i1 ,. J a a f't rur ii .riTii tT ri. W e copy into oar columns more detailed irengnfof iU Revolution In France than wt Vers able ttfdVlaat week. W have Uard i.riluna faihar tht quarter. This guv- ....... " ,V .... t- . Yrivefit fflv tnan,any mner win icti grcar vi Wi MHL imw j 'JiiuvU4UtUirUUttidJl will .uk ua wUtibfey J gyr)J his Monsters sml Ilia iirpunneani the Mini1? wouM not htrt Ifirried rlit Kinj into Ibe eomm'.lUl cf tuch csctMei h'l not a jTora'ne af aii44nca hern tendered to them frum tome neighboring puwere. lielher the peolo who he rion In rim if'init the law. Ii-i reign of the late King (for he it deti rontd i .d a proiiot) pirermnnt f-nabhihed) would Ve laiiificd to compound with him up n a d t nnvkl of hi MiniMere anl a reform of aUu- we re not tle to iWiirme. We ihouM riticr think not. Thry could p'are no confi A'iKr in a Kin vihjcwl1 tLui betray them and aitern; to abr'uls their cuntt.iutional librrtici. 'j he Uuke ot Orleans hat bsen called to head Ihe Nation, andvhat kind of povr-rnrnr'nt thr l'.i!fr' will thipa for tUemclve rhoul I uc ter crown their prtaent iirujrpte, we ctniioj totjelnre. wnetnr a nmnea mo rc!ty, an arirocraey, or a rejrtleni'.ie Jttpubt'i go. wrnrncht. It wai reporieit in Paria that atme miwii1r. Vanding had ariien between France an I Kujc land relative to the orrnpa'.i'm of Alicm by of A ier b the former. I'pon tbe atiirrnder Ihe ueyueireneniu-n . w.n,. ., poaonof the k.I I.n, phfa nf th, city. The Dey h leen tt. at bbcrty w.ih thr I rvaV -vw '' -fS -p - perionifryT TTeT'Tm 1ermiatrtn"tn Mtirewtrh hit family to ny apot he may select. Kvery n.ierly civil and reiigiou i allowed io the in habiianta. Would not the ht'd'nijr of Aljjic.a m aj French colony he dinfteroua to the comitu rce w ...rt tfif ovap thin. Iliftt bfiiinifi to him of r.Hropa and America I Would it not give the French an unequal and afperior power over the commerce of the Mediterranean ? We are glad (list the Dey of Allien his been stripped .l hit power and driven from his dominions, but we woull rather see some other and lesi dangerous christian power in postetsion of its Sovereignty. It would be allowing France too grrat a politU ca! influence to suffer her to reUiu it. ... J.'f.-h,XS !0"kcd invajn jor some authentick rfrrBtoo aa to the result of the elections iu t!ie ""West, and fbrthst' m'oa we. hare fore ; borne to give any statement we have aeen ,on eHlitfr side, feaiful that it might prove to be tpu . riaua or inaccunat.. .There bu bcena greal struggle between the two parties in the western 'ountry, and if the President is sustained in the l'Mt..?!Lf.?e "vTeefwe may "conMemry expe-t an upright, outright and dqwnrlgTit re fnbltean dmivtiArnov-iy.areratlicr fearful liowever that ibe reHeciion of hli signature to the Maysville road billll probably corae too iirectly into conflict withhe immediate inter, est of the West, to secure the, approbition and support of that section of tbe I (vn. We discover Mr. Clsy hi! thoogjit it neces sary to enter upon an elccttoiieering'tampiin to prevent the route of bis party and the, anni hilation of bis favorite American SvstemN At the public dinner v .ich a ss given hinyin Ciiicitt nstti he canvassed tne menu of the prewnt ail miuistmion, and if we were to titkc his nhcii.g AS exhibiting a true n .accurate djjjlif aiioa of. hi beauties and deformities e former would jiot weigh a feather," when put into tbe bat aoce witb the Utter 0ut to the tale of an ene my we cannot listen. We admire the extensive powers and sumptuous decorations of Mr. Clay's inreWt, but rmtrt forever reprobate ike dkngerous tendency of his political nutiona. W7e p-.Tceive with pl-aaure that the dii Imguished Tditor of the " tUnner of the Con stitutlon" has been prevailed iipon to continue fhe publicatton of htt'riii,-tieTSit.vi' t a sufficient patronage can be obtained to jus tij Ita CantiniUnCC. Several gentlemen hye promied us to become suscribera if the pub lication of lite paper were not stopped. We i'l send on their names, with the money, as toon as we can tee thern and will lend our efforts to add to the number. Wt would ear- ost tnUghtened' a to- w4t.-uglt to J tKi true policy of our country and with all thejaoat i'Wtaciii?. iaod. JiUjaUflflR.ff.fcfeucirt ICJ Mr. Wirt, the former attorney Gen!, of ?he U. S. who hu been employed by the Cher kes in JJcorgi,t(T prosecute their case before tbe Supreme Court, addressed a very polite and gentlemanly letter to Co. Gilmer nf Georgia, ppriaing him of the fact, and in wha,t manner be intended to regulate his conduct of tbe case. Cor. Gilmer works, himself Into a passion, and answers the letter of Mr. Wirt in a very angry tooe. Such a return for the courteous man ner u which Mr, V,rt dictated lib Utter was uncivil nd nne.llej fofs . The rrem:li have tuVl u tl.t Aigrrmet f t'.reiy. The Dry hs beensken, and it now canned in thel-awrtteunder a Strang guard,; tht city bavins be,m fr anie i nt id the b&nj of the frem-h. We m nt bl'.eve, that in tlx i prevent contest hetsreen the two powers, tht Algeri tea have j'istirton thflir.! to bar them out, But we mut rrjoirt that th'tst marauders and plunderers of our eom-nerea ere huvjled, if thry art art now plaead unJtr Ut totir aatj tlort of the french lation. irr:,, , .. i- Wc litl iclrrty toifnt'ilited our rea ders ujxm tlii diwpjN-iTtir iff tht Pi')fiee advertisement before we received t notice to continue Jt three weeks Jj. We h-ije our ineii'is win not rniiiuti n itsr .mearanre for !ooe r.nw, m the adli innat quil t of new llui it.at-yejalc.ffuw f' A pre corner beinj (fit ln 'oir paper we 111 devote it to the Oxford t'l vainer. He mi'Vei u if he e'tppoae we mrn to im ru. ate that he ai not thr antlior of the Cditoria! matter which appeura in hi eolnmni, VV't on ly at'bisi'uted the aonl Writer" for ndi'or," That' all. I'-'J There hai been no c'unjje In tSe f r. keti '.inee !t week. Tl c picta of thia veek do not Jrary from tbe l,it. wkx o wtrt nicroLunov in rn.i.Ycn. Al er the i-pp'-irr.c e of the Htcreea dmohinjj tlie C'himhtrs, retrictintj the right tit u!!fK, and 'ipendin( the lil eriy of the I'reia, the D.-puiiei then in Hjiia mtt end ro'eted tf Anm theit ineusDres. oeruren injt mey nan rot ntf n Icalij diverted of1 heir powrra, an! that 'hey wo-iM only be deirr'id fiom exer cimj; the ri by ecml Tiolcnce. A earn 1 1P'' ' 'l'i!iea then had a un l Sen ore with the Gercraliiiimo' of the rfj ,n whjfh Jerni,nded H of (hc ohno,iui Ordin.n.-et, ,,JZ,ttr Vl h ,e .ir,i,saj vf ,ho 0bri0. lotis Tiiils'ers ; but toetr reriuesta were nnrtf.ty t j:ereff,WT.bnfTi'rfieTloufly re jectf d vv m . .. . i. j i. ' ( en "Ijtinont, who had birno I , tr...r nrm. ...U r.im nl -i.K .h ....... f .k. at.;. .i r r i a "I '.he. Kuiif, 31. I.ir;tfte rxr.lsimrd I t . i . ii . i. It ... i. ! V .u. i r. 'it inn wn ii uiliiui i i will .... t ' r h jka liun J.uml Km ?. j. Mnnnf (save w,vi m jri'.l iry IIIV IMf'llltM i ., ... in . . I ; , t. .i ; .i r.i. l-- eer wzt constant exclamation on the I unertes, the ensipns ol the Knii' i , . , . mi. ac i with the people, were evviy whrrepuiled li'own, or rlr.fjrcd ' . , . 1 . t. m K i . Y , . i A' 'en o'tlock I wen to the " ace du while new nnpiili; ws given l-j the , . n L . j Dopular cn'husiasm Carousel. In the Hue Richelieu, and all Th- i ' r. . , . . i he neighbourhood ol the Jtue Si, llanore, i he population ol the Lanital hid risen I . , r tv . , . ,, t . , . - . 'the parties were enace. Jhe3Juuard to a mJn, ariitnatsu bv a heroic zeal, which . ' . , . j if .... . . j maintained the appearance el determina- it evrr fqu.llrd was never;jjrna5d..i ... - -e i r ... , i . i x T-.: T - . w , . . ' linn to n rnt. I he people were accumu- r . mcd people prevailedr"irimTtmerttie Klnc'a iroopalbul on lhe Jjt ths days the former wrrc tnumcs if the city, having been previously joined bv several jjegimcnia ol the li:ie, and h. ve ; tuni pelle'l the bwiit Ourd that dele led lite ruilerie and Louvre to surrender. T he JviDC .Ji...f,n.'lr4...;nd M iniste-n, had - flcA-to-Ilhim5J.Jt J0..liiun,5 by others to Nan'cs 1 ne Tdllo'wrntr intcrevtnr-aeeotrnt4Ts4- detsil is from the I ri Correspond j . ii i t ' :. n f , - .' r detsil is leom toe I Correaixtndr.nt.of i the London Morn'm-llerald of Auf. Sd : Pf.tsii.s of mr Lste CoNri kt is; Piris. Paris. July 1 830. A postscript to my private nme to yo'i on Tuesday even'm was couched in these terms J ''We are in for a revolu'ion." On Tue(Uv evening matters bngan to wear a very serious aspect. The gendar mes poMed on the Place du i'alais Royal ere incessantly nttacked, by what you th, London would call a mob" of dandies, witlti s perse veraa.co.anda desperation of whicfrxall the rio's, revolts, tumults, or revolutions of England afford no example. Determined, as soma imagined the gendarmes u be at that time, I fancied X saw thtis early, symptoms of fesr and indecision amongihem. Still they fought with eertainty and 4tt pel atioo, but every momeatlLeir jssiDarus were leinfoffed by boys, workm'eii, ljerLa, students, coachmen, and, in short, afl-lasses.' The filing became,;every mpmentrnore sharp. I returned home, and alter dinner was making my way apitt to the-" 1'aTatf Hoy al, wlieii met a tind Of men in th. Rue Vienne, bearing the corpse of one of their unhappy Rue Colbert,' where there was a Swiss post, their cries of vengeance were fiight ful They took th. body, to the place de U Bourse, stripped and exhibited it, aur rounded by candles, and amid atnceasing aurSFmfr ,r..,-.A,..;i...., k. .... . - ten upon -me ear at inrTvars,-tt,-tii-thougl tie strtAts were crowded, no otli ejaptmd .. wa,heard....saf e;ihose. above mentioned - A .Uule.la.Ur 'the. iafitcrfi were smashed, their long cords left dang ling in the centre of the street, bringing to mind the dreadful use made of them 41 yean before. At ten o'clock the wooden guard house of the Peace de la Bourse; was attacked, the gendjfrnes ex pelledp'and the guard house itself set on fire. A party of Sapeure Pompiers (fire men) arrived to extinguish the flames, but they would not be allowed to act, and suffered themselves to be disarmed. . Later all the armourerV shops in Paris were, attacked, .and every weapon carried, off. At II ocloek cemparauye quiet reigned Urotif;uouf IVU j but Ihi ri!cre of such cilnt could not be mitundcr atom!. At four o'clobk h tht morning the people bcan to assemble at many p'Mntt, principally in tht Hue Ss. Ilonore. .ff . , . . t fho well dieied mob of tht preceding day reappeared, end reinforced, but wart oufnumtred by tho terrible men from tht Fiubourk of Hi, Antoine and Mar ctaq. Tt Tutlltrltt were tpproathedt but no ict of ho.tility occurfd Up la let) o'rlrick. fo the mf in lime while tho brite of tht Hdevtnt duardo Rationale bej?in toemmblt on tht Bouteirdit In the f lace it Gretrtt end In other pUcee, wi'h the certainty of death it defeated- At 'the tjme momenta oe ndmDU.ini:iJri thc-jtooii of. the darijipd jAAsir; portant Incident occurred. Tht eudtr.tl ftfThfefto1yTee1trrffirsnns .. . ., . t. j lined the people nearly to i man, thtn epsrated, proceeding singly to different parli to take tht command of the peoplt, j or rather to receive it from them J and nobly did they repsy the confidence aol placed In them. In an hour an Immense firce wa Jirough. to hear on .several poin's. The Hoirl de Viije was attacked, cr.icdnd became the fioint n'aiftni. T ie depot of artillery in the Hue du I'ac (i. Thomas d' Aqulu) an enually carried, ar.d the cannon carried off to the nift in); jMant points, and worked i;h anu t;n' (-ooloekS and effect for twelve hours oy those heroic youths. The Tuilleriei were attacked, and defended by the 3J Krgimcnt of he Carda Hoyalt (ail of wnoin were. Vendcane ;) they were the first ViJiers who fired on the people cn Wcduenday. Early in the day the Sa petirf Fompiera aurrrndercd. A large j.rnortion of the Rendirmet aoon after wtrds fnlloed their example. I should have aid earlier that the whole garrison of I'jtis had been ordered out on the pre ceding flight. Toe 5th Ueijiment were ordtred Make Ktad - !" "present and they tutied tneir pieces on., their Colonel, waiiiu witu singular coolness utthe wQfxI j.'.iVc Tju; ffir iiouie' nn.cir orust ins iworo upon lis anee ' . , . . . ,P. iuic on in epaulettes, ano rcurea. i ne P"H' threw themselves into the arms ' r ' , ,, . i m . ioiiihi"! rcLoncu uicir cm , . . i,rif, hut mstnt ained their position (regiment of the line) . f I was. in consequence, duiin? the tight, latinii friKhtruiiy. ot a worn p irigniiuity. .Not a worn was tpo- kcal ZThe Jgi ' JeWjr t he TuTlTerie s wit rinsed. " lo taeTtaer du CIrour I found Three sqaadronrof Larrcera of the Oarde Pyale, a battalion of the Sd Regiment of tho darde, and a battery of six pieces also-of --the UatdeThe TuilleHte. aod Louvre were occupied by a regiment of Swiss Gurdt. They have petished ! , j- -A foidk"ra.of the (.Jarde were eng; their braktav all -the rest, 'to whom i -4 have refcrrtd, were on the tt'W ready to mount or ? io. . ... . rt , . n i pusscu unto toe vuau uu L.ouvrr. i ont des Aats(a wooden bridge lor, loot pissenf ger opposite tne uouvrcjana tne i auce of the Institute, were so crowded, that I turned, f jrtunately, lo (he Pont Royal. At that moment a dreadful tiraillade waa heard in the direction ol the Place de Greve. It was answered by a rolling' fire in every ditection, :ml in five minu'rs 15000 of the finest troop in the world four.d themselves enttaed with cLunt., variously armed. H ie was smll par ty of elderly men, Nanonul duitdn, who, with a tang froid only eej ialledTiy'that j or the bcirdlcss students of the I oiy technic School," opened theirfireorrthe Garde Roysle horse and foot, and artil lery. French and Swiss taking especial care to avoid injuring the icgimentiof iheirinei whn nsmained LBrie spectator of t h e si a u gh t er that ensued, I ri a uo the r direction might be seen the ferocious Federcs of the quarters St. Antoine and Marceau, with their pikes of ! 3 1 5, or oth"- .erJesjLiibJe.rioxikinS'..Mpoia'rTth.o.a-J sands of women and unarmed people looking on and ehcburagiriglhe popular mi For ten hours the war raped incessant- Hy.' On every hand, without intermis sion musketry rolled, cannona thunder ed, sVouts and t riea were tieard. I pro ceedeirtp a remote cruarter of the town, w hich I fdund auiet as on ordinsry occa- sions The 4 lirfe," dredno ahot during the oaf. TheA3d refused ct The cannotm ef tbeXruaxd gave tneir pfecea anlngtn of elevation which spared assailant who spared not' (hem, for the intention waa' not ascertained. The cavalry were cut up in a hundred chargea. , The Ministers all ran off, save Debet leme,-vho waa thrown into prison for al lowing some of the journals to .be prin ted., . , . At 10 oclock the Tuilleriea and the Lmite still held xrarf hot tfthat-moraent I saw march along the Boulevard part of a regiment of Lancers, whose appearance indicated extreme fatigue. .Toev were quietly " followed by j a portion at tefjit mc&Uf Infantry chl.e UuirJ. there rrtilm of t regiment of Cuiranlerii ml cd up with (itnrhrmet dt Chane next followed tht hone cut up end the men fainiinif. Liitly, a ponbn of a rejlment of the line followed with, a melancholy i!r. The remainder of th three reslmenti fittt mentioned were dead I the turtror wert on their way to join the King it St Cloud, where they armed la a moit con futfdttate. 1 The attack on the Iourre andTuilierici erai renewed jreaterdiy, and with iticceti. but with creat a.aukrMer. The palace trai pillip.ed. Tht different barracks of the unhappy Smi;uirdi were carried blng refuted to aufreiular, edx to pJecei. preraUioa puuifiJOQDUjneatij til joy The appointment of Oen. Lifjyettt to the command,"' the Nat'l tluard. wa a happy -circumstance. 80,000 will be or genlsed to night. N . Th Due d'Orleani will be King. His ton i marching 10 I'aria at the head of hit regiment of Hussara. Gen. Otrerd is at tht head qf the armed forces under Lafayette. The Royal emblems, and ev ery mention of Royalty, have disappeared every where The King of France, who ever he shall be, must te a very limited Monarch to receive the approbation of the pnople. N'apoleau II, is in the mouths of all the lo-tr orders. The troops are assembling to. march opon Si. Cloud but there will be little fighting. At the moment I write, there are p' cards potted .with these worda "No more Bourbons !" July St. This is surely the most ex traoidinsry nation on the fa't of the earth. On the day before ycsteiday Paris was filled with ISO OCO man engaged in mortal combat. Yesterday morning all wis calm. The military ec rt.ee was performed with orMer and precision by iqo4oqq mux, w bsLtmMlm M!vr,! figured as aoidiers. , The Provisional Government Us just been nulled It will be a moderate one, and composed of moderate men- The Duke of Orleans has been appoin ted Lieut, tieneral, and will be given a crown, which he will wear with more moderation than that which has been lost. The Crown hss gone forever from Charlea Tt. and his descendants. Charles is at Chatres, and has abou. 2000 troops with him. The loss of both partiea on Thursday was immense. It waa evident to every man who aaw them that the French troop w jre dej CCted. Some -of them -4 lasted food loC thirty ftourt; They fought. mr.rtoveragalnt their own ceuntrymo.. The -poor Swiss, had auli more: cause Jot detection, lor they apprtnenaeu n no , . -i 'Pa. fitiiriawp would btt inown mem. s n ey Lwere - wrong,. Sor Jhe Jiaea. of a!Lwho surrendered were spared Tbe people fou;ht like lions. "TiafS, Jaf 29. :' Tht :"ltmlttdr CBhtaina acmw news from ibt deprtnnta.. Wherever the ordiruoceaawl tUa events at i'aria were known, .! aentimentt of the people T.ad bceh expresaed -with thw - aamtl Inftignation agmnwt tha mejuwret oi tne uuun, and the tame enthusiasm for the charter and the liberty of the preaa have .been displayed. Tbe Prcacnt Uuke ol Orleans m the son of the well known rF.galite, who atiHered during the French Kevoiution by the guillotine and cousin, to the ea-kiinf. He was several years himself Culoiiel in the renublican cavalry, and f'oujrht varioup battles under the iri-colored flag.- He was afterwards obliged to flv to Swinerland, where be su a pretessor of Mathematics, and, some time after, came over to tbis country, and took up this residence at Chiswick. On the restoration of lh Bourbons, he returned to France, and had tht whole of hia immense pro- ertr- reatered to-him, Xaaa Uabt, lWwim Couikt. - Superior Court oj Ijiwi MIL TIHM, 1830. Mnr CHsMBF.IW rw. Henry Chambera, - PetWon for divorce. In this caae it ap pealing to. the ttsaciii f tne court that tbe defendant not an inhabitant of the Btatej tt Is ordered by the court that publication be made 4 weeks in the Western Carolinian, that the de fendant aopear at the next Superior Court to be held for tf ovan county, ft the. Cot'rt-Houae in Salisbury, on the Sd Monday after the 4th Mon day. In September- neV and plead. answer or demur to said petition, or the aame will be taken pro confi-atn and heard rirpflgiWiLncsi Hjn Giles, Clerk ot said court at otitce, tne i aion day after the 4th Monday in March, A. D. 1830. 4t40 , IIY. GlLF.S, e. t. tu Taken ant C6uimUie(, ITIO the Jail of Rowan county, on the 17th iJlWfcJj?JtrjAn- name is lwnLWJeUigs.Jiaao JSouth umuMsan iriitHH)i(-'in . .. r ..... . ... i der Injrram; Said bey lr about 21 or years efcir-fcet w- inches hlfh7"vtiry "btactETbT common size, ad of bis toea oft of his neht foot except bs-g'eat t?s, zaithA.,i&et on ibekft anecte occasioned bv a Irost bite.-i The owner it requested to come fosward, prove property, pav charges aod take him awav. F. SLATER, .th'f. SaUthvii, 7lh, Sfl. 1830. J7tf 'VakenlJp ani Commitevl rilQ tbe Jail of Itowan county, on' the 5th 'mat. JL a Negro man who Says he belongs (o the estate of Francis Neely, dee'd and hired bv TbomaaJUluioji5aid b7 is 3 j or 4i) ear oli yellow completion of common size, little affec ted in his eyes, the owner is requested to prove property pay charges ami take turn a a 'Amy. 36 V. fcLlTLR AVt ;J!r.9.hfr Sehtrnttf 10, I WO.?. 11 now reeivl,r and rw.l.ig it h i h-i fi . .Haliaburr a Urge and Irrah supply of a ' every kin.1 of noons, . tiitdl to a'l settms of lb year, new s';!a Cstirrnaof tht U'ett lmportiiis w.r' J t imself and aori with much tir lit Plul.!- , trvl ew Vtnk agd bougM' wholly si.d "f'f rh, Fwfwhaaaes U tb aubti arw-MMHi to curt and eTimiw thw amniawiit-a rvr r induomiit In tht way uX sariety sd e btwatss of phee will be prcafntea! lo the er.' , J.-M. Ilopra that by un ew.lttrdtt m is "i. , t t tt tber with tht sw atanre of arti-tlte auj carr. ; ful atort-kceptra rrent a exniininr.ee vt Uat trwwaa4 for w!i!;1. f? : ! ai ri.uchinjb!4 zi'Lx. to a Khrral e! nvw-'r pwUie" ft,r;.uf."5-,' inrA -"rmt " , - - - .MI -".-fr iiemaVB.-JbcUuf.l. i r. TZtrrvXWr Wf HilMWVTi uwl'r--tiiwserW-- lerulaooaof f. M. A. t'aljwsll win com .' aacwet on tbe 1st monday in iNovetibe netu 6t4J - l.i livas rBVil& Racc ovt r this aa'bburt 1 'i i will k ni ' Jsl me nee on Weloe(Uy,lh 27' It of Dcu'ibir, aod eotiUuua three days. ( First da 1 two milt heats, free for any borv! anare, or geldiogt . fecond day milt beats, fret fir any 1'iing eieept the winnlnf horst .f prectJI" J O' 4 Third day 1 count) urac, bre .ba' n fi, free for any bnrte, trsre, or gekbng, raised and owued in ibe CO'JB'V of l''Ow1. 1 WA S JH.WQ. . ... ' 6 i Taken !. and CouimUtttl, FI1" ihr Ja'i i Rowan county, on thei I7'h JL insla , a is'rgro boy ho s) t f!s r-sme i Aa, aid fcelong, t rcb) C ,n f Gran villa county, . ftrohua, and Jot Lif ttoAit some time in May but. in the Stste of Hcria." taid toy n hut 25 or 3 i years old etur.moft, siie, dark e.nmiilfx'on, 6 feet 7 inclwt bitrti. wt crsc-Wl ewwsw'Tba' -a requettrd to oma tnrwaid. prove prrpei t;, pay charges and take him away, - . I'. SLATE fl,.' Saiibury, 7iK, Sep! I8.M). 37 U ' T'lR subscriber Trvpeetftriy mhrmt m'scus. lomara, and the public, thai ki baa T. ariovra ms stoiu? 1 into his new and spscintla buddin;, juit fimslied, and fitted up In mot elegant atylf, superior tt any :n the town t It is the aiamt formerly oa-nrd ami occMcd by his uncle). Dai del Creaa, aen.f on Main street a few doors train the tUurt:lloue, ' wet side t vyhere the aubse'ib r hopet 10 re eeive cna feoia hIsotde-i--f,t,f, iri(tttothert wbo are dearrwos of wtyfn rrt iHiQDtir : KiAkh-- L.1 :.Tkt- manufaolffrlfig . i.n33Tiand "rii .'tlaTe Ware, keretifti con1ured.byJr;rr'rf will hereafter be Cai-rird tin by itie subsc-ilieri wbo will keep constantly on band, or ruanufac ' turo to order, SlWs, and Tin Tlait Ware? fc i im.i a 1 1 tt ml k maJt of the best inateriaja, and in the not tub ' ' ttantial and faahionanle ftyle of wark-art-liipl t . and hopes, by a strict attention to thia branch of' buainw, to tfcwf it ibe pfiTVftf nf ttre TS - DAXWL If. CR ES& - JJe.4M,4S2a - .. r. c. Yovmj;: rTs"0tt utRLX of sumnury, laKestlut met hod tO of iuformii'S? his f'fienda and tho anerehsnia . ia general, that he has contested himaclf In thd Dry GOODS lliiimitsJ " in the City of Ne w.Yo.-k, willi V'. Jacot & A. B. jr:i Embriry, under the linn or t "v - : Wrr$672 Bui1If.j,'5lip,'Tirxt tothe-ewserssf-4- Pearl Street, where they are tow receiving and opening an eatcnaive .ssaort men! ?f3,l Slam1 and Fancy Goods. which thev offer on liberal terms and at the ' ' . lowest market prioea. ( 1 - Ife ftatters himself front' the eircomslanee of H oaving been engaged In biiainess In Caroline fof-;- - a number of years, that their aswiKhieiitwitt b' J"itr found desirable for that aectton nf-eoomry t and, begs leave to solicit a share of the patronage of "j, those who visit tbe city for tbe purpose of tna-' ; .y king purchases. biof Negroes fVanlcdl: THE subscribers are desirous of purchasing' tne hundred Ji'F.G ROES, for which they ' will nav e liberal nrice - in eoaa.- Anolicatiim - . may be male, either by letter or tt person, to Josiah Hoik in MORGAN TON. or James HviB in SALISCUBYt who will be ready at all time to accommodate those who may wish to 'txv - - iOMAJjQfjjyg rlllllJ subscribers hsviog quslified aa F.iec'o JL tors ofthelant Will nd femament of Jesse -Kurgrave, deceased, at the August Term nf Da. vidwit county court 18.n0", herd give notice td alt persons having claims debts, due a, or de. rnands against said ersfe, to present them for payment, duly authenticated within the timet prescribed by I4W, or thia iioice will be plead " a bar of their recovery. 1 JME3 H ERMAN, 1 . ' SIML. UAUGIUVli, nJ 13A, 830. - S.1f ' All 'persons indebted to aaid Estate ar rc o,ueted to come forward and make payraeu, ti an dSgeji44 ean &e jjircrr; - " " -.if-' n -4t