'N lfiiii t.lfl b f a m, anl JliJ'herli.r.'t in a,rr" Atf by Jl fn. ' 21 JJ From H i.'ib ny, by PuI'M, It Il jnttvtUf, return by MjckirilU to Hili.niry, ntc- a werk, Lave r' dn'i iry every Twrvlay at rnn arrive rt I j itvi!'c same diy and ( tSubary every Friday by - 1 1 m rom Mrgintovn, by Plea- I ant (i .rrtcn, ()!J Fort, anl Harannano, II Aibvillc, 0) milei ao-J bt k, once week tt-igr.' 1 1 " ' Leave Mwgvitowrj every Katurda'y at j a mt arrive at Ahville lame Jay hy C p-m- -.r -.---r t Leave Ahvii'e evry H w hy it I Si JJ- From MorMMown by Heard ----- - ii . Frge an J L'tde Ilivtr, ti t3: 3t?s vi!Ic 61 miles and ba k, bitce a week." " L?av Morquio" every Mandiy Pt 6 a in, arrive at FaaL'ivilh every Tuesday by 5 p m, ! Leave Suiesvdte every Wednesday at 0 a m, arrive at Morjrt.iwn every Thuriday by I p ui , IIJS .KffM Charl-iMe, by Alex- til Iri .t.t Ilirl.i.W t'.ri.V. M.nifll M.ivr, 'tt.,.,-.!!, Mni.it IMrMinl. ! JjV l' 9 m 1 - I 2 1 11. Frm Went fifth, by Trnu. M-iorn. Iron Works, Miruniville, (ireensbnrV, Centre, Meodenhall'a MM, ai I (Jr I.ier'i Htnrr, 1 1 Ahb . ro Si ni'lr 4i) 1 I) irk, twict a week, Lave lVentwortli every Thurid iv an I an-Jiy at 3 p at, arrive it A' h in' every Fri lay an LMjdiy by, 6 p m. , Iev AsSWo' every Wehdiy4 anj .Saturday at 10 a nif arrivt at Went worth every Tuunday and til' diy by, ll npt . ' ' 1 6J lom VaTrttev'.iri'Vbv'ra'li?! Oft-:, Carthage, c'mnie Wif, C.I. 4 mi, an l IMi'a Hiir t H lilary, 143 Mci'iS hutitiiii 4vSeTt", """" nt, arrive at HiliVary every .4 Leave HalUb-jry rverv. Thun ljv ' 3 pm, arrive at Fiyettevillc every H io! iv lv $ p in. fiI65.J-Vo.Ti Fivi-ttrvin', br ,NV ('u'a!, M I'l-'rV Milli, 4iwrcncfviile, Ml iu .'rr, anil C iHoI.i' tsi..rr, t S.w'uii'v, 1:0 milei anJ b-vck. ii'r a wr Ic, Lre Fjyctteville erry IM-I'.v at 1n m, arrive l Siubury every M r. k'rAMll vry Fo'Uy at 2 ? i". t'rirt W'.l -njfi'n rvry Stiir y ky A ft m, La tVtl'nucrioi ev rjf t'h'ii lv al S n irn it Rtent unll.j tf Fri'Uv bv 1 J a m III! 'r.B(i.l(i", U.lo U.iliUt.!, I milei Lt4 01ii e. b. cvry T'mrLv at 3 p m a'i a? Wir'ili nil um 4 b t f l.'tf Kicli ilif 'r TiiurJiy l i a m,ar dr4 i ). c h, bv II a m. ni'igiift,? m.f Vfha Dc, o ne t 'ck. ' I cn NrUerq rv rn irl M j a m, ar. ri Dftirtft Kin4 ttv bv 1pm. ri li.tMsy b 7 p H. 8113 Pw-n .niilifl -l I tr WMev'a S an to iUu' 3i milm ai l bark, ahc a tk. H rtiUift U rvrrr (i it 5 ra a-'f'V? at SU u.i'uii'x ' ''r tVT'pfii? L'..i)'eJS.4),' jii'JU tr-crt tUunUyki-a. ju, it.rTirs Tr-)i-,t'ti ftw.rw ivy t ip m: t'in4. Kc n iriiuck e. It I FiipUr Cranc'il ir'Tintimterr.'.rl!?i-w?j'. t L:ic tin rmi -.k c U. ci-y VnUi at 3 9 H. rn" ! P-ipUr ll-aooS mohi iftjr br 6 pm. .vo P p.U.' Il'a. :ti rf .ry Kn.Uv ai 6 a m, . Ci)frt iKl C n aa.B-: iltf bv '0 a m I ..Mi'c; f r rp'in en ;'1 in tliu 1 i .ri,-..-i f'i,l o.nn--t m !- Hrat i f 1 net', a 1 1 c ' i'H'- f Hir ytara. n( surce'ri to il.e iuiuWcnt?i of the proptrlVi ii value, the term oi p)' m?nff anJ m reurity, each ony choone a peraon, who may apj'int an umpire, ami ih-.ir Jeeiahn ihall be final : or if the ui'JeUidJcr decline lo do thii, the Mmiier Jfneral Wt!l nirae'the u-npire, Tu will br mrl4 a conJi iia of any bij under oat of a preatnt, caniractpr j and hut(J the uiderbiJJr r fjil lo comply, hii bid will be oforrd to the prtarnt cmn.t4i.U1r 4- t-aUaall -bc.tl cllae . k, fit mey p.mt, and llighi, to ViIkei.j bVuve dilibtiry every M i J:iy at 2 bW, ?9 milei and buk, one a wctk, . m , "rr'v " 1 M)ecvlliC evrr; ' I l'taaarl a tf la af A. r rat ..147-1 VV "T J lf V J 7. Kron i:i?ra, ?. C 1 f-)e e I 'i r ', - 40 ItJJtl I.eave Charlotte every 'Ttiuniay tt jl am, arrive at rinteaville Me Jj) ty 9 jr oi, LraveHtatflville every Knday at 5 ai m, arrive at WiikeslJorj aame tljy by 4 pm. .Leave U'ilkeib r every Torda at 3am arrive at Cuarlnte every Iri. day by II a m. 2147. From Chapel Hill, by Clover GirdeO.NVwIin'e.Long'iMilTrovV II JOt'a Store," and ItrummeU o Lex ington. Uctam bv wa ol Fair (trove, 65 Cring?,' and ftcw Market equil to 82 milca and back once a week; . Leave Chapel lltll every H ttunlav at . . jam, arrive at Lex:ogon fcJaoday by tpm. Leave Lexington every Mjonday at 6 am, arrive at Cojpcl Hill every i tfuead y by 6 p m. 2JJg yrom 44hr;nP ,v fiut 1. .CUrtonville, CatheyN Creek, Tor av, fi. C. Keowee, and Picker a c. h. ; :j7rxto ' pendHrtonr 92 mtlea and bkfrce- , . ' Leave Aahville every other Monday . it 5 a m, arrive arpcndlctotr the next . n HV dntd ayfe'y awkr . r-.. " Leave penc'letoo e,very other Thura . . clay. at. Duoot arrive t..Aaiii(iUt. -the next Saturday by 6 p m. v 2IS9. From Abville by Turkev Crx IIy wcwl TT h.-nr Waynemtien ri miles and hack, onrc a week. .LavaAabville: Cvety -Monday at 6 H m, afrivc ax Cljyioo every Wcduei daybyfjpm.' Leave Clavua rrry Firdav at & a fn nive at AshvilU every tjndiy . ' by 4 pm. ' 2160 . From Chapelllill, by Fitts . ." toro, Ibj'wood, and Ueid'a Ftore, to ravetteville, thence by fvurtSiogton'a '., Martha'a Vincyarrl, add Haywood, o-pitUhdroV" Chapel Hill j equal v" ! to 73 miles and lnct once a week, '. ,1 Leave Cttape! ILll every Saturday pt S , m, arrive at Fayetteville every v -Jlcnday b v 4 p ra. . .,. . '.'Leave T Fayetteville etfcrv Tuesday , at S a m, arrive at Chapel Hill every vWedaesday by 6 p m. ' ' " 2161. From Morgintown, by Lttle 2T i ef avilie,. G reealeea vU and I vy, to C. l(r-n, S)i'' Hi.)f', V 1. : r.'. )!rarl't stnrr. N jr-ro Kl't, M itiii S ore aid k'cn !il' li !. , H i inlet and l.., tacu a , lit h w" a' ddv Itv 1 1 a in l.ia hiKalmrjf rfr'w Tlrira liv an T'i1v at I. Toe P ii'n ic r iJcnvral reaervca tic ri H io evpe Jiir tl. iituli, and to ilui in.r tnnea ot tneir arrival anJ d pirture, at J-1V ti n? d irm the contin Oa icr ol t'lt ui'iract, tv Rivi g .n I ( M'c co n ) oi ni.)n, aever vx.cd !'; pro rlf l .o.a-celr myrKira e(.'eiice wnitlt 'j:ti akera'ion miy r. rf ore. ' . 2. H-ven mmutca h.i.I be allowed for .j)rni2 m l cl ni iff toe mcl ;i, 13. bid iluil be withdrawn after cTic rime fir Tf'cetvtitff tt ba-t xplred ) contract at hii i J, he" lhail lurltit all nthrrrTonrracnthrir tjr mwirTre -tvttn the Depart ii not, and b-: held reaponi' llc fjr ll darnjje 'that may rciult fro n hit failure to comply. li. No contract cao be tranferrcd wilhout the a,)pr.,L iii.iu of tie I' m- maiter f :ter.il, a id th aaaign.nent o LUra SoutirCaroiiira miy jtcni )iiie cWienee, lo tvery exiremi "6f ijfraonvi ara tU tliaratleiiiiita of i,f(j only. Tfce opjreiioo of the ponlj of Soy Caioitna, tia en carried y ad eitrwnji arhuli the nfl ilin pipuUugfi J tartb would DOI cnJu-e wjiiijut a llru jla- la ii, ta.ftj, ;itttcd. . men, ii f fifth ft Will paUclidv b.) iiowr ar,j ina rod ! opecnr f Fretiflj,, Jul I )f l tyi bir, ;ijr tno . w itj the frin antlUaiatrid tiu)a tf nn'ti nay, a beait mat Muuia d(,ura ill U4Aow ibji; a -abte put rj!l- r??dp4TinnT uodTUTd Jcr W Htti' TrTti!e-tha(-era Wn upon Itlt (,, be accented unco )dUi.n.a:i,'. -nhoflt two tll i of re.o.no cmp,(0eoj ibo liijuatice oi i i ijiiriea, ouiJ bin, or brutijuf l,n,llJ"JjMdi by ujEj .hey"eie liiTicIed. ,llmt)!J,3iLJLV''titU'L.aujiuii apathy, wncii tun luiid clainaia u( ib penpict wborn iVovidiiica lu coimiiititd to her cha f;c, vie ceui!i(i to btv,n for j iiKc f llu nui in,") Ueludorj to your Oreal, I piay you. 1 1 ii ikii far rue U ay, in this p4t, ..v,iH.my Sil.y i4 W.MiUy flfh office, no particular ti.nc 1 I 111 'If ljHl.lll'1 t contract vitniut lat concut, anju forfeii it. Tn;i role will never be d pin. d fr im. 15, ff a ontnctir or hi agent nhi'l violate tle I'oat Oihce la, or S iU tnnirni' cmmercial iiitc'ligence tv firrn m ,pi- riri'iHIv than rhi? mil. i ' hi roofict shall l;e forfeited. T'lr 1'ounaiier Oeneral re irvra th- right of cortiilingor of (b continuing anv route, when, in hii pi'Oo t, ide public interest ahall re- q lire it j a'.d in such caei the co. tiart shall ce He so far a reljtei to tlie 3. Fir every ten mi urca drlav io pirr e I'rt.ulrd, or t the whole, if d.s ncr Ouy to puiiUt, in thi.re.t emcr- i;ein. li Iciiunitiiay,iii4taieper. fcttly u.kIcUI.I'l). the t'iouiiJ hlcb tDt ocrupie. a id dij ati'ire-t, J r :bat hait. er a;ii uJ.- abc may auuiu, in Her bigh e.l i.v.Jtl;'.i c-jKKy, r i firuj ami ft.ailtiy tn iii.'jio I'.bc the tooae rj j.nien wijjt thty m.y. Ti.c Teaponai. ftnry will not rtat v,,n htr, om u'n hor op;icwri. j Am) here, Sir, ! r-): ;JVi off. few rtm nr on n,- n.ij,'tt i,f iht teje. braied reiuluiiov, w( V irtu,u uutj Kea-? tuckf, a'Kigt which ioucii liiaOtto r. renily mirf, in ('ongresa an. I uut of ii. i u not my o..eu toive any opinioi, 1 . ... ! t ... I . .... . .. ! ' uVh" i, tl arriving ai any put aivr tie ii.ne j ootmuei!, n 'all iaii- e of one momh a up'.it no,e rt hjinma, but to ihea bat I iM5J. r'r.ni : ickmSa n to Chrra-, S. C. 22 Preacrnied in my cmtratt, the Con- r'r D v Weng 'rude ti the contractor. 'if y te u.y a; f , iia lii mile at I .-V. .iicr a wrrii. tractor shall lorffit il.e doll ri. If 17. AH c-ur.icl for routes embr c- Lta M.kiiijrUm rv tV vnUy at 4 a , the dilair ahill oniiour hev ,n,l i.i'd in in uil.rrhm,r,i .11 mm. id. arrirs at tiicra 'i i.e iliv ly'9 n in. , . . . f. . .i. i .r I i r mill, trie l nut ire shall lieetjiUto ' x , an l co tin ir four year. twice the amiunt airril f.,r c.riyng the mail one I r i r . If it he m;Ue to at ItiKkinkT'iaiii nil! dv in J p m il6'A l'n l.iincrion t.v l'!iiljl . Iphut, M'Vlrl'r, II 'ir, fnie p-r t(.ll, Sir arlavilu-, Cjurrna Ul., a i.l ATr lvi!lc I" I. iii'icrton, ll 10 4 init mi l lii'.'k. n-Cr a w -rk. pprar that ihe c'elav ws ccc.i'unei La l.-i4ihrrtun cvrrv M n.livatiam. ar- J h' un iVoidjhlc Otci Jrnt. Of w'lith the rivr t iv-rt..-ille eary Tueatay by Jan,,. pJttriwau4J.-..,rl s-.ail e the hrfXe, anil at T.'imlieroii ti- ane b" p m. . . . . Jiro. I ioti vvr-..'.(i by Ha.i..m,a n.i.!?". j mc ',r.'Hure may te reJ iced to t le i rtrifn' t, a iif lli'lur '.itiin tj Nilivil!c, 41 m lc amount of pay for a trip ; fnt i noj ami bark. nc a week. " case can that amo nit be rc mitted. 'f ie Want-ntu.) enrv Tifa.ur at 10 a m, r t , ... ! nm, a- Naaliv.lie ev.cfy W(-..,e.Uv at ) a in. ' ' " ,t,ir"1 oiocrwiac unconuition I.ra.e N'arivillo rvrrv VeJ trail ty at 2 n k., and will in all casea be ei. forced. arrivq ,l V,rrPntrn rv.-rv l liur-iia.- bv 2 . m j J. l'crj.ns who mike proposal will - 211 I'tnm Ilk! In hv llurinn'. . l:...i.!j . . . 1 ' I) r'ni ma oo lud w ill be known nnr e I9(h d iv 1 1 ) t f-r r next WILLIAM T. lU'l .'V, 3 J'oiim.n e '.f.fral r. I HPKI'.nr OF MIL MI) I I 'FIE, CroncUltJ J Jr. "rtatfk- ereii anrt slem crii- i f vii.'fi" ip'iriMrhin, and I dd ' : l i . . - . . r - 21M. from lU'.fas by D..W. y U..4.U ! . ,, ; r 1 m. ' Kennemen, -n- la me p,M o Seilani Neck, Palmyra, CJ ,rk ..tr, to i v .uk. , .jwu.m, rit R oi.jus't'.r. ro pauie in 4l4iiuUMv 4a nuW atM46kloH Lepr llilifjif" rvery Trnirm'jy tt lunition ram day by 7 Isirr lliqil'ii rvrrv Writ arrwrai llnVa wm Inr f -t. m 4 .PIMMM tl ac matter. a4-CK,1 Sprtujf to CoLumbla, 100 'milca and , " ' ? , ' " , r'V ,ne n,J"' bv:k. "n:carfK. ., . . .6... rfopol ho;;l J state syhether l.rave larboro' cv-rv Thoritlnv jt 10 a m, a'- I the person p'onosea to carry tile mil rira at i Minn in ti.tf: nav rivopn l i loaa .tr, to ! f mil w-ii aa oi.jui'i'.r. to pamr in t,4W8a .k, ... -i aifota to be mide quarterly, in tne j eru'sof JeKtsJajivjjtiraMy jncf op; imday at 5"a ra.'ar. I n ant hi" of.May, August, November, j pr!sin, hefirC y hve driven a huh riW'y it'iim f4""' 'bruary, oue inonth after ihcjindetf. bval aiit pairkvit r-prrpl- to l-ovr l'niltnii ni-e dy at fi a in, arrife at 4'Unxmth eterr Fndar br t tin. " r in u stje or othi.'rise. aomfirtinjfoHertnir off rfesffitf Cri pe rj t iuu.. . S rt4l jhfl t H i .pi (bo who arg tio f.nioi ir. .h patiently' en dtoin, tho oppress! 7e bi:r'hrns. cnpistly i-n;ocd win thiTrirrnilu4 remrn from tririr prsve h. vhI wi-tiesa "lie rhwrec tliii h the Fed r il ('l.jvemment In one rue ai i ulirn ia evt'rjr S4'lr(litv Dv I) w. ieava i-oht-wxa every aliHul in tn, a- rcuierer nf-a rrttt-v. ti,s nri.i'nvrl in ik-1.' 'I'L.uAieMrrrTftat thr cc tbratrnt rev I if IMtr-. (fit nt flii. n i! m.i.i . : i... I lldClime. . jn . 'j...... , ... ....... Jim iiM'n; nn-i'nc n. Hb nc 'lene oi ineir f ,t k:. i.:. i . . u . i 1 r . , . rWeat riim.iuth.ne I-4m. A i-m. t m.i-L l.'J""f 'fwi,r, ur e.toj3t cn-1 : srj.trr.3iia UaWia4a...-vvere priudolea th. ! llli'innlr i.tna i I have t-tfwre nt a prcmbJo ttf' certain iCaXilojou. leceiu. an)H fry-The Iff il.lurc of rvVn:t;cky, in which It ji stated hat " -t a l.iMi-.cr epoch, when certain a U ii.ad 3y Coa-rB. cillfd the alieo jiv.' stiliiion laws, which were believed ii ic uo, oinmuioiial, by the CieneraJ JA-.m'i.y. i; neither ioteVnetee! nor hreaicued the adup ion of any measure to di fc or o!)inuct their operation with in ihe luriidniioi) of Kaaiucky." Will " lc prcinidv'd thai tne kiji.Ulure of' tv-ivuchy did not avow mc righi to adopi vk h meusures I Listen, Sir, to the Un- I'ue ct the resolution she adopted in . i a rcsid i: ion drawn vp by the band- i !..lom i?. JtU?lwj the aeveril ''aiea who forihtdVf)atTn'slrUiliint the Ftdvral ConsitttrtiunT 'beWff'.'oveieiirn' lodepertrlcnt, have the 'UiiustioT)ar iha' a iuIlifKa.icn by thoc soverel-mies of ! u-iiuth'irud 4i.li, Vne under color of that. iau)nt, it -tHe-riphiful rem ctw." 1 j! mjke do comment on t hi l.tnUJUe. ?i is too pl an to hi'4jexvrWr- . IM'II.1- - . - ' ' Uwierrrv luelav by 6p m, aiilat l arbon )JJV ,ri it privil-rr. every sVedneidav bv S p m. r 8. I'.op nitio is f ir any '117.1. Iron W4h.n.'t.ii bv Dilli- P.n. .. : . ' . .. . .. ? ' i cimi i'i irn.isrj iritnir tne m ni j4v ri " I itatd :a the proo3jls. and will b . m Lojj lli'w LvKliiig. yj'f nari'nu n. Ski fall, t and LAe I.a M-if tj M.dJlitcwn, St m.Ut and . ba--k, o:iv a w 'ck. I. cave Vallill(tnn etrrv Fri.ljy it5sn, ar rUa at MiilJ'eton every aturdy by 8 pm. I.eavir M,.td!etitu Ciery Ve Jitr!ay i a m, arrive at tVaihitiirlon every Ttmndav b 8 pm. Jjrt. Fruin RjIcL'!) by Srni:!ifi.'ll. Vinr. boro' Sjjrinjf B.mk, Kuision, C.ix'a KriJlr a id all n cliceiTuI, and p i-ncrnns. and imp'ove-l 'd hippy, lev onld br ill may be I h" 1,1 nif),!,i'-r hu r'rev, an! tf-im. and orvii.tun. with'tu' a )0' of vtrdtne 'o bri';ik tdr rltiuial cwinuiiy. or ceti, (lllil - Itla ,l m rfi ' li. The number nf the ro .tr. and !. , m f J ,eft a. . u o''ginnin anu termtn t on, should be sut-d in every bid the nd. MjfLrccaiyrtinta aop;d aoiiHar re soludons ui a' iu !i.-otient period. JnJir yir, in n ense of e':err.2 in;uMce and opprciiton. I no: Mnp u rnoof Plinth of coristluuion i! cm-inn-inn. f ple tho littbt and t.t o -ll.-j i m of a' Aahville- 01 milts and Kicfc. in i md ihe pro posal must be a.-al-l, dircced to the ll...,,.l n ... Air-. ,v r . . ..i Cvt;r4tfw Ncwb..,,, 120 mile, ,d back, r " " ' . " , v"" ":n'e, UI ,jU ' ' , "' wW rtl nf pr,v.:;nniciH bono u: ., whirl, I hte,;. iwttf a wer, w K ii n tafe. -v.-, su. viveru,;,, ,mc to Piter,).,!: te hi4 "f I s Soverei'.'ntv between o rili.n. nn.t' I ) ic 1 where i io tDuUn had been " j p;)i i i-.i..ii ujnm nn :.'i hi,")ci rro;indi -Oiillton of thci d-si-r.iUn.c. : ... . ' . ! " .v , i tv ii.isarstrm oi j-overotRcnt poi!Ciion,' Leae ir1i-igh every Motulay ar,d Thuraiv at Ul a in. arrive at .bcrn every Wednevliy ami hitimiuy by p rn. Nwbern eery Momtij and Tha-sday at 6 a m, arrive at Maleigh every Wedneaday ami rtttiinlay by 4 pm. C17i. From PiyeMrvill by F.tizbe'htoan, and Wrt Brook tu Wilmnion, 88 milea and back, three timri a e k i-i i hnr- Hafr-. Leave t ayeltevilie enerv rueaday, Tliu'l.iv, Leave Wilmtnirtr.n er?nr Mimdnr.' Vfedurt das, and PrnUv at I in, arrive at Fayetteville LeaveorgantOW ft every -Saturday jS17&-promNrrhrTn br Trent Bridge. Ctw At 4 a m,' arrive at Aahville evcrv S io- f swa wboio, renrh ,iiia. and onaiowc. Tne following is agpropsr form" for a.propojuU "4:'wfft convey Ihe mxil, a?rrca hfijto a lrrtirmrii't on ivjJe Xj. Jrom to fnr the yer.rly ( vmjirn-.iuvn oj ttolmrs. Tic must Bute the place of his resi an SsiMrday -ait; 4i.aL m, rciie t VdHimmdeBce nd it not Contr .ctor "mf neat day by 11am. . rrnnn.nu U:. k;. .- . ' .. "J51 erscribe -Proj 'c"' jie'ilfnt iml p-jrd over thr dav by ff p m. I AnS ttafc" A Kji"a jfcaaa If- 1 - r latv T?ffT"W (mil HT VC tt a rrrr arri? a I zt Morgantowtt- every TuCHtfay by 8 p rn. - 2 ! 62, Frrtm r?titevilfe by ThonW v" .Ferry, 1o Mountain Creek, 20 milea jrnd.bac,iiDce-.Weefcr:.:.., .,,..u . -ixMfjm arFairCtf'efyTi . ay by H a in. 0163; From Pittsboro'. bv HamaevV .da ; Tick Creek tfoderwooda ?:;Ewf Allen's Store, Moffit'a Mills, - - Brower't Mill, WadclIeV Ferry, Ty. "t Bpna Store, Golpb and Pedlar' Mill, to Pittaboro equal to 43 milea aod ; back, ooce a Week. ." - - . ; Leave Pittsboro every Wednesday lift li a m, and return so as to arrive at atlitaboro'tvcry Friday by 4 p jn. h.. ti Wilmington J21) mde?, once a week and back, in 2 borae ataei. t.eave fv.'vnern frery'Miml.y af 3 a m.ir n vc ai iniuiiiriiiii every eonesiiay oy I r a in. Lruv- Wilminiini every WidneKv at 1 p m, orrivn at Newbcrn every Fridy by t p y. , 5177. Tumi WUtiiingtn h'y O-ion to Smith. villc, 35iiteaand back, ttfic a i-ek in 3 lioeae .Xl3yeV'iIiW2tonUrer SuaAtv ind VmSL bv 8 p.m. -- . arave Snrnhvifte emy Sti ndy ViIrtFedne.: : daJ..4,au.avaiii(.4L A iiiwxUwi-.w iyt Of it a mi. r .ii ii." i i i L..t I accompmy bis bid recommendations. j lO-Thr-dH taircesarmtTJrVre oeiwvetno ce. solistmitiaily correct but if any mistakes have occured m relation to them, m increase of corr: tit: lund, to blast and wi'her ii fjir inhni fence thev hid F.-ft them? And, Sii . when :ue nUnld e t(,.U that a despmic power r on, mSniuIr nfnre on pist and hppreiv thin 'h.t r, im whi.-h trie roimtrv h d btcn redn U bv .heir oil a- I v.ciificeH. ftus r.o.v assu,ped and - .m-.. u er us ov c;;r on nrrthren d;i io h ivr rirssf titcri mure h;llr iU a t leel w:irr,ir,tecT In rVdng un fer. cjeiiffnj circumstance I :.!:ui!c to i'j strong audi ineviiatdc tendency to rornrjM n.i? pnrtini of the pfopte, whiie ii oppresses and cn-' sUres tii mhrr. Kr, st4io of ihinjjs ta.t Ix coivi iveii rrnr? unf iv.iraii's to boerir ( than I lui in v:;ith iare rnuliiturlra nP .'!'! OU'l M lf. .XXdJiktll people, enibn.inp entire closes of the onMntmiTysTiFtaogHt ii lo'trk hVbVaiUf iir " riiercdTor, , htn!, U,e -niment br pecoT M f. rniinei I,!" L'lst rTTTT'T i1'" S,u h PP'J'-!im cJK have the fcal- t t., "J,u,c "Jou, be3r I'.iinoloKljpendentfteemro,. Theyioiik . Sir I f-i ,t , ", I ;o govenment:,w4Uan idolatrous ir. i i:ci ttiat I m ra Nil mn. . - f . r, ... . . a word or two, on the sublet of the deep cr,ii,w, .,d to vb:: rj; i:: . : . "'"pomon ort i anl thp rhfrBri,. -.r.u ifvcuuieni. i nave ti, dir. nn a Or ' e fron o , L .of that her occasion, thut ,he day, if JlomsnV .Miti ; .:'veeeo U.eHy w ,8 numbered Wh4 Ihe peoplo 7 otijtiitly cast upon them Mate There owed on that ac count. Ine contractor will iuform himself on tfnt point. 11. The Postmaster General reserves the right of aonullfog anv coritract whetxver repeated failures to arrive wiiforrn 4 SLJWLjmei&l!!fc Wft' i. : a mtfantiri To We'l'oss otr-T ri n - Tftli,JlWy8airo3.i- iiiwiiiliiaaiKMiliiilii i iwirtiir'lfrg-::--r ii utii i. jsc w iiri" tr i ,.i . vc ii ji m.r . i,r..,i i i. . i. . " r Hi -PC i ::iZ.-" "I J'T 'OH un of Ueav.-n could not. fc'ont, or its iiliewers f ill upon tha earth 11 ' -waaaporiedviiuwa . V .VT. " . prince - ,i - . - i to gravelly m;i, W miitaarhl back, rmce a week. luul,Kwr snail oe underbid, and the f j.. .i. 'Jfl'.w !-. ...... - 1.. 1 ..y . i si 1 r: :vlr - , rt : r ...i.iiu;iit every iveuneaday at 4 p m, arrive at Gravelly Hill eyery Thurl4y b 5 p m. Leav 3ravel!y Hill every Tuetdav tt 9 a rrt, arrive at Wilmingtou every tfedaesday by 10 arm. , . 2175. From Fayetteville by Clinton, frupJin Old c. h , .Wrightiyille Keenansville, Comfort and Trenton, to Wwberh, 137 mdei and back, otkeeaweek, -- ' I- Leave FayettevllTe every Thursday j S a tn, arrive at Newbcrn every Saturday by 5 p ra. ' Leave .ewbern every Monday it 5am, ar rive at Fayellei UIcery edpetday by J p m. uncTemdcrersI have such stage ui-y u: accessary for the performance ol the contract, he shall ptirch aserfrom the present contractor, at-i reasonable Taluatioo, the whole' or any mrt of the stage property, m! eluding horses,1 that may be suitable Cor the settice, and make payment faf the same by reasonable instalments-, as his pay shall become due, or as may v &t&i they ! -.. .. " urc TTTTIiniOn lliSlt rjn ...i-.u- . . 01 trie Union, and nreserv. i . 1 V ' uv-" ' r service-'.: .aeiTu'e 'he dstri,,ionof Jraitr- sure. Ui.1, Jfirr it d op-'.- Pl.lb tlistiibuthiaof dhavuised bduotieav be otherwise arranged 'a'C in tfil :ninii ,i; . . 1 . -...v uiwnu nmil lilt iy.lv ihihr4hich 1 Zv7 dentin apne.tjo bia'ort t. L ' r 'e li 7 " m ' l"""" ol the Krin , :t talent i, 4Hrmst .eYJttett". r nm k.f . - : , if. -r. : iiii, ig inis , ' 'ir" m WWnu to submit to un UW c,C0;,iI,Uio, -PP-ionor charge ot tre.ibn and rebellion, because ;e!, Jraoc. uder amonntini; to' mlHtons, many millions of uoilars annuiilly f j ft U:er I consider incomparably the viorst, bar.ausc' .f the ; very dis)uie which istbrown 'around the ' preceding. But tbe evil does not aiop ' with the degradation and corruption fr, the people. The sys'em tends also in corrupt the jjot ernment. f he enormou um ana.u4.'ly taken from the pockelsof ' the Sou'htrn people is, 10 all intents and - 'Poroses, a fund! of corruption, by wbicV

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