vrmniY. ..".Lvalue iru KVWrufrfotnri. Tiir. ortt-iM va harp. DrtH . H . And its DUri ill CHi-rrvi never Tot tVJ a Wn'Ta J.lf i'airirTn,' ' twee ru,f and cjU, forever i CUa alee pa in the ', wbrre tigleta bltKilfl, And the ariU rtias'nte hrrt Ku friend, to la.it s'vr ber hepkas doo.it j Ko kind til t pity , or bnre Iw. If rr cheek wore bloo.a in Iff early dty. F.re th (ear f bmuiw amuJ, fjr ir.iMlmjid'l brif.t drea bai fUd Ana left her ht'jktu bearted, be kind Mkofpiiy r aft. (.two, m.lU4 . O.ithedtfloUUOifbaa nevirj f..a sweat illusion J.'f l.riM hJ Lr ki'i!cJ TLtft id ! Ujlooin fie .1 1 Tbe ili ptb tf be' D;uijfi Hone rvt.U k tww : Her emotion ne ver re juvu Bui lh boo of Heaven glta r i '.brow r Ofjiy, o'er tbe heart that U broken, She paaacd from eartu, like the pepve light, Which ikit) fad- at even A iv-1 bf tytMkM api'it n line J iu flight. To iU own krirfbt lwm In Heal to. Her harp fsanp alone i !! Bin" U Im-hcd, Ami ill waken no more on Die mnrroa t V the heart, that lived lit tonti a crvab'J v. V o deep weigh! of rurow. iNa igh i breathed "'r her k-ely to.r.t-i No t) c are dim witn weeping i Put lb imlrt snd the m il I roe bloq-- , O'er the grave, taher IbrJUipliBS I sleeping. W'i rtw rrcVivini; il ipnii',f at bii me It Jt. Ml' bury I Urrc and fir.'j ai?(.ty.tf a'jiult a no ttjry llflj bf iVt.l l II rnM if (h yr. new jrl 'kJ Bsttrrni nf le turn mprnimmf alci.l it l.imvSf fun itt mf U car in (liilailrlptiw a iv I frtw-oik n4 bmibt whnllv a(4 iiii?li' fi cadi, furclicf ami Ok puti'io ar inviln! 19 uli awl riiiia th i ivortiiicat. i ef) liiwff.t In iH ay f ricy aixl fi rtm Uiwikm o tk till ba (rVnUJ la iam. JVcw Goods. k U.XS) AU ( OWAV.big War la in friii il.t ic f. Kfi'l ami ilia jinMi It jm- rr.) i!mI ttir a Mu rcitiug anJ binning (t lltrlr i(M 111 Stira,!, Mora (or iM-rljr D.xu(,ii J br Maa. hlitjilirrj k ftiuiiBu'Kla) ..rJ taanr1.lMiil of Tilth and XC'isonnhlc Goods, -r(Muti.ig uf a'nit cV-r uticla iiMial'y kr in Kiirrra, ulticti tr acitrtcd with great tar by . Ciaan U ti irm, aid pur ; rlua-1 for Cash. (rja ibu U'tM iftinurtatiuna in U.m. j,t .ok. I'liilalrlptti I'nI NcArtj ait .if .J. M, lltmalli! b mupituJn '" hich.t!irjf arc dricm miJ to at'4 m tor fta 4 ana olixa ,m UU-afao At liU JSulltJ filiaara ar taaiitcifiHv Miriiai! tu mil a in rmiiir, hrar jmert trt jndgtl fnrtHrnnla Vcuinlu acnuoi. FSI'IE f natd HrHwrt7, JiJar. t'le If.Jt'.N J3L UiM!ta til alia. M.A. Cajar'' vwi . i. ful Buif.kijjeii 'intVH IfjriTiCblHCaT trf ttrat pairtmairtAhir Inch ba ua imuU iniicli'c) 11 1 tltiinftnil ,lfmf.Tt.uc"-:m"-'"' iue)',uM fc'artnieciri!l? prtlenl tbeir a..itr thanka 10 il:ir (.iriwlw ami lb publl(.k I tiia iiufM itiara ol patronage lliay life l.rrvlou r cirj of Uiim and bopt by doa . '.limn, i aw! 4 and fr diai.nj, to nurit a Miuriunicc iH Uie aaiiit . N. IL Tiiiiae il.a la hrm of W. K. t;i & l-o. iUa call a J Mitlr it.r ta.nr . u h ih unit. I'l unler ihattl.ct nay b ciia.tlnl In crr IDat Cu.lCfril. A. t. i; .Sept. 7l, 6lKliU ,n N'iJ J m-I uhi i..i .rma ih ii .iwi.aiii a U ba'a'xiif, m-i lur u, , ''". st(M i-lv, thai h KRUOVA'L. . f ttlUK aiibatribf r frtpefiC.lt l.it irmi h4 eua M. tmorr', f Kio public, thai N In' ncMovno ms ctoiuJ into liU ii and apacimit buiMinf, J-H fitiji"!, jr an J ritirij urt it tk gam .Vkv'Uti iore. M. UVI.M am! .. TO U; ,.(; Itfel1 formed tn, tr.' i K. Mccaiilila UuamtM, uiiiitr ti rrinrcV tiV HI tnlnrtii K'M'II'IM inv Itia !. I ll U lha Biawl fiirnil V Drilfi i .. , ' , . , , , ore.,,.led hv i.Kb, la- Cfjr-r UAaA rilH . beautiful a.itll tf ii MinHrtftafrwi!iunlfOiitiiii,Hiri .Jiuif ' . ,n,w t ai e i Where th auf.KiriUer liina U t ,C'M Mjk, I (tlltfj an'J Staple ele elli tmm hiaoMcaanmars anaallmbfu (1001) by aia AcittMit iJ bin in ilul LQODJ, . . ia tit i I J. I - ..l. ...j r .. . iiicn it 'fe iicrr, nir-.ic'j mm ji Utrn U - iv.!., . - ...... r ... 4h ry aflu u I. ...... . ... . . . ' . 1 1 1 1 i . mi r w . n .... .a . ... ALSO. ,TIie mam.fVuriitjr of MtilTl and Tin' t'Ut . f. irtt.vnl out t(.- b.ij ma. Iff' '.nip ik.I t,t Tun . a M i!L Jr. thai ii..- v .11 cany en U'imaa i-u-J in the j a nt Umw, mUtr We wi'l gUJ lo acenma jd.'.e Ibt tb. eiminr..-re tu.cn uil.rra mat t i i.' I.i eil tm lii.n. Urn k l.a ba en? lgnilyaiiJ,ibtaiii,ltifculeI. Ilia tuXen,,) i ir the hat urji-r, a l ft, a ink ) the r-r) wat dial can be pi-uru.r-., any ber. 1 1 'jk al.al mil be evliird b any Mf neati.ria anJ tliirabiliif , He k rpt bN a uf a3 ' and yin'Mir on liaml lu.r airanr p-i Ibra' bo mar fi!i tu br vi;ji. U iib )., bM, Lcr ) prHiire tlirni u clwrap a ttiry can bu pur. UuMcd in tbia kdiiin "f Un" emiiii. lie 64 miiI on by klr, C.hi. V. (Jrovn, mrr. client uf itiii olaee for a rn.uir u .Nu.iLl-ii. J acid t, r uf the Stt rj.ia!ii.-. lirratuli, aa . inuil,, ami JewtUtn, fur the purnoac Ol r.airi. on i IflH - flMiut .MftUlni Vun-?J w rat. it: .,..k., ;.r..., ...r. ... pubiio thai be will ca.-rv on the 1 J It thi-maac.iari. r r vv- t ,. . Ihe bui..raa. in all ila a f t .1" ST! rii. braiM-liti. in the to ri ltmtJLjt" ttl' baltabury. J'bcy orcu pe the vv;. built by Jamti B. Ilanipton, ftiltoinini; hi dwelling .i tlaiue aircel, 6 or 7 vioon tnoth of tlit Conn-llnuae. Tbr r ill cr f.fly lUpnir M kind, 4 W'atch- ea. Cluck, and l ime-Hicc. , and a rant thera 'w pcifiii ill well i Ami are Drefatni lo ma inf-. ur, al will keep on band toraalr, a :i devcri,! i tion i.f SWttr VVarr," anfli a Spoof.i, Indira. SUKr Tunjra, &c. V iru ant from a uiatance will be promptly eieculrd, and aafdy returned 4i-onliiir lo di'vctioita. A good naortme nt uf if. W F.l.n V ill ie kept iillcrcafier be MrtJ- dil by the aoboir'ibar";." wnv Hi trrp coitii.niiy tin nana, or i-uui Ttire "to rrlrv,"- ' " made oTllie biai irtairruis nn.j in ifie U itiJ and fianio iable el) l ef workman. hip i aid bopea, by airkl attenUnu to Ibia branch ol i)a.ne, Ut i.rittbe patronise of the public. MxinL it. cnr.ss. Det.HK 18 "V. IT Negroes Wanted! TbXiW. a.iln.;rilt r re diroin of piiibair.f Jl tnt kim,t't,l Xl.i; 'H) KH, l.t xliith thi ' ill pay a librthl I f it iii tiuh. Apji'icalinn , rria b malca ei'lM-f bv I.Hicr or in wirai, u " Joai tn MoiKin W :i..JAMi,nr J Mia IfviK f in tlrliul. 1(1, vl.o nil br rraily at all limta m acuiti.iuvdite iNum- whi my who Ii tda.ie Nffro propcrte for f.h jomaii lit in. U i .' .. ja. i urrcn 0. vv. arc poteen la tbe baaji w . i urrcnrr, i or Miiieciion I Mil et)'J i rf.a j i line ii.i.i'aE''ii Tirrvrr .. i. ... a ....... . . , . . wj. , k$ diyfi'f- '.Ma t:oi.it, A. TOkHF.St'fc. .tf),t; ITU,, ie.,u. f IS av " ' ieiieiiaaeaa -M Tki tbe blcaeure of annonnciaz lu Lie -' XJL faienda, eiiatcMDcra, end the (Mihlic in rf-n- - " ejral, thai he ia mow opening, at Lie old etand ia) r Aafifbury, en elegant aaaortmen wf f " Jfcw, Fatfiionalk, fJ Cheap Goodt, ... direct from Ibe eliire of I'bilailelphia a Wl NVw. " York, and twlected by himarlf, frota tbe lattti taw fri4f for tbe Spriojr of ISiOi Which he dlTer aa low aa enf Good of Ibe earne (juaii'y an be bougQl in ton marfcrt. fit teoHmrnt em oriaee eery article uaualty kept in Store . . f ureha re art invited lo call, eiuunine, and iudare for ttemelea. 1 It --AWiirer-faera. !M0. Cabim t Making JJusinfss, in the Hint; Pirnrfy occupied hv Tbom lli liou, aa a Tarern. The In. un it on Miin Street a few dnoia ta.t of tde .I.. L 11 - -i r rr-i nc wn rarrr on me at'ivr ruinea moic eieH'rdy than ever w d me in ihi pl.ee Tbe material, thai I bo ol the firi q-iairiy.and bia work rxeciited ir. a tWile. t'iioiil.. ainl flt.'jnf a'vlc; and hia bricra aliall ruoilfrata to correspond wa at la thj lirnce. t'mrra, from aditair, for Si'lrfwlrds i Durrani ; fin I ,i Ladui working TuLkii JAMES 3. HAMPTON. JOHN C. PALMER. Su'iiburn, ,1,rit . J, l 13 Jarp i B. 11. t;. ion 'endera hia gritcf.jl r. rr.ol-lfrmrf.ta to (! i.ijSlie, f.r the liberal Datronafe bithrrlo tftrndrd to hln .-lf iiwl.tl.l fourt-Hnuar , UkJ1) . kuJ rts;,cl:!ful, t a co-ilimuw:. U ii i io tiie nnn or wmcn tie punnrr. . n. Tbtre btdebled to liim, are earut-atty ileiri-d to I litpndite tbeir acrouota aa anon aa fx-ille t n ! I.m new arranifment make it ni cc-tary old ' acarea iiiouia De -it:r.t up Notice. TIIR w?WriH-ri StvJnf qnalifled rjecu tortcf the la tVUl and IVataTrnt nf Ji-ate "arfavc drcfa I, a be Input Term nf i vnl-on r.Hinv n 110. hrrrSf ,,'iee notice to all rorann.. fiit'm r'tiini, drbt. frure. or Je rnafnli a?ain .i.l . t at, to preaent lhi-m for P'lvn.i'nt. dole auth"niiivd widiin the time li-ac-ibrd hv law nr iiw millrj, bill be nli i! I in bar of th Ir m'kok .a . . . a j'i. ric-.ivea fifn 4 i.i ii. . . r ' " "i nic.i thev u . .. t .in.uiiKniiHi.iaralrMOil ' I'... TV """.' ierl A ui aru de pj J Mpllira, fct SuHidurf, Hej. IJ;,, fj;;!. ' V. ..... I -9 OIMI If. ...,. ..... AH rrvn i -d Mo.1 to aaiif Ftafe are re- qii'.rt-ft m ennir f -ward an I make payment, g:v. n. no irMlii,nee t i H- I.Mir above occupied b) pr. a"f . a . . m m ' -- -y--t-.vrfY'fWf, iaJ working Dcm RLrtCTrTLLr irrfwtmbiewiat.Merfa,aMi 1 tbe tmblitj erneralle, that be hae rrrnmrerl j Tllrl n'i:ribc- Mill (five jfooU waia and - Catalan! emnbiymetit to two nm. work. men at the Knot and Mioc nn.kii.if biu,nea ho v.. vuuic Men ret'jmiiieinii ii inr un.i. i. . rif1 : w?-!"'v bahije..JOH.Y DE.NSfyf.. bui SHOP, lo the bttndfft fornerly occupied by t .-lower and TemuUston, nd more recently by V.'aJw Uaeupnotw-aa-a t iiWV'-alvnrriin Hvut afreet, the we at aide, a few dnore fron, tbe - , , Court-Ilooae, in the Iowa of Sahabury i where ' Mil prepared lo execu'e all deacnplioni of - ; TJlLORf.YGr allee tb Mealet.4Uinf,aad on the fhortctrt ZtSmwfryiCjbtj nr ' wmploy of aeven 6 rat rate workmen, wTiTch V eXablee him to do work on the' iliorteat hot ice'. " . ' All kinda nf Cviiinf (Mil of Carmenta will be , 3" " n trf rJiotlerte tertn. , ' , ATI erdere from a ditance for work, ill be ' V f r ynrnt faithfully eieeutedacciirdrii to direciiniw, ' i v- and within the ihnrteet poanible titm. -,i . F. S He hai jpuf rvrerved the Intrst fabions T fnm Phi'adetphia and New-York i which will enable bin to make fine Coat, Sic af'vr tbe - ittoat approved atvle. IJ ,7 " foliaAavw, ,riVi t5f,1830 - v . i J i aWMawaii.Biaawaia.ai lamw nail !' i aa a n.f, m aaaawaS Jlm". Tn'IK eubecriber offL-r for tale wiJI be ewuiet! nn-fh-m notice. nr? Krn-tlv ?n- "'"iMit wmi uirecuona. lTWavtca,r-...l(ci thy petrorace of-the iruuuc, anu nopci ne will merit t. Jnty UlA, 1810. , 3ui N. D. II. iVoixNon. rrtnmabii tbi(,i t it.- ? JS!!'r?r.hrT on baud a jrcod aa. oMlnu-nt of b-aiiirr.'and rtiir-et rri iVm .l,-T",a h' North, in a fc w daya. Ir h 4 1HJj aw irtireftt I('tu ""'en. doirVe, '.'.rV'(,NitVe i-i.a. ol ailoxca J u U IU.MU. Medical Col lege- W 6Vm CAHtiU.VA. public, for Ibe literal natroiimrc ba baa rcceir.l ! rTETlll E Ltciura ill t'llaa lltta!itllliain t ill la. filJjft?! 'T l'vei'tirte,l, - -iL-uJ-d tU .4um.l i.,Hday nn- Kovriribcr I - - yiM wxiii .imrcnL "Fr'r'-'HiilbriiiiB. - 4rV'v. JanvallMinuv" W rnMnttt Makn UuUnes. fWl frT .f'iri,i f haa 0ie.ied a aimp in lh j. fcunvf line of t iM,ira, hr Mr Jom-'t Taf -rn, and fnnnerlv rpr K i Irr. ihtu- a'lon : where I pare'i,ln fu'-iri iiirroundi ljf Country Willi all kind rifut- Uurt in :bt a'lovn- line, audi i Sufebowls, Stmt.irus, ittrc!l, Cvrrrr CtniooaftU, lirt'ltifiist U Dhmrr Tabksr, ... lAiilm CfiUttfJcift- . M !. .Vl .Woi.iwo or thru; SL- rate J work.tii ii, an.J Hie bvfl ortin.be,', lel-clej by 4 liih tiL. Tbe ntiiiii!kzh.ip..tiy ducattriitioa 1.'.r.-.v.i-T: l i ".: - r ." - t . . i, rr . Hi i;!ir Ju7 I2.Ji.13X ""- am , e, I A v aia, icti oro i;vtirpo:if r,wt A h(rt I lifel llaTi ft' ,1 h.l. 1 - Lav nari iiiMr u imm i., i i. . .i - aa t in iiiJiariiai i aw m :...- a . vwf yi U4C f qtfj a. i aar ' 1 1 1 1 1 1 an t i t ..t.,n. a ..... ..... w,iir, AIIV Hcrania h. a I a mriare aiitw a. a, i ..... . a . .v ..,...,.,,, rcuii to it, or wht nu.a iu ja. i. tumpnm of iu no , Kil l lor u. n .i.i. n I .urn n,..,i..- :i... .i S S. , " " -"-"'eron iu Mi ...... iruemeaaiipreiitice beilu, I lUa fl i it n ft 1 1 1 - ' V . , I , 4 o. Ui.il Jolinaun, a'ed aiioui l'yeara. ba. a a. jr on h forbeal, oct,oncd by a cW a; tirent!.:e, Sty: 2UU 18:.;), i boriru? ull V.l. HiLfc. 2t3Sr J aaf Stav of .VnvUv UtvTuVTuii I.IXUH.a lot TT. i w w' - - Oie aubarriber In Ab vilie, buncombw coonty. f'" - A Urge portion of tbia land it at good i any in Stop tho Thfcr &Imr,dstorr! fteAttellJkai.ore.fcM been diaeovered oa! A MAN whocjllr.l b'ta...m v... ...diilererrj jrjjjuttJataurr und adjncenM it ttw cfrmato U tbe moat -SCSiy. Wealthy and deligbtftil irr the world ,d at no uce a hone which proved to err ditant day, th mountain rerion of North Carolina tmiat become Ibe favorite part of the Me well lienberct!. and tinelv wai .- ' , ic" a. ,ie tracte m&rkd Jat tjuabty will be a!J at TS eenta per acre i 21 quality, at 40 t , wriitm andSde-iaJity, 40 cent peracte. The - faymenta may be made Sit. four yearly inatai. i , awenta with ill' ereat until paid; and lb aubicri. , ' ber ail (We bond to make title ph payment of :. CUm Ma Art i eaflia! S Arawawer . - ' , , tfoorf and cheap farne, w a. never before ottered r - n thie Mate, , Tbe thJe to tbt html m-ntdwnata -ntdwnata ble t wnwiw decda will be given to purcba era. Application for further infnrmation. and Z. , jn'ie to mt. T itito in aausBury- Mr. C. r. Hen. derOttiiriLincntorvJr.-Thoa J. I'ornev of .-1 . . .ifT-l-E -rj i ' Burke county, or to tbe abtcriber. r - - ' . JOHN EROUN. " ;iVceiie'l4.A,1829. . ITiOtT , , N. B. Tbe tutMcriber aim offer about 90.000 cre cf land in Bunconbe aikI ilkywooii eoun- (tea. Many of (hce lamia contain aorrte of the ' iroat valuable mineral! in the Union. : la a ahort time the atioacriber will be prepared lo fci1 anHlHio visage, witfThiiTrout upper cru our. t, JUSfct'II I'ACK. Pulton, Jug, 67f 1830. : 3ltf The lubicribcr would repcctfallv acrtiat the Editors of papers to this part of the State to take aome notice of aoinc oftheee trweta to eompnme wbn mibt be the description of the thief, since t inwRiwm lire twimuic innicf.or iron, i h ufill innr,finM:..i! . ' -a . -tnA'miM ,kk.,.....:.. ii? ine" wul con-tr ii t)Wication upon tbe Cawiiy Caurf .f I'lta. ami Q:turter S-mih,, itL1 IKjelttM, 18J0. A NPRP.W and William Hun.ncker v,. Bitav, aV HNct. Suaannah. Mn-itnl JoTin luiu-ijjbt, hetn of John FtilbriKhtdec'ii. and othera : Hethinn for diviiiun of Land. I. ifK'arlne; to the Mtrntiiffliun f the Cmirt tba; t!w aid Betai-y, r5ll)( Suaaooah, . Maalina, Phili;). John a xl William beiri at Law of John riHiri'hl, dce'J. are not inhahiianta i.f il.. Smtt. It ia ..tbrrrtore ordered bv the. Court that nmiw be foblWWtJ aia werke in thf t ea torn Carolinian, reijuirir.g the eVtd defenilanntn ppw etthe-nrTtToinri'y-Tjmifr.f' ffUHTd f naner Seaioni, to be held Rir aaid county at the Cotirt-llooae in Lincolnton on the 4h Mon day, after the th liiKlay in St p'ember xtf, then and there to annwer or demur tn the aaul It. Imiiimt, unJ I'nutitt .hdidua, d, Unry Ibckson. U D. Mwiria MeiAca, llci.ry 15. Frust, M. D. ttu-ua-.f h,meu and , vm u en, i no. u. rnoieau, J, U .1 "aVesv aMuU llouiva tHow fi.vrte.-n -TTtrncnr.- " mericp on U'tdneJsy tbe 2Tili o Ocivbtt, a mi ejtitiiirie three rf-ij-e.- - --i nrti-dayxTaTXiiBcfctC marc, or itsrO.u ,ri eecoti'i fanff,e-aeara."T--rr;F-aoy 11. except tho Hinainyr! 'l'iaeceuiJi.4iir . Him u i) j covlnly pucac, tlirce bekt iu hie, f. ee lur any bone, mare, or jrebtu-M raia.d ,ai OW.Wd iu tUe eouniy"oT KiX .n. " ln llLd Town of SoMslwry, for to!'! ; fT!At fJIliS property ia pi; iwantiy tituati-t! , nJJfJL " ajjite.ijly purl of the ..i r f J!lMrfy..rXottjjbmuauil aceea . . t. or onc; Mtuauu in Aaiie countv J.- "N'- C. adjoining Burke county on ? t the Hith, and the Tenneatee line v on the weat and north. Tbia kiui ia aurveved a. . . . . j. - ' "i ,i ii ana the flunlitv of vtrh Inrl i. Au.l ku I " , v , .. . r v , 1- . ' .v.m.B.v . - . nrrveyor, wtra uai made a plat of bta aurvey i ... -v bicfi rr.ay be aeen ou application W tdr AVhite ,5 Zt:Mfa?!JUttiart tamwlni ton, Mr. 1 boa. J. Forney of Burke county, or to STAG I TJUK. Zi. TTVrtT.R tl.la ,rr,niHn, ..i .1- . lHi nd ia very citable lor a iJl ci.. -.".., rue ntn r., ..... i . ." ... thmuc, tdunind fi.vl : V u,re a-d ffoea tl.rm.aR in tun 7 . a poua. aiiU comain rf U.U. -i , each a, v Tbo .n .....Utinn N Kooi' geM, with miicli ur aW.bcry. Tt iJ..!.Sict anJ SwgH-id Juum, imT,ntn re'rav.-llii,!:rrm.lJ,leihto btf m'd "V. m!ic moa uftbeputv tt-i.. . . u ii 3 -' 1 Sa'iHl ,ir. ,,r f..i,i , ... . ...u ,h clu- money can he nan! ivv ,,..1 vrtim t:Jnk, brm,n,tiul.r.f.4,,atm,. John u ,.., u n 'i w"' o be the rfr.re... , ,h.i ..'i "n "e u8,ml xtrm ot WMutnirtoa. Peraouf t ....... ... V I IWlf vaw a w , . ... .... ' m IB . a . 1 1 Ill lnrf. Ttalaak au.. ....... a. 11 aT" a tl . t Aai, MOw ... ' infv atvrta.iiT.a a a . ai . . ' at .liiiL' aia 111 in ru.i ..,,.. 1 IF If a 1.1. ftt Ifl llrataai aV a"-l. u a ' vaiy r v. i ' . 'lira ana aitj.hri'ed accnniingTy. Wi! ki, V'ardry W'Bee, Clerk at aid CiHtrt at office, ftie third Monday ia July, HtjO.-JL...WB.-.Tll, 6l 3 a..,. .... ..i .. r" - - " niiii.iP i,a m iinati..i a.- t i by .fii?mf ill. I3.ia 10tU -;',i"rn-'areiravti:,i.tflmni.,-lii')iirv North a-.vame.i. r.wj.vwno wan. -. ;,.",'.' j'" Sndthifc route, b je uv of Bab:wban.i . wi'la Hlii,htt tfie-tcramcaa-te CuUua (ilu aMftkittsr. llS; ?n bp ,i,e ch"ittJ "7,77 rarrrnrTOiai L a&f7'tarss f---J ---rt vie iininu rcu v 111 tiir.iiiffh....i . j . . s1 '.nc uu -i . . ... . . . .""""""" " wB ne:a ot tli hr.i L . ...... . . r'w.nff to me tans action ! ttu. p..u h.ji iiMiw count ... l . r tic aioicri proper iv. ana lor received a d4rk bay stud colt f '" t ' uve perty, BT. years old, between which he about 14 and IS hands high, with one eve out; In ad. dition to. the horse, he rcceitrcd tw'ea. ty.five daJUrs, At the difference of value between tbe twdhorses The subscriber warns ali person from tra. lently obtained. live .dollar, re war'd will be given if the thief is arrested nnd lodged in jail; so that the law caa f or 8f idehes higni w able an at coumrv. All orders will bepromriily attended to, and Cina finished in the vhortcst poMiiile time. lUfviring of (hut will bedoue on the ahort. oj me uuoiib a uiimnrf-Brrrant, ". HKN'IIY A. CL1NGAM0N. LfxinitH, .Vug 2oA, 18 0, . 2t I'TlfikWljI'KTur.'fl ,IV.m ... . ,. . --""T'ronire' 7, i . . v,,,, ., .. rJ. ... ,T r.-- Vj ,,lv W.IH . hi jiiiuiiavj.in r.o muuc tht ry , : tin pnceaajjalt be. aa aaoi-f w rieiii Brtr-i.iT.i-Tt. ' -.-r .'.-.. t , . . - w.ui.1 uiuu iii uif oouiuern nun. rnmi...i.i- i. r . . r . . . . . . i -i .- i iinui .t 'i n. ....... Laaaiffrf wliowre iinacaii...ni..i .', i w-'--k m the Weaiotn t:aro!inian. that llae route, iii secure by applkalion at Mr f cn:,',t "i'Pfai t the neif Superior Court toiie P. Guion'a Hotel, in lUUih und at Mr tVilnuni U Kon cm,!'vi trie Uotirt-Heuae i u. UBiipicer'a ifntel, in Sslijimry - alibury, un Uis 3d Monday ap.cr lliu tli Mun- CAnAKKfg OCST. teriar VfntH a Luw, - ' - ri4IS.TKHMI3a. ...... , .... JOHN FL'UK and otb.tra u. Jacob, and' Geo. Furr: fetmonfor Farlition. ltappearinK to the aatiaraction of tbe tWrt. that the dR.. waief vmereUDy the t iMirttliat publication be f-. h,'wltWvliltik notify mg Mid dcrenda.na lo aopear at Hie aeat Snporior (inrt of Law. fa be h l.l'r... h.. J. ,i lfor pn ine U! l9l alter Ibe 4:h AWa-. orptead- to arid PWoirWlteprayJtiriTie' -Trewairtfa W-alwbaiw e ' x'ti September next, ami plead, answer C i haleigu i every Tlmrsdav and Sunday, at f M i l"V C0"'"' ncl htard expa.ir. S itneat; H) .1 writ leave mi,-isl, eHlry We'd new lay 'and ! V ,lt,'Ultl k ttf tM c'"fS office, tbe Sid kbn-' glturdav at ft- A M r '..f - .. .y. " day utter the !. ifontlaf in Marrhr A. It. 18M I jaiiraum . . "" - " a ar ii -, aa-aa J! M l bUUo ot wS'onii UavoUiia, lead, ailver, and goH hich they contain. II. j " l". wu'" mu "Sn up Hie hu already leaned out some of ibe tracta, and'' community large. x ' bas bad fair oflVrB for tbe le of otbert Any t Va '-""-ar''' '. . rurtof theaelamle' will be sold, ve lowj and . XfJLraf Vt H Utlt'lJ TS', ' -obarvm ti'Jes made w purdiastra, , iten, i ' Ptffi SALE AT 1 US WlCFj -t- Iv v , . -;r.-.-v t'., T.:: "V!- -'. if. .v',' k petituitiers will he' granted txure aiid part.aon mb aw was aAaiuiliai. . 63fr Oan'i- colm an, f;t. c, Book latest. ANV enehaviix Beauchamp'i Conxion will pleane rttmu it to tbia Ofiice, aod confer a favour upon the owner. joti riu. ri.G, . . ' ''tVEBr BEatairroi, ' . 'V a, . ' AT TIKtt ITICF every ThuMiUv at.d Snndiiy at 7 P i ' . f'EOIWE.WILLtiWa; Cm wmctor. 25tf WAGON K US. b' ?"!' ai "- s''". piu ooy la almut l Of XiTrtr IXL-" O'l-1- 5-0r -6 -hy,ca if5fJ. ery" b,ck, lur -ua ami liorw. tnm.tr I conimn.i ;i nf l... ..... ..," I.:. i r i --. . v. .... iu.. uu ui ana iin.kv w the H'otrwt venienre is provided iri::: tVsi.aruege i! the -tim$: impost nU I'lovi.ion Rfnw rjn'J The Jad ot Uj. ' JS. in, a Nee iib Jianief, and relonga to South Carolina ainl waa rgl'JThe Jad of Ujan county oft ibe ' irtt -as. tnst. a (.-croiian wbn ant e hit nsrTit IT to the Widow Stbi'ey'w ;ird,lli!S'&jrf,a Ln?r. .Aitaobeai .l,v.I;:;:,' e. . - -i wrocrra !aI'AiU)riBjJd-4,d-. tlnnar., ...I . I. ..v.. t aim n iii.i. . . i . in nlain. eL:r:r, 5 ' ' .. i.r """ne ana umfortahu 7- 11 " ' -1 "I"' " ""VfUIIIC JT1 Am'-H foreign . , .wjja. ,TB. Annlv In J.ll.nE tiARlFRr.T.. 32tT TBaTAWI'ParTVnr' ' 1 ill f .Vu M tt,e Salem Faiier-mill Va7e,,,D WatthiacS Si r ina i if eiccpt the (jfeat, toe, and the tm: on the lfP alleoteij, oeirnt:d bv a Irojt bile. 'I be twnef ay cLa-iTcS and tate him "fw. K.. Siff. I3.JU. " i S7tf Ca;cn H yj fti.tA Commit tcil, fTSlO i the Jail ofRa'wan county, on ihe If -H. instant, a Negro boy whersays Li name M, and btluig to Aichy Cowtlioti of vilje county, Carolina, and li ft ilia mW'f some time in Mayjat, m theit.ve rfJitorg'. sua coy m aUCKt 53 or 3.eara old, comnKut aiae, dark cttmplcsion, 5 feet F iachc h'f ejieaka quick when apken to. Ibe otr reieHrd to come forward, prove property, pV cbaigea and uke liinaWav. -. - . F. fcLATrR, .JJ HaMbvw t7i& rS"0t. ISStV , . i7f' i i.i.. .. ..... . , ..... ...a, a i. y .. rV V

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