1 tit t'reMenejr t!f, -fiiy, ! r.o tiiitjr,! j.e-iod, be bought snd ;I.J. . ni the people of the T jrifl Bute yii'lurilf holdout the Mas, lh.it thf will lioj support any mm far iftc VitUn.f - who. U ojroed lo the protecti!. ays tern ? Ild il been openly avowed on 11 M J 5 1 m-n i ' c I i m . tin? Jn'Jij4'il 'justification of c:i Jti'ii tor m PieaiJjnry T And ii n-i ihi an iopcn fnilf tnt tt iVraMrncy of toe I ni cJ Slates i io bo con'crrd, hot upuii ). rono of tht j;pettt talents, the puriai - m;wiia'n"jiii!ic"rr1 e, "huf ' the nun tr. lo i I conacnf and stipulate to itow million of money uncnnt'ltu VMnWf M uwltHtfoihlr. itKHi from nothint; iltfferr t, in piiociplr, from the t,ie of the lt'mn em)tr bjr the I'roio i.i.n cohorts f r meiul tl iwtie. f I t'cntrl Ushin(;'on coull tite fiorri the prive, in4 w" pmented cmdid aio I ir the 1'icr.iilencr, with n irovril of hi. oppoi ion to the Uii.T, njr mn mIio would Jltdf himself to upport im. thouh covered iih "all mnr:r iuz: theie cirtumnincri, 1 put it to fjcr.tlc men to inawer me the q'levion, wl.t is the moii which induce the ptnple ol the tariff Statet to aupwr for theF-eii dtney a mn who will pi. de hirr.elf i nupport the tariff i The ar,3er, ?ir, i.i (itr I Tl IT I (li IVll "I."'""' .... ' plain tngliin, t money, mom-y, nmning but money. If -thi be iiaiipl, it ia ptdilicalbarRiinln; icdiired o pi tin 'p!e.j iucb, howtveN i he iuuvohIjUIb k-uIi oftheiynein. ITe mriottt thai Uo -nment 'iii thc rTtrrjptic T tiv ttrfcrin-; with the KraI tu" ,r7 "'er ftu of society, w'nh a tk to cnange the JijtriVji'.on of property, iiscii.jn become eient'u!Iy coriopt and corruxir-p.. I have now, Mr. Omit haw, Rone thrMgh the eaiioas topic I intended to .!i,tu, and I will tiy, in coruluaion, Dial in a!l I he unered; there ha no: br cn mingled one f-clint ol perional u;- kintlneu to any human IiHi tither lo tbi IloUSfi or QUI cf i. I hie Uacd , Strong language to be Ue, hut it has! been uttered more in aorro than in anper." he felt It tote a 'iCfe mn du Xji htch I wecj to. my fonsutuenu aiiij to tUU nation, w expose xbc U'.iuaedJ ppresie operation oi tne nuu ajaicui. and to mk"e one "inore solemn appeal to aL . hI .iap rirtiipai: t: n r M. . . n : :dt J- X t r -a ;r-- Let me. thcr, beseech the adrocates or that .ystem, in ,,,e name ofotir common b BTTcesmnv whoso biood w4f RoiherrrrnrrT7HTorTerinB, at the ' 'ihnrTe o( our common l;btr:ylct mej'1 beaxecrj tbern, by aKjherndtarijtg rccp)- ,w letdona of our cm moo ttjry tT - aiapm jktivi!nralikn Ihl out, 1tjthl to i Iho liberty ami-union -ofcircpssf - N.iiiharn 6tnurioiurtri am! thrir . 7 ' j ...... . i i t- i- T i. . - i '''ni -l Mpwiil. emUnprr o-ir bo , ileal -. "q i njn .w.iice iml.tilon, in which it it .lij.u-1 ,,,BMW'. mimOlrt P''v , " " " 7-. 7 "7 " 7 '",v" " led Hit mnrr, fir.t to b. MfacAUjl ,rt .fce P!. ,l0,1 -'ethKhl1.d,erom.uon.0f.fl.f.. tto-tion in.l J.l'mdrs .hll Wo gio la lrir f.!.l teen-y. I, It th.t " 'r ''P-"' y fr pl r.rhanre fr poliiicl p.)er. It I-. ! !. not kr, th r.M.rrrrtlut i. .tt.t j e"",0, rr-rlure upon the .NnJon.lt,;;!.. icedily a' possible, and leliev a Ulin,Mi' ..'" .AUboMt baa heeo i.ided and patriotic, people from en on ! pushed in de.ch. d pi-era we iron neeethr. rnnatitu'ional and oppfesive burthen which they cannot lontr bear o tittcti ujku AN I.CHII ANSUTB. It may seem a matter of no extrior dinary difficulty to give a pfain answer to a plain Question ' and yet it is an n noicii is cviucimy rcHu.,C3 umc , vvt or(ler ,0 lhe ,jovmen, r .,,,, trooble to learn. Io ail bull ti v.hl-d ; rlgtlti n,l4, Uwli Th,. Cllren f ile (I. lutiun? the inquirer for lhe mcnt sim- s miv imp0,e which r ill operate one. P!e tl,l'iS. H t.-by.-t'URieroa iut JlUepdbnrr tsrdtr upon one frcflnn "" oRbe answer and nmoog the praanlry of nTi.Ton than an-.ther. Thc-y may a'ill render the' (Scotland and Ireland, civilited u4 the bsnrfltinequt, which iiiranil'tftly against the general ODimuaitics may be, the sy-!plainea' rul e ol equity and joatice. and in con. trm often seems to be studied evasion, flict wiifi the principln upon ahich the Sta'ea This dialogue is tht model of th'Ou- united together as in the caae in the eVprmli- i ... . i l i : earida jc tister Is. jhii-the5owof. Dearest road to Cork ?l Is it t) Cork menl.' h it nut a chief point then in a tovern- you are-going i - Ye' bit triy tJOCi-'meat Tike oiirl that the free people, living tinder lion l7as toe'nearleit'f oad fWfay1trAwld--iwderrtand-k''anitU tnia roaa IS as near as that oa the fither Vide" of the hill j for neither of'of them is any road at all.' Then h'tch way ought I to go ? - Qh( that depends on TOur honor's 60 likinir. I . ....... . Vt-r rerhapS VOU WOUld fit tike lO CO back ( agatnr Certainly not. But one word for- all my good fellow j. do you rnnw any thing about any kind- of road hctciThere'tfOwtf you ebon nave ,04a yru at once.. Utlt wrtrr ltTtenth in favop-.0f his pndm, the Duke de "iUI IT III LilL. IIU1I1 VI IB I 3 o V UUi parts :' and-- the 'test-thing you can do iU0p:Jl.omcb6'r.,y ''romfi ,'tria.t nows all about the way.' Stupid "cfoundel ! why dtd you not say so at first?; -Stupid thatVal my thanks. But why didot your honour ask me if I belongejl to this place .'"that.Would fcav aettleHl the business. Take a fooU advice and stop whefe.yoa are. Ad inviolable fidelity good humor, end complacency of temper, outlive all the charms of a , Gne face and make lhe de-"jrcfiniiile.- ' Tatler. . .i ri4f ii Tiri ti ir ri.n. Tltw priil; ij.lra a lvocated by ilut cUi of pol. itiiLni who auppfwtrd ''vii and wh afi w'aliin-Tj p77KTir. tljy are fncdj thoi' ahlrh direrted tito morfmrnta of the e' dir AifaDi whilst he waa Prtai l.-nt at it trai. .. . " ' IK urt,. The ll-puhlkan. cf ihM day d- eIarHttimn-1-i-he U anoMr t ih, the'r own prb l it ilint change ol dri hM ilttrcd the cry riiirt uf tl.e mny hrailrd tyrmnt ? I liote hi nupport th( princ!ilr de. nominate themiilin llrp.ibliaos "! )rt ihty lid amlaaaift in elautinir men Inthe f.rrt cflire il the gift iif the Na'inn wlm pronounce the doc. trinra of (lepublirini'm II bet r rod . Tlfy piofcaa to belirae in Mr, ie fiVraon im! yrt they have no confidence in hi poii'ir,! - r.,cP1,o.;,e.hemade.o ig're ind come t.ij-r'iier? U'hrn ton Hipert closely thf printiplr ofurh mm yoti nxl them irreconcilable with Uioa of Mr JiftVajn ai.d yet thi-y tell ymi (luj belike m kim. Dot ran (hey tell uiwh) ih;r i.jiporj mni whoae politicnl principle co ifl c' wj h Mr. JtlTcmon'i I Thry V.TU.M n uke jonbelirve tticy anpport princi. pica I mI not men and yet they anpart men who aJocte d'.fierent political doctrine a. They w .nl.l prranade yn lint ihey alvaya 1. 1 lifvrd in the dtrinra jnrulratrd in the .i j TJ '. "1 a 4 ami KemticKv icaoiiitiiina. rjad yet they nppoae thiae ho ptictiie them. o tliear charactrra ibenaupport mtn or prinrip'ci f If they mipjort p-inciplea why i j ihcy aiirport mcr. hn d i not believe in the faith of lUpublioana ' So ttinjj tbey tupport men ar d not pr'.iirii.l-. U llfiiry C!y t HL-piillican t Poet he give credmcr to the Virginia and Kentucky olu- j tion ' Ii he not oppoam! to State II jjhta f Dora he not favour a cwwIi'U'i'n of lhe Sl'a'! How can ttmae then alio blirre In tie p'tnti. rlca advanced in thoa llrolntiin t Imd their cflnrta to advance Jllr. Clay f It il contriulic tion which U loo palpallf to be capable 'Ten. eeaWt. -To eountenirree' wd- rne W a f rie conri whng(. n,u uun . ci.Tlri- dangerwi in -the VrrtTrrnr; " lr ii Tij hjrard (Mir liitei lies to njr, ajclu twirae. How- riKr mi be Kr. Ch.V. talemi.Vrt If he " T '; wory Mm m.:"'e Preaident. Wbrn wr rppoae hi, election inot e !o nof ,h;"A he h.s uh nt. '? :P?F hJm'opoft pririclf, a-rd rjhoxilri ' rniMcrH" - .... lesa that it haa been studied attentively by thoaf w!io are directly imcrejted in the auhject i.l th.it mri'terly apeech. It ii of the fit it inif or tmce that the people flionld undc ratand the n- ' tore and extent of i!ir laxatinn ivhi'-t" i imposed upon them, even in their own R'jte, ahere it ci!inot well be o'herwisf thin rrjiial, but in a government corimctrd like our it i absolute- a' and try to maintain tnrm unalloyed to the beat j their knowledge and ability ? Is it not r?. quired of them a good citizens, havhtg the we!. fare and proaperftv of their country at heart There can be no freedom where there ' much .-l -r.i... ; . .e : .!.... i . 'gnornqe oi mo numrc oi uic i.isinuuoin oy which our conduct in life i regulated, and tbe Varioui cooce-rnW government directed.. jMDICJTtoy OF CIT.fRLES Xt u information of the abdication of Charle the tor4wttiarid.ofjhjsnr no in uuko oi uneana. . ine :aie rwing ae- . f .J, V roanded a. passport of thC Dute to leare the jChrgdomT known. The conduct of the late King and hit ministry ii truly miiterioiis. Why they should have taken the obnoxious stepi they did, con. tcmplating a revolution at the tame time,1 and then to give up without a itmggle aait were Is inexplicable. It may be that thry may form aome foreign alliance yet and return to be re stored by force of armi to their, forfeited righti. h ia, boweTer, highly improbable that any for. eign power in Europe would embroil Itself in endleai difficnltiea to tttvf a fugilire monarch aud Lis routed mininfry'. . - ' ? , .. -. ,s' - ; -' - , IV e tiara r'ceirrdU riiip'.J't for" editions and m ed rf t fnttm tight ptrty in ChsrWoq to their ' .Hkft-Mit llf State, Calling upon tLfft inula a irajr.rt . - . -i . a . a . a u. poo ir,i rn,r.a Pii or IU oa(ei. 1 hey rrjr j'lmy rfrmpiwn oi ma warn oi uirnt anc ....I -.:.. k . " '"" " 7 ' " - ir""M "fnm'' 1 M ..!S.E.fmJl ncy . f ,ro' tiirc. Thim acti-t like freemrti ahuuld act Thry want tu be unanirnoua in t!ie call bf a convention, and then ihry Want unanimiiy awl barmonv in that conniioii Uch ia to k of ,h" N,ion, he aboliahment of op. prrwive and uniuihorired taiation. Such a rrault could not fail to prod ice the deaired f feci. All ho we have no rtifttt to interfere at sll with ie internal concerm of a Slate, yet ae -nay br allowed to ripren nor rrgret that the r roplr ot that 8tte are an divided a.nong them. wlra. Wdilr- that ii the caae they need not look fic a rrdreaa of tbeir wrongs. It ii only an rncourxi nwiit fur their opprcttoia to Sncrcaae the burthen of tainion mil to rivet the fcttci of dependence Hill more iccurely. It will br perceived by an eitra with th!i pa per that oie of the KJitofi, from public conaid. eratmna entin:ly, hai Keen forced to tte harah lanjrnige intended only to apply to the maficioiH a 1J a iliiptiard perwMi or prranne who rH ginated the repon that he had beta lent, ai a py, into thia State to obaerre the motiona and pry into the feeling of ita inhabitant! in order to diaciver whether they were prepared to unite with S. Carolina in her luppoard intention tn withdraw f-oro lhe Union. SucWlbinga ire JirLcalK', hut rat ill they mutt he done. Si.ence would have given CoUnteiiMnce to the trnih of the rumor A DIAUV. The Duel aaid to have been fought in Arkin. I'" betwei to Dcton ippeara to le only a W " ' The lljn. Jamea IretlcU. in a letter addreed tn the F.vrirnri ofthe Haleigh 'Star "decfiiirt "a Ulecliuu-io ih &aMt4ieV; 8.--1 hr Tiamri f eVrrtl gentlemen - are nieiilionedaa hla provable ;uccear. fho. I!. Mitchell il again a candidate for Con. i -rn mi ihc ui.'.nti wiiicq nc lormeny repre- aer.tei! in S. C. i i;r(ifurt T; Vt atta haiechired,btniJelCaCn ilida'e Hr t.nngrea in Newberry Dutricl S, C. lUiati -cfetry--f Lfgation to ItuSgll Uts Euck.ngliam of Rngland project! k new voyage mund the wor'd, not for obj-cta purely acieti'iific but will cnibine commercial with georgphical reKarchea. (Jcnl. l a Fayette, the Hero of three reolu tiori a ("3 yeari ot age on tbe 6th inat. The Hon. Hohrrt Stark Secretary of State of South Carolina lately died on Mill creek in that State. Kit e mulatto girl were lately arretted and brojght before the Corporate Authorities of New.'Jrlen upon a charge of having been en. gagbd-att promoting a duel between two of their color and acx. They were armed with pirtob an knivti. A meeting baa been called in Cbarleiton to ai the aufYering ciiiaeni of Ireland. They are '.tid to he numerous and their, poverty truly dii tnpsinl ";;";-;:i?:;'i:r':'f rr-'risi5. Jir: tt.'Pringle wai elected by a majority of & vote over Henry L, Pinckne) the former CRirteafmT now uuuer tue ooniinion oune aanaee inter 'est. Ambroae Spencer of Vew York ia announced jn pnr cf thf New Ynrk" pape r aa a raiin.Lla for the Tice Presidency. Jantea Barbour of Virginia ia likewise announced aa a candidate for lhe same office. Both are put in nomination by the Clay party. j . The Hon. Mr. Bvrgesa of Providence R. I. American lnatltute at the approaching fair. ' '"TfiM7th"of the present month waa the Jwj? hundredth anniversary of the lettlement of Bos. ton. An oration waa delivered at the Sanctuary by the Hon, Jojiih Quincy, and a1oerD ifo- itjttred by-ehasrSpraguerlSsq; A writer, who itilca himself a Virginian," wishei to knoW whether, if fen7u0'na,. it would be pruileM to have both Preaident and Vice-Preaident from Virginia. He taUsa at thor Henry Clay and Jai. Barbour tould be elected to those offices to a certainty, tie may spare him ne'f the troub'e of mooting the mtutituiianalitg of the question for the present, and nearly all will readily admit the imprudence. The atudeoti at Chapel Hill illuminated the College upon reception fth ne'wi of the Rev elation In Frascet w-..lod U Car e ., wh.cb thy ittr.bqt lo c(;tlJfl t.Mm!,et to wi(cM th mM, coil. U u H. tli KiaMprlort of ltjo.8 btls;ng to Ui4 d'rirTiUlt luirOAVrK U Cik-Hm,,, f.-II. Chioi 9i1 opp.ta papy M, , ewaec,.,fn4 drfectioo of tty ,0 N tUe firn Aa,er;cl Atron,ut H hrr 3i a S, baron r a b, iUoh family la firm rm J decided oppoai.ioa . cn .eki0( fcft ,;, f - fc Jjj k'"Jf;'' -f l7irt h.e.phr.,r.?3l,rorvV,,.:a bil'tn; to llirrn a deiijfn to diancoiW the T f f-Kn.. , TJ a 81, fluur, new I a 4. muU, .o .m, u. pointed Navy agent fr t'i Ticifio tlation, to I ' reaide at Valparaiso, lie ai'edon the2rith i'mi, ....(.. I M.n..t.MUi.i-.t..ir-.r...u.. ' " - m. 1 i vhi Ltui m uar ,W 1V,em Virrlnla. leana' re.i.led that c!'. ao offered hi ed bia irii 1 Km I.I uiuuIaJ .1. Ill W tl II ' : . mii rcmicu ikiih in nn. ncmn ia in I ' 4 - - w ivivii n I vin K l Vllfc lytVVUIil I JKOT I ' ft. R, llim'iltnn haa hb arnt!ntf.t ok:r!..L I u'."ft .VrW. -..Cullrfn lni k It I i I " - I -(' a? UI V aI a 1 ! 1Wir.1i.'lrtm-rfrr,7rT.ITTK . . , ,. V. tuna to looae Im J two yeannnct. Wa jce that the .King of Wiplca U defunct. Notliinj more 1 aaid of bun i . roa ma WKarr.aa riaoi. F.x.iMix.mojf i sr.irtsviur.. On lh...h.ll,hl.... .K....-....,: I , w.. . airi. M. A. UakJwell'l acbool tnok place ill the rn a!)tr.ao Church in Staeville. Ilie audi- eneo waa uncommonly Urge, the Church being entirely fil ed, and the arrcUeawere audi m to ti fleet tbe grcatett credit botit oa the Udy who i at the head of thia institution and ou tbe pup!'.. I he young ladiei were examined oa Reading, Grammar, I'araing, Citography, Aalronooiy and the u of the Globe, iliatory tacrcd aitd ptufjoc, Natural I'Liloaophy, ke. Time did not permit their e lamination in tome other atudici oa which tbey vera prepared. - . i. A l. . ' .ti... ..... I utH nriiiiuiciic, iiuoioric, uc aii io an. i iwer were given with a promptneaa, correct. net. and an audible and diat.net utterance, . ' wbica enabled tbe whole a-aembly to take an equal iniertat in tne eiercuei. ... .... i Spe clmena of the pupila" proficiency In Pen- r r i oranah.n. Xomnoailioaw P.intiiMr. fli-r.lh.ork. . .r' ., tare, fcc. were ao ebib;teo to the evident sat- isfaction of the ipect.tora. Several piecci of aacredmunc were aung bribe pupil and the whole eahihUioniuflii-iem-ly evincr d.tb.t not .-1. .k. I...II......I I . l I !!. unij uic iiiiriirtiii.i power, u.u ireen csrciuity I cultivated, but (bat the improvement of the bear a!o, had by no meant been neglected. Tbe whole acenr wai one calculated to in rpire the tpectatora with the moat pleaaing emotional and we very much doubt whether an t lhibition of the kind ai gratifying and interea. 'nig aa thia, waa ever before witnessed in Suits vUle. We have ttorselvee freqoently attended similar exhibiirom in the capital of tr State ami do fiW ri.niher jftrr to have eiperie'nced more enrringfrd gntiflcaTlon than en 1.1a oeoa- ion. tnngratplat If people '.of iKtltll aad of the ailj..IniiT count in that thry have now the oppouunii of tending their daughters to so able a readier aa Mrs. M. A. Caldwell evidently ia. We trual that to precioui an opportunity of f. fording our young iemalci thnae accompli'b uinU cJcteJloreiuli.r.tbi;m truljr amibl and oc"fuV, will not be neglected by any f arcnt w ho caa at aB-kCurd iuiend lua Uaug bUrr to tint j eicel'ent tchooL , . . . .... We understand that the echool will again be opened on the first monday in November next. A. SPECTATOR. riiiu) white; Being on the eve of visiting foreign cot'ntriei, on public bunineaa, hu appointed Mr. JAMES B. HAMPTON, of the town of Suh-bury, bn Agent and given him the rrrniisite powtr to liquiilate and settle all hie bimnirai in North Ckrulina t Thoaa fndebted, are tnerelvre re qoetted to make payment, in Saliabury. to Mr. Hampton, and bun only i t wbom alt buaineis Ictteri are b'.itatter to be directed. I -The' roriowrng-rjehtTe.niir -win act a local Agr ntr, for the acUkment of sundry account in their re.peciive covin tie a, and have full power to grant discharge : Jfaritt &iorlee, fcaq. P. M. Concord David Purki, Esq. Charlotte II' at. P. C'awon, Caq Siatrsville K'm. Mullen, Fn. Wilkraboro'i . " )-; XV rJurn. r.f PI H. Morganton r It. IV. Canrrt, Kaq. tlantsvitfeT Sditbury, M3. 27, tSJU. ' 34 fd7 ti IMW WArcr -Law is like a j'.w'r i . country dance, people arc Jed up and down in it till they, are fairly tired out. Law is XVt a book of surgerythere are many terrible-cases. -rtrin iTir like physic too, they that take the least f it are best off. It is like a homtlv gentleman, very well to follow ' and like a. scolding wife very bad when it fellows. Law 4s like a new . . j n l j .l : . bad weather most people arc giau 10 gci out 01 it. ;Somej:I our opinion upon strangers ? a caution htveHtvrvf SsTrdopt. At a Pub- j U lie levee of the court of St. James, a gentleman said to Lwrd Chesterfield, pray my Lord,' who Js that tall, awk. ward wojnao, yonder t That lady, sir, replied lord Chesterfield, ia my sister. The gentleman reddened with confusion and stammertd out not no my lord I beg your pardon, I mean that vtry'ugly woman who stands next to the Queen. That lady sir, ans wer ed Lord Chesterfield,'lmiy,'that la dy, sir, is my t mmrr J. fr". W il-totton ft4; I if i .. - tr ia fi I aa . C'! ? per cent praoiiuni. Cdumlla, 1 J.-Culton .1 l 0 yr"' ' i - io-.-...o.v., a im, uour Ks aai.oot orf wigon, I .mini M.Ma. ffltT. heir B3 a 93, corn 75. ' Zl, aal 62J. bi! gr 30 a 33. bacon U to '. M - -" . Mrrie.,ToirJ.': 7n,"' .ith int.f A"' .'"l "'- 10 M.H. UUy porter All ol Iredell county. In thia town, on the Vtb Irtaf. by Utenhta f rtrrand, Emi. Mr. W m. Wilier to Mat Aarl a Ii .( a . In thia town, oa the 14.0 intt. Miit Ab aa-iKuirr oi namuei rraiey, aea I year, I m nth and twelve daya. In this county, on the ITtb Inst. Ma at Aa'ry, .Li r . ... I . . imam oaurnicr ol uavid kern. a?ed U month. and 8 ilaya. In the roVk of the Yadkin or the 16th inat. Mr. Thomas tUnuot, agsd about r yrara. He wat a useful citizen, aa imluprni n l .iu-iLm. B'e nutiaiMi and Frn In Paviiaoo Couutv on tfm lat at tlii fnnnlk ft, t . . f iunce uavis rq. afO oi yean I iridmb. and I 4 fC('' , " , IJ'V kVl Al" "'r Gi n. Urubb dtcraa.il. a..rd C2 veara Davids eountv on tt7 l.t l. 1. . .irrrerrj ajcd oi tear! 9 mot tht and 10 dava. nJ tv of lUleigh on the lib in&. Mr. at.. .,.! r il rj, i .. ' f w- " m rt, 11 'eroi luaage. Pwarwrt cf a fine rrrnai. b.ht, , warm ami a-eneious in his attachment., hi. pr' mature dra'h willVng Sea I'mrteof grief 0,ue "umeriiua circle oi hia acqua.Maneta. It . ZX" 1 vri ;ii raoion. . ' ' IV OBXTUAHT. Seldom has a nHui't been nv.r--..!.. ... . . . v..if H UV, with aatonuhment and regret, than lhe event of conrftctaT evening l.. produced i I our Iowa-. AMRfcty.jRAiUM .i:!:q..nol,lrde.nd ... reip.ct.ble and huti.lye.tfej.edoiiii.lv, was in one luort moment hurried from time to rternl. " ' health, id full How of .oclal frflinn n,f ,n.7 jovroenta, aoatantU t.ke'ori hii iW, Xht -comJ. forth hke e tfower.-fcuj M cntdiit" be fltcth a tAfl-Mr and conrfft .eHi' n..('- ".'V'V r w.ft;e?.U a weaver thdMe"" andlha piac.t w knew bira irr Lo..w - "" him no more!" Ma.GaaM waa native of Wowinr-xmty W ' ' Nort Car-iita,and TrnorfaVuWag''"","' '1':," yeara ago, where he com mr need buaire t a : ' merchant IHatineuifthed for Ida i'ehtlfm.li-1 "'bane, and uptight c.ihict, he prj,p( tnl U We lf1ejT'in.rjtaT''h' rarVJiulicurwhibj.wv---- uui bmi-mhhi waa maT1)W nvsirgriTic.'T resa, to arevre not the eood wiM eloni. h ih v lu4UulJiprd Vfef m of alhwho knew Lim-i" and we mightajk iy wjjam.lo aJjrrm -wli-vho i -Pi iwuim; v.i im noi mown r o wticm was , he not reaptcted ) .The uord'y read.-d h.a with rctprct, a id wttt, the rcliiious. abkmiHa " i not a pmfcr hi rn-lf, hit moral and ti iv;i!a, . ry life, and hit rripsct for religion arcand liirfi, x eateem. He haa d'urd rrgrfttrd by all, for ael. do tea man to uniforroly aortby, in gene-ally e ttimable, givn to u. In him, the Poeti "" praiae wai rrilind, " an boneit rno i tbe no. , bhit woik of (od.r , ... jlw :, : - Ma. Gaaaaw wai not only eiHmnblB la prirafe life, hit condtirt in public fCw wm luch aa " lo merit the approba'ion of the commonity, 4 He officiated lor years u roaimaitrr, aod thei uroaMtr oi tne gentleman am rorrrrtncMpX lhe offica wr o;ntf rl tn -TiiK:si"i1.r-" , ning ol Lie death. h had debarred tbe rL.tiea l': - . of the Office and had fait left it. and returned to the dwelling when the fiat wa Riven, 'h: ilver eord waa InotcdUad ere word couhl given to Ida friendt and relative a, "hii spirit ' returned to the, God who gave it"--He wat in r the 40th year of hit age. - - - r: r H.MA,t'..Wt!firar brlherw th; coBimoorY; ympathise deeply, and would offer tlir on. f- -feigned condolencea, but He above who irflicT ted the blow, can temper the at-ofce to their, , bereave feeng.A 4Vw daj oolv badiaaaciLLJ amce mmrma'ton nao been received By them f r the loaiof a venertecIjnd.g'ulfcUr,erethe-; '-k econd iTroke fell upon them ay thii rpea-' - , ted bereavement beaahctincd to tbern r and ' they be enablt d to aay that the cl'iaateninga cf- - the Lord lime ton 16 Ibem the" begrnnTnga of . f '. ... ... H- ' Aeair,(4 ; r DartntOi CotraTtJ 'iyr;-."C "';'' , ,T-'-- CutVf, Pleat and-CnarUr Seeitonij w i ' VMtftfS3aliVl0 Ii1 USIIA JONwTt, Adm'r, of went .4 tuMpim, Brnf. amis' Jones ' V- ; Ben lamln Jones "r"T r.nxncir, u-uuin( nancy June, .uai uicparaa. r . - 8arah R'ichads Daniel Richards, Rachael Rich- f' ' ai..Wi,OirnfrAPhtli Jpn at sW of JaroeS Jane if f etiti.m f.w An t( nA. 4 i' 1 1 ..i. r -i .r . 1 ', , r" appearing to the iatisfacUon of the Cmirt that Rainey a.id Catv ,hii wife. John Junes and the heirs at law Of Jamea Joriea are not in babiiunt of tbia State i It ii therefore enl-red that publication be made tit weeks in the 'S eu ' tern Carolinian, requiring Uie said John Jo ipt,. .'' Rainey and Caty bit wfa and the heirs." at law of James Jones, to bo and appear before the Justice of our next. Court. ,,f plea and Quarter Sionto be , held for i)aiWon " ' County, at the Coort-Houae in Lexington, fl ; . 'j th 2nd Monday of November nx then ani ,"!'," j there to antwer.avtherw've it will b takefl pro, V corifetkO, and adjudged accordingly. !tVifieaV , I David' Motk, elerk of aaid Court at Office, thai' ..' " 1 2dd Uon(Lv of AuirugL 1830. i ,f J

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