riir rnii i j i.i. i-T k'ipi, aan imk. i t.r S p-Kir in a1 h., hip m ...ie, ;! f'v;' I '. !. Cill.t'.d heart !' .?; "d'?l 11 I f !(?' v,r. hr 1 we t, rp no mort (j part ! "1 i n he ()! t j y I ' (C aftrj ytart d t"d In wit, (l1P? rrmf.if. now t - ,f iriltnl bpa d" lukff.iT;; fcit ircVUi Bunt -.luU tfc,,e A!1'AlL , FanH'! da? il'.njf jifY'V,' h?f ' t'if ('faf wle"1 ... ., T .rV'JJ,1o !' I di rr( eo M tt.akt? rit ',. 'x?- t ' yywwy Yr.ni t,vj Wwrarjcrr-- A Cm'cjufrrd worl i before me a'op, ( j Ai.d faMic U evB" but where t ihiu t I liC'l f;r hoars, ,cVTiie. aid lone, . I -if,! thru' t!j bnr rtil i IW now that life's beat l.o'i are gore,' T aey ff at with t'n'e ifcJ murmura loud, IHi! Tvf ily jU-! thy lur.tj n ic. To breathe it !uii ig nrrlfctn r,oi Wfli, f.n.r, i4 all rt-jiire, To we rain b'Jl b-rc art (: f rj a o l i-hrmed aenpaT. JaM ner.hin, ae It't'th r;, -J" '' .'",' ''ff' ' ' . J lrlM I'.d Jrr'tet fiit . . r . . . - - - I . a the 5 uiuii. in 'l I t 'jnm f of (liliiiry. M.r O-r . (.y tliA ,V IigiU 4fj II. rUfnim, ljii'"lii r'linjf .fi fiiuc ttferl, J er 7 lour tmi'tl if tli ('.ir1-irHlt;, l-J Ifri!."" V.'rt. j ;li hJki.2 li'llri. r.""H7iTTTf,T""' VWrtN..T.J A K'Hi 'r'roM of JUVHf.B V ill Of kept CO!'tl'i V.'ja br 1, n 1 In fif rmh. .'ui'N c, r.LMc:t. lrKt!i-d"T'-'iU tit the Niblic, f.if '".i li'.i i x' I pifoi4'- li tt.tni. f'pnii-i lo li,n. -.1 totiii . I hi h i feu' I it'rxrffu'lf I li foiHi'iii.i e,- jidl'ie frn f w i !e it 4 pnnp- li I'll !- in.!.'! lu iiiil, ire rmi-,l if,J , j 'HJiJ lu4r feC.J'j'.H '' ! k ii fi.-lr ; j iir I. 1 1 1 mifr It li t ' ' f t)r1 dMrytli! ii,- t I'l, i! ll'l . M lio! nu!u I lard v? arc .Store Ktttlj Dpoiiie fb? i'irl H reel lluUe, xi:ir, runic. TjDUiY.K I. AM, re oi re. iO'.)l)4, "Toitr 'Viiiftitifnrrtmpff' r.' iriy cvrry trticl i i'ltitir lin'e lic thry"wili cll kt ihe I j t irur trtif white? lxwt4U and d.icnC lifti. ami . Vlh V t 9niTni7tTrCl;rjrtr n4 WJifeJAi-JiihJIrea Ko.- ! J-i-ljt f r tm- I.e.. rt:cAEL mown txnyq. TlWMVl lHCK&OX, Tailor, T SiM'r H i I..V idfinm liiiftitiHtirr,n4 3f tlhe j.!f iir niiou'wif! I'l tw i ln MlF, i i!f Mlniiug l f(ri!y wcu;4 h, 1 irirrMt. ciM.iieri,irwlttiP'i'iliein(r,"',l 'T ' TrwpV.., ..J n ,,f, titrj hf er. lint te I now OD'nnf, II li oU i.ttnU W, lljwpt'i. lntrtf'i hllpi Wei fr im the ei'iri t4 MuUl. 'H' ''! f , v it t lint ir r fk,o. i'lrctM ly him.f !f, fi'rt ih- Mf i.ll h'UU.Mi, i P l,hu r th Sfrin,; if l-Ot W'.ntU iHnferi. nMtrH liiii-m.f, ml nn the ftortfrl TtTr4- Ataut'ji1 klj i-f l! itme qu!ii)iBoiHei nd i"pr'.rel t fr.ke ill ilmU ttmwiw.iMl IrTl. mrkrr"fr?MTi,t1I'l I ,J?)ng rt ttir ; il .'. fe';, Jtw 4 4m 7 Vi;Th 1'ltrriT1r"tywil'riH himi'ih .infrMfeW U rkwnLfe.- i):ccf htiivir, hpf arpuinf, rZofjIaJ-, i ! -prinijtiKk poi k t-i Knives j Bncrp Kfi', Hciiviffe. anil 11 izof , m ihoe l l'nrher unci Nipnt-ri, P!kcr, Cr- irnirM ' .iti, ihocir.lkfr'i wtij Ji- r'i II mi ijcii ; ci-optr'i ami fr "ntrrV 'ojp ir, (Jurn .Miil, I'ji- 'i ilnrn- tin t 'V ni.it f'e f rn. s lie I. ' yt r rr,t I tWTZriT-QV7,4r Uo -i in Iji'i fe5l Y'fE i !..: li M mke fle CmIi, ke, f tr the IlOUAcK II. HKAKW. RFXKMLV. fio.ii J'nimklr'iia. ... r i i .,1 nut 3. p 1 (ivfierc lie wotkf.l f ir urtrriu ...,', , i-at in the l- i limnO rcFO. t'Juil v dtinouiict; t' the grmlcmcn ut r t i i : - rjf."t'f, .V- I 11, IS'O. 15 A iNprH it f;o',v.. i it Ur to ; . 1 J T. form I'.t'T fri-mJ ! i.'.e p..!'lc in rn,. i i lu VI" I'M' IlK'k' riipKItv n-vtt. sii-piii'iJ imnjuiiilfei j ' gttie' 1 iMtirtn t tit i.f . Frith taut SenumnUi' Goods:, tWltiri lit !l"t i Midf t' JT It'' t I l Sfif, wliirh . lrcti ri'h fl Clff, tT W. V. ( trm (1,4 fc' ve f.fj, j. J .Viit M ! - , lunch nail hiaJ (. ..... t, e...,l ; .. ..m v... . . i. i .. . . . ; i . . II . 1 1 ; ! . i m lit I . i i: . ii 1 1 in;. I : I: ui'-n. .i ill null ii:.n.'ii !s Maitt, Kat 1 r.pi, j ( w (J !, Ill I ' "i fit! , bury itnil the n .r t oim. ii c ,u' I. , rgl "',it' rtitufu.ly iiJin-mbe ei'". that he ha ci.mmrnu I t'lr 3,jv- lu- uM": " J l'" . i iii I'm lit f i'inir t.iirt on, bi nil nnii i'i t'i' nu ll'- linii'ilv '.ccu;.fJ , i,,,.;,,,. yf f.'ti cjttin T1 rre !' .1 f' ier f iinl a .!. .! i i, iiu'iiil''-fjrcil tiiti LmUl r iln W.lil- oO, fj.leil tin! t ivf-ticcl tJ- j Hf ,1 t Hl.l... i.. I. ..I 1..M l.niaar t. p.lr-ii I.. j ... - ; in i if im ni'ir n'i nic tiii-u I'irrui iq '.C II pri) ir-.l urt'l.c 4" nimi (, , .' ' ?c lKl'ork 111 his I ue win the utmott I'CJt- ?-, ar em,-r. M . i.ril . . ,h.li hi- h i,.il . II .1. yui : i i.-eniii';- i f i-m r jll'r';'', fl u an ! p.ijnj 1J l f Vi' od "li "'""' "f S'JH',7" "' .v.'h, i.-fi a. I strt) X- iit i. Tins. liiFimSi'iikw,!,,''! fi-.p.fMj.ru-.N inn (..mlk- ii'f- I.oiioiipi ly il. I( 1J ,M, Jr ; ffy 'i t! e b'j ii u i i:-uil j Mir.L p','1 .i ul Sire Auj;er, Strrl . i ,i cji in hi u. ; m ,:) lr ft. I J,"'l !-:rc vs, i,, U' vi I i;r.. Ax's. j . .'iniuiMvii iv ei'mip.;. ii'inn,t..i, r..ir:)c tcr i inl tt.:,e: -,. A-Jli'... li,.. "' " cu'ii ii)i i:-u:m in thr; t .tdn. ii. ..e jii ?,...Vk. l-i,,!,.-, .f',1 New'.Vki'.l . f ; ."'"'vTi-" "IT rtl 'r"?'n,''. i H Hole .H- Inch luv if ne'.-Ti-.e-I t i p .! r o l.,r . ... ,, .. C it gooi'i of id? Mme tj'ii i'jr eai Lf ,-.iir J'urch.wi arc re.peclf.:V ii.v ie 1 to ell .r,l f r ' ,i , ,fu r',' ' , "rkmV B W ! ' . . . til t tt'jt ral 111- t.mAii.il n. m hrrr II. ' - f Imic, htf rnr. 1'iU iin.rr l r tut-nur-vr. . , ,. ' ., ; . ..... , . - oiti'r ..ertUV product t.ktn "". " 1 uc h "nv' ' " f- J ' I J II. . i t the liberal iliarr of utr..iiie ihf y liavr , ','!" uun n n-, . v f. r4i . , fcmtufxe rcfei.,.-j :w0 ,j i,0.,e b' ,-l "'l7- 1 cm ' "? ' r'" Uc pur' V'M 'u,'vC" (""k L " ttewion, and.W dr.l.2l '.o merit ''V ; Jlci. Jras$ I.ttlrs. .;o,s- ..! alarm ivt, 'l'l iWris, ri.i'tr r vi. (y ".i V n.M :iod pvin ta.ility, anl will pnvc -i .,jr omrr in tue fu?br th.M lil c'luV'nil hM role.jian,;;;,, h r,Blly .,CrAJ to, nl f .r a want i. r Uu r qu-tliiy li i;,,,. rVi,H it ti.,. i ,. il.lt li.r.e. true ;is (r ai lir in c itiCi riid. j lirf'urwr it itm wili be il im: im lh !iort Mr. Jk-.J H i!i b.- eniltdt.') muVe r" ni., .. ' .MHiUnti.l manner, .... iil :!ie pdliit ri rfei!. il toU i.i k,'4rii.er,u ajicC';1'!)' I' t''f ! ' li'.N.'O i IJfiAMDS. latrt K.lS''tu', 'Dinmurh ai rir i well L nm;$n. Ma ii! , ii ;irii iiU"il wii'i :c l.rwt worLtnm in , " ". , , f) l irr intif me hi t to rcieiv 'trsi I4o'n!i'i I''.n'-,io:. i a s ive the I -1 iTTw "': ..T..f .i.-.n SI thry . jViii . yrf.1(( ,t uUt iii Alius fur iU thuuMfed acret count. I ,. Ill . i I I' ... ' i i v ri' i..i, !J : w II Ucrp ii.,m- . u'j r u,; i.irke county m nit I : it-.t wiiiii.-i, fu infn . i.' "- '"" "" ,m ieniiei.eB line H-a.;,.. it,, i. . . I, ':- l Th' landi, lurteyetf "Hfiiin i wm: waft. W:aM-Wtra 4.44 Mt'u'.a . - 1 ... . i'i til 1 J a km)V tu be oad ' . Illll V II .11, M-'l ' I." '.W'l, fTl (T t I . . ! ehint fit t,i nlic rT,r . .n.,1. . f N.. il., r; ' i V . I I- ' " ' 4 I'j.i' in'i'i r of fl-n .)nj!iif. I .m.'ricati ,c 35-f .7 r'GLAYIaM TOIiECK. --.T.-'jSrV.M CLAYI.ANI) fend A. TtTKKF.Nf. P, - ,.'. JtMlh. i'l'1 t 7"ffd a riornrrrnrf?t-rt On ... . , Me r.it,e U'i'iiei unfr the abovi- firm, bjr Vaa reipecifuHr r) infnrm ttie- inriWitti j C .'.flL'-i .II iii'.h ni! S : 4 K 1 e". Clinch Wrttirhcs, S Jnip.I"i' ts, yttitc- cjontiiiuance Of Ibr niit 1 Ai.cxAMr.K k cfnvAv. n. n. in.iae oinj; inr i.ir lifm .l W. I.; .s,. ,; l( ,s,,r , It UO. Will pirf C4 I ar;i .el'lp tile! tame b ea.h or no'. iii ordrr tlut i!irh,.y bp ( . M.li- I'....; eiwble.1 to cl.w that concern. A, Si C. M"""U' a-i.viviiv-, U'niiir . w ,s,f. plin ,bfi str,f;.H.f iuJU,. .vrx. m. ii. r,MO :rip:n: r i,,,..! . , '.!, dnlb ml (;ls.r ,1, " 1 -. k!.ne l.i.c ' f 'ifii.r fli.i i .Mir nt.'i..'.' ' ' (Mo Jme'i Tfevrn, anj hwny iM-e.ipi -d l c": ani' ""'G''1 1 '; ,,r ami 1 1 etcr Kri!tp, a r'inc (niri ; rhr' In-i i,. , . i !r dihea'J S.i iVi-U .in . I '1' .n" I u j.arr,l tf,r , ,!,.. .urniiindinc e-i.MPV ui-V virr. Hracc r.r.d !..tS T" V. rrrr, al k.nfM iii7't.iiic in Ibf s!oe lior, Jucli m , .,- . , , . , ,,, ,. r. . , I 'm Vu 't'C, :tl It- iis. I n nris, ..Mo'inh, Sccntmr ;. . V... ..... ... .-, t - ,..if v i i a , im 19 -k-l, I'll 11 ( ;.hi . f r hih'i as . J l . I : I mi l HilllUl. r.-u.iLi Ltr.i cipr'rnre in te S i. Mlirs, ami liV U- rr 'Ht'r 'J a''.iTt' :,, .e a ;j-!i 1 1 ii" ' i i r :i ,i .re ol jnfni.: pt r"iii,n', All ",r'! ' Iri.'tn a (liquid 1 i', .l.' (.f I- !i tict ii certified to by f;ren', li." .t..i k- a lkt if Ilia Mirrcy I . Hi n u fjn of ljna.lt. .1 y ri ct.tn.t v, erio -. ll'iuromSe co'intr. ;v i' e. ' will h pnnr"inl!v .ifrnfj.-i! tr;, and fx--ct nt f..r 1 1 i'r l (mi the -it ii t ( nt.-ii'.r v t.' ti rci ti ni, Ali kin li of iii; ii jr ;t u iii fif fl i .- on trc VViU- t i.i :ir .rnr.tr.J t " i t V. ' il C r.intrv '-i'l'-."- W'W ,'- t L ; n in p .yir-rit t'r wo;k nt tnr m-"Kct pn-.n, - i. r . ; ; ) i nil i .'I ! ini'l is u. ymii! m I- i l nr.- h twcn iIim-rtrrrrl nm rf - u- :irrr. ; M,l r ; ii : lit-? t'i, ic, c. i, if.e nmjt ' , 'i'Im! :ip n (.rid tnd a no '" "' rryion of Nortli' ii'-; lie tiit i.inifiti part ol the i! '. ". .-li '.ii.ot 'f', ami fne!y vt. tr m -ir .1 Jut (.uxl.ty will ba ' '"-'ii' "-r I'To; 'Jd q'latiiy, at j3 - t, an-! 'I it . i'y, -I'l r r.- ot r acre. Tin vric;j r..y tie fi.-uif in fcur ylart''"in'ih (.(.; 1 1 if-trr'ttt. i.'nrinrr . . 1 m M j i . . r r wiuh. . . .. . 11. . 1. 1 1 . . . , i ,, nlM, ,1 .1 i'.ii.i'i..i i ii t ,- j j -rriT , '.A. 1 1 ... ... , ir . 1 - - .. wnLn't-'batl. . .. lira n 4 ra4 ..-J .. ii'aiu-ra. iney Have JuTTWtirotiil.N..Vo.-k. iodl VITLICS- LTf';f,-t?!.- 1, L- , , - . - . . .... .r v. mi mi t.cii .jmu .;un , ana ice VJOKI.. hiladelptii !) a-btautif.il j.ra.-nt ,4 in' Wm'.W two nr thee flt "7? rn,.,.-.i.U....iCH -.-4ftUrUmt I UUVtt, f""1 ff p.)nrJil (li UieVWhe, irlec-e,! from the f hi;li merit d-rvel. - " " -. 4 f - ft -rfc jnt Mr,a,-I. 1 "W r"' ,-d n.r .ric-.,. ,. i ' r- '"k V, thr iMnd.aput,. . IatWiM. ami will b, offf r,.l . vt v I ' Hll.LIAM fl. HHJIIKj. r0 ,r". . 'K ?' ,"N , ''" Mf a h t ,V,. J',H.V-VN,...fi u-.l , Iyr.. IWIi.er.invited.ocal.; ..131, r. Ccia, 1 ca ( .dW, U ,J,w f,, ....... ,8;, jj 4:-:;--:-:- I fl V 1 h . . . ... - ' ...... .I'l' .! I . I" .11. HIM. HI .K I.1L I ), ,(', HCt- 'fal. ..cJ&YL,aUU.. UttUiA I'.rt.ins, s-oj I'.prr.U-J Krvs, Kri;- "i"'f ",.:,,,.,. m ,.,C(,,(,( Mf. n,tl, j. vrn;y r( i - . i . . . . ! I .p.'i. in n ("" il n I. ll. ha. & nirl aw?nt . . ... - ' tun., h.i, mi. ii hi a a i.i!i r k T. . "... ni ,v"n rTC m trrr lTi. 3i-ci3i , l t . . ... ' " ' K ' ,,r ",c ''' nr r. : rHa brKct and Onn.Vr j:,t!h-: t?.,, , f1.k L I'sUsu. ,TT;.,"ij,'fV ai'tkS, Uunc .fOJl cnU 1 fif.. jJ.mll ,J - n . .Vjei ol la-i I in Hum'.iV' jud llinwil c f TIIE N'.itriim! arennnf. of . Towir.t.. and i A. Torr eiif & Hi. are mranrd tt? the (! off. I Toitpiicc, fir roller I ion j ,( r, kilviic th.Hie intereaied. lo call on him V"- re n Aiyt Mav Court. A. lOiwiF.NCF. Jfinl 15 TftVirtftt 4Mu;itig IVus'wwsa. 3 suck inu:, sj. 7NDKU ihi arraiijtcitii-iil, thr s'.ie runs OF S-m'll t'A'i'H.lNV. spei.kr I. jtt im. i'l!' ivhilf mr'ii. in.j . I! r.v ttittal r,.,i an. I v. U.'i. IS1 in c'"'-' 11 '!'H 1,4 '''" " ':l re- i . .in i . i lot'i. re in iuti.-ns, p iNii.r i steel roa: I It i n:i v ti I. itt ins, ttc-l 1 , )kc li X 8, ruin ... ... a'flllK milMcriber reapecf.iliv iiiformi the: ,tt t wck, a. id piwl thMM,-h in wti V a'" K'U;fst ,'-'n ' np, C p' " JL .MiblW Uut he will dcrv on the i "" ea ay Thr aerom r.n.tation ii ir:md. Calhtef MiMtm L'usincss, lf t!e IfnnDrmt-t occupied by Tlmtpia will rind thia to he the nearer, ehe-ipm ho.I wire. Iron Tutaiiu. H: it i .i.i. a .1 id .. I'lr," "r from U.dci.-h u Ut ,al)1. j , , o.J3on. , r ., . 7 - Salisbury, or Triiiie4. e, or Smith ot S .I.'.hi'v, M. ,im.,- I 1 VI ' ,' ut t ....r .1.1 i, I ;! lCU. 'i. .1 II. .a m m .i.'o ni, i'.. i.m n r . ;y . I 1 . ... :i rn. i fl'-. ' i ties. M.i. ) of Ilk e ljr.jirneH.il .n.t: ol llii Hirst vaJiuhl. n iim.-liri lilt l'n:;m. fil't'atif? . . . .1 . ! l. . .1 . . i , . , i i. i ., ... i 1 i lie in' irii;ii:nT i. us Trc4eci euw - r .i ' i'..i la i'i ot:r.ber, ' . , , , . .; it ,, .m. vt I U'o tf.c.'. c.'tn"t,ii. wii.'i nnlit bo C .j r ,f,t m 1 ' 'i '' Ti'u..i- mine t iriii I .. , s..er, ai in ' i; .. I, i'i' .1 fi.y Cinl.iiii. Il.i nl'oadv It-ai.d out .uric of i'ic trjc'.i, ai.il Ah" aiul I. i I. ') 'f.rf;.-..-ie, S. tlcnn .r-'i t. Il :s lu.! ir i .(! r kf i-' tl.' of olliui. ; j 1 1 of t;.e.- - dl be s i I, very I n wifuVft i.!i-i iT.Hdf i.i .iii-e " iiert. irnch ami l)..tcl, ir Ii. x-s. in,,, ! " .!4 r"' ' 1 J""""1' I ki ... iv. I FtreM ft fcr d'Hin cat .f lb. LWMI.n..., i aenr. . r tr.vtllifio.n S:hU.ii v Nor.b, ; ar. J lr.ss 'L'-'ockr'T ,;nCr ' S , ,-r , ! c'"' ;''""".. ' (J i K.vci.-. . ' abere ti wiriraiTTon the abuve l.uainr.i more I ill S .d thii route, hv the v-ny of I! ilrh'h ami ' c; t . ' ' ' ' ' ' i L , . j .'f'i, '.u!.. ..u!i: tt.e v'Wtti ti!t. iufe ntti'- "-irnmnU lWMiHWMti4vU 4ida ple..,rrJlrrjmfjg. t. he the ne.-.T-'it. eht:,pYt : 'Jli . P'l", nrass I 'Him') """ n- "n ". .Uahm, JS,tar U" e,:r.,, n;(.;v-aed to be i iiu.away, J TS matcriaU ahull be of tlie f.ist quality, and : "t espr-iim irotiTF nitrrpm-tn- teKv4ld. to I K 'tche I'ocket v.-ik ktb, mortice ' W' ' ' l- I i.k''"iJ ' anHiJ one ..J lua kg liroke ii.joiri'f-j!.Mio.iaiiir i '"c ...kiii, ov iwi ilv. a pa"fn(;r W ill) ClilSCf, CPfSt CUnhiild trunk' nil t ' x".'.'i.i. . m i.w nuii.'Mi- ii.na, ui iit.it in tu- ik1 elegant atylci and bit price ihall be TtraT-elrThir mrt ftwUtbu.-K,JitIiic u, of i ,;ti i i ' . , ' ' IV.M'.V tt. !l'.'t;. t'ran. .t-. I po;;ed bi.-n. and kli'.t at bin,, but Bioderate toeorrenond aith the tlinti. iRaleieh and PHrt'.Mir. in ,i,i.ini, I ,iv 1--lu--'lVlJl'lJi!l..&!iydtJ .'. 2.-. 13 V) oil' without anv o.h. r , liect Han tlt o.' mikipe will i;.i it i-rfive ilavs. and ui.i s!fen Cn-Ms ni.-lm out of fi . p at ni.fii. I ho t,oiitr.4Ctir nl! p'r'Vjre him.'f If to k"f;- Order. Com a iti.tance, for .M'MMrils Bureaus ; V V." ar-- ' ... . m '. Ijulict izortunz Talks ; hn! arrrer ijr-b-:-itidraiKi n-wiii.iiii!e . . Secretaries, and working DesU; "i !! M,i,w- ' '"K l" lUo,e ,w i"" ro'"' , Candle Stan Is, Wash Stand. tcrordanef wilh diretrtiowa. . . . " r miWribrr mlioit the laironaff of tbe njihliR, ana liopea be will merit i Jut Ufa, 1830. 3J,f N. B' . fUVrmihon.'returna hiiithanka tothe JVi'liC, fur th hheril patronage he lua receited at their band, and liopea it will H continued t-mire troiuie bim. comfortahic.'and sjI 'hrtmirli his rou'e. raiirncif who are iinacri'iaiircd iih t!ii I route, will lerure by apidication at Mr. K. I'TV''m--t. .. i . ...... . . i.non uoiei, m Kateta a-ni arwr. iripD II. atrjfTiTcr'i i.met, in Sahshnry.- rncva;rp? will reave SiiMry -v Wed - n .in I ''T'fi t o. a.-m. 4)mi aruve in i.RlFienieeerv 1 buraiUv and Sumln. ul ami will leave Kaleigtt every Wedmaduy and sstuntay at o, A. M. ami arrive it Saiisbury if. . . . , cr.ery murvuy and aumiv at 7, V, M. (KOR( MILLI.VMS, Contractor. June Uih. 1 3 tf). ' 25tf .'m-teRmmH-mW" rW..ailbem errrforlabie. at' Mb er1 Johu lutb-'ight,- M.tr of John t'tftfrigbtMJ . II . . ... irj4e4orMan. fod Horw, to make "ntl ouien: litn.n forJiviaioinif JjniJ. It SjtpearSnjf to the tati.fact'ion, of- tl Onirt tlraf " ' f h. n,.i,.v 4:.iu ii....... i L ...w .ivii i, .... , .TiiMii'ii.1, ..i.jrvia'in', rhifip, John audAViMiam Tide at Larc-Job'n ' : ft I. Ik....!'.... ... 1 L- . L T . .wiiiri ii'is iurn mix wrirrcu ojr ine t.OUrl i t!B eotke bxpu Wished tlx weidct in the Wej. tefs Carolinian, rtrq iiring the laid dt-fe"darit8 to , appear at the oext ceumy Court .f Plena and i4aareiAiiaitaMliL he hefd far aawjcwintyjat f s (be.Cfurt-Hotite in Lioeolnlon oil the Xh Alon- i day, aftef the 4th M-mday 1 Septt-tnber near, . tiien and there 'to answeif or demur to the taid : petitioft, otheraJsse it wil be taken pr "cmnti t)id adjudifed '.aeronSngly. '"Wifaria,. Virdry v ' ' V t'le-'k at aaid tourj at oHke, the tttrd Sundiiy in July, I8JQ. Mi . Yard, tbe we of n rood hotiHefire, 'ter. and ihelter. Aitached to the Yard, are a Grocefa and PfOTis'io"StTevi Bread Stioo and Confec- Nonary, aod a Houa ftst tToarder arid Lodrr. T 'TLTr orjim p,in, cheiu.. wboleaome aod comfortable ytle.--nwlrM7.'e .fAnt, Xu ia3. . . I lr.!tcr Cn.iins, B.a-"kin(. Pocket and Drt-SKirq C'Tiihs Tail .is' and Wo nienVT'.iTtlileri, Tenur I laoks, patent C-trdl,. cotton, aii.1 'wool 'C mis," trace" and If admg line li-ipe, Hcd (Tordi'and Clothes Lines, copper Ten Kettles, TWfc aku ic p iMMta n tty,oa ImhmI Btflnflete-iwioniciit of 1 Cut an i mouzLt .V. ?7,p7, i c :" e.- i i.i--, rv. .YwM'. ir- Cm. f Lev, .' '. r::::i: n u.'!. 'Sll . HN FCHB r." I .fc.t Jacob iHd c.on l-'irr; ff'itijr J liTiVi'ri.;. 'iii V ,-.ia. k, win. h C'7n'iiin''d a larg i.'iti "I in. -- ( r Uihi.., -,i i, i tr,ht ilo UftaiiJ r,irvv ftv et"-:, uhi. h im.i be ii'l il pi '.pelly P'oved, h- r.r-f lifan.-.n to the .in'jiienber, living i il t in.'e S. W. of hiiii.v'iiiTi no ,. n.-h'tiil' r'r.rd rn!. J-!l. it LilJ tifj. ; A'n-Tii' r." ".ffrif 13.-T8W. - A;if ,i f i r.inn.ii. ii atiiit..rin . ; .. ,. ,, . n to Ul:' .ltilf..C'.i0l. of rU..Mirr, thm Uh: d. I.'li. ! lW 1 . i Ml M)S ft 1 5 I V !AN v-ticaej hisii.,mc Tate, stattt : O.'dert-d by the Court Hint publication be ' Z "u"""" "T V' --v- '"''.dying Kiid tk'enr!in''S to ;,pear at .he tiexi ! -tkl since a hors which proved tn ...trt r-l .v. tt' . hidd t,ir il.-I tie Kl..!en hnm-ilv ami r.r ..iT.ieri hrf ...u:.l. ii . . . . , !mit,.fi'.',. ....,....... -f- " "-r-"-' rc om-M tnc Manutucturers . .17 i , ' . "c """:"' ' rrctivid a d,rk hav ai,7 WUIil, on "If III iHOIll IV feller tlu. 1. . l .n 1..- in SeptePiber o. ti. thr'n and there to aie.-ei 'iiVr Veiira. old, bruveen 14 and JJ prices. ! .. ; .. I t r . . I uli.er htm I- liAMn TeiT to Miws. j ur plmd to a,!r. ;.,:, r,r,he pmveruf the : hart d;, hib. with one eve out. In-atcf-1 Austin ?nd liurns, of Saliahury ; and , -. partiuou ! dium tolhe horse, heVuvrd twtt .US.f.Crfl 'ti.;!) "vPOT.mw(lf tyfive f!o!larsf as th- difurrence of LH? "" --' ' l "p'"'---iUl, t u-n, the t w Korsrs. -T-1 her, 4 li r rat price w iU be gi"e n, in caili, f.v clean I iiutu uu wmiun Apy TO J. II. DK CARTERET. .Voitr-y, 1( .830. 32if .Writing cj NViaprxin Taper, MANLMCTLRKU at te Slenraper.miU, for tale, oa mile.'afe trmi, at thii office, gHii;i,dvarhrleft liii Mie.cin Ueorpia, WTfrff,l,T' he had taken him with a drove for wle; Jin, is U'iu-i aoout .H years ofl dark comtileete.l.-'.l- fi. high, baa a scar on br forehead and ri.rlit arm the lormer be niyt.waa cut with a mcki he bs with him a fitldhj and a b'-ie cloth cot and psn, taloont, The owner it requuated to comr pre pared agreeably to tftvr, and proie hit property, pay cWget and tafee bim Sv. .. . ; TTxj-y-rrxr-r w, a' iniiti a 'iMVvUii.t,JL, c law can aj3.1aff.M-JltrY"iHtijW antt -J tv, a tuimwi. utin cJlK ft?A,s-Tr trtr't.tTrm 1wt !re fret - atw, ,ts-itr;iu---'; flic ..Lliiif IT , : ........ , - . . ( mi m i in-. nt, . t -v - n-. ...lu.,,.iiiinpr ui i nnmrrTi I ' ' t "''"Trw 'iliii 1 r.- ., inr .i-n n in r trtut ti fi-..7 5T.,i '...t . . ....... ' - arv i,sr:yaT Tin crncrr, : .... .... , -- rr, . " Me is aaul S .TflX 7 or"3 iitciit hi-ffli. Vilh a dark skin OttU- lit)st. ,.'" J and tvi'n" viwge, with his" front .oppef NY one baring BPaiiebamp'iCoaaMslon will ' et'n f,3t" .TOSITH PACK, pteam- return it to thig Office. r..nf.., 1 r.;,7 ,. r.A nin a Ii. ....... .. 1 ... , n fJtf, ,J(4.;, U(tf, Will a tfcviMu-unou the owner. i . . , '. , ,. r . ; 1 . ' I iic subscribtr would repecttuily-' V!0lVV VltHW ! -o!icit the .Editors of paper in thi Will ScH Vt-y IrfcWllfllnii ' tafa;rpr4-r.ifpij..lilMMloo;'the descrintioi of the thltf-tiriee Apply at tho office, - . ,; ' J thev will r'it an Client?,, ..nAfi th lunxK m:f :ns, F ertry deicip.n, Bt4,,y prin,C(tf lmJ kf pt WWatly fyr Ibta pj, pjn, , they will cciifer an oblipatiyn .upoa t!" rommtinitv8t larfri BUlAfv tor RyR at Tin (H'iicr, A if- ' r;f -:-..x-