in J upin Iioa U he lrjtiJd f4)f J,; k purt f t pon Hr SouiH, U li li iully Jrj w (Ji-t.t upon llx NefiUlortl.e rr juUr U pi; J HI b bl. Tilt I'mittl llM Lhii.e fur htrprw' i U"i i, lh frth h, wliitUeflr,fj milerlnl ititfenr lh tttuttion of il '( C ili.r t!Vir if Ibt rrmerinc lh burlim f itaitii rrti u,.on it e Soutb i t Ut wtJpUinly ppr.' ... . Ii 4 niiril UnAlirn In pit:kl 90 my thi "he prrh-rr ntr of impt dui'. like the pr cn', pj ill Jhe Utf 1 w1K) , rf ; ! of hny wjuence.' Tin frin ig the 'jitrT niy e ! tj-liT.iry Tof'wbu llty mc w e',r ftfifilll'?,' lyt Hiey cmnj iiiitttfcrl lkt p'1 ''ton tfMiv McffrgV.' ,yt ItiJ.V.hl t'm.'-er. If wm ht ue 7V.; .', ''. voir. rj'h i.. prwirtt ofibt story tip t.n tr,fS if 4i i.i ,l tr,id tirfV!f ,he I'. M of L:rtTtffrn r. foan;lt 1, rui be re I r,' t htrrra ;,.l wO'tld cm. iS it l i h .'!f tYaheflii'l 'rli.rieU loA w irttrtt any cgrn piea-iouy k.H o'd tlm perhaps admir.e 1, thai the kef of Ih impiiil cn.ii'?r sl-ml i be iutrusic-i lo tbe trtierruo. lb c ld until u refti-ed at flf-t 16 p.e few iJy juii, l)t u Icr n 1'utle of a .iuT, I 'l itruiccl 4 ut oir ;rrt Jjnog ' mU yetr put in ihe hip of a iit i d4h'd '-iry. . II &relirj;s trhnifn, a gliin'pp:f CH i!ij'i rjuH i l l tifrtr chjin, a .iV pAattlounTno'J j iii-rt white fc-!ei( 5-;. vJ iifccJfUng ;r wis ra'.kvwnh at puuun; hi ueH u TlT trttM T ! I In iwir 1 0J irrnr- - v' - - rar t ! ' f "' re'KtieuieJt loan " i aiyif the heri.J -'.Mist Je Urrwf.Ut imhtt of Hi t '- 1. dr, l Mire? Ihs. bJ CM-Si-rd hrrlf withwt t kil---i-of e i th L-rf ."; rr ti';T.i a vuru7r rr oi to .r lui k1 pfV.i;'.e. Sr.PTKV'l'"! 1 one whom be mijiit cfuice toj. . . .-.'.1- nnK tome W Oi' i?, ha was cnipti!1 li hirn wiir lb cijo1:4'n ilia c'ie. Onijieai-." Jlid dn'i "t-i-y" rii'u!T4 tsrt icpn? fybt acron tha threii U,d'CUlt itJ iLtl. and 'r?mSn with W wJ. Taa bdl wit th'ti swjht for I Shi 4 fjnnd I the comer of thelites chimney, ha-i..- 09 ovcrii M hCf ,u1' .,t".i Lklla ROfjZ-Xb'"!' A"?- jrr'Hn'it tfiernt moppinif 'a-wl imhj, s,X Bear d Uuit iati;.';Tn6ja(r.?ytv.t..!;y . . n i . . .. .. ' riff ni j Mine -tiiiijr -wi av. rcc jjj -bo Je J . tahi . . - . i . . ... !. were, " I J "? f'Wf Dinaj o . i iagrtuiii t ! Lt ok a" a r"5i. ..'.- i. .it. ths rtvni alenm 1 rr...n.J lr.dfdl kcfM Wife !' f- ml hf, baiiiR Ua m.r I ... Thouif f-.r, uir U fo-i;6-i j iho i iifl of ricp.e iib.t. IICV. t,r Lord Sulr. .nd m-f ' 'f. ' HJjm Mi, I)-limoI. ' ffim t. i o'jiiji hue :anif irohiiiX'i Ti i nuii? Ld rfaU llu phnmI, I all nju!rie rtun inn la.nn. r in I,arJ, rt ri;-r uf.;Tr, rudi-in t-.j;, .J crrri M4ttDr.rii. fif Juif. nelit; hy f;nt rut fiihianJL' g Ja. 4fjn in tnc tiif haJ more mturv IQ sport with, or m4 .'! a nice J.ckdaw ipptirtuCt in d'fNi. Ie puye.l uil our" rci'i nrn;Tm;ff;rriiT''y"'rt,,-ir- men im h.t icccitcU l'm b mMi! Him ny fjut.lo upon ihr i ...J..r..i i,i i. ! iihirri. ln i njiiliti siii tr her n ir a wn. m r i. l r.tiiEU iu m t. - - i " - i - - t 9 W...M... .V.... - - .... ... . ' ....... II. . I. II . ipcal V lief HT-Ji ' iurtJ UiOti a'l-l dr mi' I i;iUc:ioj 1 fj not ti rf iHr in 'hf pLinrC p''int f '.C powibl. . Miuvkirat c i iim.t w i .for f eo ,r .J.iJ u H I'ir 19 ronu'iri her. irr!el ihit ol i .1,11... n l uiwn her diughitr tirl'f hrr coiien ! in.rtf Diving rccOtt'I ach- He d. ihonew tuicr. I4y Ui!ir, .on l-rng 'ic ne ?'edful c iiJ tt. '-" " , " Wind. Ill IUM' H.rr.M t.-m- ifrpr, ,h l-UIOIll" H . It t U W4tilcJ. Wkf t ii -met! .f a je.i;fuja ai pr5ea. n,, Hr.h-tn .-..b whrb r,o.iy h ifl, u-,( r(fh , tUfnof d rr thrr y !Tiiij wh!'j, in truib ind not .ii f rn n , l c Hi lr ciiriiry ? J.t i,, fi( wn i;p'n Iliov, m cur rr ri la il.e union, )m jtl( '. I r ho i' i'iIi'Ui" vhrn -vrry k. iiyj feci'f!;; ut i!e Souih it fr-w.'Ay t'lllit I'niot, ll'e fy i- J "Ul Ct (J,i'irle, let ii dcpirt frp" the I'iiioiii" It i n ;t u 4tiicJ, t il rfingt'. P Pl.rilnil II m - vtw i nrr ! thm t. A ftlllfl.r. Krir in D.ikI Du i4r of Ll'l 'in, in Wj 1 '.ton.hiic. flni.ler, mti of tet 7 l.igH pi ii.ihrn inicrftre l by Istier, anl llMitd on Ihe liht he M1 tquerf by JiU iro'h plliilnid ""i'li ih youns Ud; T,df Suir eni him for nier, ihi her dugtiiiri enibU of Iter onriunfaJ UUa flour in enieMoi into tonii ci uonnr fineJ by htr pire ni, 'Imd reircted tur ' tMful tot, ni! now refuv.d to f jG " . her t njgeratnt with bioi Thoioertioteium,dtlinJ j0M'ie- -l If to recti u(b n $utct i'om ny o e tut bi roiitieii in perun ; "'d be Jhjjo tirt rili Mifc l4 A bolb of Vmoit d".ermiitdcUrcier, inl of KHi ? " high toodivioii to Imj tnflid wiih. l.iJ ' fitair wn oblirJ to eomeiil 10 ii1uir view bet co Lord KutheiLrd iid ber , dljughier. I'ui le look cre 10 be pre 1 Sori pf rviv. ia r,tucd ibe iio wilb Ikt dlwppointid nd inciicd ioer hu fteninciiv eau-l 10 own. h priic- tUrly iniiid cn tbe Lovi'ticul Uw, which p.rrut nwune one ilty, I W4t unl ni naldy helped to the t.ird of j chic ir en, 4tnthcd 1 r,ac ol the winr. V ware, like tnt ' R1 than: extremely uncntr 1 to any thirt; on my plnte, and bein tver anxijun to net with etiquette md circuTi'.pcc tiuo m the intercming circle, I -a a 1 secliirct that woman ibnil b Irae of a ! roud boy,' wNhrri tuictl It con.'orm tow wbich hrr prnu duwiut lroa. ( rnytell to the roles of good brerd'oK' ; Tbi. iihep..ofbciipturt.bTouu jb lhp z7iT,i cf a fow 1 j (0 (.KPfC WiM.iUt t'l- r ttuev i!'frV,sl,rnr..r't1on.,fl..:.-;s'OJ '"'''-; ,M!,!y -! ll.. .r 1 r l..i tlflnuof. v he i? aboi-. JS1J lor hoArd in:. ,s. , s.,,. So...f-. '.'.mrr! , ,,,.., ,... i.-r.'ic t!,t..;i! -...v, lt-u S utli ttyt aiititrrd l'n, ,nl ,ui,v hon'it p;ople ar.-tj luev ir'Or!. f -"'aw--. 1 : ill,. I . ..... . I I . .1. . . : ... Of.- plIC, V) 'Or l0ru 1.1 HHU-i ; b it,r. htrt0 mli,U,4t-hW I'- I''- fh,..f t CH-Mni tl ill) tll a"'J BUmcr-Hl. '' k, r,r, lh r :n -'f. I. )vm,rr .',! il), di .uw MiillelU tk billi ti th other people, not -v.o rx- M((, ,v s,,,f, oUl,.rf n,T ,rivd fVo-n..,:i ,,.;,, r m?., Mc K frimvli i0 u c-p -n,; the- friend of wlioi he l,w,u n! ytt.-,ntr, ,Jttre-t U i.;on, tV.c w!v. -nuv.- to pr.r ibecot. money. AU jre left to sn(l.r j rh, I-h ipu Im- ex?", i" ''' j .t.n;.i, -i , or d.-.e !- cinnnce dm f? ihe'wwrlJ i;es. A. Vvrt'desa, ' ltlMtry tr rn.i,r, ud v'.irv- for .' f: -.v r.;:'i n""r r.nii Un- d'kie'wt brR'.ni'H Ir.l nv in .,ik. f 41..I fjcvr, ;ir,,r., hr ).! n inlrf tVr wM ; .w P .,.: .: ,f., Vho ki..k kf ill be wclco iud into t,o. J irfitt, rxnaf.'r. '. fcr wi-rx-iitfl ,..i hiii-! thc ,-(,.,,, ui,uii, ...,.! .ul :i pj.d.mrni liuiu- w'.ile an in.lutricU C!'-cn, no . i., (..ish't r-f ..n..-M t whit1, ''' uti"., -i by mi wta. t .U.i'nce t Dut hKinvj met with a ful if lur? tsy 4 f.wi from hi borie m he rorle Oettet. l.t-vh enti H nyrooj ouei of which lie died ihr ne! d4y, 2h Mirth, 1633. Thu few yeiii removm) all I tie pti'icipl c!ur iii tan fn,;hlful t'Jiffdy. v 1 . . -' " the U'xji i:n' i.ow.ii. ' When I was a hd (id a fac'tioas gendernen to the recorder of the ancc lijir. I wm. or rather taacied rrmrif. . . . ' ' 11 .1. 1 1.. 11 . . . . .. 10 be dcsrxrralely IQ love w.ih a mv an airaminav uw). ncuii. v,, Vork 4ut. l tMtvtf '" n.e-MMMe. ifresn't witnin hi mC m: i '-1 x' Vrrcbtot ..it4 p-'-ti oot ; ,Sve a g.--ti vcnr.i::c..i fr the tnlwn(tbii4ift Utiiclur nVCriOOi.'d. A ilJSll 115 lj. jjr pcr,rU WVf ' rnwti a' "I." P 'r' "'innn- ..ii'j;-;I i. irr.tOj aoJ luUmn iflipuiti ... lltl -!... iJuiiMUJ .VOJ32 laJy. Dmin? at hi r ' u',n ,hc t-'ir n; ruaH ,,a 'P00 Uic r4ctrH or.ul! urk i;i..J..i t'e ui.'U'd ' te"". Ihr uor!,f" miKJ it T.-btly tp ITatnTT!, tip-ru 4UiuttiLau Ltu. Uvot-tf KomiwM pUitur u.Jtijir hnn. 'i : 1 the rar.n.ilM ,vc fUtni.on n p.i J 10 it, a o! ihc aitormaker, lie rut's hi face at j,0 urcUi' t ' Nor.b 6 cSn.v' the w".Ty imi firiS y rVenri Vnf toVdiilj 1 the billiard bor.! nnd hi prruence j H,,n ,'gt ume J,,!!,, ?4Hl Kiu'imI ; tt.' I"-11 ; itrrs in rhc ifmi r ol icprtv iiici. Wb wt tind aocictv ; ail hy t:c fujcin-iiona Uy cent p!il n umv 'uc ;j.Tt, nu tVn 1 ch.-j;r')!e i-h iii. .' Who rc pui'ty oi'aca pnia 4 Jed on If miD of hi dreM, whi.kcr o4 u bor-! elBCt tLeir ithuu .r tUr n!nw i-.f r.'w-d gold watch j aud at lait he runi ,pr.e c.t J r a. u. hr ...i'v ,-n- aw2y Icavin.j hi trccJi.or ca J Ui j n--d by Mii ron ! i;.rt4.i!.n. duH UDpaiJand perhaps anpitird. j which will rh. tl.r price of fir --u.!. Hul-cl. ' ;V ' Ui.nirru pT r Ut ; i'.l ul.t!i . 'ahiI 1U0 prj'.-u: 1 - nfcin. i,'; .: 1 ,;r.l.: ul llnl proline ura with tbt m.! I'l'y r.t r mi .' ,r h 1! ir;' surpre. -rrv'.ion i. 1 lia;.(.;n.; i i tiui vwrM W'scntl fi t null;! ! nic cc'ij (if mi'ib i " CiumhW .ur I....U ',' :! rn'lit up u'n! a uJdcit cbilnM vf !'(! se I fr:" ; --f the l.rjri. Do T7V?? . li stoctarij. That taere ' r"' ' ,a',J bv w,,r '''' j 'rw- v'r (-1 hr r " n,i f m"" "moed,M. , : ' ;u. t 1 r. 1 1 lit ....nrtnioT arlstotracv in k ra;t ""' conrr. r ,u ........c , f. nr m .:,,4 u v ti,-.v in-wH0 m . . 1 w a iiiiuitj.-- . jw uitiui 1:1 n. . I ' O - 1 ,Uw. ft bharcj lt .o, I cnuld not tithor for very image, u too parpaoic to m 4b to waa in iuv Jti v . 4 .. . -iti b .rttii"j it opt rnr rt't Ur 1 un nil iicn (iftLe cMiiitrv. I ' il.i -houl liich a i.'it woi'l Li' , 'f.e mvuiti4 ol tbr juple tad a . . .n ft.lh l.k IMIlfl III 4 1ULI 1 II I ' I I .L. .. i . . .k.naTrT)rmonr"h!irwwiw4 tata w-i"" j c "-u"k u"1 "n't'i 1 .... , . ... - Sr.l do af eorJiuft lo ad tnat irocceJfrr -Ed, u 1 n.i.g,.p i.t .i ?, , , .. tAV-,,-trui Uoa we thhktb.t it,ia ontul. .I'fam that u-m o-ur.otu. oj tb oiiaemaf "?r3nr'"'!- wuh the annoyance, and ca.nnauy j JCS y; ,t(,.,l J rf .Wwo'.n'i.Ko-tdw- alfW wor- ie- W- -w-to.... l 4 ..dJff -asii UK Aba canted! i au, .!..'. ' I" h, : f, upon tj t--r.t-; .i K. tf k. . tnrl. bun? nhwrer.L I contrived it lenrrh tj roll with ftem far any other porpoie tlaot" 7 f . . . ... ' . . - rr,-.. IT. xr-- her f-.hei V-bou.e in bar youth j t frotn ray Watc irtW B17 mnacnarr, f to DaCcr.lra mthr support ; ot ,neir .w.w. r...u, ... P.nrf.h L,rin( W J.. views. 4 ju mien til, lie WUII VUl(.i whTch I p4toedt wy lnt. pupuwly for its reception: the next minute-ail a a wa salclv lodged o my pocket. " And Tier TjrThe. har-rrr-oWf an4 fctr bond whtrewiih the hath bound her :lL; kouLand ber fjthcr bhwll holJ bi ptate " r ii herrihen .h.lHHwntk j CoTvffsiwrwilli the cMr-ci "ot my-sf .. . i. ,- .. .k.-. .k. .... I. . . I ImiLLI..'. I ' ' I J ' rf rf OCIIU Wlirrc"" w tool a'aU'wi and'- -- i Cut if ber fjtbcf tf. irow her m the ""VdKf .hat be raretn ? n enr-t-f ber os , " ''tr of her bonds w herewith hUe bath bound " ' terioui, aball at and J and the lord hll fornira ber, becuu bar fthr iliillow . ' tJ her." Nusnoers, xx, 2, 3, 4. . While iha ruo'her iusi;cd on these to :" pica, the lover in vnin ror.juied the diiih- , ' ef lo drclar "her own opioloo and fel "jucj. She remair.ed tottllf overwhelm- .. idil it faeine d.muft pJe, an, moilon 4e a efa'tne. DnTy at bef mother command, aierniy uttered, aha aummon f4.auength er.'.nBH,io levlote to ber tvlljhted auitor tb 4ca of broVtO goTO, whkhwai theblcm of ber troth. 0 itijcJwM i ivmendotn pas TohTtoow leaveorToe mother witfl male diction, and i be left the apartment, turned back to 'ay to bis weak, if not fick pa a world wonder j" a phrase by wnlch 1 soma remarkable dtgrea of. calamitjr i usually Implied, Hf wetrt atjro3tfiaad returned iot aeaia. .---If tha Jaal. Lotd. WaaiW4 aajiba,nfe ; mutt bate, been the .thirih who bore that - tjilc?and wbodicdla 68. , - ThVmari'iaKa' betwia; Janet Dalrym " I" " '. tit nd OaTiA Puubaf "f " n.Uoi E'jit. vent forward, the bride ibohg no re '5 T: posnaftfif, buVbilVgabwalutela, patve "liii: in etcry tbtneber rotber commanded. adyhed- t)n the day of tbe marriage, ;r7-:''"'.fitf"ttH"w4ia-4 fcctinn-i, dnnnr thcvcrt!j, i Hie uf uerv'uijs rofgofltilneii 1 "drtvTtortyf jny;h4nutcrctucftind--ia:a auprtj flourish out flw th: g'zr J .' ("4i4d lifavcus mv fair wne st3ited ; colored, laughed j 1 wai petrified: away Ocw my ecitatic Jrtaais, aud Cut of the house 1 living myself wict.ut one 4 au revoir,' but with the con. ic'.t?-iei of truth of that drlcctnble ballad which proclaims, that Lave has c-es ! !' tctt'r thau their ntijjhbwurB, on th; ,or iirvnrirfioor'tt.l. Tu-.-.; r . -' . . : i . .- . l i . . thought no m,orc ol love iu tlut tfuar- ler ; believe me J' Mnwr Jlsliorl ilary as luIiU'j liiliros the Vomctlinn. -My friend and myself, when in 1W voashirir, w;re visiting an accpunn t3ncr, who had a daughter not remark isble either for h-er -wit-beaut-v- r ar- aone cf its susceptibility to Je arand ,p(Wfi07KQht-h-(or ten years been beau catchers. but alas ! she bad toiled all night at -balta, routs, and lcwttsr but hai ca.tjgh.t no beau, TJc- ing as vain as she was &iaple we thought her fair game for -a qniz. M'tss Lucretia Flirai' said I, 'have parties srpnrate with the usual cere- vou heard cf the Ute act of parliament, t.v-whkJv,aLL.U months mimhl of bows and salatatiwna ? f! anau aa- aiiowcci ctr marry ivo nos- i,i i crft.! assemblage of frtemhi and re- nd re nencu, a a u w mr-r - .muM tVf t ,t B , mti t-.i 3l..r ui:r v v ija , ;Ml'n mr.''lf connect,.f-itri the ' t . ,, 1 'r y . f6lV" J , J-'-- " 1 " 1 t , . - , k . a . '. i ! . '. timavwhe Ka-rUdia bt4fi,,bi3ukicr . church; He said ber hini w?)hn My fiU ai she had . held ber arm reunif, hia ' wait. wts" told and damp as marble Ed fall of 'bis new dreasi and the par: he "" acifd in tha procession," t ho circum stance, which belcnij afierwardsTemem bered witk bitter aorroyr and Componq tion. tiede no irp.eiiurro bita at tbe time. ... . , Tha bridal feait was followed by dan ' 1 eifrt iba brk'e wd bridegroom, retired - ' ; " twub tbca of a sudden the moat wild her mouth a tig as a bucket) a Curioualaw ' .... . ', . . j- yrr(Wi?r.Taylorr who lived in Charles the First's tim-i gives the following lUtc-a-reading backwards and forward the same: ..." Lewd did I live 4' evil I did dwe! and adds, ' I will give any mau five shillings a piece for as mao ashe can roa,e io iJDc;i5h.t - " i ;!: .C.Vk ,.'-. j MirkcU.but t.Ky r' f"""r"p' hv rm..rd1iiie ir!irrtil.n ofUTs "c'H:';ifvj' vrjT.-'r'v hwenviw ( an.l aii-';-ty gcurra'fv V ''lioiit rfr'nee any r(nt) rnnlici m hutrc-I tn Sim's who wtn.lj oetrr a proper 6p7rTt manlfr-itcd" by th ... - I . . I 1 l' ! ... . . '. " iiiiC ai m kr c u fiva i .n rj1 . - - - -..-..-,.,i.. .. i,'i,.riii, !. nm. rrm1il.. ' ..... v.. .,...T-rr.T.rr- -r--, ...... .... HU,HHfreniCy.thoe nSh'.S, Ttt ikU,. ,5, Lv .na.r. f.rUl Vs! ,,c wtl the lM.Jt ,(, iu iromnrtot .............. i i ; .(ii?j-.,Tn nhxh tr the line of ' ri-f-r. TT'nTiiiinr a.-rt nr-rr i"ur rTiiiir twi nt nrM both,' leatt -them to think themurlvei "f,-: WPWiiitrr to -.W frn iml'H rvul rni 4.ift,0TJH, -wt. - Ah their superiors. No other distinction ,il!t, ,hf prrii;,.o . tlie p: .itnrr ..v-n ii h,- s't;,Tr,.( d th, .v ".f n:ini-eveivad .. I L .... I . L- -- . . I ? . w 1 ... . f . n . . 1 wjiica arc.taeii.s oy i.wru.iace ami , ,tlU Jr fl,-f . ,.,. ,, (TrVni.t re.Taiwnrl.-.n.t tr,r, which ttaey can aud ahouU exercise. Li : -TjJ-tt..t; 4u .ra uf iat Soutbera ,.,eva,U i the'cli .,4 iiuta ;ai.:at it jJiyacwb',;, vaulty," v-f l0ar3nce-,- rjr t ... - -n,or0,inhs ap- -rnnof aoil oppf v.i i. I ' r N.iiih.-,n lKii rrt'ii I 1 1 r 1 fa 1 iittoit rn iratar t r , .. . I , ft I 1... u 1.. .. n . ... VM.U.J.-1 nw.4ivj inujuitia i . soi,.- u.tiu.1 h irinm .v rs.n'i ii : irt.. e:v. It is aa egrejtou mis'ukc of ,c.... t,ui..-:.l p..pV, ';h if v ' -m .;t; V those who boast of great wtaltii o;' ( v. ...i.n ricp'u. t:.. Orer I 'i., ....;- ,-. ;r cocuexians, t think themstlv cs u.,r by j-.nufi;:.rhh- v...i,.j ..r . account t if their conduct is better, 8a ' loan i rnu. imatin, bv tlic c.-raJon c: :Uc In far iKey art better and for n -i otacr k'i. br eWiinjja pr..ri -ipea V, ?.. reason. ' HUT'S .IfdSLti'li. Tie Mtc'j.ui.'V ia o ! ici tu.w tu it t: -i u.c u ii t'10 duties in-Vi s-j wh.ri. wi n; to n.aU,- publ.r; ' ..".r i Taction, ii' i 'it it'.n a"ti""-t I he t'ri.ia. ! ; W c ha-.'' .i".'n rln-tiy oLi.--ed t!ie eoiirw !i.' f t! M jirii.t, and c were horror. rw-;k -H "n ' tlot n enrmy i.i Vi.((.'.r.'ius to tlie liber- I.i I ut uf nut counu; 'In oe lowered ia bes-'tn. V.'f hvc rlr.irr tt(7W what weenrtaitlered f liity at vi-anli-M on the ramparts and we ahaS conimus to pi. n! to danger where (lunger ap-pe-oi. Hii1 rfTT will we, no ! not ail the weaW $m?t:lar Custm. Ia Russia, says ; fi - c! e-.nBump'inn.. na to the nrti- th$ IA'?rry fjazette, it is by no mcana ciri ui 'ic lb winrb i.o tumi.u,4 ir j n t.iu Ctoem, nor the power of King MiJA life prtifioi of St." I. eon? phahcrritoa cnti'd tempt us to cry out wolf! wnif! whenal atr- oncommon circumstance to her , s,"-iivMi pLn. r. two people accost each other io the i iVn the cratnerciai am! mechanicil nnnuia- j i .... . f-dlowtu- dialogue, by way of sahua- t' '.if lac N:tli r- ilji- tl.e pUiU of f:i-.r : wv-H wai to be acen ! e cme I.rre to seel M t- tmt tbe cofiscioiiaiitss i; having tsrea wVTl 'i-ul .'niriifiilly, the grat rrtcrerfa adtr pc!l'- cfour roMtitr', and when we shall iSamlo tbi.m for pi-If, may ilic wrath o otR-ndcd Dai? wreak I'm ve.tauc-j of jov. irij'ircd coatiif upon cur hi. ad . ' compushmerrt. -Hhe flai pasd thc4ti4n :- I leg leave to atquaint van that j ?iwkeu, Licb, ibev cau Co ; h j.c;f.ct j.-i. grand cliniacterir, and Was Cf ftaiirily j Vour "hn'se-ts'YTeeitirir'V tw which- 'ihti'i-'otl ttiq.pTDtiibrtpry, :.?rreii tt(.iff t on the wane j but her heart n,d lost other probably answers-' I was jmt ,bem. How dxi tbe case ?:at. wi h V.h '( goin-r to observe. W ydtf that yours is j P"""1 ter ? -tie cannct rtpLte fio ; alreadv frzcn.J Oa such, occasions ;f hcott,n n'1 "-'e-ii' the r.-nsh marfcetj. bojJahejufrt-rcra.s ofbu Iy perform "on each thef the opefa1""-' tion of rubbia-r the afflicted part with s5ncelle 'f'ce of lL!!Ks ''"J a piece of staff, or sometimes with a l" bome tl" nr c',i,n in,i bfhalf is creat:,tl haadfalof Artwil. Iu order Ul 'lesiutp Hllt 10 and in r;.lv m .i . i f ... ii. j i ' tne tenwrr so rrftiijeTTtir mti r.. thai eani 'o l-imrnt .icrira anuUiSUjuon. m ill.. VI. vvjiwwv.. IIIV, I . . ; I . ... this service mutually rendered, the VUTr M 01 the ' i inunili..tlii.d.l ut l.n.MA f. . . II I.:-- ....... t r ,m ,r , nmnuci ;r,vc;. we ill r?join tlisi it must be known t- a'l iio isJ Ucsruf. jn.'md2,..aj4b.eo iio4 to the E-iiifufi' markets d ira not reuL'te A brittsh nbf-tnel at the held of a A-4t.j'r.5.j-u;iil.m.i.l(" an art r hhr kT 1 fhrrrr-mtfte -ferTkH-tfaai -fghtly-K -7 ,f-r rf V a. - - fSl, mi.-UW UiW.WJCI4Mr UriMiito'Jtiper;ia .ih t. I country, w ti-. aay a;" Mr. J-iiJVrscn sv.l t'j''"1 f-Maaiautt4bti4.a4v;ai liv-dut .3.1 Jtfin to wipo off their disgr-ace, tie led them to a desperate enterprise, on the- eve of Vbich.he laid to them j " I should like ta know whethr yuu intend to run to-day, if vou do, I'll take ih start. BQston Palladium, ' Going Ji Sca,Xtk aid man" mar rying a young wife is a hip going uj the flrttightt wilhaot provi-sjon. ' c pnrpof itfrtine l from the ut. the ivi;fi " nu.r'iliciioii" simply b"cuse ' knew a set of discontented wretches who aif he meaning cf the word to be -,-diswiii fhhnilrd in the huieovis Lml horvibie mantle0' ciiK war." tVe are rtirprized,. fn ee that tot intf li'wnf men have takn fnp ht j.1 a wd, ar den txirxe t hoie im t- jrMiJ6'irtk'!f' 7'Hwdns airch yat-m work TJoca it Vork both ways' i It .4 not, and therefore mast be a bad one. Is not the Sauihern planter at hst the conmer of what he make I lt is not re. eeaaary to make bim to lhaf he ahould consnnie the very aobrance which bi own anil produce It ia aulocient lhat ho eicaangei it finr other tbings needful to be coniiiried. Does the mercitant and roccban'e exebang e any thin j of rontieqLience with foreign tom. aaiiiSt tiie Ol l.yui Lrt ft ntliXnn'i who troilucl it )iw on. tbe floor cf Conr! or toletste hitrclty wliich be ciWJ not t$ff by other meana, ha kboured to impresa' tf minds ol the people eaefei1- ape'so mucb falsehood 'rk-Zt A1 tv the press, whose pnce ia to tliiterBin correct iews and correct rrjisonii.jj upo" saaeraof gerieral concern, and to portrsty trie features of our government to Ilia p0? upon Wfom its principle are to act The irgini Itcaolullons drawn npby " i J-sErstaerl afjrt- (Se foncwir! la-jcuaeet v i.

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