all the prnliir tions nf the"" industry. She tup plied Ihe r'i.-s they wanted cheatprr than they could bo obtained .(rom auy other tMiion, and gaye them a better price kriir- very npposiie of this is nu, as to th r Stric'ion of whicn w?e now complain.. In s'ead of coinciding with the natural cbtiTs of- ir4e,iheyrMioiru,irrnlf a cootsct with ii. Iii, Sf.inliHrn stato are ex- cludod from their nam-nl " "maikeit tbeTVnrwrre the p"retensions oFCFeat lint- scry Utia tU Urib4)uri?ji5( confining them to a market whic.1 1, in all reapets, the ver y woiaU -Kuiope HO consunea five-ixths or our agt Icuttoral staplear n?'the consump'.iptT. would be ia''.ttoIteJy exundcdvil lhetrado was un reiMictcd; the tariff. States could not consume, under any rircumstancas, more ihm one fifm of these aiaplas. tireat Bri'airr, Krance, and Holland, could fur nish us with uch mattulactiirea as we aoi, at a price one third let than that for which ihev ever run be. furnished by the mDt.ufacturitu Suits of ibis Union ;1 and. under, ilitae tirruiostanres, e are compelled to purchase from thtse Slates, and denied our natural rijjbt of purcha ing from foreign nations. In one word, we are excluded from ihe very bet mar' krta in the world, aud confined lo that in which we can get least for what we have to sell, end are compelled -to give most for what we desire to purchase. The do.ii.is and res'iictions imposed upon the commerce of the Southern States i (mrZi tet$itmhiiial . tin tarilT States, amount lo e larger sum of taxation and opression in a single- year, than all the retric'lons and taxes Impos ed upon all the colonies by the British Parirnwtv-fro act to tSo breaking out of the Revolution ary war. The Southern States are to all intents snrt pnpnsai recjlsnited, as much sw as if the Bi i;lh Pat liament bad the supreme legislative power, of regulating their commerce. .. -"..;,. I am aware that it bas been .attempted r t mpa ittti e fare ir-o f ttil s "n tn y -ts-Trt" verting to the tact tnat tne.outnera states Jltit when the power of tWi Cam won " I iKn minni iter. laxAl'itaiiHl n4 a4latn-vMlek be, In effect, local and exclusive in their impositions, it is obvious Hiat a. represen tatioo of tbe minority, or all questiuas effeciing its distinct and local interest, is substantially no representation at ail -When the proposition before Congress is the imposition of a 'cojimon and equal buribea.1 upon ihe. whole country, or tbe appropriation "5flbe common -fuads, to defend the tight of a aiogle Stales or even of a single individual, 1 shofilJ cn ' il-: ': . 't h . ... ..... - ; ; ,: '"" i't ..- f-n?i .-t.. -;-v';;ft - r. -T.,,V ' 1 ., aider Ihe Soj!nn fu.e ff all ; r?pr4 tented however nmh t'y mlk,t ri.ffr with Ihe mj ri:y . H it when tnt propo vltbn I t imi ii.luive iui.ihi(i. on (hose Statu or ppfiprli!e tbrir pe , cu'lar funrli, furih brrt'n' ftf if U Wvka iue,l auM rcanl Hit n l J hatin-Ww'i'f !'eeMUia.l.ll ihfon - bey were enutlnj io niiinr-nm o'r n rjneiHifl, irry thinjj a.ltaiv.- wafoawyi lyriil to ot vote at all. It i not a qua at ion of dcli'ierat rfn,eon'-crnin j com-" -mm Intere., but a queiion of naked numerical poer, conrcrnlug iniereits that ere en'irrly adverse. Nothinf, therefore, can bo more unMrv and ridif.ulou, thH to mail'til th! thi w.jtjst and uncon!u;Io!i.l lmpii'.i-n$ of H.e tariflf sralem, are in any reipect, . Iris lyraoiiicaf, Iii thetf n;riilii upirt the Southern Sute. merely lprai)iethoj f te are reprevnud Io. CongreM ' What would have been the nature ft colonial repret'n't'. on in thfBri;ih Par iumen in 1776 ? ll4 wii ol r,ot H pairiottc ancestor rtje- ird the idea a a miserable mocke'y, What U!be, value, of an I ih represenrmioii h the ist Parliament, on all qn,i')ii t fT'Clinff thq tr) la:ere:s of Ireland, and I t wi.icb , the in'rrett or trMidiret e-f Kr.gjarca , tand npposer? tr tiem f lel tha pp sion and ruin pi Ireland,'nwVT thf quel , .hn Wnst rouMpe th yaltie of a Vst InJi reprt3n!aiIoti in Parliamnnt, on the question of negro emsrtipaiinf And what is the value ol a ouihcrn tppren , ' " lation in Congrrss, when the o eioti to oe determined it whether ten milli of Southern romnerce ahsll be aubjac eu to 'he legislative rapacry of tho mvprre i They serve no other purpose ihan to be) nominal parties to the immohiion '( 'neir consii uenti, and tnus lurnisli to their rp presiort a pretext 'and a ditrfU'e for tbs The courie of these remirk forcibly uggss't another hisloriral analiy. cl culaied if that be posstb t to rxni'iit in a tail stronger point ol sir, the ni'r n( poliMtal degradaiion to whih the S uh. ern H.a es are reduced by ,he probiHii jr system. The .recent war hh Gnat Britain wilj bo me rnotahle in tha history -. 0I..!S eoonrry. aa'trig-tffrond wrar nf in--dependence. The vTdi:nt . itmTSiey" the Briiuh wewruiiW- toje-CJilwaw lLo United Siatesr cued V"ry-niiIrfJieotd : ptrriMrlO'5efra1)(tMrei- iaijiittr-t.r-the true character of the coWa N.iw, Jo Uie veryongest point of yaw, ihry amounted to no sumption of 9 right, nn the parr nf Great It4'iiir, no I pthit''r but Ui AucLle -andf , I mcumber, during war,, the commcrre v(; -the UHe-i Srr i h the dera4-4-. gerents. "" Snp-sse "rt"h4 set.lip'lho'' "TTl broad prelcnnion suni'ar to thai now , enforced h7 the tariff S:a rt iha! Wo ' should trade uxlusily a'urt her, ai d' s - . should not trade with Fn.nce, cither in J.. peace or in war? There is .o s patriot : in the Union who would noi. ha..trit . . -his conntry one vast catarombjpf l!ugb tere d freemen, before ho would have tar ' nished 'the memory of his snr.ejtor, by - submitting to term ' Igriisminisus And degrading. Eirei y plain would b ;vc btcri ".tv a Mara.hj-uani evtry strait .i.Tbermav-.' py'ae; nd irri tir wmt-.-.fi, iiWever -. ' have occeedVorutTUO Tf'9T ' -' survived to acknowledfl and -uSmit to it. And yet, the Sou hern State, who so glo- 1 riously sustained a war waged ginst n thi preeninr are avsw-aciualiy t edured-r.rt; T67 : t are ' 'bf " de pi6fattti$''i&tpt!iit' dence, beyond all question, worse ban , that which would have re suited from its establishment. If wehad been 1 actually conijUDJca.oy-iueiJruivoarras..-ii.. wb .. hi 5 bbcVi com pTl e to pi ostfatie l ii e l nil nia of our aoveteignty at the .feet of the conqueror, and the terms of our submis ' sion had heen dictated at fle head of ic' ,' ' toiieus legions, nothing woiso couid havo been imposed upon the whole confede-1- Ki -raty, by the right of Vonq-jest.han-the ' oppression ana Tssssisjje -to-wnicn ia tbe legUUtion efCongresfS. jfrt wiuntutlj lOTW-,.1 A WcKsH'fotihff1 ctntletttan went cutticg awiyR piece of skia e.tCAsion- allyi and ; making several incisions, that cdhstdsrabty idiscoocerted the pa tientwho exchirndin rrage, Yoa . rascal, yau are n4 fit to share a dog." "No Bir,wriio"dcst!y ansjycted the boy, "I'aan a,new appreatke,' and. aol my v' master aeis me to practice on pujpief.1. 7 :

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